My Diary #158

Dear Tigey,

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Entry #158 (Sep 29 2024)

Table of Contents

Voicing my…
ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #153
ට  Song of the Week #130
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #137
ට  Dreams


The front door key that I snapped in half last week was replaced by the Midwest Rental front desk when I brought the broken key to them. They chuckled about it and took the key to dispose of it before coming out of the office backroom with another one, even though I already had a spare key for it as well (that I had borrowed back from Jon last week). I did appreciate that they did not charge me for this key replacement.

Mom got admitted to hospital this Monday for her heart surgery, and by all accounts it went well. She’s recovering in a hospital room now, with Dad by her side whenever he can. I’ve stopped by a couple days so far, on Thursday and Saturday, basically every other day since she got moved from the downstairs ICU wards, or whatever, which Dad said had very tight (inflexible) security and was hard to visit, into the general wards above which was a much easier section of the hospital to visit. KFC no longer sells the whipped/mashed potato that Mom likes, so we’ve been trying out mashed potatoes from various other sources.

Dad did reflect on how the loose/weak valve in her heart was only discovered because Mom had the stroke, so even though it was debilitating to some degree and was one of the reasons for the stroke, it was also a blessing if looked at it from that angle because the heart condition might never have been found otherwise. It sounds like she’ll be discharged and will return home early next week, with Uncle Droy fetching her and Dad home since Jon has left for Japan already.

On my way to the hospital on Saturday, I ran into this Posh Market YEG in Southgate Mall.

I saw them back on March 17th of this year too, I guess it’s a biannual recurring event or something! Cool. I can’t say I’ve really noticed it before in my 10+ years here in the neighbourhood, possibly because I was not paying attention and not being mindful of things around me while living my life.

Work was busier than usual this week — our Identity Management tool and the processes around it have been getting audited by an external auditor for the past month or so, and the work related to that has been steadily ramping up. It mostly meant a couple hours of meetings every day in the morning and a bit of extra work to slowly pick at throughout the week. I made a nice spreadsheet that Ronnie seemed to like. Monday next week is a public holiday here though, so we have a shorter work week next week to look forward to.

To start the betterment of myself in pursuit of the long-term goal I talked about in the last blog post, I not only continued to do the game commentary practice thing that I started last week, one hour a day, but also started watching voice/singing related videos, specifically landing on this playlist by a channel called Singgeek to start. There’s a million different videos out there on the topic, but this one seemed to be one of those that was well-recommended, and so far it’s been nice and pleasant, although I haven’t had the time with all the other things happening in life to get very far into it. Slow and steady though. Here’s a mood piece picture to help with that:

I am impatient and want to throw together a rubbish audition video to apply to agencies with or something, but I know that I’m far from that still. But it’s basically a business plan that I’m dreaming about drawing up, and I wonder if I can just implement that (i.e. streaming for half the year, travelling for the other half) on Twitch as a solo, independent streamer instead.

The Summer 2024 anime season ended roughly this week, and it was the lightest season that I’ve watched in ages, which is good since between watching Twitch streams and all my other projects, I’ve had less time to commit to watching shows. I did rate everything I watched this season as a 10/10 though, including the show that screenshot above is from — Dungeon no Naka no Hito. Even though I rated everything a 10 (which, although my anime average is currently a dizzying 9.03, this is the first season ever that I’ve done this for since I started watching seasonal shows), that one’s in my top 2 or 3 from the season for sure.

My new chair is still on its way from wherever the Wayfair warehouse was to me — it’s due to arrive on Tuesday, October 01 at the moment. On the detailed tracking log that the company provided me, I can actually see a big list of cities that the chair has passed through on the way to me so far: La Grange, IL, Marceline, MO, Byron, OK, Texico, NM, Flagstaff, AZ, Barstow, CA, Stockton, CA, Tracy, CA, Lathrop, CA, and Delta, BC. So it’s now in Canada, after having passed through 6 states and 1 province so far! BC is next to AB so there should be no more deviations to other states or provinces along the way, in theory, though it’s been stuck in Delta for 3 days now.

I continued to peer down at the people working on their car during the evenings this week:

And as usual also packaged together a beautiful set of brilliant and breath-taking sunset and sky pictures from the past 7 days. Skies are such a majestic part of nature.

Sunday Sep 22, 7:34 pm, when the carpark was set aflame in purple fire due to rain and the departing sun:

Sunday Sep 22, 7:52 pm, same scene, different light sources:

Monday Sep 23, 7:29 pm, and its windswept skies:

Tuesday, Sep 24, 7:32 pm, with strange, ragged patterns in the sky:

Wednesday, Sep 25, 6:53 pm, as an angel descends in the distance:

Thursday, Sep 26, 7:18 pm, as dark clouds with gold fringe encircle us.

