Fan Letters from Neopets

What is this?

This is a companion piece to a blurb I wrote up on my diary section of this blog site, specifically here in My Diary #091 for MSotW #73. It consists of messages that I received and saved in a text file while I was playing Neopets. There are lots of exchanges with guildmates, friends, and various one-time acquiantances in there that I’ve left in as part of the set anyway, and a lot of messages featuring people mentioned in MSotW #73 above, in our younger voices, but there is also a *lot* of garbage spam in here, anything from begging messages from people who wanted stuff for free, to rambly life stories, to people yelling at me because they could, to random people I didn’t know calling me by name or sending badly written “friendly” messages as though I wanted to be friends with someone who said hi out of the blue with no context whatsoever, sent by random kids playing the site as their parents neglected them.

This essentially started to be a problem sometime in late November/December 2004 when I started to challenge for the top spot on the Kreludan/Booktastic list, and then really took off after early January 2005 or so when I claimed top spot for a couple of years and essentially became a minor celebrity there (insofar as being the top spot on a leaderboard sent many, many people clicking on my profile for various reasons.) This kept me very busy in several ways, but the constant unfiltered and unadulterated spam from children who were basically idiotically young and should not have been on the Internet at that point was a big part of what eventually drove me away from the game.

While a part of me is posting this for preservation purposes, as I think it would be of interest to people who might eventually be researching the history of Neopets to see what a popular player’s inbox was like back then, as there’s many conclusions about the game from a social anthropological perspective that one could probably draw from this data, there is a small part of me that is posting this simply as a mild form of revenge served cold, to embarrass all the people who sent me all the really moronic Neomail messages (the term for ingame messages in Neopets) over the couple of years that I was active there, and who might be Googling up their old usernames in the future. Or preferably, other people who are Googling up usernames of their friends.

These logs run from September 2004, not long after the Kreludan Books leaderboard started and when I started noticing this becoming an issue, all the way until September 2006, when I finally drifted away from the game, more or less for good, to concentrate on my first job. There’s also a lot of terminology and proper nouns used in many of the Neomails that would not make sense to anyone who never played the game, but most of them are names of items (usually books, pets, or paintbrushes) within the game itself. These are also largely received messages — I didn’t log sent messages, but if the person replied to a message that I sent, that sent message would have always been quoted and that would have been swept up into my logs as well.

As these were copy/pasted in to the original Notepad files by hand, there are cases where the dates are/were slightly out of order (I fixed a couple, but there are likely several others) and there is the occasional blank line and such within the original version of the messages that the Elementor text editor ate up. The text segments were also so long that the Elementor text boxes I used crashed when I pasted one year’s worth of it in at once, so I’ve divided them up by chunks instead.

Log Dumps
ට  Sep 2004 to Dec 2004
ට  Jan 2005 to Jun 2005
ට  Jul 2005 to Dec 2005
ට  Jan 2006 to Sep 2006

Log Dump (Sep 2004 to Dec 2004)

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/9/2004 02:02pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 84). We have given you a Grundo Sword of Justice, an Avatar, and 414 NP!

From: Natalie W. [natbug_00]
Sent: 23/9/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Re: Stuff!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you. Is there anything you’d like in return – and/or have you decided what you’re going to collect yet? That’s all, thanks for snowball

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] YW. No, that was just my token for your help. And, I dont know what to collect yet. Got any ideas?

From: Natalie W. [natbug_00]
Sent: 23/9/2004 12:43pm
Subject: Re: Stuff!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Or sail boats

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] I just decided on what to collect, although it really isn’t cheap enough for donations… Snowpuffs! Especially Grape, Blueberry, and Strawberry! LOL

From: Natalie W. [natbug_00]
Sent: 23/9/2004 12:45pm
Subject: Re: Stuff!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sound like fun I know I come across some of them sometimes, for cheap, I’ll get them and send if so

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] THANKS!

From: Natalie W. [natbug_00]
Sent: 23/9/2004 12:50pm
Subject: Re: Stuff!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Those are the only ones I have for now, I’m afraid. Lemon and lime!

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks! I have a whole set now!

From: [neomaniac1603]
Sent: 23/9/2004 09:29pm
Subject: heya
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi Jess, I wanted to neomail you about A Seasonal Pea. I was considering selling it to buy something I wanted x_x and I have 2 possible buyers. I know you said you wanted it if I ever was going to sell but I wanted to know if you could beat their offers x_x .-.; or if I should just go ahead with one of their deals.

Thanks, please reply soon

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 25/9/2004 07:06am
Subject: Trading: The Wonder Of Toast
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] SerenitySmiles says ‘Thats one of my favourites, thanks!!’

The Wonder Of Toast vanishes in a puff of yellow smoke!

Thank you so much. I love reading to my pet.

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 25/9/2004 07:09am
Subject: Re: Trading: The Wonder Of Toa
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: *grin* Aye, ditto, I’m almost in the top 200.. I’ll catch people like you and Ray/Spanky one day!

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] Don’t give up on your goals. There are still quite a few I need to read yet that cost a fortune. Some books are hard to get hold of too. I want to read them all if possible.

From: no name [kougra_9842]
Sent: 25/9/2004 01:20pm
Subject: PLEASE?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Please can I have my lab map piece back? I made a typo! I really need it I will trade you neopoints bak to you and you can buy it in my shop? Please? I can’t believe I made that typo! I am two pieces away and then giving the rest of my items to my sis for her to save up please??

From: RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 25/9/2004 08:54pm
Subject: Re: Snowballs
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you very much.

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] YW…where did you go? Did you grow tired of me?

From: RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 25/9/2004 08:57pm
Subject: Re: Snowballs
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hehe.. nah, just not a good night tonight, sorry. *hug* Need to be away for a bit to calm down.. staking out bookshop too. Be back tomorrow, you be well.

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] OK. Been there, done that. I *am* a crabby old man, after all.

Talk to you soon!


From: RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 25/9/2004 09:02pm
Subject: w00t
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Sand and paper…lufferly symbolic items. TY!

From: TruroGurl [trurogurl]
Sent: 28/9/2004 06:02am
Subject: snowballs
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] check out my trades for your’s

From: TruroGurl [trurogurl]
Sent: 28/9/2004 06:49am
Subject: Re: snowballs
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you

trurogurl Replied:

[Report Message] no problem…i finally got ten

From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 28/9/2004 11:05am
Subject: Re: Thanks muchly!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Will go hunt down some barbed wire later when I can do so

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] No no! I have trouble enough finding 1 NP wires without anyone else buying them out from the shops before I can get there ;p

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 29/9/2004 10:42am
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Thanks for the get well card and the slippers! So nice!

Also – Did you see I bought one of the new books from you this morning? Was going to wait for the price to get a little lower but when I saw it was your shop I went for it!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 29/9/2004 08:09pm
Subject: Thanks (again)
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Thanks for buying some books! Let me know if you restock any more of the new books – I still need quite a few!

I cant believe you already fed 17 at the Kadoatery! I haven’t even fed one yet.


From: kenshinhimura [kenshin_buttosai]
Sent: 30/9/2004 10:37am
Subject: i need your help
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] i need the acara anatomy book but i only have 17762 do you think maybe you could give it to me for that price?

From: kenshinhimura [kenshin_buttosai]
Sent: 30/9/2004 10:41am
Subject: Re: i need your help
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hm. No, but you can have it for free then.. feeling kind

kenshin_buttosai Replied:

[Report Message] that would be great………thanx

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 30/9/2004 12:50pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 85). We have given you a Dribblet, an Avatar, and 2445 NP!

From: Naomi Smith [namobug]
Sent: 30/9/2004 03:09pm
Subject: Re: Completed Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Good luck! If you’re lucky you can win the jackpot at once every 3/4 days though, I think.. (since you can wear out the maximum plays per day quite fast). But each day only costs a little bit of np.. Anyway, got to run myself, laters.

namobug Replied:

[Report Message] bye bye

From: Xx_Sakura_xX [lil_sweet_lucky]
Sent: 1/10/2004 09:58am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there How much would you be looking roughly to sell your Kookith for? Would you have any range/figure that’d be negotiable/auto? Thanks for your time.

lil_sweet_lucky Replied:

[Report Message] well looking for around the tp price which is 200k or ets but you would needa add mroe even with ets =D

From: ds_lil_g [bobosa13]
Sent: 1/10/2004 11:30am
Subject: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] LOL! thank u for the healing potion, ^-^

From: Airie [miaomiao_j7]
Sent: 1/10/2004 04:00pm
Subject: 😀
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi there, i’m from your guild so, how much are ya selling visiting kreludor for? thanx!

From: none [stonecold9265]
Sent: 1/10/2004 04:13pm
Subject: Re: Book trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hello there. I’m inquiring on your book lots, since I need most of them to read still, would 90-100k pure be enough or would you be looking for a somewhat higher offer? Didn’t want to make a junk offer, so sending a neomail instead Thank you for your time!

stonecold9265 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you for your offer but i am trying to keep them till the prices go up unless you can offer a little higher.. thank you for not offering junk

From: Airie [miaomiao_j7]
Sent: 1/10/2004 05:13pm
Subject: Re: 😀
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there! Pleased to meet you. I have one spare at the moment Il sell for variable rates depending on how well off you are.. you can bid anything 20k (its in my trades now) and I’ll accept. But don’t resell though, is the stipulation of the deal.

Otherwise, its yours! Have fun!Jess

miaomiao_j7 Replied:

[Report Message] thanx! don’t worry, i won’t do such things

From: Airie [miaomiao_j7]
Sent: 1/10/2004 05:17pm
Subject: Re: 😀
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: no prob. And ARGH! at your lookup.. I haven’t been to Australia, but a lot of similarities.. not the least of which I didn’t know anyone collected snowballs, thus I started collecting them sometime back too! Uhoh.

miaomiao_j7 Replied:

[Report Message] lol. thanx for the book! heh i like looking at different balls of colours…don’t they just look pretty together? i even put 7 snowballs pictured in my science title page!

From: Airie [miaomiao_j7]
Sent: 1/10/2004 05:25pm
Subject: Re: 😀
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yes they do, I agree! No prob for the book, glad to help out a fellow Spanky, prices for that are still quite insanely high!

And neat re the title page.. you mean Neopets pictures or otherwise?

miaomiao_j7 Replied:

[Report Message] yeah, i stuck pictures of icy, evil, peach, poison, sticky snowballs and snow mudball on the top of my science title page. then i let a friend to guess which is which, but she didn’t know the light green one was evil snowball!

From: Airie [miaomiao_j7]
Sent: 1/10/2004 05:30pm
Subject: Re: 😀
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hehehe! Thats neat, and yeah, its a good idea.

Do you collect all snowballs, or just the common types, or such? (I collect all, or at least try to)

miaomiao_j7 Replied:

[Report Message] only common ones like sticky and such, not jhudoras snowballs or tortured snowballs or soemthing like that told you i like to look at different coloured balls stuck together! they look nice

From: none [stonecold9265]
Sent: 1/10/2004 07:34pm
Subject: Re: Book trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Oh no prob, and no thanks for the moment – I found a couple of them on ‘sale’ (ahem!) for really cheap, and so took them from there But I will check back or refer others if we need any books in the future – thank you for the reply!

stonecold9265 Replied:

[Report Message] lol sorry cant put em on sale right now haha but again thanks for considering.. hope you find what your lookin for

From: Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 2/10/2004 02:38pm
Subject: Re: Hello!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there.

Just a private message reply on the forum psot you made about Visiting Kreludor? Its not a Booktastic book.. so it wont appear there.. but which one are you missing still, any idea? Hmm.

And Ill vote, good luck

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks, I just realized that. I think I have all 31 though, so I
thought that one would be added soon. Funny it isn’t one though.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/10/2004 02:12pm
Subject: Toast Tasting
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hiya Jess! What do you want for this book? Its one of the new ones I still need. Thanks!

– Robin

From: DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 4/10/2004 07:50am
Subject: Thanks!!!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] FarieDust12 says ‘Get me more books, come on, hurry up!’

Repairing Your Petpets vanishes in a puff of purple smoke!

/me snuggles Kitty.


From: DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 5/10/2004 04:17am
Subject: now? or wait?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] The ray is fired at Carrots_Yummy…

… and he changes colour to Split!!

From: Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 5/10/2004 03:20pm
Subject: Re: Eek!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: You’re supposed to be asleep!! (Hehe, thank you sooo much for buying, though)

bloodhoundpup Replied:

[Report Message] I am asleep! *grin* I just figured I would check though… would hate to let others buy all those books from you…

From: Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 5/10/2004 03:25pm
Subject: Re: Eek!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Also, which pet is your reading pet? I can’t view any of the lists of yours on Spankys db..

bloodhoundpup Replied:

[Report Message] I didnt fill in anything. Boebels is my reading pet, but I want to stock all before she goes to read more.. *grin* and now I’m going to bed for real and I have way more np than you so I can burn them on you…

From: Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 5/10/2004 04:39pm
Subject: Re: Rofl!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: At your parting shot.. have fun with work. Mind if I added you to neofriends list, btw? No is ok, just that I never remember your exact id when trying to send stuff (Hmm.. maybe that means I haven’t sent enough, hey?)

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Sure you can add me to list Thanks for all the sludges!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 6/10/2004 01:23pm
Subject: Last Book
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Looks like we found the last one at the same time!

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 6/10/2004 03:59pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 86). We have given you a Orange Chocolate Kiko, an Avatar, and 1887 NP!

From: BaredCold [abufaswia]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:41am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmmm… good question, I don’t know? Well, the other lot currently on tp is about 400k.. so if at all I’ll prolly go for about there :/ Although I’m kinda hoping to get the bunch and read.. nifty trophy and all. Don’t happen to have any retired/special books in that neighbourhood, do you? *curious* Jess

abufaswia Replied:

[Report Message] I don’t have any books but i’ll give you 400k if you want

From: BaredCold [abufaswia]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:43am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: 400k meaning with the pb, or just pure? *curious grin* Sorry if replies slow.. chatting at the same time.. trying to weigh options of selling vs not selling. Besides, gotta wait 15 minutes to cancel that trade and put up a new one if I do sell.

abufaswia Replied:

[Report Message] I can give you 400k pure

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:57am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sorry, not at that price :/ Thanks for offering though

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] What price are you looking for?

ps: thanks for getting back to me

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:09am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No prob I’m not sure really.. hard to price these things.. and I’m still trying to get the other two to complete the set and read too. Guildmates ‘advise’ starting high and dropping price, and while I don’t plan to sell for insane prices, it’ll probably cost somewhat less to wait for a bit and/or buy separately on tp from others :/ Talking to them they say not to accept under 800k *laugh*. I doubt its worth anywhere near that much, but I’ve got sitting offers of about 400k+200k for them individually. *wince*

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] If it helps, I am not buying them either to make a profit or even to read myself. I am trying to help unicorn2066 get the trophy. She was in second place yesterday afternoon, but was bumped out by folks who got into the list later (with the same total book count).

Would you accept 650k for the two books?

From: unicorn [unicorn2066]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:16am
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Would you sell either Practical Repairs or Interplanet
commicaitons? if so what would you take?

From: chrissyschafer [just_me131]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:19am
Subject: Re: trade?
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thanks but no thanks, sorry.. right now the prices for those are crazy, people trying to get onto the list quickly I guess :/ Current offers are about 600k for the bunch I think.. nuts! Appreciate the offer though. ) Jess

just_me131 Replied:

[Report Message] do u want 600k or maybe a little less?

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:31am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: hrm. Sorry for slow reply.. just weighing the pros and cons.. don’t mean to ignore, just undecided every which way.. which book did you read already? I do, for one, have a spare Practical Repairs for something like 250k? I’m just loathe to sell the other two I think.. without something spectacular that I don’t want you to pay, you sound like a nice person. Hrm. (Books taken off trade for a little while, btw)

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] No problem! I completely understand…if I had gotten the books, I’d have to think hard about it too. We’ve managed to snag Practical Repairs, but thanks for the offer.

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:56am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Erm, not sure if you got the last message, it gave a blank screen once I hit send If not: the gist of it was, thanks for the snowballs, and the compliments, and would you like some pens/pencils/stationary in return? (If yes I can put some up on trade) Oh, and good luck Its been a pleasure too!

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] No, actually, I don’t believe that I did get the message. I just noticed that you collect snowballs…I have a few others, but nothing particularly rare or exotic. Thanks for offering a trade in pens, pencils, etc, but I think I am all set (I’m in the middle of running a treasure hunt for my guild and am kind of overwhelmed with items right now).

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 10:03am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Ahh alright. And well, I didn’t notice the message not going through until several minutes after the fact, so. Well, no prob, and good luck! Treasure hunt sounds fun. Thanks for chat and all!

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] Ditto. It’s been fun. Now back to work

From: MichaelSandy [wuggadad]
Sent: 7/10/2004 10:16am
Subject: Re: 1.1 mil for all 4 new Book
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Alien Aisha Invasion, Practical Repairs, It came from Kreludor, Interplanetary Communications Good luck!

wuggadad Replied:

[Report Message] 1.1 mil for 2 AAI, 1 PR, 1 IC?

I found someone asking for AAI who has IcfK.

Prices will drop precipitously once 15 people have read all 4, because it wont be possible to get on the Award list.

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 01:53pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there. What price are you looking for for the book, could I ask please?

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] sold my other new books for 400k-500k … got an offer?

From: aarontibbets [schmorko82]
Sent: 6/10/2004 07:28pm
Subject: Toys
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hey howdy, I have a toy that you don’t have in your gallery… wanna trade something? Its a ghost Goldy bath toy… and its worth over a mil lemme know.

From: aarontibbets [schmorko82]
Sent: 6/10/2004 07:34pm
Subject: Re: Toys
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mm, no thanks for the moment.. though thank you very much for the offer and even for seeing the gallery. Working on books at the moment though.. :/ Almost in top 100, and might do the Kreludans to boot TTYL Jess

schmorko82 Replied:

[Report Message]

From: BaredCold [abufaswia]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:35am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sorry but no thanks.. the scroll is priced about 1.6-1.8 million on the market I believe (though that’s crazy price ) – thanks for the offer though Have a nice day, Jess

abufaswia Replied:

[Report Message] I just want the book.

how much?

From: BaredCold [abufaswia]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:39am
Subject: Interplanetary Communications
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I’ll give you 360k and the brush for it

From: BaredCold [abufaswia]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:46am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: 400k meaning with the pb, or just pure? *curious grin* Sorry if replies slow.. chatting at the same time.. trying to weigh options of selling vs not selling. Besides, gotta wait 15 minutes to cancel that trade and put up a new one if I do sell.

abufaswia Replied:

[Report Message] ill give you 400k pure or 360 with pb not 400k and pb

From: Eric [pickle_of_death]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:01am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hey Hows It Going? Im Eric And Im Just Neomailing You To Ask YOu IF You Would Like To Check Out My New Private Guild – The Neopian Treasure Chest – It Offers Lots Of Things, Such As A Great Newbie Pack, Memebr Givewaways, 1NP auctions, painted pets adoption agency and a Halloween PB Giveaway to the MOTM at the end of october, if youre interested, neomail me,wed be really glad to have you, if not, sorry for wasting your time!

From: Eric [pickle_of_death]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:04am
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thanks for the offer, but I’m already in an awesome book guild. Good luck with recruiting though, and have a great day! Jess

pickle_of_death Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks…if you ever change you mind…

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:45am
Subject: Interplanetary Communications
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I will offer up to 400k for Interplanetary Communications if you are interested in selling. I am reading too.

From: chrissyschafer [just_me131]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:00am
Subject: trade?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] i can offer more if u would like..thats just what i had sitting out when i saw your trade in the post…thanks, chrissy…just give me an idea on how much u want

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:06am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hiya again I might, I dunno.. but not quite for 400k though sorry.. tempting though it might be, I’ve got a guildie who offered about there and would gut me if I gave it for less.. or, ahem, so he says anyway But appreciate it.. hope this might be one trophy I can get at least. Will give you a shout later if I’m selling too, even if for less, if I remember. Jess

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message]

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:36am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Ahhh! Grats, that’s neat Which ones are you missing still? *curious*

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] These are the ones I am still looking for now:

Interplanetary Communications
it came from kreludor

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:39am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Okie.. will try to snag extras or something, least I can do, though doubt I’ll get it in time.

penwriter123 Replied:

[Report Message] You’re such a sweetie! It has been a pleasure chatting with you, even if we were unable to conduct businss.

I wish I was able to get things in shops as well but it just doesn’t happen.

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:50am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hiya again I might, I dunno.. but not quite for 400k though sorry.. tempting though it might be, I’ve got a guildie who offered about there and would gut me if I gave it for less.. or, ahem, so he says anyway But appreciate it.. hope this might be one trophy I can get at least. Will give you a shout later if I’m selling too, even if for less, if I remember. Jess

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] just lovely. Now you have the two books that would give me a shot at gold.

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:53am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: I’m very sorry *hug* Which two? AAI and IC? I’m also taking a shot.. although judging by how the first one to get it doesn’t always remain on top.. not sure anyone who gets 35 books now will get gold still :/

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] Interplanetary Communications and Alien Aisha Invasion.

From: MichaelSandy [wuggadad]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:55am
Subject: New kreludor books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] When did the new Kreludor books come out?

I checked your store and found several of them. How much do you want for them?

I just saw Alien Aisha Invasion

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:55am
Subject: Re: Interplanetary Communicati
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: I’m very sorry *hug* Which two? AAI and IC? I’m also taking a shot.. although judging by how the first one to get it doesn’t always remain on top.. not sure anyone who gets 35 books now will get gold still :/

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] This is not my main book award. I just want the gold and be done with it. I will not give up until I achieve it.

From: MichaelSandy [wuggadad]
Sent: 7/10/2004 10:11am
Subject: 1.1 mil for all 4 new Booktast
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I am trying to get the booktastic award, but doesn’t list all the titles. What are the four new books?

From: MichaelSandy [wuggadad]
Sent: 7/10/2004 10:27am
Subject: Re: 1.1 mil for all 4 new Book
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Alien Aisha Invasion, Practical Repairs, It came from Kreludor, Interplanetary Communications Good luck!

wuggadad Replied:

[Report Message] Drat, I accidentally deleted your second message.

Did you say that people can be displaced on the Booktactic list by ties with later people? that is just gross.

It is also very annoying that these books were released before the News of them. Grumble.

But if people are really paying more than 1.1 mil to get on the list, I will just keep plodding along to the Neopian book award instead.

There is a guild for this?


From: Monte [hotpapa_23]
Sent: 7/10/2004 11:53am
Subject: Hello!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi, my name is Monte I’m 23 yrs old and really trying to get the booktastic award beings I can’t get the other book award. Would you be willing to sell any of the books you have? I would really appreciate it

From: Monte [hotpapa_23]
Sent: 7/10/2004 11:58am
Subject: Re: Hello!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heya there. I only have the one extra at the moment I’m afraid (which is on the tp) … the rest I’m still holding to hopefully read once I can get the 4th

hotpapa_23 Replied:

[Report Message] Oh, I just saw that on the tp I’ll bid on it now. Thanks!

From: Monte [hotpapa_23]
Sent: 7/10/2004 12:02pm
Subject: Re: Hello!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No prob, thanks for bid and message

hotpapa_23 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you for accepting Have a nice day!!!!

From: PatrickIvins [pivins11]
Sent: 7/10/2004 12:46pm
Subject: Pardon Me
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] How much would you be willing to sell the three Booktastic Books in your shop for?

From: PatrickIvins [pivins11]
Sent: 7/10/2004 12:53pm
Subject: Re: Pardon Me
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Not yet sorry..still going for fourth.. hoping I’ll get it still. Well, there’ll be some cut off price which I can’t resist of course, but it’ll be far too high :/

pivins11 Replied:

[Report Message] Darn, I was afraid of that. It’s been impossible for me to get
them – no matter how fast I am, I can never get one from the store.

From: PatrickIvins [pivins11]
Sent: 7/10/2004 01:03pm
Subject: Re: Pardon Me
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: But thank you for inquiring though I’m sorry I “can’t” sell it as yet.

pivins11 Replied:

[Report Message] You’re welcome. I understand completely, but I figured I’d
ask. Would you mind letting me know if you do decide to sell them?

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 01:54pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmmmm. Don’t suppose 400k would do? Or does it have to be higher?

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] 450k deal

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 01:57pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. a minute, thinking on it. 450k is a bit high, wish I had offers like that for mine.

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] k well u think ill go look at the other offers

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:00pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Ok thanks

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] 400k will do the others offering 350k + hts ubs/.. i want the pure

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:03pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Eek, did someone else just offer? I was offering when it poofed Darn it

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] lol sorry had a sudden offer of 800k :X

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:04pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Nice!!!! Won’t fight with THAT one. Good steal then Thanks though!

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] lol thanks ill neomail u when i get another

From: AnnelieseFox [penwriter123]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:21pm
Subject: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Thank you for purchasing the Velvet Ixi Battle Cloak! That was awfully sweet of you.

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:50pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Great, thankee kindly

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] intrested in Practical Repairs?

From: LIamaLIama [1lama]
Sent: 7/10/2004 02:51pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Not really thanks I rsed 3.. need the 4th, but unlikely I’m gonna get it now – heading offline for a few hours. Oh well Thanks for the offer anyway!

1lama Replied:

[Report Message] k seeya

From: Martina [princessbrat342]
Sent: 7/10/2004 03:27pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hello there Would that offer be about what you’d be looking for for your book? Thank you for your time.

princessbrat342 Replied:

[Report Message] Hi there and thanks for your interest. If you can just give me a few minutes to sift through all the offers and events I have pending (lol) I’ll probably accept. It’s my best offer by 5k so far.

From: MizStewart [searuntrout]
Sent: 7/10/2004 03:27pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I see you have three of the four new books,would you trade them for anything in my shop? I have had 31 for so long and really want to be on the awards list.I have been into the booktastic but I am slow .I also really love the idea of an honorary award for books,My kau is getting up there.

From: jessicamiller [kirstyn15853]
Sent: 7/10/2004 04:18pm
Subject: Kreludan
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] if you tell me the 4 newest Kreludan books ill give you something worth alot of nps

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 7/10/2004 04:20pm
Subject: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

From: jessicamiller [kirstyn15853]
Sent: 7/10/2004 04:45pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] IF ANYONE CAN TELL THE 4 NEWEST Kreludan BOOKS ILL GIVE THEM SOMETHING WORTHAT LEAST 30,000 NP OR PURE NP’S PLEASE LET ME KNOW A.S.A.P all you have to do is price something in your shop for 30,000 and ill buy it please let me know a,s,a,p

From: Kerilae_Verana [kerilae_verana]
Sent: 7/10/2004 04:48pm
Subject: Booktastic Book Club
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

Hi. I was looking at the score board for the BBC and noticed that you have read 35 books. Do you have a list of them you could send me? I looked on neoitems and only found the 31.

From: Hi [hynfaeries0]
Sent: 7/10/2004 04:54pm
Subject: what
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] what are the books that you read called?

From: Hi [hynfaeries0]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:17pm
Subject: Re: what
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Name: Practical RepairsRarity: 83Name: Alien Aisha InvasionRarity: 88Name: It Came From KreludorRarity: 85Name: Interplanetary CommunicationsRarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

If you trust outside sites, go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – its our guild page, and lists new books when they come out

hynfaeries0 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks, Btw did you just buy them from the bootastic book shop?

From: Kerilae_Verana [kerilae_verana]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:17pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Club
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly

Name: Practical RepairsRarity: 83Name: Alien Aisha InvasionRarity: 88Name: It Came From KreludorRarity: 85Name: Interplanetary CommunicationsRarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

If you trust outside sites, could also go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – its our guild page, and lists new books when they come out

kerilae_verana Replied:

[Report Message]

Thank you so much. Ohh and do you know if they will ever give a badge that other can see? I mean you and I know if we have one but others don’t

From: misso147 [misso147]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:20pm
Subject: Wanna buy some pegs?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Actually, wanna get some snowballs?! I have a million, I keep winning them from the scratchcard game. They are pretty common, yellow, wet, and poison, but TAKE THEM!!! PLEASE!!!


From: Hi [hynfaeries0]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:20pm
Subject: Re: what
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Yeah.. well, 3 of them.. this time of day its nearly impossible to buy unless you have a lightning quick connection or are lucky though – too many people there, the book doesnt even last 3 seconds it seems

The fourth I got from trading post.. and theyre all very expensive still.

hynfaeries0 Replied:

[Report Message] ok, thanks.

From: Kerilae_Verana [kerilae_verana]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:23pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Club
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No problem! And they do give a badge (its on the petpage).. but not until like 4:50 am NST I think.. and Ill be long asleep then, so I didn’t think I’ll have a prayer at gold. Hopefully I’ll still have silver.. its stupid, really, how TNT doesn’t arrange the list by like who reaches the number first, but instead by some other strange order

Like I was third, Fizzy was first, and that other person whos now below Fizzy was second to read 35. But none of us will be in gold by the time the badge thing rolls around like 12 hours from now..

kerilae_verana Replied:

[Report Message]

Man that is sad. Ohhh lol how in the world did you afford the books? I looked up one and it sells for 300k.

From: Kerilae_Verana [kerilae_verana]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:29pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Club
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Well, I actually had one extra (Practical Repairs) I think, and someone paid almost 300k for that.. so it sort of balanced and didnt cost too much extra to get the one I was missing.

I get most of my np from restocking at the bookshop and selling.. although my shops empty because of an overzealous guildmate right now.. eep! Most books (not all) can be sold for at least a small profit.. the rarer ones slightly bigger, and the newer ones huge (like Kreludans! Ugh).. so one could build a fortune from there.. like the people who’re sitting on their butts staking out the store now are probably doing :/ But even now though the Learning Kreludan’s and such still sell for a pretty decent profit

kerilae_verana Replied:

[Report Message]

Lol guess I need to go stalk some store.

From: Kerilae_Verana [kerilae_verana]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:31pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Club
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: *grin* Ayeaye, it can be a lot of fun.. (or pure frustration!)

Good luck, have a great time, and thanks for chat!

kerilae_verana Replied:

[Report Message]

No problem and thank you

From: misso147 [misso147]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:34pm
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hello, did you get your snowballs?


From: angeliccreature [spoiledbrats424]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:49pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi i was wondering if u could tell me the 4 newest kreludor books?

From: angeliccreature [spoiledbrats424]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:54pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly

Name: Practical Repairs/Rarity: 83

Name: Alien Aisha Invasion/Rarity: 88

Name: It Came From Kreludor/Rarity: 85

Name: Interplanetary Communications/Rarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

If you trust outside sites, could also go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – its our guild page, and lists new books when they come out

spoiledbrats424 Replied:

[Report Message] thank u so much!!!

From: angeliccreature [spoiledbrats424]
Sent: 7/10/2004 05:56pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No problem!!! Nearly impossible to restock now though, best to wait a few days unless you have lots of np.Have fun/good luck though.

spoiledbrats424 Replied:

[Report Message] thanx again

From: jessicamiller [kirstyn15853]
Sent: 7/10/2004 06:33pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Name: Practical RepairsRarity: 83Name: Alien Aisha InvasionRarity: 88Name: It Came From KreludorRarity: 85Name: Interplanetary CommunicationsRarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

No need for reward, its just info.

Go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – our guild page lists new books when they come out

kirstyn15853 Replied:

[Report Message] thankyou so much also can you tell me if you have any spares i can purchase off of you that will help alot thankyou

From: human#7 [eyore1]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:07pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi can you tell me the names of the booktastic books? my comp is to old to restock out of shop so have to buy from neighbors lol. alas, have to know names to do this. thank you.

From: AnnieChua [porcelain_belle]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:17pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

Glad to have found someone friendly like you.

I didnt find books in your shop today

I really hope to buy some more books ….to help me get a place( just the bronze) in the book award.

My pet , belle has read so far 860 books……and seems to me most of the books are kept by most people…not willing to release them.

I am truely hoping to find some books…anyway.

Oh…nice to know a friendly person to whom I can tell my feelings …

wont keep you….bye for now. Oh yes….I am Annie Lim, 64 years in age……children address me Grandma Anne….bye.

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 7/10/2004 07:20pm
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Can you tell me the names of the four new booktastics books? And how did you find out the names?

From: human#7 [eyore1]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:39pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly Sorry for slow reply.. Neopets suddenly has no more new event notifications?

Name: Practical Repairs/Rarity: 83

Name: Alien Aisha Invasion/Rarity: 88

Name: It Came From Kreludor/Rarity: 85

Name: Interplanetary Communications/Rarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

If you trust outside sites, could also go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – its our guild page, and lists new books when they come out

eyore1 Replied:

[Report Message] wow, thank you so very much. if i can do something for you sometime, let me know.

