Kami Watch Over Me (Japan Day 30 – Sunrise Izumo)

Kami Watch Over Me Series - Table of Contents

EntryNotable Places/EventsStart of DayEnd of Day
Day 0 – Thursday, Oct 20 2022 to Friday, Oct 21 2022Flight from Edmonton to TokyoEdmontonTokyo
Day 1 – Saturday, Oct 22 2022Saitama, IkebukuroTokyoTokyo
Day 2 – Sunday, Oct 23 2022Autumn Reitaisai 9, ShinjukuTokyoTokyo
Day 3 – Monday, Oct 24 2022AkihabaraTokyoTokyo
Day 4 – Tuesday, Oct 25 2022HakoneTokyoHakone
Day 5 – Wednesday, Oct 26 2022Kamakura, Enoshima ShrineHakoneKamakura
Day 6 – Thursday, Oct 27 2022HannoKamakuraHanno
Day 7 – Friday, Oct 28 2022ShinkoiwaHannoTokyo
Day 8 – Saturday, Oct 29 2022Akihabara, Matsudo CityTokyoTokyo
Day 9 – Sunday, Oct 30 2022M3-50, Moto-YawataTokyoTokyo
Day 10 – Monday, Oct 31 2022Akasaka, Shimo-Kitazawa, Shibuya HalloweenTokyoTokyo
Day 11 – Tuesday, Nov 01 2022Shinjuku, Sophia UniversityTokyoTokyo
Day 12 – Wednesday, Nov 02 2022Sophia University, KabukichoTokyoTokyo
Day 13 – Thursday, Nov 03 2022Shinjuku LoftTokyoTokyo
Day 14 – Friday, Nov 04 2022Shinjuku, Hanazono/Asakusa Tori no Ichi, SensojiTokyoTokyo
Day 15 – Saturday, Nov 05 2022Nagano, ZenkojiTokyoNagano
Day 16 – Sunday, Nov 06 2022Ueda Sanada Festival, Ueda City, Sanada ShrineNaganoNagano
Day 17 – Monday, Nov 07 2022Zenkoji, Kyoto, Nakagyo WardNaganoKyoto
Day 18 – Tuesday, Nov 08 2022Otsu, Omi JinguKyotoKyoto
Day 19 – Wednesday, Nov 09 2022Fushimi Inari, Kashoji, Tofukuji, ShorinjiKyotoKyoto
Day 20 – Thursday, Nov 10 2022Ohara, Sanzenin, ArashiyamaKyotoKyoto
Day 21 – Friday, Nov 11 2022Kiyomizu, Ryozen Kannon, Yasaka ShrineKyotoKyoto
Day 22 – Saturday, Nov 12 2022Heian Raku Ichi Market, Osaka, JusoKyotoOsaka
Day 23 – Sunday, Nov 13 2022Sukunahikona Shrine, NambaOsakaOsaka
Day 24 – Monday, Nov 14 2022Kobe (with Ran)OsakaOsaka
Day 25 – Tuesday, Nov 15 2022Maibara, Toyosato, NagoyaOsakaNagoya
Day 26 – Wednesday, Nov 16 2022Osu, Banshoji, NakaNagoyaNagoya
Day 27 – Thursday, Nov 17 2022Obara Shikizakura Festival, RurikozanyakushiNagoyaNagoya
Day 28 – Friday, Nov 18 2022Okayama, KurashikiNagoyaKurashiki
Day 29 – Saturday, Nov 19 2022Kyoto (with Xuanjie), Autumn Okayama Momotaro FestivalKurashikiKurashiki
Day 30 – Sunday, Nov 20 2022Okayama, Sunrise IzumoKurashikiSunrise Izumo
Day 31 – Monday, Nov 21 2022Minowa, Enoshima Shrine, Ameyoko MarketSunrise IzumoTokyo
Day 32 – Tuesday, Nov 22 2022Shibuya, Taito CityTokyoTokyo
Day 33 – Wednesday, Nov 23 2022AkihabaraTokyoTokyo
Day 34 – Thursday, Nov 24 2022Shinjuku (with Yaoxiang), HarajukuTokyoTokyo
Day 35 – Friday, Nov 25 2022Sensoji, Narita Airport, Flight from Tokyo to EdmontonTokyoEdmonton
Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts

