My Diary #173

Dear Tigey,

Fly through the air! Then rest your wings!

Entry #173 (Jan 12 2025)

Table of Contents

ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #168
ට  Song of the Week #145
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #152
ට  Dreams


I was off work this entire week this week, so again, not too much happened because I just potatoed at home and caught up on games and anime. No new house listings, and moderately cold weather, so there was not much reason to go out for anything, besides groceries on Safeway Appreciation Day on Tuesday when the weather finally improved, and then again for a supplemental run on Friday when the weather actually rose to 4 or 5 degrees Celsius. I even went out that day in a short-sleeved blouse and a skirt. Spring is here, in early January! Right?

Apparently we’ll have good weather until next Friday or so.

It actually rained a bit on Saturday, before that turned into snow later on in the day.

Work starts back up next week on Monday, and I expect things to be a little busy at the start before easing off again nearer the end of January. Next Saturday, Jan 18, I’ll be going to my parents’ house for a Chinese New Year dinner again, even though Kel isn’t in Canada any longer. She’ll apparently be teleconferencing in and eating her own thing? Haha. The Tuesday after that, Jan 21, there’s an appreciation lunch at work that I tentatively am going in to the University for. But even though I signed up for the event, whose RSVP period ended three days ago, they never sent me the calendar invite for it. I do see the invite on a colleague’s calendar though. We’ll see! I’ve been sleeping in late and getting nice dreams but I probably have to scale back on that soon.

The annual Karuta finals at Omi Jingu, which I’ve been to twice and most recently in Jun 2023, started this weekend as well, late at night on Jan 10 and stretching into the morning of Jan 11. That was fun to watch live on the official channels. I’ve watched it on and off the last few years, though I don’t always remember it’s happening. SoftKaede reminded me of it this year though, thankfully!

There were two fire alarms again this week on Monday. The first was an 11th floor alarm that went off in the afternoon during AMQ, somewhere around 5pm. When I went downstairs, there were only like four other people there, plus five or six Midwest staff that either hadn’t gone home yet or were living on premises. So that was nice of them, but awkward that basically no one came down. The second time it went off, an hour and a half later, I was already doing my nightly Twitch stream and so just ignored it. So the two or three people listening in to me narrate over playing CrossCode had to listen to me over the ASMR wailing of a fire alarm in the background as well.

The rental company gave us a sheet of the fire alarm testing days for the next year, it’s basically monthly, on the third Wednesday of each month, and followed up by a new thing called “Generator Testing” on the third Thursday of each month. I barely ever heard the Wednesday alarm testing last year though, it felt like they gave up on it after a month or two. Maybe because we always knew they worked due to how often there were real alarms?

My favourite and most-used saucepan seems to have a small hole in it. It’s very weird. But everytime I fill up the pot past a certain point, or the water bubbles up past a certain point, I hear sizzling noises on the stove because drops of water are slowly trickling out of the tiniest of holes at the top of where the handle connects to the pot. I can barely even see the hole though, but it’s there.

Overall a quiet week, so here’s a couple evening sky pictures to pad the length of this section, and then away we go to the next one!

Wed Jan 08 4:46 pm:

Fri Jan 10 at 5:13 pm:


My streams this week were entirely comprised of CrossCode, as I hit the 50% mark in the base game by completing the second dungeon, which I had never even reached in my previous further playthrough. I’m fairly sure that there’s about two more full weeks of the game to go though, at my current pace of 3 hours a day, and factoring in the one day next week that I’ll be off. Fun game overall, and I like the puzzles very much, although I’ve lost some time just being completely lost due to poor quest instructions, and there have been some frustrating fights with poorly-implemented things like the game force-moving my camera viewport to focus on something unnecessary happening somewhere in the fight while my character is off-screen and getting pummeled cause nothing pauses while that is happening.

But still, outside of all those things, the game has been pretty great. Especially the character interactions. Even the timed precision platforming parts, which I was dreading, have been perfectly manageable with a bit of practice for some reason or other.