From: Kelly [kellyintampa0322]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:53pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with getting some of the booktastic books (since your already in the top running) I will trade you what i can for them. I have a christmas paint brush, invisible paint brush, christmas petpet paintbrush and some nps.

From: Kelly [kellyintampa0322]
Sent: 7/10/2004 08:57pm
Subject: Re: Hi
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hiya there. Afraid its a bit hard.. restocking is a pain now, a LOT of people are there! I got mine earlier in the day when there were less.. Neither do I have any extras currently. I’d advise trying the trading post, though.

kellyintampa0322 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks for replying. Yes, ive had a hard time of it. I have never been on the score boards. I work all day long – so i only have the evenings or i end up staying up all night trying. lol

If you do happen to get something extra – Id appreciate a little help. I’ll trade you what i can.


From: angela valenzuela [angelitorevancha]
Sent: 7/10/2004 09:01pm
Subject: hi!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi im angela from chile, i need to ask you a big favor! could you
please tell me the names of the new booktastic books! please i will
really aprecciate it !!!! sorry if this is not well written but i speak
spanish ;-P thanks!

From: Nina [shyrazn]
Sent: 7/10/2004 11:36pm
Subject: Hiya
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I was wondering if you could tell me what those new books names were??

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 8/10/2004 12:31am
Subject: Re: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sorry hon I won’t stay up there for long though.. but I won’t be awake or anything later on when I need to for trophy, so I’ll do it now.. what are you still missing?

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] Looks like we should both be getting gold!

‘SerenitySmiles’ :;string=SerenitySmiles

‘UniPurple20’ :;string=UniPurple20

‘Lyxanie’ :;string=Lyxanie
35I read my book just before midnight nst.

From: YeAh YeAh [yeahyeahchai]
Sent: 8/10/2004 01:19am
Subject: Ask:4 new Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi there, sorry for disturbing you.

I would like to ask the name of the four newest Booktastic Books. I hope that you can tell me.

Thanks so much!!


From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 8/10/2004 06:47am
Subject: Re: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Only silver for me But grats on getting the book and aware.. good job

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] Hope next

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 8/10/2004 10:59am
Subject: Re: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you. Just curious, are event notifications working for you? I’m getting none at all, on neomails, items, trade bids, etc..

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] The events notices are now working for me.

From: serenitysmile [serenitysmile]
Sent: 8/10/2004 11:29am
Subject: Re: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hm.. funny I’m still getting nothing, no matter if I’m at home or in school (different browser) or on any part of the Neopets page. Strange. Oh well. Thank you for the info though.

serenitysmile Replied:

[Report Message] you’re welcome.

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 8/10/2004 01:22pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly Sorry for late reply.. Neopets new event notifier is suddenly not working??

Name: Practical Repairs/Rarity: 83

Name: Alien Aisha Invasion/Rarity: 88

Name: It Came From Kreludor/Rarity: 85

Name: Interplanetary Communications/Rarity: 87

Those are the 4 books

If you trust outside sites, could also go visit www. spankaroonietwo. com / booknews. html … without the spaces, else link will get blocked – its our guild page, and lists new books when they come out Were a bunch of bookaholics so once the news comes out we start digging for the names basically Although the books didn’t come out till like yesterday noon NST, but we got book info about an hour after

lollipopwoof2008 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you! I’ve been dying to get that trophy but I couldn’t find the names of the books. Thanks for the site

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 8/10/2004 01:35pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Argh.. never see new neomails come in. No prob, sorry, and good luck Wretchedly expensive now though!

lollipopwoof2008 Replied:

[Report Message] Yeah… that’s why I’m goimg to wait to buy them, besides… I can’t get the trophy now, I just have to wait till they make new books

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 8/10/2004 01:43pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Yep Well actually you might be able to, the order that they place people on the list seems to be somewhat random.. most of the first to reach 35 didn’t actually get the badge because Neopets has a screwed up way of arranging the list :/

lollipopwoof2008 Replied:

[Report Message] But I can’t afford all four books right now and by the time I do get them it will probably be too late :/

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 8/10/2004 01:53pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Ahhh :/ Yeah, agreed.. I got lucky and snagged 3 right from the shop early in the morning, and an extra one of one of them which I traded for the last. Difficult now to get anything done in there though :/

lollipopwoof2008 Replied:

[Report Message] O_O That WAS lucky! How much did you get them for???

From: Boo [lollipopwoof2008]
Sent: 8/10/2004 02:39pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Oh, they were all in the 1.8k-3k range in the store, so just managed to buy them before anyone else.. or any of the really fast T3 people came home frok work or whatever it is they do when they’re not on Neopets The last book I bought for 375k, after selling an extra for about 300k.

lollipopwoof2008 Replied:

[Report Message] I’m definately waiting XD

From: misso147 [misso147]
Sent: 8/10/2004 04:31pm
Subject: Jurples
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hello, jess… what’s going on?

From: misso147 [misso147]
Sent: 8/10/2004 04:32pm
Subject: Re: Wanna buy some pegs?
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sure please, if there’s something you’d like in return

misso147 Replied:

[Report Message] Actually, there is something I would like in return…healing potions…

From: Janelle mcdougall [shami393]
Sent: 9/10/2004 12:21pm
Subject: i can give you snowballs!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] i can give you snowballs 4 10nps!

From: DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/10/2004 07:09pm
Subject: Thank you!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Something wrong with chat? Looks like I’m in, but all alone…

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 9/10/2004 08:04pm
Subject: Are you there?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Went back into chat and no one is there? What server are we on? Maybe it got messed up somehow…

From: zimmay [zimmay]
Sent: 10/10/2004 03:00pm
Subject: rare book!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hello. i was wondering if i could interest you in the unbuyable book that i have in my trades, lupe digest. only a couple of these exist in neopia. please neomail me back if you’re interested. ^^; -zimmay

From: Scott Duncan [nilty]
Sent: 11/10/2004 08:10am
Subject: Hihi hi
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] *peeks over yoru shoulder*

Ohh pretty toys heheh so whats you doing cutie?

Miss ya see ya around I hope =)

From: DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 11/10/2004 12:57pm
Subject: Missing You In Chat
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] My lap is cold and people are asking what happened to you.

/me huggles

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 11/10/2004 02:24pm
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Just added some good books to my books store and didn’t know if you had read: Alphabet, Geometry Level 3, Flotsams, Solid Steel Book, Green Thumb Guide, Theories of Physics, This Is Nuts, Kacheek Week, Guide to Knighthood, Scorchio Cook Book, Shoyru Mysteries, A Day at the Races, Baby Buzz Book, Baby Gelert Pop Up Book, Mystery Island Tour Guide, Acara Magic, Draik Legends. Hope this helps. If you’re interested, neomail me- I’ll lower the price for you if it was a restocked item.

From: hawklest [hawklest_again]
Sent: 12/10/2004 05:23pm
Subject: It came from Kreludor
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I need the book now, so if you’re on, I’ll give you 190k for it. If not, then I’ll try to get it from someone else

From: hawklest [hawklest_again]
Sent: 12/10/2004 05:48pm
Subject: Re: It came from Kreludor
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmm, sorry, didn’t see neomail because of lack of notification. Still interested, late reply though it is?

hawklest_again Replied:

[Report Message] Yup, still interested.

From: jEssIcAmAcInnIs [jess_mac29]
Sent: 13/10/2004 07:43am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi. How much do you want for the books?

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 07:44am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] How much for both books in your trade please?

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:31am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heya, Managed to get a third, and current tp prices seem to be at about: Kreludor – 125k Alien Aisha – 150k Practical – 125k So probably around there for individual/set, don’t mind slightly lower but there are several offers from seemingly offline and online people so I’ll head off to another class in a bit then check offers. TY for interest though!

eon Replied:

[Report Message] How about 260k for kreludor and alien aisha book? Or more if thats too low. :3

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:32am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sorry if I sent the last mail twice, or it wasn’t formatted. Don’t think so, but might have happened.

eon Replied:

[Report Message] I dont know if my last one sent. >>; Gave me a weird error.

But yeah, 260k for Kreludor and Alien one or more if thats too low, pure of course. :3

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:37am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmm, sure, I don’t mind that price, except I’m also waiting on a possible reply from someone else.. though I get the feeling that person’s just enquiring. If no other offers in a little bit 260k’s good though. And yep, both messages got through great!

eon Replied:

[Report Message] Ok good. ^^ Could you separate now maybe?

Oh, and practical repairs I bought for 90k in the shop wiz. Id sell it really quickly if I were you. :3 They’re going down fast.

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:43am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Yeah, I should probably separate again.. need to wait 15 minutes (5 minutes now!) before I can cancel that last trade though because I just added the repairs thing. And hmmm, come to think of it, I didn’t think about checking the shop wiz for the prices of Repairs.. should be 100 not 125, but 90k is a good steal Not sure it’ll drop yet though now that the whole new Kreludan books are coming out ‘soon’… but, at any rate I can always sell it to a guildie or something who needs it I guess, so no worries, but TYVM

eon Replied:

[Report Message] YAY ok. ^^ I shall offer whenever you get the trades separated. :3 I just want Kosu to be in the running, well see though.

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:51am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Neato, and done then.

eon Replied:

[Report Message] I keep having to check back here for neomails. >>; AND THANKs. ^^

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:54am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Neato, and done then.

eon Replied:

[Report Message] Oh, and lemme know if you get any more of the new ones. :3 Thank you.

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:56am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No prob Only a couple Practical Repairs.. you need IC?

eon Replied:

[Report Message] Nah, I have all of them now. ^^ Just need to get the newer ones.

From: Rachel [eon]
Sent: 13/10/2004 09:59am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Ohhhh ok. Yeah, they’re not released yet, as far as we know.. but soon hopefully. Good job re the last 4!

eon Replied:

[Report Message] Ok thanks. :3 Im gonna go play around now.

From: jEssIcAmAcInnIs [jess_mac29]
Sent: 13/10/2004 02:22pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Actually sorry, decided to sell the bunch :/ Although I do still have two of the Repairs, and hope to get more of the two I just sold soon

jess_mac29 Replied:

[Report Message] It’s ok, I can’t afford them anyways

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 14/10/2004 08:47am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 87). We have given you 437 NP!

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 14/10/2004 03:49pm
Subject: toy shop
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] HEHEHE, i spent all my points buying these plushies i didnt see in your shop. Im about to send them all your way. Heres the link to a toy shop i found, if you find any you dont have hehehe! YOUR WELCOME! ‘;buy_obj_info_id=14136&buy_cost_neopoints=225’ :;buy_obj_info_id=14136&buy_cost_neopoints=225

thats the link, i was doing a quest, then i saw it was a toy shop, so here ya go! enjoy! byeee!

From: Christine [coma_3]
Sent: 14/10/2004 09:53pm
Subject: Booktastic trade
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I hope you can accept my trade with the hazelnut whirl. I had it in trades for 350k. Its all good either way. cg_Jack would really like to read those new books though, he has already read the original 31.

From: Kellie [krawkedattitude]
Sent: 14/10/2004 10:50pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi, I was wondering if you would be willing to sell Interplanetary Communications and Alien Aisha Invasion without the other two books? If so what do you want for those two? Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering since I noticed you were selling them as a set. Thanks in advance for any information. ~Kellie

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/10/2004 10:59am
Subject: Some new books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Not too much – But one is a negg book. Let me know if you need it – I priced it a little high so it wouldnt go too fast.

Billy Blue Hat, 101 Negg Recipes, All About Water Faeries, Meerca Day Recipes, Pteri Feather Book, Extreme Ixi

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/10/2004 12:03pm
Subject: Re: Some new books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmm, we weren’t Neofriends already? Uhm, anyway, I think I have those 6.. that negg one I have, just not most of those from genius neggs.. uggh! Anyhow, thank you

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] No problem. I usually find some snags when I reprice…I’ll let you have them next time!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/10/2004 12:10pm
Subject: Re: Some new books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you kindly! Will you be on chat tonight once home from work (or insert other chore here), btw? Isaac needs us to discuss something re the muppet mall thing.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Yes – I should be off and on all evening starting around 8pm or 9pm. TY.

From: lisa mcilwrick [nevera_6660]
Sent: 16/10/2004 02:59pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 04:10pm
Subject: toy
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hope you like! For ur toy gallery >:-} hehehehehe!

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 05:26pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: I do.. I’m a bit stunned though, that’s a bit.. expensive!!Thank you very much, though *huggle*

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] I know, i saw it in wiz and decided to buy it.>:-} hehehehe!

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 05:29pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: How much?

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] >:-}

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 05:41pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: ANSWER! *pounce*

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] *yawn* do ya really wanna know?

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 05:44pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Well I asked

Nah, if you dont want to tell.. its ok

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] :p its ok. i spent 99k….. its ok. I made some points today :-> hehehehe! O.o o.O

O.O dont be shocked, its ok, lalalalala…im really bored.

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 05:49pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: AAA!No you didnt.. eek.. the 100k I gave you was a gift.. meant for you to spend on yourself/save.. didn’t have to .. But, tyvm!!! Heehee

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] I know, I know, I know, I know. i was bored. But I got it back, with the lab map, games, and shop. HEHEHHEHE! so i guess…i dunno. O.o yvw! :p

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 16/10/2004 07:34pm
Subject: Re: toy
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Okie *huggles you to death*

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] huggles to death back? o.o

From: NunYah [shadowflames4096]
Sent: 16/10/2004 10:51pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi, I saw your pets name on the top 100 list for the Neopian Book Award. I was wondering if you’d be interested in purchasing “The Bad Skeith” from me. If you’re interested, neomail me back. Have a nice day

From: GuitarGirl [danelectra]
Sent: 17/10/2004 01:38pm
Subject: 100000 np for hazelnut whirl
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] please its for the fountain faerie its all I have..neo me back and I will offer on it straight away!!!!

From: GuitarGirl [danelectra]
Sent: 17/10/2004 02:29pm
Subject: please accept my trade
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hi, I really need the hazelnut swirl for the founatin faerie. if you accept I will be indebted for you forever and will do anything you want forever.

I gave you all I have…

From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 17/10/2004 08:50pm
Subject: Re: Secret Lab Map
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heya Thanks for the map that time.. as it turns out my younger bro found a cheap one on shop wiz though, and it turned out to be the exact same piece, so I hope you accept the one in return

I can prove it if you need me to put all the pieces on shop to see too

Thanks though, and take care!Jess

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Aww, you people in chat give each other books and expensive items all the time, and I’m not even allowed to give away the single lab map piece I can afford I’ll just crawl back under my rock until I’ve got the millions it takes to join the game.


From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 17/10/2004 09:11pm
Subject: Re: Secret Lab Map
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: *hug* I’m sorry.. I don’t mean it that way.. I’ll certainly take it if you insist! .. I just haven’t really given you much (or know what to give you) in return.. a lab map piece is an expensive gift!

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Good! Now go trade it for the last part and start zapping your pets!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 18/10/2004 12:29pm
Subject: Re: Some new books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you kindly! Will you be on chat tonight once home from work (or insert other chore here), btw? Isaac needs us to discuss something re the muppet mall thing.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Hiya! Heard anything more from Isaac? I dont want to bug him too much. Also – Got some new books. Hope you need some of them:

Secrets of the Money Tree, Nuts, A Love Story, Creating a Lucky Zafara, Grundo Cafe Recipes, Mouldy Tome, The Curse Of The Pirate Aisha, Lenny Adventures, Famous Tonu Ghosts, Caring For Your Spardel, Chomby and the Fungus Balls, The Fire Shoyru, 300m Peanut Dash Guide Book, Ixi Heroes.

rom: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 19/10/2004 10:27am
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Thanks for the hot dog! What did I do to deserve a present?

/me checks and its not my birthday. lol

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 19/10/2004 10:30am
Subject: Re: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heheh. You’re gonna be collecting hot dogs and scratchcards, yes? Snagged that 15k one for 2k while pricing mine, decided to give it to you.. stash it to sell

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] TY! Wasn’t sure the mall thing was definite yet.

From: MichelleEmler [tautyanna1]
Sent: 19/10/2004 01:34pm
Subject: Re: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you

tautyanna1 Replied:

[Report Message] Your Welcome.

Huggles the kittie ;P lol

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 19/10/2004 02:07pm
Subject: Re: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heheh. You’re gonna be collecting hot dogs and scratchcards, yes? Snagged that 15k one for 2k while pricing mine, decided to give it to you.. stash it to sell

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] lol. I just restocked that one. Check out jasonb175. I’ve started adding them to my shop. I have about 5 more to add.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 19/10/2004 02:16pm
Subject: Re: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hehe, ahh, neato. Yeah.. been trying on and off to restock at the hot dog stand.. trying to hope against hope get Chad the 11 UB hotdogs he still needs for his gallery. Will keep sending a little bit as and when I get them.. and I take it that’s the shop you’re gonna use to sell from in mall then.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Yup! What will you have in your mall besides petpet? I forget.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 19/10/2004 03:55pm
Subject: Re: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: BJ just pointed out new news.. and on the new news are mentions of four -more- Kreludan books. Though not even the last ones are released yet.. Book names are bbo_book9-12 as always, no clue on names.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks!

From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 19/10/2004 07:54pm
Subject: Re: Lab Ray!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hee hee hee! The ray is fired at Lyxanie…

… and she gains 3 movement points!!!!

She was sooo scared!! But thats her first zap, thought I’d share it. Thank you very much.

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] wtg! Zapping is fun!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 11:39am
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hiya Hope I’m not disturbing.. supposedly, BJ said the new Kreludan books should have just been released because other items from that news just were, too. Been doing a little bit of name-searching.. haven’t found any though, but will keep looking. Just heads-up in case, dunno how true

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] TY!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 11:39am
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hiya Hope I’m not disturbing.. supposedly, BJ said the new Kreludan books should have just been released because other items from that news just were, too. Been doing a little bit of name-searching.. haven’t found any though, but will keep looking. Just heads-up in case, dunno how true

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] And you could NEVER disturb me!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 11:54am
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Searching for … Scenic Kreludan Views (try narrowing down your query with more exact words!)I did not find anything Please try again and I will search elsewhere! That one of them you think? Not on yellow bar/

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Maybe the second book from yesterday’s news…a view of the planet??

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 11:58am
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. could be, but that means 8 Kreludan books are released? Either that or the last 4 are still unaccounted for.. but yeah, come to think of it, BJ mentioned the birdhouses were released. Hmmmmmmm.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] My guess is they are not completely setup and that’s why they are not showing in the yellow search bar.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 12:02pm
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hmm, maybe.. BJ said the last week’s items are still not in yet, too.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Go figure! Hey – Restocked Caring for Bori today!

Now all I need are The Eyrie Guard, Kitchen Quest Cookbook, Life After Cheat and The Jetsam Ace.

Just lost 2 intelligence points from WOKnowledge…luckily it doesnt make you forget a book! Whew!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 20/10/2004 12:05pm
Subject: Re: Boo!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Nice! Hmm.. you don’t have ace? Eeps, sold one yesterday.. although prices are down around 15k or lower. Heehee, gj, will try to get those too.. eventually. And yeah, got that from WoK before.. was frantically checking my read book list after *phew*

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] The prices for Ace went back up to 25K. Figured I’d wait another day – probably will go back to 15K or lower.

From: PaulEmler [paul_emler]
Sent: 21/10/2004 08:31am
Subject: Deepest regret
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I am so so so sorry for not askin. Most of your junk” I already had, and I didn’t want to ask for your “good stuff. Please find it within yourself to forgive me. I was not overlooking your hard work and effort but I was afraid you would think I was taking advantage of our friendship. Please, please, pleeeeaazzzzzzeeeee don’t be upset with me. Hope to talk to you soon if your not still miffed.

AFA I hope,



From: PaulEmler [paul_emler]
Sent: 21/10/2004 08:51am
Subject: Re: Deepest regret
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Pah, so I have lousy junk I had so many weird cheap items and even food you could’ve had just by dropping a word, and how can you be taking advantage of our friendship if I were the one that offered! Or at least shoulda told me a thanks but no thanks before you got the avvie So who in the end beat me out for the last 100 items or so anyway? (And what are you going to do with all that junk? *waggle eyebrow*) And what the blazes does AFA stand for? I can’t figure that one out. Jess

paul_emler Replied:

[Report Message] I went and bought them ( the last 100 items)

sorry about that, AFA stands for a friend always

really didnt mean to offend you

I didnt mean anything by it

Im rambling so I’ll just shut-up

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 21/10/2004 10:00am
Subject: Re: Yay!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thanks No hot dogs recently here though

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] NP. You’ve given me plenty!! Picked this one up at the Igloo Garage Sale.

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 21/10/2004 05:31pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17647252 (for Maps of Neopia). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1700 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 22/10/2004 11:30am
Subject: New Books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 22/10/2004 11:30am
Subject: New Books – Take 2
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I have lots of new books in my store – some different ones – if you want to check it out!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 22/10/2004 11:33am
Subject: Re: New Books – Take 2
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: I will thanks, and thanks for snowball earlier

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] NP – All snowballs and gifts I stumble across will now come your way!

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 12:07pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17740796 (for Tug-O-War Card). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 900 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 22/10/2004 01:11pm
Subject: Re: Yay!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thank you!! 100th evil snowball Also, why does the neofriends list show your age as 10? Oh, and I managed to RS a Malediction for Beginners, though you already read it.. but yippee!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message]

Congrats on both!

My account says Im 10 (will switch to 11 tomorrow) because it was originally my son’s account. I took it over when RobbieJane got in the top 200 readers. I don’t know how to change the age…maybe I should ask Neo…but then again I don’t want to advertise my age…

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 01:37pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17749457 (for Colour Lillies). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 50 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 01:45pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17749869 (for All You Need to Know About Your JubJub). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 632 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.
Bid : 612 NeoPoints, placed by diva472164.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 01:45pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17750674 (for Stone Muffin). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 300 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 02:22pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17754814 (for Giant Leaf Curtains). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 555 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 02:31pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17516215 (for Strawberry Poogle Pop). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3700 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/10/2004 02:31pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17749100 (for Ghoti). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 6500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 07:15am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17850450 (for Gnar). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 5001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 07:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17851288 (for Ghost Pancakes). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 4001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
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From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 07:30am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17852294 (for Bug Eye McGee). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 900 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 23/10/2004 04:35am
Subject: So, anyway…
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Hey I played the WoE and won a desert peophin plushie. I saw u didnt have it in ur collection, so its in mine for 100k. If u want it, i’ll give it to u for cheaper than its worth. =/ Todays been a rather lucky day. Hit magic item twice today. One was something worth 8k, but when i was checking to see its worth, found one for 300 points. So i was lucky. Second time for magic item was that plushie. And kitchen quest gave me a 15k item. :p Im not bragging, just wanted to know if youd like it. toodles.

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 12:01pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17886272 (for Yellow Paint Brush). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 41000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 07:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17853386 (for Spotted Feepit). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 10000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 07:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17854172 (for Jazzy Easter Negg). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 6500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:07am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17864236 (for Mummy Baby). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 10001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:15am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17857417 (for Space Blumfaerie Plushie). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 310 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17865407 (for Koi Cookie). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:38am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17770680 (for Race to Riches Scratchcard). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 600 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:38am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17867481 (for White Mallard). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2003 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 10:23am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17612974 (for Yellow Bori Plushie). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 32000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 11:01am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17616268 (for Guardian of Life Magic). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1265 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 11:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17865957 (for Rainbow Pool Stamp). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 20000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 11:38am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17883298 (for Cirrus). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3540 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 12:01pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17620884 (for Traversing The Moon). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 402 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/10/2004 09:30pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17953998 (for Morguss (TCG)). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 07:37am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18004607 (for Starry Paint Brush Plushie). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 09:01am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18014488 (for Ixi Transmogrification Potion). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 100100 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18033297 (for Spyder). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1006 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 01:01pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18046890 (for Turnips (TCG)). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 750 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: PaulEmler [paul_emler]
Sent: 24/10/2004 01:17am
Subject: Re: Gallery!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heyo. Where’s all your uni stuff? Curious.. sdb? Reply back.

paul_emler Replied:

[Report Message] yes its in my SDB. trying to setup a gallery on another account. went camping this weekend so I havent been on much. talk to you later.


From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 01:08pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18047812 (for Smiley Negg). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3588 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 01:16pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17753247 (for Keeping The Peace). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 350 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at
From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/10/2004 01:23pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17903555 (for Secret Laboratory Map). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 52000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 25/10/2004 06:10am
Subject: Oops!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I meant to send the blue sand to monopolyfreakbrother of course! Could you send it on?


From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 25/10/2004 07:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18012872 (for BLT Sandwich with Cheese). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2005 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 25/10/2004 08:00am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 17862603 (for Greek Goddess Usuki). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 25/10/2004 09:15am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18159940 (for Flotsam Body Armour). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 25/10/2004 09:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18160602 (for Green Job Coupon). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 46000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 12:59pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

how much for the zafara book?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:01pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] will u take items for it?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:03pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmm, well guild db puts its value at 1 million np.. dunno how close that is, but probably thereabouts? Couldn’t find a benchmark on tp :/ Mainly looking for np or other r101(99?)-180 books.

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] o, how about cloud usul book and 200k? or Fire Faerie Usuki Doll and 300k?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:06pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Nah thanks, sorry.. already read cloud usul, and the doll is neat but my toy gallery is nowhere near complete for even the cheap items

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol how about a sinsis sword and some pure? do u have aim so we can talk quicker?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:11pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Nope sorry.. no AIM – at least, not here.. in school after class, but long way to ride home still. Don’t need battledome items though.. though thanks :/ Also chatting to a guildie who’s offering 1.2 million or a Castle Toilets.. so price range might be a bit high now :/ (Though again thank you!)

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] o? hmmm how about pure? price?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:23pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Oops sorry, didn’t see the little mail button.. umm, price in pure? Prolly more than 1.2 million.. though I’ll most likely just sell to the guildie who needs it instead, sorry. :/

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] i need it too i offered, and the usuki has sold for 1m and 900k before, and ss is pretty ets, so thats about 1.4 right there….

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:32pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Yeah.. so do I really (to read), thus wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell at all, though am testing market to see. But currently you two seem to be the only interested ones though. No way an hts r97 can cost even 900k for long though, sorry.. plus r97 is definitely in RSable range.. Neither do I need a battledome item or doll as much asbooks or pure..

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] well its like faerie dolls ppl want them thats why price is so high O_O but i can add some ….. how about usuki rogue, ss, and 200k?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:32pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Yeah.. so do I really (to read), thus wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell at all, though am testing market to see. But currently you two seem to be the only interested ones though. No way an hts r97 can cost even 900k for long though, sorry.. plus r97 is definitely in RSable range.. Neither do I need a battledome item or doll as much asbooks or pure..

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] well its like faerie dolls ppl want them thats why price is so high O_O but i can add some ….. how about usuki rogue, ss, and 200k?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:43pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmm again though I can see its value, but the dolls (and to a certain extent the sword, though can sell that) I really don’t need at the moment though, whereas I can certainly use the book. :/

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] o r u gonna read it? lol i was jw, wuts the rarest book uve read?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:49pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Well either read or trade to the guildie for the other book or np. Hmm.. I’ve read brain tree brainiacs, cloud usul, several retired ones, a bunch of r99s.. dusty harmless looking scroll.. most of the curses.. malediction, desert scrolls etc.. rsed seasonal pea once but traded it away.. still got lots of expensive ones I have no idea how to get my hands on though

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] ur the one who rsed a seasonal pea? how much u sell it for?

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:56pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Not much apparantly.. got supposedly cheated by a pretend-guildie who then turned about and resold it for 4 million.. then again, shrug, I got brainiacs and cloud usul for it, if you must know. No matters, might have been a mistake then, but I’ll RS a few more >

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol ur a good rser, ive only seen 2 r99 books rs, got one of them (olde zafara) lol thats ok at least u got profit from it

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:56pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Not much apparantly.. got supposedly cheated by a pretend-guildie who then turned about and resold it for 4 million.. then again, shrug, I got brainiacs and cloud usul for it, if you must know. No matters, might have been a mistake then, but I’ll RS a few more >

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol ur a good rser, ive only seen 2 r99 books rs, got one of them (olde zafara) lol thats ok at least u got profit from it

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 01:59pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: thank you I’ve RSed most of my books Lyxanie has read so far.. desert scrolls are a bit easier to RS.. also snagged a bunch of retired books once, although the harder ones to find (r101/180) are really getting to be a pain!!

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol xD i got a 105 castle toilets, tho im not sure i want to sell

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 02:02pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmm nodnods, although I think with that stuff you offered me you certainly might be able to trade for that book easily? Not sure.. at any rate, the other guildie is offering that book too.. and since it’s a special, might accept.. waiting for senior guild members to get into chat though so I can ask them quietly.

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol i heard ur guild wasnt to active? i dunno xD anyways gl selling the book

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 02:05pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mm, really? We’re very active.. too active sometimes it seems, and the chatroom is always a lively little place to show off or plot how to take over Neopia and -blocked- > But at any rate..thank you! Check back later today anyway.. I think if this guildie is buying from me he will turn around and resell, though dunno for what price. If I sell to him.

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] lol just sell to me so u dont get ripped by him

From: none [mjl78]
Sent: 25/10/2004 02:11pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: > For the right price! Na.. I mean, I just don’t need the dolls or such sorry, just need to get enough tough books out of the way (I still need a ton of easy ones) so I can hopefully get trophy or catch Ray at the top eventually

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] o well…. *wishes i went faster instead of shaking*

From: AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 25/10/2004 10:15pm
Subject: Re: Oops!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: And done! Although I usually send my blue sand to christmas_flyers.. not sure who monopolyfreakbrother is. You blocked item receiving from all but neofriends, btw? Can’t send you this piece of barbed wire. TTYL! Hope everything’s going ok over there! Jess

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks! Mono is an old spanky. I can’t remember which of his accounts is in which guild though. He hasn’t been on much lately, due to excessive homework

Ah, sorry. I had to block it. Some noob kept sending me junk and neomails demanding I make him my friend in return and give him codestones and paint brushes It’s unblocked again.

Everything is a mess, but I have tea and my computer works – so I’ll survive. How are things in your end of the world?

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/10/2004 07:30am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18275099 (for Secret Laboratory Map). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 40000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: ElizabethPalmieri [soccer_lover6857]
Sent: 26/10/2004 12:57pm
Subject: Re: re: Trade (Iron/Breebly)
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Greetings! Would the trade for the breebly and iron supplements for a full set of 10 codestones still be open? If so, we would (and will) like to offer such, although Im sending this neomail first just to make sure.

Thank you very much.. please reply!

soccer_lover6857 Replied:

[Report Message] yes yes of course i accepted it!thanks for the codestones!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 26/10/2004 09:38am
Subject: Re: New Korbat Books
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Oh dear. Spooky Korbat Stories – r75 The Korbat Researcher – r92 Baking For Korbats – r98 Koya Korbat Huntress – r99?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] TY. The third one is actually Baking Chocolate Korbats.

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/10/2004 10:45pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18359969 (for Speckled Negg (TCG)). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 35001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 27/10/2004 06:10pm
Subject: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

hey! thanks for the bottle of blue sand=]=]


From: YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 27/10/2004 10:53pm
Subject: book trade
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Care to add to your zafara book for either my mysterious book or 105 castle toilets book?

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 28/10/2004 02:07am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

heh, sorry. I was going for the av and ^-^ hehee.

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use Soup Faerie as an avatar on the ‘NeoBoards’ :!

and i got it. sorry about all the offering and taking it back. kept saying i had over 2k :-S ^_^

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/10/2004 09:01am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 89). We have given you a Yellow Bori Plushie, an Avatar, and 197 NP!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 28/10/2004 01:38pm
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

Just restocked my store. Need any of the following: Learn to play Jazz, Smooth Jazz Tunes, Jungle Survival Tips, Mynci Horror, Tonu Tusk Polishing, Skeith Prints, Poogle Paw Prints, Painting Poogles, Petpet Biology, The Luckiest Babaa, Sinsis Puzzle Book, Rainbow Faerie Tales, The Rainbow Fountain, Patter Feet, The Red Paw, Desert Badlands, Chomby Diary, Uni Battle!, Mynci Banana Book, Clowning Around, Super Fashion Playmate Handbook, What Me Cheat, Rare Stamps, Poogle Poetry, The Techos Echo, JubJub Jokes, JubJub Journal, Kacheek Exercise, A Warm Christmas, and Caring For Your NeoPet 3. (some of these I may have told you about before)

Ill lower the price for you on Mynci Horror since I have it jacked up for Halloween. Also for A Warm Christmas since that one is jacked up too.

