My Diary #160

Dear Tigey,

You’re pretty, I’m pretty, the entire world is so pretty.

Entry #160 (Oct 13 2024)

Table of Contents

ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #155
ට  Song of the Week #132
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #139
ට  Dreams


There was yet another fire alarm this week, on Tuesday the 8th, and I’m kind of tired of them now. They better not still happen once winter rolls around. This time, it was a 10th floor alarm that went off. No idea who or what caused it, but there wasn’t a real fire this time either. At least it was in the afternoon and not during an unholy hour, so I didn’t miss it this time.

I finally had a first house that I was interested in enough for me to put in a request to view the house. I think my real estate associate breathed a big sigh of relief that I finally put in one request after a little over two months of being on the housing portal that he set up for me. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high because there’s no guarantee I would get it, or even want it after I look at it, but it at least was in a great location for a decent price, about $300k or so. It’s a half-duplex, and was in the same general neighbourhood as my current apartment, so daily life would be more or less the same, just without as nice a view.

Anyway it’s all past tense because it came online on Thursday, and I put in a request to view it to my realtor, Oscar, on Friday, and he called me on Saturday and pointed out some water damage in some of the pictures, as well as noting that the realtor notes (which were invisible to me) listed a water leak with an “unknown source” in the upstairs bathroom, which was a concern to him, but we scheduled a Sunday date to go down and look at the house anyway. But then, a bit later on the same day (Saturday), he said that the realtor for the house contacted him and said that someone else already made an offer on the house and the owner was going to accept it (tentatively, pending financing and inspections) so it was already off the market.

After two days! And it was a weird week too because this was the last couple days before a long weekend (Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving and I get that day off, so yay for long weekend). So that was such a quick turnaround. However, since I already flagged it anyway, I’m very curious to see what the accepted price was, and whether it will come back onto the market in a couple weeks if the current offer falls through. Again though, it’s not my dream house, and has its own share of problems anyway, although it’s in a good location and that’s why I wanted it. Now, once I find my actual good home, I will look back on this one and go “oh, thank goodness I didn’t end up with THAT house over there!” Assuming the current deal doesn’t fall through in a couple of weeks and the house doesn’t open up again, heh heh.

I didn’t have as much time this week for doing my voice practice thing, however I did find a bunch of voice feminization/training resources that I really liked from Selene Da Silva, here, which help with topics like how to shape my throat and voice. I found that the clips I listened to and practiced with seemed to have a ton of potential and I will continue digging through them over the next week or so as time permits.

A musical duo that I sometimes listen to on Twitch, a_couple_streams or aeseaes (ACS), launched a Kickstarter for their third album this week, and I went to pledge for an early bird signed copy since it was fairly cheap (though not as cheap after shipping was factored in). They’re great people and produce great music and their Kickstarter passed 100% funding before the first 24 hours was even up.

I went down to my parents’ place three times this week, on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday, and because I had been buying them lots of mashed potatoes over the past couple weeks, that being one of the few things they can eat and still like to eat, one of the things I brought down this time for them to try was Jenny’s Gourmet Stuffed Potatoes (local). They really liked it and it was cheaper than the mashed potatoes that they were buying too, and it seems to be sold by most major Western supermarkets, so it’s something that they might buy going forward instead of the mashed potato that they were buying, primarily from a food court stall at Southgate Mall called Bourbon Street Grill.

While at my parents’ place, I dug through a few more of their boxes and talked to them a bunch more. And just like last week, I found a bunch of memories that I can show on Memory Segment of the Week over time. So that was fun. One thing I did want to add right away though were these:

These are little boxes that I bought in Hong Kong when I went there — specifically, these are the musical boxes that I wrote about in My Diary #142! They were buried inside a box with other things that used to be on a display shelf that we had in Edmonton 205. I’ve added those pictures to that diary entry above. I also added a link and a bit more context to the Memory Snippet from last week.

Some of the other loot that I found at my parents’ place include:

This abacus, that I think we had at some point for school or something, even though I don’t think we ever learnt how to use it. I knew how to use it though, more or less, but there was just no point in using it when calculators exist. I think Mom taught me how to use it. Each top bead was worth 5 and each bottom bead was worth 1 and each column is basically a digit in a larger number.