There’s also an error with the game on Windows 11 that causes little hidden/minimized “Crosscode min” Windows processes to pop up in the background and get stuck there even after I exit the game, and necessitates a reboot after every session to get rid of them after I’m done playing, as even exiting Steam doesn’t fix the issue. I did discover though that not hitting Alt-Tab at all while in the game while playing stops the windows from popping up, so that key combination is what is breaking it somehow. Clicking in and out of the game itself seems to be fine, since I have to do that to start my stream. And if I end up alt-tabbing back and forth a lot to look up something or other, well then this happens:

Outside of stream games, I played a bit of Backpack Battles, a bit of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, and a lot of Vintage Story on Killadrix‘s community server with five or six other people, though we’re all building separately. My house looks something like this currently:

Front with sunrise (before it partially burnt down and I had to rebuild it):

Front (post-rebuild):


Inside main floor:

Temporary attached chicken coop:

Upstairs is empty and incomplete so no pictures of that. Downstairs basement is also a work in progress, but:

I must say that watching winter snow particles drift in through the window holes in the game is mesmerizing. Or would be if it wasn’t so reminiscing of how terrible outside it is right now during the Canadian winter.

Plushie of the Week #168

This will probably be the year where I will finally run out of my own plushies to feature in Plushie of the Week! Probably. But until then, we will keep filling the segment with filler plushies that none of us siblings know much about.

The first one of the year in this category is Fumbles the Monkey, named as such due to its Ty beanie babies tag. As alluded to above, we don’t know where this plushie came from, perhaps it was one of the few that came home from Dad‘s laundry shop after its former owners abandoned it or something, or perhaps it was a gift from Kel‘s friend. It was definitely a Canada-era plushie though, but we never played with it or gave it a backstory and it has largely been making friends with other plushies in a box that they shared since it arrived with us. One day, when I move into my future new house and the parents move in as well, our plushies boxes will reunite and all these plushies will find a home on a shelf in a spare room somewhere.



Ty tag front:

Ty tag inside:

Ty tag back:

Tag 2 front:

Tag 2 back/Tag 3 front:

Tag 3 back:

Song of the Week #145

Title: Summer Wine
Artist: The Corrs & Bono from U2
Album: VH1 Presents: The Corrs, Live in Dublin (2002)

There’s been many iterations of this song, but my favourite one by far is this live rendition duet from Andrea Corr, lead vocalist for The Corrs, and Bono, lead vocalist for U2, in Dublin in 2002. I’ve loved the Corrs for a long time and physically own one of their CDs from when I bought it back in my Singapore days, and while U2 is just okay to good for me, the lead singer’s husky and raspy vocals here mixes so nicely with Andrea’s honey-sweet vocals and I’ve always loooooved the contrast between the two.

I’m not sure when I first came across this song, but I’ve known it for quite a while, since it got onto my S-tier Spotify playlist back in August of 2013. The Spotify version, and every other version I’ve listened to, has the same cheers from the crowd, and I don’t think a clean version of the track without the cheers exists. Which is fine, since the cheering crowd at the start, especially when Bono walks on stage, has been an integral part of the song for me for so long that I’d probably feel that something was missing if I heard a “clean” version of the song without it. Either way, I don’t know if they’ve ever duetted this outside of that specific 2002 concert.

Despite the song talking about spring, this song is very much a summer song for me, one that inspires me to want to travel and visit Ireland, where the Corrs are from, and maybe walk around in the countryside and find a few gnomes and fairies. It actually isn’t even my favourite song from The Coors, though it’s a very close second place, but like many of their other songs, it also reminds me of a mix of fragrant fruity scents and perfumes and is a nice way of pining for summer while stuck in the middle of winter like I currently am now.

Regardless, although all the footage videos I’ve seen of this concert are somewhat low-rez, it’s good to feature this and then back it up in case something ever happens to the song/video online due to copyright zealots companies or something since it’s a live recording involving multiple parties, so that’s why I picked the song to feature, and then used that as an excuse to download and stash a copy of the video.

