My Diary #175

Dear Tigey,


Entry #175 (Jan 26 2025)

Table of Contents

Silence is…
ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #170
ට  Song of the Week #147
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #154
ට  Dreams


I came back from the Chinese New Year family dinner on Saturday, had some nasi biryani that they sent back home with me on Sunday evening, and then…

Monday morning, like very early morning before I was scheduled to wake up, I woke up to use the toilet, and I felt a sharp, burning sensation in my throat. Uhoh. I took some Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, a very popular Chinese medicine which apparently even has its own Wikipedia page. That part about it being marketed in Singapore under a different name is wrong or at least misleading though. Maybe in the local Malaysian community because the countries are near. But otherwise they use the normal Cantonese name too.

Anyway, it’s a tasty, peppermint syrup that I like quite a bit and that is used for coughs and sore throats and such. And the funny thing is, I had bought a bottle a long time ago and had just ruefully thought about it a couple weeks ago, noting that I had not used it at all since I barely ever get sick. I wondered what the expiry date on it was. Well, I got to find out this week, and I saw that it was March 2025. How uh, fortunate?

I took a bit of that and went back to bed. By the time I woke up on Monday morning, most of the pain in my throat was gone, though there was a remaining dull ache. But it did hurt a bit to speak and it seemed like I had chills and a slight fever coming on. I did not take the day off work though, partly because the Monday meetings were cancelled anyway so all I had to do was normal tickets and such. I did so, under the strong influence of my space heater and between fitful naps. I even streamed just fine.

On Tuesday, when I woke up, my chills and/or fever were mostly gone, but I now had a stuffed throat, like my voice was weak and there was phlegm stuck in my throat or something. I could still speak though, but since I obviously had some sort of bug and I still was feeling a bit chilly, I did not end up going to the University free lunch that I had been bellyaching about not getting a calendar invite to (despite signing up for it) for the last couple weeks, before finally noting that I had been stealthed invited to it. Instead, I took the day off and went to bed, and woke up again later in the early afternoon feeling great. No more chills, and just a slight tremor in the voice still. All good now right?

On Wednesday though, it kind of went the other way. Again, I more or less felt fine in terms of energy and body temperature, but my voice was shaky and it felt like there was liquid stuck in my throat. Very irritating. I did end up streaming again, but barely, and I had to put some Pei Pa Koa by my water flask on my desk so that I could take a mouthful halfway through.

And by the time Thursday and Friday rolled around, I had completely lost my voice. This was so annoying, as that meant I couldn’t speak in team meetings, couldn’t stream my game in the evening, and was coughing up a storm both days and nights trying to dislodge the rubbish in my throat. (And yes, I’m aware that this probably aggravates the problem.) I was fit as a fiddle otherwise, and even went out to the grocery store to do some shopping in a short-sleeved blouse and regular skirt with no special winter gear because the temperature had risen to 2°C, which was warmer than it was in Jah‘s area. Apparently it was snowing in New Orleans and Mississippi, which never happens!

I actually even had woken up early Friday morning to use the bathroom and tested my voice then, and it was better than on Thursday and only a bit raspy, so I had hope that the ordeal was nearly over and I could hack and spit out the remaining offenders, but no — by the time I went back to bed and got up again, I had no more voice at all, and it remained like that for most of the day. How disappointing. Even Saturday was a bust as well, though by this point I had resolved to try not to cough and hack out any hairballs except the ones that came out naturally.

On the er.. bright side, with so much time resting, my left eye is perfectly fine again now. And I’ve drank a lot of tea over the past few days. Funny enough, the last time I contracted laryngitis was when I was at Kel‘s place in Guangzhou, and she fed me some yucky herbal tea at that point — she also gave me a couple of those packets to bring home though, and now that I have laryngitis again I had that tea as well. I had forgotten how much like fresh grass the tea tastes like. Thankfully I have honey here and that made the tea a lot more bearable. The tea packets are not labelled so I’m not sure what brand it actually is — I think it’s the Ganmaoling granules from the Bad section of the Tigey‘s Tea Tasters Guild list but the Google pictures I see of the granules are different, and these ones come in teabags whereas the ones I see come in loose form. Kel might have packed the teabags for me though. This is a picture I took so I have a reference for the future when I quiz Kel on what tea this was.