A collection of little model cars that Dad had and displayed in our house:

These little annoying tests of agility and patience, where the base platform of the toy flips from side to side and you need to nudge the balls into the holes without having them fall off when the platform flips:

These huge, colourful dice:

Chapteh! These are called chapteh.

These fat KFC-branded battery-operated FM radios, one still wrapped up and one unwrapped. They’re practically family heirlooms at this point:

This Dunman High School Youth Day 1997 keychain:

The Straits Times is the main newspaper in Singapore, and this was a plastic bag package that was sold during its 150-year anniversary in 1995. This plastic bag is actually sealed, with the handles fused together, and while the unsealed contents seem to be worth at least $50 as is, I’ll probably still unseal it some years from now in order to scan it.

Then there’s this National Geographics “Portraits of our Celestial Family” poster from August 1990, early enough that Pluto was still a planet. This was on a wall in our house across, well, several of our houses.

And this Malaysia Airlines model plane thing, which keeps falling off its stand but has been with us since Singapore, likely since Yishun 799., though I only strongly remember it in Tampines 294 and weakly so in Yishun 723.

Lots of old memories, and there’s so much more buried in boxes. Probably.

Now, sky pictures. We start with a couple of normal ones, from Monday Oct 07:

And Tuesday Oct 08:

And then two on Wednesday October 09 that I liked the colouring on:

Late at night on the 9th, I happened to be peeking out and saw these people below in the parking lot of the Southgate Centre mall:

It was 10:48 pm, and they were trading and carrying items from one car to the other. How… suspicious.

Anyway, Thursday Oct 10, and its interesting wispy clouds:

And then Friday Oct 11, with its resplendent orange skies and pink clouds:

In between the two though was where a large aurora storm hit the Earth, and Edmonton apparently had a great aurora show that night, so much so that even I, living in a brighter area of the city with only one specific angle to look at the sky at, could see faint aurora dancing across the sky (white wisps with the naked eye, greens with a phone camera). These lasted an inordinately long time too, over three hours in all, providing for a large window of time to snap images in. There were plenty of images strewn across our local subreddit after that!

From my balcony, and with a phone, it looked like this. Very modest, and the red hues were only very slightly visible at times, whereas others in the city had incredible reds and greens, but still very cool.

Dim or not, these were the first aurora that I could actually see from my balcony, without going downstairs to the nearby park.

Lastly, Saturday Oct 12th, 7:02 pm. There’s supposed to be a comet, the Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, visible in the western skies for 45 minutes after sunset, which was at 6:43 pm on Oct 12 2024 in Edmonton, but there were clouds all across the horizon, and pointing my Star Walk 2 phone app’s Augmented Reality star map to it showed that the comet was right behind them. Specifically around where the orange “eye” in the sky was at this particular moment, though the position drifted north (right side of the picture) along the cloudline as the evening went on. Oh well. It’ll be around for the rest of the month, so hopefully I’ll see it then, if not I’ll have to wait 80,000 years for the next time it returns.


There was a day this week where I was definitely a bit frustrated with gaming, because I played Dream Tactics and died at the end of the session and basically lost my progress for that entire day (because of how hardcore mode works, resetting you to the start of the fight), and then did the exact same thing with Dave the Diver later on that same evening because it put me through something like one reaction segment, one puzzle segment, and then two boss fights in a row, and although you can redo a boss fight without penalty, I beat the boss fight and then died right after it, which made me drop all my loot for the entire day, including boss drops. So I chose to exit out of that mess and lost the entire evening’s progress there as well.

I did come back, armed with the knowledge of what was going to happen in both fights, and completed both the next day though. And I’ve since progressed further on with both games, since those were the only two (Steam) games I played this week. I still haven’t bought Metaphor ReFantazio, but there’s a demo for it that I tried a little bit of, and thus far I like it.

Plushie of the Week #155

In this week’s edition of “here’s a plushie that we have no backstory on”, I feature a plushie that we have a rough date on, due to his tag, but nonetheless still have basically no backstory on. This bear has a removable shirt, which is cute (though if I’m not wrong it didn’t fit Tigey so I have no picture of him in it), and it has a tag with the year 2002 on it, which sets that as a lower bound and general estimate on when we picked him up, but none of us can actually recall his history or are sure about how he got to us. Kel believe it was one of many plushies gifts that she received from a friend at one point though, but she didn’t quite nail down which friend did it, or which school stage she was in when she received him.



