My Diary #121

Dear Tigey,

The neighbour wars continue, consuming most of my week.

Entry #121 (Dec 03 2023)

Table of Contents

Hell hath no fury like…
ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #117
ට  Song of the Week #94
ට  Writing Prompt of the Week #37
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #101
ට  Dreams


The neighbour drama came to a peak this week, after last weekend where I couldn’t sleep on Saturday night at all, and on Sunday morning I sent an ultimatum to the rental office notifying them as a courtesy that if they could not stop the neighbours above me from lowering their sound level and especially opening and closing their balcony doors over and over through the night, then I would take matters into my own hand.

This is the overnight log of their balcony door opening and closing and opening and closing:

Nov 26
Several times between 12 am and 1 am

Several times between 1 am and 2 am
2:19 am
2:25 am
2:36 am
2:50 am
3:04 am
3:11 am
3:28 am (sitting outside fidgeting in chair and making noise)
3:33 am (heavy footsteps, creaking of floorboards)
3:59 am
4:06 am (particularly loud balcony door slam)
4:23 am
4:27 am
6:04 am
6:06 am
6:13 am
6:19 am
8:27 am
8:32 am
10:20 am
12:20 pm
12:22 pm
1:08 pm napped and was woken up by the balcony door again and could then hear sweeping, followed by the rough dragging of some furniture along the ground.
1:11 pm
1:13 pm
1:16 pm

I’m absolutely furious at this. There has been no break at all from this (except between 4:30 and 6 am, where I might have drifted off briefly to sleep but was rudely awakened again to the sound of the balcony door.)

Something needs to change and “opening and closing the balcony door more softly” is not a suitable compromise. I am going absolutely crazy as this is heavily impacting my ability to even function and the balcony door noise is pretty much giving me mild PTSD at this point. I am also sick of trying white noise at this point, it’s distracting and hard to sleep with white noise going on every single day, and I can hear the balcony door even through the white noise anyway. Plus I cannot keep white noise on 24/7 to mask all their other noises during the day.

As a courtesy to the rental office, I am letting you guys know that I will be responding in a nasty way starting probably around the middle of this week going forward, say Wednesday, where I will be knocking on the ceiling with my broomstick for every single sound that I hear from them during the daytime and nighttime, this will involve noises from the balcony door as well as the many thumps and item droppings and furniture slams and other stupid noises that they make on a daily basis because they have no idea how to respectfully and properly live in an apartment setting with other neighbours. This should not be a problem because all they have to do to stop my banging is to not make any noise themselves. I will try to do it in the center of my apartment to try not to impede other neighbours.

If this still has no effect in getting them to cease their maddening sounds, from the following week onwards I will be printing out those timestamp logs of the balcony door opening and closing, and will be pasting them on sheets of paper around the apartment complex to show others how much they use their balcony door and how addicted they are to smoking, to publicly shame them. No one in their right mind needs to smoke that much, at all hours of the day and night when they are home, there’s something seriously wrong with them and it’s affecting my mental health as well at this point. And I’m sorry but if it is still going on by the following week then it’s obvious that whatever the apartment complex is doing to try to help, though I appreciate it, isn’t working.

Nothing changed, so I sent another followup email to the office on Tuesday stating that I would commence the banging campaign the next day.

Good afternoon,

I just wanted to note (and leave a paper trail) that there has been no discernable decrease in noise from my neighbour, and I’m not sure if this constitutes “proof” but I’ve attached a partial log below anyway (of the night portions especially), mostly of balcony door opening/closing, though some of it is general noise as well. The entries without the timestamp in brackets are the balcony door opening and closing, sometimes they come with other noises as well. The entries with the timestamp in brackets are specific and egregious examples of general noise that don’t involve the balcony door.

As such, I will be starting my campaign of “knocking on my ceiling for every noise I hear” tomorrow morning, at 8-9 am or whenever they wake me up, I expect to knock upwards of 50 times a day judging by previous days, so I am guessing they will be very annoyed. I apologize for the inconvenience this will cause you in advance, and please let them know that I will stop making noise when THEY stop making noise to MY satisfaction.

This is the log I have for the evening and night of Nov 26/morning of Nov 27. I didn’t sleep the previous night so I was able to fall asleep despite all the noises eventually.

6:59 pm
7:49 pm
8:02 pm x2
(8:40-8:52 pm – Loud music was playing (the ceiling was shaking) and then something marble-like dropped on the ground with a clatter)
(8:59 pm more banging noises)
9:02 pm
10:22 pm
10:30 pm (plus banging noises and door opening/closing)
10:33 pm
10:46 pm
11:00 pm
11:31 pm
11:41 pm
12:06 am
12:17 am
12:21 am
12:22 am
12:30-12:32 am – A lot of loud “fidgeting” furniture noises upstairs, I think out on the balcony.

This is the log for the night of Nov 27/morning of Nov 28:
11:56 pm
11:58 pm
12:04 am
12:08 am
12:18 am (plus loud clatter x2)
(12:25 am they kept on tapping something against the ground on the balcony outside, very annoying noise)
12:36 am x2
12:45 pm x2
(12:50 am chair scraping on stone outside on balcony)
1:26 am
1:29 am
1:30 am
1:35 am
2:11 am (I banged on the ceiling loudly around this time, I was so irritated.)
2:27 am

9:33 am
(9:52 am scraping of some furniture on ground)
(10:47-10:52 am banging noises upstairs, not sure what sort. Sort of like a mop hitting a wall baseboard over and over.)
11:25 am (door opening/closing and they’re cleaning/sweeping again)
11:36 am (opening/closing balcony door while still cleaning)
11:38 am (opening/closing balcony door while still cleaning!)
11:47 am (opening/closing balcony door while still cleaning!!)
11:51 am (opening/closing balcony door while still cleaning!!!)
(12:28 pm some annoying soft thumping noises, over and over, like a wooden stick tapping against the ground)
(12:50 pm a loud sound like a chair leg swinging against a table leg, made me jump)
(2:14 pm a banging noise, not sure what)
(2:32-2:41+ pm a LOUD BANG, apartment vibrated, like a table dropped sideways onto the floor, followed by a chair leg being dragged along a wooden floor a minute after, then lots of soft banging noises like a broomstick hitting things, and then more furniture dragging noises. Are they cleaning again?)

The entries with timestamps but no other comment are just the logs of their balcony door opening and closing.

These emails were directed at three people — Val, who worked the front desk, Michille, an office worker who apparently has my case and whom I like and often have friendly interactions with, and Denise, the office manager whom I dislike but whom might well be forced to play a “bad cop” role since she’s the manager, I’m not sure. In response to that latter email, Val said I would get a phone call on Wednesday from Michille, and so in respect of that, as well as the fact that I actually had a good night’s rest on Tuesday, I did not end up commencing banging on Wednesday even though they were really loud.

