Month: December 2023
My Diary #125
Week ending Dec 31 2023
Wrapping up the year’s…
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #121
ට Song of the Week #98
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #41
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #105
ට Dreams
My Diary #124
Week ending Dec 24 2023
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #120
ට Song of the Week #97
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #40
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #104
ට Dreams
My Diary #123
Week ending Dec 17 2023
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #119
ට Song of the Week #96
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #39
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #103
ට Dreams
My Diary #122
Week ending Dec 10 2023
Mad about…
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #118
ට Song of the Week #95
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #38
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #102
ට Dreams
Asian Cities Primary Mathematics Contest 1996
This post chronicles my visit to Hong Kong for the 1st Asian Cities Primary Mathematics Contest in 1996, also known as ACPMC 96. This largely took place from Jul 20 to Jul 24 1996, though there are related snippets outside of that as well.
ට Introduction
ට Preparation
ට Day 1 (Jul 22)
ට Day 2 (Jul 23)
ට Gallery of Stalls
ට Aftermath