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/10/2004 01:52pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18472211 (for Cobrall). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1401 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/10/2004 02:07pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18550819 (for Bowla). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3555 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 28/10/2004 05:50pm
Subject: Re: book trade
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hm.. advice from guildies and experts seem to be indicating no – mysterious book is more common (just inflated by gougers at the moment) and i do have a standing offer of 105 toilets (plus 500k I think) for my zafara book from a guildie anyway, so no thanks to both. Thanks for trying though, appreciated.

chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] No problem – if youre in the market for the Being Faerie Queen book, let me know. It’s worth quite a bit more though. Good luck~

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 29/10/2004 11:33am
Subject: OMG!!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Just snagged The Korbat Researcher for 500 nps!!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 29/10/2004 11:38am
Subject: Re: OMG!!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: You’re kidding! Nice!! (Wait, or do you mean from bookshop?) But woot!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] From someone’s store!!! I did not restock it.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 28/10/2004 04:23pm
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Thanks for heads up, and for snowballs Yep, thought I didn’t have one or two.. apparantly have all already though. And hey, you still need to switch the KvN and SKV about in the new kreludans on ‘latest news’, unless that’s too late to change, and put in the new korbat books too. > *hugs* Take care!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] I thought I switched the books around. Can you please check again? TY.


From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 29/10/2004 05:45pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 18678378 (for Silver Job Coupon). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 60100 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 30/10/2004 01:31pm
Subject: Legendary Skeiths
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I have one in trade for you. Lowest on shop wiz is 6425. Let me know if you see one lower. I’ll give it to you for 5900.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 30/10/2004 01:32pm
Subject: Legendary Skeiths
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Lot 142017171.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 31/10/2004 08:53am
Subject: Halloween Bag
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] From

You can get spooky food (pumpkin slice, slime cream, brain tree muffin? (is that what its called?) o_O chocolate meepit, etc from it…you could also win a halloween pb (lots of people won it when they were released…including my friend) and although they said it was a petpet pb in the editorial i don’t think they’ve changed it (someone else won a halloween pb after the editorial was released)

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 31/10/2004 12:59pm
Subject: o.O
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] TY for all of them how come ur not on chat? well HAPPY HALLOWEEN! hope u had/have a fun one ^_^

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 31/10/2004 01:03pm
Subject: Re: o.O
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Not really on right now.. at home and all, Sunday, only on chat in afternoons if at school *hug* NP though, take care!

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] okies, not much is happening in there anyways *hug* well have a good one, toodles. Working on nq….beat the 3rd boss. On my way to the 4th byee

From: Natalie W. [natbug_00]
Sent: 31/10/2004 03:14pm
Subject: Trick or Treat!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] ALL THE FOUR LOCATIONS! GO THERE NOW!!!’’ :’’ :’’ :’’ :

From: IsaacChngYongLun [isaaccylcy6v3rec]
Sent: 31/10/2004 05:17pm
Subject: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] guess what i saw , isaw you buying the Halloween Goodie Bag from my shop.thanks.may be i can help you in some can ask from me.

From: IsaacChngYongLun [isaaccylcy6v3rec]
Sent: 31/10/2004 05:34pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No prob and thanks.. just collecting them to try to get the new book from inside (Im in a book guild and chasing top 50 in books) no luck that time though, but will keep trying!

isaaccylcy6v3rec Replied:

[Report Message] you caN JOIN MY GUILD.

From: foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 31/10/2004 06:40pm
Subject: Happy Halloweenie!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

Happy Halloween! I sent u a lil prezzie for your cybunny gallery hope you dont have it! Luff~ Foo & Baby

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 1/11/2004 09:44am
Subject: Yipee!!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Just restocked Life After Cheat!! My first unbuyable book since the restock change (barely!)

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 1/11/2004 12:56pm
Subject: Re: Yipee!!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: <- restocked beginners curses, and vile scroll of possession today. Oh btw, trade up for you on tp, for 6k.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message]

Nice job!!

Thanks for the Race to Riches scratchcards. I added a little extra for the extra ones you sent.

From: Devika Sonavane [xxxcrazy_angelxxx]
Sent: 1/11/2004 02:10pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] hi thnx for adin me as ur neofriend

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 2/11/2004 01:00pm
Subject: I eat socks, O.o
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

I have a bunch of snowballs, if u want to do trades. All been in my sdb. Ill putem up….

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 2/11/2004 01:07pm
Subject: Re: re: I eat socks too! O.o
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sure *waits* tyvm

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message]

Ok, trades are up! Enjoy and your vewy welcome!

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 3/11/2004 08:53am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 90). We have given you a Mystery Of Halloween, an Avatar, and 113 NP!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/11/2004 01:57pm
Subject: Faerie Quest
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Can you find me a blue bandana? TY!!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/11/2004 02:02pm
Subject: Thanks!!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message]

The Fire Faerie says Wow, thanks, you found my Blue Bandana!’

The Fire Faerie claps and JetyJety14 has a stronger attack power!

Click ‘here’ : to continue.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/11/2004 02:20pm
Subject: Baby Kacheeks
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Copy for you in trades – at cost to me…

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/11/2004 02:30pm
Subject: Re: Baby Kacheeks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Lyxanie says ‘Wow! That was very interesting!’

Baby Kacheeks vanishes in a puff of green smoke!


djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] YW! If you want to send me a list of ALL the buyables you need, I’ll mark them all in my spreadsheet.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 3/11/2004 02:34pm
Subject: Re: Baby Kacheeks
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Sure will. Gimme a sec.. (here or email?)

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Here so I can keep the list online too.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 4/11/2004 07:26am
Subject: Shops
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] All the stuff in my shop is GONE!! How about you? My guess is this affects everyone since the shop wiz is not finding any stock (and Neo was completely down earlier)

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 4/11/2004 01:36pm
Subject: Re: Shops
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: :/ Yeah! (Or else I’d be making a killing on sales, heeheehee!) Never thought I’d see the day there’s no pile of dung or bit of barbed wire on shop wiz!! Supposedly the shop db is down.. hope it comes up soon! *lives and breathes shopping* Btw, ‘Edna the Witch’ for LC.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Arghcount to send to this account so I could get the avie. Bad timing I guess.. Took it off okay but couldnt put it back into my inventory.

What do I do? Good question… I work for Publishers Clearing House managing Strategic Planning (new businesses, systems, projects, insourcing, outsourcing, lots of projects – pretty much a little bit of everything). My time is fairly flexible. Sometimes its too busy to think and other times (like these past few weeks) it’s fairly slow.

Im going to the college fair tonight because I co-chair the Nassau County (NY) Duke Alumni committee and we do recruiting and interviewing for Duke.

…awwww…just so the Slorg…Thanks!

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 4/11/2004 01:49pm
Subject: Re: Shops
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmmmmm, sounds like fun! Well, not really, sounds complicated, but challenging and stimulating.. Right! Anywho yeah, your slorg wandered along here so I decided I had to send it back. >

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Just so you know, it is a lot of fun…usually.

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 4/11/2004 02:26pm
Subject: Re: Shops
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Mmmmmm, sounds like fun! Well, not really, sounds complicated, but challenging and stimulating.. Right! Anywho yeah, your slorg wandered along here so I decided I had to send it back. >

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] I gave the slorg to RobbieJane and named it after you!

From: NatalieW [natbug_00]
Sent: 4/11/2004 11:49pm
Subject: You are Great!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Just wanted to drop you a line, telling you…

You are great!

You are a great neofriend, and even better friend. You are always upbeat, and I dont think I have ever seen (read) you in a bad mood. Just wanted you to feel appreciated, cuz you are!

Talk to you soon,


From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 5/11/2004 12:08pm
Subject: Re: One down..
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Caring For Shoyrus vanishes in a puff of purple smoke! Yay, one less book (and you can remove that highlight in case, since I managed to finally RS it) Thanks, that’s all. Don’t work too hard!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Congrats!!

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 5/11/2004 05:09pm
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] I have some snowballs, if u want to make a trade.

From: Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 5/11/2004 05:16pm
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: sure, and hmm, you disappeared from chat? Politics talk is over now..

And hey, all the slap and tickles went poof from that shop!

bobosa13 Replied:

[Report Message] OKies. Well i have this big dislike of politics, and nowadays thats what everyone talks about in there. Plus i wasnt really talking much. If u want me to get back on so we can chat, sure .

darnit, shucks u can only buy 1″ a day.

From: JennyWren [jennywren35]
Sent: 5/11/2004 10:04pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Jess,

I put the three lots up on the trading post under this username … I’ll accept the bids however you decide to break it up


From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 6/11/2004 09:14pm
Subject: Did it work?
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Caring For Shoyrus vanishes in a puff of purple smoke! Yay, one less book (and you can remove that highlight in case, since I managed to finally RS it) Thanks, that’s all. Don’t work too hard!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Did my quit message work?

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 6/11/2004 09:15pm
Subject: Re: Did it work?
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: [22:13] * Robin (‘’ : Quit (Quit: I am NOT a Nini!)

Like a charm

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks and g’nite!

From: Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 6/11/2004 10:48pm
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heya. Jesskitten-in-chat here.. you collect omelette too I was told? What kind? Will put up trade

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message]


yes i collect all kinds of omelettes (full ones only though), bottle of blue sand (my main collection), and jellies of all kinds (only full). so yeah. i mostly collect blue sand though. anyways, thanks for the offer on the trade!=] you are too nice, mono.

From: The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 7/11/2004 09:38am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 19838645 (for Dragoyle). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 65000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

From: Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 7/11/2004 04:57pm
Subject: 1st Day in Mall
Folder: Inbox


[Report Message] 07/11/2004 Faeries Fortune Scratchcard arabella325 3,555 NP 07/11/2004 Peak O Plenty Scratchcard spacestar167 17,777 NP 07/11/2004 Faeries Fortune Scratchcard spacestar167 3,555 NP 07/11/2004 Mutating Millions Scratchcard spacestar167 21,777 NP 07/11/2004 Festering Fortune Scratchcard nce32 4,588 NP 07/11/2004 Watery Hot Dog fccla___73010 1,001 NP 07/11/2004 Hot Dog Sundae Deluxe fccla___73010 1,077 NP 07/11/2004 Veggie Hot Dog fccla___73010 1,001 NP 07/11/2004 Nacho Cheese Stuffed Hot Dog fccla___73010 1,001 NP

From: Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 6/11/2004 10:48pm
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Heya. Jesskitten-in-chat here.. you collect omelette too I was told? What kind? Will put up trade

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message]


yes i collect all kinds of omelettes (full ones only though), bottle of blue sand (my main collection), and jellies of all kinds (only full). so yeah. i mostly collect blue sand though. anyways, thanks for the offer on the trade!=] you are too nice, mono.

From: Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 8/11/2004 06:39pm
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Hm. Have been thinking, but not sure on how I want to do this.. prolly come into chat sometime and if I’m on we’ll hook up and I’ll toss over all the stuff at one sitting then. Cya about!

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message]

whoo hoo! sure will JT =]


From: JeanSmith [floater40]
Sent: 9/11/2004 01:29pm
Subject: Re: Practical Repairs!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: Just felt like being random after I saw your nice gallery-shop, plus too many of them I can’t sell anyway. Enjoy.

floater40 Replied:

[Report Message] omg…… That is so nice of u. Thank u so very much. Going to put this in my Gallery! :::::hugs:::::

From: JeanSmith [floater40]
Sent: 9/11/2004 01:35pm
Subject: Re: Practical Repairs!
Folder: Inbox

gtrjess wrote: No problem! *hug* Don’t have the other 3 Kreludan books from that time though, so you’re on your own there You’ll also eventually probably need the 8 new super-rare Kreludans :/ But that’s all part of the fun, hey? *grin*

floater40 Replied:

[Report Message] lol… Yes it is (fun). Looking forward to completing my Gallery by the End of this year. Thanks again so very much.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 9/11/2004 04:19pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Mystery Pic game (Round 351). We have given you 1766 NP!

Alix Sabino [tigger89065]
Sent: 9/11/2004 05:28pm
Subject: SEND ME A …….
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] send me a pet pet or else

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 10/11/2004 01:59pm
Subject: Wings of Steel
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘Wow! Thank you very much, I love reading!’

Wings of Steel vanishes in a puff of green smoke!

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 10/11/2004 03:56pm
Subject: sand and more sand =)
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks for the bottle of blue sand. i greatly appreciate it.


Alix Sabino [tigger89065]
Sent: 10/11/2004 04:56pm
Subject: Re: SEND ME A …….
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eloquent sentence.

One line out of three you have.

Whats the rest of it?

tigger89065 Replied:


The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 11/11/2004 08:55am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 91). We have given you 286 NP!

Steffani [bobosa13]
Sent: 11/11/2004 07:10pm
Subject: I’m Bored
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hey, how are u? I dont know if flora told u, but i wont be on chat for about a week or so. Well, when i get to Iran i dont know if Ill be able to download it :S So, i dont know how long it will be before i can get on it… =/

i opened up a shop on KoL, going to try and pay back anniqa. Also, i didnt have any stalks of asparagus…will get that from my other account Well talk to u later byee! Oh, also…i dont know if u have yahoo….but if so my username is bobosa13 Im on it right now…hotmail is ds_lil_g69 ^_^ byee!

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 12/11/2004 12:26pm
Subject: Re: Yay
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: RSed and Read The Jubjubs Secret and Cenanit Ragamans. 47th, 949 books!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] w00t!! Congrats!!

vesha [mlblm55]
Sent: 12/11/2004 01:55pm
Subject: GREAT GALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I LOVE your gallery… looks great!!

vesha [mlblm55]
Sent: 12/11/2004 01:59pm
Subject: Re: GREAT GALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Which one? But thank you very much! It’s rather plain though, buut.. working on it, eventually.

mlblm55 Replied:

[Report Message] BOTH!!!!!!lol……im used to have a GREAT furinture guild……..but i sold it all…….lol!!!

vesha [mlblm55]
Sent: 12/11/2004 02:02pm
Subject: Re: GREAT GALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks And awwww. Sorry to hear.. do you collect anything now then?

mlblm55 Replied:

[Report Message] now im colletcing kreludan books and i keep everything in my SDB…..

vesha [mlblm55]
Sent: 12/11/2004 02:27pm
Subject: Re: GREAT GALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Kreludan books? Eek, that’s gonna be one tough collection, for all the books after Practical Repairs!

mlblm55 Replied:

[Report Message] i know!!! its gonna be tough…. but ill be collecting in my spare time!!!

vesha [mlblm55]
Sent: 12/11/2004 02:30pm
Subject: Re: GREAT GALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Neato, good luck then Do you have Practical Repairs yet, btw? I don’t have any now, but occasionally restock a few of those.

mlblm55 Replied:

[Report Message] no……… but im trying!!!!!

SunderAlexander [spaceelf1]
Sent: 12/11/2004 04:05pm
Subject: Re: Genetics
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Quote: If genetic engineering were more advanced & cheap, what kind of real-world pet would you want them to make for you? Hmmm. For me, probably a kitten with wings.. love cats, though don’t have any (yet) myself, and winged cats sound adorable. But then again, couldn’t be too strong wings lest the kitty flies away and gets lost.. probably just enough to help get over really low obstacles or something. Transportation aid more than a new way to get around, maybe. But then again.. poor animals, not sure I’d want to put them through something like that even if given the option. :/ Mmmmm…

spaceelf1 Replied:

[Report Message] If they were genetically engineered, theyd be born with the wings. It wouldn’t be “putting them through” anything. Wings would seem natural to the flitterkitty. You’re the 3rd person to want a winged cat–must be a trend.

As for why I posted such a question: Im working on an SF short story set in the near future. In this future, you can have almost any fanciful pet you want. I didn’t want to describe all the pets that will show up in the story, because they would all be my ideas, so theyd have certain similarities to each other. In such a future world, many different people would be imagining pets, not just people like me. So I wanted to see how other people would imagine their pet.

Thanx, Sunder

PS If this gets published, Ill post a notice so everyone can read it.

Lily Foxx [lilyfoxs]
Sent: 13/11/2004 09:26am
Subject: Re: Happy birthday 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Happy 38th! Yeek! Young at heart though I bet. Many happy wishes and please take good care of that feepit!! (If you ever have to resell it gimme a yell and Ill buy it )

Have a good day and even better year!


lilyfoxs Replied:

[Report Message] It was very nice to be remembered and thought of today My mom sent me a email card and I laughed a bunch.. I logged on to neopets really missing my home and family.. It felt good to have a card and a very dear gift to surprise me. I always keep and care greatly for the gifts I get in life.. 38 hehe it just seems like yesterday I was playing Candyland in my room back home. Thank yu very much Jess for the thughts and surprise.


chris neely [protoman14959]
Sent: 14/11/2004 12:18pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wanna be my neofriend?

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 14/11/2004 10:30pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] yay, thanks so much ! =]

JennoftheLoop [neo717317]
Sent: 15/11/2004 11:12am
Subject: Thank you!! 😀
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] YAY!! Green sand!! YES!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! *dances and puts bottles up in a neat row in her safety deposit box*

– Jennloop

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 16/11/2004 12:39am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey!=) Omg, you know what. you are the nicest person ever! thank you soooo much for all the collections!

a little bit of snowballs elsewhere/MONO

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 17/11/2004 02:19am
Subject: =S
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, just wanted to tell everyone that this is my new account until I get my old one back. bobosa13 was frozen because i was supposedly” cheating on games.

So yup, this is my account until i work on getting the other one back. toodles!

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 17/11/2004 02:19am
Subject: =S
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, just wanted to tell everyone that this is my new account until I get my old one back. bobosa13 was frozen because i was supposedly” cheating on games.

So yup, this is my account until i work on getting the other one back. toodles!

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 17/11/2004 01:39pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 92). We have given you 541 NP!

TiffanyNewfish [jellydou93]
Sent: 17/11/2004 06:26pm
Subject: OoOoO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did you make the Muppet mega Mall

AjScannell [aj_drake]
Sent: 18/11/2004 12:20am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i have a dracanock neomail me back thx bye

TiffanyNewfish [jellydou93]
Sent: 18/11/2004 07:06am
Subject: Re: OoOoO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I’m sorry.. make as in become part of it, or make as in do the banner and all?

jellydou93 Replied:

[Report Message] become part of what?

no name [lucky6098]
Sent: 18/11/2004 11:43am
Subject: Re: Know Your Robot Petpet
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Greetings and salutations! I’m sure you must have been inundated with queries by now, but I will still submit this one anyway.. on the off chance. Would you be looking to keep the Kreludan book as part of a gallery, or are you more looking to sell it off for a certain price? If the latter, what is the price range you are looking for? Thank you for your time!

lucky6098 Replied:

[Report Message] Hi actually you’re the first person who’s neomailed me about it o.o I’m probably going to sell the book I’m not sure about price right now though.

no name [lucky6098]
Sent: 18/11/2004 11:49am
Subject: Re: Know Your Robot Petpet
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, hehe, really? *grin* Well I’m interested.. if only because I need the one (well any one) book to get gold.. but okie dokie, know what you mean, not quite a price range set for books like that yet. If you do eventually have a price though (no matter how seemingly ridiculous to start) or do receive other offers.. could you please give a yell my way then? (Or do you prefer offers?) Anyhow, thanks for reply

lucky6098 Replied:

[Report Message] I’ll probably have a price by the weekend but yeah sure I’ll tell you if anyone makes some sort of offer.

Sent: 18/11/2004 08:14pm
Subject: Petpets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi

Since you took over petpets from escapes88 (I actually offered them to him first because I forgot) but I put a few petpets in trades, youre welcome to bid on them whatever you want. I had them in an old account that I had forgotten about.


Sent: 18/11/2004 08:30pm
Subject: Re: Petpets
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you! I will.. let me gather some spooky foods and pizza first. Any types in particular you don’t want? (Got lots of the cheap stuff in SD

kiko_cat Replied:

[Report Message] No, anythings fine. I didn’t even know these existed until a few minutes ago in my old shop, so anything is a bonus for me.

Sent: 18/11/2004 09:42pm
Subject: Re: Petpets
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There. Sorry it took so long – was rooting through my sdb. Got pizzas too if you want to put up a junk (snowball? anything) trade And lots of common ‘prize’ spooky foods if I can swindle you into clearing them out.. >

kiko_cat Replied:

[Report Message] I think I might have some more petpets, I’m still cleaning out the old account I’ll post them tonight when I finish and let you know.

Destinys Child [destinyschildkelly]
Sent: 19/11/2004 04:33am
Subject: �ber Neopet.
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi-ich h�tte da ne frage wie bekommt man einen job oda mehr NP(Geld)?ich hab gsehen du besitzt nen laden und hast a s�sses pet und viele auszeichnungen und i will sowas a?wie geht das?

schreib zr�ck-Hdl kelly

Meg Bruneau [ilovepets]
Sent: 19/11/2004 03:19pm
Subject: love it
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i love your store

PaulEsposito [rey619302]
Sent: 19/11/2004 05:41pm
Subject: Thank you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for telling me how to attach a petpetpet even though I might not because I might get it lost

PaulEsposito [rey619302]
Sent: 19/11/2004 05:56pm
Subject: Re: Thank you
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem Theyre kinda expensive though.. so much so even I have only one in shop. Yech.

But most people still are working on their pet or whatever (labray, saving up for potions, etc) so until the person decide on a perfect pet, and its perfect petpet, and then make sure s/he doesnt need to remove it for another petpet avatar (can always use another pet of course), and remember not to visit Turmaculus with it.. then people attach the petpetpet

rey619302 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you that really helped

PaulEsposito [rey619302]
Sent: 19/11/2004 06:06pm
Subject: Re: Yay!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for snowball.

rey619302 Replied:

[Report Message] I might have more I will check my sdb for more

none [mjl78]
Sent: 20/11/2004 10:41am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

how much for Baking Chocolate Korbats ?

SamBusak [ssjpaul99]
Sent: 21/11/2004 08:04am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Hello there! Sorry for disturbing.. but Id like to inquire if its alright what price range you are looking for for the r101 book (Raising Baby Grundos) in your trade?

Thank you very much for your time


ssjpaul99 Replied:

[Report Message] i had offers on the 4.2 to 4.4 range, i was looking for 5 mil, but make an offer and we’ll see

jonathonlwilson [link_with_all]
Sent: 21/11/2004 09:12am
Subject: no.1 fan
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

im your no.1 fan i wanna be just like you with a kadiotary trophy and all those petpets please would you be my neofriend

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 21/11/2004 12:38pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21663402 (for Har Codestone). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 21/11/2004 12:46pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21664512 (for new). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 32001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/11/2004 01:52pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21799386 (for Spyder). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/11/2004 01:52pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21805719 (for Spyder). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/11/2004 02:01pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21806794 (for Pink Snowbunny Easter Negg). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 6600 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 09:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21915841 (for Pocket Satellite). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 21000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:00am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21919157 (for Fir). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 3201 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21921350 (for Gelert Spiked Shield). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 800 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:37am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21922880 (for Scroll of Dark Nova). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 5338 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Stasiy Gorokhovskaya [blobberhead]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:45am
Subject: NEWS
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Guess what, my Boopy2102 is cured but now is red cherrie2102 she somehow got floppy-tounge:-(


The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:52am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21923980 (for Selket). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1100 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Stasiy Gorokhovskaya [blobberhead]
Sent: 23/11/2004 10:54am
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry to hear.. try the healing springs in faerieland. Free healing – you can try once every half hour, and there are one or two possible ‘spells’ the faerie can cast that will heal your pet of any disease. Much cheaper than medicine

blobberhead Replied:

[Report Message]

Thanks that realy helped but im still broke, hey can you lend me some money i promise i’ll pay you back


The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 11:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21929113 (for Snow Petpet Paint Brush). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 9025 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

MrsMuppette [jenniferledbetter]
Sent: 23/11/2004 02:26pm
Subject: Re: Prac Repairs?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yipe, you needed that book? Going for booktastic?

jenniferledbetter Replied:

[Report Message] I don’t know yet if I’m going to or not. It would be a get the trophy then quit kind of deal

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 08:37pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21988424 (for Baby Fireball). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 5001 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 23/11/2004 08:37pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21988863 (for Green Uni Morphing Potion). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 25000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/11/2004 08:15am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21948832 (for Mallard). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1501 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/11/2004 08:15am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21948874 (for Greeble). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 1105 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 24/11/2004 06:16pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 21847146 (for Scroll of Freezing). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 22500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 24/11/2004 06:39pm
Subject: Re: Fence
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: ‘’ :

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Sorry! Can’t find any wet snowballs

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 24/11/2004 07:27pm
Subject: Re: Fence
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: ACK!!!!!

Thanks.. Um, ok, now I feel really bad..

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Have some tea, it helps!

bill smith [comalley]
Sent: 24/11/2004 07:37pm
Subject: Booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have 10+ copies of Practical Repairs if you are interested in buying.

Yu Daniel [neobee]
Sent: 25/11/2004 03:27am
Subject: ?~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you for buying things in my shop,please come again later!

Sent: 25/11/2004 07:21am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Happy Thanks Giving!

Pret [pretiful]
Sent: 25/11/2004 02:27pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Greetings. Regarding your Little Book of Big Volcanos trade that is up.. I was wondering if you had any offers for it yet, and/or if you’d be willing (even though you did say pure only) to trade some r95-99 books for it instead? Thank you for your time! Jess

pretiful Replied:

[Report Message] Yes i’ve had a few people ask if i’d trade books for it, but i really need pure. I was hit very very hard in the recent crash/roll back and actually need the np.

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 25/11/2004 02:51pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, I just wanted to neomail you because you said it would be alright on your user lookup. You never met me before but I have friends over 20 so Im used to it. Well, neomail me back if you want to.


morgan long [morgie3793]
Sent: 25/11/2004 02:56pm
Subject: wiill you trade….
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i’ll give you 25000 for wain, currently priced at 42000

MyaHarrison [mya_the_pink_faerie]
Sent: 25/11/2004 03:59pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you like to be my freind?

morgan long [morgie3793]
Sent: 25/11/2004 06:08pm
Subject: Re: wiill you trade….
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks, sorry.. priced high because I love the little thing, so in no hurry to get rid of it.

morgie3793 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks anyway, you don’t have a problem with someone buying it at full price, right?

morgan long [morgie3793]
Sent: 25/11/2004 06:20pm
Subject: i o u
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you so much! the only thing is when i got there i noticed i didn’t have 25k with me so i had to race to the bank and back, i was lucky and just managed to snag it! i owe you alot, if i can do any thing for you, let me know!

morgan long [morgie3793]
Sent: 25/11/2004 06:25pm
Subject: Re: i o u
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: no prob. I just ask you take good care of it, and resell to me for 25k if you ever decide you don’t want it anymore.. Be well! (I’ll get another for myself to replace it)

morgie3793 Replied:

[Report Message] k, hope i doesn’t cot ya much. O yeah, have an idea for his new name?

morgan long [morgie3793]
Sent: 25/11/2004 06:32pm
Subject: Re: i o u
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah, probably just a little more. No worries. Hehe, nope.. sorry, I’m -terrible- with names!

morgie3793 Replied:

[Report Message] lol! o well i’ll figure it out, i was wonderin, do you want to be neofriends? (it will be easyier to figure out your user name, since i go your shop all the time)

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 26/11/2004 01:40am
Subject: Declaration of War!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hey how are you? Sorry I havent written you an email, i sent you a few offline messages though

How have things been? I really cant do much here because it costs them money to be on the internet, so i only have time to check my email and write one if i can. =) still havent heard from tnt about my other account, hopefully i will soon. =/ Okies, hafta get off, hope you have a good day! ^_^ toodles

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 11:23am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22341443 (for A Faerie Christmas). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 2500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 26/11/2004 11:24am
Subject: Re: Declaration of War!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya! Oops.. haven’t been on YiM in a couple days, guess I should start remembering huh? I have been great!.. how about yourself? Sorry to hear about the account Though you probably should sit down and write one more when you finally return home (or to some place with a stable internet access.. don’t rush off one though) How’s all the travelling? Miss seeing you about.. hope everything’s okay! Chad said hi once in chat, I told him to say hi back. Hope to see you about soon!!!

sassypinkelephant Replied:

[Report Message]

Heya, its ok about the YiM. I really dont know what to tell them in a letter. I didnt say much in the last, and thats probably why i havent heard from them =/. Yeah, I asked Chad to tell you Hi for me. =) After we leave here, I have no idea when we will get the internet back. So i should probably write a letter from here, but what should i say? O.o Miss everyone, and miss talking to you. If their computer will let me, I may stop in for about 5 minutes, but not for long. I dunno when though =). I’ve been having a nice time in Iran. It’s very beautiful. =D We went walking along the road on the mountains today, and it was nice seeing a city from above. I think its real neat. Okies, well I hafta get off now….been replying to everybodys letters and my fingers hurt from typing so fast 😛 Talk to you later and have a good day!

btw, Im doing fine

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:01pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22346289 (for Carnapepper Finger Sandwiches). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 600 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22348839 (for Icetravaganza Scratchcard). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 75000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22349142 (for The Stuff Collectable Card). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 321 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:46pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22351346 (for Caramalised Blunkabean). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 120 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

AmandaJackson [iceblue4744]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:52pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i was wondering who made that mini mall?

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:53pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22351845 (for Secret Laboratory Map). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 52000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

AmandaJackson [iceblue4744]
Sent: 26/11/2004 12:57pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Player by name of qbureau did.

iceblue4744 Replied:

[Report Message]

o ok ty im haveing a sale on decmber 26 9:30-? come check it out i need a little help so im accpeting donations if u could could u send some thing over here so i can put in my ship on the 26?

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 01:54pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hello. Pleased to meet you, and thank you for an articulate, polite neomail.. surprising the number of people who cant do something as simple as that!

Anyhow, just on for a little while before dinner here.


i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] Yeah, a real shocker! Any way, I just wanted to tell you that Im glad you’re my first neofriend ever and I hope you’re happy being my neofriend. I was wondering if you wanted to do some trades with me. I don’t want your neopoints I’m happy earning my own, but if you have some extra items you don’t use I would be happy if you could trade some reserved for me Thank you very much!

P.S. Please dont think of me as using you, I just don’t have enough neopoints right now. Bye

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 02:01pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Agreed. And its a pleasure! Hmm.. what sort of items are you looking for? Anything in mind? Would love to help if I could, but not exactly sure. Welcome to the game, by the way.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks and I’m EXTREMLY happy being your neofriend. I’m not looking for anything in particular but paintbrushes or petpets are very well accepted! ( You can give me junk too if you want I can sell it in my shop). Anyway, I’m just REALLY HAPPY that you’re my neofriend. Bye

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 02:06pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Only one paint brush and none of your pets can use it, nor is it shop-sellable :/ Hmm. Might be able to do something about a petpet.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you SO MUCH! Just wondering, what paintbrush is it? Im sure one of my neopets would LOVE a petpet!


kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 02:12pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Disco Fever.. only Bruces can use it (They turn into disco bruces) I believe, but I happen to think Bruces are ugly-ish anyway You can find cheap mispriced (99,999np) paintbrushes on the shop wiz sometimes (though rarely) and I mainly play the market (and restock) to get neopoints, as opposed to playing games, and got this one off of that and now trying to find a buyer on the trading post. I can help with any questions with the game too (or a guildmate can I’m sure if I can’t), so feel free to ask as and when, by the way.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] Do you think I could join the guild? And what game are we talking about exactly? ( I don’t know what it is!) And please tell me when you make a trade I’m going to go and check it out

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 02:14pm
Subject: Uni30046neo says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Uni30046neo thanks you SO much for his new Babaa and I’m thanking you for having sent it to me. Do you think you could tell me how to send an item and I’ll send you a little thank you gift.

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 02:33pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, the game as in Neopets itself, sorry. It’s quite a complex game if one really wants to play every aspect of it, though many people just relax and go with the flow and do what they like on it. But, for example, you can play Neopets as simply an up-front virtual pet game, or you can combine that with ‘economics’ and play the market/shop wizard, or you can spend hours restocking (getting items) at shops, or you can do things like collections, or whatever. Not sure if the enter key for new paragraph is working in neomail, sorry about that. You’re welcome for the babaa, and to send an item you have it in inventory, then click on it, look for the send-to-neofriend option, then choose a name (or type one) from the drop-down window. Don’t worry about it though. Regarding guilds, gladly if you like. The one I am in is public (see my user-lookup for it) but at the same token is very huge.. though a small number of us usually hide out in the linked external forums/cha t. We’re a book guild – but lots of our members don’t read. Plenty of the-type-that-can’t-spell on forums now and then though, but plenty of those who can too. Woops, that was long, sorry.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] I sent you a little gift as a thank you I have to get off now but feel free to send me a neomail I’ll be back on later tonight

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 03:14pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you very much, it is appreciated. Me too, actually, I’ll be headed off in 10 minutes and be back on sometime late tonight. Nice chatting with you – if you do join the guild I hope to see you about! If not, no worries, but take care anyway.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] You might not be there but Ill probably be on later tonght too. Mabe around…9:00 pm. See you then!