Outside of laryngitis throat news, I received a notice that I was wondering if I would receive — the current lease on my apartment ends April 30 2025, but it had been a special sweetheart deal due to being the person who resolved the noise conflict with a slightly cheaper rent more comparable to what I was paying before — I am paying $1,329 a month but had the option to break it at any point without penalty, even though they had given me the 1-year price instead of the month-to-month price, which was $100 higher. But I had been clear that I was house-hunting and would be out once I found a house. So due to that, I wasn’t sure if they would even give me an offer to renew my lease if I was here, but they did, on a notice entitled “Notice of Rental Increase”!

The price they quoted me was a 12-month lease for $1,329.00 though, but that is the exact same price as I am paying now anyway. So where’s the rental increase exactly? I guess the only difference is they probably won’t give me that price unless I lock in for 12 months, and I’d rather lock in for 6 months at most, if not go month-to-month entirely, which is usually $50 per month and $100 per month more respectively. But that’s always been the same numbers. Anyway I still am holding out hope that I can find a house to buy before the renewal needs to be signed, but at least the prices are not too exorbitant if I have to re-up the contract, so I won’t feel too pressured to buy a house now “or else”. I was actually expecting the price to jump to near the $1,400, maybe $1,450, maybe even $1,500 range as rental prices have been shooting up over the past couple years, before adjustments due to contract length. Thankfully it isn’t anywhere near that.

My Dad also (thankfully) had second thoughts about going down to Singapore in March, since that didn’t fit my timelines at all, but now he doesn’t want to go at all due to concerns about how bad the travel might be for his body. I keep telling him that now is the best time he will ever have left to visit our home country though, compared to any point in the future as his body (and eyesight, and mind, etc) keeps breaking down from old age. We’ll see if we end up going at some point or not.

My only sky pictures this week are from Thursday, the 23rd, because there was a cloud of… what seemed to be hail or some barely frozen snow sweeping across the land in waves, north to south, like a swarm of nanobots. The temperature was around freezing at this point so the snow hail didn’t last long, but it created some weird low visibility sky shots as people below ran for cover. Here’s what I mean. This was at 4:59 pm on Thu, Jan 23:

And then nine minutes after, at 5:08 pm, once the apocalypse had passed:

It was like a snow/hail version of a sandstorm swept in and then swept back out, leaving a swathe of lightly melting snow in its wake.


I didn’t play much CrossCode this week on stream due to losing my voice, and I still feel like I’m about a full week from finishing the game, even though I said that last week as well. I’m a little into the last main zone now, and the last main dungeon is in there somewhere, but I believe that there is still a DLC dungeon after the one I am in and each one generally seems to take around a full stream day (3 hours) to do for the first time. Oh well. We shall finish it soon.

The funny thing is if I stop my streaming now, I will probably get Twitch affiliate at around Feb 14 or so, possibly earlier, since my older streams with less viewers will drop off and I’ll hit an average of 3.0 viewers for “all streams in the past month” at some point by just letting my older streams drop out of that time period criteria, while still having enough streams in the pocket to meet the “7 total days/8 total hours” minimum. But if I stream and I get a few days of bad viewerships in a row, I might lose this. Oh no, I feel a sudden onset of extended explosive laryngitis.

Anyway, to fill up the stream nights where I wasn’t streaming, I roped Satinel into playing some older co-op games with me. We played Streets of Rogue and Ravenswatch, completing a full run of the former on Thursday and finally defeating the first boss of the latter a few times on Friday and Saturday. We also threw on custom mode and finished the entire game to see what it was like, although we learned after that that that disabled achievements.

