My Diary #178

Dear Tigey,

Ahh, the side of my tongue still hurts and it’s hurt for a week and a half. It’s better than being sick though.

Entry #178 (Feb 16 2025)

Table of Contents

Bye, Lea! Hi…
ට  Life
ට  Games
ට  Plushie of the Week #173
ට  Song of the Week #150
ට  Memory Snippet of the Week #157
ට  Dreams


The end of the long, long winter chill is coming soon! It’s been colder than normal for around a month, with most days hovering around -20°C or so, but finally there will be some days above zero again at the end of the next week:

It’s even projected to be above 0 on Friday! This better weather will arrive just in time for our second team meeting at the Yang Ming buffet place in the north of the city next Friday, which I mentioned last week.

Monday this upcoming week is a holiday here too, Family Day, which I hadn’t actually realized until this Thursday when Ronnie talked about it during our daily team standup. So it’s basically an unexpected extra day off, yay. I also booked Monday and Tuesday off for the week after next, so Feb 24th and 25th, so that I don’t have to work on my birthday.

WingBenny said that he might be coming up to Edmonton near the end of the month, and that he would be coming with a car and a CostCo membership as well. He tentatively invited me to visit a nearby CostCo with him if our times work out, since I had mentioned not really ever visiting the store before, at least in recent memory, though perhaps I might have gone once or twice a long time ago when I still lived with the family back in Edmonton 4012. That will be fun if it pans out! Although it’s not confirmed yet. It’d be super nice to meet him again in Canada though, after the last time I met him in HK but was unable to speak to him since I had lost my voice then. We’ve talked a fair amount online since too. Tigey wants to meet him again. And re-annex him.

Visiting CostCo, if that happens, will be fun too. Even though I don’t have much space in my apartment to store stuff, I definitely do like buying in bulk, especially during the winter when it’s so cold. I haven’t gone out for groceries or anything else at all since Feb 08 at this point, and I likely still have enough stuff to survive just fine until the weather thaws out a bit on the 20th. And shopping for deals is always fun! One of the driving reasons I want to eventually get a vehicle (after I sort out this whole house thing) is actually weird, it’s so that I will have the freedom to travel around and visit things like liquidation and discount stores in the city.

Another online friend named Smithdanigans that I met on a music-related Discord server has been uploading, with permission, information from some CD scans that I’ve done onto VGMDB, which I appreciate as I like that site as a catalogue of Japanese and game-related music. Even though the VGM in VGMDB stands for Video Game Music, they have long since expanded their scope to do anime music as well as doujin/independent music as well, and they do things like write down and compile credits for composers and producers and artists from the booklet and liner notes of the CDs. I like and appreciate that, through Smithdanigans, who’s an editor/uploader for the site, I’ve basically had a small hand in contributions to pages like this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one. He’s the one actually doing all the compilation work, but they’re CDs I own, so he’s pulling out the information from my booklet scans and some occasional shared Internet research to create and fill in those pages. And that’s super cool to be able to contribute to a database like that, especially since I’ve used the site a fair amount myself for research.

One of the things that I used for the first time when I was sick over the past couple weeks, and really enjoyed after I tried them, were these Ricola Honey Lemon Echinadea lozenges (local). They helped a lot with the coughs that I had, and which thankfully are virtually gone now. I still had half a bag of them but the bag itself was a little unwieldy to keep around, so now the remaining lozenges reside in a nice David’s Tea container.

I really like the David’s Tea cans but have been trying to find something to reuse them for so I can keep them around the house without too much guilt, and so it was nice to find a purpose for that one. That’s one of my Great/S-tier teas, by the way.

I feel completely recovered from my sicknesses now but for some reason I’m still coughing up some phlegm with what seems to be some red blood in it daily, which is a little concerning as that doesn’t usually happen. Nothing else seems to be wrong though, and I don’t actually even have a hacking cough any longer, so shrug?