Fri, Sep 27, 8:08 pm, with layers of glimmering colour in the post-sunset dusk sky.

There was no real sunset on Saturday, the sun just kind of left early behind a stack of dark clouds. So here’s Sat, Sep 28, at 8:09 pm, looking up at the clouds that swallowed the sun whole, and down at the liminal parking lots.


The first part of my week was spent advancing the story in Dave the Diver, and starting up the early game portion of a Satisfactory run now that the game has hit its official version 1.0 launch. I started in the desert area there instead of the usual grasslands one, so there was a lot less greenery to harvest for an early game power source, so I walked over to an oasis thing and deforested that instead. Nothing to write home about there yet though, I completed Phase 2 of 8 and then stopped for now. And I did the ingame Productive Packer Deluxe minigame immediately when it became available. Unlike other people that I’ve played the game with, I quite like it.

And then there was Dream Tactics, which I’m about 10 hours into now. It’s a game with a lot of card and equipment combos that one can specialize into, and I’m having a lot of fun with it. It’s as charming as I remember it being back in the Steam Next Fest that I played it in.

Later on in the week, I was gifted TCG Card Shop Simulator by WingBenny, and spent a bunch of time on that instead. The early game is very fun, stocking up a bunch of booster packs and boxed goods on the shelf and providing a place for customers to play the game with each other while I raked in the cash and opened booster packs myself to look for rare cards. I like the endorphins from opening those booster packs for sure. It reminds me of my L5R days. In honour of that, I named my card shop Rokugan (local).

Plushie of the Week #153

When I was in Kel‘s apartment in Guangzhou, China, I took this picture of a bundle of Jinbesans sleeping together. I figured that I’d feature them together at some point, kind of similar to the way that I did previous yearly plushie lineups in 2022 and 2023, and see which ones I could identify and which ones are new. I didn’t know the answers as to which one was which before doing research, but I did manage to eventually find them all from earlier plushie snippets in my blog, which just goes to show how comprehensive my blog is becoming, I guess.

Judging by the positions of the spots, the big one is the original Jinbesan from My Diary #043. Of the three small ones, the bottom, grey one is Fake Jinbesan, formerly featured in My Diary #047. The middle one is Mini JB-san, featured in My Diary #092. And the one at the top looks to be Big Mouth Jinbesan, featured in My Diary #091.

Kel sure loves her Jinbesans!

Song of the Week #130

Title: Heart of the Sunrise
Artist: Yes
Album: Fragile (1971)

This week’s Song of the Week is written by guest author and good friend, Nak!

Back when I was but a wee lad, my older brother introduced me to a lot of great music, most of which is considered classic rock today. For some reason, the music of a particular band resonated with me in a way that I never experienced before. That band was Yes, and Fragile was the first album of theirs I heard. It took time, but I eventually wound up with most of their catalog in my collection. What do I like about their music? Complexity and musicality. Their willingness to change keys, time signatures, and tempo as the situation calls for it. It’s never boring. I can put any of their albums on after a rough day and it’ll bring me back to myself in short order.

I picked Heart of the Sunrise for a few reasons. It reminds me of my early days of discovering new music, and there are a lot of memories of warm summer days spent as a kid, with this or something similar playing somewhere in the background. It’s a great track that really showcases what the band is capable of, starting off with a burst of energy, eventually mellowing out, and finishing in a crescendo revisiting the themes from the introduction. In particular I love Chris Squire’s bass playing, at times deep and growly, at others soft and sublime. I count him as one of my major inspirations to pick up the bass myself.

Lastly, it was The Band Geeks cover of this track that inspired Jon Anderson, lead singer, to come out of semi-retirement to not only tour with them (second leg just wrapped up as of the time of this writing), but also record a new album. I never thought I’d hear any new material, so that’s a pleasant surprise.

Thanks Nak! I mostly know Yes for their biggest hit, Owner of a Lonely Heart, which I like very much, but other than that I’ve never really looked into their music. I really appreciate the feelings that Nak wrote about though, that’s awesome.

Except that I see that we can thus blame this song for Nak leaving our AMQ afternoon groups so he can go practice his music instead.

(I say that hypocritically, since I’ve also considered also dropping AMQ or Anime Group Watch over the past few months in order to invest more time in other goals.)

Memory Snippet of the Week #137

Since I’m not currently doing the Writing Prompt of the Week thing, I wanted to turn this into something similar with last week’s “dream” now about being a week old or so. I wanted to list out 10 things I’d still love to achieve at some point in my life. And then the list of 10 became several lists of 10 instead. How arrogant hey? But this is my diary, and these are my dreams.