Front (unclothed):

Back (unclothed):

Tag front:

Tag back:

From the tag, it obviously is a plushie that we received in Canada, which tracks with the 2002-ish time frame, but he’s a bear of mystery and refuses to reveal anything more.

I only have about 30ish more plushies to go, most of them without a backstory or family history, before I run out of plushies! And some of them might be combined too. Maybe I should start sourcing plushie pics and stories from my friends, too.

Song of the Week #132

Title: Jack & Diane
Artist: John Mellencamp
Album: American Fool (1982)

Music was a big part of my life growing up and into my adulthood, so it’s really difficult to choose just one song that’s meaningful to me. However, I just heard a song on the radio this week while driving home from school that reminded me of some fun I had with my sister. My sister and I got along really well when we were little, but had difficulties at pre-teen and teenage years, and then it sort of spilled into adulthood where we just basically ignored each other and didn’t talk except for once or twice a year when she’d visit. Last year or the year before (what is time?) we started regularly chatting each week over google meet, and things have been great between us since and I’m so thankful to have her back in my life.

So anyway, this song, Jack & Diane by John Mellencamp came on the radio, and it reminded me of when it used to play on MTV. My sister and I used to watch MTV religiously, back when it played mostly music in the 80s and 90s. When the Jack & Diane video played we had so much fun making fun of it together, it’s so goofy. This was around the time we started not getting along very well, so it was nice when something happened where we connected and had fun with each other. There are these hands that just clap and it’s ridiculous, and my sister and I would clap with it very dramatically and stupidly. Then at the end of the video John Mellencamp punches at the camera several times and we’d punch along with him, again, dramatically and stupidly, and we’d just be laughing the whole time.

It’s funny because back then I just liked the song because the video was so stupid but now as an adult when I hear it I actually genuinely like it, it’s a great song and always puts me in a good mood. I hope you all enjoy it, too!

Thanks Mell! That’s a great story, and I also like this song — not enough that I’d ever have featured it as a Song of the Week, so I’m glad that you did pick it. It is a nice song, although I’d never seen the music video until now, and that is indeed a goofy clap scene at the first chorus! I also thought for the longest time that the part of the chorus that goes “long after the thrill of living is gone” was “long after the threat of living is gone”, which makes no sense, but y’know. I remember disliking the midwestern sort of twang in his voice intiially, but it’s hard to dislike the song, which has a nice growing up and pushing through life together sort of theme that I notice that Mell‘s story with her sister also has!

As an extreme sidenote, it’s strange that I currently have so many different Johns that I’ve met and put in hover text for in my life (three) while I have none whatsoever currently for both the Jack and Diane names.

Memory Snippet of the Week #139

When I was at my parents’ place this week, one of the stories that Dad regaled me with was about kite-flying exploits that he and his friends and contemporaries did when he was young, where they chased after kites that had been abandoned or cut loose in the skies to catch them as they fell down, then took them home, “procured” thread from grandma when she wasn’t looking, ground down glass from broken light bulbs into a mixture of glue and some other things, and then coated the thread in it before tying the kite to it, and bringing it out and flying it in the sky to “fight” other kites from other kids, to see whose kite would cut the other kite’s string first and send the kite flying away as a casualty. This kite-fighting thing is actually a thing that has its own Wikipedia page too.

The actual story he told was a lot longer, and I did record it for the family archives, but that’s ultimately his memory snippet, not mine, except for the fact that my listening to it is now a memory nugget of my own. But no, the actual reason I wrote that is because although I never did any kite-fighting myself, I also remember my parents trying to taking me kite-flying when I was young, back when we were living at Yishun 799. I don’t think we did it more than a couple times, but I also have a particular memory of making a kite that then wouldn’t fly due to the lack of wind or something. I also remember a wooden spool with thread around it, and I think Dad eventually flying it for me in a wide grassy field in Yishun on some warm mid-1990s evening.


While I don’t think I had any 8/10 or higher sort of epic dreams, I did have a good week of dreams, with lots of things remembered in general. I like that.