P.S. I will join the guild

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 04:21pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi.

I just got cheated off some neopoints. They said the faerie queen hnads me a glass paintbrush and will even let me paint my neopet with it so I clicked it and 450 of my neopeints were gone. Please dont fall for it like I did

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/11/2004 08:53am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 22329928 (for Green Uni Morphing Potion). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 20000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 06:16pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for the trade, and hope Shar has fun with the Scamander petpet.. Early Seasons’ Greetings (or Merry Christmas if you prefer) to the both of you from us two. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to accept – but your shop blog in the end convinced me. Hope you like the petpet! Jess

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Jess,

Thank you so much for doing the trade. I’m really grateful, and you’ve really made the Season for us. Shar is absolutely delighted with his Scamander, and now I can relax.

I know it’s poor thanks, but I see in your lookup that you’re collecting snowballs. I have a couple stashed away in my deposit box that I’d be happy to give you as thanks, if you’d like them.

Anyway, thank you so much! And Early Season’s Greetings to you and Lyxanie.


Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 06:28pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heehee, glad to hear.. are you looking for a petpet pb for the scamander too? Not that I have many at the moment, but could keep an eye out for one cheap.

But the trade was all good, and Lyxanie convinced me anyhow – she (though shes a he now, silly lab ray) says to say hello too! I would love to, regarding snowballs, if you have some to spare, though I’ll buy those in your shop first. Thank you!

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] You’ve caught me out. I was actually having a look around for a white PB for the Scamander (because Shar has a thing about contrasting with his black coat), so I’ll have to save up for that. If you see one for cheap though, please let me know. I’d be indebted to you.

Oh, that lab ray causes havoc, doesn’t it? That’s why I’m a little too shy of going anywhere near the secret lab. Too frightened of what could happen. 😡 And I wouldn’t dream of charging you for the snowballs. They’re little things, really, so I could either just put them into a trade package for you, or send them as NeoFriend? If you don’t mind me adding you for the hand over.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:01pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *returns from dinner* Oh neofriends is ok, trade is ok too, although you can send items to someone who isnt your neofriend – but I certainly don’t mind. Thanks!

And certainly, Ill keep an eye out for a white ppb! Though no guarantees.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] I didn’t know you could send items to someone not listed as your NeoFriend. How is that done, if you don’t mind me asking?

You just had dinner? It’s nearly 11am here so I need to think about going to get some lunch. So hungry.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:03pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *returns from dinner* Oh neofriends is ok, trade is ok too, although you can send items to someone who isnt your neofriend – but I certainly don’t mind. Thanks!

And certainly, Ill keep an eye out for a white ppb! Though no guarantees.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Oh, nevermind. :[ I am definitely thickheaded. I’ve never paid much attention to the text box underneath the NeoFriends list when giving items to somebody. Tsk. Okay, I’ll send all my snowballs your way.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:08pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yep, 8pm here in my part of Canada. Hm, sending items to neofriends? You have to have at least 1, I think, then start to send an item as per normal, but instead of choosing a friend from the list, you can type a username in the box instead. Go eat! (Hah, who am I to talk, I skip lunch so much!)

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Canada. I love Canadians. Okay, I sent the snowballs your way. Hope none hit you on the way in. I particularly wanted to get rid of that brown one. Eugh. ;x I need to go to the shop to get something for lunch, but it’s midday and (I’m in Australia) it’s really hot out there. I think I’ll prefer to starve for now before risking sunburn.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:10pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Whee! Thanks in advance for the snowballs

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] No problem. They were taking up space in my deposit box and I think you’d get more use out of them than I would. Besides, it’s only a little thank you for the Scamander. (Or Escamandra, as it turns out. I had to change my language to Spanish before Shar accepted it 😡 and now it’s stuck on Escamandra.)

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:19pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh. Ive never been to Australia, but have a bunch of friends from there too – all round nice people! Yipes. This calls for an umbrella.. or a hat. Ah, I’m pining for the day they figure out how to e-deliver food to your computer!

And nope, I caught them all good, now theyre in my special-cold SDB!

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] I think it’s just natural that Australia and Canada get along so well. Maybe it has something to do with both being a part of the Commonwealth. I have a close friend studying over there. I’d like to visit. Us Aussies have a preoccupation with snow, and since Canada has plenty of that (or so we’ve heard), we’re all dying to go over there.

I hear the icecream truck. Mmm. What I wouldn’t give for an icecream. Or even better, a pizza. Or e-food. Whoever can come up with a way to deliver food as you mentioned would be a billionaire… Made that way by lazy people like me.

Glad you got the snowballs. I’m sure you’ll take good care of them.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:37pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *grin* A billionaire indeed.. from lazy people like me too! Aahh.. I wonder if I can copyright the idea or something so whoever creates the machine would have to give me a buck everytime he sells one. Id be a billionaire too!

Yeah, we have snow.. well also be glad to “export” (ahem) some down there in return for some heat in winter.. talk to our president!

Oh, also, would you mind if I added you to neofriends list? I delete my mail quite regularly.. probably wont remember who wanted the petpet pb in a week or so.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] All you would need to do is just print out these NeoMails, pop them into an envelope, mail them to yourself, and you have yourself a poor man’s way of copyright. That way when it happens, you can pull out your stamped letter and say “Aha! I am the first one with this idea!” And you will get your $1.

We have snow … somewhere. In our mountains. But it’s burning hot everywhere else. And summer has barely begun. We’ll gladly send you some heat with a complimentary sample of the hole in our ozone.

Of course, feel free to add me. May I add you in return?

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:45pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Absolutely! (Adding is two-way anyhow, I -think-.)

And hmmm.. no thanks regarding the ozone hole, I think we already have some of those stashed in the arctic somewhere. Doesnt help living next to the pollute-happy USA too!

And hmmmm. I should do that printing/posting thing for posterity, but naw.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Yep, I see the NeoFriend message. So I’ll just do that after I send this message.

Are you sure? There is plenty to go around. And it must be awful to be close to the US. For the pollution, of course.

It’s up to you, of course, but when that e-food idea comes out and you lose out on billions… Don’t say I didn’t warn you. *grins*

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:45pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Absolutely! (Adding is two-way anyhow, I -think-.)

And hmmm.. no thanks regarding the ozone hole, I think we already have some of those stashed in the arctic somewhere. Doesnt help living next to the pollute-happy USA too!

And hmmmm. I should do that printing/posting thing for posterity, but naw.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Yep, I see the NeoFriend message. So I’ll just do that after I send this message.

Are you sure? There is plenty to go around. And it must be awful to be close to the US. For the pollution, of course.

It’s up to you, of course, but when that e-food idea comes out and you lose out on billions… Don’t say I didn’t warn you. *grins*

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 07:55pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *giggle* Oh I dont know.. I’ll miss out on all the eventual lawsuits too.. can you imagine the kind of destruction hacking can wreak then?

And oh indeed, thanks, to the ozone. In fact, forward some to the White House, compliments of us. (Er, then again, lets leave out the ‘us’ part!) Aah, I haven’t been to the USA before.. though they’re good tongue-whipping fodder.. but plenty of players here from there.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Haha. 😡 That’s a way to look at it. Well, there’s a bright side to everything, and you just found it. Lawsuits. Awful things.

Ooh, I think I have to watch myself before I find myself saying some stuff about the US that might get me in trouble. Let’s just send some abuse anonymously. If they track us down, we can pretend to not speak English. Kind of like their President.

Oh, there I go. Bad me. 😡

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 26/11/2004 08:07pm
Subject: Re: Scamander
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *laughs!* Track us down? Us? Nope, I have no idea what you are talking about. In fact, Ill have you know I LOVE the US! All the good things about it.. Neopets HQ.. bustling cities.. famous landmarks.. scenic landfills.. obnoxious kids.. er, I mean, Oh dear.. would you look at the time!

Anyhow, I have to head idle for a little while.. so any subsequent neomails wont be replied to for a bit. Thanks for the chat and giggles though.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Bill Gates… Coke… Michael Jackson… It’s a wonderful place, I agree. *shifty eyes*

I have to head off as well. Need a shower (baaadly). Some food (baaaadly). So I’ll leave you to it. Thanks for the Scamander and mails. Goodnight.


kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 08:49pm
Subject: Re: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hm. I know some pages (shops, lookups) have pictures of events/items that look real but arent.. always check the link to see where it’ll take you first, usually its a petpage or something belonging to the person – but I haven’t really heard of losing np to something like that.. hmm. You didn’t have to enter your user/pw anywhere, I hope? Maybe you just spun the wheels or something on another page and the np total on that page hadn’t updated yet.. although I dunno :/ Sorry to hear though.

Glad to hear re: the guild, though I seldom post on the neo-forums, I usually just hang out in the offsite guild forum or chat, but either can be fun, and both a good source of info/friends.

But, thanks for the info though.. hmm.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] Maybe you’re right. I did get some of my neopoints back and I earned the rest by games. Eh, what’s in the past stays in the past. Let’s forget about it.

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 08:57pm
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I just rememberd, I bought something in that store! Wow! I feel like such an idiot for thinking that stupid thing took my neopoints. God I am so sorry for that lets make like it never happened, please

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 26/11/2004 09:00pm
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Gotta go to bed

JellyBeans [xik0nx]
Sent: 26/11/2004 09:30pm
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry, not quite enough there.

xik0nx Replied:

[Report Message] then i add 25k?

genesis camacho [gene13579]
Sent: 26/11/2004 09:32pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please be my neofriend…..^_^

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 26/11/2004 10:06pm
Subject: Locked Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Have one for you in trades! I bought for 47K, lowest on shop wiz is 48.9K.

Lot 145666006

– Robin (hugs!)

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 26/11/2004 10:09pm
Subject: Re: Locked Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not really here! Ssssh.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] lol.

Neither am I!

kristin hodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 27/11/2004 05:56am
Subject: Re: Meep
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, missed you. Goodnight, sweet dreams, and glad to hear all’s okay.

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] I’m back! I was wondering if you had msn. If you do, here is my e-mail adress:

blah [_cool_super_gurl_]
Sent: 27/11/2004 07:19am
Subject: going on holiady nee some one
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] going on holiady nee some one to look after my pets will pay 500k neomail if intrested all u have to do is train them and take them to the lab

Steph mountain-croud [eminemrules27]
Sent: 27/11/2004 12:23pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, i see you bought my buzzer from my shop, hope you like it, its name was spud but you may like another. Thanks for spending the money, i am now selling sweet type stuff in my shop so i’d like you to see if you are interested in any. it would be nice if you neomailed me back, from Steph

sarahkwak [1234asd]
Sent: 27/11/2004 01:10pm
Subject: snowbunny
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I think I have a reasonable price for a snowbunny so if you want to check it out feel free please.

taylorcaldwell [fox3000]
Sent: 27/11/2004 08:31pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what do u use to feed a kodotie.

taylorcaldwell [fox3000]
Sent: 27/11/2004 08:33pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Random food – it refreshes at the start of a random minute (about 30-35 minutes apart though) and first one to feed it gets a point. Very hard and a waste of np unless you’re lucky, or you really know what you’re doing, though.

fox3000 Replied:

[Report Message] nop havent a clue ha ha ha.

taylorcaldwell [fox3000]
Sent: 27/11/2004 08:48pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, ditto at first. Have to spend a bit of time watching. You need to be able to find a food item in under 20 seconds to even have a chance, sometimes 10 seconds or less.

fox3000 Replied:

[Report Message] that realy stinks ha ha ha.

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 27/11/2004 09:39pm
Subject: I’m a Ninni
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Watching movie on TV…lol

Lot 145833875

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 28/11/2004 06:06am
Subject: Tag! You’re IT
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, havent heard from ya. I’m about to get off, but decided to write ya a letter. I cant get onto chat because something says its a “bad” website. I guess maybe because of the name, ‘spank’aroonietwo. O.o dunno. Anyways, I’m still collecting healing potions. Have quite a few now, thanks to pup ^_^ I’ve decided to go ahead and play again. =) To cease the boredom Once I get some points back, i was giving them all to Chad for his gallery and etc. But now, hopefully i can get back to where i was at. ^_^ Tell everyone I said Hii, and I’m back in spankys guild ^_^ Toodles

Lizzie Fernandez [cooloft]
Sent: 28/11/2004 01:16pm
Subject: Jurples
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u give me the chismase paint brush for 1000 please.

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 28/11/2004 03:58pm
Subject: Heya
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Havent seen you all day. Hope all is well. Sent some toys your way


AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 28/11/2004 04:04pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] There’s a place called www blackmask com. Maybe you already knew.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/11/2004 07:38pm
Subject: Auction Successful!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT

You will be pleased to know that your Neopets auction Lot No. 22708035 (Faerie Paint Brush) has been successful, and that 630000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below is a list of the bids and other information.

Bid : 630000 NeoPoints, placed by seraphanjil.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 29/11/2004 12:50am
Subject: Re: Tag! You’re IT
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey! Still miss ya.. hope to see you about soon. Its prolly not the website but the java chat itself that they consider bad.. assuming you can get all the way until the part where it tries to get you into chat? Anyway, heehee.. not sure theres much of a way around that, though depends, but prolly best to wait. :/ But neat re the play again.. I’ll be sure to send potions your way then, and remember to write TNT again once you reach home!! (Add a sorry too, just to encourage them to return account.)

Glad to hear youre back in Spankys.. now can’t wait until you’re back in chat!

Take care! Trip all good I hope! (And we expect a full report once you reach back! )

sassypinkelephant Replied:

[Report Message] Well, It doesnt let me on the front page of the website. O.o Dunno whats up with that. :-S Hmm

WEll anyways, Ill try to post things in the guild board, havent checked it, or anything. =/ Having fun so far, they have mountains here (First mountains i’ve ever seen in real life) and we went walking along the street up it. It was nice. It hasnt snowed down here yet, but on the mountains it has snow, and my stepmothers family is wanting to take us skiing. (Dunno if i told u that ) I’m a bit nervous :-S We also visited the king of iran’s palace(he is no longer allowed in Iran now because of the Ayatollah Khomeini I guess =/) But the palaces were nice. THere was this one room, that the walls were made out of tiny mirrors. It was soo beautiful. I hope the picture turns out nice. ^_^ They were’nt much of “palaces” because I’ve seen mansions much larger, but that one room with all the mirrors was just “WOW”. =) Okies hafta go, talk to you later!

kristinhodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 29/11/2004 04:02pm
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ask me if you need anything

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 30/11/2004 04:55pm
Subject: Just to let you know. 😉
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey Jess!

Just a small note to let you know I got a hold of a white petpet paintbrush, so we’ve completed our Scamander task. We’ve also put up a new pet page for Sharybdis (here: ) and there’s a little thank you there. Would also like to know if we could link Lyxanie on the page.

Anyway, hope things are going well where you’re at. I’m off to school. Blech.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 30/11/2004 04:55pm
Subject: Just to let you know. 😉
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey Jess!

Just a small note to let you know I got a hold of a white petpet paintbrush, so we’ve completed our Scamander task. We’ve also put up a new pet page for Sharybdis (here: ) and there’s a little thank you there. Would also like to know if we could link Lyxanie on the page.

Anyway, hope things are going well where you’re at. I’m off to school. Blech.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 1/12/2004 10:47am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 93). We have given you 90 NP!

kristinhodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 1/12/2004 12:20pm
Subject: I just need a…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey I’m just wondering do you still have the disco paintbrush? I have a jubjub who can be painted disco I was wondering if I could have it for something else. Thanks bye

kristinhodak [i_love_horses276]
Sent: 1/12/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Re: I just need a…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Afraid not. :/ Traded it away about a week ago (or however long ago we talked) for something like almost 250k I think. Could find another eventually though.. althoguh random events are broken right now so they’re all not being ‘given out’. :/

i_love_horses276 Replied:

[Report Message] k thanks anyways

CrystalBoland [pawkeeper]
Sent: 2/12/2004 04:44am
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you mind saving a dogle fox or warf, that would be great, oh and could you be my neofriend? thanks, ‘G2G’ : mailto:G@G

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 3/12/2004 08:15pm
Subject: Re: Just to let you know. 😉
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm, cant seem to see the petpage, but probably just an image hosting thing – great job on the petpet paintbrush though, and thanks for the info/thought!

Certainly you can.. and I will link back to you sometime too (Next couple days when I remember to do some editing). Thanks for all and grats on the ppb!

And things are great here thanks except Im fighting a bit of a headache at the moment, so not doing Neo much except for stocking. How about yourself?

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner. Finally have some time to myself to sit down and relax and do some Neo things.

I don’t know why you couldn’t see the page. Maybe my image host was down when you had a look. It should be working now after I’ve given it a good thrashing.

I see you’ve painted Lyxanie ghost. Looks good! Or was that from a zapping from the lab ray?

Anyway, I’m not doing much. Just messing around for the BC, restocking, and playing some games. Keeping myself amused. What about yourself? Still the same as usual?

Also, I thought I’d ask – do you know of any good, mature guilds to recommend? I’m in a private one at the moment, but I’d like to see if I could find a good guild to join.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 3/12/2004 08:45pm
Subject: Re: Just to let you know. 😉
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya. Glad to hear from you again. Yeah.. I took a look at the lookup a day ago.. worked then, looked good.

Lyxanie ghost? Yeah! Just 15 minutes ago actually.. zapped her at exactly 8:00:00 NST to see what would happen. Poof! Yipe! Lab ray though!

I almost never do anything on Neo except restock.. but uggh, so laggy tonight. Half price day too.. *grumble* half the world must be playing Neopets tonight.

I only have one main account and thus one guild, Im afraid.. stumbled upon this one but like it immensely, though it’s a huge public guild so not everyone knows everyone else.. and it’s hard to get personal on the Neo-boards.. but we have a guild ch at room a couple dozen of us from all over congregate at at times, love most of us people there to death.. If you’re interested and need a new guild for an account.. I’m sure they’d love you.

But either way..write back!

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Wonderful, thank you.

And you did? It’s a nice color. Actually suits her… Him.. Agh, how am I to refer to Lyxanie? I really have to give you props for using the Ray. I am too chicken to even contemplate it.

Oh no, I know how you feel. It’s such a chore to keep up with the shop. I did major restocking last month and now I’m taking a break. At least with the price matching and what not.

Which guild are you speaking of? Your guild? I will go and have a look. I’m just interested in finding a smallish group to chat with and so on. I have a couple of friends, too, who are guildless and would probably like to find somewhere to fit in.

Seduna [seduna]
Sent: 3/12/2004 09:06pm
Subject: Re: Just to let you know. 😉
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, ahhh. Aye, I meant my guild.. like, the main guild is good, but huge.. if you do join at least for awhile and you dont mind you might like to stop by the ch at sometime to say hi though.. (don’t like using full word in case of policies) I’m usually there in North-American evenings, and sometimes morning to afternoon on weekdays too. Though the chat ranges from inane at times to funny at others to a puzzle group when we’re trying to figure out the answer to the latest LC or book titles. Hmm. We’re a book guild – but plenty of people don’t really read books, just join for the contacts and friendship.

Yeah.. restockings a chore.. but I do often get a pile of super-rares (books, mainly) from restocking, and I’m now finally in the top 30 of reading.. yay! Or Lyxanie is, anyway.

And well.. I only use the ray because I want Lyxanie to be my all-in-one pet.. long term goals are things like gourmet and battledome.. though.. long looong way off still!

Shell eventually revert back to, though, as I currently plan it, a female faerie ixi. (She was a red ixi originally.)

With your paint brush.

seduna Replied:

[Report Message] Speaking of books, I need to get my pets read up. It’s just a real drag that the books disappear after they’ve been read. : Congrats on being tops in reading. Or Lyxanie. I love that name, by the way.

I went and had a squiz, and it looks good. Mature is really my biggest concern. I’ve tried to look around on the message boards on NeoPets for good guilds, but it goes so quickly I can’t keep up. It’s just a real bother. But I like the look of the big guild you’re in.

But do you have a guild of your own? I’m somewhat confused. (It’s midday and I’m still half asleep.) I went to see if you have a guild – a smaller one – but I can’t find it. Insert lots of stupid head scratching.

I can understand the all-in-one thing. Shar was my first, but then I had to go and get Scyllas, the white Gelert to keep him company. Now I have to split my time up and agh. *rips hair* At least you have some good goals. I’m sure you’ll get them no worries.

Faerie Ixi! I’m not really fond of Ixis in their standard color, but I adore the Faerie Ixis. They’re so cute. :[ Though, Lyxanie in her current form now is making me like Bori, too. It’s all good.

David Williams [tabbycat11740]
Sent: 4/12/2004 05:39am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you for buying from my shop

christine [kriztinz]
Sent: 4/12/2004 08:53am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi how are you

LoganSmith [rocket_man49]
Sent: 4/12/2004 11:05am
Subject: Where do you…?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Where do you live?

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 5/12/2004 11:40am
Subject: Unleashed – The Great Lupe Esc
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Ya want? Bought for 23, goes for 26.8, Ill sell for 24.5

MeganHenson [megthebest]
Sent: 6/12/2004 09:21am
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I think u r great on neopets. U have loads of trophies, ur shop is ausum and u have a painted pet. Gd 4 u. Would u like to be my neofriend and give me some tips on how to do so well?

neolivie60 [neolivie60]
Sent: 6/12/2004 01:04pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey will u plz join my guild?

neolivie60 [neolivie60]
Sent: 6/12/2004 01:09pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No. I already have a great one. Sorry.

neolivie60 Replied:

[Report Message] then will u plz be my neofriend and wut iz ur guild called?

neolivie60 [neolivie60]
Sent: 6/12/2004 01:13pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I try to limit neofriends to only good friends, sorry, and my guild’s Spanky’s Book World – you can see that on my userlookup. Mainly a really large book guild.

neolivie60 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks

gabysanhueza [gigona_rules]
Sent: 7/12/2004 03:38pm
Subject: hi!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


my name is gaby. I live in Calgary,alberta

What happend to your neopet?????

anyway, how much did that ghost paintbrush” cost???

i really want to get one, but they r 2 expensive 4 me 2 buy

anyway, please wrte back!!!!


Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 7/12/2004 05:02pm
Subject: Yar!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you so much for the items! =]

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 8/12/2004 07:37am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 24091155 (for Doglefox). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 51000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 8/12/2004 09:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 24072611 (for Sharp Fire Disc). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 11111 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 8/12/2004 03:10pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 94). We have given you 212 NP!

SpankaroonieTwos Book World [spankysbookworld]
Sent: 9/12/2004 08:44am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not sending santa gifts yet (soon) but next thing I send is a donation for those cheap auctions you’ll be doing

spankysbookworld Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks muppet

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:22pm
Subject: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hehe wrong price nice snipe

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:23pm
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yeah.. was thinking of drinking it actually, dumb lab ray, don’t want a wocky :/ But want it back? Will return it for the 1800 if you like.

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] Nah, My mistake.. keep it, nice find

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:25pm
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: K thanks Well, it won’t go back on resale, if its any consolation.

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] Cool goodluck in general

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:27pm
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You too!

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks

i got it off the wheel so im not really that bothered.

General question as you seem alot better then me ( im still a newbie )
do you think that lab map pieces will keep deflating? as i really wanna
getthe lab

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:35pm
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh, heheh. Hmm. Lab map pieces? I don’t think they’ll deflate much.. from the members of my guild who outdate me I hear they used to cost about 100-150k total, and even less a longer time ago, but prices have been steadily climbing. Right now though isn’t the best time to buy from shop wiz, as (if you’ve noticed?) there’s a lot of problems with a lot of matches not showing, some empty aisle searches, and stuff like that. It’s cheaper on auction too, or hope you’ll find some yourself, but the cheapest way honestly is to every hour that you’re free, type in ‘secret lab’ in the shop wiz and keep refreshing, cycling through the 72+ rows of shop wiz and looking for the kind of thing I just got off of you. You can on occasion (a couple a week, maybe more if luckier or if you spend more time) get lab map pieces for like 50k, 5k, 1k, a handful of np, or such, by people who don’t quite know how to price them. I didn’t spend more than 100-150k on mine total I think, although I got it about 1.5 months ago.. and it was at least 500k total value then.

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] Each piece was going at about 75K Last week or so.. Now they are down
to 60K ill keep trying to find some cheaper, thnaks for your help

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 9/12/2004 12:37pm
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 75k would only be because the 57k ones aren’t showing.. before the recent shop wiz troubles they were all 55k-75k, but I think at least 6-7 of the pieces under 60k. No prob.. don’t overpay though. The work of inflators.

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] ok ill keep my eyes peeled for some under 50K

brandon kervin [diablo3491]
Sent: 9/12/2004 01:35pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ill trade my wet snowball wand and a pedakle for your splyke… plz…

brandon kervin [diablo3491]
Sent: 9/12/2004 01:41pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not unless you throw in about 5k, sorry.

diablo3491 Replied:

[Report Message] ok

brandon kervin [diablo3491]
Sent: 9/12/2004 01:45pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ok

brandon kervin [diablo3491]
Sent: 9/12/2004 01:45pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not unless you throw in about 5k, sorry.

diablo3491 Replied:

[Report Message] u mean 5000np for 5k

brandon kervin [diablo3491]
Sent: 9/12/2004 01:51pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, like those 2 plus about 5000 np would be about the value of the splyke. Want me to put trade up?

diablo3491 Replied:

[Report Message] ok

NunYa [renegade_midgets]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:39pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i please have my lupe back

my self [xarich]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:39pm
Subject: DaNgErLuPe6006
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] DaNgErLuPe6006 is mine he is sick and I cant take car of him but can I please have my petpet back I did not mean to give it with him…you can also have my jetsam is you would like..

NunYa [renegade_midgets]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:48pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Im no newbie, I know a lot of immature babies with no life see a powerful pet in pound and neomail the player who gets it with a ‘That pet was mine.’

Im not saying you are. Case in point? I’ve gotten at least 2, maybe 3, neomails about this one. At least one of you is lying, if not all, so this message is copy/pasted to all.

Hes yours? Prove it, name ten books he’s read. And name his rarest book, or some rare books. Don’t worry, he will be well taken care of.

renegade_midgets Replied:

[Report Message] please he was mine but fine if you dont believe me keep him

my self [xarich]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:50pm
Subject: Re: DaNgErLuPe6006
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Im no newbie, I know a lot of immature babies with no life see a powerful pet in pound and neomail the player who gets it with a ‘That pet was mine.’

Im not saying you are. Case in point? I’ve gotten at least 2, maybe 3, neomails about this one. At least one of you is lying, if not all, so this message is copy/pasted to all.

Hes yours? Prove it, name ten books he’s read. And name his rarest book, or some rare books. Don’t worry, he will be well taken care of.

xarich Replied:

[Report Message] how I am supposed to remember what he has read? I adopted him myself and I labbed him for quite a wile I was using the faerie wheel and I trancfered him to this account to see if he could be healed well its been a week and I was tired of waiting…I do have pets that are up for adoption like I said and my main account is estenptco..I am no noob and I am not poor. I was just seeing if I could get my petpet back…my lupe I have now would had been painted like the one on estenptco had he not gotten sick…well thanks for you time anyways…

NunYa [renegade_midgets]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:51pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Lemme put it bluntly. He has read books that were retired before your account was started. So no, unfortunately, I don’t believe you.

renegade_midgets Replied:

[Report Message] it is called other accounts geez took you long enough o figure it out

NunYa [renegade_midgets]
Sent: 9/12/2004 05:53pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: So name some books he’s read. Especially the retired ones, if you’ve been playing that long.

renegade_midgets Replied:

[Report Message] my other accounts are amandafanz28 and meandyou7813 and if you dont believe me then fine keep him blondey

my self [xarich]
Sent: 9/12/2004 06:01pm
Subject: Re: DaNgErLuPe6006
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *shrug* Well, perhaps so, but at least your story is a lot more believable than the other kid’s. Sure, I’ll send the petpet back, although it’s not a very expensive petpet.

xarich Replied:

[Report Message] yeah its worth acount 2-4k depending on to who…I have any of the following petpets you can have for free just pick any one…

Spyder, tenna, scarabub, Warf, Greeble, Mallard, teena, any one of them you want?

my self [xarich]
Sent: 9/12/2004 06:03pm
Subject: Re: DaNgErLuPe6006
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope thanks, I have a petpet mall shop myself, consider it an early xmas present. Though thanks for offering some worth more than the kooky.

xarich Replied:

[Report Message] yeah those are all petpets I have 2 of and I only had 1 kooth and I was to layze to buy another so I thought if I could get mine back it would be ok…also on my main account estenptco I would like to be your neofriend?

MattThompson [winterslight87]
Sent: 10/12/2004 10:19am
Subject: Re: Potion 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 75k would only be because the 57k ones aren’t showing.. before the recent shop wiz troubles they were all 55k-75k, but I think at least 6-7 of the pieces under 60k. No prob.. don’t overpay though. The work of inflators.

winterslight87 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks!!

Rhiannon Edwards [rio_neo325]
Sent: 11/12/2004 06:11am
Subject: It’s my birthday!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] it’s my birthday on wednesday and my neopet wants a friend well three out of four do.If you have any unwanted ones {petpets} i can get rid of them really quick for you!

IForget [c_l_a_y_]
Sent: 11/12/2004 08:37am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] is there any way i can get a shop in your mall Plz say yes!

JessicaBradshaw [crystal2001387]
Sent: 11/12/2004 12:20pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Could i please have some petpets????!!!

Melissa ……… [starryeyedmidnight]
Sent: 11/12/2004 01:19pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi,

Im kinda new here and I don’t really have lots of money do you know where I can paint my neopets in a christmas paintbrush cause i visited your shop *by the way it’s awesome just wish i could by something:S* and yes it was a lot cheaper than other places and i mean A LOT but do you think you could sell me it a little bit cheaper just a little bit or a place that has cheaper brushes! and i’m not critizing your shop i’ll definetly recommend it to people! Good job! Thanks a million


RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 11/12/2004 09:19pm
Subject: Re: Snowballs!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] YW…I went scratch-cardin’ tonight. 🙂

RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 11/12/2004 09:23pm
Subject: Re: Snowballs!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheheh Win anything good?

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] Pffft…snowballs. :-p

2x10k was about it. And that was on about 40 cards.

Are you hiding tonight?

RayNewman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 11/12/2004 09:29pm
Subject: Re: Snowballs!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww Nah, just busy studying for finals next week and all.. keeping a low profile for next week and a bit. Bedtime – night!

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] Good plan. Take it easy. *hugs n luck*


LizStavros [joeylover25]
Sent: 12/12/2004 12:12pm
Subject: I loved your shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I loved your shop i’m going to tell all my friends about it. I haven’t made up my mind on which petpet i am going to buy though

Stacy Baker [sbdw4l2004]
Sent: 12/12/2004 02:15pm
Subject: Nehome related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Im sorry to bother you jessica but i was just wondering how to get a garden for my neohome could you please help me…..

Thanks dwsb4l09

Stacy Baker [sbdw4l2004]
Sent: 12/12/2004 02:34pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess, Could you help me? Im sorry for bothering you but I was wondering for a while how to build a garden for my neohome and I seen your neohome and you have a garden so I was hoping you might be able to help me. Ive visited your shop many times and I think I have bought a petpet from you. Well thanks, Stacy

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 12/12/2004 04:07pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Since you havent been in chat… I’ll tell you in message
3 more additions to my gallery Diamond Hot Dog = got for only
300k, Asparagus and Butter for only 250k and Punk Rocker for only
300k!! yay!! now im broke LMAO!! See your catching up to me on
stamps… and that you got a new pet well ttyl



Frosty [bomb_diggity_101]
Sent: 12/12/2004 04:51pm
Subject: pet pets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how’d you get so many pet pets and some i haven’t even heard of
(on the side one of your pets is sickbot that it is any of my business)

Brenda Jordan [armybrat447]
Sent: 12/12/2004 05:48pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] please be my friend and could you join my gulid and we would be happy if you join are gulid.


Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 12/12/2004 06:15pm
Subject: The Lonely JubJub
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

You need? I bought for 15, going for 17, Ill sell for 16.

Miss ya!! Good luck on your exams.

– Robin

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 12/12/2004 06:38pm
Subject: Heroic Pteri Tales
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Also have this one. I got for 35K and going for 49K. Ill give to you for 42K.

– Robin

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 13/12/2004 07:40am
Subject: studying
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Only giving up chat and not neo while you cram?

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 13/12/2004 10:00am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 24940460 (for Christmas Doglefox). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 11990 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Sarah Mum [good_girl607]
Sent: 13/12/2004 10:10pm
Subject: Yar!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, you dont know me but i’m sarah(good_girl607)how old are you? i’m 13. i don’t usely go on neopets but i was bored so then i did. so cya!

rocio678 [rocio678]
Sent: 14/12/2004 04:22am
Subject: Me siento pobre
Folder: Inbox


Stacy Baker [sbdw4l2004]
Sent: 14/12/2004 12:24pm
Subject: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Thanks for your help! I eppreciate it!