I didn’t really feel like playing much of my own games later on in the week, but earlier in the week I split my time between that Gate to Sovngarde (local) collection from Skyrim, and a bit of Vintage Story (local) on a community server, both of which I’ve mentioned in previous weeks’ posts.

That Skyrim playthrough is funny because they warn not to do Bleak Falls Barrow, the first dungeon in the game, too early because your character wouldn’t be powered up enough yet, but I’ve done it so many dozens of times and under so many modpacks by this point that it was nowhere near the most difficult version of the dungeon that I’ve ever played. That being said, I did appreciate them adding new tunnels and alternate routes through the dungeon.

I wanted to get into the Vintage Story server after the reset but GPortal (local), the host that Killadrix was using, apparently has awful support and our server has been down for over a week now. Someone in the community set up a personal server, which was the one I hopped on and messed around a bit in, but it’s hard to feel invested on a server when I am not certain if that’s going to be the one we’re going to stick with or not.

On Saturday night, I found and bought The Leviathan’s Fantasy, a Chinese-themed game with shoddy English translations even with ChatGPT usage, but one which I had seen other indie game reviewers that I follow and like, Splattercatgaming and Nookrium, review in the past. It’s a Chinese-themed god game where you set up and manage a town of adventurers and there’s apparently some Taoist immortality cultivation themes mixed in there too, and has themes of the Majesty game series (which I have never played) and some Kairosoft management sim mobile games (I have tried one or two of these).

I’ve been looking for an “adventuring guild managerment” sim for quite a while though, with some duds (to me so far anyway) like Our Adventurer Guild. This specific game used to be on Steam earlier, but allegedly the publisher then got delisted on Steam (eithe due to some asset pack controversy or for buying reviews, depending on which random person’s review you look at), so I had thought that the game was gone as it left a hole in my wishlist, but it looked like the dev studio ended up splitting from the publisher and relisting it on their own so they could continue pushing updates and stuff since they had lost control of their old page.

It also was on sale in a very weird way, with the base game and DLCs all at full price but with a custom bundle containing the main game and one DLC set at 72% off, at which point it was basically the same as purchasing the DLC at full price and getting the base game for free, so I picked that one up. It also has confusing name, with it being known as The Leviathan’s Fantasy in some places and Celestial City Fantasy in others.

Plushie of the Week #170

I alluded to this last week, but I picked up a new plushie last week on my way to the parents’ place. This was yet another Squishmallow plushie from Indigo Southgate, where they have a shelf out by the front of the store with stuff that was on sale, and where I’ve noticed random or seasonal Squishmallows sometimes end up. On that day, Jan 18 2025, there were a bunch of Armie the Cow plushies begging for a good home from those shelves, so being the Good Samaritan that I am, I adopted one for what apparently was half its normal price, $7.50 CAD (discounted by $7.49). And I received 38 Plum Points for it too, whatever that store rewards currency does.

Armie (no doubt short for Armold) is apparently a train-obsessed plushie, which fits my real life personality well too, since I also love trains and am fascinated with them. He went into my bag with Tigey and ended up going to the family home for several hours before he finally came home and met my other plushies. And while he was at the family home, he ended up being fawned over by both Jon and his girlfriend who were there, as well as being introduced to Kel over a video call. Much better than sitting on a store shelf, yes?



Tag 1 front:

Tag 1 inner:

Tag 1 back:

Tag 2 front:

Tag 3 front:

Armie being indoctrinated by the other Squishmallows, Opal, Starmiya, Major, and Gertrude:

And as a bonus picture, here’s a caricature of Armie that Jon‘s girlfriend drew on his car window on the way home:

Note that the circled smileyface in the middle is not actually Armie’s face — that’s his nose! I did not initially notice it until Jon or his girlfriend pointed it out in the apartment, but looking at his nose in the above pictures, that by itself looks like a smileyface, yes? And the plushie doesn’t actually have a visible mouth. The eyes of the plushie on the frosted car window (this was the coldest day of the month) are actually above and to the side of the smileyface nose. In particular, one eye can be easily seen highlighted in the top right by scattered yellow light of the sputtering street lamp behind behind. The top left eye is less obvious but is there.