I did not get a phone call on Wednesday though, so on Thursday I sent another email saying that I would be commencing the banging noises:

Good morning,

I didn’t actually begin knocking on my ceiling yesterday because I slept well the previous night (Tues night/Wed morning), and because Val said I would get a phone call from Michille yesterday but I did not (but that’s alright). So out of respect I skipped knocking yesterday. I will be beginning the knocking campaign and noting down all the knocks I made today though, since yesterday was a particularly bad day for noise and I slept badly last night. As an ongoing paper trail, I wrote down all the noises they made yesterday in a more verbose manner instead of just the balcony door stuff. I think they have a wooden floor upstairs instead of a carpeted one in their living room and that’s why there’s constantly so much noise (floorboards creaking, furniture scraping against the floor whenever they drag it)? Either way, they have no idea how to live in a shared apartment community nor how much of their noise travels down through the paper-thin ceiling/floor. I’m about to teach them this.

Nov 29
12:19 pm balcony door
12:29 pm balcony door
12:32 pm balcony door
12:38 pm scraping noises on balcony
1:26 pm item dropping
1:29 pm balcony door
1:33 pm balcony door
1:36-1:53 pm agitated scrabbling noises, stomps, things moving around
2:03 pm balcony door
2:11 pm item crashing on floor
2:13 pm balcony door
lots of noises between 2 and 3 pm, very irritating
3:03 pm balcony door
3:07 pm balcony door
3:29 pm balcony door
3:33 pm balcony door plus slam of something on ground
3:40 pm thumps along the ceiling
4:19-4:25+ pm a very weird falling sound, then many little irritating sounds like things being moved just slightly
4:30 pm balcony door
4:36 pm balcony door
6:31 pm – they’re home, several LOUD thumps on the ground
6:33 pm balcony door
6:55 pm loud THUD upstairs
7:10 pm balcony door
7:57 pm balcony door
8:36 pm balcony door
8:38-8:40 pm lots of heavy movement/footsteps noise upstairs
8:41 pm balcony door
8:47 pm balcony door
8:50-8:56 pm many MANY thumpings, what are they doing?
9:32 pm scraping of chair on ground
9:35-9:46 pm constant, every half a minute or so, noises upstairs, like wooden things clattering against each other
9:50 pm balcony door
9:55 pm soft balcony door and many thumps!
(9:55 pm I knocked on ceiling 3 times, my only knocks this entire day)
9:57 pm balcony door
10:03 pm balcony door
10:05-10:06 pm a loud slam and stomping
10:46 pm the scraping of a chair/table along ground
10:53 pm balcony door
10:58 pm balcony door, heavy footsteps
11:06 pm heavy stomp, made me flinch (also light stomps for last few minutes)
11:18 pm heavy footsteps
11:19 pm balcony door, bang on ground
11:22 pm balcony door, something wooden hitting something else
11:31 pm footsteps, and a swish swish noise against the floor
11:33 pm something knocking against something else, twice
11:47 pm something heavy being placed/dropped on the floor above, made a bit of a clatter
12:18 am loud footsteps
12:33 am a table or something loudly scraping against the floor above.
12:51 am balcony door, scrabbling footsteps
12:57 am balcony door, scrabbling footsteps, sound of something rubbing against the floor
1:00 am balcony door
1:14 am a loud thump on the floor above
1:19 am loud creaking footsteps
1:23 am loud creaking footsteps
1:31 am balcony door and furniture scraping on stone outside
1:34 am wooden thing knocking against ground, two loud floorboard creaks from footsteps
1:36 am balcony door, chair scraping against ground outside on balcony
1:38 am more chair scraping noises outside
1:41 am balcony door and footsteps and some furniture noises
2:19 am balcony door, chair scraping against balcony floor, foorsteps
2:21 am furniture moving noise

This is not reasonable.

I *immediately* got a phone call from Michille, not even 2 minutes after that, although she said that she had not yet read my email. We talked a bit, and I said I was going to start banging, and she said they’d read my email and also that they’d talk to the residents upstairs and would continue talking etc etc. All useless though.

On Thursday, November 30th, I started my knocking-on-ceiling-with-broomstick campaign, though it was very sporadic at first because I wanted to see if there would be any change:




12:30 pm

Heavy footsteps, floorboards creaking


12:34 pm

Stomping, agitated footsteps, balcony door


12:42 pm

Balcony door


1:07 pm

Bangs on floor


1:11 pm

Cracking floorboards and some light thumps


1:18-1:19 pm

Footsteps, many light thumps


1:24 pm

Footsteps, more light thumps


1:31-1:33 pm

Item thumping, balcony door


1:38-1:39 pm

Balcony door, stomping noises


1:40 pm

Something thumping on ground, footsteps, floorboards creaking


1:46 pm

Something hitting against ground


1:51 pm

Lots of cracking floorboards, possibly from sweeping


1:52 pm

Balcony door


1:54 pm

Balcony door, lots of footsteps, floorboards


1:57 pm

Balcony door, lots of footsteps, floorboards


1:58 pm

Balcony door


2:01 pm

More scuffing noises, something falling on floor


2:11 pm

Scuffling noises, many little noises over the past 10 mins


2:15 pm

Balcony door x2


2:16 pm

Something heavy dropped loudly on the ground


2:22 pm

Balcony door, footsteps


2:38 pm

Balcony door x2


2:40 pm

Something dropped and rolled around on the ground


2:47 pm

They have been cleaning/moving stuff around for the past 45 minutes


2:48 pm

Another loud thump


3:21 pm

Balcony door, footsteps, furniture moving, something went thump


3:22 pm

Balcony door


3:23-3:25 pm

Constant, light thumps


3:32 pm

Balcony door


3:41 pm

Furniture moving, clatttering, over past few mins, particularly loud one here


4:06 pm

Some broomstick or something wooden clattered against something


4:21 pm

Furniture noises on floor


4:38 pm

Balcony door


4:57 pm

Balcony door


4:58 pm

Balcony door, chair scraping outside


5:04 pm

Balcony door


5:06 pm

Balcony door


5:07 pm

Balcony door


5:08-5:10 pm

Scraping noises over and over


5:30 pm

Lots of soft, weird noises outside


5:40 pm

Heavy footsteps banging


5:45 pm

Scraping of chair on stone or something


5:55 pm

Balcony door and lots of little noises


5:56 pm

Some sort of hitting noise


6:41 pm

Balcony door


6:48 pm

Balcony door


7:47 pm

Furniture pounding once against floor


7:50 pm

Something making banging noise against floor


7:58 pm

Balcony door


8:01 pm

Balcony door


8:08 pm

Furniture scraping/creaking noises


8:20 pm

Lots of heavy footsteps


8:26 pm

Balcony door


8:27 pm

Item dropping on floor


8:32 pm

Balcony door


8:37 pm

Balcony door


8:43 pm

Lots of little “fidgety” furniture noises


9:29 pm

Something dropping onto floor


10:49 pm

Balcony door


11:24 pm

Something clattered


11:58 pm

Weird furniture scraping noises for the past few minutes


12:10 am

Furniture fidgeting


12:15 am



12:23 am

Floorboard creaking


12:26 am

Balcony door


12:41 am

Shuffling around, things moving noises, I think balcony door too


12:43 am

Heavy clattering noise


12:48 am

Furniture shifting around on floor, footsteps


12:49 am

More dropping noises or something


12:56 am

Something hitting the wooden floor


Just 22 times over a long day of noise. There was no change, so on Friday, I ramped it up further, knocking for practically *every* noise I heard:

Dec 01




9:35 am

Balcony door


9:55 am

Something dropping on ground above


10:01 am

Balcony door


10:07 am

Balcony door


10:08 am

Balcony door


10:09 am

Loud stomping around


10:10 am

Balcony door


10:11 am

Balcony door


10:19 am

Thump on ground


11:06 am

Balcony door after 10 mins of sweeping noises


11:08 am

Soft balcony door


11:20 am

Balcony door, stomping noises


11:38 am

Furniture dragging


11:38 am

More stomping and dragging


11:38 am

Balcony door


11:39 am

More dragging and stomping and balcony door


11:40 am

More balcony door opening and closing over and over


11:41 am

More angry noises from upstairs


11:42 am

More balcony door or something dragging noises


11:44 am

Dragging furniture along floor noises


11:49 am

Balcony door x2


11:51 am

Balcony door


11:57 am

Many little thumps from upstairs


11:58 am

Balcony door


12:00 pm

Balcony door, broom sweepings


12:02 pm

Long, drawn out dragging sound


12:09 pm

Stomping and other misc noises


12:20 pm

Balcony door


12:22 pm

Scrabbling noises


12:23 pm

Balcony door


12:32 pm

Dragging noises


12:38 pm

Tapping noises, furniture noises


12:45 pm

Furniture and other unknown sounds


12:46 pm

More unknown sounds


12:47 pm

Scrabbling noises


12:49 pm

Table or chair scraping against floor


12:59 pm

Item dropped heavily on floor


1:02 pm

Balcony door, many things went thump


1:04 pm

Balcony door x2


1:05 pm

More thumps


1:10 pm

Balcony door


1:17 pm

Furniture moving around


1:30 pm

Dragging noise


1:38 pm

Furniture moving


1:47 pm

Furniture moving


1:54 pm

Balcony door


2:05 pm



2:06 pm



2:11 pm

Balcony door and weird noises


2:12 pm

Balcony door


2:16 pm

Balcony door


2:35 pm

Balcony door


2:36 pm

Something dropping on floor


2:38 pm

Balcony door


2:40 pm

Item dropping on floor


3:12 pm



I was up to 72 knocks by the time I stopped at 3:12 pm. Why did I stop then? Because it achieved the desired effect — I wanted to trigger something to happen before the rental office closed for the weekend, and apparently they had found time in between their chain smoking and multiple cleaning sprees to go down to the rental office to sue for peace. So I got a fun call from Denise Brophy, the rental apartment/office manager.

Denise said that the couple living upstairs had come down to the office itself to speak to them and were feeling traumatized from my knocks. She said that they had come from Ukraine, and that my constant knocking on the ceiling reminded them of (this part was unclear) either the dropping of bombs or warnings about bomb droppings or gunfire or something, and also that they were scared to even open the dresser in their apartment now or even play with their cat (they apparently have a cat!) for fear of triggering more knocks. And that they were very nice people when they came down to the office. Apparently they smoke a lot because they were “stressed” from being refugees from the war and “stressed” from my complaints at them, which had triggered several letters and calls from the apartment office to them. Especially the male half of the resident couple.

Boo hoo. I wasn’t even knocking particularly loudly on the ceiling, my ceiling/their floor is paper-thin so all I was doing for the most part was prodding the ceiling enough to make a noise, but without any strength put into the thrust most of the time. Just a “tok” notification. I didn’t get the chance to say this out loud, but I was basically “reflecting” the noise at them — instead of wondering why I was knocking so loudly on their floor, they should have put themselves in my shoes and thought about all the “noise bombing” they had been doing to me, and how if they can hear that noise so clearly, then I can hear all their damned noises very clearly too, a constant cacophony day in and day out over the past 7 months or so, since I returned from Kyoto. Instead it was always about their (as Denise put it) “rights” to “also” live the way they want there too.

But there’s no “also” if I was not getting enough silence to even sleep at night to begin with. And just one day of 72 knocks and one previous day of 22 knocks “traumatized” them, even when each knock was a response to a sound that they themselves made. It’s like they’re allowed to have trauma because they’re Ukrainian refugees, while I’m not allowed to complain about their noise (or rather, the rental office doesn’t care enough to bring the hammer down when I do) when it’s about the same damn level of noise to begin with, except I was the target of the noise for a lot longer than they have been. Am I only allowed to have peace and quiet if I have trauma in my past? Double standards.

Denise went on to say that they had agreed to not use the balcony door after 10pm from now on, and that if they were going to smoke they would go outside the front door to do so, and would I please stop knocking on my ceiling instead. She also said that they had in principle accepted the offer from the apartment complex to move to another unit for free (i.e. the complex apparently usually has a moving cost if a resident wants to shift to another house) when another unit of comparable price opens up. This was the same offer they’ve kept offering me the past few months as well, which I’ve steadfastly refused to do since I’ve lived here for over 10 years now. Both these concessions made me happy, because eff these nightmare “boo hoo we’re Ukrainian refugees, how dare you give us a taste of our own medicine” neighbours and their constant noise. I even offered to Denise to pay of their any associated moving costs if finances were a problem, though I don’t think she took this offer seriously.

Denise was also very passive-aggressive, and added a snide side-comment when she mentioned that that they had accepted the offer to move, something to the effect of “although I don’t know if your next neighbour will be quiet enough either”. This angered me. The context behind this is that I’ve lodged so many noise complaints with the office in the past year or so, starting around when I returned from my first Japan trip back in November at first. Most of them were targetted at my right side neighbour at first, as they often played loud music/TV and while the paper-thin walls blocked a good amount of it, the bass from their speakers would resonate through the walls and make my ears pop over and over at my computer desk.

The rental office always wanted me to go out and verify who was making the noise though, which is a stupid request to make, especially when the noises were coming in at midnight or 1am sometimes. Still, I did try to comply and would go out and listen outside the neighbours’ doors, both on my level as well as above and below me, and it was usually my right-side neighbour making the noise, which makes sense since they’re the ones I share the wall next to my computer desk with. (Also the ones where the previous resident kept bringing in bedbugs.)