Oct 07 2024
  • I dreamt that I was on a school excursion to a large, neutral-evil fantasy city with several districts, one of which included dark, cathedral-like buildings with tall spires next to a wide-open area that acted as a market square. The streets were wide and there was a fountain in the middle of one of them. Outside of that area though, the technology level of the city was more modern than medieval, I believe there was a train system running through the city too for example.
  • Our school excursion was done on three buses, with Kel and I on the middle bus and Mom seated in the front bus. As she was still recovering from her surgery, we both watched her in concern from our seats as she was seated on the rightmost seat at the very back of the bus, and where she was seated there was no wall preventing her from falling off the bus if she were to fall asleep or if the bus made a sudden turn and she lost her balance. She was fine, though.
  • However, I myself did nod off for a bit at one point, and when I woke up, I was standing in the middle of the street alone, in the second to last district of the city, adjacent to the one we were actually going to. I could see on the map where my excursion group was in real time though, and could teleport to Kel to catch up with them, but before I could do so a goblin came up to me and chatted me up, offering me some pills and asking if I would take them or if I would obey the rangers that kept the city safe and not take them. I said I wouldn’t and he shook his head sadly, muttered something to me, and scurried off.
  • I casted Phase to open a portal from me to Kel and walked through it, ending up at a large, open-air hawker centre where everyone else was. I walked about, staring at the various stall signs and seeing lots of noodle stores and rojak stores and wondering what I should eat.
  • At one point while walking around, I was also stuck behind a girl from a previous school who I recognized but who didn’t recognize my new identity. She was walking with a couple of her own friends, who I did not recognize, and they were taking up enough of the street and walking slowly enough that I wanted to pass them but could not find a good time to do so, whenever I tried it seemed like they moved just enough so that I would run into them instead. Eventually they started to turn left onto some stairs leading down from the street, but before they did so one of her friends remarked that there was a cellphone on the floor next to them that looked like that girl’s actual phone, and the friend rang the girl’s number up on her own phone, at which point the phone on the ground started buzzing too. The girl that didn’t recognize me picked up the phone and thanked her astute friend for noticing that.
  • When I returned to my table with whatever I was eating, I told Kel that I had also noticed that a couple of my gear items were missing, because the equipment slots for them on my character sheet was empty. I believe the feet slots, for shoes, was what had vanished, and I said that they had vanished in the last area after I regained consciousness and before I had teleported to her. We reported this to some teacher, who helped file a missing items report and said that I would get it back if they found it on a beggar NPC running around or something, of which there were several, although upon looking at them I could see that most of them just had a couple of copper coins each.
  • We had a bit of time to ourselves after lunch though, and I went back to the previous district, which I could see was connected very weirdly to the one we were in — the zone boundary was set halfway across the market square so the left side of our district was the right side of the market square, and the right side of that other district was the left side of the market square. I wondered why they didn’t just make the market square a district of its own to minimize loading screens and map confusion.
  • When I went back to the district, I found the goblin again and had him ask me the same question, at which point I answered the same way, that I would obey the rangers and not eat the pills. He shook his head and muttered something before walking off again, and this time I felt a splatter of acidic liquid on my shoulder pads before watching it vanish in real time from my shoulder equipment slot on my character sheet. Apparently that was what had made my shoes vanish the first time too.
  • Later, I went back to the hotel room that I shared with Kel and two others, and we played a game where there was a string of letters and spaces, similar to a Wheel of Fortune game board, and each letter could be “rolled” up or downwards to change the letter between three possible options. The objective of the game was to form a coherent sentence with the correct letters selected, and I was really good at this and basically solved it right away.
Oct 08 2024
  • I was staying with Mom and Dad in a house that was similar with Yishun 723, though the rooms were mixed around and my bedroom was downstairs whereas my parents’ room was upstairs. There was faint music that could be heard coming from outside, which I thought was from a festival across the road or something. It was a mix of English songs as well as a couple of anime songs that I recognized, one of them being the ending song of the Brave Witches anime.
  • I met Mom once she came out of the upstairs bathroom and was on her way back to the bedroom where Dad was still asleep though, and she said that the music was actually coming from the neighbour that their bedroom shared an adjoining wall with, and she had even crawled into the closet and tried tapping on the wall to get them to stop, but to no avail. I said I’d go complain to them directly but she said not to make a fuss.
