Winter’s Edge – The Tapestry of Stars

What is this?

This is an in-game book I penned to add to the world lore of a roleplay MUSH called Winter’s Edge that I played on back in late 2003. See My Diary #066 for more context. I was (and still am) really interested in world-building at the time, and I do casually like stars/astrology in general, so I felt like this was a good topic to write about that partially meshed with my character and helped flesh her out as well. This book was more or less “finished” on Nov 17 2003, according to the timestamp on my file, and was entitled The Tapestry of Stars.

The Tapestry of Stars

In every culture, there exist tales. Tales of creation, of foremost beauty, and of the gods. Of the separation of pure evil and good into their embodiments, and into the primordial cauldron from which sprang life. They speak of strange worlds, many ‘planes’ of existence, of demigods and gods, of the mystical and the unknown. Of legends, and myths. They speak of the Allfather. Evighet the First, He-Who-Sees-All. Of the Sun, Aurinko, and his sister, the Moon, Forstorelse. Of Frihet, the sky, and Kivi, the land. Of Tuli, and Valtameri, forming the heart and soul of the world.

And further up still, in the void that is out of reach to even Frihet, lie the twinkling gems of the heavens. Blue pearls, white diamonds, yellow topazes and purple amethysts all, have been laid out in a colourful tapestry of the heavens , beauty far exceeding that of the finest Meloria has to offer. For eons, loremasters and shamans have passed down through generations, tales of these stars and their mystic dance across the fabric of night. It is the hope of this humble sage, then, that she can help ignite the fires of wisdom in these tales of lore, immortalising them for as long as the stars, divine gifts from our gods, themselves shine in the sky.

This is a collective tale of the stars as told in different cultures, although those scribed here forth are only a small portion of the myriad that have undoubtedly passed lip to ear through the generations. Whether in modern-day Meloria and Taldara, or the steppes of the Berezani, or the long-ago tribal culture of the Vintermorean tribes, now legends passed down through the native families at night, when children and their elders huddle around a warm fire. Each month traditionally has an associated constellation to its name, for as the world turns, each month has a most prominent constellation visible in the zenith of the sky, reaching its peak and crossing Forstorelse’s nightly path across the dome of the heavens. For six months of the year, then, in reversal, each constellation is hidden from our eyes as it dips below the horizon, taking its queue to rise again through the night when Evighet calls upon it.

Tosma <January>
Constellation: Crown of Kings
Alternative name(s): Wolfpaw, Mark of the Wolverine
Major star(s): Elain’s Claw
Associated Gods: Aria, Elain, Evighet, Kukka, Talvi

This group of stars is commonly known to many as the Crown of Kings, or simply the Crown. Made up of a cluster of coloured stars at the base, and tapering off to three fingers, it culminates with a bright blue star at the tip of each one. Thus, its form in the night sky resembles a crown studded with gems, and dotted with a fine sapphire at each of the three tips of the crown. Truly a fine gem of our heavens, wealth that poor and rich alike can claim to be collectively theirs, wealth shared by all. In religious lore, this was the first and finest constellation Evighet created when he crafted the stars, and so he placed it first in the celestial cycle.

In Taldara and Meloria, and several other cultures, this month is therefore favoured for a new coronation of a ruler to take place in, if possible, as one is then considered to be blessed by the stars. For the same reason, babies born under this star are also likewise thought to be blessed, growing up to be natural charismatic rulers, leading by example and force of personality. Otherwise, it is a time of new hopes and dreams, the beginning of a fresh year, and gentle innocence of what lies forth.

Further in the wintry north, where wolves often have as close a status as horses do with our Berezani neighbours, this constellation is typically called the Wolfpaw instead. There are traditional tales of local heroes, werewolves or wolf-shifters, doing a great deed or sacrifice for their tribe, and their spirit, that of the wolf, lingering long after they are gone to watch and safeguard over the tribe. In early Vintermorean history, there was a tribe known as the Wolverine, now known as House Stenger of Duchy Haelgrim. This then, is their symbol, their embodiment, the sign that their ancestors are watching over the tribe and family, even today.