Sunday, Nov 20 2022 (Day 30)

Before the trip, one of my goals was to sleep somewhere weird for one night. The options included a stylish mountain ryokan somewhere, a straw hut in the middle of nowhere, a train station, a love hotel (okay I sort of did this too), a templle lodging, a capsule hotel, glamping, and even a manga cafe. In the end, though, what I picked was the one single regular overnight night train left in Japan, the Sunrise Izumo/Seto, one train per night going in opposite directions. Sort of. The JR Pass completely covers this only if one picks the cheapest compartment option, so that’s what I did.

I had gone to the Shinjuku Station JR East office a few minutes on Nov 03 before I met Hirotako, and booked my first couple tickets there from Tokyo to Nagano and then Ueno City before I really knew what I was going. At the same time, I had booked a ride on the Sunrise Izumo for the night of Nov 20, from Okayama to Tokyo. I ended up cancelling and rebooking the Nagano and Ueno tickets, but I kept this Sunrise Izumo one, as it apparently can get difficult to book tickets on it as the date for the train ride gets closer, especially for the cheap berths that don’t involve paying extra for a private compartment.

A quick note on this before I lose this memory snippet — it actually was possible to book this from the midori no madoguchi, the automated green shinkansen ticket machines — I had tried that on Nov 02, but the UI was weird and it asked me if I wanted a window or aisle seat or something like that, and in the end I didn’t trust it (because I knew there were no actual “seats”), and that’s why I ended up going to the ticket office. The ticket office gave me Car 5, Seat 4A — A is usually a window seat on a regular shinkansen and here on this train it meant a lower deck compartment. Also, the websites that say these tickets cannot be booked online are supposedly now out of date as JR has supposedly made it possible to book online, through the JR East/West website or whatever, but I didn’t actually try this.

Breakfast in a rural house

A long time before I found myself staring into the abyss of my soul through the midnight train’s window, though, I woke up in Kurashiki in Noriko and Shuji‘s house on last day of my stay there. I had enjoyed my stay there, and eventually written them a guestbook entry and even left them a postcard on the way out. I noticed that they hosted on average about one group of people every week or two weeks, minus a long break during COVID-19.

Breakfast this morning was the same as yesterday’s, a number of small dishes as well as the eggs that I had mentioned I liked the day before, and some vegetables. This time, both Hanako and Taro were there to watch me arrive for my final breakfast.

I was also given some dried persimmons that they had hung outside the house for a few days, that was the first time I had eaten persimmons and I’m not sure that I’ll forget the taste for a long, long time. The taste and texture was interesting. Not terrible, but it felt like I was chewing through wrinkled leather to get to weird juicy bits inside. Probably another case of an acquired taste.

Hanako soon got tired of watching me eat and scratched her claws on a scratching pad before retreating upstairs to my room.

She wouldn’t find Tigey there though, I had brought Tigey down to meet the other animals. Here’s Tigey and Taro.

Taro then ran off to Noriko for cuddles.

I didn’t get a picture of Tigey with Melon, but Tigey definitely touched and got sniffed by the dog, perched in his usual begging spot.

Noriko and Shuji also petted him, then Shuji requested and took a picture of Tigey and me. I noticed that nearly all their guestbook entries had a tiny photograph pasted in them, and guessed that that would become mine.

The three of us chatted for a long time over breakfast, and I learnt that among other things, Shuji‘s English was actually pretty decent too, especially since he had studied abroad in Switzerland, and then did some travelling through Europe with friends. He was just quiet and I think a little hard of hearing. Noriko was enthusiastic about learning English and talking to guests so she did most of the talking these days for practice, as other than that most of her learning came from listening to English radio. She had no formal English education but wanted to learn the language to be able to connect to guests who came to visit.