Ashley [popangel65]
Sent: 14/12/2004 05:07pm
Subject: nbvjhnjguy6y ,mjmmbhhn
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] u have over priced stuff in ur shop

NatalieW [natbug_00]
Sent: 14/12/2004 09:18pm
Subject: Hi!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hope finals are going well! Miss seeing you in chat. See you around, and good luck with the rest of your tests!


RobbieBreslin [rbres1000]
Sent: 15/12/2004 08:33pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Man ur pets r strong + uv only been on the site for 5 months

RobbieBreslin [rbres1000]
Sent: 15/12/2004 08:38pm
Subject: Re: heh
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ayep. *fast learner*

rbres1000 Replied:

[Report Message] obviously

RobbieBreslin [rbres1000]
Sent: 15/12/2004 08:42pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do u eccept my request to by my neofriend

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 16/12/2004 08:43am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 95). We have given you a Jewel Encrusted Bowl, an Avatar, and 852 NP!

Andrea [alt143]
Sent: 16/12/2004 12:17pm
Subject: mazzew
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Will you lower the price on the mazzew?

Hovnimrsk Prdelac [truxx]
Sent: 16/12/2004 03:43pm
Subject: Malediction for Beginners
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello,

Would you sell your Malediction for Beginners for 500k?

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 05:29pm
Subject: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] whut are the 8 new kreludor books i REALLY REALLY want alien aisha invasion lol

RobbieBreslin [rbres1000]
Sent: 16/12/2004 05:46pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Y wont u accept my request to b 1 of my neofriends, if u dont want to just tell me + ill stop

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 05:47pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Umm.. dont remember the names right now, plus one of the books no one knows as yet I believe. There are a couple pages listing them.. our guild’s homepage (, Serenity’s homepage, and I’m not sure if does.

Lemme get the names..

Repairing Your Robot Petpet, Kreludor versus Neopia, Scenic Kreludan Views, How Purples Got Their Spots, The Green Grundo Invasion, Beam Me Aboard, Advanced Kreludan Physics, and a mystery 8th book

None of them have any copies out on the market yet though as far as we know.. theyre all like r100. Then you have 32-35 (Practical Repairs is easy to get, Alien Aisha Invasion, It Came From Kreludor are both r99, Interplanetary Communications r100, but there are some of them floating about on tp)

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] o well is there any other way i can get one of ur copies?

Hovnimrsk Prdelac [truxx]
Sent: 16/12/2004 05:56pm
Subject: Re: Malediction for Beginners
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya,

Not unless theres something else thrown in either, sorry :/ Got a Zafara Lore offer on the lot that I’m going to accept for now (haven’t read it), but I do have another Malediction on storage that I RSed so I might sell that too

But not for 500k sorry.. though thanks for asking!

truxx Replied:

[Report Message] Well, I can throw in An Eyrie Evening

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:02pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: For the right price or if you have any other really rare books to trade They’re all insanely pricey right now though.. and won’t really be of much use unless you have or are planning to get the rest. And even 35 dosen’t guarantee you the trophy :/

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] lol u are right so im gunna give up on it tonight and try again tomorrow hey how did u choose ur avater and will u b my neofreind i dont have any yet plz?

Hovnimrsk Prdelac [truxx]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:07pm
Subject: Re: Malediction for Beginners
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohh.. wait.. Eyrie Evening.. *smacks self for being silly* Already have one sitting in trades, although pretty sure it wont sell at that price

truxx Replied:

[Report Message] You can sell it for 99k within few hours.

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:11pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You choose your avatar from boards (on the sides) -> chat preferences.

And afraid not re neofriends, sorry :/ Although you can mail me anytime.. my neofriends list is far too full at the moment.

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] then can i have ur aim or yahoo? im tired of finding cool people and i can never b their freind thank u its a lot of help (avater)

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:15pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I don’t have either, heheh Or at least haven’t used them in a year plus, they’re probably deactivated by now or something. Try a guild? It’s a pretty good way to get to know people, whether small or big guild.

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] tried that hmmmmm thank u anyway can i keep neomailing to u at least?

Hovnimrsk Prdelac [truxx]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:15pm
Subject: Re: Malediction for Beginners
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: True, heheh. But 600k isn’t quite enough though, sorry. Prolly closer to 800k (or a book I don’t have).

truxx Replied:

[Report Message] Space and Magic + 300k?

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:18pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes you can.

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] kewl and ill see if i can get u the item for ur wocky

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:20pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: What item, sorry?

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] ur wockey has the sneezles and i just boght the cure ill send it to u

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:23pm
Subject: Re: whut are the 8 new ones
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *blink* She does? Wow.. I didn’t notice.. thanks. And she says thanks a lot for the cure too

candy_gurl_can Replied:

[Report Message] lol dude u can computer program WOWSA my brother wants to learn u are a good person u are smart and u are funny yep u qualify to be admired im 12 and admire three people other than my imidiate family consider urdself honered lol

Hovnimrsk Prdelac [truxx]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:37pm
Subject: Re: Malediction for Beginners
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. interestingly, guild database says SaM is 175k.. although it looks more than that on the tp. *blink*

But already read it a few days ago actually, nor do I think its worth a lot (because of our guild db though, and personal experience, hehe) or Id take it to stash. Sorry :/ Also heading off to dinner.. be back on later

Would try to sell that Space and Magic for high and buy back later for lower if you need..though not sure if thered be any takers anyway..

truxx Replied:

[Report Message] Spanky actually tells 380k for SaM, but never mind, there are enough Maledictions, I’ll try with others. Additionally, Sutek’s Scrolls are relatively easy to restok, and I saw Malediction already 5 times – I hope next time I am faster

RobbieBreslin [rbres1000]
Sent: 16/12/2004 06:41pm
Subject: Re: heh
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry.. I get a lot of random ones a day, I just let them pool up then reject all at once. Afraid I don’t accept nf requests except from certain people (for auctioning, etc) or from friends.. my list is several pages long and too big as it is.

rbres1000 Replied:

[Report Message] thats a bumor it would b cool if u could b 1 of my neofriends

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 16/12/2004 07:11pm
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much do you want for 1 copy of Alien Aisha Invasion?

Susan Dang [susandang16371]
Sent: 16/12/2004 07:12pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i have your petpet paintbrush?

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 16/12/2004 07:16pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hrm.. about a million or slightly less? Actually a book I haven’t read is better, but there aren’t that many of those left..

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] o. What books have you not read? But those books are probably equally expensive or even more hard to get right?

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 16/12/2004 07:29pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah, afraid so :/ Well mostly anyway. Oh, I have a list at umm… (might need to add a www.)

Then view Lyxanies books Guild website database..

And yeah most of them are quite pricey :/

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] Erm..ok thx..but i dun think I’ll be able to get them. If i ever have them, I’ll contact u.

lc [tresurchst]
Sent: 16/12/2004 08:11pm
Subject: Auction
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, I put a bid on your auction for An Eyrie Evening is there any chance i can get it quickly?


lc [tresurchst]
Sent: 16/12/2004 08:27pm
Subject: Re: Auction
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yipe sorry, I was away from keyboard then :/

tresurchst Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks so much for answering, That Jhudoras cloud only gives you so much time to snag and scurry back sorry it didnt work out.



Katie B [katie_558]
Sent: 16/12/2004 11:17pm
Subject: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much do you want for the “Alien Aisha Invasion” book?

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 17/12/2004 07:27am
Subject: Cold Lap
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] * praymond slaps Debra around a bit with a large trout
<praymond> heheheh
<Pup> *grin*
<Debra> 🙂
* praymond runs away from Debra
* Pup patches Debra up with a band-aid <Debra> Well perhaps smelling like trout will attract Jess.

We miss you! Huggles!

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 17/12/2004 11:28am
Subject: Re: Cold Lap
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehehe.. awww. *huggle* Miss you guys too. *sniff sniff* Hey, anyone tell you you smell like trout? *lick* Anyway be back on chat soon hopefully … exams will be done on Monday. Cya about

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Do you know LC answer? I decoded the question. Can you chat
for 5-10? I can force you out if you don’t want to leave after
that time. Only BJ and me right now anyhow.

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 17/12/2004 11:34am
Subject: Re: Cold Lap
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yike, there’s a new LC On the way.. gimme a little time.

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] I have the decoded question. It’s less than an hour old.

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 17/12/2004 11:38am
Subject: Re: Cold Lap
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: nodnod, just submitted ‘Underwater Chef’ as response.

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Underwater??

Andrea [alt143]
Sent: 17/12/2004 01:47pm
Subject: Re: mazzew
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Can lower to 40k if you like.. although not more than that.. I like the cute little guy. You can get one for 38k on shop wiz though, fair warning.

alt143 Replied:

[Report Message] no thankx.

KatieB [katie_558]
Sent: 17/12/2004 02:29pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, Hmm, how about around a million or so (each) sound? In terms of np or books.. though depends on the books.

katie_558 Replied:

[Report Message] How about 750,000 in pure nps? I only want one of them

Thiago Kunis [kai_202020]
Sent: 17/12/2004 02:36pm
Subject: Mallard
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You only have 1 Mallard in your shop. If you want another go to my shop !

Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 17/12/2004 03:11pm
Subject: Tadaaaa
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Feed pet anything with garlic for avatar. Tadaaaa! And don’t send it back to me, since I won it for you with dice-a-roo. *smile*

Olivia Menzer [livy_gurl]
Sent: 17/12/2004 07:58pm
Subject: 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where did u get ur avatar?

Olivia Menzer [livy_gurl]
Sent: 17/12/2004 08:20pm
Subject: Re: 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Library Faerie avatar? Complete one of the faerie crosswords under like 3 minutes or 5 or something, don’t remember.

livy_gurl Replied:

[Report Message] gracias!

ElizabethShearer [princesspeach0211]
Sent: 18/12/2004 05:23am
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i am princesspeach0211 can you put a scrach card in your trades because i have somthing for you lupe that is rare so i need to trade it

ilovetocheer [baldwinbabe00]
Sent: 18/12/2004 10:15am
Subject: question?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did u get the link to the mega mall?

ilovetocheer [baldwinbabe00]
Sent: 18/12/2004 10:17am
Subject: question?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you get the link to the mega mall

Justine Frenskee [bamabam]
Sent: 18/12/2004 11:22pm
Subject: Shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know you probably get this alot but I was just
noticing that you and some other ppl where sort
of joined together and had awesome stores and,
I’m guessing, lots of NP. I was just wondering how
you had all that stuff (petpets etc.) and had that big
store.Just a question.

KraziShelia [krazi_brunette_69]
Sent: 18/12/2004 11:35pm
Subject: Hi!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, I have read that you are after snowballs.I have one in my shop for 100 neopoints if you would like to buy it. I hope I have not disturbed you. Thank you

Kelsey Vandenberg [fivepuppies]
Sent: 19/12/2004 07:35am
Subject: Where?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Where did you get ALL THAT STUFF in your shop?

PetpetOwner [arlaughn1234]
Sent: 19/12/2004 09:55am
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Will you be my neofriend!

Tessa Conroy [the_petpet_girl_]
Sent: 19/12/2004 11:38am
Subject: imvite!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] want to join my guild,lupe guild only?

only people who own lupes can join!

you have one!

rip825237 [rip825237]
Sent: 19/12/2004 11:43am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HI THERE!!,




Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 19/12/2004 02:38pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you so very much for all the omelettes and jellies that you have given me! you sure make my day everyday and i appreciate it so very much! thank you! =] Also, cOngrats on the member of the month! =] *winks*

ello good bye [candy_gurl_can]
Sent: 21/12/2004 06:34am
Subject: wuzzup
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ello girl wuz new??

TimMens [mensilator]
Sent: 21/12/2004 08:29am
Subject: Wuzzer
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for buying from Wuzzers, Inc.

JoinMyguild [pretty_feet]
Sent: 21/12/2004 10:42am
Subject: A long time ago…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for supporting my shop. I hope you were satisfied with all of the prices. If not, please neomail me so I can improve my shop for my customers. Thanks and please shop again!

shortycarroll [super_star07504]
Sent: 21/12/2004 09:52pm
Subject: thanks!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thankyou for your great contribution of 4800 np by buying a ALBAT from my shop this went towards my new snowbunny!

KeithChisholm [bigmac3195]
Sent: 22/12/2004 05:30am
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] whats the lowest you’ll go on your Alien Aisha Invasion?

KeithChisholm [bigmac3195]
Sent: 22/12/2004 05:31am
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] whats the lowest you’ll go on your Alien Aisha Invasion?

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 22/12/2004 07:10am
Subject: Pressie
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ERROR : You cannot transfer this Beta Test item until the test is over.


DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 22/12/2004 07:56am
Subject: Re: Pressie
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe.. hrm? What’s that? Can’t sorry.. not supposed to be on right now.. early morn and at home :/

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] /me cries

Lap has been so cold.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 22/12/2004 01:25pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 96). We have given you a Zeenana Crepe, an Avatar, and 332 NP!

AndreaMenjivar [angellantina13]
Sent: 22/12/2004 08:36pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have never seen a 20 yr old on neopets wow that a first

AndreaMenjivar [angellantina13]
Sent: 22/12/2004 09:05pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I dunno.. I have lots of guild friends who are adults. And there are several guilds for adults only.. just not too many I guess.

angellantina13 Replied:

[Report Message] KOOL i havent seen many so maybe its like u said not enough well thanks for your answer need help ith anything ask me and maybe i can help u ok bye

AshleeStephens [ice_pricess12]
Sent: 23/12/2004 02:39am
Subject: HI
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im buying a petpet but can u lower the price by 1000 np plzz ill pay u back somehow

lucygray [littlemisscheeky590]
Sent: 23/12/2004 06:28am
Subject: im new
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi im new and i want friends would u like 2 b my friend my name is lucy email me with the answer xx lucy

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 23/12/2004 06:49am
Subject: LC
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] New LC. I’ve answered. Can you chat?

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 23/12/2004 07:29am
Subject: Re: LC
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Argh.. already? No, afraid I can’t come on till this afternoon..ugh.

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] 258

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 23/12/2004 07:30am
Subject: Re: LC
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh.. ty Yeah, just scribbled calcs and submitted that 5 mins ago – thank you for confirmation!

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] hugs

molly malloy [erie5667]
Sent: 23/12/2004 10:58am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do u have any paintbrushes

KathyLemieux [grammykathy89]
Sent: 23/12/2004 01:12pm
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks for shopping at Needful Things!

Sent: 23/12/2004 11:10pm
Subject: A long time ago…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Merry Christmas! Enjoy the lovely petpet t-shirt!

Sent: 23/12/2004 11:10pm
Subject: A long time ago…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Merry Christmas! Enjoy the lovely petpet t-shirt!

ar614184 [ar614184]
Sent: 24/12/2004 12:44pm
Subject: HEY WUZ UP??
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HEY IM AARON ROJAS,IM 13 YEARS OLD!!!






PepeGal [dianastsk]
Sent: 25/12/2004 07:58am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi,

How to split the shops into different section of goods?

Thank you

Sky [blue_sky3]
Sent: 25/12/2004 10:17am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi do you want to be neofriends and can u put the christmas petpet paint brush 19,000np plz cuz i need it so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dara [cantgetenoughofubaby]
Sent: 25/12/2004 04:39pm
Subject: trades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 150k pure for disco pb?

NatalieW [natbug_00]
Sent: 25/12/2004 07:26pm
Subject: Merry Christmas!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Merry Christmas! I have 3 trades for you… Just bid junk
like piles of sludge or something! (Seriously, I will reject and
go through sending each individual item otherwise)


P.S. How did finals go?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 26/12/2004 11:43am
Subject: News of Note for you 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] quivir has a Legend Of The Quiggle Runner for only 280k

and it comes w/ a free negg

I was bargain hunting and found a VERY GOOD bargain for your gallery!
Its in mt trades You didnt put fuzzle in your shop Prob too
expensive to upgrade

WendyLew [wendymarlowe]
Sent: 26/12/2004 10:12pm
Subject: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey Jess! Saw you had snagged a few of the new Kreludan books – I
need one more book to show up in the top 200 (I’ve read 33), so do you
have any of these? Advanced Kreludan Physics, Alien Aisha
Invasion, Beam Me Aboard, How Purples Got Their Spots, Interplanetary
Communications, It Came From Kreludor, Know Your Robot Petpet, Kreludor
Versus Neopia, Learning Kreludan, Mathematics in Space, Moon Rock
Formations, Scenic Kreludan Views, the Green Grundo Invasion, or the
unknown #3 in the Spankys database. I’m looking for one of the
cheaper of these options – they’re not all in the millions, are
they? (I don’t mind a few hundred thousand, but I don’t have much
more than that to spend). Thanks so much!


Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 27/12/2004 06:10am
Subject: Mmmmm
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Where are youuuuuuuuu? We all miss you.

And if you run into a Buzz Acrobatic Stunts, sell to me? I got another fountain faerie quest.

Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 27/12/2004 06:21am
Subject: Ugh!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I had one, I forgot… was in my sdb. Oopsy.

Booh! [bloodhoundpup]
Sent: 27/12/2004 07:00am
Subject: Re: Ugh!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You get so many FF quests!

bloodhoundpup Replied:

[Report Message] Way too many. I don’t know what to paint now. Bleh.

ChristianGeddess [quivir]
Sent: 27/12/2004 08:46am
Subject: books..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] some one said u might be interested in a book i got, it is at a 65% discount in my trades normally worth 800k in my trades only 280k it is called “Legend Of The Quiggle Runner” mail me back or offer on the trade if u interested.

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 27/12/2004 11:56am
Subject: heya
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey dont forget about your plushie in my trades It’s the
NEWish snowager one and it’s gonna cost you… 5piles
of sludge XD *higs*… err *hugs*


Chelsea Brady [cute_faerie_22]
Sent: 27/12/2004 12:14pm
Subject: to old!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You are to old to be on neopets! Eww..Gross!

ChristianGeddess [quivir]
Sent: 27/12/2004 12:57pm
Subject: Re: books..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohhh just realised what he meant.. didn’t see that part of his neomail – but no thanks, very sorry, already read it. Thanks for offer though

quivir Replied:

[Report Message] some1 else bought it no more advertizing that stpuid thing

WendyLew [wendymarlowe]
Sent: 27/12/2004 07:34pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, Sure thing, Learning Kreludan and Maths in Space are pretty common, I’ll get some of them for you

wendymarlowe Replied:

[Report Message] awesome! Thanks! Are the others all super-expensive, that you know of?

WendyLew [wendymarlowe]
Sent: 27/12/2004 07:38pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, they all are to a fault I’m afraid :/ All r99s and r100s, half of them at least haven’t even restocked a single copy yet. Yeek!

wendymarlowe Replied:

[Report Message] wow, yeah, I was trying to just find prices on them and I can hardly
find anything other than galleries! Oh well, I guess I won’t get
a booktastic high score 😛 I’m just glad I had kept up with
everything before they split off.

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 28/12/2004 08:54am
Subject: Bye Jess
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I think I’ll onlt have comp for 7 more minutes and i’ll be gone for a
month. You can ask Debra why… i’ll try to neomail at anytime
possible…. im gonna fall behind on gallery,stamps, and gourmets
now ARGH lol

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 28/12/2004 01:12pm
Subject: Stamps
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Meh everyone i get you seem to get 10minutes later…

Watch out though some are glitching… not going to stamp
album… i just lost two 20k stamps :S and I know i clicked on the
“….into Stamp Album”

I still have a comp right now… maybe I will still in the next 40 min :/

zell [eggnogg588]
Sent: 28/12/2004 01:58pm
Subject: I just need a…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i need either a pet paintbrush or a petpet paintbrush. PLEASE! you have no idea how poor i am and how rich you are. PLEASE help me out!!! ill take any paintbrush, i swear!!! and i’ll never bug you again about it again!! PLEASE!!!!!!!


DesireeFlores [mimiru11170]
Sent: 28/12/2004 05:27pm
Subject: where?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where did u get the Muppet Mega Mall thing??? thanx!

Justin [simply_1337]
Sent: 28/12/2004 08:12pm
Subject: …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello… quivir said u might be interested in a book… I have 1 for really cheap and quivir said that ud be interested… ill give u a discount neomail back…

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 28/12/2004 08:19pm
Subject: Re: Stamps
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeek.. just on to read neomails and stuff, and sorry to hear re the stamps and the month I haven’t asked why.. not going on tonight, but will tomorrow. *hugs* Will miss you.. hurry back.. and don’t tarry too long or you really WILL fall behind! Hehe. Stay well, stay safe, and write back soon!

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Yeah fixed the month thing… i think i can get comp for that
month Well as for stamps… still missing :/

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 28/12/2004 08:27pm
Subject: Re: Stamps
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek :/ Which were they?

Remember the names? And glad to hear re the month.. what -was- the reason? Now that you have time to spit it out

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Cosmic Cheese Stars Coin
and umm (goes to look at “bought” spreadsheet on microsoft
works.. oh yes Glowing Brain Tree evil
glitch :S

Well… got into a huge arguement with relatives (cept grams) because
of a reason i’ll tell you next time we are both in chat… limited on
time right now till bed LOL

Justin [simply_1337]
Sent: 29/12/2004 07:31am
Subject: Re: …
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya there.

The one in your trades? (Space and Magic is the one I see) Nah, not that book.. though thanks for the offer, but Ive already read it Appreciated though.

simply_1337 Replied:

[Report Message] ok no problem if u know anyone else who hasnt read i would like them to neomail me i got it from a treasure map

Justin [simply_1337]
Sent: 29/12/2004 08:08am
Subject: Re: …
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nice I’ll spread the word in my chat later tonight. What’s the price you’d accept?

simply_1337 Replied:

[Report Message] around 125-150k i wanna make atleast 5k profit got a book that was 50k in the map aswell lol

Secret [kooky_kenzie]
Sent: 29/12/2004 08:33am
Subject: can you ple……
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please be my neofriend because i love wockys and i think you do.well do you?

michaelthoeming [marcorlianocos]
Sent: 29/12/2004 11:56am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello,my name is Michael and I am 13 years old and was wondering:Ive been on for 1 year and you have been on for 5 or 8 months. How did you get all those rare items. Not to be rude, ofcourse Please write back,


AbbyTromer [pumpkin_puss5]
Sent: 29/12/2004 04:32pm
Subject: petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you have powtry?

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 29/12/2004 04:45pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 97). We have given you 344 NP!

marissa hoffman [hawknelsonrocks]
Sent: 29/12/2004 05:14pm
Subject: hello?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello?

marissa hoffman [hawknelsonrocks]
Sent: 29/12/2004 05:14pm
Subject: hello?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 08:42pm
Subject: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have been looking very hard for the Alien Aisha Invasion bookstastic book… I was wondering if you were willing to sell it to me? if so how much? and do you have any other hard to find bookstatic books?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 08:51pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I have Alien Aisha Invasion and It Came From Kreludor.. restocked both, but they’re not cheap – ie, probably a couple million for either, simply because it’ll cost me a lot more to get the even rarer ones from anyone when some of them finally restock copies. :/

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] I don’t have quite that much… but I am determined to get at least a silver on the bookstatic book awards… and I have been working on it for about 2 weeks now(maybe one I’m not sure) and I have 30 books so far that I have read…

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:04pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah afraid they are next to impossible currently, with the number of books they have out – at least 2-3 of the books you need to even get to 35 or 36 are priced in the millions – although you can get to.. 33 easily. Which are the ones you haven’t read? I can send you a Practical Repairs for free if you like.

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] are you for real you would send me practical repairs… oh my gosh that book is expensive and you would give it to me for free… yeah I would like you would become my new best friend… are you on the bookstastic book list?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:07pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah afraid they are next to impossible currently, with the number of books they have out – at least 2-3 of the books you need to even get to 35 or 36 are priced in the millions – although you can get to.. 33 easily. Which are the ones you haven’t read? I can send you a Practical Repairs for free if you like.

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] oh yeah the books that I have not read that I know of are as follows Practical repairs, Alien Aisha Invasion, It came from Kreludor Advanced Kreludan Physics (Found this one by mistake on a wizard search but came up with no results) and Interplanetary communications… but I think that I am missing one or two on my list b/c my list only gets 35 results

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:12pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, I have a few of those spare.. and you never know, you might find a couple of the cheap ones about sometime, or when they release new ones, it might help you get the award even if you cant currently get it.

Im on the book list.. or rather, Lyxanie is, somewhere, I got silver.. almost gold, but not quite because of ties (I was 2nd to read 35 books. But TNT’s system sucks.. oh well).

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] I’m sorry man I at least want a silver… I would even settle for a bronze… I am just trying to get alot of awards… I think they look spiffy on your site thingy… which awards do you think are the easiest to get?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:13pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah. Have you read Kreludan Physics, Mathematics in Space, Learning Kreludan, and/or Kreludan Christmas Carols? They’re the other ones most commonly missed. (Also the most expensive in the ‘cheap books’ section)

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] yep i read all of those… they were from about 2,000NP to about 9,000NP each… I didn’t think they were to bad…

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:14pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah. Have you read Kreludan Physics, Mathematics in Space, Learning Kreludan, and/or Kreludan Christmas Carols? They’re the other ones most commonly missed. (Also the most expensive in the ‘cheap books’ section)

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] what is the cheapest books section…? and are you for real… are you really going to send me that book? or are you just pulling my chain?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:17pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, absolutely And Im not sure.. and you might not get a silver this time around, but they -will- give out new books eventually, bit by bit, and that’s when you have best chance at the award.

Im not sure which other awards there are, sorry.. if you can draw and have good connections beauty contest is a possibility, though hard.. and gourmet is far more expensive than kreludan books, even if you spend 8 million np (somehow) to get enough books to hit 35/36.

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] oh my gosh thank you for the book i am now up to 33… now is the problem of getting that 34th one… oh how much were you selling alien aisha invasion and It came from kreludor for each… so I can try to save up and come back to you for?

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:23pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hm. Well, Ill sell you (and hold on reserve, rather) a copy of Alien Aisha Invasion for about a million until whenever you can scratch that up, if you like.. they don’t sell very easily anyway – but I’m in no hurry to sell.. I want to get to and remain at the top of the list and the less that my real competition has those books, the better..

If price drops below a million in the future Ill lower it accordingly, though I doubt it will.. too many people are trying for the award.

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] ok so you will hold it for me until I get that million? is that the way it is going to work…? cause I am alittle confused…

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:26pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure, or rather, I’ll make sure I’ll reserve a copy for you.. just neomail back if/when you have the np (or can include np worth of items too)

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] ok that would be cool just one question… how much are you asking for it… (exactly) at the moment??

NatalieW [natbug_00]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:30pm
Subject: Re: Secret Santa
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for the gifts. *huggle* They were great.. highly appreciated, enjoyed them (Jenn just put up post on website)

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] You are very welcome! I had a BLAST shopping, and was SO excited
when I found out I drew you! I am VERY surprised you
didn’t guess, though. I tried to hint as much as possible, and
even sent you a set of snowballs from me, just like the ones I sent as
Santa… Oh, well! At least we can tell nobody cheated on
that part of it!

JessieMiller [hautecouture143]
Sent: 29/12/2004 09:55pm
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 2-3 million Sorry for slow reply.. bedtime here, gone after this neomail.

hautecouture143 Replied:

[Report Message] goodnight…

Sent: 30/12/2004 07:20am
Subject: Tag! You’re IT
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You have given Professional Curses to User ‘mama_maia’. Click the button below to continue.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 30/12/2004 08:53am
Subject: Pro Curses
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] TY for the book through Isaac and for letting me slip ahead of you briefly. You wrock!!!!!!!!!


DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 30/12/2004 01:55pm
Subject: OMG
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Read away tomorrow (I think)!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Debra> FarieDust12 sagt: ‘Danke, du bist mein Schatz!’
<Debra> Die Erbse aus dem All verschwindet in einer gr�nen Rauchwolke!
<Dove> bored with the book was it???
<Debra> 17 FarieDust12 1027
<Debra> Pea From Outer Space

/me luffs Kitten and Santa Isaac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

none [cat123394]
Sent: 30/12/2004 02:04pm
Subject: 0:-)
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i PLEAZ have anuibs??? i’ll give you my mega rare item. if you want, two mega rare items?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 30/12/2004 03:04pm
Subject: Lyxanie
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] …looks cool in pink

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 30/12/2004 03:29pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

thank you so much [= [=


BabsyGirl [babsygirl]
Sent: 30/12/2004 03:37pm
Subject: THANK YOU!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Thank you SO much for the gifts.. you really gave me so much and helped out Babsy so much in Training!

Thanks again!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 30/12/2004 04:20pm
Subject: Re: Lyxanie
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks.. lab ray

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] How long has it been since you updated database… as i see buyable books on the need part

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 30/12/2004 04:22pm
Subject: Re: Lyxanie
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Its up to date actually.. the buyable ones are all retired, I buy a couple of them a week

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Oh, ok =D
<ChadM> *tackles & higs*
darnit i did it again on chat :/ this time to Debra LOL!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 30/12/2004 06:16pm
Subject: Grr… stupid chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Well I just came across this… if it is worth it i dunno

‘werdnabirdna’ : randomfriend.phtml?user=werdnabirdna
is selling
Spooky Usul Stories for 175k and is willing to haggle.

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 30/12/2004 06:23pm
Subject: Re: Grr… stupid chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmm.. not for an r96, but thanks

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] kk Just running across books in boards and am running them by incase you need

pinksy456 [pinksy456]
Sent: 30/12/2004 08:08pm
Subject: hi! i was wondering if…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! i was wondering if u wanted to trade one of my codestones for ur vo codestone plz?

KatieB [katie_558]
Sent: 31/12/2004 12:57am
Subject: Re: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

katie_558 Replied:

[Report Message] Hi there, I’ve decided that I’ll buy the book “Alien Aisha Invasion.” I’m quite willing to pay 1 million in pure nps but I can’t do that through the trading post. Do you want to put it up for auction for me, or else you can let me know some other items you’d like with 800k of nps.

none [bryan200335]
Sent: 31/12/2004 02:30am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want to be my neofriend because i want to be yours

MaryGavlick [luna00155]
Sent: 31/12/2004 10:48am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi im 19 and live in Jersey i will be glad to donate a snowball to your collection

KalieShake [stag172]
Sent: 31/12/2004 12:06pm
Subject: Thank You For Your Purchase
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Thank You For Your Purchase At: The Shop Around The Corner! Please Enjoy Your Gift And Come Again Soon! Happy Holidays,

Kailey Shake

Nicole Anderson [alexs21]
Sent: 31/12/2004 12:13pm
Subject: marlaike likes your male wocky
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i like you pink wocky wetrec did you get the paintbrush?

larien117 [larien117]
Sent: 31/12/2004 03:48pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] your shop has good prices!

Log Dump (Jan 2005 to Jun 2005)

Patricia van der Stek [trisha146]
Sent: 1/1/2005 03:09am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi there

i saw your trade, what i wanted to know is how much you want for alien aisha invasion alone?

Greetings and a happy new year,


Wes Bug [wesbug]
Sent: 1/1/2005 04:26am
Subject: Alien Aisha Invastion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, I’m interested in the Alien Aisha Invasioni trade but your terms are a little fuzzy. What exactly are you asking for in your trade?

uu [zhiwei101183]
Sent: 1/1/2005 07:16am
Subject: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Alien Aisha Invasion for my Zafara War?

naomi brown [dukespecial]
Sent: 1/1/2005 07:31am
Subject: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how low are you willing to sell the book for??

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 1/1/2005 11:48pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: smooch

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message] *hugs!* Happy new year you! [=

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 2/1/2005 08:14am
Subject: hi..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] there are no other books of the quiqqle that i offered…a definite for book collectors…I had read it… worth 800K plus

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 2/1/2005 10:06am
Subject: Re: hi..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh yeah, sorry.. already read it myself though, RSed another, gave one away for xmas, and have had about 3 or 4 total in the last month, so don’t need another.. but thanks

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] okay….how about quiggle and lenny witchcraft…together…;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 2/1/2005 10:12am
Subject: Re: hi..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Mm.. possibly, but in that case Ill have to ask for it to be put on hold and I’ll get back to the offer later.. not supposed to be here now (got stuff to do till tonight) and want to see what other offers come along first

Sorry.. thanks

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] understand…will place the trade….and cross my fingers…;o) have fun!!! and thanks for considering…

m�lissa m�lissa.lecours [chatton851]
Sent: 2/1/2005 10:51am
Subject: Je suis dr�le car…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

je suis drole car jaime mes ami

ihavenoname [lil_darling1369]
Sent: 2/1/2005 12:23pm
Subject: book of flames
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] excuse me I dont mean to sound rude but could you raise the price of your book of flames the lowest on the wiz is around 1 mil and then you have it for 5ook it really diminishes the value of the item. please raise your price. thank you for your time

ihavenoname [lil_darling1369]
Sent: 2/1/2005 01:27pm
Subject: Re: book of flames
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: It’s not worth a million, and when I put my trade up there was no other one on TP with a price.

lil_darling1369 Replied:

[Report Message] there is one asking 1.3 million

alex vollmer [xxecko366xx]
Sent: 2/1/2005 04:43pm
Subject: guilds
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u plz join mmy guild

yahno [paul4088]
Sent: 3/1/2005 04:12am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] so you are born in singapore right, did you do ns i singapore??