They kept denying it and accusing their upstairs neighbour though, to the point that I was accusing the rental office of making me do the legwork of discovering who was making the noise for nothing, since most of the time I could very clearly hear the noise coming from outside the neighbour’s front door and it was the exact same noise that I could hear from my apartment as well. It wasn’t just them though, as I did discover that occasionally the noise I could hear did indeed come from their upstairs neighbour as well, or occasionally my upstairs neighbour, the nightmare Ukrainians I apparently terrorised with my broomstick this week. But it was *mostly* them, and I could tell because they all have a different sound profile, my right-side neighbours for example were Indian and I could also often hear Indian voices and the hooting laugh of one of the men in the “parties” that they liked to hold every week.

After many complaints and warnings and noise investigations, and a walk-through of their apartment, and them shifting some furniture around or using headphones for their TV/stereo system or something, their noise had mostly subsided to the point that I seldom get the booming bass from their apartment anymore, and their once-a-week parties, which still do happen, seem to stop by 11pm anyway instead of going on until 3am. At some point their upstairs neighbours also moved on, which cut off one of the occasional noise sources.

Mixed into all these were complaints about shifting furniture and banging, which indeed turned out to not be them at all, but it did not register to me that this was my upstairs neighbour until I realized that it could not be my right-side neighbour because I was hearing footsteps along the ground that usually paired with what turned out to be the balcony door opening and slamming as well. (It took me a while to even figure out what the balcony door noise was, since I don’t open and close mine that often or that forcefully, but it clicked for me one day and then I went outside to take photos and a video of them out on their balcony from downstairs a few weeks ago as well to be sure that I had the right unit.)

Throughout this ordeal, the Midwest Property Management rental ofice here at the Village at Southgate did to their credit always follow up by sending a letter and/or phone call to the residents involved, and would sometimes call or email me back too, but otherwise they were really toothless and helpless. They never once came to my unit to follow up on or witness the noise, even when invited, and seemed utterly powerless to figure out who was actually making the noises at any given point, especially at night, since they used to have a night security guard on premise but (I believe) had apparently long since axed that position to save money. Supposedly my right-side neighbour had a “final notice” at one point too but all it took to avoid trouble the next time I complained was to say it wasn’t them, when I clearly could hear the noise from the hallway outside their door, AND also checked the doors of their upstairs and downstairs neighbours and confirmed that all was quiet there. And there were at least 3-4 more complaints after that “final notice”, and yet they’re still there.

And then this office manager comes along yesterday and asked if I was at home all the time now (to which I said yes, I work from home), and then talked about how oh, maybe the reason I’m so sensitive to noise now is that I’m home all the time now post-pandemic instead of being outdoors more, and that people have a right to live their lives too, and even if the upstairs neighbour moves elsewhere (the implication was that *I* was being the bully) she wasn’t sure if I would not also make complaints against the next tenant.

No, Denise. I’ve been here for around 12 years and have never had issues like this until this current crop of neighbours, and in fact I’ve been very understanding and tolerant for my neighbours and their daily noises for a long time. It’s due to your office being extremely unhelpful and ineffective and MULTIPLE neighbours making cacophonies over a LONG period of time that my patience and tolerance has been worn down to next to nothing, and I’ve basically gotten PTSD from my upstairs neighbours opening and closing their balcony door upwards of 50 times a day every day for months on top of all the OTHER noises they make, to the point where it was affecting my sleep and causing me to miss work days too. The last straw was the night last week where they kept me up all night. And I stated my intentions to start this knocking campaign on my upstairs neighbours if nothing changed, in three separate emails that you were CC:ed on. You obviously didn’t read any of those and are falling prey to their “we’re refugees, boohoo, and we need to smoke a lot to destress” bullshit. The neighbours to my left are ALSO refugees, from Afghanistan, but they’re not (as far as I know) a noisy and poor excuse of a neighbour, unlike the ones above me.

(Also, while they can’t help the floor above being wooden and creaky, why is the floor in the apartment above wooden to begin with? The ceiling is so thin. Mine is carpeted, which deadens the noise for the resident below me. This has never been a problem for me with any of the previous residents of that unit, though, assuming the wooden floor isn’t new.)

Denise was also the one a couple weeks ago, when I went down to the office to discuss the noise issue myself, told me that “it’s not always neighbours, there was another long-time resident in a highrise that complained about noises but it turned out to be heating pipes and maybe you can just use white noise machines instead like she did”, which was insulting.

At any rate, I gave her a bad review the last time there was a resident satisfaction survey, and I think there will be another chance before I leave as well. Because I plan to outright leave when my lease is up, I do think I hold most of the cards in my hands in this case anyway, especially since due to what happened with my next door neighbour, I’m fairly confident that they don’t have the teeth to actually evict me anyway even if I continue banging on the ceiling (especially since I have a very substantial paper trail). Though I think I said last year that last year was my last planned year here, and I still ended up renewing for another year anyway. Who knows about this year. It depends on the housing market, since my ideal next step right now is to buy an actual house. Worst come to worst though, I’ll just rent another place with my Mom and Dad and possibly siblings.

Anyway, while there aren’t any winners in this sort of dispute, I’ll take what I got as a win. I agreed to stop knocking at least for the weekend, and if they don’t make noises or use the balcony door past 10pm and are also going to move out in a month or so then I’ll be happy with that, though I might make a fuss about their daily cleaning at some point too since that’s also very noisy and happens for like 45 minutes every day, sometimes twice a day. But so far this weekend (Saturday) they’ve been as quiet as mice as well, minus a couple balcony door uses and one item dropping on the floor. Finally some peace.

I had a great sleep last night, Friday night/Saturday morning, and the silence (minus a couple of creaking floorboards as they assumedly went outside the actual front apartment door for a smoke) was like manna for my ears, although, like many nights these days, it took a while for me to fall asleep partly because I’m paranoid about hearing the damned balcony door sliding open and shut again, and partly because I get trapped in an angry loop of replaying different arguments and responses over and over in my mind. Funnily enough, I did finally fall asleep, but I was woken up by their damned balcony door at about 10 am on Saturday morning.

Still though, I feel slightly bad about terrorizing them into silence, but they weren’t complying with any other requests to stop, and I gave ample warning to the office and had no idea about the alleged refugee/bombing thing, so what was I to do? (Though I probably will continue do it anyway if their noises pick back up to unacceptable levels, so it had better not.) The office was no help until I forced something to happen.

That was such a long complaint tirade but it felt good to get all that off my chest. And to make sure that my side of this incident is on Google search results for Denise Brophy, the Midwest Property Management office manager here for the Village at Southgate, since as far as my interactions with her have gone (and I did say this part directly to her, but she disagreed), she doesn’t seem to be on my side on this issue and had taken a rather one-sided view of the situation. Where was this communication or negotiation when I was making complaints about their level of noise, hmm? Have you ever at any point come to my apartment to listen to what I hear? (The answer is no.)