My main night streamer, Nomakk, now has an affiliate link with a 10% coupon code for another brand of tea that he really likes, Harney & Sons, so I might try some of those teas at some point too.. if they have reasonable shipping to Canada, I’ve never checked their shipping prices though, I just know vaguely that they do claim to ship up here. I am almost out of tea though, since I drank so much when I was sick the last month or so. And by and large I don’t really like the tea options that my local supermarkets sell.

My door has been frosted over for most of the week so I barely went outside to look at and take pictures of the sunsets. I tried at one point during the midweek but could not break the ice to open the door. I’m not sure that having the balcony door constantly iced over like that is particularly safe really, but oh well. It deiced near the end of the week so here’s a picture of a tuft of clouds that look like smoke from Saturday evening, Feb 15 at 5:54 pm.


I finally finished the DLC story of CrossCode mid-week. I loved the story and the characters very much, and will miss them greatly, but after 39 streams times 3 hours or so a day, it was about time to move on. There coincidentally was a limited edition Lea plushie being crowdfunded on Makeship (local) for 21 days though, and I might have pledged for it. It’s great timing that it’s being funded as I finished the game, considering the game has been out for 6 years and change already.

My next game on stream is 1000xRESIST, a walking simulator with apparently some China/HK conflict themes and Asian immigrant themes, and time travel shenanigans, and it’s allegedly not a very long game. So far it’s been pretty good. I’ll probably finish it within a week and will need another short game before the February 2025 Steam Next Fest hits on February 24 though.

In terms of Twitch stream revenue, my chart looks like this now, exactly 7 streams after the one I posted last week:

And there’s a couple takeaways from that. The first is that I gifted Satinel a sub, but I did it in a roundabout way so that she could get a founder’s badge, since you don’t get those for a direct gift sub. So I have two actual subs now, but I know that Jah‘s Tier 1 sub last week was $2.86 USD for me, and yet the total revenue now is $5.44 USD, which implies Satinel‘s Tier 1 sub was only worth $2.58 USD, which is almost perfectly halfway between the $2.86 USD one and the $2.25 Prime sub. Why? How? A Canada vs USA thing? That’s so weird. Also, Jah gifted a sub to Emmy_ — thank you! — and that one was worth one cent more, $2.87 USD, as opposed to his own Tier 1 sub that clocked in at $2.86. That also boggled the mind. There’s no currency conversion in that gift sub, everything was done in USD!

I’m also curious if I’ll get any more ad revenue for the next month or so because I think all my regulars, besides a lurky WingBenny, and a mutual friend named Flo who’s come by a handful of times now, now are subbed for the next 3 weeks or so. It’ll be a good milestone to see how much I tend to get from random people coming by the channel. Science!

Outside of Twitch, I actually both started and finished playing the main story of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood this week. I didn’t do all the side stuff, but I did do a good chunk of it, and I put in a hefty 43 hours for it, though some of that was idle time so I would get more money from my investments in Roma. A lot of the game was fighting the camera and cursing because the character was doing something else than what I was trying to do though, due to an awful control system on the keyboard/mouse, so I was not enthused at all to try to finish all the side content. It was still good to get the story done though, as I have this goal to eventually play through all the Assassin’s Creed games in order. Then again, I was so burnt out after Assassin’s Creed 2 that it apparently took me 9 years after that to finally play Brotherhood, which was the next one in the series.

I bounced around a couple of games after that, before settling on Mika and The Witch’s Mountain, a chill broomstick-flying delivery game I picked up from a Fanatical bundle. That one gave me vertigo and dizziness after a bit though, the first game to do that to me in a long time, so I’m not sure I can finish the game. Plus it’s not particularly engaging. Then I tried Cryptmaster, which I had liked a previous Steam Next Fest demo for and now own the full game of, but it didn’t capture me either.

From that previous blog post though, Cividle caught my eye again and I spent a bit of idle time on that idle game building up a small baby empire in the background while watching Twitch streams. Oddly, that game is supposed to have an achievement unlock if you had played the demo, which I did, but it didn’t unlock for me. Oh well. It also unlocks if you put in 100 hours into the main game, and you apparently have to put in 48 hours into the idle game (or purchase the supporter’s pack) to fully unlock some features anyway, so two birds with one stone if my interest lasts that long I suppose.

