My Diary #164

Dear Tigey,

Things are settling back into normalcy now, but I’m sure there’s plenty of exciting things in our future still.

Entry #164 (Nov 10 2024)

Table of Contents

ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #159
ට  Song of the Week #136
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #143
ට  Dreams


There were some loose pieces left over from me backing out of the house purchase last week to list here. The first is that the house that I rejected, despite them saying that they had a backup offer, first went back into active status, which meant that it was generically onto the market, and then briefly went into Open House status as well. Eventually though, the house did go back into Pending mode by the end of the week, which meant that someone else did make an offer on the property as expected. Just that the thing about the backup offer was likely a lie.

Next, the realtor office took their time returning the $10,000 downpayment deposit that I had made, but it eventually made its way back to me, via mailed cheque. Oscar had given me an option, when I contacted him inquiring about the status of the return, on whether I wanted to be mailed the cheque or whether I wanted to go to the office to pick it up. I picked the former, and the cheque arrived in my physical mailbox on Friday. It’s a bit weird that they returned it via cheque when I had to submit it to them digitally, but hey, it meant that I acquired an extra ephemera scan from it.

Oscar also indicated that the owners of the house that I had rejected were contemplating buying the results of the house inspection from me, for half the price I had paid, but they did not do such a thing in the end. For my part, I don’t care about that bit either way, but I did feel a continued sense of relief like I had dodged a bullet, so I think this was the right decision for me.

I  did speak with Dad about expanding the search, and he suggested that condos might be an option as well in specific areas within the southern part of the city, near where the house I had rejected was, but also further south from that toward the airport. He and Mom would be perfectly happy in one of those too if they decided to move in, and he outlined a couple of specific routes and roads where there were plenty of buses to the nearest LRT station. These were all newer built-up areas with future LRT expansion coming as well.

Condos didn’t necessarily mean those in apartment buildings, as there were condo townhouses too, but either way it depended on how large the condo itself was. I was warm to the idea — it would mean a condo fee but that would be offset by utilities and the lack of a need to do some upkeep. The condo market in Edmonton is mostly flat though, and there was always the danger of buying in to a poor HOA or condo board, but a newish place also would mean that I wouldn’t be starting with a huge ten-year backlog of ignored upkeep to do.

Anyway I spoke to Oscar after that and he expanded my housing portal search to include condos in the neighbourhoods that I outlined to him too. I was surprised that the neighbourhood filter existed but it did. He set the price range different for this filter as well, 200k to 380k instead of the house one, which is 250k to 380k. I plan to go to my parents’ place later this long weekend and have them look at some of the condos on the list to see if they could give me some tips on what I should be looking out for when looking for condos, good or bad points both. Dad‘s a former real estate agent after all, gotta tap into some of that knowledge.

Separately from that above conversation, Dad stopped by to visit my apartment this week, as he wanted me to find and scan a couple of specific photos for him from the box that I had taken home a couple of weeks ago, as he had been chatting with one of his friends back home who also knew those people, who was apparently sick with something fatal and wouldn’t be around for much longer anymore, and Dad wanted to show him those photos. Anyway, Dad was taking forever to arrive at my place so I went downstairs to look for him in case he got lost, and I arrived downstairs in the lobby as he pulled up at my apartment front door. I refused to let him in before he pressed the intercom and called me, since I needed to know that he knew how to use it, so he tried it — and we then blinked in confusion as the phone rang and some other lady picked up the call instead of it ringing my phone.

After he concluded his visit and left, I contacted my rental office to figure out what had happened. They said that there was a different phone number on my intercom file, one that I had never heard of before, which was very strange since I know that my intercom had been working a few months ago. They changed the number back and had me go down to try the intercom, but the button was still going to the other random woman, who seemed annoyed by the third time that I called her since all the helpless rental office knew how to do was to override my phone number that they had already changed with my phone number again and again. And then tell me to go down and try again just in case. The Midwest staff on the other side of the phone (my phone, not the intercom) had no idea how their own systems worked and had no idea how to fix it, and it was very frustrating. It fixed itself by the next day though, which tells me that any changes that they make only take effect after 24 hours or so, perhaps simply due to the intercom’s synchronization being on a schedule instead of being instant.