LBrown [sraughvan]
Sent: 3/1/2005 05:49pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you have the next 148 hours to send this to some one if you break this chain you will be cursed with relashioship problems for the next 15 years if you do however send it to 15 people then the biggest shock of your life will happen anywere

dazzle_lfc [dazzle_lfc]
Sent: 3/1/2005 08:18pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. Your books in your trade are so cool.. How did you get them? Are you collecting books?

dazzle_lfc [dazzle_lfc]
Sent: 3/1/2005 08:22pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I restock them from the shops.. except for the K-quest cookbook which is a Kitchen Quest random reward.. and I collect books to read, but already read them all before (except for the kitchen quest one, which is rare and new enough that I’m dangling it out there first)

dazzle_lfc Replied:

[Report Message] Wow, that’s nice.. It’s very hard for me to buy books from shops as they finish in seconds. The connection here makes it worse… Goodluck then.. Btw, I’m collecting books as well but they’re not as rare as yours. See ya..

dazzle_lfc [dazzle_lfc]
Sent: 3/1/2005 08:26pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ayeaye.. sometimes my connection is good, sometimes its terrible.. I’m not the best by a long shot though. But good luck to you too, and thanks.

dazzle_lfc Replied:

[Report Message] If you know anyone selling cheap books which are rare, will you let me know? thanks alot!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:03am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hello there again.. sorry for the long time it took for the reply. I think (after thinking and discussion with guildmates) that this time I’m not going to sell the book though, I’m afraid :/ Though yours is the best offer.. and if I happen to get hold of another copy (or if I had read that book already, which I haven’t) I’ll certainly trade to you for the offer, but ugh, not this time I’m afraid :/ Still, I am in a book guild, so copies of weird books occasionally float around.. and I’ll try to get hold of another. Thank you for the offer though!

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks and understand as I am an avid book reader also…take care and have fun!!!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:07am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Indeed Ooooo, you’re the one I just tied with last night (to get bronze).. do you have a list of unread books lying about somewhere? I have some rares stashed myself, though not sure any of them one so high up on the booklist mightneed.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] funny…..there is a list in my book store area…..of course we are all waiting for them to release new ones from the past three weeks……;o) good luck….I am thinking I will never hit silver….if you read the quest book…you will be ahead of me…;O)…but then I have the poogles book…;o) the best to you!!! and hope you acheive silver!!!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:20am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah, no kidding, I even emailed them yesterday just to vent some frustration at them not releasing the books from december.. Felt good if nothing else! Sorry, re the booklist in shop.. didn’t think to look there, but neat. Not sure which poogle book you mean.. poogle day ideas? And oo, afraid I don’t have many of those, only.. uh, dusty harmless looking scroll and malediction for beginners (I think). *keeps looking* Either of those you’re interested in for the lenny book you offered (or anything else, plus/minus if one’s more valuable), or straight off? Don’t really care about good deal/bad them already anyway, will just trade them to help you (and me!) out if you like.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message]

yep, the poogle day ideas…

funny story about the malediction scroll….I bought it twice, first time lost in a glitch and second time put in my shop as 25K not 250K….so maybe third time is the charm….will check and see if I have the dusty looking scroll….i have the lenny book and quiqqle in my trades if you want to offer…or let me know what kind of deal you want….thanks….will take a look now….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:23am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah, no kidding, I even emailed them yesterday just to vent some frustration at them not releasing the books from december.. Felt good if nothing else! Sorry, re the booklist in shop.. didn’t think to look there, but neat. Not sure which poogle book you mean.. poogle day ideas? And oo, afraid I don’t have many of those, only.. uh, dusty harmless looking scroll and malediction for beginners (I think). *keeps looking* Either of those you’re interested in for the lenny book you offered (or anything else, plus/minus if one’s more valuable), or straight off? Don’t really care about good deal/bad them already anyway, will just trade them to help you (and me!) out if you like.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] oops…the story belongs to

curse of ultimate malison

yep would love to have both scrolls if you have them….what can I trade for them?

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:27am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek about the scroll :/ And hehe, I’ve restocked a couple of them.. so oh, but you’ve read the Malison one already then? Oh, I don’t need the quiggle book.. just put up the lenny one and I’ll throw in both. (Malediction and DHLScroll) Assuming I have them.. still looking.. they’re sitting in gallery sdb

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] wow…terrific…nope I did not read it….was keeping it….greed will get you know where!!!…always learn that one over and over and over…so next time i get it I will read it…thanks for the terrific deal……;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:31am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek about the scroll :/ And hehe, I’ve restocked a couple of them.. so oh, but you’ve read the Malison one already then? Oh, I don’t need the quiggle book.. just put up the lenny one and I’ll throw in both. (Malediction and DHLScroll) Assuming I have them.. still looking.. they’re sitting in gallery sdb

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] lenny book is up with another unbuyable…I am also an avid collector of neoschool items…hoping someday they will get neoschool open and they will be useable….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:33am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, so you haven’t read all 3? Hmm.. thought I had the Malison too but apparantly not. *blink* Well, anyway, I see the trade now.. going to bid on it

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks, nope….I was saving it…when I transferred it from items to shop it disappeared, then the second time I forgot to remove the 0 when pricing and placed it at 25K….so dumb… will try to get it and read….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:35am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, agreed.. I collect neoschool stuff as and when I come across them.. though by no means a real collection. Thanks

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] really appreciate the trade….will keep you on my list of contacts in case I get some duplicates….again many thanks…although if I read them I will jump ahead of you…and feel guilty…will only do so if you say read them…;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:40am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, no prob, and will do likewise Nono, read them.. I’ll catch up soon enough, and I already read the Witchcraft anyway The list in shop isn’t full right? Like I seem to have a lot more books (79 actually) that I haven’t read.. do you need a complete list of books? Guild site has a public checklist database anyone who comes along can use.. Anyway we’ll both go up and catch that next person ahead of us.. feel free to read

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks….I will check the site….go to yours then there is a link….thought I had the list….on my excel…keep updating but books sneak in….will go read now….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:44am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, no prob, and will do likewise Nono, read them.. I’ll catch up soon enough, and I already read the Witchcraft anyway The list in shop isn’t full right? Like I seem to have a lot more books (79 actually) that I haven’t read.. do you need a complete list of books? Guild site has a public checklist database anyone who comes along can use.. Anyway we’ll both go up and catch that next person ahead of us.. feel free to read

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] well read on but the harmless scrool covered me with electricity and is still there…is this common?

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:46am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah. Database’s on an external site.. won’t paste the link because it ate up my neomail last time I tried a minute ago! Anyway if you do end up using it permanently please give a yell once it’s set up and checked off.. (if it’s public, too) so I can peek at the books-needed list (Mine’s there too under Lyxanie)

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] wow…what a source…I have been doing this on my own…with my daughter as help…..

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:46am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I think the harmless scroll thing is either one of those weird sicknesses that come with some of the desert scrolls.. try healing springs, or the pharmacy if its a cheap cure?

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] yep, will try that…and then try to read again….weird….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:50am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm, you didn’t read it the first time? Did pet find it boring? Make sure you read it first.. you’ll get the shockalots again when you read it, if you haven’t. (If you got the disease when your pet finds it boring.. I think that’s a Neopets bug they haven’t fixed.) And yeah.. I love the database, very useful

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] well, it was boring but changed languages so read it….so will go jump up on the list…..;o)….hoping they release those books soon…good luck…started this site when my grandaughter told me about it….so funny….but get to communicate instantly with my daughter, grandchildren neices and nephews…way too old for the game…but great as is free and something in common with the young ones…have fun and the best to you!!!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:50am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm, you didn’t read it the first time? Did pet find it boring? Make sure you read it first.. you’ll get the shockalots again when you read it, if you haven’t. (If you got the disease when your pet finds it boring.. I think that’s a Neopets bug they haven’t fixed.) And yeah.. I love the database, very useful

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] well, it was boring but changed languages so read it….so will go jump up on the list…..;o)….hoping they release those books soon…good luck…started this site when my grandaughter told me about it….so funny….but get to communicate instantly with my daughter, grandchildren neices and nephews…way too old for the game…but great as is free and something in common with the young ones…have fun and the best to you!!!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:54am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yep, agreed. And no worries.. I don’t feel very young myself on the best of days.. and I have plenty of *innocent look* ‘older’ friends on Neopets, more so than the young ones. But thanks, and good luck to you too! Need to hop offline for about half an hour, will do so at top of the hour.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] okay, not sure where the database is…so if you could just neomail a hint as to what i go to that would be sufficient… and away myself….

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 08:56am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh it’s external.. will try this way: www.spankaroonietwo. com/Database/ login.php without the spaces. But its safe though.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks…..more to do now….this site is…;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 09:00am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yep!! Anyway, heading off for a little while now.. after running the wheels.. have fun!

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] found it…thanks….wow…26 pages…oh my…..

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 4/1/2005 09:22am
Subject: Bronze
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Bronze award looks Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 10:52am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: New aisha books just released, btw.. but not the previous ones

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks…hadn’t seen them….rare????

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 10:54am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw.. they’re all in yellow sidebar lookup, all about r80-90.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] great….so will be inexpensive eventually…;o) do you have their names???

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 10:55am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw.. they’re all in yellow sidebar lookup, all about r80-90.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] funny…I thought I was emailing my daughter …sorry….too funny…we were chatting back and forth…..I guess I need to get some rest…;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 10:56am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe Ummmm.. Nerkmid Mania, Aisha Sea Life, Aisha Secrets, The Thief Handbook

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks!!!!! just tooo funny

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 10:56am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh Awwwww. What time is it there?

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] morning….no excuse…;o)…just senior moment

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 4/1/2005 11:00am
Subject: Re: re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh!! *keeps quiet and doesn’t say anything.. nope* Morning here too.. but feels like afternoon already, long day. Actually, afternoon in 1 minute anyway. And hope they release all the other books soon!

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] well we are an hour in difference…although headed to lunch anyway…have fun…and thanks for the titles….;o)

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 5/1/2005 08:47am
Subject: Re: Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeek sorry I’d already arranged for another guildie in chat to bid on it and get it :/ I’ll give you the next one I RS though

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] no problem…;o)

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 5/1/2005 01:49pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how about 500k for that book?

Miracel [_miracel_]
Sent: 5/1/2005 01:54pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] What would an offer you can not refuse be? ^^

I mean for Do The Moon Bounce”.

Miracel [_miracel_]
Sent: 5/1/2005 02:00pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. well, I’ve been ‘advised’ to hold out for more than 500k.. at least in the initial period.. cause that’s the most common of the 4 books :/ (r90, r94, r97, r99 or 100). I probably wouldn’t otherwise as a guildie wants to get gold and I need to hold it for her.. or eventually just read it And I wouldn’t ever pay that much for an r90 :/ Keep plumbing the tp or shop wiz.. you’ll find one for cheaper quite soon.

_miracel_ Replied:

[Report Message] *sigh*

I gues you are right. ^^

I already have the bronze booktastic book trophy – so what am I complaining?

Have a nice day!

Miracel [_miracel_]
Sent: 5/1/2005 02:13pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, awww.. well, if you get one today you’ll get at least silver, though its expensive as in you need at least one r99/r100 for gold And definitely the price will fall before then.. booktastic is crazy. Sorry about that though.. hmm, you collect Terror Trove scratchies?

_miracel_ Replied:

[Report Message] Yes, Im loosing a lot of level due to the lab.

Im waiting to get the mazzew av and then send my uni to a spare so my main pet gets all the level.

Miracel [_miracel_]
Sent: 5/1/2005 02:27pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Bid a wet snowball please

_miracel_ Replied:

[Report Message] Awww, thanks soo nice!

Ill put you on the donator list in my shop.

Thanks a bunch.

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 5/1/2005 03:59pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Actually I’d rather not yet, sorry.. supposed to reserve them books for someone else (though its only an r90) plus I was advised there might be people eventually who will pay more :/ Though if I get another then sure..

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] how about 600k?

ben capper [nitronfx]
Sent: 6/1/2005 06:31am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] not sure if you read the purple lupe photo album.. but i have one in auction for just 250k worth over 500k on the TP interested just bid or neomail me.. tell your friends

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 6/1/2005 09:17am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 98). We have given you 433 NP!

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 6/1/2005 10:28am
Subject: ty lovey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks come to the chat!

idontknowmyname [ashoki94]
Sent: 6/1/2005 11:24am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, do u want 2 b my neofriend?

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 6/1/2005 02:40pm
Subject: booktastic book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi there – am i right in assuming from your wishlist that you aren’t going lower than 800k for your book? thanks~

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 6/1/2005 03:14pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how about 600k? for teh booktASTIC BOOK

Sandy [fuzzylilsimba]
Sent: 6/1/2005 05:46pm
Subject: trades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hi I would like to offer 950k for your book:

Kreludan home decorating

Please let me know if this is ok.


Sent: 6/1/2005 06:13pm
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] gtrjess has closed lot 152636333 you read it? sigh…

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 7/1/2005 02:50am
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey….just asking…if i have the book ‘do the moon bounce’, are u interested in it? how much are willing to fork out if u r?

_1ncxTc_ [_inc_boi_]
Sent: 7/1/2005 10:20am
Subject: rare book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have a rare booktastic book that is in my trade.

Give me a resonable price. Looking for pure only.

Reply back if you are interested. Thnks

_1ncxTc_ [_inc_boi_]
Sent: 7/1/2005 10:24am
Subject: Re: rare book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks, RSed it before and sold, would have got that too if I didn’t buy Aisha Sea Life in main shop.. had a 5 second delay thing and still got to haggle Anyway Isaac told me. Grats!! Good luck selling.. try for 500-600k.

_inc_boi_ Replied:

[Report Message] how much did u sell it for?

500-600k range?

_1ncxTc_ [_inc_boi_]
Sent: 7/1/2005 10:30am
Subject: Re: rare book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I sold one of the first copies of the r90+r94 to Isaac’s friend and my acquaintance for 1.5 million. But right now after a day or so goes by, you should still be able to get pretty high. I think there’s at lease one player: username: thyme_of_change who kept offering me 500k-600k for my book/s, and I had offers of 800k+morphing for my r94 before I read it. Don’t sell for below 500k, and if you say no you can prolly get at least 600k I think. Prices should stay high for at least a week?

_inc_boi_ Replied:

[Report Message] alright thanks alot. im just a 1337 restocker. earn money and buy weapons. don know anything about books. if i get more new rare books from there. i will neomail u again and ask u more. thanks alot.

_1ncxTc_ [_inc_boi_]
Sent: 7/1/2005 10:35am
Subject: Re: rare book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: The Shopkeeper says I accept your offer of 5000 Neopoints!’ Do The Moon Bounce has been added to your inventory Yay, got it this time

_inc_boi_ Replied:

[Report Message] i miss it. haha saw it too.. GJ!

im selling at 800k+ a mp.. don put in trade yea? plz..

adam mitchell [godlike_mitch]
Sent: 7/1/2005 12:51pm
Subject: books plz read
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i know this is a very big long shot but any chance you could send a list of what kreludan books uve read i to aim to get a gold or silver booktastic book award an 1 other thing whats ur voyager award about? thanks for taking the time to read this i hope to hear soon

adam mitchell [godlike_mitch]
Sent: 7/1/2005 12:58pm
Subject: Re: books plz read
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi, certainly, there’s a complete link at (www.) Enjoy and good luck Voyager award is the war points counter from the previous Hannah vs Thieves war.. its over already though.

godlike_mitch Replied:

[Report Message] thank you so so much ive been looking for the books for ages found 36 so far an read 31 in past 2 days hehe

RonaldMcDonald [thebig55777]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:01pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey, i was wondering how you got so many petpets with-in only 5 months? like i have been playing for a lot longer then you and i have liken nothing… so if there is ne way to get really good like you are can you plaese inform me… if you can then thanx, if not then ohwell

adam mitchell [godlike_mitch]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:07pm
Subject: Re: books plz read
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: nice You’ve mostly got the harder ones left then Have you read Practical Repairs?

godlike_mitch Replied:

[Report Message] nope lol read all the easy ones got the harder ones left as ya said

adam mitchell [godlike_mitch]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:15pm
Subject: Re: books plz read
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: nice You’ve mostly got the harder ones left then Have you read Practical Repairs?

godlike_mitch Replied:

[Report Message] you sure??? bit much giving a complete stranger the book lol an so far every book ive searched for cant be found just my luck hehe

adam mitchell [godlike_mitch]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:19pm
Subject: Re: books plz read
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well that’s the only other halfway easy one. The rest (after the first 31 and Kreludan Christmas Carols) are nearly impossible to find because they’re so rare that not many have even been put into play yet. (Like they haven’t restocked, anyway) But no, no prob, read it and good luck And there is a chance to find the newer books on the shop wiz now and then, though will be hard.

godlike_mitch Replied:

[Report Message] thnx a lot i can find 1 other book thats easy which is learning kreludan lol which is only 10k otherwise theyre impossible to find

BabyOubie [oubie]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:28pm
Subject: question…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was wondering if you could help me out because im trying to win a booktastic award and i have read 31 so far but i cant find any others. ive check both wiz and auctions.. :/ if you could just give me some helpful hints or ideas it will be greatly appreciated! thanks so much for your time.


remaininganonymous [hookedonkougras75]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:41pm
Subject: quick question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Any tips on how to get ahold of the new booktastic books? Im having a devil of a time getting any of the last 15 that have come out. Any info would be really appreciated. Thank You!

monkeyhorse400 [monkeyhorse400]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:44pm
Subject: bob
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How do you beat or fight punching bag bob. Ican’t seem to find where to go to fight him, and no one else will help me. Thanks monkeyhorse400

remaininganonymous [hookedonkougras75]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:50pm
Subject: Re: quick question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Practical repairs you can buy or restock.. the others, yeah, are pretty difficult I restock all the time in the shop so I’ve got lots of practice snagging them as they come out (and even then some people with faster connections beat me!) – but most of the newest ones (not yesterday’s), a copy floating about doesn’t even exist currently :/

hookedonkougras75 Replied:

[Report Message] Ok. Thanks for getting back to me. Im so busy restocking my shop that I don’t have the time it takes to keep a watch on the booktastic book shop. I’ll just keep hoping I get lucky sometime. Thanks again!

remaininganonymous [hookedonkougras75]
Sent: 7/1/2005 01:59pm
Subject: Re: quick question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe no prob Well shop restocks at on average the 20 second mark of a minute (all shops restock in the same minute) so if you notice say the food shop just restocked at XX:YY:00, go to 70 and keep refreshing until it restocks. Then look for the expensive books. Hope that helps Good luck!

hookedonkougras75 Replied:

[Report Message] Wow, thanks for the book! Is there anything you need for payment. You sure didnt have to do that. Usually, I get neomails from people wanting things. Never had anything given to me before. Thanks Again! I will try your tip. Hope it works!

remaininganonymous [hookedonkougras75]
Sent: 7/1/2005 02:07pm
Subject: Re: quick question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, and no worries. Only thing I collect are snowballs, and I spend enough time there that I have (or had anyway, been giving away some) a bunch of those Practical Repairs. Call it belated Merry Xmas.

hookedonkougras75 Replied:

[Report Message] Gee thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.

laura valdes [pinkpolarbear649]
Sent: 7/1/2005 02:18pm
Subject: pb
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you have a baby pb i can buy

Jeff [biorad9]
Sent: 7/1/2005 03:21pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you tell me all the Booktastic books you read ill give you a codestone

Buffy [buffygirl11312]
Sent: 7/1/2005 03:30pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] is this your first account on neopets? This is my second.

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:15pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] So you won’t accept 700k?

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:19pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not at the current moment, sorry.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] ok, well I am trying to raise more, lol

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:23pm
Subject: hi…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have an extra Wocky lullaby….would you trade the wocky long jumping in your shop for it???

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:28pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry about that.. been advised to wait out for at least 800k or so. Doesn’t have to be all in pure though. And there’s no good enough offer currently either, so.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] ok well i have 700k in cash and should have teh rest shortly

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:28pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry about that.. been advised to wait out for at least 800k or so. Doesn’t have to be all in pure though. And there’s no good enough offer currently either, so.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] ok well i have 700k in cash and should have teh rest shortly

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Re: hi…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Nope, sorry.

Keep both.

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] wow…thanks!!!! you made my day…(again)…;o)

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Heya, sorry to bother you and I’m sure you get bugged a lot about this,
but are you looking for just pure neopoints for Kreludan Home
Decorating, or would you take items too, and if so, about how much?
I’ve got a faerie paint brush and a blue meepit, but didn’t know if
either of those would be enough, or if you’d take neopoints with them
as well.
If you can write back, that would be great and thanks a lot for your time.

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:32pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Okie dokie, thanks.

Tell ya what, 750k will do.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] wow that is great thanks!

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:36pm
Subject: Re: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Eeeek, sorry, youre a guildie too :/ Just agreed to sell it to someone.. waiting on her to put an offer.. though if I RS another, or the deal falls through, I’ll toss it your way

And to a guildie price would be 500k or so at most, and no worries about np/items (Although the deal coming is np). Sorry though.. but will get one with luck

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Alrighty, thanks a lot, and yeah, if something happens, or you get
another (or any of the newer ones), yell at me and I can buy
them. ^_^

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:36pm
Subject: Re: hi…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, no prob, I don’t read new books for the first couple weeks, generally, until the price drops. But enjoy

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] you are very smart…;o)

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:40pm
Subject: Re: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yepyep. That one went through I’m afraid :/ And its devilishly hard to RS at night when everyone’s at home and there too.. aaaa. But I will try and give you a shout and discount if I do. Uh.. have you read any of the 4 news?

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Yay! That will really help, I’m so horrible at restocking and
though I still try it sometimes, I’m pretty much resigned to paying
higher for those nice things I want.
Lets see… I don’t think I’ve read any from the last two or
three sets that came out, cuz I’m missing 12, and I believe those are
the four newest, plus the 8 before that are near impossible to get.

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 05:49pm
Subject: Re: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Yeah :/

And hmm, if youve read the Prac Repairs/Alien Aisha Invasion/It Came From Kreludor/Interplanetary Communications

Then yeah those are the other 12.. 8 r100s, r99, r97, r94, r90.. eek!

But Ill see what I can do, though no promises Hmm.. weekend too.. not sure I can RS much, but will see.

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Yup, all the hard ones left… Will be fun, I’m sure. The
four you mentioned, I lucked out and grabbed them when they were all
really, really, really cheap.
Thanks again, even if you can’t grab any at all.

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 06:04pm
Subject: Re: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, me too, the lucked out part I mean Didn’t have any extras unfortunately, but have restocked a couple spare copies since then. (Note: Enter keys not working in neomail, I think, since I just switched browsers to Firefox) What kind of connection do you have? *curious* If you hop into chat or something I could toss over some restock pointers.. if you like. No worries either way though, nor has to be immediate. And no problem, thanks for the inquiry!

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] We’ve got cable connection, but I just get nervous kinda. I see
something rare and I get all jumpy and then start typing dumb
numbers. Several people have given me some tips, but if you want
to neomail some more, perhaps there’s some I haven’t heard.
For now, my bf is bugging me to do something, cuz he doesn’t like neopets. Doesn’t know what he’s missing!

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 7/1/2005 06:05pm
Subject: Re: A friendly warning
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Visiting Kreludor isn’t a Kreludan book, its a normal one. I can accept if you want, but.. won’t help Booktastic :/

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] thanks for letting me know!

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 7/1/2005 06:04pm
Subject: Re: Kreludor Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, me too, the lucked out part I mean Didn’t have any extras unfortunately, but have restocked a couple spare copies since then. (Note: Enter keys not working in neomail, I think, since I just switched browsers to Firefox) What kind of connection do you have? *curious* If you hop into chat or something I could toss over some restock pointers.. if you like. No worries either way though, nor has to be immediate. And no problem, thanks for the inquiry!

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] We’ve got cable connection, but I just get nervous kinda. I see
something rare and I get all jumpy and then start typing dumb
numbers. Several people have given me some tips, but if you want
to neomail some more, perhaps there’s some I haven’t heard.
For now, my bf is bugging me to do something, cuz he doesn’t like neopets. Doesn’t know what he’s missing!

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:09pm
Subject: Kreludan Engineering
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey!

I dont mind at all that Robin told you. I actually saw that you were looking for the r100s and already thought about neomailing you. I do plan on selling the book and would much rather sell it to a guild member than someone else.

As for a price…well you mentioned that r100s were going between 4 and 5 million. I would be willing to sell it to you for about 3 million. Let me know if you think this is a fair price and if youre interested. I would like to keep a guild member on top of the charts.

Have a great night!


Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:19pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan Engineering
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oooh. Sure please, Id love to.. sounds like a good deal, is there anytime convenient for you we could do it?

Add me as neofriend, too.. we have to do it by auction I think Cant transfer more than 800k over tp.

Or, alternatively, put up the book and 3 separate snowballs, Ill bid on them total equalling 3 mil

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

bcbear18 Replied:

[Report Message] I’m online now, if that works for you. We can do it either way (auction or trade) whichever you prefer. Just let me know and I’ll set it up.

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:25pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan Engineering
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Trade is better if you could please? Though you’ll have to do 4 different ones. Then I’ll bid on them. Thanks a lot

bcbear18 Replied:

[Report Message] One book and three snowballs coming up.

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:29pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan Engineering
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry for delay! I will in about 5 mins, I need to borrow 800k to someone to get Adam avatar (I’m oh so close), then return it, then will bid

bcbear18 Replied:

[Report Message] Not a problem. I’ll be here for a while.

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:41pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] The total came to 3.2 million. I owe you 200k.

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:44pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh nah, the extra was a tip for offering 3 million

bcbear18 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you.

Im glad you wanted to buy the book. Good luck getting the rest of them. I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to snag any of the others, but if I do I’ll let you know. Have a great night.


yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:47pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wut books have u read…not counting the 36 unrare 1s

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:53pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Check my pets desc.

Or actually, check my pets desc in a few minutes.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] ya…i had 36..and ive rsed 4 r100s and 3 r99s…but i was iced

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:54pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] arg u got the kreludean engeering…i haggled 4111 and the said no….do u c/p?

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:54pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww. Sorry to hear. Whatever for?

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] i got a r99 and i was massreported form jeloues newbies

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:55pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Bought it from a guildie who got it actually. What’s c/p?

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] nvm

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 07:59pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] who rsed it?

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:00pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: She doesnt want me to say sorry.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] thats ight

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:07pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wut r u buying r100s for?

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:15pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: She doesnt want me to say sorry.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] wut r u paying for r100 booktastic books?

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:24pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Umm, depends I suppose. Definitely not over 5 million, probably 4 millionish max, unless I really need it for some reason. Will prolly try to haggle down too, not THAT rich.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] oo i sell mine for 5mil…sold my last for a FP and 250k..5.75

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:26pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nice

Nods, like I said, depends. Thats pretty good. First time I’ve heard it sell over 5 though, I’ve just heard 4s and 5s.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] ight

yo yo [downbelow]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:27pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nice

Nods, like I said, depends. Thats pretty good. First time I’ve heard it sell over 5 though, I’ve just heard 4s and 5s.

downbelow Replied:

[Report Message] do u buy magical chia pops?

Elicia Ng [songo12345]
Sent: 7/1/2005 08:42pm
Subject: Uggh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you tell me how you read 41 booktastic books?

i only saw 25 you can buy and 1 from advent calender.

please tell me and please be fast, very fast ok?

me [nickie_anne]
Sent: 7/1/2005 09:18pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i see you are top on the booktastic list. i need some help. i need 1 more book to get on the list there and i cannot seem to find anymore of the books. can u help me?

i have no name [edward20042004]
Sent: 7/1/2005 11:17pm
Subject: ???????
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ?????????????39;??

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 8/1/2005 12:19am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I wouldn’t be interested in that particular one, sorry. Have RSed it before But thanks

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] Juz asking…u always say u Rsed some books…which stands for shop restock? But the booktastic shop restocks every 8 minutes does it? But i don’t see anything always…would you care to enlighten me? Pls reply. Thank You.

Annette [mz_bridg3man]
Sent: 8/1/2005 01:52am
Subject: Help!!!Please read!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey whats up? Anyways Im sorry to bug you but I cant find anymore booktastic books for some reason.Can you please tell me the names of the books you have read.If not I understand.

allie [alliehilsfan]
Sent: 8/1/2005 04:59am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello this is alliehilsfan you sound nice

laura valdes [pinkpolarbear649]
Sent: 8/1/2005 07:17am
Subject: Re: pb
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Don’t have a baby pb here, sorry :/

pinkpolarbear649 Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok

wylieheiner [wylieheiner]
Sent: 8/1/2005 07:23am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you lower your price on your peo the petpet?If you do tell me.

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 8/1/2005 08:36am
Subject: Re: A friendly warning
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob! It’s unbuyable because a lot of people think it is Kreludan.. so they try to buy it and find out too late its not :/ Actually, will just dump in shop and let whoever likes buy for 99999. But yeah.. it came out with a bunch of other Grundo books.. all main bookshop stuff though :/

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] thanks again, I spent 800k on an unbuyable about 2 weeks ago and found out too late it wasn’t kreludan. even neoitems said it was but they were all wrong.

Unicorn [buttwhole22]
Sent: 8/1/2005 09:28am
Subject: Booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] What books did you read to get an award?

I have read 30 already.

hunter lambert [cern01]
Sent: 8/1/2005 10:12am
Subject: hello!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello! This is cern01. I just loked at your neopet, and it was awesome! mail me!

ReanneEbley [reanne_ebley]
Sent: 8/1/2005 11:24am
Subject: ???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, can u tell me all the booktastic books that u have read to your pet please because i want to start a gallery of booktastic books thanks!!!!!!

WhOkNoEs [littuhl_shawtee]
Sent: 8/1/2005 11:48am
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have a lot of snowballs! I can give you some if you want! Well yeah, its ok if you don’t accept my neofriend request!


none [mjl78]
Sent: 8/1/2005 12:42pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] are u interested in 105 castle toilets?

JennoftheLoop [neo717317]
Sent: 8/1/2005 01:01pm
Subject: Green sand!! 😀
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Woo!! Thank you for the green sand!! I now have 405 green sand bottles, YES!!

– Jenn of the Flarn

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 8/1/2005 01:07pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wwow, thank you so much for all the freebies thatyou have given me. it has been more than 1 month and a half! every single day. thank you so much! you dont know how much i appreciate it!

love, m0n0

Ty [bluelink180]
Sent: 8/1/2005 01:13pm
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you get so many books?

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 8/1/2005 01:59pm
Subject: 105 Castle Toilets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You want? I got for a good price (not a snag). Will give to you for 1.7 mill. It goes for 1.8 mill or more – now retired.

Join_my_guild! [akatinyprincess]
Sent: 8/1/2005 02:32pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi wanna b friends? Plz rate my lookup and guild.

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 8/1/2005 02:37pm
Subject: Math Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You study maths, right? I need a formula where I can input the desired percentage and get a result. A-B=176, that’s constant, and currently B is 93.26 per cent of A, but I’d like to put for example 94 in the percentage box and find out what A and B will be. Can you help? My head is swimming with variables and constants and the more I try the farther I get from a working equation :/


joannecallMEjojo [lilsexyjojo]
Sent: 8/1/2005 04:02pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] jus wanted to say i like your shop xx im 16 from england xx ive bin ere 3weeks n need help xx would you guide me around neopets? please!? please reply

BabyOubie [oubie]
Sent: 8/1/2005 04:09pm
Subject: Re: question…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You can get at least 33.. 31 main ones, Practical Repairs, and Kreludan Christmas Carols (from advent). But afraid the others (even the new ones) are pretty rare though, and a lot of them don’t have a single copy of them in play yet :/ The way I get them is through restock, which is like buying them right from the Kreludan store itself.. but you can go almost for months without getting some of the rarest ones. Then again when they do come up almost everyone present has an equal chance of getting it

oubie Replied:

[Report Message] thanks so much! yeah im thinking of buying practical repairs even though its quite alot, lol.

yeah, i have a list of books that i look at and i cant find any one on that list. :/ but i keep looking everyday. but anyways,thanks alot.

brittney henry [babe11056]
Sent: 8/1/2005 05:25pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] will u be my neo friend

SidKelly [knightsid0]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:03pm
Subject: nf
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you be my neofriend?

julia goodman [statx_4_the_gae_no]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:13pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wana be neofirnds??