I retreated upstairs to pack after we wrapped up our conversation, and found Hanako curled up on my blanket again. Tigey wanted to approach and deepen their bond, so I left Tigey next to Hanako, who opened her eyes, eyed him cautiously, and then went back to sleep.

After I was done packing, I went over to the bed to a wary Hanako, and introduced them to each other again. Were they friends now? More than friends?

A smooch! Well, Tigey actually got nibbled on a little bit and one of the threads that make up the left side of his smile (left when I’m looking at him anyway, right side from his point of view) got loosened by Hanako, but close enough. I extricated him, and squished his face until the threads were tight again.

A touch after 10:00 am, I said my goodbyes to my adopted uncle and auntie, and Noriko brought me over to the Hayashima train station, and we said our goodbyes one last time. They were incredibly nice and kind people. Wish I could have spent more time with them. I had noticed that several of the people in the guestbook had liked them so much that they had come back for a second visit. I took one last picture of the desolate rural station and left on the next train.

Lunch in a local haunt

Planning for the overnight Sunrise Izumo was nice and all, but this wasn’t a lodging that I could “check in” to, which meant that I would be stuck with my bags from about 10 am or so, when I checked out of Noriko and Shuji‘s place, to about 10:30 pm or so, when the Sunrise Izumo was slated to arrive. The overnight train ride from Okayama to Tokyo was scheduled for 10:34 pm on the 20th to 7:08 am on the 21st.

I could have checked my bags into the lockers at Okayama Station for about 500 yen for the entire day, and I think the Aeon Mall Okayama next to the station even had lockers, by the toilets, that cost just 100 yen (though I wasn’t sure if they were 100 yen per hour or other time interval, or 100 yen for the day/until mall closing time). At any rate, I hadn’t seen those ones yet at that time, and I was far too stingy and wary of leaving my baggage alone to use the station lockers anyway, so despite telling Noriko that I planned to dump my luggage in the lockers for the day, I decided to lug them around with me instead, even though they were as heavy as stone slabs. The reason for this was that I planned to spend most of the afternoon typing my blog on the laptop anyway, so I only really needed to kill a couple hours until then.

My bright idea to kill a couple hours was to take another local line from Okayama Station southwards, this being the JR Seto-Ohashi Line, which was also free thanks to the JR Pass. I took the train one stop, to Omoto Station, and then began to do one of my favourite things — just wander the neighbourhood. I had to find a washroom first of all, so I wandered south and west ended up using a random park’s toilet, which was again just a hole (squat toilet) in the ground. My second one on this trip.

After that, I wandered further south and drifted east, ending up at a nearby Book-off second hand store which I browsed for a bit to rest my poor hands, even though I ended up buying a couple more CDs to add to my collection of rocks in the bag. I then swung around east and north, until I was northeast of Omoto Station itself.

At that point, I ran into a really interesting scene, a line of locals outside a restaurant called Tanuki-ya.

People say that to find the truly great places to eat at, you need to get away from where the tourists are queued up, and look for where all the locals are queued up. It was nearly 1:00 pm by this point, so what the heck, I played my “I’m often mistaken for a local” card and got in line, too. I knew I was in a little over my head when I saw what the people ahead of me were doing though. They weren’t queued up because the restaurant was full, though it was near full — they were queued up because the first part of ordering a meal was to boil their own noodles in a pot of water.

There wasn’t a lick of English in the shop instructions or menu anywhere, but when it became my turn, I told the woman delivering unboiled noodles to the wooden tray area to the left that it was my first time here and I had no idea what to do. In Japanese. She ahh’d and asked me to pick between cold and hot noodles. I picked hot, and she took a helping of noodles and helped me submerge and cook them in the water. This didn’t take very long at all, though I put down my bag at a table while waiting. She then scooped the noodles out and put them in a bowl, and told me to go pick some side dishes and then pay for it at the cashier in the corner. Cool! I still didn’t know what exactly most of the dishes were, but i just picked things that looked good and then went to pay.