So here are ten big “bucket list” things I dream of accomplishing, but that would take lots of effort/luck/time to achieve, in no particular order:

  • I would like to try a travel blogging/vlogging job.
  • I would like to visit outer space.
  • I would like to visit Antarctica.
  • I would like to become an idol and release a song that I sung myself.
  • I would like to learn and do some astrophotography.
  • I would like to learn to draw both physical and digital art.
  • I would like to create my dream computer game.
  • I would like to create a work that future historians will consider a valuable primary source of information.
  • I would like to acquire a tulpa.
  • I would like to visit and contribute to an archaeological dig.

There are also smaller, more achievable bucket list items that I might as well list too.

  • I would like to learn a musical instrument. A koto, a flute of some kind, a synthesizer, a keyboard/piano, or a harp are the usual frontrunners.
  • I would like to try fishing for an entire day by a stream.
  • I would like to sleep overnight in a castle.
  • I would like to go scuba diving.
  • I would like to plan and make a trip to Singapore or Japan with a friend.
  • I would like to visit several specific places (I’m cheating by lumping these together, but the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan, a Comiket in Tokyo, and the Sapporo Snow Festival in Sapporo are my big three).
  • I would like to go on a vacation with my parents and two younger siblings.
  • I would like to start a blog or wiki section about any of several specific things (again, cheating by lumping things together) — nuggets of food history, Japanese to English translations, snippets of obscure local history, found letters and correspondences from the past, and fishing implementations in video games are a few of the ideas that spring to mind.
  • I would like to work on a farm for a week.
  • I would like to learn to lucid dream properly.

And just for fun, ten silly little very specific “bingo card” things that I would like to do someday.

  • I would like to attend a ball or party dressed in a full gown and gloves. Maybe even with a masquerade mask.
  • I would like to have a real life trading card/sports card of either myself or Tigey.
  • I would like to sacrifice myself (and say, be hospitalized) after saving someone’s life. Or an entire nation. Or the entire world.
  • I would like to visit a rural area in the United Kingdom and walk down a path next to low cobblestone walls with sheep grazing in the distance.
  • I would like to stay a night at an Indigenous peoples’ traditional village in North America somewhere to observe and learn their culture.
  • I would like to dress up in a cheerleading outfit and cheer for something.
  • I would like to be hypnotized by a past life regression therapist and see what memories come out from that.
  • I would like to enjoy a meal with a friend on top of a tall hill or small mountain.
  • I would like to have something in the world permanently named after me. Or Tigey. Besides my eventual gravestone.
  • I would like to decide on something cool to collect and assemble a shelf of said items from around the world.

(I definitely have many more wishes than this, but these are what came up in the immediate moment when I tried thinking about the topic and writing them down.)

New and interesting experiences are the spice of life. We only live once. Go do all the things. If you don’t, no one else will do so for you. And who cares what others think? At the end of your life, will you be able to face your dying self and be content that you gave life your best shot? You’re special because you’re you and you are the one person whose actions you can control. Don’t settle for an average life! Go do all the things now while you can!


Dreams are wild. I had a long streak of dreams, then a streak between the 14th and the 18th where I only had one dream, then another sizable streak of dreams after that. In that second streak was a set of 3 days out of 4 where I was a VTuber, and one where I broke a key as well. How life affects the subconscious!