Like Gertrude, this particular version of Armie is also a variation of an earlier version, there’s apparently a well-maintained Squishmallow wiki that I should really be linking and preserving for all my Squishmallow plushies. Which I have now gone back and done, an hour or so after I originally typed that out, due to distractions, tea, and also doing the ones for the McDonalds Happy Meal Squishmallows. Anyway, here’s the one for Armie the (Highland) Cow (local).

I’m thinking I might formally start to spend some time and money looking for cheap, cute, and well-maintained Squishmallows to start to collect. Both on second-hand sites as well as in the two or three stores in Southgate that collect them. And maybe other stores as I traipse around the city and world. They are very adorable and there are always some on sale.

Song of the Week #147

Title: The Bund
Artist: Frances Yip
Album: Shanghai Tan (1980)

The Bund, also known as Shanghai Tan (上海灘) or Shanghai Beach, is apparently far and away the most popular and recognizable song by Frances Yip, at least in the Western world. This was probably true in Singapore as well, since I had no idea who she was, but I definitely recognized this song when I heard it a few weeks ago. The song itself is the titular song of a Chinese TV gangster period drama of the same name from 1980, though again it’s a show I had never watched.

Although it had been a song lost to me for years, I heard it on the stream of one of the IRL Twitch streamers that I occasionally watch, GeezGiselle, as she wandered around, well, Shanghai. She stopped and said that she recognized the song, though she either hadn’t heard it for ages or didn’t know its name since it had been so long, and I had a similar reaction to her as well as it brought back memories of home. I don’t have any specific memories of it though, it’s just a nice song in general and reminds me of the old kitchen radios we had in Singapore. Also, the song is in Cantonese, which I don’t understand, so I attached (and saved) another video version of the song with lyric translations as well.

Memory Snippet of the Week #154

Back in 2002/2003, we hosted two exchange students from Singapore in our Edmonton 4012 house. Their names were Kah Mun and Lynnette/Li Yun, and they stayed in the spare room next to the family room that was, elevation-wise, halfway between the ground floor and the basement. I don’t know what that floor level is normally called. Anyway, the two Chinese girls were University of Alberta students, as was I, and I’m not sure how Dad managed to swing that deal with the University to be a host family for them but he did so, and Dad would give me and both of them a ride to school in winter in the mornings. In the afternoons or evenings, I think they’d make their own way home, and then spend their evenings in the room doing their homework and such.

I know they came out to socialize with us sometimes too, though I was usually up in the main hall doing stuff on my computer, so I never spent much time with them personally. They spent most of their socializing time in the family room with the parents. I also don’t recall for sure if we gave them dinner as part of the deal, though I believe we did, they just ate separately from us kids. Would need to ask Mom at some point to confirm this though.

They were only there for a semester, and they were super nice, but it definitely threw off me and my siblings’ rhythm and sense of freedom in the house since it was like we had permanent guests staying there. We couldn’t play weird games or be too boisterously loud, for example. It did make us siblings bond a bit more though, things like all three of us hanging out at night in Jon and Kel‘s room playing with plushies before Jon and Kel went to bed because Kah Mun and Lynnette never really went upstairs. On the flip side though, it was also nice having a link to Singapore since it had only been a couple years since we moved here and I at least was definitely still missing my home country.

Anyway, while I don’t remember too much about them and even my mental images of them are very dim (in particular I often mix up Kah Mun for Kaman, a McNally colleague), but the main reason I wanted to feature them is that I recently also found postcards from their time here that they had signed and given us before they left! And that was a good throwback to the time that their lives intertwined with us, as well as a good indicator on when this happened, since all their cards were nicely dated too. How great of them!