Memory Snippet of the Week #152

I’ve done at least two writeups on my Primary 4-6 school, Rosyth School, already, one in My Diary #050 where I talked about some memory snippets, another in My Diary #058 where I talked about the people, this ACPMC event that happened while I was there, and a few more snippets scattered around the blog. One regret for me that I had expressed in the past though was that I could not visit the place anymore because the school had moved to a new site somewhere else long before I ever regained access to visiting Singapore again. So when I visited Singapore again back in 2022, and then again in 2024, I visited (the outside of) Peiying, my Primary 1-3 school, and (the inside of) Dunman, my Secondary 1-2 school, but never tried Rosyth.

But perhaps I should have. Nomakk, my evening streamer, was reminiscing about his schools on his New Year’s Day stream a couple of weeks ago, and he navigated to the old location on Google Maps and started looking at the photo history of the location to see what it looked like in the past. Inspired, I wondered if I could do the same for Rosyth, only to find that not only were there old photos of the place, there were also current photos of the place, since the buildings haven’t actually been torn down yet.

I started with the old address of Rosyth School, 30 Parry Avenue, which dumped me at this Google Maps link:

Even Google Maps history does not go back far enough to show it as an active school, since the school apparently moved away from the location in 2001, however although that 2024 picture that I linked shows some construction being done, I could go back as early as 2009 and see most of the place as it used to be. I do remember these roads, and the Parry Hall building on the right side of the pictures was Rosyth School. My old Primary 4-6 school!

In the annotated picture below, the red circle is where the front foyer of the school was, and where school buses would pick us up from after school. The hopscotch grids where we played after school and that I mentioned in My Diary #050 were also located in this area. Behind it, the arrow in purple led to a canteen on the left, a toilet on the right, and then an inner grass courtyard that the main classroom buildings looked down upon. The green arrow led upwards to the second level, with the assembly hall on the left, circled in yellow, and the teacher’s room to the right, in the red bricked building (I think). The main classroom buildings were three stories high, and you can see some of the third floor classrooms circled in purple in the background. The grass courtyard on the ground floor would have been “between” the purple circle and the orange-roofed red brick building.

I’m pretty sure that pink typo on the No Trespassing sign has been there since the dawn of time. Some things never change.

Moving just one step west on Google Maps, there’s also this other road:

The thing about this Rosyth School site is that it was located on borrowed land or something, and our school buildings apparently used to be part of a school called Parry Secondary School. Rosyth Road, where Rosyth School originally was located, was actually a couple of streets to the south, and the east/west road where the Google Maps vehicle travelled on was called Parry Avenue and thus housed Parry Secondary School, which closed in 1983/1984 and is now defunct, as well as Parry Primary School in the background to the left. Parry Primary School was our neighbouring school, literally a stone’s throw away, and I did always find it weird that two primary schools were basically side by side but nearly never did anything together. Everything in the background to the left, despite being so close to us and basically open to us, were buildings that I never visited or even thought of visiting during my three years here. This road in front of us led to those buildings, and Parry students used the left/west gate here in the picture, as well as another gate further west off-screen, to get to their school.

However, as we didn’t have our own field, both schools actually shared the grassy green field to the left. That huge field was where we did our outdoor PE classes, Sports Day activities, the Great Singapore Workout, and the soccer team tryout, all of which were mentioned in My Diary #050.

The other set of pictures that I wanted to highlight from here are a few steps further east along the road, specifically here and here.

That’s pictures of the left and right side (sample pictures taken on different years), taken through side gates, of the separate side building where our Primary 4 classrooms, for some reason, were located. So although the main building (purple circle in earlier annotated picture) was where the main classes were, and where our own classes in Primary 6 were, Primary 4 (and I think 5 as well) for us GEP kids was done in this building, in either the second and third classrooms or the third and fourth classrooms on the second floor. The wall between the classrooms was openable, so I’m guessing it was the third and fourth, but I’m not sure. There was also a storeroom of potpourri in the classrooms that was full of Mr Grosse‘s spare stuff that I loved exploring as well, and I spoke fondly of this before in My Diary #050. This loop road beyond the two blue gates is also where the motorcycle exhaust pipe story from My Diary #042 happened.

Anyway, I looked around the neighbourhood but didn’t really recognize much of the surrouding area, nor the reasons that I would have had to walk out to the “main roads” from here, even though I definitely remember walking both east and west along Parry Avenue on occasion on the way to or from school. I don’t remember why though.