I also got these achievements this week from The Stanley Parable:

For that achievement, you are supposed to launch the game, then close it and not play it again for five years before next launching it. I set that up five years ago, and it came to fruition late last week on Feb 08 2025, and I noticed that this week and launched the game to get the achievement. I haven’t actually played the rest of the game in order to actually 100% it or anything though, since I’ve already watched Jah play it before, but I wanted that particular one anyway. Apparently people can and do just change the computer clock and roll it forwards 5 years to get the achievement, and you’re more or less “supposed” to do it that way, but it was more ironically fun to get it the “proper” literal way anyway so that’s what I did, since I was (and still am) in no hurry to actually play the game. Apparently the Ultra Deluxe version of the game has a 10 year version of the same achievement though. and that one I don’t even own to launch the game and start the 10 year timer for, so eh. Even if I bought and did it now, it would be around My Diary #700 before I could get that achievement! Will I even be alive that long?

Plushie of the Week #173

My Plushie of the Week this week is one that I had mentioned acquiring last week. Going back another week, I had mentioned back then that the local London Drugs store had Squishmallows on sale for 30% off, and when I visited last week, not only did they still have those ‘mallows on sale, but there was a large bin of assorted ones out front at the entrance to the store as well. Those poor things!

That lured me into the store again, though instead of the ones in the front bins, I went to the back shelves where they were usually located in order to look for one to pick up. Nearly all my other Squishmallows are 8-inch ones, so that’s what I went for from this excursion as well, and in the end I ended up with this cute little guy named Gasten.

Gasten is apparently a Strawberry Crepe, with his wiki page here (local), though honestly I didn’t recognize him as a crepe, probably partially because I’m not sure I’ve ever eaten one in my life. That means you’re safe with me though, Gasten, right? Since I’ll never eat you. Though your name is a little bit strange, since from a quick Google search, one of the etymologies and meanings of your name (local) apparently refers to the act of frightening or terrifying someone else, or being frightened or terrified yourself. You’re too cute to actually frighten anyone else though, unless it’s by threatening diabetes.

Anyway, he was picked up for $10.49 CAD after tax, and after the 30% discount, from London Drugs in Southgate Mall on Feb 08 2025. Here are his mugshots — I mean profile pictures.



Tag 1 front/back:

Tag 1 inside:

Tag 2 front:

Tag 2 back/Tag 3 front:

Tag 3 back:

Song of the Week #150

Title: Nothing Else Matters
Artist: Metallica
Album: Metallica (1991)

This week’s guest writer is Hevoc, (the nickname of) a friend and guildmate from our LotRO days who flies around the world as a commercial pilot these days. He has quite the story to share about this beloved song of his:

Thinking back, I never would have thought a moment or song could have such a lasting impact on my life.  Let me start with the beginning, before the music…

1992, senior year in high school, I had signed up to take a computer programming class.  I was excited to have this class with my best friend since we were 6 months old.  Being the goof balls, we sat in the back of the classroom.  My friend and I were sitting there laughing and joking around before the start of class, when a beautiful girl entered the room and sat next to us.  She was not only beautiful, but number 4 in our class of 458 students!  She thought she was sitting in the front of the class….but what she didn’t know, was the front and back of the class were reversed so the teacher could see our monitors.   She looked over at us and thought, “Great….I just sat next to Beavis and Butthead”! lol.   We were wearing Metallica shirts, black jeans, and white hi-tops.

She quickly was surprised to find out that I was not a burn out, but a football player, and that she may have judged the book improperly by it’s cover.  Over the semester we really hit it off.  I actually got spooked because I would notice everything about her…the way her hair moved, her smile, etc.  She would always bring me cookies from McDonalds where she worked (I didn’t know at the time she was giving up her employee meals to do so!). I reeeeeaally liked her.  Welp, I messed things up.  She asked me out and I turned her down!  I felt creepy that I couldn’t stop thinking about her….I wish I knew then that I just really felt something special between us that no one else shared.  I then screwed up and asked a cheerleader to prom on a whim.  I almost immediately realized I had made a mistake but I couldn’t back out, that would have been cruel.