This first card is from Kah Mun, Li Yun, and Siti — and we’re not actually sure who Siti is, but we think it was another Indian exchange student from Singapore who was not living with us but got a ride to the University now and then. Even Mom and Dad weren’t completely sure though.

Our names have been blurred out but not theirs! Anyway, this is a card that they gave us just before they left, so it’s nice that they were all signed off with dates, which puts the end of their stay here to be April 2003, the end of the Winter 2003 semester.

Lynnette also gave us this next card a couple of days later, though it’s interesting that she signed off her name differently and her handwriting is different as well. She couldn’t have been anyone else but Li Yun as well though, since we know the two people staying with us were Kah Mun and Lynnette, and there was no reason she would not have signed the first card as well. This one confirms that they were only here for one semester though, since we know that they came and left at the same time, so Winter 2003 would have been the entirety of their time here.

The last one we have apparently has no notable front, since I didn’t take a picture of it, but it’s a longer card that Kah Mun sent us a few years after, in 2007, updating us on her life now.

The comment about the small Chinese calendars made me smile. So that’s who sent those little red things to us.

This was pre-transition for me, and so there’s probably not much reason for me to try to find and reach out to either of them even on behalf of my parents, as they’ve long since drifted off in the 20 years since then, especially since I don’t remember either of their surnames, but I’ve certainly thought about it. Maybe one of them will stumble upon the blog some day.

Jan 20 2025

Dream 1

  • There was a puzzle where I was inside a small area, looking down on myself from a top-down perspective as though I were in a video game. Which I probably was. The area was enclosed with fences, and the ground inside the fenced-in area had three height elevations, with about ten or so poles in all to activate inside the enclosed area.
  • I could activate all these poles at once if I were “charged”, but I could not charge myself and needed a friend from the outside to hit me with a charged ball, which could pass over the fence, in order for me to radiate static energy and tag all the poles. However, the challenge was that if the friend’s charged ball were to hit just one pole, it would dissipate the power and only that pole would become charged for a brief second, and then uncharge right after that as nothing else was charged.
  • Therefore, we were trying to find the best location for the both of us that would allow my friend to hit me with the ball without hitting any of the other poles.
  • Snippet: I also remember a scene somewhere outside of this “game” where I had taken a bite, then had offered Mom another bite of a small, cooked cricket that was inside a larger dish, to reassure her that the way I was going to use it as an ingredient was safe. She accepted the bite and agreed that it was both tasty and safe. I brought up the fact that we had apparently eaten fried ants in the past as well and it wasn’t all too different from that.
  • Snippet: There was also a hockey match that I was playing in, alongside Connor McDavid and a few other skaters. There was a large, oblong concrete island in the middle of the ice that we had to skate around, and we were up 1-0 with minutes left in the game but the opponent only had one skater besides the goalie left on the ice. Connor McDavid tried to fill our own net with gloves and other hockey player accessories that were strewn around the ice, left there from the people who had left the game, so that it would be easier to clean up afterwards. He ended up being named the third star of the game, while the opposing goalie was the 2nd star, and the opposing team’s last remaining skater was the 1st star even though he didn’t end up scoring.