This was not the first, nor even the second, time that I’ve struggled to get help with the getting intercom system here, and the Midwest Rental staff members are either truly incompetent or their intercom system itself is really, really bad, or both. It’s frustrating. How did they even override my number with someone else’s? And they didn’t even apologize for it or acknowledge that they had done something wrong. No wonder I hadn’t received a call from the intercom system since October 01.

I really have to get out of this apartment building though. There was yet another fire alarm on Tuesday evening this week, this time triggered by the 6th floor alarm. It was chilly, so most people just hung around the apartment lobby, just inside or just outside the main doors, and chatted with each other and with the Midwest staff who were still on the premises while the firemen trundled in and then out again. On the way back up, I was in the elevator with another couple who mentioned that the other elevator, the right side one when facing the two of them in the lobby, had a weird quirk where if the lift stopped at the 2nd floor, it would then get confused and refuse to go down to the ground level, because as far as it was aware it was on the bottom level already. That lift would only go up from there. So people on the 2nd floor mostly just used the stairs to get down to the ground floor. Apparently Midwest had no idea how to fix that elevator problem, as well.

The snow on the ground here in Edmonton evaporated after a day or so and even as late as November 08, we were still seeing temperatures over 10 degrees Celsius. Next week seems to be a mix of days with the high temperatures ranging from -1 to +6, and a little bit of snow, but also rain, as well as lots of cloudy weather. So the snow likely won’t last yet, as we sneak toward December. Monday is a long weekend for Rememberance Day, so that’s nice, and the one hour backwards shift of the clock from Daylight Savings Time last Sunday (Nov 03) has shifted the perspective of the world as well since the sun rises and sets earlier now, so I now see sunsets before I start my stream and the sky’s brighter when I wake up now.

With that, here are some sky pictures from the week.

First we have Tuesday, Nov 05 at 4:15 pm. I loved the way the sun was “washed out” behind those clouds in the very specific position in the sky that it was in.

A little later that Tuesday evening, Nov 05 at 5:39 pm, with the Moon and Venus both visible on the left side of the picture together. Also, I really like the colour gradient here, both going from up-down and left-right:

Wednesday, Nov 06 at 5:34 pm, a nice cloud formation highlighting the distant horizon:

Thursday, Nov 07 at 5:27 pm, another nice “glowy” colour gradient.

And Friday, Nov 08 at 4:56 pm, with different levels of messy clouds strewn across the sky:

Beautiful! When I woke up on Sunday morning, the outdoors was extremely foggy, so I also managed to get a rare picture of a fogged up Edmonton morning. It was so foggy that I could barely see the shopping mall within a stone’s throw of my apartment, never mind the distant horizon!


I did my standard 21 hours or so of streamed Metaphor ReFantazio this week, 3 hours a day, and Satinel was joined this week by Emmy_, who came around to hang out in the latter half of the week. My voice is still nowhere near where I want it to be, and I stumble across a lot of words still, but the stream is good practice that will probably get me there eventually, and I appreciate it for that. I did get an achievement for doing 25 unique streams in the past 30 days though, and upon checking my analytics, I only need 6 more followers and one or two more concurrent viewers to unlock a whole bunch of things on my stream like VIP badges to give out. That being said, the Metaphor category is very congested since it’s a new game, so no one’s really randomly coming in to watch, but that’s fine since I need to build a repertoire of past streams anyway. Of the six followers I have gotten in the past couple weeks, four of them have been bot/spam accounts as well, with the only “real” new followers being Emmy_ and WingBenny, the latter of whom discovered it somewhat accidentally.

Even though I played 21 hours of Metaphor this week, I think that only ended up being the 3rd most played game for me this week. Satisfactory would have been second, though I trailed off on it midweek once I completed Stage 3 of the space elevator. My spaghetti base is located by an oasis in the desert area, and here’s pictures of what my base looks like from one side.