Oh, and a fun update as per Saturday night — I heard them use the balcony door a couple times again, even though Denise told me that the deal for no more ceiling banging is that they will absolutely avoid using the balcony door past 10 pm every night, and instead will go outside the actual apartment front door to smoke. On Saturday night, one of them went out onto the balcony at 10:56 pm and came back in at 11:00 pm, trying to be as quiet as can be. I think they might have done it a few minutes later again, but I was distracted (by games) and could not confirm either the entry or exit of that second one, if it happened. It then happened again around 12:59 am. What to do, what to do… probably nothing for now until I can catch them in the act, though. Especially since they were blissfully quiet the rest of Saturday anyway. The idiots are just going to plead Ukrainian refugee status again at this point.


So what happened outside of that fun this week? For starters, I haven’t actually booked my trip to Singapore and other parts of Asia and Australasia yet. I was in a pretty nasty mood for most of the week, for starters, and although I did some planning, I also kept getting bad vibes from the trip and the plane ticket prices, so I kept on putting it off, and now I’m not sure if I actually want to go anymore. The bad vibes were not about the border issue but about the cost. I can afford the trip, but I also need to save for the house that I want to get next year (or soon), and this will cut into that in a way that I’m not sure I’m comfortable with. I will continue to monitor things over the next week or so I guess. I already cancelled my Sophia study abroad year, so I’m certainly not shy in chopping this trip from my itinerary either if I think that that’s the right move. I’m also not afraid to go though, so we’ll see.

Before the start of my broomstick knocking campaign late this week, I wasn’t entirely sure what kind of response it would receive from the neighbours, but I had told myself that I would not answer the front door this time if the neighbour dropped by again, so to protect myself, I actually moved a heavy box in front of my front door so that it wouldn’t open even if the door was unlocked/broken down. Especially at night. This turned out to be unnecessary, however it did elicit a “secret fort” sort of feeling for me, especially since I made sure to stock up on groceries beforehand, so that did provide a new, and somewhat nice and interesting, experience.

While out getting groceries, I saw a mall Santa having his throne set up, and I walked over to take a picture. He waved at me, even though I was some middle-aged woman carrying bags of groceries, and this made my day.

Three days later, he appeared on Reddit, in the /r/Edmonton and /r/MadeMeSmile subreddits. The uploaded video is cached here for posterity:

Yep that’s him, same outfit (white gloves, black boots, somewhat gaudy belt buckle etc), glasses, and the little brown/black in the middle of the white beard. Cool!

I really like how Southgate Mall always decorates the mall for various festivals and such. Though it can be expensive and its grocery options are not the best, it’s overall the best mall in Edmonton, I think, better than even the more famous West Edmonton Mall, and I’m happy to live right by it. I stopped by the Southgate Guest Services office on my way back and sent compliments to the staff to the front desk worker there too, who was delighted to hear that feedback.

The rental office also decorated the complex area a little bit more, so some other little trees besides the usual main one are lit up at night now:

The best gift for Christmas I could receive would be my upstairs neighbours being forced to move, so here’s hoping I get that sooner rather than later.

I started work on a new coding course this Friday — or rather, I reviewed and slightly continued on one that I had started about a month ago before pausing to do that other more beginner course instead. This one is a Unity 2D RPG course (local). I didn’t do any bits and pieces during the week though, and I’m not as enthused about coding at the moment because my blog maintenance and scan archive uploading times have dwindled to basically zero for the past month as well, and I’m still trying to find the balance between those (more important) things and this game programming venture. Really though, it’s probably because I’ve been putting more time into certain games recently.

Also, Edmonton just apparently finished recording our driest November on record, we only had traces of snow around some parts of Edmonton on one day in the entire month, and most if not all of the city (and outlying areas) reported zero precipitation for the entire month of November. We did get some snow in October, but other than that, woo, great weather as far as I’m concerned!

Microsoft Rewards is being nerfed (local), which isn’t nice, but on the flip side I just received enough points this week to redeem for a $10 gift card, so that’s nice, I suppose. A little too late for the vacuum I bought last week, but still.


Outside of AMQ, the main bulk of my gaming time with Satinel this week went to Sniper Elite 4 (which we finished up the campaign and overwatch missions for) and then Sniper Elite 5 (which we picked up on Fanatical, and we both got deluxe versions of the game even though we paid for standard version keys).

We’re playing on hard this time, which means the AI is “better” and we’re more prone to being downed by enemies engaging us when we’re careless or reckless, but I do like this overall since it makes us play more carefully. The game also has more stealth mechanics now, like tall grass that we can hide ourselves (or bodies) in, boxes that we can hide enemy bodies in, stealth takedowns that can render enemies unconscious or kill them outright if we prefer, and so on. Even “nonlethal bullets”, which make no real sense but whatever. It seems they were heavily influenced by the industry standard sort of 1st-person stealth game. The levels also are taking a lot longer, about 4 hours and change per map, but I think that’s because the levels are a lot larger, with a lot more enemies than before, rather than necessarily because of the difficulty, though that also does matter a little bit, of course.

In solo play, I dedicated virtually all my time this week to Backpack Hero again, and I’m close to completing the game and getting all the achievements now — but I can’t seem to get a character to spawn in my game, so I’m worried that my game is bugged as the game cannot be completed without that. (Edit: I eventually got her to spawn, it was a lousy RNG thing.)

I currently have cravings for Terraria, some Assassin’s Creed games, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghostlore, FFXIV, and Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, although I did not end up buying that last game in the Steam Autumn/Halloween sale that just ended because the Winter one is just around the corner anyway. We’ll see what I play next, if anything, though.

Plushie of the Week #117 – Kiwi

This nameless kiwi is actually Dad‘s plushie, it was given to him from a friend named Joe Lim back when he last visited Singapore in 2018 together with Kel. To be precise, I believe he went there in December 2017 to meet Kel at the end of her semester stay there, and came back with her in tow in January 2018.

Anyway, while there, Dad and Kel were staying somewhere along Guillemard Road in the neighbourhood of Geylang, and at some point he met an old friend called Joe Lim who he used to work together with as a salesman back at a shop called Ai En Computing, in a shop in Sim Lim Square, which I visited the last time I visited Singapore. The company was long gone, though.