After paying, another male helper cook who was walking by noticed that I wasn’t sure what to do, and helped me fill my bowl of noodles with soup from a tap that was attached to a large, dodgy-looking metal cupboard.

I then added a couple of free toppings, and I was done! 970 yen for my kake udon and sides.

As I had a seat by a bar area near the door, I could continue to watch the procession of locals coming in and cooking their meal and going through the meal building process, and this now made a lot more sense since I had been through it and understood what was being done at every step.

1. Boil noodles.

2. Pick side dishes (and pay).

3. Fill bowl with soup.

4. And add toppings.

Very cool. I had a great meal here, and this also really, really reminded me of the build your own Yong Tau Foo shop that I had been to while in Singapore, detailed in my Singapore Day 8 blog.

After that glorious lunch, I decided for some reason that since Google Maps said Okayama Station was only about a 26 minute walk away, whereas a walk back to Omoto Station and then waiting for the train would take 25 minutes, it would be good exercise and good for my soul to walk back to Okayama Station, even though the ride from Omoto Station to Okayama Station would have been free. With the pace I walk at though, especially weighted down by bags that had to be carried (i.e. no wheels), and especially because I wandered several streets down the wrong direction at one point while staring at butterflies painted on the side of a tall building, it was a little over an hour before I finally stumbled through Aeon Mall Okayama and back into Okayama Station. At least I had plenty of nice pictures for my efforts.

Dinner in an empty mall

I finally reached back to Okayama Station a little bit after 2:30 pm, and here I abused my JR Pass a bit more. The thing about the JR Pass is that it allowed me access into the shinkansen paid area even if I had no actual shinkansen ticket (the Sunrise Izumo was a normal train), and that meant that I could use the waiting lounge there, which not only had less people than the public waiting area in the station, but also contained power outlets. That meant I could, and did, sit down at a table, and start fiddling away on my laptop. I spent five hours or so here and got a nice blogchunk done. Still 4-5 days behind though. Grumble.

Aeon Mall Okayama closes at 9:00 pm, so I left the shinkansen lounge at around 7:30 pm or so, as I wanted to grab some bento boxes for dinner and for breakfast the next morning. Instead of going that way though, I had the bright idea of going the other way and checking out the shopping streets and other mall buildings near the station too. They were all in various shades of closing though, and there was no where that I felt would be a good place to buy food at.

By then, even the Aeon Mall wasn’t that far from closing, so I hurried back to it and went over to its supermarket to grab some discounted bentos. The croquettes here in particular were 50% off, a nice deal, and I saved them for the next morning.

Aeon Mall Okayama was full of public seats, spread out around the 2nd to 6th level (and technically the 7th level rooftop garden too), and i sat down on a bench and table on the 2nd level to eat the other bentos for dinner. I watched the mall slowly empty out around me as I ate, there were a few people walking around enjoying last-minute shopping, and there was a family not far from me with a little boy playing with fire trucks as his mom, dad, and toddler sister watched on, but most of the people had filtered out from the mall by then, a far cry from the crowd that was present on all my previous visits to the mall.

By the time I was done my food, found a dustbin to throw my empty boxes away, and an open washroom to wash my hands in (several washrooms and even escalators were closed by then), it was 9:15 pm and the mall was virtually empty, and it was such a liminal feeling to (briefly) walk around and gawk at the silence and serenity around me, as I passed across the mall’s ground floor, picked up a few school brochures I noticed as souvenirs, and went down into the underground walkway connecting the mall with Okayama Station.

Sleeping in the midnight train

The Sunrise Izumo/Seto arrives at Okayama Station on platform 4 every night. It doesn’t actually say this anywhere public that I saw, although the station attendants certainly knew when I asked them, and the one in the booth had a chart he showed me as well.

There’s two different names for the train, the Sunrise Izumo and the Sunrise Seto, despite there only being one train every night that goes each way. The reason for this is that something special and unique happens at Okayama Station — west of Okayama, the train exists as two separate trains, 7 carriages long each, split between and going along two different train routes, whereas east of Okayama, they share the same line.