And from the other side:

And by the way this is what spiders look like with the game’s arachnophobia mode on:

Anyway the base isn’t anything approaching neat and organized yet because, well, even if I were to put effort into it, it’d just get torn down eventually if I kept on playing it further because I haven’t unlocked all the recipes and cosmetics yet.

I trailed off on it in the end though because I bought a newly released game called Elin that I had been anticipating, and got utterly addicted to building up a little town in it. It’s a very slow pace sort of game that’s branded as a roguelike but also has a mode, which I am playing, which resurrects me back at town if I die. This is what my first little settlement looks like:

Though I’m in the midst of abandoning it to move to a second one.

It’s lovingly janky in some of its mechanics, in a weirdness way rather than a broken way, like how you can pick between a cat, dog, or little girl as your starting pet, and how you can mount any one party member (including humanoids) and parasitize (carry) any one friendly party member as well, to form a totem pole with you in the middle position, and go around adventuring like that. Or how I can get a speaking to animals skill, and from that point onwards the puppies that have taken up residence in my town can generate random quests for me too instead of just the humans in them, even though the quests makes no sense from the point of view of a puppy.

One of my favourite mechanics in the game by far, and which is apparently new to this version of the game (as opposed to the old version, called Elona), is the idea of furniture tickets, which are coupons that you get for a specific town after doing random quests for them. You can collect the tickets and then turn them in for any piece of furniture in the town, which you can then bring home to put in your own town. That’s great, since a lot of stuff can’t be crafted yet, I think. The game is in very early Early Access though, with entire mechanics and skill and crafting trees that are sure to be added later on, and even within what already exists in the game I’ve been constantly finding new things that I hadn’t realized existed.

I pretty much was addicted to this game for the latter part of the week, and banged this entire blog post out in about three hours on Saturday morning so that I could get back to the game afterwards. Though I can’t imagine that I’ll still be playing it hardcore into next weekend. Did I mention that I can write these blog posts pretty quickly now? And with no use of generative AI (or AI of any other kind) to boot.

Plushie of the Week #159

The first couple pictures of the plushie of the week this week are slightly unfocused, which is actually thematically perfect for this specific plushie since it’s a derpy-looking tiger even when the camera isn’t having focus issues. Part of the reason are its eyes — one of the things I do when deciding on a plushie is look at its eyes, and I generally don’t like plushies with misaligned eyes.

This is a Ganz branded plushie, which I generally associate with the Klondike Days or Calgary Stampede festivals in either Edmonton or Calgary, but which I have never remembered us ever buying any plushies from, so I don’t know for sure where and when this, and the several other Ganz plushies that we have, came from. Who knows. It definitely was a Canada era plushie though, and from sometime between 2005 and 2015 or so.




Tag 1 front:

Tag 1 back/Tag 2 front:

Tag 2 back:

He’s no Tigey, but maybe he’s a distant cousin. A distant, distant cousin.

Song of the Week #136

Title: Dead Man’s Party
Artist: Oingo Boingo
Album: Dead Man’s Party (1985)

This week we have another guest writer for this segment! This time I strong-armed Eralain, also colloquially known as Fern, to write up a song of the week segment for me. Here is her entry:

When Shiara approached me about this, my mind whirled. First reaction: I suck at writing. 2nd reaction: so many songs, how would I choose one.

Thinking about all the songs I loved over the decades brought me back to Oingo Boingo, the band. Every time I hear their songs, they bring me back to the Oingo Boingo Halloween concerts I had attended for many years. Always with the same group of friends, my D&D friend group. It was a yearly ritual and we never skipped one. We’d all pile into a car and drive an hour to the venue, tailgate in the parking lot before going in. The concerts were always so much fun and we’d be on our feet all night singing and dancing to the music. Young and carefree.

There is so much of their songs that I love so I decided to pick Dead Man’s Party as it most represented those wonderful concert nights.

I’m linking one of their performances of the song as I feel it showcases them much better than the official music video.

That’s super cool! What an amazing and precious memory. Thank you for sharing it with me/us, Fern, and for allowing me to preserve it for all time! I’ve also backed up that video now in my personal archive just in case.