We remained friends in college, long distance.  I would walk almost every day to the computer lab to telnet with her for hours….(pre-internet…don’t judge me!).  Rain, sleet, and snow didn’t stop me.  I still didn’t realize what motivated me.  Well senior year, her boyfriend broke up with her over winter break.  I told her I wasn’t trying to take advantage or be a rebound, but I wanted to help her clear her mind.  I took her flying down the Chicago lakefront to see the skyline at night, we hung out almost every day that winter break. Now….you ask, “Well where does the song come in already?!”.  She mentioned that she had never been to a hard rock or metal show.  I had just bought 2 Metallica tickets and told her she could go with me.  She was so excited!  The problem was, by the time the concert came around, her boyfriend and her had gotten back together.  To my surprise, he let her go 1 on 1 with me to the show even though he had a bad feeling about it.

The night of Metallica was amazing!   We had a connection from the start.  Then the song hit….Metallica played Nothing Else Matters.  I noticed her body language had shift towards me and I knew I was in trouble.  I realized then how much I really liked her.  As the song played, the lyrics resonated with the both of us and fit our long distance chemistry perfectly.  The lyrics, “So close, no matter how far,  Couldn’t be much more from the heart.  Forever trusting who we are. And nothing else matters”.   I knew my feelings were strong, but I played it too conservatively in fear of our friendship. 

That night I drove her back to her college 1 hour away.  As we pulled into town, she mentioned she really enjoyed the evening and wished the night wasn’t over.  So, I pulled over into a custard shop’s parking lot.  We talked for hours.  Eventually, I broke down and told her how I felt.  We kissed…but that’s it.  She walked into the dorm at 2am, to find her boyfriend of 4 years waiting for her.  He gave her the ultimatum, “It’s either him or me!”.  She picked him since I was at a different college, and I had missed opportunities in the past….  We went our separate ways.

Through the years, decades, I would always think of her as the one that got away.  I’d compare every girl I dated to her…even my ex-girlfriend of 15 years (I like to take things sloooooow!).  Well, after 15 years in Arizona, I had a massive blow out with my girlfriend of 15 years, and we broke up.  2 days later, out of the blue I get a call…..from the one that got away!  She had gotten my number through mutual high school friends on Facebook.  She had told me that she had been thinking about me all these years, even on her wedding day.  She felt pressured to go through with the wedding.  I told her I was single (I left out the 2 days single part lol).  She flew out to St Louis to meet me on one of my trips (for those who forgot, I am a pilot).  We hit it off like we never missed a beat!  Over the next few months, we would visit each other.  Finally, on New Years Eve, I was in Las Vegas off duty.  I invited her to come visit me in old Vegas.  At midnight I made my move.  It was then we knew we had to give us a shot!   The only problem, I lived in Arizona.  I told her I had been waiting for this moment for decades, and my lease was up in 2 months.  I will move back to Chicago for her.  She was like, “WHA?  WHO DOES THAT?!!!”.  I told her, I do, and she is worth it. 

Now you may say why does Nothing Else Matters have such an important part of our lives….well, it kicked off the first part of our journey in that parking lot.  But here is the CRAZY part.  She told me she had a video to show me, and I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it.  She has travelled the world.  One day she was in Rome, walking up the Vatican’s steps.  On the top of the steps is a grassy area.  An old man was sitting in the middle of the grass with a guitar.  He looks right at her, through the crowd…like right at her and started playing Nothing Else Matters!!!! What old man is playing Metallica…at the Vatican…right at her?!  Now the crazier part…if you look at the date, it was the date of my blowup with the ex-girlfriend of 15 years making me available for her!  Decades apart the same song had significant effects on our lives.  In the end, after celebrating 4 years together and 1.5 years of marriage, Nothing Else Mattered!