Newflame is the birth of a new year, the festival taking place on the first day of the month throughout the empire. This day marks the end of Winterlong Week, and the beginning of a fresh new year of hopes and dreams, memories and loves, ebbs and flows, and indeed the beginning of a new circle as the Crown of Kings ascends toward the peak of the night sky. As in the Empire, everything begins with the ‘king’, and evolves from there, thus the Crown is first in line in the constellations, and the others follow from there.

It is from the above then, that explains why not only in the north, but even in the cities of the Empire, the three sapphires which crown the crown are collectively known as “Elain’s Claw”.

Yrma <February>
Constellation: Snowshoe Hare
Alternative name(s): Rabbit
Major star(s):
Associated Gods: (Duralion), Evighet, Frihet, Kukka, Skogen

The Snowshoe Hare, better known as just the ‘Rabbit’, is just that. This part of the tapestry portrays a rabbit extended in a springing motion, leaping through the purple and black ether of space in a display of eternal youthfulness. Behind the rabbit in the night sky, is the Star Eagle, the two of them partaking in an eternal hunt and chase through the eons since they first came into being.

Scholars in the Empire term this group of stars the Snowshoe Hare, after a breed of rabbit commonly found in the more northerly regions, where light snow falls most of the year. However, to the everyday citizen of the Empire, the far more concise and easy to remember ‘Rabbit’ is as frequently used, if not more so, much to the consternation of the scholars. This is because the brightly jewelled stars in this constellation are all white, which inspired the Snowshoe portion of its name in the first place, whereas rabbits in the Empire tend to be a shade of light brown.

Winter ends with the month of the Hare, turning into spring as the Star Eagle flies by. The Hare thus symbolises newborn innocence, the fresh scent of the first flowers, buds, and animals emerging out from their winter sleep to peek at the world about them, and so is an important one for druids, rangers, and all our friends of the wild, as they prepare to assist the animals and plants through the transition from winter hibernation to spring. Those born under the gaze of the Hare are said to have an unusually strong zeal for life, as well as exceptional willpower to get what they aspire to do, done.

Frihmas <March>
Constellation: Star Eagle
Alternative name(s): Hawk, Falcon, Kestrel, any bird
Major star(s):
Associated Gods: Aurinko, Elain, Frihet, Hemlig, Lognare, Skadia, Skogen, Tuli

As the Hare lopes through the sky, so too does the Star Eagle pursue it, gliding through the void of space like a majestic ship swathes through ocean water, a brightly-feathered celestial bird chasing its prey through the years. Reaching its zenith in the first spring month, it replaces the fresh innocence of the Hare with a zeal for life, exchanging the meekness of the Hare for the vitality of the Hawk, as it is known in various regions of the world. In Duchy Worrill of Vintermor, the locals celebrate a local festival called the Awakening in the last week of this month, a mischievous, raucous affair that symbolises the birth of spring. This of course coincides with Shipsblessing in most of the rest of the empire, the first day of spring.

As spring frees the trapped blossoms of life that winter had imprisoned, so too does this constellation represent freedom and release, not only for the birth of spring, but also the symbolism of the bird of prey, air beneath its wings as it glides across the dome of space. Ever chasing, but never catching, this month represents one’s ultimate goal in life, that of striving for personal fulfillment or improvement, and is thus a favourite of clergy for purposes of religious holidays and ceremonies, though by no means is it exclusive. Those birthed in this month are thought of as having a creative, open mind, often the inspirers of new and novel ideas and the instigators of change.

This star group also has the distinction of having the most number of alternative names and tales after it, for although it is arranged in a clear pattern of a bird with outstretched wings, beak extended toward the hare as a hunter’s challenge to its prey, other bird-forms are present in many cultures and religions, and it has been adapted to tales many times over the centuries.