Sep 23 2024
  • I dreamt that I was a VTuber and was in a building with various other streamers. There were a lot of happenings in there, but I sadly forgot most of them, except for a general feeling that I was enjoying my time there. One event I do recall however is when we were defending multiple entry points in the building from monsters that were entering it, and I and someone else were standing guard against two adjacent entry points, one a door and the other a manhole. For whatever reason, the person next to me wandered off, and I ended up having to guard both points and stab any approaching enemies from both entrances at the same time.
  • Eventually I was overwhelmed and two enemies darted into the building before I could stab them — a level 9 purple spider with instant kill venom, and a bat. I joined a group to hunt down those two enemies, and we managed to take down the spider without casualties, before chasing the bat into the cafeteria. One of the hunters managed to injure it by shooting its wing, which also impeded its mobility, and we ran up to it and defeated it after that.
Sep 24 2024
  • Snippet: All I remember is being in a group in an MMO, and specifically being in a lightly forested area where we were hanging out near a mob spawn that we had just defeated and was in the process of respawning. I selected the actual spawn point itself and could pull up and see pages of fight history for that spawn point, both from us and from other adventurers beating up whatever mob regularly spawned there.
Sep 25 2024
  • I was in a detective mystery game with some friends in an MMO guild, and this game took place over a section of a city and over several day and night cycles. I don’t remember the overarching plot but we were trying to locate a particular criminal and trace what had happened to them, and were visiting various places over the course of the game to look for clues.
  • In particular, I remember a set of three balconies on the second level of an unoccupied building that Kel and I visited a few times. We had to climb up or swing up to those balconies, as they didn’t actually connect to any rooms that we could then enter them from. New clues would spawn on top of, and in rooms under, the balconies whenever we found the name of a new criminal and “regenerated” that balcony mini-area using the new criminal’s name, so whenever we discovered the name of a new criminal that we had not investigated yet and who might not have been the specific criminal that we were looking for, we would return to the newly generated balcony and look around to see if we could locate more clues.
  • Other locations that I remember the dream taking place in and that I visited in the dream included a quiet indoor shopping centre with sparsely open shops and a small food court and that gave me the feeling of visiting a foreign place the further back into the shopping centre that I went, as well as a bus that I remember riding, and possibly a room with a bunch of sand scattered on the floor.
Sep 26 2024
  • I visited a sheltered outdoor marketplace, which was divided into three sections separated from each other by a couple city blocks in between, with a couple of other friends in a car. I wasn’t going to follow them into the central section that they arrived at though, as I wanted to meet a few LotRO friends at the northern section instead.
  • I looked at the guild roster and saw that Valygar was online there, on his captain character, and he had been in our previous group visit to the market as well so I assumed he was also waiting for Nak to come online and form the actual guild group for the outing, so I asked him for a group invite and he accepted. But he said that he was only going to be here for a few minutes more and then would be logging off for the night, and would not actually be here for the group visit later.
  • I could have gone to a stall in the market and spent some solo time there to generate resources for either the guild or myself, and I knew how to do this resource generation action at five different stalls, but each one would have locked me in the action for five hours or so, which would have made me miss the outing as well, so I did not. Instead I waited for Nak and the others, who I had been here with the day before as well.
  • Snippet: I also dreamt that my replacement main door key was about to snap in half just like the original one did.
Sep 28 2024
  • I was playing a game that involved a Mario character that could curl up and spin like Sonic, but couldn’t jump around like he could. This specific Mario was falling down a long pit, with little alcoves to the side that occasionally contained coins and that I could navigate myself into. Eventually I found a portal in the falling shaft led into a different map, turning the game from a side view one into a top down one which was filled with grey mist that forced me to take damage every few seconds or so.
  • I had to find a planet hidden in the fog, represented by a circle the size of a large coin, and navigate on top of the planet, which would send me to a second grey map with another hidden planet, and then a third one where the planet was just a single dot. Once I did that on three maps, I got to some safe place with a piece of treasure that I could take, and then I had to navigate my way back out of the three grey maps and back into the falling shaft again.
  • At the end of the game I then arranged my gear briefly before submitting my inventory in a way similar to Backpack Battles.
  • Snippet: I also remember a dream where I was in China, wandering past and browsing some clothing, furniture, and food stalls on the first level of a fictional building that I had been to before in previous dreams. I ran into a Caucasian tourist there, who spoke English to me and expressed susrprirse that there was even a shopping area here as his Google Maps app did not display it. He then went back to his friends, who were seated at a round table just outside the shopping area, and they all got up and ascended an elevator toward a train station two levels above us. I followed them since I had nowhere else in particular that I wanted to go to.
Sep 29 2024
  • While Mom was in the bathtub, us kids were sitting on a couch in the living room in our parents’ current apartment, facing the TV and playing our own instances of a game. There were other people in the room also doing the same thing, so we were all playing the same single-player game together but separately. I was seated with Kel on the left of me, and at some point Jon in his 4-5 year old form crawled up between us to snuggle there with tears in his eyes.
  • This was apparently because he had no concept of how to pull groups of enemies separately, so he was having trouble getting past a section of the game where there were 5 groups of enemies that could be pulled at once. I put up a cushion in front of his face to block his tears from being able to be seen by the other people in the room, and then taught him how to move backwards once the groups were aggroed so that only one group of two came toward him at once, since the others were a lot further behind and fell out of aggro range once he moved back. I also then showed him how to mez one of the two enemies, which was basically a daze/stun skill with a 30 second effect and a cooldown of 30 seconds. The game was a turn-based, tactical game where each turn represented several seconds, so he could slowly and precisely kill the first enemy while keeping the second enemy fully locked down.
  • Later, there was a scene where I was returning home to my Edmonton 205 apartment with a couple friends. There was a public toilet across the corridor from my front door and a maintenance person was replacing the toilet bowl itself there. The two people with me were supposed to help me paint that toilet or something, but they couldn’t work there because the maintenance person was occupying it, and after talking to him I also realized that he and the other building maintenance people could also paint the room as part of the repairs they were doing. So I told the two people with me that their help probably wouldn’t be needed here, and they nodded and left on the truck that they had arrived in.
  • Snippet: There are two additional snippets that I remember around the timeframe of the second scene, the first being that Jah joked that he had re-created the trailer for an upcoming movie by piecing together postcard stills of it that had been posted online and using AI to generate the rest. The second was that a portal to battle a boss of some kind could be summoned, perhaps after the room painting had been completed, but it required 6 marriages to be performed in order to unlock 6 seals on it.

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