At Okayama, when heading west, the 14-carriage train is decoupled and split into two. When heading east, like I was, the two 7-carriage trains are connected together into a 14-carriage one. The front 7 going east (numbered 8-14) make up the Sunrise Seto, the back 7 (even though they’re numbered carriages 1 to 7) are the Sunrise Izumo. This was the third and final reason that I had picked Okayama to come to — I wanted to specifically take the Sunrise Izumo from this station and witness the joining of the trains.

I went up to the platform at around 9:30 pm to sit down on the waiting chairs, as I didn’t want to risk falling asleep in the lounge waiting room or something and missing my train. There were several people seated near me, and I assumed they were also waiting for the same train as me, but most of them left for a 10 pm train or so on Platform 3. Train stations in Japan don’t really operate after 1:00 am or so and before 4:30 am or so, but even by 10 pm the stations was pretty quiet, and many of the trains arriving at the station were accompanied by an announcement that the train was at the end of its route and people were not to board it.

Sometime around 10:00 pm or so, there was an announcement that the Sunrise Express (a name for the combined train) would be about 15 minutes late. Ooh, that was intriguing. It also started drizzling — I still had faced next to no rain at all on my entire trip thus far, and it was funny that it was now drizzling once I was in the safety of the train station.

The first half/front half of the train, the Sunrise Seto, arrived right on cue, at 10:30 pm. I took a picture of it coming in, then followed it to where it had stopped, to see a small crowd of people, about a dozen or so people, eagerly awaiting and filming the workers as they opened the back of the train and prepared it for the coupling process. It was also interesting how low the lower windows were compared to the platform, and how clearly I could see into the compartment if the blinds were not closed — this perspective is important to remember for later once I was in my own compartment.

i also noticed that there were a couple photographers on the opposite side of the platform, recording the train’s movements. They obviously weren’t even here to take the train, they were just fans of the train system in Japan who had travelled all the way here to catalog and archive this. And maybe they did this every night, or maybe I just happened to chance upon them doing this this one night.

Everyone waited around eagerly for the Sunrise Izumo to arrive. I idly wondered what would have happened if the Izumo were the one to arrive early, since it had to be coupled behind the other train. Would the train have had to idle along an earlier section of track in the middle of nowhere until the Seto passed it? Hmm. i remarked in my main Discord server that this was the one time in my life that I could say that half my train was late. This seemed to flummox an early morning Kynji.

Finally, at 10:50 pm, the Sunrise Izumo portion of the train rolled in. Everyone watched intently as the train was connected together. The one train worker in charge of it opened the front of the train, climbed up to the driver’s seat, and then guided the two halves near to each other, at which point they were joined together, with a tubular train section forming a walkway between the two halves.

It was super neat! I even noticed someone inside the train recording how the process looks like from inside (specifically, whoever was smart enough to book the back cabin of Carriage 7, which was the frontmost cabin of the Sunrise Izumo, right next to the part of the train that was being connected to the Seto, when the train was travelling east).

Once they were more or less joined together, I split from the group and went back toward the boarding point for Carriage 5, which was the only carriage for the nobinobi compartments on the Sunrise Izumo. The Seto had one carriage for this as well, in Carriage 12. The nobinobi compartments are the cheap (and free with JR Pass) tatami mat ones, basically economy class, and this page lists more detail on pretty much every aspect on how this train runs, from the layout to the price differential to what the JR Pass covers and does not cover. It also provides pictures, though my blog does as well.

This is what my compartment looked like:

And the view from the compartment itself looking out:

It was basically a capsule hotel room without walls, though there was a divider between compartments around the head area. There was basically no talking or interaction whatsoever between strangers, but some people obviously knew each other and whispered to each other now and then. While a little cramped, there was also nothing preventing people from leaving the compartment and walking around to stretch their legs. and being able to stretch my legs out to maximum length within the compartment made it a lot more bearable than it might seem from a glance.