Kiwi front/side:

Kiwi other side/Tag 1 front:

Tag 1 inside:

Tag 1 back/Tag 2 front:

Tag 2 is actually a sheet of paper folded together, but photocopying or scanning it would involve breaking it, so I haven’t done it at this point:

Tag 2 back:

Tag 3 front:

Tag 3 back:

Song of the Week #94

Title: Hikari no Senritsu
Artist: Kalafina
Album: Sora no Woto OST (2010)

This is the opening song for the anime Sora no Woto, or Sound of the Sky. This was one of the first anime group watches I ever had with Nak and Satinel, back in Jan 2019, so I don’t honestly remember all that much about the show any longer. I loved the song though, and to this day it’s still riding high in my top 10 anime opening songs list. Kalafina, the band, is more famous for their songs in the Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica and Kara no Kyoukai series, both of which we eventually group watched as well, but this is their main (and I think only) song that I actually really liked a lot.

To me, their clean and rich and almost operatic vocals, together with the floating flute-y instrumentals in this song, evoke a serene, fantasy-world sort of feel that I really, really like. I almost don’t even really care what the lyrics (local) mean in English, though like the show, they do evoke the “sound of the sky” and are very wistful and sad-but-perhaps-yet-hopeful. The song and tune also have a rich mysticality that I associate with my early anime days, which this show was part of. And by that I mean when I was still wandering bright-eyed through the anime medium and had not fully figured out what I did or did not like, nor gotten anywhere close to exhausting all the alleged best shows in my favourite genres yet. I was at the forefront of a new frontier to me at that time, and this song was very much a part of that.

Writing Prompt of the Week #37

This week’s writing prompt reads:

“What sport(s) interested you, and how did you participate? If not, talk about another pastime.

As a child while in Singapore, this would have been soccer. This involved everything from watching occasional local soccer matches with friends or family, or trying out for the local school team. Mostly though, it was playing with friends, mostly after school in the courtyard (Rosyth) or field (Dunman), with a soccer ball or sometimes just with a smaller ball of some sort, or occasionally even something like a crushed soda can.

We didn’t have formal soccer fields with nets, so what we would do is set down our school bags a little ways apart, and that would be our goal. I was a bad shot but a good runner and, so I thought, a tenacious defender with fairly good timing, so I liked to play defence. I never did headers though, since I wore glasses and didn’t want to break them. And as far as I remember, I never broke my glasses (or my bones) or anything like that playing the sport. Nor broke anyone else’s. I think. It was mostly the guys that played, though once in a while one or two of the more athletic or bored girls would join us too, though this was rare.

I don’t have a ton of other memories around playing the sport itself, but I do have a few tangential ones around soccer in general. I’ll save those for Memory Snippet of the Week below, though!

Memory Snippet of the Week #101

I have three soccer-related snippets to share. The first is that we used to have, and I used to read, some sort of soccer comic book in Singapore. I think they were about the same size as the Archie magazines that one can find around supermarkets these days, so something like 6.5 inches by 5 inches or so, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what they were called, nor am I certain that I would recognize them even if I did see them. I think they followed one main guy, and I remember one story in particular where they were playing against a very dirty championship team who kept on fouling and trying to injure his teammates, but in the end, despite being down several players, he scored the winning goal for his team on a curving kick that flew into the net past the outstretched form and splayed fingers of the opposing goaltender.

The second snippet is that I also used to borrow soccer-themed puzzle books from the local Singapore library, and I remember the modem connection noises that the self-checkout machines used as I scanned or swiped my card to start checking the books out. But I digress. The puzzles themselves took the form of a small soccer league table with some of the data (total number of games played, wins, draws, losses, goals for, goals against, and total number of points) filled in, some omitted, as well as a number of game results. From there, the object of the puzzle was to work with the incomplete information and figure out what all the missing data was. A combination of a little bit of logic and a little bit of math, the puzzles were never really hard, but they were very interesting for itty bitty little me.

Lastly, I used to keep a journal that had little tabs and pages from A to Z, and I wrote down soccer team names from over the world in that journal, as well as what country they were from. I got most of this data from the sports section of the Straits Times, Singapore’s main (and government-controlled) newspaper, though as we got internet access sometimes I would look up occasional foreign soccer league tables too. Being a grade 6’er at the time, I sometimes commandeered a corner of the class blackboard, drawing a little box there with chalk, and titling it Soccer Team of the Week. I’d then put the name of a weirdly-named team and its country in there, and a D.N.E (do not erase) so that the cleaner didn’t erase off that box, and change the team every Monday. I guess that was a prequel to this blog’s Nantoka (Japanese for “Something or other”) of the Week, huh. I’ve tried looking for that journal recently but I don’t think I have it around anymore.