  • I still went though, and I knocked on their front door and was met by a plump, bespectacled guy. I handed him a large envelope and said that we were serving them with an official noise complaint and that because we had done that, the next time we heard loud music at midnight we would call the cops instead. The guy looked shocked and a bit dismayed but understanding of the situation. We had a cordial conversation despite the circumstances, he mentioned that his mom had recently arrived to stay, I mentioned that my mom had just recovered from a stroke and needed the peace and quiet. I did also mention that I liked his music selection.
  • A little later, while still in the same house, I watched and then played a game that was a mix between a MOBA and an MMO. For the MOBA portion, I was watching a streamer named Killadrix play and narrate his way through it, and when the game morphed into an MMO, I entered the game myself and played with a friend who was trying to take down a raid boss named Gortharog or Gorthalog by himself.
  • Editor: I had actually fallen asleep listening to Killadrix narrating a game of Rimworld on my phone, so that bled over into the dream. Also, in LotRO and Lord of the Rings in general, Gorthorog is the name of a troll-like race.
  • The boss was in a large snowy field at the edge of a forest, beyond which there was a bridge leading to another zone, but the bridge was buried in snow and thus impassible. The two of us fought the boss, slowly but surely winning, and I even helped him get an achievement that required two people to both “fall” down and perform a /startled emote while seated on the ground in the middle of the fight, even though that would cause fire to be lit beneath us by the boss. He did it first and I realized what he was doing so I mimicked him, the achievement popped with a message in chat, and we then rolled out of the way of the fire and continued the battle.
  • We got some raid medals for defeating him, and later on I visited the Ettenmoors, the PvP zone in LotRO, to say hi to some enemy wargs controlled by players who I was friendly with. I was going to let them kill me but made them work for it, and I stood there while at low health and summoned a warg spirit that they had to defeat first before they could kill me, dodging and dodging again at low health as they lunged at the warg spirit, to frustrate them a bit before one of them finally caught and killed it and then me. While my character lay dead there, one of them asked me if I was still wearing the level 70 raid gear after all this time, as that was from two game expansions packs ago.
  • Upon respawning, I checked my gear and saw that it was level 90 gear, which was from the last expansion, but it was only purple rarity, which meant that it was from questing, and not teal rarity, which was from raids. I prepared to send a message to the player whose warg had asked me that question, when one of the other players, named Paksea, also popped into that respawn circle, exmained my gear, and came to the same correct conclusion. I told her that I had not played the new expansion yet and had never raided in the last expansion either since my guild was now gone, but that since I had just taken down Gortharog with another friend, who was technically a raid boss from the latest expansion, it might be possible to collect enough tokens to eventually buy a nice gear upgrade.
Oct 09 2024
  • I was in a weird supplementary class at school that was taking place in a classroom that looked like a dungeon — basement level, entirely indoors, and generally a dark stone room with large arches, and torches on the walls. There were single and double tables and stools strewn about and several senpai sitting down on them, reading and studying. I was a Year 2 student, and had come here together with a Year 3 student as the two new people to whatever supplementary course that was. Someone really didn’t want me there though, and I got wind of that through things like one of the other guy students handing me my textbook and it being completely soggy as it had been doused in orange juice, so much so that all the ink was smudged and unreadable.
  • Still, I ignored the bullying and did classes and took the exams there, and while I don’t remember what the classes entailed, it involved using a skill that had parameters that could be calibrated to something that was usable less times per day but would produce an item or something of a higher starting value, or more times per day but producing a less valuable object. I think this item might have been some sort of ball, but I do remember visualizing ours in sale at my local Safeway supermarket afterwards. It cost $28, and was next to another ball that cost $36.
  • There were also classes outside of that basement room, in regular classrooms, and I remember going to one of the classes with two friends. All of us still had to complete a bit of homework before class started, and we had about 15-20 minutes or so to do it. As we passed by the washroom, I said that I needed to use it and that they should continue heading onwards to the classroom and I’d meet them there. They expressed worry that I wouldn’t be able to finish the homework in time but I said that I had already written down stuff for it, and just had to grade or check it. I went into the washroom, sat down on the toilet seat in a stall, and pulled out the homework, which was a four-page booklet of questions, looking over the answers while I sat there.