The compartments came with a random and very pointless paper cup, and two pieces of cloth, one long one meant as a floor cover, and a short one meant for.. I guess to put over one’s eyes when sleeping or something. I’m not sure. But the compartments did not come with water, towels, pillows, toiletries of any kind, a blanket, or anything like that, so people had brought their own things to sleep on. The compartments also had no power sockets, although there was one in the corridor just outside my compartment. I saw someone else plug their phone into it and then take it out when done.

Out of the people trying to sleep around me, the person on my right was a guy, but the three people to my left as well as the person above me were all females, and I did note that a couple of the females came back from showers with their own toiletry sets. I was aware that the train didn’t provide a towel, and had only a limited number of shower cards that could be bought (for 300 yen, I believe), so I didn’t go for one of those cards since I did not have a towel myself.

This was also the first train thus far where the conductor actually came along, peered into my compartment, and asked to see my ticket. He took it and stamped it before returning it to me. In all my previous trips, the conductor had done seat checks while walking through the shikansen or limited express train I was on, but had not specifically asked to check anyone’s tickets.

Also, I had planned to use my bag or some of my clothes for my pillow, but what really worked for me in the end was the random sweater that I had bought in Kyoto on Day 21. It was a little bulky, but was light, and so made a nice pillow when I scrunched and fluffed it up.

I didn’t go to bed right away though. I spent the first hour and a half curled up by the window, propping myself against the two head frames and wedging myself parallel to the direction that the train was moving in. This picture is hard to make sense of, but it’s me leaning back against one compartment head barrier, and facing the other one across from me, with the window on my right.

I placed Tigey down on the window sill and the both of us watched the night scenery and the empty train stations speeding by. This part of the trip was awesome. I loved seeing the empty stations fly by, and imagined seeing dangerous zombies and mysterious youkai on the outside from the safety of my cabin as we flew by darkened countrysides and lonely towns and cities.

I believe these four pictures are from the vicinity of Kamigori Station, which we passed at 11:33 pm (so probably 15 minutes earlier than that on a normal night without delayed trains).

The compartment floor was rather uncomfortable, since it was solid carpet, and the train rocking gently didn’t really help either, but I did manage to fall asleep now and then, occasionally resurfacing to the land of the living to check where we were. We had three more stops after Okayama Station before the train moved into express mode, and the guy to my right left the train at some point around then, since he was not there when I woke up and strolled around the train the next morning before the first morning stop (Shizuoka Station). It was most likely Osaka Station between 12:30 am and 1:00 am, and I must have had dozed off by then because I don’t remember the stop and never heard/felt him leave. With the exception of the very last stop, Tokyo Station, there were no train announcements for stops or anything like that, the train would just pull to a stop, wait for a couple of minutes, and then start up along its way again.

We passed Maibara Station at 2:01 am, and that was a nostalgic blast from the past, since I had been there just five days earlier. We passed Hamamatsu Station at 4:00 am on the dot, that being the only station that the Sunrise Express going East to West stops at, but the one going West to East doesn’t stop at, according to the external link I added earlier. We passed Numazu Station at 5:29 am, Hiratsuka Station at 6:22 am, Chigasaki Station at 6:26 am, and finally arrived at Tokyo Station at 7:08 am, right on schedule. Somehow, somewhere along the way, the Sunrise Express train had made up all the 15 minutes that it was behind schedule for. Here’s us passing by Hiratsuka Station.

I left Tigey on the window sill all night, so he would have been both gazing out at the world and the stations even when I was asleep, as well as have been quite visible to anyone that happened to be looking at the train going by. I didn’t pack him up until we were approaching Tokyo Station. Although there probably wasn’t much action during the night, we definitely stopped at a couple of stations overnight before moving into express mode, and also passed by several stations with people on it in the morning and trains going in the opposite direction before Tokyo. We even passed some trains going in the same direction as we were, so Tigey had more time to stare at the people in the other train through the window. A man in a business suit waved at our train from his train at one point, but I was not quick enough to wave back before the moment was over.