In the northern portion of early Vintermor, for example, there used to be a tribe calling itself the Falcon, what is currently the ruling House Thorvald, which lent itself to that name still being used in more traditional, rural regions of that nation today. Similarly, in the Empire, traditional symbols or totems used by the gods of our Pantheistic Church include the Bat for Hemlig, the Raven for the Shining One, and the Firebird of the Holy Spark. The Eagle is representative of all of them, and a myriad of other examples too many to tell, most of whom, at least partially, revere the Eagle.

Mastana too has its own sets of tales regarding these stars, and the constellation is traditionally called the Kestrel there instead. This is the Kestrel, the ‘first raptor’ in Mastanan mythology, and is said to have been the mother to all hunting birds since the creation of the world. It’s said that Mod was so impressed with her strength and her refusal to ever given in, that he brought her into the heavens, to hunt down new stars to be placed in the sky.

Faemas <April>
Constellation: Bow of Mist
Alternative name(s): Hunter’s Bow
Major star(s): None, but misty trails
Associated Gods: Elain, Frihet, Kukka

Second month of Spring, and the renewal of life after winter is well under way. As the Eagle and Hare chase each other toward the night sky’s horizon, so too does the bow ascends to the peak of the heavens, taking careful aim at predator and prey both. This group of stars is shaped like an exquisite, gemmed, hunter’s bow, and while lacking an ‘arrow’, the question remains: If it fires, whom shall it hit? Eagle, the hunter, or Hare, the hunted?

Known commonly through the Empire as the Hunter’s Bow, the more formal scholar’s name for it is nonetheless “The Bow of Mist,” so called for the swirling tendrils of mist that seem to be prevalent about this particular constellation, but none other. In fact, if this bow can be said to have ‘arrows’, then certainly these misty plumes would be it, although the meandering streams of misty substance about this area looks more like wisps of smoke of some sort. Some have speculated that they look like the remnants of an arrow that has been smashed into pieces, while others conjecture that they are large patches of Mists like that surrounding Vintermor, except on a much bigger extent, while still others claim that they are the essence of the stars, forming themselves to eventually perhaps form a new constellation, or add new stars to the existing. Truly one of the unknown mysteries in the field of astronomy, whether to the wise sages and hermits or just to the casual stargazer.

This time of year is very important to rangers, trappers, and huntsmen, as creatures wake from hibernation and leave their dens to seek food, and undoubtedly has contributed to the month being christened “Hunter’s Bow.” Children born in this month are said to be self-sufficient, wily, and capable of striking out and living on their own.

Urnas <May>
Constellation: Star Fish
Alternative name(s):
Major star(s): Valtameri’s Eye
Associated Gods: (Duralion), Kukka, Valtameri

The prelude to summer is heralded by the Fish, resident of the waves, and symbol of food for the common. While fields are ploughed and crops planted earlier in the spring, it is late in this month that they finally start to blossom, and the first harvests start – three months of fertility and income for the farmers that finally ends in the month of the Sword. The Fish therefore represents fertility and plenty, and one can easily see why children born in this month are said to be blessed with prosperity in their lives.

The fish is also indirectly a representative of the waves, and the Lady of the Deep in particular, making this month deeply spiritual to those of her following. As a vassal of the waves, the Fish also is important superstitiously to sailors and sea-captains, bringing good luck and safe travel on a voyage. Of course, this doesn’t totally hold true, for if buccaneers follow the same creed of this month giving them better tidings, then it pretty much evens itself out over time. Knowledge, too, is the other major portfolio of the fish, and is no doubt the source of the common mother’s tale to her children to eat more fish to increase one’s intelligence. Many other cultures also have symbols of seafaring creatures in their tales, as in the case of House Ulfvig of Duchy Brimlad in Vintermor, which traces its lineage back to the tribe of the Orca in ages long since past.

The eye of the fish is of a clear bright orange hue, one of the brightest, most remarkable stars in the sky. It is commonly known as “Valtameri’s Eye,” although mythic tales speaks of it being the all-seeing eye of Evighet and the gods in general, a baleful or benevolent eye watching down upon the land in search of misdeeds.

