What is this?
Imagine, if you will, a cozy study in the middle of winter, shelves on the walls packed with books from top to bottom, with large bay windows on one wall looking out over a scene of softly falling snowflakes. There’s a soft carpet underfoot, a comfy chair for you and a guest, and a crackling fireplace providing soft light and warm heat as you pick out a book and settle in to read through the night, free of all cares in the world.
Well, that fireplace would probably be fuelled by some of the book scans I have below here, since they’re poor substitutes for the actual books they came from. Still, there’s only so much one can do to get digital copies of books online, especially since (as of writing) I refuse to cut up books to do “proper” scans of them, especially when my scanner isn’t up to par yet. Also, some of these scans are from public books anyway, and don’t belong to me — they’re best-effort, straw-grasping attempts at preservation to make sure a snapshot of something exists.
In addition, book scans take quite some effort to do under my current set up, so this section probably won’t be added to very often. However, I wanted these scans to have their own section anyway — they used to be stuffed under my brochure scan page until I decided that that made no sense and broke them off (Dec 08 2022). Books and things like event booklets will go here, as should newspapers and maybe even newsletters, though the line between these and ads/brochures can be blurry in places. I’ll figure it out as I go along though.
These are the different shelves in my personal library (and they all go off to different webpages):
ට Shelf 1: My Diary Entries — for my life/travel blog posts.
ට Shelf 2: Winter Night Library — for scans of books, booklets, newspapers, magazines, etc. (You are here)
ට Shelf 3: Life Through A Mailbox — for scans of things put in my physical mailbox, largely ads, brochures, newsletters, etc.
ට Shelf 4: The Memo Bank — for short-form writing, primarily scraps of papers, notes, memos, school worksheets, etc.
ට Shelf 5: Jumbled Letters — for long-form writing and digital documents, essays, fiction, chat logs, etc.
ට Shelf 6: Eclectic Ephemera — for miscellaneous scans that aren’t in any other category.
ට Shelf 7: Shelves of Odd Curios — for set collections of photos and scans centered around a certain theme.
ට Shelf 8: Ancient Texts — for a collection of Readme.txt and similar files from old archives and collections.
ට Shelf 9: My Dream Diary — for my personal dream diary entries.