I’m not familiar with the band at all, although this specific song *is* in the group Spotify Song Swap playlist. Interestingly though, Greg added this song to the list, not Fern, though Fern later added a different Oingo Boingo song to the list as well. Their band name is great! The song is decent, but it is hard to comment on a song that I’m utterly unfamiliar with. I love the vibes that she described having linked to the song though, and although I’ve never experienced that sort of thing in person, I’m guessing the Japan Jam 2024 festival that I went to would be pretty similar, just on a smaller physical scale, but on a much, much longer, timescale.

Memory Snippet of the Week #143

One of the stories Mom and Dad told me when I visited their place several times last month was one that I had never heard before, about an event that happened before I was born, but when they were already living in Clementi 730, where we were living when I eventually clambered my way into this world.

A year or two before that though, so around 1982 or 1983 or so I believe, they had played host to a young man named Michael Kilbride, who was from Canada. He had visited Singapore from another country, but had his passport and some other items stolen either in that country or on the way over to Singapore, so he was in some dire straits when he ended up at the hotel that Dad was working at at the time. He was planning to rent a tent and camp out in one of the country’s parks while trying to talk to his embassy and figure out what to do with his situation, as he didn’t even have enough money left for the hotel.

What he didn’t know was that camping out in the parks in Singapore was illegal in the first place, so that plan would never have worked. Instead, Dad took him home, and Mr. Kilbride stayed with them for several days instead, until he received his replacement passport and made arrangements to finally be able to fly home.

Mom and Dad both said that he was really nice, and they both idly expressed an interest to someday being able to meet him again and tell him that they both were still alive and kicking and ended up eventually moving to Canada too. They didn’t keep in touch though, so they had no idea where he was now. I did some sleuthing on Google and found several Michael Kilbrides in Canada, and randomly reached out to one of them to inquire if he was the right one, but I never did receive a reply. To be fair though, I don’t even know if the spelling of the name is correct, or whether he goes by a slightly different name now or has moved on to another country, or anything like that. Or even whether he is still alive.

They did give me a few more pieces of information that I withheld from this blog post that I would be able to corroborate with the right Michael Kilbride (or sufficiently similar phonetic name — I didn’t find a Michael Kilbright anywhere online though) to confirm his identity, but maybe just posting this post will end up with him Googling his own name and finding this post someday. Please do reach out if so!