Mattas <June>
Constellation: Summer’s Summit
Alternative name(s): Sun Mountain, Mountain, Cup
Major star(s): Aurinko’s Heart
Associated Gods: All

If Winter’s Ring represents the valley of the year, lowest ebb of the tide, then this month certainly is the peak of the year, zenith of summer, from which one can espy the valley far below in the distance. Midsummer’s occurs in the fourth week of this month, a time to celebrate a bountiful harvest and the vibrancy of life and the world. Yellow, blue, red, white, and a myriad of other bright stars make up the central bulk of this twirling, triangular mass of stars, that gem-studded portion of the mountain thus aptly known as Aurinko’s Heart. Those on the fringe are paler in hue, but round out a portrait of a mountain with gently sloping foothills and a peak representing the rise and decline of summer.

In several other traditional cultures, particularly in Vintermor, this constellation is instead known as the Cup. Derived from their tribal histories, the idea of a full cup parallels the one of the mountain, and is a manifestation of the ‘have,’ prosperity, and fullness of life, creating a duality with the month of the Fish beforehand. Thus babes born in the light of the Mountain are said to be courageous, and have a larger mountain to climb than most, but reaping greater rewards if they succeed.

Midsummer’s is in the fourth week of this month, and in every cycle, whether be it life, love, or the seasons, there will be peaks and valleys along the journey. This is the peak of the year, where the summer sun is out the longest, and the shadows of the night flee into their corners to hide from Aurinko’s goodness. Festivals are held throughout the Empire, although much less so in nomadic Berezen culture, as to them this is the furthest point from the renewal of the cycle of the seasons, from Winter’s Ring, though they do hold small celebrations to mark the midway point of this year’s journey, knowing that from then on till Winter’s Ring they will be ‘heading home’ on the ebb side of the circle, in speaking.

Juilas <July>
Constellation: Paladin’s Blade
Alternative name(s): Sword
Major star(s): Kunnia’s Jewel
Associated Gods: Aria, Aurinko, Kivi, Kukka, Kunnia, Mod, Valtameri

The peak of summer, the month of the Paladin’s Blade provides a good counterbalance for the Unicorn later on in the year, the former traditionally symbolising masculinity while the latter femininity. Here in the peak of summer, vibrant life, warm weather, and energy abounds, and Aurinko still shines gloriously high in the daytime sky overhead. The sun himself is said to guide those birthed under this sign, never truly letting them stray from their chosen path during their journey through life.

The peak of harvest time comes near the end of the month, and the Paladin’s Blade is also jokingly said to represent all the work that needs to be done to cut a swathe through and gather fields of wheat, felling stalks like paladins fell the endless amounts of evil throughout the world. Still, the blade is strong, unyielding, and a source of inspiration for those who sweat and toil in the fields, knowing that the sun is watching over them and protecting all that they love as they work.

It is also well into the adventuring season by this month, and the Paladin’s Blade honours those brave souls who travel for whatever reasons to thwart dangers to the community at large, and mourn those who have fallen in their service. But the blade is strong, and more are always willing to take up arms to advance a truly noble cause if such is required of them. Kunnia’s Jewel is a bright red gem at the intersection between the sword blade and the hilt, where the two form a perpendicular cross, and represents the strength and courage of those in the world who dedicate their lives to the fight against evil.

Solas <August>
Constellation: Rose of Queens
Alternative name(s): Autumn’s Bloom, Flower
Major star(s): Aria’s Thorn
Associated Gods: Aurinko, (Duralion), Kukka, Kunnia, Lognare, Skogen, Tuli

If the tapestry were a song of the seasons, the Rose would be the crescendo, the song of ultimate glory, yet wistful decline, of the dying breath of one’s true love, sunset of the last day of one’s fulfilling life. As summer draws to a close, leaves turn orange and red, and harvests are gathered for sale or store, so too does one experience the fleeting beauty of the rose, delicate and elegant in the late summer breeze, yet all too soon fading from beauty as petals droop and the flower’s head bows in shame.