Dream 2

  • It was late at night in a foreign country where we were living, I had my mattress up on a bedframe against the wall and had a bunch of storage boxes underneath it. There was a window on my right and a door on my left and my two siblings were with me as I entered the room with two hoses.
  • We were trying to hunt down two spiders, a smaller wolf spider about the size of an orange and a larger other spider breed about twice that diameter, that were crawling around on the walls. We didn’t want to get near them, so I handed one hose to Kel and Jon and used the other while we tried to spray them from afar. We eventually got one spider, the larger one, that simply died and faded or was washed away.
  • The other spider proved very elusive and resilient, however, and although we nailed it several times, it was difficult to actually kill it and it ended up crawling around the far wall and ceiling, up on a cupboard, on my mattress, on the boxes beneath my bed, and because it was a light brown, it was difficult to see in the light of the phone that Jon eventually brought out, and a lot of time was spent peering in the semi-darkness for it while also chatting with each other.
  • I was annoyed that we could not get to sleep that night, as I glanced at the clock about halfway through the dream and saw that it was already 4am, but we didn’t dare sleep with the spiders still around. We even managed to get the wolf spider into what looked like a dead position under the bed at one point, lying on its back with curled legs in the air, but somehow it inverted itself and made its escape.
  • Things were happening around us as we did this too. Two men came in and started taking out the boxes from under my bed, apparently this was because we were moving off to some other house the next day. They did not seem to be concerned about the spiders or the water. Also, Jon left partway through to cook a breakfast meal for Mom and Dad, who were apaprently celebrating their marriage anniversary that day.
  • The hose I was using was like a shower hose, with a setting that sprinkled water everywhere and several that concentrated the water into more of a jet. At one point, I sprinkled the walls and immediately saw a bunch of hidden creatures come to life, crawling out from hidey holes and forming three different curved lines on the wall itself as they headed toward the window and out of the room. I realized that they were doing this because the water sprinkle fooled them into thinking that it was spring, and they were almost certainly headed to a bad time outside since it was still the middle of winter.
  • Although there were about 20 or so creatures amongst the three lines, each line containing 7 to 9 of them, only four of the creatures were actually spiders, and none of them were our wolf spider nemesis. I did suck one of the spiders up with a vacuum cleaner hose before realizing what was happening and letting the others leave of their own accord. The most exotic animal was a small elephant, about the size of a loaf of bread, who like the other creatures was walking sideways on the wall with their body parallel to the ground. It led one of the three conga lines, and I could not find my phone so I grabbed an actual camera and took a hasty and slightly blurry picture of it as it reached the window.
Jan 21 2025
  • Snippet: I was either playing a game with levels, or doing work assignments, and in between levels or assignments there was a lobby that was represented by a large, flat concrete surface with no walls. The system was perfectly calculated so that there were just enough assignments of quests to do in an alloted time, but I learnt that I could throw the numbers off by chipping away at some filler tasks between levels or assignments, when we were back at the lobby. These filler task were represented by a small, round rock that I literally chipped away at. This caused a discrepancy in the remaining time which increased over time, which I considered to be a positive thing, though I don’t remember why.
  • Snippet: I was on a train and calculating the amount of time needed to complete a journey somewhere, and I concluded that it would take 12 years to get to where I wanted to go.
  • Snippet: I was playing an MMO, and a girl with a high-level character took me and another guy to the edge of a pond with lots of bouncing slimes and told us to level there. The MMO was in first-person view when we were walking to the pond, top-down view when we were actually hitting the slimes, and then there were minigames in the pond that took us to a side-view screen. One of those minigames involved protecting seashells on the right side of the screen against fish that entered from the left side of the screen and tried to get to them, and another involved a group of fish, led by a shark, chasing me around and trying to eat me. I failed at both minigames.
Jan 22 2025
  • Snippet: I watched a streamer make their way through most of an rpg, which had realistic graphics with stone pillars that could be dragged around. He could ricochet a ball between blocks and connect blocks together to move them around, but he discovered that it worked a lot better if he used his bolster as neck support while lying down on the bed before getting into the game. This put them into the game at a slightly higher elevation, and allows them to bounce the ball off of the tops of the movable blocks, which were higher than other blocks. They then proceeded to solve lots of problems and got a lot of building done using this shortcut.