Damn, what a story. I’m not sure anyone else will ever be able to top that one. Thank you for sharing that story with me and the other readers of the blog, Hevoc! I know it was a difficult story for him to write out, or rather to write out in such a way as to capture and express all the thoughts and emotions that he wanted to capture and express for the project, and I really appreciate being entrusted with this gift of a memory to keep and preserve for the future. Many forms of fantasy lore say that music can be a form of magic, which is a romantic idea that I’ve always really resonated with (that’s partly why I played a minstrel in LotRO!), and mind-blowing stories like this really cement that concept. That’s such a cosmic level sort of coincidence and fated love, a celestial love story that transcends nearly 30 years.

As for the song itself, I’ve never actually heard it before, or at least not to a point where I recognized it, though it isn’t a bad song. I don’t like heavy metal, but I do like the Metallica vocalist, based on the strength of a couple of their songs that were released during my music heyday from 1994-1999 or so — The Unforgiven II (1997) was actually in my top 100 songs or so for quite a long time when I was growing up despite me not liking or being exposed to much of that genre of music in general.

Memory Snippet of the Week #157

There is a work-related snippet that was an extension of something I wrote in the Life section above, that I wanted to drop here this week. This was about where I said above that I didn’t “find out” until Thursday this week that Monday was a statutory holiday here in Alberta. Ronnie, my supervisor, always leaves a verbal warning not to come in to work on stat holidays, partially because at some point in the past, there was actually a day where I had no idea that it was a stat holiday, and so actually came in on that Monday to work despite everyone else being off. I had noticed that there were a lot less people on the train to work that day, and the density of people along the walk from the train station to my office across campus was a lot sparser than usual too, but it didn’t actually click that I had come to work on a day off until I reached our office space and realized that no one else was there. I turned around and went right back home and then admitted it to Ronnie the next day.

I’ve tried to pinpoint the exact date that this happened, by reviewing logs and calendar events, but to no avail, as I don’t think it’s written down anywhere. I just know that it was while I was living at my Edmonton 205 home and our current team had moved to our last set of offices, which I have noted down as Dec 2014 as a lower bound for the date, and it was before COVID-19 hit and we became a work from home team, so before Mar 2020 as an upper bound. It was also on a Monday, and was one of the more “minor” holidays, which makes it either Family Day (February), Easter Monday (April), Victoria Day (May), Heritage Day (August), or Labour Day (September) during one of those years. Which one exactly I’m not sure though! But like the feeling of finding out about this upcoming Monday’s holiday this week, it was an unexpected holiday and day off even though I was already at the office, so I was pretty happy about it still, even though I would have been happier if I had found out about it before I left home.

I swear though, accidentally go to work on a statutory holiday ONE TIME and people never let you forget about it.