Nov 04 2024
  • I dreamt I was on a huge airplane flying from one city to another during my vacation, although I had my own bedroom and bunk bed in one of the rooms on the plane so the interior felt more like a cruise ship than a plane. Satinel was with me, and some of the places we had yet to visit included both Hong Kong and Singapore, with the possibility of Japan after that as well.
  • I took out all my plushies from my suitcase. I had brought along about 50 or so of the ones I owned, there were so many of them that it took up half an entire suitcase. The centerpiece was a new plushie that I had picked up from our last stop that was around the same shape and size as my Special Week plushie, but I arranged them all on my bed and took a photograph of them with my phone as I reminisced about the last location I had bought the new plushie from, and how I had visited a nice food place there that was similar to a hawker centre.
  • A little later on, I went out into the main lounge with Satinel and joined a card game that was taking place in a huge room. There was a huge, oval bar table in the middle of the room, with seats for players all along the outside of the oval, and a hollow middle area where a couple of Chinese guys dressed in fancy formal shirts were acting as the dealers, keeping track of turn order and handing out poker cards as needed during our turns. Satinel sat on my left, while a couple Chinese guys that I did not recognize sat to my right.
  • There were easily about 50 players in all, although it did not seem like any of us knew how to play the game. Each person was dealt two poker cards and had a mechanical device with lights that told us which cards were still remaining on the board and thus that could be drawn by us. We also all had a really complex scoring system in front of us that told us that specific combinations of three cards could be cashed in for a certain number of points each. Some required specific cards, like a 7, 2, and 2, or a 7, 2 and 1, and some required patterns, like a 7 accompanied by any pair of cards with the same number on them. There were well over 30 combinations and some other weird rules by the side as well that gave us extra draws.
  • Each player also had a personal objective that they were trying to accomplish. Mine, for example, was to only play cards that had a value of 7 and under. We also had an overarching goal that everyone in the room was trying to work towards to, though I don’t remember what this was. There were also bonus objectives on top of that that people could aim towards but that could only be accomplished once per room. So it was partly cooperative and partly competitive at the same time.
  • People dropped out as the game went along, either due to lack of interest or perhaps something about the point system that I did not understand. The person to my right was one that dropped out, and he returned to his room but left his phone behind. The person that was to his right also dropped out and said that he’d take the phone back to the other guy as they knew each other. In the meantime, I had completed some of the 7-combinations and they had triggered extra draws of three or five cards at a time which then triggered for more bonus points for me. I still had no idea what I was doing besides trying out different combos from the sheet but it seemed to be working.
  • I noticed that a couple people were wandering in to the lounge late, but still managed to join the game since there were so many empty seats now, even though the game was very far along already. I did recognize one of the people wandering in as Rambalac, a Youtube live streamer who records Japanese walking videos. He was not recording at the moment since we were travelling between locations. I was in his Discord server and reached out there to say hello even though we had not really ever talked much before. I said that I was near him, he was surprised and asked who in the room I was. My username in his Discord server was Shiara, and that was my registered nickname for the card game as well, and he found me and smiled and nodded my way once I mentioned that.
  • Soon, the game ended, and the remaining 15 or so people that were still playing gathered to a side of the table to look at the game summary scoreboard. We had not completed the group objective, and I had apparently failed the personal objective as well since some of my automatically drawed cards, which were rewards from completing certain sets of three on the board, had been cards higher than 7. I definitely had drawn a full house involving all face cards at some point, among other cards. My name was prominently featured on the scoreboard though as I had gotten the highest number of individual points at 18, though there was a separate picture for someone else who had the highest number of individual points while also managing to complete their personal objective.
  • After this, there was a second card game scheduled, but there was a brief intermission in between, during which I hung out in the lounge with Satinel and Rambalac and a few other people. I looked up at a window in the sky and saw a short, thick plane that looked like a reconnaissance plane or bomber plane but that I identified as a Concorde supersonic plane in my dream. It flew right to left over our own cruise-ship-like aircraft, and I marvelled that it was moving so fast but also mused that the people on board would not be able to enjoy games the way that we were doing on our plane.
  • During this intermission, I also texted Kel to ask if she and her boyfriend would be coming down from China to Hong Kong to meet Satinel and I while we were there, as I knew they went down on weekends sometimes. I did not have a visa for China this time and so would not be able to meet her directly. I texted her on WhatsApp at first before remembering that it was blocked in China, and noting that the app said that Kel hadn’t looked at the program for months. I copied and pasted the question into WeChat instead since she could access that. I also asked Satinel if we wanted to visit Japan. There was also a credit card bill that I resolved while waiting.