  • Snippet: I was in a room with friends but stepped out of the room to try to defeat a dog that I had seen lurking across the road, either for food or to protect the colony that I was part of. While I was some distance away, I knew that I could hit it with a grenade if I aimed correctly because it was just within my maximum range. And due to the distance, I was outside of its visual range. I wound my arm back and threw the grenade accurately, and was proud at that, but the grenade I threw was just a smoke grenade, which was a good thing because the dog picked up the grenade and ran over to its owner nearby, proving that it wasn’t a stray or threatening dog to begin with. The owner looked suspiciously around, and I made myself scarce, returning to the room where my friends were being debriefed by a teacher.
Jan 23 2025
  • Snippet: I was the leader of a motorcycle race group, about 6 of us or so, racing against other groups of around 6. We travelled together, and I set the course by cutting corners, aiming angles etc to save a second here and there while we travelled. It felt like I was good friends with the rest of my group and I enjoyed that.
  • Snippet: I looked down from the window of a tall apartment in Singapore, at an exercise race that students dressed in their PE outfits were taking part in. There was a long line of students stretching along the street, but the line kept on elongating and shrinking because the students also had tasks to do at various points in the route, things like running on the spot for a few seconds. After a bit, I looked away from the window and at Dad, who was next to me. We were trying to apply for something, possibly to migrate away, and would soon know the outcome of our application, but we weren’t sure if we would be accepted since it wasn’t quite 2 years yet since he left the army.
  • Snippet: I logged into an old MMO that we had not played for some time, and saw a white, rectangular plaque in our guild hall listing all our raid characters from when me and my friends were still active in the game. My character name, Shiara., was at the end of the list, though I wasn’t sure why there was a period after my name when none of the other characters had it.
Jan 24 2025
  • There was a hurricane coming while we were on vacation in Australia, so the family and I took shelter at an underground bunker below a row of city shops. We found a spot near the back of the shelter and I unpacked my stuffed animals from a backpack onto a picnic sheet on the ground.
  • I then left the family area to join a line for some lesson with a teacher. As the hurricane approached, I had to borrow someone else’s cell phone and send a text to Kel asking her to pack up the animals just in case we had to relocate quickly. The teacher seemed to be annoyed that I was also talking but I was also helping people line up in the right order and such, so I didn’t care what he thought.
  • A bit later, we were dismissed from the lineup and I went outside with someone else to check how far away the hurricane was. I was four steps from the bunker door when I was almost blown away and barely managed to keep my balance, so we ran back inside and I yelled out that the hurricane was here, and to close the doors and hunker down. I looked around to see if anyone else was just outside the doors I were at, and needed to run in before I closed them, but I didn’t see anyone else, so I slammed them shut and went to rejoin the family.
  • We settled down in an area of the bunker that looked like a bus, with leather seats on both sides of a narrow aisle facing each other and some windows on the other side of the aisle that we sat down at. Across the aisle from us were two punks who looked nervous to be here, like they would be caught and reprimanded by the authorities if they were found, but they were hoping to hide here until the hurricane was over anyway. We watched the minimap as the hurricane, which had an intensity of 18, went over top of us, but due to the air pressure only a strong gust of wind came in through the windows.
  • Once the hurricane was over, I got to chatting with the punks, and one of them said he was going to steal a nearby flying bicycle and go for a ride, asking me if I wanted to join him. I said yes. We snuck out and took the bike, and flew into the air chasing the hurricane, with him powering the bicycle.
  • We followed the hurricane west from Australia, over the sea, and all the way to Africa. We looked down and saw the hurricane going over a huge highway road with huge flood walls guarding it, and I wondered how the cars were still able to remain on the road. He said that the road and walls were built to withstand catastrophes like this hurricane, the only tradeoff being that the vehicles were forced to travel slowly when a disaster was in effect.
  • The punk said that he was from Singapore and had moved to Vancouver with his friend, and that neither place ever saw natural disasters like this place did. I said that I had done a similar move, from Singapore to Edmonton, and also never saw natural disasters. We chatted a while about our shared heritage and other things as we travelled.