I wonder if it’s still possible to visit this area and look around the interior if I manage to talk to whoever or whatever owns Parry Hall and the buildings now, the next time I revisit Singapore.

Jan 06 2025
  • Snippet: There was a small doll that that I believe I created as a “warning doll” that would alert when something happened, though I don’t remember the details of what exactly it was warning against. It had a one tile by one tile base and was two tiles tall, in terms of how it fit into the main dream world, and might have been a cat dressed up in fancy, colourful clothing. Either way, I was surprised at one point by looking at its stats and seeing that other people outside my immediate group of friends must have adopted it too, since either its user or activation count was a lot higher than could be explained by just this one instance of the doll.
Jan 07 2025
  • There was an RPG-like game that I was playing where characters had skills. I was staying in a house in the middle of a dungeon, with childhood friends living in houses both to the left and right of mine, and my house had an eastern and western door side by side in a small north-south passage that people from both those houses could easily use as they were near their respective front doors. One of the houses had two friends who were better at magic, and the other house had two friends that were better at melee skills.
  • Either I myself or all of us had to move houses at some point, with me carrying my own stuff, and they formed little parties to come along with me using their respective skills to form a magic-oriented and a melee-oriented team to guard me. They even combined with each other for more difficult fights along the way.
  • Snippet: In a separate dream, I was walking along with Dad in a foreign city behind Mom and Kel, who had pulled on ahead somewhere. Dad complained that they were too far ahead and wanted to rest his hurt feet, but I convinced him that just past the busy road that we were at was an outdoor restaurant, and we could rest there on the plastic chairs surrounding some of the empty round tables, and have a meal instead. He agreed to this so we did so. I saw Mom standing a little bit past the restaurant and looking concernedly out for us, and I waved to her and gestured that we were going to stop here for food if they wanted to come back to eat with us.
Jan 08 2025
  • I was in a game with an indoor and outdoor component. Outdoors, there was a bicycle race that I took part in against other players, which required going three laps around a route that included a road and a broken down area, and dodging both vehicles, monsters, and penalty patches on the ground. We had different traits and modifiers, and my stamina was low but my determination was high which gave me an average speed on the bicycle.
  • Most of the players were better than that though, so I wasn’t doing so well in the race anyway, and I ended up being disqualified near the end of the 3rd of 3 laps when I brushed a penalty patch on the road that we were supposed to avoid. But while my race time was invalidated, I still got to keep my earned experience or something anyway.
  • I also met a man who was a friend of my character in-game, and he temporarily teleported himself and me to a restaurant that he owned, which was located somewhere in the mainland USA. I thought it was located in Los Angeles but eventually found out that we were not in California at all. The restaurant was a poke bowl place and he asked the woman manning the counter for a poke bowl, which she brought over immediately as it was pre-cooked.
  • He offered it to me for free, but I shook my head and said that I’d buy a bowl for myself instead of getting a free one, so he started digging into the bowl himself as the woman brought over another pre-cooked bowl. It cost $6.
  • I chatted to him, asking things like where we were, what kind of profit he made, and if he would try to expand his business into Japan. He said to the latter that he wasn’t sure as he didn’t make that much profit per bowl, perhaps just 20% or so over the cost.
  • The indoors component was a cooperative dungeon and was mostly completed from a previous day already. I’m not sure if it was from a previous night’s dream or just an imagined previous day in tonight’s dream. However, we still needed to deal with a couple of large brown behemoth monsters that roamed the dungeon together, and at one point I managed to gain an invisibility buff that would last for some time as I didn’t attack or get attacked, so I played scout and followed the two monsters around so that my friends and family could clean up the rest of the zone.
  • Even though most of the dungeon was completed, we still had to extract by moving the items we wanted to save from the dungeon into a room. We couldn’t find the room at first because the quest objective markers had disabled itself when the objective updated to the final extraction step, but Jah remembered where it was, so he stood in the hallway just outside the door with one hand gallantly gesturing at it.
