Author: Shiara
McNally Awards Program – 2001
This is the event booklet/program guide for McNally High School’s Awards Night in 2001. This probably took place in October. The booklet (and event) listed and celebrated student achievements for the 2000-2001 school year. So it’s basically the achievements part of a yearbook without the photos.
McNally Awards Program – Oct 17 2000
This is the event booklet/program guide for McNally High School’s Awards Night on Oct 17 2000. The booklet (and event) listed and celebrated student achievements for the 1999-2000 school year. So it’s basically the achievements part of a yearbook without the photos.
My Diary #071
Week ending Oct 02 2022
Talking to Tigey about…
ට School
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #69
ට Song of the Week #46
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #53
ට Last Year’s Entry #22
ට Dreams
Raffles Institution Math Enrichment Camp (1998)
This is a set of handouts and worksheets from an overnight Mathematics Enrichment Camp that I participated in on March 19-21 1998 in Raffles Institution. All four GEP secondary schools at the time sent most of their better Math students to this joint school camp.
Nanyang Polytechnic Quiz/Astronomy Event (1998)
This is a handout and map from a quiz and overnight astronomy event that I participated in on August 21-22 1998 in Nanyang Polytechnic. My school, Dunman High, was taking part in it, though I was just there as an observer.