Feb 10 2025
  • Snippet: I ran around the roofs of a city, visiting the tops of towers to tag them like in Assassin’s Creed games. However, different factions in the city had a different task to do at the top of each tower to tag them, and ours was either to bring a giant rat to the top of each one, or talk to an existing giant rat at the top of each one, in order to tag the towers.
  • Snippet: In a separate dream, I was in an assembly hall in school with some friends getting ready for the school prom. Everyone had one or two invites that they could send to others, and we could then form groups by sending the invites to each other, however a girl I didn’t know sent me an invite as well and so the principal grouped the two of us up even though I had nothing linked to her. It looked like she needed friends though, so I took her around in my car and made it so she could join our group anyway.
Feb 11 2025
  • Snippet: There were two large outdoor wooden towers that I needed to hit with green wind orbs. I also had a green, wind-themed sword, and two red, fire-themed knives that I borrowed from someone else, that helped me clear up blockades with those towers, though I don’t remember if those blockades were things or people.
  • Snippet: Later, I visited a narrow but tall apartment building, carrying two rattan stools and hoping to give them to a girl that I knew lived in the building and was being stalked by a guy. However, I couldn’t find her, even when I attended a party in the building that was supposedly being attended by everyone in the building. I didn’t want to carry the stools home with me however, so on my way out the door, I offered the stools to two old women instead. One of them was delighted upon seeing the stools and took both of them.
  • I then went to catch a bus home at the nearby bus terminal with two friends, and we ran across the overhead bridge and joined the queue to catch the bus that had just arrived, but the bus was full up by the time it reached our part of the line so we had to wait for another bus anyway.
Feb 12 2025
  • Snippet: There were a couple small islands upon a lake connected by bridges, with green banisters going around the edges of all the bridges and islands protecting people from falling in. Someone in my dream went there to sulk at one point and that’s all I remember about that snippet.
  • Snippet: There were also a couple tall towers on a map that needed to be activated, and I couldn’t figure out why some of the NPCs under my control could trigger them whereas some others could not, so I ended up sending everyone out at once and that worked, it just caused me to need to do more upkeep afterwards to herd everyone back home safely.
  • Snippet: I was in a foreign country with a friend and we went out for food at a roadside stall that he recommended. The owner of the stall only spoke Chinese and asked me if I understood the language at one point in our conversation. I said yes. He gave me a bowl of rice and food and refused to accept any payment when I brought out my wallet full of weird dollar notes, because he knew my friend and knew that I was a friend of his. I asked him if I could have some curry for my rice too and he gave me a ladle with holes in the bottom of it, but I used the side of the ladle and scooped up eight small spoonfuls of curry for a decent amount of curry to put over my rice.
Feb 13 2025
  • There was a new patch in a game that involved two school classrooms in a fantasy world. The new patch came with an assignment to do and both classes had a different assignment. I went to the other class that wasn’t mine as they had an easier task, to watch a short film and then to craft a wooden platform that allowed them to climb up to a meadow-like zone to look at new flora and fauna that was introduced in the patch.
  • After a bit, I went back to my own classroom as the assignment there was starting. I saw Allen there, among other people that I knew. Our assignment was a practical exam where we had to enter an instanced room with a hole in the floor and fix it. The entire classroom was an airship and was travelling in the air, so we could see the world moving down below through the hole in the floor and many of us had some form of vertigo as we listened to the teacher explain the task.
  • Each room was equipped with a couple of sticks, a ruler, some paper and tape, some plaster, a laptop, and a USB stick. Our task was that the floor was a little bit uneven where the hole was and we needed to figure out a way to even out the floor before we applied the plaster over the hole. From my seat on the floor, where I was in order to counteract the vertigo, I listened to her explain how to apply the plaster, but she got distracted and wandered off before she told us how to use the laptop and USB stick.
  • Someone else with another instanced room further down the passageway had completed his assignment already, and I flagged him down as he wandered by and asked him to teach me how to do it. He agreed and I followed him back to his room. Unlike our room, his room was warm and had a glass table and a chair along one wall, whereas ours was completely bereft of furniture.
  • He showed me how to stick the USB in the laptop and then run a program which would detect how horizontal the laptop was on the floor, and if there was any tilt with it, then we could use the ruler and sticks to prop up the laptop to try to get the tilt value to 0, which represented a perfectly horizontal plane. I thanked him for my help and returned to my room.
  • In my room, I only had a few minutes left before the exam was over but I successfully followed the steps to activate my own laptop and USB stick, and found that the floor around the hole had a tilt rating of 2. Sticking the ruler and stick under the bottom part of the laptop got it to 0 though, and I then moved the ruler and stick over the hole in the floor, attaching them in place using the paper and tape, and then applying the plaster all over it to seal up the hole.