Anyway, this was a very tiring experience, but a very interesting one as well. I probably never want to take the nobinobi compartment again though without specifically bringing gear to make it more comfortable. A compartment would have been better in theory, but I’m not really sure. The train was rocking way too much to use a laptop, I would have become sick from motion sickness really quickly, so the lack of a power plug wasn’t really a concern for me. Even just walking through all seven carriages, and then bringing my croquettes to the lounge area to consume them, gave me a headache from the rocking of the train, though I managed to get over it without incident.

Finally, here’s an unannotated gallery of pictures of the train that I took as I walked through it, after I woke up and before breakfast. I walked from Carriage 5 to 1, then back to 5, then the other way to 7, back to 3 to take pictures of the other washroom that I had missed, then back to 5 to get food, and then finally back to 3 to eat at the lounge there. At carriage 7, I looked at the connection to the other half of the train, but did not cross the train connector tube to get there.

Shinkansen Running Total

I have a 21-day JR Pass that kicked in on Nov 05 and should last until the end of my trip on Nov 25. It cost $568 CAD, which cost around 61,769.08 yen, as per Google as of the first writing of this section. So I was curious and wanted to keep a running total — was this thing actually worth it?

That’s what I hope to find out with this section. For the full explanation blurb on this, check this corresponding section of the Day 15 blog post.


ට  Nov 05 2022 – Asama 611 (Tokyo to Nagano) – U: 7810, R: 8340
ට  Nov 06 2022 – Hakutaka 556 (Nagano to Ueda) – U: 1470, R: 2790
ට  Nov 06 2022 – Asama 615 (Ueda to Nagano) – U: 1470, R: 2790
ට  Nov 07 2022 – Kagayaki 509 (Nagano to Kanazawa) – 8920 (reserved seats only)
ට  Nov 07 2022 – Thunderbird 24 (Kanazawa to Kyoto) – U: 6490, R: 6820
ට  Nov 08 2022 – JR Kosei Line (Kyoto to Otsukyo) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 08 2022 – JR Kosei Line (Otsukyo to Kyoto) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 08 2022 – JR Nara Line (Kyoto to Inari) – 150 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 08 2022 – JR Nara Line (Inari to Kyoto) – 150 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 09 2022 – JR Nara Line (Tofukuji to Kyoto) – 150 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 10 2022 – JR Sanin/Sagano Line (Saga-Arashiyama to Kyoto) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 12 2022 – Super Hakuto 7 (Kyoto to Osaka) – U: 1230, R: 1760
ට  Nov 15 2022 – Kodama 720 (Shin-Osaka to Maibara) – U: 4510, R: 4840
ට  Nov 15 2022 – Kodama 748 (Maibara to Nagoya) – U: 3100, R: 3430
ට  Nov 18 2022 – Hikari 505 (Nagoya to Okayama) – U: 10550, R: 11080
ට  Nov 18 2022 – JR Marine Liner 45 (Okayama to Chayamachi) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 19 2022 – JR Marine Liner 17 (Hayashima to Okayama) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 19 2022 – Hikari 574 (Okayama to Shin-Kobe) – U: 5170, R: 5700
ට  Nov 19 2022 – Hikari 504 (Shin-Kobe to Kyoto) – U: 2860, R: 3390
ට  Nov 19 2022 – Hikari 509 (Kyoto to Okayama) – U: 7140, R: 7670
ට  Nov 19 2022 – JR Marine Liner 51 (Okayama to Hayashima) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 20 2022 – JR Marine Liner 20 (Hayashima to Okayama) – 240 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 20 2022 – JR Seto/Ohashi Line (Okayama to Omoto) – 150 (unreserved seats only)
ට  Nov 20 2022 – Sunrise-Izumo (Okayama to Tokyo) – 13970 (reserved seats only)

Running Total

Unreserved: 76,970 yen
Reserved: 83,780 yen

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Kami Watch Over Me (Japan Day 29)

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Kami Watch Over Me (Japan Day 31)

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