If summer was the Mountain, then this constellation represents the first steps down on the lee side of the slope, hesitantly, unwillingly, wistfully looking back toward the full glory and memories of summer, yet succumbing to the inevitable, one foot at a time plodding ahead of the other, as blazing summer slowly turns into wistful autumn, heading toward Winter’s Edge.

This month has spawned many bard songs and much philosophy, and those born under this star are said to be wise beyond their years, often thoughtful and analytical, if a little too hesitant at times. Aria’s Thorn is a cluster of three stars in a straight line branching from along the ‘stem’ of the flower, and is said to represent the dual and strong nature of the flower, how the loveliest of beauties have to protect themselves from predators and the deep ether of space, and also Aria’s belief of the use of force when necessary to protect the common flock.

Arras <September>
Constellation: Unicorn
Alternative name(s):
Major star(s): Kukka’s Horn
Associated Gods: Aria, Kukka, Kunnia, Skogen, Tuli

The unicorn has long been a symbol of purity and true love, inspiring dreams and fables of many a fair maiden meeting a unicorn dominating many a girl’s childhood dreams and wistful aspirations. This star, a sideway visage of a unicorn’s head and horn, reflects children’s innocence and the purity of youthful love, revelling in the remaining warmth of summer while oblivious to the adult worries of the coming winter, and love untainted from politics and manipulation of adults, and away from their watchful eye, as there are traditionally many family matters to take care of this time of year, before winter comes along.

Harvestmoon is during the last week of this month, and coincides with the end of the last few farmers still collecting their crops late, as the weather by now is becoming too cool in many parts of the Empire to support the growing of crops. It also signifies the end of summer, and the start of the autumn season. One born in this month is said to be able to achieve great beauty, and an endless capacity for love and forgiveness, and also happens to be nine months after the coldest days of any given year, which is why birth rates in most parts of the Empire are higher during this month than any other.

As autumn finally arrive, blushing trees finally are done shedding their clothes and prepare for their yearly slumber, reverting to a primitive state of purity to await their next rebirth in spring. The unicorn guides them on their way, radiating as much strength and goodness as the Paladin’s Blade to tell people that the upcoming winter will not last forever.

The major stars in this group are bright and shining, a constantly twirling helix of white that forms the lance of the celestial unicorn, commonly named “Kukka’s Horn,” in tribute to the Wildflower’s dogma and her profile as the gentler side of nature.

Adirgas <October>
Constellation: Candleburn
Alternative name(s): Candle, Eternal Candle
Major star(s): Tuli’s Star
Associated Gods: Korinthar, Skadia, Talvi, Tuli

As Air is the Eagle, Water the Fish, and Earth the Mountain, so too is there no surprise there would be a constellation placed to honour the Fire of the world, burning brightly in the heart of every living being, and indeed the world itself. While holding deep symbolism, this group of stars is yet simple to spot in the sky. A line of stars embody the candle, while one single bright yellow star, aptly called “Tuli’s Star,” allows the celestial candle to shine through the night sky, mirrored down below on the earth by the thousands of shining flames within people’s souls.

Like a flickering candle in the wind, Candleburn is thus the vibrant life of the earth waving goodbye to us before it grows dormant for the year, one last gasp of vitality for bears and squirrels to collect food and acorns before burrowing down for the winter. Of course, like Tuli and Korinthar, fire is a double-edged sword, and so represents the boundary between the warmth of summer and the bite of winter, both so different, yet absolutely necessary for the cycle of the seasons to continue.

Fire represents passion, art, and creativity, and thus those birthed in this month are said to embrace those three, capricious and flighty. Bards, artists, and many wizards too thus think rather kindly of this month. It is said that the world will never be sundered and destroyed for as long as Tuli’s Star shines, for it represents the fire of passion and hope in everyone’s hearts, the Eternal Candle forever burning bright to light one’s way.