  • The second game soon started, and the room layout this time was different. There were three small oval tables set up at the front of the large lounge for the dealers to stand behind, and then a huge circle of small oval tables going in a circle around the room with 8-10 players per table. There were about 15 of those tables. There were also two tables inside the large circle of tables where all the people who were playing at the end of the last game were sitting. This included Satinel, Rambalac, and me.
  • Our tables were not right in the center of the circle of tables but closer to the dealers’ tables, so when the dealers asked each table of new players to send one representative up to the front, we could hear the conversations as they lined up and chatted. Even though it was a card game, this second game was mystery-themed and the people were assigned some cards and roles to bring back to their table depending on how they answered. Satinel noted that one of the representatives, a guy, changed his answer when asked whether he was a guy or girl, because the person in front of him was a girl and had gotten a specific set of cards that he either wanted to also get or avoid.
Nov 05 2024
  • Snippet: I was in an airport looking for room 5C7 (or 5T7 or something like that), and followed a sign that led me into an elevator that then opened up into a small maintenance corridor where all the 5C rooms were supposed to be. For some reason though the corridor ended up at 5C3 and 5C7 was nowhere to be found. While there, I met two girls wheeling suitcases around, and from overhearing them speak it sounded like they were headed to the same place as them. I desired to become friends with them so I chatted them up but they told me that they were actually looking for room 4C2 (or 4T2) instead. I left them and walked on myself, and eventually found the 5C7 room elsewhere back on the main level of the airport itself.
  • Snippet: Later on in a separate dream, I attended a class which only had about four students in it. The back of the classroom had no walls and opened up to a podium facing the outside world where one of my usual streamers, Killadrix, was monologuing about a game he was playing to his viewers. His voice was loud and the girl seated in class in front of me looked back at him in confusion now and then as she apparently could not pay attention to the class in front of her.
Nov 06 2024
  • Snippet: I dreamt I was in an election district on a map that had a horizontal and vertical component to the district defining how wide its influence was outside of its district area. The horizontal component was a crab that scuttled east and west from the district on the map, which was shaped somewhat similarly to the province of Alberta, into the surrounding areas, and the vertical component was some other creature that only went north and south, both moving as though they were on rails connected to the middle district. The creatures were not real and never got tired.
  • Snippet: Later on, I met Kel and there was something about either not having met for 15 years or having done something together for 15 years.
Nov 07 2024
  • My dream took place in a school, with a group of three transfer students or international students who were staying overnight on the second floor of the school along with a good number of other students in their respective classrooms.
  • In contrast to the second floor, which was full of brightly-lit classrooms, the third floor of the school was almost completely dark. Still, the group of three students needed to go up to the third floor while looking for something whose exact location was unknown to them, and they traversed along the darkened third floor corridor as they searched for their destination.
  • Despite the third floor being dark, they could still hear noises coming from some of the classrooms, and one of the classrooms suddenly had a cacophony of noise burst forth as they went by, scaring them. This was apparently because people were in that classroom, and the three students walking about had in turn scared the people in the room as they were not particularly silent themselves. There was a second darkened classroom further down the darkened corridor that was also making noise in response to the three students even though they had not reached that part of the corridor yet.
Nov 08 2024
  • Snippet: I had one dream about wood-chopping and flitting between several scenes of trees that I could chop down. Most of them were singular trees, but there was at least one pair of birch trees side by side on a sandy beach, that I could apparently chop down together. This was somehow linked to a plotline where I was preparing to go study overseas, possibly to do with farming language points to improve my knowledge of a new language.
  • Snippet: Another dream involved a set of apartment elevators, four of them in a lobby, but each one went up to a different apartment building and set of units. I had just moved from one of the buildings to another due to neighbours, so my main elevator had shifted, but I was thinking of shifting again to yet another of the four. There was also a cola drink being piped into a fountain in the middle of a sandy coliseum, and this was somehow connected to the coliseum. Some people were trying to decide something or other about the drink and one of them said that it was good it was set up in the arena as “The Romans only enjoy bloodsports”.
  • There was also a stealth combat segment against armoured guards where I was holding a mouse like a game controller device to control my character, and could sneak around and backstab them in animations that looked like they were from Dark Souls. They were very difficult to fight even with the backstabs, but I did discover that while they were stunned from the backstab, I could spam the middle mouse button to fill a gauge, then spam a side mouse button to fill another gauge, then press the left mouse button in order to steal their clothes and make a disguise for myself, which helped me get around the market as long as I kept away from other guards (and Allen, who was also hanging out as an enemy guard there). I used that to get behind some guards who were standing on an elevated platform, and then stabbed them too as my disguise decayed out.