Nov 27 2023
  • I was playing what in essence was League of Legends with some friends, mainly Greg, though I think Jah was there at some point as well. In the main game I remember playing, I had a character with a pet and started in an underground train station modelled after our local University LRT station, with escalators leading up to the main level from the train platform where I was at.
  • There were a number of groups of pigs loitering around the platform, and I kicked a couple of them around to gain xp, even though they looked to be many levels higher than me and my pet to begin with. They moved really slowly and it was easy for me to dodge them though. My pet levelled to level 7 after just kicking a couple of them around.
  • There was an alcove on that train platform with a computer screen in it, where there was a dragon and two little adventurer sprites, one of which I controlled, and the other which another friend controlled. The dragon was after me, so I lured it into the bottom right corner of the screen, then dodged north out of the way as it crashed into the corner, then went back south to collide with it while it was in the corner. This killed both me and the dragon but earned me some sort of special bonus prize, apparently the second one that I had achieved.
  • We also had a script that we had to read out or act at some point. It was mostly in English, but had a single Spanish line in the middle of the top page’s header, and I had no idea what it said. It also came with a theme song, which was the opening song from the El Cazador de la Bruja anime, Hikari no Yukue.
  • Later on in the game, I was in the front left seat of a car being driven by a woman in the front right seat who seemed to be my older sister, along with a couple of classmates in the back seat. She was driving us to school in the rain. Something was on the front dashboard that I fiddled around with until we reached our destination, though I don’t remember the details of what exactly that was.
  • Once the League of Legends match ended, I was back at the computer in my Edmonton 4012 house and Greg extended me an invite for the next game. But I was 1.5h late for dinner, which Mom was preparing, at this point, although dinner apparently still was not ready yet. I was tempted to play the Lulu character from League of Legends for the next game but hadn’t created the character as a level 1 hero yet, which everyone had to do on their account for any ingame character thaet they actually wanted to play before they could play that character. Either way, I told him I couldn’t join the next game, but would check to see if he was still playing once I returned from dinner.
  • I sat down and watched the game for a bit since dinner was not ready. I saw a player playing Wukong from League of Legends, who also had a pet monkey and also could pretend to be the pet monkey himself. The aim of this game was to kick a brass plate alarm bell set into the base of a statue which itself was set in the middle of a 3-way intersection with paths stretching east, northwest, and southwest. Though the enemy team had defenders there, the character’s ability let him casually run up to the statue without being detected as a player, and he kicked it to score his second point of the game.
Nov 28 2023
  • I was chatting to Satinel over a phone chat program while at home in Tampines, which in my dream was in the south side of Singapore. She was apparently visiting Singapoore, and I was going to meet her later that day.
  • I suggested she go to Yishun and check out a large community market there, which consisted of a large number of shops nestled side by side along the bottom level of buildings, alongside loose portable stalls that crowded the roads that winded between those buildings. It easily took up several city blocks in size and consisted of independent stores and stalls selling everything from food to handmade clothing.
  • She did so, and commented that it was like a bazaar and reminded her of two places, one had a European name and was the capitol city of a previous online game that we had played together recently, and the other had an Asian name. I pretended to not know what either name was, even though I recognized at least the first name, and cheerfully said that I had never visited those cities before in my travels.
  • I also said that Yishun also had actual shopping malls next to the train station, but that that large market was considered to be its cultural capitol, and that I had lived next to it when I was young (Yishun 799) before moving away from it to a place about 15 minutes away when I had grown a little bit older (Yishun 723), before then moving away entirely a few years after that (Tampines 294).
  • I then told Satinel that I had not left my house yet, but if she wanted we could have lunch there together and I’d make my way over. I tossed down my phone on the bed, changed, picked up the phone and a bag and said goodbye to Mom before leaving.
  • For me to get there via train, I would have to take it north about 12 stations or so, then east about two stations, and I felt like that would take too long. I considered taking a train partway, perhaps two stops to Simei Station and then checking taxi prices from there or something, but that also felt off, so I decided to just take a direct taxi there. I considered Uber, but my fingers found the taxi app first on the phone and had dialed for one before I knew what had happened. The taxi arrived, and I found out that the ride was actually quite cheap, as bypassing the train stations meant that the cab could just travel east to a major road, and then follow that major road more or less straight north (with two small eastern segments along the way) and we’d already be in Yishun for under $10.
  • Upon meeting Satinel, I pointed at the full moon in the sky and talked about how it was actually a ham sandwich hidden under a round metallic serving platter, and how I could lift up the platter and reveal the ham sandwich moon once a day for about 3 hours to unlock our powers. I believe mine was a vampiric power that I could use to bite an enemy and regenerate health from them, while Satinel‘s was a power that allowed her to run at high speed on all fours, kind of like Delta from Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!.
  • There was also a side segue about a baby who could be visited for 3 hours a day, and have its diapers changed 1.5 times a day, and this somehow corresponded to the sandwich moon, though I’m not sure how.
  • Before lunch, we went to break in to a second-floor building to pick open a safe while our powers were active. While in the room though, some sort of reverse power or script was played so that instead of the coast being clear, there were suddenly enemies outside and approaching, so we readied ourselves to fight our way out.
Nov 29 2023
  • I was with a group of classmates in some sort of class taking place in a holiday resort building or something similar like that. During downtime, I spent time by myself instead of doing whatever the rest of the class was doing, and ended up visiting the stables and talking with a stablehand who pointed out some foals that were being trained for some sort of race or Olympics or contest. One was a black, short-furred pony who had passed his training date and her stats could no longer be improved, and she was very bad around groups of people as well.
  • I took her back to a nearby waiting room that we were going to be staying in and she lay down on the ground there. A lamb came along and suckled at what seemed to be her equivalent of cow teats, causing some grief in the poor pony, before the lamb bounded off. I covered the pony in a blanket, and also lay down with my head on top of her legs, keeping her warm with my body heat.
  • Eventually, a number of friends and other people trickled back into the room, and I pretended to be asleep for some time while watching them, before finally waking up and rubbing my eyes. The pony also got up and turned into a lamb, bounding straight into the hands of a nearby girl and then struggling free and fleeing the room. I noticed the blanket had a bit of saliva on one part of it, so I brought it to a nearby sink and gave that area a wash.
  • I chatted to a friend who was calling another friend and asking him if he wanted to go to Singapore together as he had found some cheapish tickets. I think the friend who made the outgoing call was Kelvin from McNally. Once he was done, I mentioned that I was also going to Singapore and how cheap were the tickets and when were they going? As I might be interested too.
  • He said he had gotten them for $777, and that I probably had a deal that was about equally good. I said yes, I had gotten mine for a bit over that, somewhere around $820. He said his were just good for a short trip, as both he and the other friend were in training to become journalists, but were just interns or something for now, and were not able to take leave from work on weekdays. Thus it would be a very short weekend trip only, until they graduated to becoming full journalists next year. I said that that was too bad — blogging while on a trip definitely developed journalistic skills in my opinion too.
  • Snippet: I don’t know how it connects but later on, there was something that featured a plastic bag full of water and I was worried that all the water would drip through the bag. Also, at one point, I was watching a TV sports show being filmed and the commentator was pointing at a screen that showed the Edmonton Oilers having won 6 games in a row and being back in the hunt for the NHL wildcard playoff spot, about 4th or 5th in a group of 10 teams chasing those spots. He tried to turn to an equivalent table for the NFL but accidentally muted himself instead and one of the production staff let him know about it through his earpiece when he tried to keep on talking despite being muted.
Nov 30 2023
  • I was playing a multiplayer game with an overhead grid map and somewhat synchronous turn-based movement, Satinel and I both were playing on the same team and could both move three spaces a turn. We entered a sandy desert town map and split paths around either side of a horizontal row of fantasy-like houses and buildings, specifically around what seemed to be a copper mine on the eastern edge of the row of buildings. Satinel continued north of it and west, on a path that led back toward the rest of the game, while I took a detour south of it and west, to a place where I could go replace one of my items or skills with another.