Brannoch [0odraikridero0]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:14pm
Subject: HEY
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] On you list for booktastic books what are the books from 33^ to 41?

Brannoch [0odraikridero0]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:24pm
Subject: Re: HEY
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Try the link off of my pets description page.. don’t remember all the names off the top of my head I’m afraid, but they’re all super-rare books though :/

And I think there are currently like 48 released, just like a dozen super-rares.

0odraikridero0 Replied:

[Report Message] can i lend you my meowclops for one of those books in your trades

none [mjl78]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:29pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, sorry, just got on.

Id say yes, but I’m not too rich right now, so depends on price Around what range are you looking for? (Or what ets/hts if any?)


mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] well i was gonna sell it but i accidently read it to my pet

none [mjl78]
Sent: 8/1/2005 06:31pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww. Well, now your pet’s read the companion book to 105 Lava Cake Recipes, heheh

mjl78 Replied:

[Report Message] yeah thats tru, but i lost a lot o well

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 8/1/2005 07:55pm
Subject: Re: A friendly warning
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack, sorry to hear :/ Which one? (And did you read it?)

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] it was book of evil schemes and i read it and didnt even notice it didnt say booktastic, lol

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 8/1/2005 07:59pm
Subject: Re: A friendly warning
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack!! Yuck, sorry to hear. :/

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] lol, thanks

BaByBaBy [k_t_009]
Sent: 8/1/2005 09:22pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hw did you get those booktastic books??? do you have any to sell??? i have only read 26…

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 9/1/2005 01:56am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yep, shop restock. It doesn’t restock every 8 minutes on par, it restocks on average 8 times per hour, or every 8 minutes.. like sometimes it restocks 10+ times in an hour, sometimes 0-3 times. There’s a pattern to where/when shops restock that one has to find.. food shop (Shop 1) for example, restocks at exactly the :00 second mark of a minute when there is a general restock. Then from there all the other shops restock in turn, but the timing for Kreludan shop is very hard to nail down exactly.

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] Thx, for telling me that. Sorry to bother you again, but i’ve got another qn.–When i’m in the shop and it restocks, i still don’t see any of the rare books. Do they have a timing too, or do they just come randomly,anytime the shop restocks? Pls reply. Thank You.

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 9/1/2005 02:36am
Subject: Re: Math Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmmm. B is 94% of A, so A-B=176″ is the same as “100%A-94%A=176” and “(100-94)%A=176”

So 6% of A=176, and A = 176*100/6 and B = A*94/100

So if B is X% of A, then A=176*100/(100-X) and B=A*X/100

I think.. Hope that helps/is right/makes sense?

Sorry for late answer.. didnt get to get on till now.

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Yes, it works! Thanks so much! Now I can easily calculate how many more battledome wins I need in order to raise my win percentage to any number. And also see how fast the percentage drops with every loss.

Your answer wasn’t late, I sent the question just before going to sleep and woke up to find it. The wonders of different timezones!

Miranda Sokan [twinsokam6304]
Sent: 9/1/2005 05:51am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is miranda i am 11 years old. you could mail me back at Twinsokam6304. i would really like to meet you. Please write back.

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 9/1/2005 06:04am
Subject: jess!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i got korbat researcher in an rs, theres only one copy of it on the TP 5k!! *dances*

Luke [firedude292]
Sent: 9/1/2005 06:17am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i realy need alien aisha invashin because iv read my pet 29 but i ran out of np and the rest are to much ok

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:04am
Subject: Re: jess!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Woohoo! Nice snag

Did you read or sell it? How much did you get if you sold?

But grats

teehee89 Replied:

[Report Message] read it and lachic hit 200 books!!

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:08am
Subject: Re: jess!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Woohoo! Double grats

teehee89 Replied:

[Report Message] hey get on irc :-p

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:14am
Subject: Re: jess!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Can’t at the moment.. never on weekend mornings, only quietly on while everyone’s asleep

teehee89 Replied:

[Report Message] nobody is on irc atm except me, and im bored X.X

Brannoch [0odraikridero0]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:34am
Subject: Re: HEY
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Afraid not, sorry :/ Since books disappear permanently after you read them.. Meowclops is worth I think about 600k though last time I checked.

0odraikridero0 Replied:

[Report Message] ok ill pay 60k for one i saw 6 of them on the auction lats night for 50k xD haha

Nadia Harripersaud [babyface22795]
Sent: 9/1/2005 10:41am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] its impossible i have been longer but u have a rainbow wocky and your shop is huge.oh im from Canada to but now i live in just wondering how did u do that.

jessica gugie [puppypuppy1014507]
Sent: 9/1/2005 11:57am
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] WILL U BE MY NEOFRIEND???????????

Marisa Nicole Slaton [sugarbunnie]
Sent: 9/1/2005 01:19pm
Subject: ur neopet is amazing!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Awesome! i’m trying to improve my pet Nikkanuri but i dont know how. when i first stated out in neopia everything was cheap and easy but now you have to pay 10,000np just to get a good book around here or some food… obviously you dont have that problem…

Mike Jones [jonesboy_91]
Sent: 9/1/2005 01:44pm
Subject: how do u do it?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where do u find so many booktastic books!!! i can only find 32

emily fan [_popping_candy_]
Sent: 9/1/2005 03:36pm
Subject: please read. URGENT
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] heya. i was wondering if you could PLEASE give me a list af all the Booktastic books your pet has read. I would be most grateful if you did!

Thank you for your time.

samanthaquiambao [startrak5963]
Sent: 9/1/2005 04:13pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi.????????????

Mono [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 9/1/2005 05:02pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, no problem, glad to be of help Like you said, they’re freebies, don’t cost me a thing. Enjoy!

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message] but it costs the effort of getting there, and sending it from the boxes…could be very tiring everyday for more than a month.


Ciara [little_yaya]
Sent: 9/1/2005 06:46pm
Subject: booktastic book award
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] was it hard finding all of the books you have read?

Mike Jones [jonesboy_91]
Sent: 9/1/2005 06:47pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where do u get all of those books? i can only find 32 and u have 41

emily fan [_popping_candy_]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:26pm
Subject: Re: please read. URGENT
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya there. If you dont mind an external link,

This page (text file) has all the current books, and is at (www.)

_popping_candy_ Replied:

[Report Message] o gosh! thank you SO MUCH!!! i really appreciate this! but where on earth do i GET these books. some of them arent in any shops! oooh, by the way, where do u live? i am in Australia!

THANKS!!! ~^.^~

emily fan [_popping_candy_]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:38pm
Subject: Re: please read. URGENT
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, and Canada here.

_popping_candy_ Replied:

[Report Message] aah! i see! o gosh! i only have read 31 booktastic books! it is depressing! and you have read 41!!!! o boi. i should start saving money!!!! o dear….

emily fan [_popping_candy_]
Sent: 9/1/2005 07:45pm
Subject: Re: please read. URGENT
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There should be 33 buyable books, buyable as in for sure there are many copies on the shop wiz. Practical Repairs is the most expensive.. and there’s also Kreludan Christmas Carols as the most recent one from Advent Calendar?

_popping_candy_ Replied:

[Report Message] yer. i have got 32 now. buying practical repairs right now…but what abou the others? i am sooo gonna go BROKE!! aah!! my poor pet will have to starve…*sigh*

o well…you must use so much money on books! i got the 33 buyable…HEAPS more to go!

lawrencewong [chit_chat1310]
Sent: 9/1/2005 10:42pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi…i would like to ask where do you find other booktastic books? i hardly find those uncommon type…so hope u can give me some guidance, thankz n sori for any disturbance

charissa lee you qi [chariss_no7]
Sent: 10/1/2005 02:49am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Well, its something like: All books have a % chance of restocking per restock, the higher the rarity, the lower the chance. Like the lower rarity Kreludan books are all very common, r90 Kreludan book should restock at least about (guesstimate) maybe 12-15 times a day, the r94 about (guess) 5-6 times, r97 once or twice if youre lucky, and the r99s/r100s at most once every few days :/

Numbers might be off, but thats the rough theory.

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message]

Ooo…i see! Thx for your enlightenment . By the way, i was wondering if we could be neofriends. If you dont want to, it’s perfectly alright…i don’t wanna force you or anything. Juz asking. (and hoping). Thank You for your answers. Pls reply. Thank You!

Val Popper [hiphoppetpet]
Sent: 10/1/2005 04:56am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi you are very nice because your shop has very fair prices. Plaese be my neo friend. I would buy more books for my pets but I only have148np and nobody buys from my shop or trades with me also look at my aouctions.

AndreaHenderson [neoandrea1384]
Sent: 10/1/2005 05:55am
Subject: Practical Repairs
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you trade with me Practical Repairs and ill give you expensive items and some points please

Fabian [matrix076]
Sent: 10/1/2005 05:57am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Im sorry i’m just another annoying neopian who comes with a question…But my Question is My neopet finds some books very boring?? so he doesn’t read them?? did that ever happend to you?? if so… how can i fix the problem??

Well.. if your to busy to respond .. ill understand .. thanks anyway.. Greetz from Fabian

Fabian [matrix076]
Sent: 10/1/2005 07:12am
Subject: Re: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Oh yes, he does.. you have to change the language and then read it again, hell read it, then change the language back.. it’ll count as the original book

Read up on it here:


Hope this helps!

matrix076 Replied:

[Report Message]

OOo thanks .. that really helped me allot … Are all the girls in canada as smart as you

But really thanks allot .. Greetz Fabian

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 10/1/2005 10:16am
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya there. Are you still by chance looking for the Kreludan books? I just restocked the most common of the lot (still, its r90, and only one sitting on tp). Reserved for you if you are, although I’m going off for a couple hours anyway so can’t reply or anything yet, but a heads up in case you’re interested. Anyway, laters! Jess

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Ooh, awesome! I’ll take it, just let me know how much, and if
it’s okay, I’ll be purchasing from FaerieStories, cuz that one has all
the good stuff and money on it.

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 10/1/2005 10:49am
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Sure Ummm.. how much do you want to pay for it?

Couple hundred k at the most is enough for me, depends how much you can afford, but dont worry about it.

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] 200k is fine by me, I’ll offer from faeriestories.

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 10/1/2005 01:05pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yay, thanks, happy reading.

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] No no, thank you! That one ought to bring me up to 37. Is
there a time better than others to read? Like, when is the trophy
given, at midnight? Oh also, if I were to get a trophy, if I got
bumped off the list later, would I lose it or would I still keep
it? Sorry if that’s a lot of questions.

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 10/1/2005 01:40pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh not at all. Umm.. I’m not sure when book award is given out.. I believe its at 4:45 am NST, though my time may be off a bit. Somewhere between 3 and 5. I’ve been advised before but forgot :/ You’ll keep the trophy if you get bumped off.. though you could be anywhere on the 37 list.. reading now or later won’t affect where you’re ranked though, they arrange it by some mystical predetermined order (maybe something to do with database id?) we believe.

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Okies, I went ahead and read it to him, and Caberdrone is now number 12! Hopefully I can get a trophy!
I put in a bid of 800k for Kreludan Home Decorating, is that an okay deal or should I hold off?
Again, thanks for all your help, and I’ll buy any more that you happen to get if you want a quick sale!

Jess [creepychild105]
Sent: 10/1/2005 03:55pm
Subject: Booktastic Badge
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HI

I was wondering which books you read to get the Booktastic badge? Ive read 33 so far and am trying to read at least 36. Could you help me out? Thanks!


jacquelinejackie [soc_soccer_s5]
Sent: 10/1/2005 04:07pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where did u get that muppet megga mall at???


pcutie109 [pcutie109]
Sent: 10/1/2005 04:45pm
Subject: THANX!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for buying my stix&stones ticket!Hope you enjoy the show!!!!!


Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 10/1/2005 01:40pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh not at all. Umm.. I’m not sure when book award is given out.. I believe its at 4:45 am NST, though my time may be off a bit. Somewhere between 3 and 5. I’ve been advised before but forgot :/ You’ll keep the trophy if you get bumped off.. though you could be anywhere on the 37 list.. reading now or later won’t affect where you’re ranked though, they arrange it by some mystical predetermined order (maybe something to do with database id?) we believe.

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Okies, I went ahead and read it to him, and Caberdrone is now number 12! Hopefully I can get a trophy!
I put in a bid of 800k for Kreludan Home Decorating, is that an okay deal or should I hold off?
Again, thanks for all your help, and I’ll buy any more that you happen to get if you want a quick sale!

None [pokemon17521]
Sent: 10/1/2005 05:38pm
Subject: eh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Interested in my Kreludan Home Decorating?

no name [angelica_fairy_angel]
Sent: 10/1/2005 06:02pm
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have at least 92k I have read all the ones you can buy under a few thousand so I need books like the last 8 booktastic books you read let me know thanks

jrnolasco [punisher_1984]
Sent: 10/1/2005 07:04pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i’m trying to get the booktastic award can you give me a list of books? please

jrnolasco [punisher_1984]
Sent: 10/1/2005 07:12pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Read my pet’s desc. Please.

punisher_1984 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you and i’m also 20 year old

ObZelda [obzelda]
Sent: 10/1/2005 10:16pm
Subject: Voyager Status
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, Im frm Singapore too, but haha, still in Singapore, Ive just started on neopets(after a break of over a year, this account being my 2nd) and was just wondering how you managed to get the “voyager” status in your lookup. Is there a game you need to play or something?

Stephanie Sanspeur [talenav84]
Sent: 11/1/2005 05:02am
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


Congratulations with your Award. Can you tell me what books there are in the Booktastic Bookshop, because when I visit the shop I always see the same books.


Morgana Silverwolf [silverwomen658_13]
Sent: 11/1/2005 07:16am
Subject: Snow Balls for Sale
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hello there! I was just reading that you are colecting snow balls of various types. I have many snow balls for sale that are low priced. They are locaded in my shop.

Thank you! I hope you have a very nice day!

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 11/1/2005 10:19am
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: That 800k would also be just a possible risk/reward thing to hit silver, though.. so it’s a bit risky, hrm. Good chance it’ll be silver, but also a fair chance it won’t since 1 or 2 more people -might- read before then to get 38. (Albeit unlikely I think)

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Yeah. Well, I left the offer for over a day and no response, so I
took that off and now have one in of 500k for Home Decorating.
Caberdrone got his pretty bronze trophy sometime in the night and I’m
so happy and proud! I finally got him a book award! ^__^

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 11/1/2005 10:24am
Subject: Re: Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nice, woooot! Grats it looks pretty There’s also an r99 in trades that restocked last night, but that’s a couple million worth of np :/

starstormdragon Replied:

[Report Message] Oh? Was that the Neocola Machine one? I neomailed them
asking how much they were wanting, figuring it never hurts as long as
one is polite, but I suppose that’s quite out of my range if it is that

puppy_heaven94 [puppy_heaven94]
Sent: 11/1/2005 12:47pm
Subject: hi! I love your shop!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how in the world did you get so good items,well i guess if you ask me,everytime I get to having atleast,50 petpets,i get hcked(cant write real word so put in chat)by the way,i dont know you but i guess your look up is clear,but do you have AOL?if you do we could chat,please reply!

Clairewager [star19812333]
Sent: 11/1/2005 01:50pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi sorry to bother you but i wa wondering if i could have a list of all the book tastic books you have read please i want my petpet to be really smart like yours

Sent: 11/1/2005 02:00pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Afraid I won’t accept that trade, sorry.. that book’s quickly devaluing and isn’t worth anywhere near that (it used to though!) and I’ve already read it anyway But thanks.

cottondego Replied:

[Report Message] Ok, thanks any way

Elizabeth McLain [beauty_girls200300]
Sent: 11/1/2005 04:02pm
Subject: want 2?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] want 2 be my neofriend?

*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 12/1/2005 02:22am
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Only now? i am willing to pay 450K for the Kreludan Home Decorating

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 12/1/2005 10:37am
Subject: .
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi are you online its 10:36nst and im intrested in buying your book Kreludan Home Decorating and was wondering if you would haggle on it at all?

*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 12/1/2005 11:46am
Subject: Re: book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, but no thank you.

super_mall Replied:

[Report Message] 500K??

*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 12/1/2005 12:05pm
Subject: Re: book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well that’s what my lot wishlist is.

super_mall Replied:

[Report Message] i know

DeadMarieRoses [blacktwistedroses]
Sent: 12/1/2005 03:14pm
Subject: Muppet Mega Mall
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How do you get in??I want to be the music part of the mall.Or do you have to join a certain guild???

PackAttack [gopackgo44]
Sent: 12/1/2005 04:47pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] CAn you please give me a list of all of the bookastic books your pets read???? PLEASE!!! I really need them.

PackAttack [gopackgo44]
Sent: 12/1/2005 04:58pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Read my pets desc, please.

gopackgo44 Replied:

[Report Message] o.k.

_1ncxTc_ [_inc_boi_]
Sent: 13/1/2005 03:00am
Subject: Re: rare book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, sure I just RS books.. I can’t hope to compete with the weapons/potions/foods etc restockers Already a full time job RSing books anyway But no prob, glad to help! Feel free to ask

_inc_boi_ Replied:

[Report Message] hi i jus get hold of Kreludan Home Decorating

how much can i sell?

ihavenoname [jazzitup13101]
Sent: 13/1/2005 04:50am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what books do you need and how much are you willing to pay for them?

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 13/1/2005 11:04am
Subject: Re: Structural Engineering
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Btw, you know to hold that book until they decide what they’re going to do with the Brightvale book award, right? Hopefully they separate it.. yike.. though I have one myself now.

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] Brightvale Book Award…I swear TNT smokes some funny stuff. :-p

Shelby Boyd [shebby_lloyd]
Sent: 13/1/2005 11:20am
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was wondering if you could neomail me a list of the Booktastic Books your neopet has read. It would be greatly appriciated. Thanks

J L [jlynn1186]
Sent: 13/1/2005 10:39pm
Subject: cookie book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] just to let u know the cookie book is on sale right now in the store

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 12:17am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you still have aai?

Gloria [glospencer]
Sent: 14/1/2005 01:05am
Subject: Grats jess!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I just saw you on the list, grats!!


NatalieW [natbug_00]
Sent: 14/1/2005 06:32am
Subject: I *heart* Sloth
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I *heart* Sloth ( C, D, B, C, A ) ‘’ :

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:22am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT,

Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 29984250 (for Secret Laboratory Map). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction.

Bid : 35000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:32am
Subject: chat?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Why don’t we see you in chat anymore? My lap is cold and feels unluffed.


RoseMaunder [bruces_rule203]
Sent: 14/1/2005 08:00am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi there! I am Rose! Wow your pet has read SO many books!

codyvanscoy [halo2_333]
Sent: 14/1/2005 01:06pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is halo2_333 and I was wundering if you would be my neofriend

gaby Kvederaviciute [sweet_hart_love974]
Sent: 14/1/2005 01:36pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi was up plz send me a neo message i need some friends

Elicia Ng [songo12345]
Sent: 14/1/2005 04:05pm
Subject: Re: Uggh
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There are 31 old ones, and several very rare ones.. try


songo12345 Replied:

[Report Message] oh thanks

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 14/1/2005 05:12pm
Subject: Re: So fast.
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Rules to Rule By – r88 Dr Sloth Collectables – r86 Sloth Hair Tips – r87

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks Jess. I was hoping you can help me out.

Im going for the gold…but not telling anyone yet (or refreshing my books). There are enough new ones that if I buy two or three unbuyables I’ll be in a position where I may be able to do it.

Can you be my helper and let me buy what you restock or find me some unbuyables I need?

SSSHHHH! Its a secret for now. I want to lull those above me not to read so fast.

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 14/1/2005 05:20pm
Subject: Re: So fast.
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure But Ive had terrible luck restocking so far.. I can’t even RS anything worth squat anymore. But I’ll give you a shout if I get anything.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘Cool – I will start reading that straight away!’

Taelias Tips vanishes in a puff of yellow smoke!

Another down!!

mattb [mattmatt123]
Sent: 14/1/2005 05:34pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would u give me a Tyrannian Petpet Paint Brushif i gave u a glowing petpet pb and a glowing wadget

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:04pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yep I do Just sitting around in sdb, do you still want it?

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] uh huh how much pure you want

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:11pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not 100% sure what .. between 2 to 2.5m if in pure, I think is slightly below market price. And a no-resell condition.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] 😡 what items will u accept with 800k (ie foods other books?) oh and why arent u in spankys or yahoo 😡

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:33pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I havent used Yahoo in ages, and I haven’t felt like going on chat in a couple days, sorry :/

Uhhh.. books are the best with 800k.. maybe toys or bunny items but I could use the boost in book rankings

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] hmm ive got The Grizzly Gruslen, flotsam wok, trig and Peophin Power!

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:40pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: how much is trig? I think I’ve read the rest.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] ray says 3 mil so i guess 3 mil 😡 bj tried to get it from me for 2 mil….but failed ;o

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:48pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not 100% sure what .. between 2 to 2.5m if in pure, I think is slightly below market price. And a no-resell condition.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] aai = 2mil, khd = 500k(but will go down eventually) and trig is 3 mil, you do the math 😡

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:53pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: AAI is 2.5, not 2, though I usually try for 3 on tp, just giving you a discount.

Though to offset the non-pure I can throw in two khd if you want to deal with them both.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] cant u just offer 500k instead of KHD and ill accept

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 07:57pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Pffft, I’m nearly broke, hehe. Ah well, I can always sell the extra r94s. AAI and 500k?

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] nah since its you and ur from spankys go and offer what u said before(aai + 2 khd right? o_O)

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 08:00pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Seriously, I’ll offer either.. technically the 2 KHD is worth more than 500k, if you can sell them, just takes a tad longer. You can have either though.. 2*khd or the 500k, neomail back telling which one and I’ll bid.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] 2 khd it is 😡

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 14/1/2005 08:15pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh no it was right.. Neo just showed me the wrong new event picture, silly Neo.

Lyxanie says How many books are in Neopia? I want to read them all!’

Trigonometry Hyperbolics vanishes in a puff of green smoke!

Lyxanie says thanks!!

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] hehe yeah

You have added Alien Aisha Invasion into your shop!
You have added Kreludan Home Decorating into your shop!

36/48 gallery, nearly complete i guess

hey did u get uni myths yesterday?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 14/1/2005 08:49pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Havent seen you in a while. Hope all is well!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 14/1/2005 08:59pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *snuggle*

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Do you want a Rainbow Scorchio Plushie for cheap?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 14/1/2005 09:19pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure where at? Though tomorrow.. will prolly be off for bed by the time you read this :/ *hugs* Nini

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] aww nini… well when you get back cheapest you see and 50% off

ihavenoname [jazzitup13101]
Sent: 15/1/2005 07:33am
Subject: Re: books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, You mean Kreludan books? Well, list (of like 7 books) is on Lyxanie’s desc.. although depending on which book and what type of payment (np, or otherwise) I’ll probably pay 4-5 (unlikely 5) million for the r100s, less for the r97. Have to watch my budget and all, won’t be able to buy more than one with pure.

jazzitup13101 Replied:

[Report Message] Wow! That’s alot of money! Is that how much they’re worth? That’s crazy! I can’t afford anything over 160k because the other 400k that I have is for the lab ray my dad is selling to me.

ihavenoname [jazzitup13101]
Sent: 15/1/2005 07:45am
Subject: list
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] have you read moon missions or galactic adventures? I looked at the list you had and I couldn’t find any of them in trades or shop wiz. The books above were the only ones I have seen while browsing a shop. sorry. I tried,

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 15/1/2005 10:23am
Subject: 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hope you like Happy Belated New Years gift ;P

SwiftFox [baby_blueyoshi]
Sent: 15/1/2005 07:42pm
Subject: Drackonack
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can I borrow your Drackonack for 12,000 please?


Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 15/1/2005 08:24pm
Subject: Re: 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Wow… thank you very much *hugs*

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] hehe look at my trades… * i will get honorary *

mattb [mattmatt123]
Sent: 15/1/2005 08:33pm
Subject: wat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wat happened 2 ur rainbow pet

mattb [mattmatt123]
Sent: 15/1/2005 09:14pm
Subject: Re: Hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ummm.. certainly. Just send the items or use trades?

mattmatt123 Replied:

[Report Message] r u ther

YolandaFahizzle [gangstayolanda]
Sent: 16/1/2005 09:13am
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, could i put you down as my neofriend so i can find your shop? I really like it and some times i forget people’s neopet names.

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 16/1/2005 05:39pm
Subject: Re: Blade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for the stabber. Is that good for the BD, or..?

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] just me being to lazy to sell

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 16/1/2005 05:40pm
Subject: Re: Blade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe thanks!

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] hiding from chat?

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 16/1/2005 05:45pm
Subject: Re: Blade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah.. havent felt like logging on for several days.. one of those things I suppose. Oh, before I forget, thanks a bunch for snowballs too

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] to many muppets not enough of you in there

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 16/1/2005 05:57pm
Subject: Re: Blade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe! Thanks for the thought, though. Hope everyone’s doing ok. Just burnt out on Neopets for now.

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] your telling me i just got like 1.4mill glitched away the other day

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 16/1/2005 06:07pm
Subject: Re: Blade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack What happened??

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] unequipping weapons

cutiepie_932388 [cutiepie_932388]
Sent: 17/1/2005 08:24am
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] G~T~R~J~E~S~S can u be my neofriend plese my real name is jennifer i will do anything for you to acept to be my NEOFRIEND

ilove mypup [i_love_my_pup777]
Sent: 17/1/2005 12:46pm
Subject: !!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have a krel. cookie book,do U want it?

MayraDaRocha [geniusgirl2008]
Sent: 17/1/2005 01:58pm
Subject: Help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] pleaz, i need a Booktastic book, just one more, do u have any u can sell me?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 17/1/2005 07:44pm
Subject: 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks!! I actually updated my gourmet needed database
275 gourmets stashed/fed and now im broke Havent seen you in
chat in a while

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 18/1/2005 02:25pm
Subject: 😛
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] *snuggles*

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 18/1/2005 02:26pm
Subject: Re: 😛
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for snowballs.

teehee89 Replied:

[Report Message] np, i accidentally sent a wand to username gtr >< *thwaps self*, but you got everything else

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 18/1/2005 02:37pm
Subject: 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Whatcha want for your birthday? I’m trying to get things outta my way a month ahead of time Hehehe =)

*hugs* – Chad

Sparkywoof [sparkywoof]
Sent: 19/1/2005 09:39am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey im selling Book of Evil Schemes which is r95 and i thought it migth help you get higher on the book awards, are you intrested to buy?

Sparkywoof [sparkywoof]
Sent: 19/1/2005 09:46am
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh nope, thanks, but grats if you were the one that just snagged it earlier.

sparkywoof Replied:

[Report Message] Yep i did and im not a ab!

do you rs?

Sparkywoof [sparkywoof]
Sent: 19/1/2005 09:49am
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Now and then, but not very good at it anymore since the stupid ads came in. And nice.

sparkywoof Replied:

[Report Message] Well itz the best way to make money for me do youy have aim?

FavioSmith [niniandemi]
Sent: 19/1/2005 11:52am
Subject: petpet, please?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello! Would you be generouse enough to donate? I am looking for petpets that would like a nice home! I am a very generouse person. In fact, too generouse, for, you see, I am running a little short. Now I am looking for another generouse person who would be willing to donate a petpet. I will accept anything. I have 3 abominable snowballs, but, if you really, REALLY wanted to, I would like a Turnali. That is my dream petpet.

Federico Garnelo [el_argentino_1987]
Sent: 19/1/2005 12:13pm
Subject: petpets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hola, quer�a saber como haces para tener tantos petpets a la venta y tambien NP porque depende de la plata, �como te comprastes todos esos objetos�,como ganastes tantos NP?. Contestame lo mas r�pido que puedas.



SamanthaHermes [drautski]
Sent: 19/1/2005 03:12pm
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Is there somewhere I can get booktastic books besides kreludor?

ElisaWolf [wolflilli]
Sent: 19/1/2005 04:48pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, good afternoon. I was wondering what price range you were looking for for your magical rainbow cybunny, something around the neighbourhood of 800k pure, or more, or less? Sorry to be a pain, but I have no clue how much that particular one is worth, (the guess was a stab in the dark) and would appreciate any indication or wishlist. Thanks for your time

wolflilli Replied:

[Report Message] Hey Sorry it took me so long to get back to you but I just got home from work. I would take 700000 pure since it is so rare.

ElisaWolf [wolflilli]
Sent: 19/1/2005 05:42pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey, and no prob.. left soon after myself, and thanks for the reply. I will make the bid in a minute, thanks.. then it’ll go into gallery.

wolflilli Replied:

[Report Message] Hey sorry but I had another offer that I did not see until I mailed you. I could not pass up the other one. SORRY. If I would have seen it first I would not have said i would take your offer. You want your gelert card back I will gladly give it back to you if you want it back.

ElisaWolf [wolflilli]
Sent: 19/1/2005 05:49pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh no, the other offer was mine.. I think.. I gave 700k and a Healing Potion 12 and got the magical rainbow cybunny. You asked for 700k right? Its already in the gallery (see bunnymph) though if you meant some other offer then I’ll give it back?

wolflilli Replied:

[Report Message] Hey sorry I messed up. I wanted YOU to have it because you have what I was looking for. Sorry, it has been a LONG day. I am going to have to stop at your shop and take a look at it. I am glad you enjoy it.

ElisaWolf [wolflilli]
Sent: 19/1/2005 05:51pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, that’s quite ok, and I don’t really know its price anyway but 700k sounds like a good price for it (and I could certainly afford it). *hug* Thanks!

wolflilli Replied:

[Report Message] You are very welcome and thank you, too. I went and checked out your gallery and it is AWESOME. I really like it very well done.

Thamy [payasonik]
Sent: 19/1/2005 07:01pm
Subject: plis HELP!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i really need the doglefox what do u want 4 it my most valuable items i have 2 codestone and a faerie i coul give them to you and more stuuf for the fox!!! but plis help me gat it pliiiiiis i really need it ive been looking 4 it scince i first got to neopets!!!!plis im beggging u helppppp!!!

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 20/1/2005 12:19am
Subject: Fweee
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you mind linking my pic for the bc? The pic is on my look-up. I’d really appreciate it. I only ask because you are so uber-popular The new contest starts sometime today. As of now it hasn’t. Anywho, let me know! I could use all the help I can get. Ohhh perhaps you can put it on the guild web-site as well? Fwee! Luff~ Foo & Gavin P.S. I sent this to Fran, Jenn, Marie, & Ray too lol…

Gustavo Verdugo [gustavo_verdugo]
Sent: 20/1/2005 09:03am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you are magnifict!!!! you are very very good

NobodyyouKnow [devil_ixi1122]
Sent: 20/1/2005 12:51pm
Subject: ??
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you please tell me if you know anybody that has a list of kreludan books? Thank you!

NobodyyouKnow [devil_ixi1122]
Sent: 20/1/2005 01:07pm
Subject: Re: ??
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Indeed, there’s a link off of Lyxanie’s desc page with the link, one of a couple around the net but the one I posted in guild offsite forums Link is here: (www.) And hopefully silly Neopets doesn’t block it. Hope that helps.

devil_ixi1122 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank You!

TommyKorreng [gamefreak1739]
Sent: 20/1/2005 01:47pm
Subject: i have a book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have the krelusein cookie cookbook how about 600 np?

TommyKorreng [gamefreak1739]
Sent: 20/1/2005 01:53pm
Subject: Re: i have a book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: It’s cookie “cookbook” not cookie “book”. Are you sure? They’re two different books.

gamefreak1739 Replied:

[Report Message] oops wrong one its just im trying to get the trophie for the booktastic books and my pet thinks its boring

TommyKorreng [gamefreak1739]
Sent: 20/1/2005 01:56pm
Subject: Re: i have a book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Try changing the language on the sidebar, reading the book, then changing the language back after. Do that for any boring book. (In some cases you might have to change to a different language more than once)

gamefreak1739 Replied:

[Report Message] ok ill try its hard to find the diferent books it always show only the ones i have read already at the store thanks

TommyKorreng [gamefreak1739]
Sent: 20/1/2005 01:58pm
Subject: Re: i have a book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yep The other books are super-rare and ultra-rare types, many at the most appear once per month (or something crazy like that) for a few seconds before someone snaps them up.

gamefreak1739 Replied:

[Report Message] ok it worked so now my pet is now a super genius

dianne king [beachbabe77770]
Sent: 20/1/2005 08:03pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] please tell me where you got all those pet pets i really need one my pet is so lonley

xCurlyX xFriX [xxpanther_powerxx]
Sent: 21/1/2005 03:44pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox


DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:07pm
Subject: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i got i got Guide to the Neocola Machine i think you haven’t read before.