Logramas <November>
Constellation: Snakeluck
Alternative name(s): Snake, Dagger, Winter’s Edge
Major star(s): Kauppias’s Dice
Associated Gods: (Duralion), Forstorelse, Frihet, Hemlig, Kauppias, Talvi, Varjo

A curved line of stars in the sky, culminating in two bright blue twin-stars beside each other, the Snake, formally Snakeluck, is certainly an ominous reminder of the approaching winter in many parts of the Empire and beyond, of lengthening darkness as the twilight of the year draws near, a farewell to bright summer and a serious look ahead at the impending winter, harsh as it might be. Winter’s Edge, as it is also commonly called, being the last month before winter officially sets in, allows the creeping cold of Talvi to gather its first foothold on the land, the first fingers of frost starting to appear on unprotected plants left out at night.

In Vintermor culture, this group of stars is commonly called the Dagger instead, with the two blue sapphires adorning the blade’s hilt, and the meander of the snake akin to a common type of curved dagger used by hunters in Vintermor. Similarly, tales speak of this representing the coming of winter, and how one must survive on little during the lean months, and look forward to the warmer months again – the primal urge of ‘Do what you must to survive’ winning through during the cold months there.

This constellation is considered to represent both good and bad fortune, and thus is usually the focus of the murmured prayer merchants make when they are about to broker a big deal, or when a gambler is betting for high stakes. Children born under this star are thought to be blessed with luck, yet with a certain amount of single-mindedness in their outlook on life. It is also said that if one sees one of the ‘eyes’ of the Snake wink, that it portends the death of that person or someone very close in the near-to-immediate future, although this particular tale is merely folklore, as opposed to truth.

The two bright sapphires that are the snake’s eyes are commonly known as “Kauppias’s Dice”, spawning the common interjection “By Kauppias’s Dice!” and are also no doubt the origin of the phrase “Snake Eyes,” which in gaming terms is a show of all ones on the pips from a dice throw.

Varitas <December>
Constellation: Winter’s Ring
Alternative name(s): Circle
Major star(s): None
Associated Gods: All

This constellation is an interesting one indeed. It is hard enough to spot on any given night, due to the fact that it is by far the dimmest of any of the twelve main star groups listed here in this tome. Yet, in this dark month, if any star cluster could be said to be the most prominent in the apex of the otherwise sparse night sky, this is the one. Symbolically, too, in many cultures, this group of eight stars has great cultural significance.

In the more rural areas of the Empire, tribes often christen this simply the “Circle”, while in Meloria and Taldara, they’ve gone one step further and dubbed it “Winter’s Ring”. Besides the obvious merchant references to increased sales due to the Winterlong festivals, and the symbolism of circles explained below, it is also a most auspicious and romantic month to wed, especially during the Winterlong festivities themselves. Many children are thus born during the month of the Unicorn, showering beauty and love upon their parents. A child born under the Ring, they say, forges his own destiny, the astrological ‘doors’ that offer him paths through life all initially thrown wide open, limited only by his own aspirations.

Winterlong, the longest night of the year, takes place on the festival day at the end of this month, symbolising the crossing over toward earlier dawns and later sunsets everyday from then on. But also on this night, two candlemarks or so past midnight, for about four minutes, the moon’s path through the sky takes it exactly across this constellation at their respective zeniths, briefly moving in front to radiantly highlight the group of stars, while the eight crystals act as a shimmering halo about Forstorelse. This point in time, then, is called the Crossing, and symbolises the midpoint of the two-day festival, although festivities usually start several hours earlier, to cater to the children before they have to head off to bed. This is considered an extremely magical and spiritual moment, where it is said the wall between our world and that of the afterlife is at its weakest, as even the gods and spirits watching over us relax their vigil to salute Forstorelse in her shining glory, and magic performed is tinged with greatness, whether for good or for ill.

Symbolically, too, this is a very important constellation. Especially in nomadic cultures, the circle represents a completion of a cycle, closure, birth and renewal, of the end of a new year and start of the next, and the continuation of one’s life. Groups will often hold gatherings to honour those of their number that had fallen this year, praying for the safe journey and reception of their souls and for them to watch over the tribes in the year ahead.