Oct 10 2024
  • I took a walk eastwards past a number of shops along a street, before ending up meeting a bunch of people who I seemed to somewhat know, outside of a large, fenced-off outdoor area that was partitioned into smaller sections, with gates leading into each one either from the street or from another section. We were all waiting for a guild to open a roleplay event that they were holding there, with each section representing a certain roleplay theme or venue.
  • This was apparently a location and event that I had visited before previously, though I am not sure if that was a real dream or a made up one. I remembered though that the last time we were here, everything was open and you could look into all sections from the other sections, or from outside on the street. This time, they had glued together sheets of black construction paper to form a large “curtain” which they put up between each section, so not only could we not see what was going on at any given time inside any of the sections, but we didn’t actually know what each section was themed after either.
  • I think each section also had a different grid puzzle or series of protruding cubes sticking out from the small grid, which was mounted on the black construction paper by the entrance to each section, and this was supposed to be either some sort of room identifier or ongoing meta puzzle or collection thing, but I don’t think this idea got fully fleshed out in my dream.
  • I was apparently here to meet a guy friend in particular, who might have been Nyari or someone similar to him. I walked with him along the street, from the west side of the fenced off area where everyone was waiting, to the very east side some distance onwards, trying to see if we could peek in. We couldn’t. We took a bus back west for whatever reason, but this bus didn’t stop at the entrance and instead took us all the way back near where I had started my walk earlier in the dream, and I complained to my friend that we shouldn’t have done this because now we’d have to walk back and might miss the start of the event.
  • While on this detour though, I took the chance to think about and check the previous themes that we had seen from this event in the past. One venue theme for example was themed after the coffeeshop beneath my Yishun 799 HDB apartment flat. Another had some sort of water or beach theme to it, I think. But the one I remembered most vividly was a circus themed event where I had attended with my same companion in the past, as a boy-girl pair, and we had acted out a bunch of roleplay scenes in the circus in accordance with a list that we were given and that I was still carrying around with me as a keepsake.
  • The list had around 20 things on it in point form, as well as some handwritten notes by each point mentioning how much we liked or disliked it. One roleplay note was a lion and her tamer, another one was about roleplaying in a small circus tent, another as guests to the circus, and so on. There was a note beside one in particular that I had apparently really liked the last time because it was novel and different, which was where he roleplayed as a festival stall barker and I roleplayed as a festival game myself. Apparently that involved lying belly down on something with my arms spread in a V-shape in front of me, and trying to bite down on balls that were rolled my way by the game participants.
  • Anyway, I did note that I hoped we got to try something different this time, and when we actually arrived back at the event, which had already started, we entered it and were put in a scene section made to be a large and somewhat richly-adorned living room. There was a wisp of a woman in the room, she was an attendant to us but was also a cat thief with an eye mask who was trying to steal and make off with something, and we had to prevent her from doing so. My partner had a brainwave, and left me to distract the girl and stall for time while he slipped out the door of the room.
  • After several drawn attempts of her failing to get her objective and escape while I also failed in outright catching her, he returned through the same door he left from. He apparently had acquired minor time travelling powers, which apparently was a plot point that was actually related to our story somehow but that most people usually missed. With that, he was able to wind back the cat thief’s position to a specific spot in the room, while the both of us waited for her to rewind into that exact spot before finally capturing her.
Oct 11 2024
  • I visited a Singaporean embassy in a tall building in a downtown city in order to try to renew my passport so that I could enter the country again. The embassy apparently had the run of the entire building, and the front desk was staffed by a woman who I beckoned over towards the front door as I wasn’t sure if I was even allowed to step foot inside the building due to my legal situation. She saw me and waved me over to a side door where she met me at instead.
  • When I went there, she and another plump Indian woman were waiting for me. My current passport was from 2024, which was 3 years ago in the dream, so it still had one more year of validity, and I showed it to them and explained my situation. The second woman said that she actually recognized me from the previous time that I had tried to apply for a passport and had to jump through legal hoops to do so, even though that was done at another embassy in Calgary, since my case was so unique. She had apparently transferred to this embassy in the ensuing time span and was surprised that I hadn’t come back earlier to try to renew my passport, especially since she said they had received a letter from Mindef stating that my personal criminal record was now clear. At any rate, she was friendly and willing to help.