  • Mom and Dad went in to the extraction zone to wait there, while I brought in a plush duck with a long, flabby body shaped similar to a bolster. Jon and Kel, in their 8-12 year old forms, brought in a bucket of plushies so they wouldn’t get left behind, and there was a large blue plush Furby lying just outside the extraction zone at Jon‘s feet which I asked him to move into the zone. He seemed reluctant at first, jokingly noting that we didn’t really need it, but eventually moved it in anyway.
  • Editor: The blue Furby in question was a giant version of
Jan 09 2025
  • I remember being in my Edmonton 4012 bedroom together with someone, and we were trapped in there by three lions that were also in the room, as well as a honeybee which was buzzing around the wardrobe. The honeybee was the bigger problem to me as the lions were not yet aggressive and were more of a puzzle that we had a tool to solve. The tool was a tent in the wardrobe that I carefully pulled out while praying the honeybee would not attack me, and then assembled and put on the floor between us and the closet.
  • The presence of the tent then aggroed the three lions, and they stood up and surrounded the tent, two of them on the far side of the tent and facing us, and one on the near side facing the other two. Using a knife, I poked the one nearest us until it bled, and then that lion’s blood attracted the other two who turned on it, and the three of them them tore each other apart.
  • The other person with me was thankful to be rescued, and when we went out into the hallway, the honeybee followed us and he casually crushed it beneath his foot. I thanked him for that and told him that that action alone covered any cost that he might think that he owed us. I did notice there were bee bits on the hallway carpet upstairs after that but I decided not to go near it and hoped that my parents would clean it up later. I then left the house.
  • Snippet: I was in Hong Kong on a transit stop between trains. On my way to the next train station, I wanted to try a bottle of tea from the convenience store that I really liked the last time, and decided to cross a traffic light to get it.
  • Snippet: I was shopping for clothing with some friends or family members, and found a yellow one-piece dress that we all liked. It was being sold by some guy who had a bunch of those dresses in different sizes on his bedroom bed, and the people I was with went into the room to look for a size 18 or 19 dress, which was one of the smallest sizes there was, and which seemed like it would fit me perfectly. I wore it once they found one and it came down to just below my knee.
  • Snippet: I also remember jumping puzzles in a building with cracked floors, but I don’t remember the context of these puzzles.
Jan 10 2025
  • I arrived at a bus interchange with Kel in a foreign country, and we were thinking about going to travel somewhere for dinner but according to our phones, boarding the buses required a ticket from a ticket counter that was considered to be part of the bus station but was across a long road to the northeast to a little concrete island surrounded by roads on three sides and a forest on the fourth side. It was apparently ten minutes away, though it was unclear if the ten minutes was a one-way or two-way trip. Either way, we weren’t sure if we could get there and back in time to catch the bus that we needed to catch, so we decided to eat our own separate meals tonight and go for dinner together another day instead.
  • We went to our hotel room, which was located on the ground floor in a building connected to the bus interchange, and the front door of the room itself was several feet away from where people were lining up for buses. It was occasionally noisy, but convenient. At one point there was noise outside, and I opened the door to see about three dozen kids on a school excursion seated against a corner of the bus interchange which was made up of my outer wall as well as a perpendicular wall branching out from it, so that was the cause of the noise and it continued until their bus came and they left. There were also occasional noises from the room above me, like someone was dragging a piece of silk with buttons on it against the floor.
  • A Chinese woman also came knocking on my door and asked for money as she was broke. I didn’t believe her, but I looked around my room and saw some coins I had left on the carpet across the room, so I asked her to wait a minute, closed the door, and went over to pick up a gold-coloured dollar coin from the ground, one of two that were lying there. I gave it a quick kiss to thank it for its sacrifice, then went back to the door, opened it again, and handed it to the woman. She took it and looked down at a list she was making, and I realized she was making a tally of how much she had received from different people.
  • According to the map app on my phone, an encampment of goblin miners was in the forest behind the bus ticket counter, and when I mentioned this thing to Discord later on, Gibbs made a comment to the extent of “Oh, that’s where the goblin miners are in the zone”. Apparently he had been through here before and tried to look for them for a quest but never did find them.
  • There was a school staff room area inside my hotel room too, and there was a young male teacher seated at his desk there and industriously working on some writing. He and I ignored each other’s presence for most of the stream, but eventually at around 11 pm he got up and prepared to leave. I gave him a greeting card wishing him well and encouraging him for an upcoming marathon that he was participating in, and telling him how much I admired his effort.
