Author: Shiara
The Slightly Longer Way – Day 0
This blog series covers my trip to Japan from May 06 2023 to Jun 14 2023. This was my second trip to Japan, and I went there to participate in the Ritsumeikan Summer Japanese Program, or RSJP, a five-week program at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.
This particular post covers the few days prior to travel, up until and including the flight to Tokyo and my 1st night there in Tokyo.
My Diary #095
Week ending Apr 30 2023
Stars glittering at…
ට School
ට Work
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #93
ට Song of the Week #70
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #13
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #77
ට Last Year’s Entry #46
ට Dreams
My Diary #094
Week ending Apr 23 2023
The cycle of…
ට School
ට Work
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #92
ට Song of the Week #69
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #12
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #76
ට Last Year’s Entry #45
ට Dreams
My Diary #093
Week ending Apr 16 2023
Always time for…
ට School
ට Work
ට Life
ට Games
ට Plushie of the Week #91
ට Song of the Week #68
ට Writing Prompt of the Week #11
ට Memory Snippet of the Week #75
ට Last Year’s Entry #44
ට Dreams