  • At another point in the dream, there was a game or contest between two teams, where each round involved people who could take turns moving around on a turn-based grid, and then attacking opponent team members with skills. It was structured like a tournament, and was supposed to be a best of 7, but in a tennis or volleyball sort of way where you had to win by more than 1 point, so the score went from 3-3 to 4-4 to 5-5 without resolving to a clear winner. It looked like the next game, the 11th one, would be the final game nonetheless, but I didn’t stay around for it.
  • Snippet: Another weird dream snippet I remember involved a point where I was laughing so hard that I was doubled over, and remembering that this had also happened in a previous dream within the last couple of weeks. I enjoyed the sensation of the laugh reverberating through my body. Also, I was doing chores like washing dishes at one point but have no idea what the context of that was.
Oct 12 2024
  • In one dream I had, my teammates and I were angry with another team at work, led by Judy, for quietly lifting the per-account storage limit for our accounts, as well as their own accounts, certain other accounts within the department, the accounts belonging to the students on a specific sport team, and then 12 selected people per grade level in our school, as well as one other selected person that those 12 people per grade level could each select to be granted exemption from the storage limit as well.
  • It was very complex, and also stomped all over the storage limit that we had set up because our University couldn’t afford unlimited account storage for people. Although that storage limit was supposed to be in our purview, they had apparently consulted with their director, who we did not report to and who did not understand the ramifications of allowing this. They also did not think to consult us on this even though we were the group in charge of accounts, and we only found out about this on accident when someone noticed the lack of a storage limit. One of the people I was working with was Allen, and I commented to him that I was lucky that I had procrastinated on deleting enough of my stuff to get under the storage limit as we had still been in the grace period where the limit had not been enforced yet.
  • In another dream later on, I was involved in helping catch a criminal who was running away from me and some others by foot down a long path. This foot chase eventually became a vehicle chase, where he was in a car and I was on a motorcycle, while some other people I were with also got into their own cars. Eventually, someone exploded his car’s tire with a weapon of some kind and he was caught in the ensuing crash.
Oct 13 2024
  • Mom was in hospital and got moved from one outpatient bed to a second one deeper inside the hospital due to some complicated recovery stage that she was going through, and a bunch of friends and I wanted to visit Mom. I went after either Jon or Kel had gone there and left some plushies and a few other things with her and then had left, so I was alone there when I arrived. I sat down by her bed and wished her a speedy recovery before adding a teddy bear to her small collection of toys for her to hug.
  • After I was there a while, Shinya arrived, so I stood up and left to give him some private time with Mom as I trusted him. I went to stand just outside the hospital itself, enjoying the fresh air, and after an hour or so I received a notification saying that Mom had been released altogether. I went back in to express some mild annoyance that Shinya had taken too long and I hadn’t had a chance to come back in to say goodbye, but I found him helping to cleanup Mom‘s hospital room and gathering all her items for her, while she was undergoing some preparation elsewhere before she could go home, so I helped him gather her things into bags.
  • Snippet: In an earlier scene, I lived on the 4th floor of a tall building where the first three floors were a mall, and the floors above that were all residential. I remember trying to avoid others using the elevator, so much so that when I opened my front door and saw others lined up for the elevator, I slammed my door shut to wait for a future elevator once they were all gone instead.
  • Snippet: Another scene involved me and some other people fighting weirdly-shaped slime monsters. I don’t remember the context here except that some of them were easier than others.
  • Snippet: At one point I also heard a radio report of an island that was wiped out by a storm. We then “saw” an animated side-vikew scene where a boat was driven to the place where the island once was, and a diver jumped into the ocean, going down 250 feet before he reached the sunken island beneath him.
  • Snippet: One last snippet involved looking for a comet in the pre-dawn dark blue sky with some other strangers at a walkway in a city, and seeing it peeking out between some clouds. It was pointed downwards in the sky, its sparkly tail vertically above its rounded head, and it kind of looked like a glittering pearl earring in the horizon to me as I peered between some banisters that were flanking the walkway at it.

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