  • Although my room door led out to the ground floor of the bus interchange, I also had a window on the staff room side of the room that overlooked a lower level down below me. There was an open office space below, with more teacher desks arranged like tetris pieces in a large grid, and it was unclear to me if the entire area had a roof or was open to the skies.
  • There were about a dozen teachers down there when I looked down in the morning, and I watched one teacher who had been let go months ago, and then rehired a few days ago, put on a shirt as she returned to work for the first time in months. Her colleagues welcomed her back, and a bearded guy seated at one of the back desks gestured at some doors. About half a dozen teachers walked in holding a long white banner with blown-up versions of pictures of the returning girl printed out on it in two rows, mostly scraped from her social media and relating to her previous stint at this job.
  • I expected her to be moved by it but instead she seemed to be amused by it and made fun of some of the pictures that were selected, before thanking the teachers for the warm welcome back.
  • Snippet: I also seem to remember two dungeons or quests represented by large rocks that I was slowly chipping away at into smaller pebbles.
  • Editor: The bearded teacher at the desk strongly reminded me of someone at work on another team, but I don’t know or remember his name. The young male teacher in my room looked like the Mr Ng that was our chaperone for our Hong Kong math competition trip in 1996. The female teacher that was returning looked like ppim, a Twitch streamer from Thailand that I watch sometimes.
Jan 11 2025
  • I was walking through a school building that was also representative of an interactive anime that I was “watching”, the building had 12 floors and each floor represented a different episode that I could walk between. There were some other people around but the building was otherwise sparsely populated. However, there was a table out in the hallway on the 10th floor of the building, with four girls seated at it next to a banner as though they were recruiting for a school club.
  • However, I recognized both the logo on the banner as well as the black shirt that one of the girls was wearing. They were from a different anime, Joshigoraku, and the “raku” in the name was abbreviated to just an “RK” in the logo. I greeted them and said that I had watched that show as well, and they were delighted that I had even heard of it, never mind watched it. Apparently this was a hidden episode of that show that was in this one as a crossover.
  • I left soon after that and went up to the top floor. I tried to change my clothes in the hallway as it was deserted, but while I had my clothes off, I heard some footsteps approaching so I rolled into the room that I was next to. No one ever appeared outside though. The room that I was in was a small, deserted study room that was also apparently an elevator, as it began to move while I finished my changing. It went from the top floor to the bottom floor only, and could not stop at any other floor.
  • Soon after, I attended a school assembly that looked like it was a graduation ceremony for the year prior to mine. People were seated on chairs and at tables haphazardly scattered everywhere around the assembly hall, and there was food being served too. I walked by Babita, who was dressed in a suit and seated on a chair, before I realized that she had probably been gesturing to me to come sit by her. Oh well. It felt too awkward to go back by that point and I wanted to be by myself anyway so I just walked on.
  • I saw Zixiang and Xuanjie sitting and chatting with a few others and passed by them too, eventually settling on a chair by myself near the back of the room, by one side of the hall where the wall had been removed, revealing the side of a road and a double-decker bus parked next to the hall there at a bus stop.
  • Eventually I found myself aboard that bus as well, and thinking about my final year of school as I sat on the upper deck. I came up with what I figured would be a good thesis for my final year project, which was to figure out the alphabet distribution in various dictionaries and famous books in different languages to see if it matched the “standard” alphabet distribution of more common and rarer characters, and see what kind of statistics came out from that. I figured that Mrs Douziech would be my thesis advisor for something like that.
  • Snippet: Later, I appeared in a game world after logging in to Medievia, a game that I hadn’t played in years. I was still in a clan and town that I had been in in the past, though I didn’t really recognize anyone that I knew anymore. I saw a bit of a kerfuffle happen over chat because someone in the town had player killed someone else who was AFK in the town as a joke since they were friends, and the death message was broadcast to everyone. I wondered if people still used the item and map list that I had made and given to them before the last time I stopped playing.