In Berezani culture, it too is known as the Circle, but there is an added significance to it that the other cultures, while not lacking, certainly don’t hold much prominence to. Berezani society is made up of different Circles, termed Kostaya, each of which is basically a large closely knit group of like-minded people. Akin to a large communal family made up of several smaller ones, they are somewhat like a small nomadic tribe found on the steppes. To most of them, then, the Circle symbolises everything they stand, fight and live for, and would die for, for it is their meaning of life and the festivities of this month help reinforce that idea, especially to the Berezani children. Those who have previously left a Circle to strike out on their own will, if it is convenient, return to it for this one day to end one chapter of their journey and life before commencing the next, leaving after the festivities.

For all but the most heinous crimes and feuds in Berezani culture, the Crossing is also a time of forgiveness, and rebirth. It is not uncommon to hear the sentence passed down for a crime to last ‘Until Next Crossing’ – which also happens to be a traditional farewell for two Berezani meeting away from their Circles. A formal ceremony is held by the elders of a Circle to bless and welcome those punished for forgivable crimes back to the folds of the Circle, while purging their sins and absolving them of their crimes.

The majesty of the skies has inspired many a work of art over the years, all striving to the greatness hinted at by Evighet’s tapestry of stars. For us mortals, feet firmly planted on the earth, they represent an ever-shining goal to reach for. For what is life if one doesn’t have purpose? A scattering of priceless, sparkling gems across the heavens more beautiful than any jeweller’s shop, an ocean of jewels for Lady Forstorelse to swim through every night, this is truly a great gift gone largely unappreciated by many.

Yet, this humble sage hopes she has sparked the flame of curiosity in some of her readers to seek answers and tales, or nurture a greater appreciation and wonderment of the heavens, for it is one of the greatest wonders and beauties of the world, and yet there is so much more mystery surrounding it. The constellations listed above are essentially the major ones, but many others shine and gleam in the night sky, bright and faint, all with a tale of their own to share, to those who’d listen. And who knows what lies beyond, far beyond the tapestry of stars?

Yours faithfully,
Solli Dyavens, of Taldara

OOC editor notes:
SPRING – Mar, Apr, May
SUMMER – Jun, Jul, Aug
AUTUMN – Sep, Oct, Nov
WINTER – Dec, Jan, Feb

SUMMER – Jun, Jul
WINTER – Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr

Quick summary:
Jan/Tosma Crown of Kings
Feb/Yrma Snowshoe Hare
Mar/Frihmas Star Eagle
Apr/Faemas Bow of Mist
May/Umas Star Fish
Jun/Mattas Summer’s Summit
Jul/Juilas Paladin’s Blade
Aug/Solas Rose of Queens
Sep/Arras Unicorn
Oct/Adirgas Candleburn
Nov/Logramas Snakeluck
Dec/Varitas Winter’s Ring

There are of course other possible interpretations of the constellations, but this was written with the eye of it being an actual ‘book’, written by a specific aligned sage, so any stuff like evil-cult-rituals is neatly left out of here. Associated gods mean the gods and temples to which the month has special significance to, perhaps meaning a festival or ceremony or two to celebrate some aspect of their god. This is not complete by far, feel free to include other twists, beliefs, your own constellation nicknames or astrological readings, even own constellations, apart from these twelve main ones!

The book was written with the eye of 3-month seasons, so might be a little off at times in terms of Vintermorean seasons and such (festival dates, etc). There’s been some tweaking done to try to make dates align, but there are undoubtably small errors here and there – and if it really really really irks you, mudmail Velyss@WE or send her an email and we’ll see from there. 🙂 And no, it doesn’t totally line up with the current months-of-the-year-and-associated-patrons list on the WE document, but it won’t be a stretch to see how some of them fit in, and put the rest down to cultural variation. 🙂

There are also several IC-character-connections and lots of symbolism and red herrings in the written stuff above, and I have ICly used the info above in roleplaying so feel free to – if you come across anything you’d like to add, whether from a scene or from your own/someone’s character background, give me a yell too. 🙂

Velyss’s player

Document dated: Nov 17 2003.