  • There was something like one minute left at this point, so I wandered out of the room before remembering that there was also a worksheet to fill in, and hurrying back in again to do it, even though it had been used to help seal up the hole and was thus stuck on the ground. The worksheet asked some technical questions about the hole sealing, which I answered, and then also had a questionnaire with 5 multiple choices per question, about whether we had seen some of the flora and fauna that was the new patch content and what they looked like.
  • I was surprised they asked questions about them since our class didn’t have time to explore the flora and fauna yet, but I did recognize a few of them from when I visited the other class, so I selected the descriptions of the plants and animals that I recognized, and selected the “I don’t know” option for the ones that I didn’t know.
Feb 14 2025
  • There was a town with three outdoor city street zones that I went back and forth between in a side-scroller game view. Two of the zones had a water area that I could dive into and swim between. One had exactly 3 jellyfish spawns, where the jellyfish were small, white wispy things that were shaped like large, white shrimps. The other water zone spawned between 15 and 40 jellyfish, according to the code.
  • I had a quest to collect 20 jellyfish, so I dived into the first one and caught the 3 there, then swam to the second one and caught all the jellyfish there while a swimming creature was chasing me, but I only ended up with 18 or 19 jellyfish, and failed the quest. I restarted the quest, and this time decided to do the larger pool first, as I figured that perhaps other people were catching the jellyfish there too and that’s why I didn’t find enough. This time, I managed to both avoid the chasing creature and catch enough jellyfish with my butterfly net to complete the quest.
  • In between the two attempts, a friend got a dog and dressed it up in some clothing, and I met and patted it and commented that it looked very human-like. And after the second successful attempts at the quest, I went over to the third city zone where my hideout was.
  • Snippet: I wanted to play a co-op game with Derpie and a couple other people from Nomakk‘s stream, but we were having trouble deciding what. In the meantime, I was lying down in a grass field with my bolster, next to a friend, while fiddling with my phone. There was a large group of low-levelled WoW players nearby balled up together and waiting for a monster respawn on the field near us.
  • Snippet: I also remember a scene later on where a friend wanted to turn a scarecrow in front of a town hall into a guard for me, but I had to undo and remove it because it was killing things too fast and I needed my enemies to stay alive longer.
Feb 15 2025
  • I was running a trade route with various types of gemstones from one trader to another, as was another acquaintance that I recognized. I had run this route before and was familiar with the route while he was figuring it out still. However, he almost beat me to the destination trader because I got distracted by something shiny partway there, and to catch up and overtake him I needed to jump onto a ledge, then onto a giant mushroom, then onto another ledge as a shortcut towards the destination vendor.
  • The reason I wanted to beat him was that I had three types of gems, and he had two, but both his gem types were gems that I also had, so if he had gotten to the destination vendor first, I would have gotten less for my gems afterwards. Although my third type of gem, a diamond, was worth about as much as my other two gem quantities combined anyway. Still, since I beat him there, I nonetheless made a little bit more profit.
  • I chatted him up afterwards and suggested nearer but much shorter routes that he could try too, for example the trader in the town in the zone right next to this destination trader was still considered a valid trade route partner since he was in a different zone. It would mean that profit margins were lower, but he could get a lot more runs done in the same amount of time and also guarantee small profits each time as long as he watched for fluctuation in the prices between the two regions.
  • Snippet: There was some plotline about paying $1 tax per $12 of food that some friends and I bought at a food court, which we didn’t like. This food was needed as part of a larger plotline to fight against something though.
Feb 16 2025
  • Snippet: There were four flags going by on a racetrack, like they were each on an automated conveyor belt that followed the curve of a running lane. There were other things going by on the conveyor belt as well, but the flags in particular needed to be shot with a gun from the sidelines where I stood, and I remember trying to convince a couple other people that I was with that that was the correct thing to do for a quest.
  • Snippet: I also remember a scene where I was seated on the floor of a room in a bank, and for some reason I and my parents had to switch banks so I had to move myself from that first bank’s room to a room in a second bank. However, that second bank’s room was a lot dirtier, and in particular the floor’s carpet had lots of bubblegum and other dirt stuck in it. There was a carpet that partially covered the floor and so I sat on that instead of the floor itself, but nonetheless I complained about this to the manager and was told that this was the way the floor was and they weren’t going to clean or renovate it. I had some choice words about this with Mom afterwards.
  • Snippet: Lastly, I remember a scene where I was walking along a city street late at night with the family when we saw multiple aurora in the sky, both to the left and right side of the road, though the right side had a lot more ambient light in the sky. We tried taking photographs of this and then showing them to Mom, who somehow couldn’t see them properly in the sky even though she was with us, and I commented that a couple of my right side pictures were too bright to actually see the aurora but she seemed to like those ones and had no problem looking at them.

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