  • Snippet: Yet another dream involved two crying kids that escaped from their mom into a throne room, and a queen that was taking good care of them. She said that tears would have no effect on her but the crying kids seemed to unlock her motherly instinct anyway and she doted over them happily until the children’s real mother arrived and hurried into the room to reclaim them.
  • Snippet: Lastly, there was a dream about an adventurer who finished a dungeon, and on his way out, he met the owner of the dungeon at its front door. This person was an old man, possibly a goblin, whose name was Tij, and he wanted to fight the adventurer, but the adventurer pointed out that Tij would not stand a chance. So instead, Tij used the opportunity to survey the adventurer about his experiences in the dungeon.
Nov 09 2024
  • Our family was moving houses, and Mom, Dad, Kel, Jon, and I loaded up Dad‘s minivan with all sorts of furniture, boxes, and plastic bags, before we piled in to the van ourselves. There were only four people in the van, as Kel didn’t joln us there, and Dad drove us toward our new home.
  • On the way to our new place, I saw a giant black bird in the distance being tied down to a huge frame on the ground, and the frame itself was then attached to six vans who could then tow the giant bird around somewhere as a captive. The bird looked like it had little plumes of black smoke emanating from its feathers too, but I couldn’t tell from that distance for sure. I pointed out the bird to the family and both Mom and Jon marvelled at it too, but Dad could not see it since he was driving and had to pay attention to the road. I said that the bird was at least twelve times as long and as wide as the length of our minivan.
  • Once we reached our new place, we started to unload Dad‘s minivan. There was one single elevator that we could use, so we propped the door open with one of the furniture pieces before piling everything we had into the lift and taking it up to our floor. Once we reached our floor, we similarly did the opposite, propping both the lift door as well as our apartment front door open and moving things in slowly. I remember this packing and moving being a lot of fun personally.
  • Some of our relatives, including Auntie Doris as well as some of Dad‘s other siblings, were waiting for us at the lift landing when the doors opened on our floor, and they helped us move things as well. In this way there were a bit too many people helping out, but they all left the items right in the front doorway of our house itself as they had no idea where to put the items, so people were unable to get in and out, and thus I decided to climb over the pile of items there, nicking a wood chip off the top of the door frame in the process, though I noticed that it had a slightly larger nick next to the fresh one that I had just made.
  • Once I was in the apartment, which looked almost exactly the same layout-wise as Ah Ma‘s old Bishan flat in Singapore, I started to move the furniture and bags from the front door into piles in the living room proper, so that everything could safely fit inside the house once they finished unloading the lift. Another of Dad‘s siblings was also already in the kitchen for some reason, cooking a meal on the stove there.
  • Snippet: Later on, a medieval house owner was having a sale for his furniture items in a town bazaar, selling off everything he owned for just one or two coins per item. He was nonetheless glad that he was doing this, and that it was selling well, as he had been tempted to just give away everything for free to someone else who made a zero-coin offer to him earlier in the day. Even though he was still selling it for next to nothing, these coins he was getting for them at least allowed him to then turn around and buy two empty treasure chest containers from another stall keeper who had his items laid out on the mat. This cost him 45 coins per treasure chest.
Nov 10 2024
  • I was in contact with a woman who was a researcher and a museum curator. I mostly chatted with her over Google Chat, which was represented on my computer monitor with a long horizontal chat bar that stretched across the entire top of my screen, but was vertically a very short box. But I did also go visit her at least once, and she worked out of what seemed like a storeroom with plenty of metal shelves. I had helped “playtest” her website earlier in the dream, and eventually when it went live I talked to her about my blog and showed her the section of my blog where I had uploaded my collection of ephemera. She seemed interested in the scans of all the mailbox flyers that I had collected.
  • Later, in the same dream but a decidedly different event, I went into a first-person camera view of a game scene that was representing the Canadian election, except the election simply involved walking through a ticket gate that looked like an airport scanner. There were a couple of people hanging around on either side of the scanner that seemed to be trying to cheer people on to vote one way or the other.
  • One woman stepped to the side of the gate and cashed in on a photo opportunity by posing for a selfie with the gate behind her, and then a view of some mountains in the background behind that. She was very pleased with the result, and shortly thereafter two black children came to the same spot for a photo and someone else took one for them.
  • There was also a separate dream later on which I don’t remember much about, but there was a construction fair where I deconstructed something that was shaped like a refrigerator into many little 2-point pieces, where the points had to do with their value or weight or something. I then reassembled those 2-point pieces into a larger object, I believe.
  • There was also a group event at school which I teleported to using a UI screen that listed all my party members and their statistics, because I was far away from the rest of the group when it triggered, but using the teleport command locked everyone into a 5 second cooldown before they could start the event.

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