  • It was a 4-player game so others had turns as well, though the other two weren’t with us and I wasn’t sure if they were on our team or not. Besides the synchronous three steps a turn thing, there was also a global turn system that switched between players every dozen or two dozen turns, which allowed for global control of other things like quests or map avaiiability.
  • Snippet: In other separate dreams later on, I was watching over the /r/tipofmytongue Discord server from afar, even though I had left that place months ago. As a normal anonymous user, I noticed that all the other old mods had left as well, and there was now a completely new set of mods. They seemed to be doing fine cleaning up spam and such. There was also a visual representation of that virtual space and I saw the mods boarding a spaceship in that visual scene.
  • Snippet: I watched a YouTube video of a woman cooking and eating yakisoba on a hot countertop stove while complaining about the viewer having ended up on her video by searching for another recipe in a rude manner or something, so this was what the viewer would get instead of what they were originally searching for. I noted that cooking and then eating directly from the counter seemed to be rather unhygienic.
  • Snippet: Lastly, there was a scene with two teachers where I didn’t completely finish my homework, having left one question off a sheet unanswered, and I pretended to not have the class outline and thus had not realized what I needed to complete, though I actually had some other question for it. I eventually obtained permission to copy that answer from another student’s paper in front of the teachers. There was a question about a particular religion and rude posts from its members on the Internet that were written in Chinese and Japanese but not translated into English yet, though I’m not clear if that was the specific question I left off. Also there was a sense of urgency as there was a bus that came every 30 minutes or so at a nearby bus stop and a friend and I both needed to catch that bus. I was trying to hurry her along so we could leave together.
Dec 01 2023
  • I was on some sort of a school exchange when I saw a group of people on the school campus surrounding a one-storey wooden building. There were about a dozen of them, and some of them were in front of the house, some were spread out to either side of the house, while some were on the roof of the house itself. Two of the people in front were roleplaying, typing out multi-line emotes and responses in a global chat while standing in front of each other, and I realized that they were some sort of local drama club.
  • They all had a mouse motif of some kind as well, and were roleplaying breaking into the house to look for something. As I stood nearby and gawked at them, one of them looked at me and then at my player icon, which was my usual purple cat icon, and her next emote included an invitation to me to join in to the roleplay if I wanted. I obliged, stepping up and starting to type out a long reply of my own while everyone else waited around. I told them that I didn’t mind joining, but that I was an exchange student from Canada and that I would only be here for two weeks. Even though I was typing in English, this came out in Japanese since they were all Japanese as well, and they were impressed at this.
Dec 02 2023
  • I was attending a school for the first time 3 or 4 days after the school year actually started, due to my registration papers being processed later than everyone else’s. This was technically a university in terms of timeline, though it was structured like a secondary school with individual lettered classrooms/homerooms that students belonged to, and I mixed it up and called it a secondary school to a teacher a little ways into the dream, before correcting myself and calling it a university.
  • The classrooms for the 9 classes were all situated in a row and were labelled 1A to 1I, and I wasn’t sure which class I was supposed to be in so I wandered in around the lunch hour, hoping to find it myself. Nothing stood out, but I did recognize various students in various classes, for example Yiwen in 1D, Minan and Eisen in 1E, Rachel in 1F, Zixiang and Eileen in 1G. 1D seemed to be a very serious class and was finishing up a play presentation before lunch. 1E was watching the tail end of some film. 1G had alredy started their lunch hour period, and seemed to be a playful class in general.
  • The classes were also all very full and several of them had extra chairs and tables outside of the classroom and students seated at those while trying to pay attention to the teacher inside the actual classroom. Minan and Eisen were part of the external group of 4 or so students in that situation for that 1E class, and Eisen was sitting down at his chair with a slightly crushed and discarded tin can at his feet. Minan was trying to get him to pick it up and throw it away properly so that he would not accidentally (or purposefully) kick it and cause a ruckus, but Eisen playfully refused, and they went back and forth a little bit like that. I remember thinking that Eisen was one of the people that I had been in the same school with since primary school in Rosyth, all the way through secondary school in Dunman, and then to wherever this school was. Zixiang and Eileen were like that for me too.
  • I headed into 1G since their class was over. After greeting Zixiang and Eileen, they said that as far as they knew I wasn’t in their class, but they had no idea what class I was in. Zixiang gave me a small hand-sized projector and a piece of tissue paper to project the light from the projector onto, he said that that contained the class rosters and that I would be able to find out what class I was in from there. I did so, but after looking through all 9 class rosters, I still could not find my name.
  • I wandered back out of the classroom and waited for the teachers to leave the classes that had still been in session. A woman came out of the 1E classroom, and I greeted her and asked if she knew what class I was in. I said that even though I had submitted my registration papers the same time as everyone else, for some reason my papers had been processed more slowly and I was always one “phase” behind everyone else — there were three stages of screening or selection but I only got my results and notification for Stage 1 just as everyone else got their Stage 2, and for Stage 2 just as everyone else got their Stage 3. I finally got my Stage 3 acceptance a couple of days after school had actually started, but I did still get accepted to the school, I just had no idea what class I was supposed to be in since I had missed orientation.
  • The teacher said that she had no idea, but that I should ask the Advanced Challenge coordinator, which was apparently the name of the program we were in. She gave me a Mrs something name, where the family name was five letters long. A teacher who looked like Ms Lim then came out of the 1D class, and I asked if she was the coordinator, and the teacher that I was talking to looked over her shoulder and said yes. I approached that other teacher, and explained the entire story again.
  • She pulled out a sheaf of papers with class rosters and seating layouts and looked through it and confirmed that for some reason, I wasn’t on the rosters at all. The two teachers conferred and the coordinator said that somehow I must have been overlooked when they were dividing people into classes. No class had space for new tables as well, but several had empty seats. I remember hoping that I would be assigned to 1G.
  • Snippet: I don’t remember how the dream ended, but that dream had snippets attached to it that I witnessed at some point. One was a booklet that was to be handed out to a class, with a brown front cover page and a green back cover page. Someone was trying to print or photocopy a bunch of those booklets for a class but was stopped by another class because the printing was too noisy and they could not concentrate on their classes.
  • Snippet: There was also some plotline about a rocket launcher at some point, and there was apparently a convenience store near or on the school grounds that the students visited now and then.
  • Editor: Also, despite the problems I had within the dream, the dream and the school setting in it gave me a wash of satisfaction when I woke up between my two dreams to write that all down.
  • Snippet: In a different dream setting much later on, I was talking to a friend and investigating some places with them, and we came across a specific drink in a teacup and saucer set that was said to attract bees. If left out on a table, a bee would occasionally fly through a window and land near the tea, and this happened on more than one occasion at different places. Apparently Kobe Bryant had drank the tea in his house at one point too and he himself became a bee attractor for three hours or three days or something, and had a very miserable time until the tea passed through his digestive system.
Dec 03 2023
  • The bulk of the dream bits I remember took part in a moderately crowded modern MMO game world, where people had access to bicycles and motorcycles and other simple vehicles, and game areas were connected by roads. Dad and I had a guild and we had some random newbies that joined us as well, and at one point I remember following one or two of our guild newbies around for protection as they went somewhere since they were still low-levelled, just around level 12 or so.
  • One of the skills I had was an AOE skill that could hit many targets around me at once. It started off doing 1 damage to everyone by default, but I had so many other skills and items that buffed its damage that it was doing around 22 damage per activation to everyone now.
  • Later on, Dad and I were visiting an enemy guild leader’s opulent house to meet him when the alarms went off, and we rushed out to see that guild member skateboarding away from another part of the enemy guild leader’s house. She reached the road where her main vehicle, a motorcycle, was, then hopped onto that instead and took off with whatever she had stolen. The enemy guild leader chased after her on his own vehicle but we doubted that he could catch her.
  • In order to smooth over relations, I suggested to Dad that when the enemy guild leader returned, we should offer to repay them for whatever was stolen. Not because we liked them, but because we were trying to set them up for an even bigger fall and needed to fool him into playing along with our plans for now.

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