  • Our female town leader then announced a raid in front of the gates of the main city of the game, and this was something new to me as it was not around when I had last left the game, so I wandered by to check it out too, since I was just level 2 and thus still hadn’t left the main city yet. This raid boss was in a fenced-in area in front of the main gates and was obviously there as a spectacle for newbies to watch and get interested in what else was in the game. Many of our guild members were gathered on the south side of the fence, facing the city gates to the north with the fenced-in area in between. Since we were in the same town, I went there too and hoped to maybe get a tag on the raid boss for some loot without getting slaughtered by splash damage.
  • However, the raid leader was surprised when she started the raid by tagging the monster with a long-range shot to get it to come over to the edge of the fence where we were, as her initial shot outright one-shot the raid monster. Everybody stood around looking stunned.
  • Snippet: I remember watching a recording of someone who went to New Zealand on vacation, and rented a room at someone else’s house to stay at while there. One of the things the owner wanted his renters to do was to record parts of their vacation on a video camera that he provided, and that ended up being the recording I watched, as the person in the video drove past some interesting-looking shops on a road through a shopping district.
  • Snippet: Just before I woke up, there was another dream snippet where I was at the seaside with my feet submerged in the water, and there were different layers of sand beneath my feet. There was something about a brown layer of sand and a yellow “sexy sediment sand” layer beneath that.
Jan 12 2025
  • I was with my family in an overseas place for vacation. We were staying in a hotel room there for a week or so but it was good for both Mom and Dad‘s health to be there so I suggested that maybe we should consider moving there. There was a giant golden statue in my home apartment underneath the chair that used to belong to the extended family and I said maybe I could sell that to finance the move if we wanted to consider something like that.
  • While there, Kel bought a couple plushies and I brought Tigey into her hotel bedroom after she woke up to have him meet them and annex them. She playfully made them flee away from Tigey though.
  • This turned into a whole dream game sequence where instead of a hotel room, we were outdoors and we could both guide our plushies into the sky and have them hover and fly around by controlling them telepathically. We even found some nest spawns in the sky that spawned birds and other creatures when we guided the plushies into them. Those creatures were frozen in time and looked like plushies, and could also themselves be controlled and hovered like the regular plushies. Kel ended up amassing an army of about 6 floating plushies and creatures, while I wasn’t as good at controlling them and activating the spawners.
  • I almost lost Tigey by guiding him behind a tree onto a random apartment balcony, at which point I suspected that I might have lost connection to him. I managed to reverse him out of there before that happened though. I “saw” a scene reenactment where someone said that because I had a Tigey spawner I could still generate Tigeys even if I lost the original one, and they would still be worth about 40 million dollars each, but the original one that was worth 200 million dollars would have been lost.
  • Jah and Gibbs were also there with us and Jah was going to stream a game called Little Monsters 2 on Twitch using the computer in his room, but his listed Steam playtime was wrong and he didn’t like that. He said that it was because he had played a bit of the game on the laptop but Steam wasn’t recognizing that, and he wanted to figure out how to connect his laptop to the room Internet. Eventually he did stream it a little and then noted that he had streamed both the first game and this sequel.
  • Snippet: There was a crew of 6 manning a ship and a bunch of square, wooden tablets of unknown quality floating in the air that the crew could use. They were mostly tier 1 and 2 squares, but a scant few of them were higher tier, which reflected their quality. All of them could be turned into traps by hitting them with something, at which point their quality, and thus the trap’s strength, would be revealed.
  • Snippet: I remember a scene with two girls dressed up in a PE uniform consisting of a white shirt and red bloomer shorts. I don’t remnember the context but I do remember liking the outfits.
  • Snippet: Lastly, I was at a canteen or food court lined up at a Chinese food place and the guy behind me kept on bumping into me as he was jostling and roughhousing with another guy friend of his. This irritated me a lot and the guy friend looked at me apologetically, but the one bumping into me didn’t seem to notice. When I reached the front of the line, I couldn’t decide between two trays of similar noodles and then a bunch of chili sauces that I could ask for, and I was still being bumped so I just told the lady at the counter to give me either one of them and I’d just take that and go. The meal ended up costing me $6, which was surprising to me as I had expected it to cost more than that.

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