  • Eventually, I requested that he return me to the bunker in Australia where my family was, though I told him that he could set me down a short distance from the shops so that the authorities wouldn’t find him. I also said I wouldn’t mention about the bicycle’s battery as its charge was down to 53%, and if the authorities realized he had stolen it and realized that it needed recharging, they could just lurk by a specialized charging station to capture him. Needing those stations was apparently the biggest drawback of those flying bikes.
  • We said our goodyes and I went back in to meet the family. Kel received a text from him asking us to buy a certain hand-held toy for me, since I had commented on him having it while we were travelling on his flying bicycle. I said that it was an incredible coincidence that it was the third copy of that toy that I had seen people have in a week.
Jan 25 2025
  • Snippet: All I remember is being in a green room with white platforms of different elevations in the middle, and thinking that it felt like a jungle despite the white floors. It had multiple switches that I had to hit with balls from the middle, however I had several other people with me and there was a discussion regarding the options about some kind of dilemma after each switch that we hit, and also an aspect of me teaching the others what to do and how to trigger them, so the entire thing felt more like a scene from something like Mass Effect rather than CrossCode, where the bouncing balls aspect specifically would have been inspired from.
Jan 26 2025
  • I was with two or three other people in a van when we dropped off something that needed repair to a group of people in a garage. We had found a business card for that group saying that they could repair said item. We were however surprised when they jumped into a van and drove off with the item, and we tried to give chase, but they had a head start on us as we were not yet back in the van when they first drove off. We weren’t too concerned though because we had a GPS tracker inside the item they had stolen, so we could see them on a display in our van anyway even though they were several streets away.
  • Two or three of us remained in the van, with me driving, while the other person stepped out and spread his wings, saying that he’d track them from the air. I took a side road in the same general direction that they were driving, when we suddenly saw them stop and turn around and double back toward the same direction they had fled from. It soon became apparent that they were headed for a construction yard near the original garage and that they were going to dump off the stolen item in a shipping container there.
  • We were still closer than they were, though I was a street off to the side from them, so we reached the junction in front of the construction yard first and then had to turn around and go back the way we came so as not to tip them off that we were there, since they were still stuck in traffic at the front of the last traffic light and our van was painted a very noticeable pink and yellow colour.
  • I made a loop back to the last street and then back to the one in front of the yard again, and along the way we passed a girl sitting on the grass on the side of the road, surrounded by some glowing sticks that formed a fence around her. There were about a dozen tiny snowmen on the grass with her, and it looked like she was trying to prevent them from melting for as long as possible even though there was no snow left on the ground anywhere else. She posed with the snowmen for a picture that someone else was taking as we drove past back toward the yard.
  • This time, when we arrived, the thieves were already in the yard and had unpacked our stolen item, and were waiting for the Chinese gang who had not arrived yet. They were not paying attention, so a guy with me took out a pair of silenced pistols and killed two of the thieves, before approaching the third one who was obliviously still staring toward the warehouse. He looked at me as though asking if we wanted to kill this last one too, just as the dream ended.
  • Snippet: We were in Edmonton 4012 and our basement had long brown crickets on the ground that Dad was picking up and throwing out of the house, one by one. I pointed out a couple more he had missed, two of them still alive and a third one squashed. I didn’t want to touch them myself though so I was glad that he was not squeamish at all. Dad said that the basement had become infested because a baby cricket managed to reach some of the books and had bred in them. Kel, along with another mom and her young kid, had been staying in our laundry room down there as a temporary hoteling space, though they were all out at the moment. We brought up some items for the mom and her kid so she wouldn’t have to go down there for now. Kel was stuck in a hotel not too far away because there was a thunderstorm and the storm triggered her time of the month so she didn’t want to be near anyone, and I told her over a phone call that that was a blessing in disguise so she didn’t have to experience the cricket plague.
  • Snippet: There was a weird game world where everything synced to a clock and happened in rhythm. We were solving an overall mystery case by doing things with other friendly players as well as NPCs, like fighting 6 guardian mobs at once on a tree branch with 6-10 of us, everyone attacking and punching in rhythm, and then once done the survivors ganged up on a boss standing behind those 6 guardians.

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