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:09pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: How much?

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] haha actually i don’t know how much so i started 3 mil but you can try haggle.

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:13pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah, thank you though. 3 mil would be about right though I think.

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] ya i also think that is too expensive for a book. and you are a experenced reader so what is the price you think it cost?

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:20pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well honestly I wouldnt sell for under 3 mill, cause its an r99 of a section where one extra book makes a lot of diff.

But you might have to hang on to it for a little bit.

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] i don’t think anybody will buy it at 3 million. and i won’t think i
will sell it so soon unless you buy it. what do you think about 2.5 mil?

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:30pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well to be honest Ive already read it, and so has that no. 1 guy I believe, the only reason why I want it is so others can’t catch up The first 2 days something like 4 of them popped, I managed to RS and read one.

I wont have enough for another r100 though if I pay 2.5, so I’m afraid I’ll have to turn that down as well. And its a bit hard to do 2m+items or something (not that I have any of the leet bd items everyone keeps asking for).

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] haha… if i get something interesting at booktasic books i will sell
it to you immediatly( so no one can be your match ) continue to win
people. may i add you as a friend? and oh ya which book you have not
read u could tell me i may help if i see it.

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 06:42pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, I appreciate that, and certainly, please add

I wont accept immediately though, running off for dinner (7:30 pm here in Canada) but will accept after. And oh, there’s a list of needed books on Lyxanie’s desc page I think (not petpage)

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] i will try not to sell that book.( unless they buy it for 3 mil) which is alot to me.but don’t worry no one will buy it at that price.

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:05pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, but naw, I beat everyone close to me in ties except for that top guy, I think. Feel free to sell though (just not to him! heehee ) – but I appreciate the thought.

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] don’t worry i will try to get those you don’y have haha

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:08pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, and if I don’t have enough I’ll raise the rest to buy it from you. Although I have about 5.5 in bank, enough for one and a little bit left over. (But not enough to buy the Guide and have enough for another)

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] i don’t mind. beacuse there many out there who haven’t read this book
they may think that this is a good offer.hopefully buy it from me

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:11pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, and if I don’t have enough I’ll raise the rest to buy it from you. Although I have about 5.5 in bank, enough for one and a little bit left over. (But not enough to buy the Guide and have enough for another)

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] oh ya can you look out for fruits( i mean real fruits) in neopia
because i got a small collection of them in my shop. if you come
by to see a fruit that i don’t have please tell me thx

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:17pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure, dont suppose you have a list of fruits you don’t have? (I also have a bunny gallery, if you ever have any cybunny stuff to sell )

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] sure while you help me i will try to help you too.

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:30pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Question: Some of the fruity items in your shop are on sale? Are they all overpriced, or there’re some types you don’t collect?

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] We are just collecting… we only sell those that do not look like real fruits

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:35pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahhh ok I see How about.. all those meri acre berries?

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] haha i thought of it last time but found out that i love real life
fruits maor so i started collecting them like apple, orange, watermelon
those fruits. .

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:38pm
Subject: bc
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Ok you can vote for my lenny now lol… I fixed all the problems Hes ready to go! Fweee! Luff~ Foo PS the links on my look-up

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:42pm
Subject: Re: bc
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ooh I will Oh, also, think the last message’s reply got eaten up by Neopets.. but I don’t think it’s legal to put a link to advertise someone else’s BC on your userlookup/shop.. BJ did that once for Fran and got a warning (and she lost some votes I think) so I prolly won’t be doing that :/ But I will vote and ask around word of mouth

o0o_opiate_o0o Replied:

[Report Message] ty i better go delete it off my sis’s things then

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 21/1/2005 07:47pm
Subject: re: bc
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] is it ok for me to advertise in my shop, petpage, siggy, and look-up?

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 08:09pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Those you might be interested in, not sure how many fit your theme, but all I have in sdb.

Also have other veggie-like stuff like:

turnip, parsnip, organic radish, rotten parsnip, some pea items, rotten onion/artichoke, strawberry artichoke, potato items, brightvale/meridellian fruits, assorted coconut balls, and several others

Actually, will send those coconuts in case too.

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] Oh man!! Thanx alot!! We thank u so much! Well,good begets good.. hehe..

DEK [tssk]
Sent: 21/1/2005 08:41pm
Subject: Re: i got a booktastic book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Awww, you shouldn’t have, but thanks a bunch

tssk Replied:

[Report Message] u are welcome

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 21/1/2005 09:41pm
Subject: Re: re: bc
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh yeah, for yourself you can, just (supposedly, mind you, and I’d say leave it on your sister’s too anyway) not supposed to ask others. But even guild and boards and all is ok too.

o0o_opiate_o0o Replied:

[Report Message] I already deleted it off hers… oh well lol Thankx for the info hun? You still collect snowballs?

Shayan Baig [master_shayan]
Sent: 22/1/2005 05:59am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you tell me all the booktastic books you have read. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE! Reply me soon!

booktastic books [booktastic_books]
Sent: 22/1/2005 12:08pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please give me some booktastic books i just started 3 days ago…

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 23/1/2005 12:38am
Subject: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi there, I believe we’ve spoken before… I’ve got a copy
of Kreludan Cookie Cookbook I’m considering selling if I get a good
offer. If you’re interested, please let me know. Thanks~

Darkbringer [voodoogator]
Sent: 23/1/2005 10:04am
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, are you online now?

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 23/1/2005 12:38am
Subject: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi there, I believe we’ve spoken before… I’ve got a copy
of Kreludan Cookie Cookbook I’m considering selling if I get a good
offer. If you’re interested, please let me know. Thanks~

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 23/1/2005 10:40am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, and certainly, Id be interested in purchasing it or trading for it if you’d be selling, although I’m afraid I’m not sure what price range you would consider a good offer for the book? But I’d definitely like a shot at the book please

Thanks for your time.

chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for the response, and congrats on being so high up on the
Booktastic list. To beat the current offer, I’m afraid you would need
to offer at least 2M though. If you’re still interested, let me

naves [naves280]
Sent: 23/1/2005 10:46am
Subject: Bleh!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Are you currently online?

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 23/1/2005 11:00am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hrm, whos put the 2 million offer currently, does it happen to be that top guy on the list whom I’m tied with? I’d pay about 2 million for it, I think, but depends how much more than 2 million it goes to, heh. Not too much higher, but you could put me down for a 2m bid (or 2.1 if the last one was 2m), thanks.

And thanks for your compliment, same to you for your regular booklist award! I dont have any of the books you need currently though, I’m afraid (though I’ve RSed a couple of them before)


chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for the compliments as well. If you ever rs any of those books again – please do let me know.

It’s actually someone in the bronze who wants to buy it. They
hinted that they would be able to go higher than 2M… but I still need
to wait for a response. If you’re interested, instead of me going
and forth between the two offers… I would ask that you put forth your
best offer (I’ll ask the other person to do the same), and whoever
offers the most I can sell it to right now. Thanks~

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 23/1/2005 11:06am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Certainly, and hrm, I’ll stop at 2.1m I think. Not in that big of a hurry, that no. 1 guy has only r100s left and I still have the r97. Thanks for the offer though!

chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] That’s quite understandable – the other person is very eager for it. Good luck to you~

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 23/1/2005 12:35pm
Subject: I’m selling the only book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m selling the only book of… Kreludan Cookie Cookbook. It is in my trades if you are interested at all. Have a nice day

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 23/1/2005 12:41pm
Subject: Ohhhh…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I will be holding the trade up for a few more hours atleast. That is unless you can’t “up” your offer a bit

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 23/1/2005 12:46pm
Subject: Re: Ohhhh…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: To how much? You can’t put in more than 800k on a single lot, thus I did 800k + 250kish book

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] I know I was thinking along the lines of, say a complete normal treasure map ontop? I will accept this over another offer i have just recieved of 1.2

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 23/1/2005 01:03pm
Subject: Re: Ohhhh…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Normal treasure map? *searches sdb* How about 500k and 6 pieces?

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Congrats on your gold again, lol. Nice doing business with you!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 23/1/2005 01:05pm
Subject: Re: Ohhhh…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, and Lyxanie says thanks.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Bet she did If i restock any other books like that, i will neomail you

Devon [picklegirl780]
Sent: 23/1/2005 02:04pm
Subject: kreludan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please send me a list with the names of all the kreludan books you have read?


Larae [icy_myst27]
Sent: 23/1/2005 05:36pm
Subject: Hello! I have a question.
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey! Im trying to get a booktastic book award, but I buy all these books, but my pet has already read them. I saw that you were in first and I thought maybe you could help me. I saw all of the books that you pet has read (well, on it’s page). I try to find those books, but I can’t. The shop wizard doesn’t have them either. And I also constantly look back at the Kreludan Booktastic Book Shop, and I see all of the books I have currently read. Can you help me?

Priti Ahmed [prettypriti94]
Sent: 23/1/2005 05:37pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, do u want to be my
neofriend? i have a mynci a wockey, and a quiggle, wat r ur pets? do u
no were to get a paintbrush for les? check out my shop, go to search
neopets at the bottom and type prettypriti94, and then click the misty
cloud, i no i dont have much stuff but im catchin up, please b my

Nel [baby_mo_mo647]
Sent: 23/1/2005 05:38pm
Subject: It’s sister’s birthd
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Tomorrow is my sister’s birthday (1/23/05) & she wants a Snowbunny more than anything for a Neopets birthday present. I see you have a Snowbunny in your shop & I was wondering if you could give it to her as a birthday present. It’s just, Snowbunnies are up for like only galleries now & I can’t find one anywhere! My sister’s user is: cybunnycraz999

DuckyLover [duckylover13]
Sent: 23/1/2005 06:14pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Could you please tell me how much neopoints you spent on Booktastic Books so your pet could recieve that medal??! i would greatly appreciate it thank you!

DuckyLover [duckylover13]
Sent: 23/1/2005 06:18pm
Subject: Re: Hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek, sorry, premature send. Good question..about 8 million, because of two rare books I got. The total value of the books I’ve read is about 15-17 million so far though.

duckylover13 Replied:

[Report Message] thats is alot!! umm but you only spent 8 million because of those 2 books? and lets say without the 2 rare books it would be aproximatly how much?

Jason Cole [lordstryfe21]
Sent: 23/1/2005 09:06pm
Subject: List?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you please send me a list of the Booktastic Books you’ve read?

jsds dfdsff [clone_of_someone2]
Sent: 24/1/2005 09:51am
Subject: NeoMajic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] w w w . n e o m a j i c . n e t
Hi, I remember talking to you a while ago on my old account. I just want to inform you of this great site Ive just found. You have to join, all about Neopets. Get tips on making Neopoints. Get artmoney hacks for Neopets. Join now!!

w w w . n e o m a j i c . n e t

Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:12am
Subject: uni
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Urm, sorry to disturb you, but I was looking at your pets lookup and it said that it hoped to be a faerie uni. Are you interested in buying the paint brush?


Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:13am
Subject: Re: uni
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Faerie ixi, not uni, and nope, I already have the brush (and an ixi transmog). Thanks for offer though

abcgallery Replied:

[Report Message] -_- I cant read..

Your welcome

Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:17am
Subject: Re: uni
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah no prob. Hmm.. your UL suggests a gallery but can’t figure out what your gallery-type is from the items in the shop.. any hint?

abcgallery Replied:

[Report Message] Eep. Those items are for sale Not the junk ones though.. they were just an experiment.

My gallery theme is cookie and I have about 40 cookies, in my shop, but they are priced 0 to make it easier for people to buy my overpriced bakery items

Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:26am
Subject: Re: uni
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahhh ok Hm.. *curious* got a wish list up anywhere? And neat, thanks for the info

abcgallery Replied:

[Report Message] Hehe, your welcome (=

I dont have a wishlist, no.

I have priced the cookies, so you can see them now

Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:36am
Subject: Re: uni
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah no prob. Hmm.. your UL suggests a gallery but can’t figure out what your gallery-type is from the items in the shop.. any hint?

abcgallery Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you SO much! You spoilt me! Wow. Thanks xxx

Honey [abcgallery]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:37am
Subject: Re: uni
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww thanks, hehe, was just clearing out sdb. Appreciated! *stuffs into sdb*

abcgallery Replied:

[Report Message] Hehe.. Couldn’t think of what to get you..

Dominc Benwell [0_the_phantom_0]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:46am
Subject: kreludan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, i was hoping u could tell me some or all of the names of the kreludan books plz coz i got 31 at the moment and i want help so plz help me

From 0_the_phantom_0

Dominc Benwell [0_the_phantom_0]
Sent: 24/1/2005 10:48am
Subject: Kreuldan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, i was hoping u could tell me some or all of the names of the kreludan books plz coz i got 31 at the moment and i want help so plz help me

From 0_the_phantom_0

Larae [icy_myst27]
Sent: 24/1/2005 12:58pm
Subject: Re: Hello! I have a question.
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hiya, and yeah :/ Afraid most of the books simply are far too rare to have many (in some cases, any) copies floating around for people to buy, or to keep as spares, with about a dozen at least out of the 48 that are near to impossible unless you can restock (and they restock probably one copy every 1-2 months, in worst case).

icy_myst27 Replied:

[Report Message] -_- aww… Well anyways, thanks for the advice!

amyrowe [ginx_bit]
Sent: 24/1/2005 01:15pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wanna trade… i have little frankie and in ur shop u have catamara, they are the same price in ur shop so could we trade please and u can have the mootix toy thing with it if u want

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 24/1/2005 02:48pm
Subject: Tsk, tsk, tsk…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Jess,

You *really* need an image of some kind to pull muppets from your pet’s lookup to your shop. That little text link is woefully inadequate. :-p

Catch ya sometime soon…I am leaving work soon…


stevens [aaronhi6]
Sent: 24/1/2005 03:25pm
Subject: sned
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] sending u some carrot and snowball items

ILOVEPIGS [mrscoolman]
Sent: 24/1/2005 03:42pm
Subject: can i have a list…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi can i have a list of booktastic books that you have read??????


Bill Durham [billydakid]
Sent: 24/1/2005 04:09pm
Subject: I only want 2 of the 3
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you accept for Do The Moon Bounce and Kreludan Home Decorating. The items offered are at the 600K+ level

Danyael [billy_benji_joel]
Sent: 24/1/2005 04:15pm
Subject: offer
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello I am neomail you because I see that you’re in the book club and I have a one of kind book. It’s name is Kreludan Cookie Cookbook and by all means check for yourself, there is none on the wiz and only mine on tp. If you’re interested in buying this book please reply and we’ll work something out. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Danyael [billy_benji_joel]
Sent: 24/1/2005 05:11pm
Subject: Re: offer
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, and thanks for the offer. Im certainly interested, but truth be told I’ve already read it, so I wouldn’t offer more than about 600k or so for it up front – but you can almost definitely get higher (eventually) if you hold out for better offers, I just unfortunately don’t want to break too much of my bank for it :/

Thanks for the offer, your time, and the well-written neomail though

billy_benji_joel Replied:

[Report Message] it’s okay I sold it already and even for the amount I’ve hoped for *is happy* thanks alot for replying though

Danyael [billy_benji_joel]
Sent: 24/1/2005 05:13pm
Subject: Re: offer
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, okay then. Just curious, how much did you get for it? (And to whom, if its not private?)

And welcome, have a nice day/evening.

billy_benji_joel Replied:

[Report Message] I sold it to chinchineropee for 800k and 2 Icetravaganza Scratchcards worth 110k each

NoneOfYourBuisness [jaguar7076]
Sent: 24/1/2005 05:33pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how much did u end up paying for all of those books?

emmapetty227 [emmapetty227]
Sent: 24/1/2005 06:01pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] will you be my neofriend????

joanna dllrd [shintaolimpe]
Sent: 24/1/2005 06:17pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


i just read you biographi .im french and move to canada 3 years ago .i just wanna chat with you but i warn you im not good in english .I hope you will answer .


ILOVEPIGS [mrscoolman]
Sent: 24/1/2005 06:31pm
Subject: i cant find it
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly, there’s a list on Lyxanie’s desc page (not petpage) with a link, there’s a complete booklist there. Hope that helps

mrscoolman Replied:

[Report Message] i just wat the booktastic books list. if they have one please neomail it to me

u**MICHELE**u [micheleluvsjesus]
Sent: 24/1/2005 07:40pm
Subject: trades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would u take 500k pure np on two of your books, the moon bounce and home decorating tips

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 24/1/2005 07:54pm
Subject: Re: Splat!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for snowball Check my trades too. If you want it bid anything.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message]

No prob!! Snow faerie quests again…lol

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 24/1/2005 07:55pm
Subject: Re: Splat!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks for snowball Check my trades too. If you want it bid anything.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message]

Also, if you snag one, I still need Dr. Sloth Collectables.

– Robin

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 24/1/2005 08:11pm
Subject: Re: Splat!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure Do you need that rules to rule by then?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Read that one. Thanks anyway!

Tony lee [tony706120]
Sent: 24/1/2005 11:12pm
Subject: ???~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 25/1/2005 06:14am
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

570K for the booktastic lot?

*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:12am
Subject: Re: book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, sure, I’ll accept 570k, but not quite auto, ie I’ll probably hold it until tonight before accepting best offer. (It would be best offer currently though – but no guarantees)

super_mall Replied:

[Report Message] got it already for 560K

*Blup* [super_mall]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:14am
Subject: Re: book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah okay, nice then, grats

super_mall Replied:

[Report Message] thank you

? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:25am
Subject: Embarrassed~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Can I only buy Do The Moon Bounce??

Can you sell me 230k and your NeoFriends??

? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:33am
Subject: Re: Embarrassed~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Do the moon bounce for 230k? I can do that, sure. (Let me change my trades)

keats605 Replied:

[Report Message] thenks^^

? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:36am
Subject: Re: Embarrassed~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem.. trade is up

keats605 Replied:

[Report Message] can I do your Neofriends?

? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:45am
Subject: Re: Embarrassed~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I try not to, sorry, because I get dozens of neofriend requests a day and I sometimes can’t find the people I need to find even though I reject most of them. I need to clear out my list sometime soon :/

keats605 Replied:

[Report Message]

All right not at all^^

Still thanks you sell me that book

I live at Taiwan My English not very good sorry~~

? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:48am
Subject: Re: Embarrassed~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem Have a nice day.

keats605 Replied:

[Report Message] ^^Thanks~bye bey

soryulover [abs678]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:48am
Subject: jyhj
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:51am
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] are you willing to haggle on the booktastic book?

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:57am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Depends to how much.. just waiting out for a good or interesting offer.

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] well how much would i have to add in pure to the uber 1337 brush in my trades

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:01am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mm, nice brush. But nah, sorry, I don’t want it.. got enough grooming items (though cheap) clogging up sdb, heheh. Neither do I have/want a faerie gallery.

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] ok im in no hurry *pokes gold trophy….. yeah i just dont want rarities to raise like last time lol

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:03am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mm, nice brush. But nah, sorry, I don’t want it.. got enough grooming items (though cheap) clogging up sdb, heheh. Neither do I have/want a faerie gallery.

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] could you do me a favour though youve read 5 more books then me and i
was wondering what the names and rarities of those ones you read

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:05am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yeah, no kidding :/ That was so bad (though I guess only bad for those newer ones who didn’t get the book then) – and I seem to recognise your UL, didn’t I sell (or haggle?) some stuff to you before? Anyway maybe they’ll release some new Kreludans soon and the price on these will shoot up again.. or maybe they won’t and I can remain on top longer

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] yeah i was really lucky i was one of the first 10 to get gold i was in
3rd place forever but then they came out with a bunch of high rarity
ones and you probably did sell me something maybe an alien aisha
invasion or practical repairs ?lol

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:09am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: check Lyxanie’s desc page.. the link from there is to our guild forum where I made a post about all the names and a little bit more

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] wow so many r100’s thx…..and also i was considering making a
booktastic book guild do you think youd be interested? i know spanky
has a good one but i dont like guilds with that many ppl

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:12am
Subject: Re: Blah
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah :/ And no, afraid not re the guild.. though I can be a sort of unofficial advisor if you like, but I have a bunch of good friends in the guild chat where hardly anyone but the inner core of the guild ever goes, soo.

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] oh dont worry its ok i was just thinking of it but yeah most of the ppl are already in that guild lol….take care

Kysthabr63 [kysthabr63]
Sent: 25/1/2005 01:17pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Please Could You Tell Me How To Get Hold Of The Kreludor Books That Are Extreamly Rare Please Did You Get It For Booktastic Bookshop Or Do You Buy Them From People Thanks

Kysthabr63 [kysthabr63]
Sent: 25/1/2005 01:22pm
Subject: Re: Hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: A combination of both.. although the super rare ones are very expensive if bought from people, and very very rare in shops (and disappear very fast too)

kysthabr63 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks!

ummmwhat!!! [moeajoe]
Sent: 25/1/2005 02:23pm
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

howabout a yellow lenny mp and a pocket satilite for the home decorating book in your trades!

ummmwhat!!! [moeajoe]
Sent: 25/1/2005 02:26pm
Subject: Re: trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks. Have a satellie, so both together don’t do much for me.

moeajoe Replied:

[Report Message] k how about i had 60k?

ummmwhat!!! [moeajoe]
Sent: 25/1/2005 02:29pm
Subject: Re: trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah, thanks, but no thanks, I’ll wait for better deals now that new Kreludans are out and prices will inflate Items aren’t worth their np value 1 for 1 in trades most times.. will probably be looking more for pure np now unless they’re interesting items.

moeajoe Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks!

ummmwhat!!! [moeajoe]
Sent: 25/1/2005 02:31pm
Subject: Re: trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry though. And thanks for offering! (Lyxanie has lenny nightmares from reading Vengeful Scroll – turned her into one)

moeajoe Replied:

[Report Message] OH

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 04:39pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Are you currently online? it is about 4:40 NST.

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:08pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry.. 5:06 now, just got home from a gruelling bus journey. Can I help you?

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] I was goign to offer to buy the book in your trades but it has become buyable in shops. Thanks any ways.

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:11pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, already? Time to reprice. You’re welcome, and thanks for the polite neomails.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] No, no. Thank you =D BTW Do you have any booktastic books for sale? I need the really expensive ones. now.

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:17pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I have one of the r94 ones (Home Decor), but thats the only one of note that I have at the moment :/

Past that I have a copy of a couple of the old r99s but theyre reserved for a guildie friend who’s eventually aspiring to get up there, and I’m still looking for the rest myself.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] Okay, I have read home decor. I am the son of this accounts owner. lol. I am actually naves280. Just surfing on my moms name because I am more than likily swamped by neomails lol. So if you do happen to get kreludan crosswords, neomail that accoutn and I will pay pure for it. I also need every other new book lol. and all the ones you need plus, kreludan cookie cookbook, guide to neocola machines, I migth buy some one else tonight actually, and interplanetary communications. If you have any of those neomail me please =D

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:23pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah ok, and heheh, I perfectly understand what you mean re neomails.. getting so swamped, it was a neat thing at first but quickly wearing thin. And I noticed Id ignored one of your (naves) neomails before in the past, I think, oops.

But certainly, Ill give a shout if I remember if I ever get any of those – RSed the first copy of crosswords this afternoon but promptly read it.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] Well next time you get one. I will pay 500k pure. for it. That alright?

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:24pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah ok, and heheh, I perfectly understand what you mean re neomails.. getting so swamped, it was a neat thing at first but quickly wearing thin. And I noticed Id ignored one of your (naves) neomails before in the past, I think, oops.

But certainly, Ill give a shout if I remember if I ever get any of those – RSed the first copy of crosswords this afternoon but promptly read it.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] BTW have you noticed there are now two galactic adventures? and BTW no biggy on the ignoring. I am a bit nooby arent I?

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:25pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure, if the price hasn’t tanked way below that yet.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] ok =D Thanks so much!

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:29pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw, I just didn’t know how to reply the last time, so ended up I didn’t, get too many in a day. And yeah.. posted that on the forum post linked from Lyxanie’s page, its about an r88/r89 but I’m not sure which, haven’t got a copy, neither can I see it on tp

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] Probably just an error on neo’s part… I think it will be fixed soon or something.

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:32pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aye, I certainly hope so! Like the faerie hot dogs which became faerie leaves hot dogs. Though there are other items with identical names that they haven’t changed. I suppose if its same type of item they will change though.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] Very observant of you, and I just relized who I was talkign to hehe. Nice to meet ya. I will shortly be on naves. lol. I will tell you when I change.

Georgia [georgiamommypeach]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh Certainly, and no prob.. just chatting on here and in guild chat.

georgiamommypeach Replied:

[Report Message] I am switching accounts. BTW if you want to reach my AIM or MSN, it is spirit thief 66 for my IM and ‘’ : Thats if you want to add me. BTW 20th spot now =D

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:41pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw thanks.. I dont use chat programs except irc for guild stuff, slows my comp down too much, already pretty difficult to rs at night with so many people on and my dumb winxp :/ Whee, a Crosswords just flew by. *le sigh*

Grats on 20th, saw it

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] Ahh k. Well, I need one more book now!And I have HS table tropy =D lol. I restock normally early morning, when UB’s are easy to get. I set my self tpo get up at 1:00 NST and I start then. Thats actually4:00 my time :-p I am obsessed and I am trying really hard for the tropy X-X

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:47pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh. I restock in the mornings too, get most of my good stuff then, although I have had success in the evenings, just not as much :/

Id offer a Prac Repairs, I have something ridiculous like 20-30, but you already read.

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] Yup yup Oh well The offer is great lol. How much should I sell the home decore thing for? I have an offer of 225 but Should I hold out for 300,000?

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:48pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Person who snagged Crosswords put it on tp for 500k, btw. Might want to try for it.

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] I just got one for 350k =D

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:49pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Definitely at least 300k. Especially now the prices will inflate slightly again because of the new books. I would think a 300k will come along soon. Im not selling mine for below that, maybe not even that, though might be risky. But its r94

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] Well 340,000 is auto for me. and I am goign to reject now. lol.

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 05:50pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohh nice

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] Yes ma’am =D

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 25/1/2005 06:34pm
Subject: kreludan home decorating
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi again, are you going any lower for the book in your trades? thanks~

Stormy [starstormdragon]
Sent: 25/1/2005 06:43pm
Subject: Illusion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Eep! I want you to know that I almost fell out of my chair when I
saw that book just innocently floating in my inventory. I don’t
think I could ever begin to thank you enough, but I’ll try
anyways. Thank you, thank you, thank you infinity times even more
infinity. ^__^

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:03pm
Subject: Re: kreludan home decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there I probably will, but not by too much.. 500k is wishful thinking unless they inflate again, but the 300k ones sound a bit underpriced. I’d probably accept something around the 400k mark though, if such an offer comes along.

chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] ahh – so you wouldn’t even match the 300k price?

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:08pm
Subject: Re: kreludan home decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nopes, sorry :/ Like I said, I think, though could be wrong, those will disappear in the next couple days.. may very well be wrong, but neh. Like, I don’t mind selling, but I don’t (yet) need to quickly unload it so I’ll wait. Thanks though, and sorry again.

chinchineropee Replied:

[Report Message] appreciate the reply anyhow, thanks~

Tori [sims51250]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:24pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey thanks for buying at my shop I hope I have great prices there thanks again.

Tessa [pixie_dust26]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:28pm
Subject: WOW
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wow you must be richer then the richest!!!I like your guild.

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 07:52pm
Subject: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, wondered if you were on-line and if you would go any lower on kreludan decorating. thanks Jill

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:11pm
Subject: Re: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Hi there, thanks for the neomail, and I plan to, but Im afraid not below 400-450k range or so.. which is certainly not as low as some of the other trades on the tp :/ (Unless they all disappeared within the last hour)

Holding on and hoping price rises a bit

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] okay, here’s the deal, my pet, LiteracyPosterChild is now in 18th place
(close but no cigar). If I offer 400k pure would you please
accept? *crosses fingers* Jill

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:15pm
Subject: Re: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmmmm. Sure.. have you read any of the newer books either? I’ll toss in a Beyond Neopia if I restock one more then.. if you haven’t read.

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] heh, have read that one did you happen to notice how many
creatures from afar restocked? I see only one on the trading post, but
it’s only r80. Do you think if I read Kreludan Home Decorating I will
hold a position and get a booktastic award? oh btw, congrats on your
1st place

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:16pm
Subject: Re: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Actually.. 400k? How about the cybunny transmog in your trades and 100k? Would you accept something like that?

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] excellent i will offer

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:18pm
Subject: Re: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks And you probably will with 39, tonight.. I doubt enough will read to dump you from bronze, highly unlikely though possible, though one more might be nice (and you can hope to get silver too). I’ve only seen the one so far, of Creatures :/ And I got and read it..

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] well if you grab another, please neomail me and i may be interested in it, too
i made the offer *LiteracyPosterChild is on pins and needles* thanks

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:20pm
Subject: Re: kreludan decorating
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, I will. And good luck on the award! Think they give them out at.. 3:45am NST? Not entirely sure, don’t think its midnight though.

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] thank you so much, i landed in 7th place and I hope it hold for silver , but i will be happy with Bronze, too

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:29pm
Subject: books needed
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, potion looks good in my gallery, and hope you do too Will yell if I get that new book (only one you’re missing?) Have a good eve!

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message]

* Books needed (thanks for asking) :

# Creatures from Afar

# Galactic Adventures (the new one)

# Kreludan Crosswords

# The Green Grundo Invasion

# Guide to the Neocola Machine

# Kreludan Cookie Cookbook

# How the Purples Got Their Spots

# Scenic Kreludan Views

# Kreludor Versus Neopia

# Know Your Robot Petpet

# Kreludan Engineering

# Advanced Kreludan Physics

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:43pm
Subject: Re: books needed
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, 3 new ones, the r97, and all the new r99/r100s :/ There’s been quite a few crosswords out though, but I think they’re floating around for something ridiculous like 500k.

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] Okay. Well, if you grab another crosswords or creatures from afar,
please neomail me. I imagine I stay up late tonite. I
am in the USA in the Central Time Zone. Your cybunny gallery is very
nice and well stocked. I cannot believe TNT created a second kreludan
book with the name Galactic Adventures. doh!

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:48pm
Subject: Re: books needed
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah I know, re the book name :/ Certainly to the first, although I just glanced at the clock.. bedtime beckons in 15, so unlikely. And thanks regarding the gallery, although it has a long way to go!

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] okay, if you’re quitting for the night, maybe i’ll get to bed at a
reasonable hour, too, heh. Hopefully everyone will retire for the night
and my position will hold Very nice talking to you – take care

Jennifer & Cory [jenandcory4eva]
Sent: 25/1/2005 08:54pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am asking to the kind people of Neopia to help doante to my mootix bed fund please remember god loves you

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:08pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My pet wont read the Orange Grundo Survival Handbook. Did your pet refused any books? Can I make my pet like the book someway?

Thanks for your help!

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:23pm
Subject: Re: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Caught me going off, will be in bed by the time you read this

Try this site:


It has detail on what to do Cheers!

bearsnax04 Replied:

[Report Message] Awesome! Thank you for your help.

naves [naves280]
Sent: 25/1/2005 09:49pm
Subject: Bleh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Gotten any new books? I will buy ehm =D

naves [naves280]
Sent: 26/1/2005 04:55am
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Ohh nice

naves280 Replied:

[Report Message] =D Got the Guuide to neocola vendign machines and I am now on the top 17 =D I am in 12 last checked =D

? ?? [toysky731]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:22am
Subject: ..question..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

can you see the list of books(which you have read 45 ) to me…. please ><

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 26/1/2005 06:48am
Subject: question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you know if any of the rare books still stock in the book shop?


Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 26/1/2005 08:40am
Subject: Re: Books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, what book is it that you’re buying from him? If he decides not to sell and its un-rare enough that I have a copy I’ll toss one over.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] It’s the Secret Faerie Diary. I hope he isn’t mad I found his post, cuz he was probably just trying to get some honest advice. ~_~

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 08:46am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi. first of all congrats on reading all 4 of the new books, i was wondering what the new Galactic Adventures rarity is. I havent seen it stock yet and i havent seen any of the out, so if you could tell me i would appreciate it


Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 26/1/2005 08:46am
Subject: Re: Books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohhh, okay. I don’t have that one, sorry.. (eep) and naw, I don’t think he will, but good luck getting it.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message]

Thats quite alright, not a problem, cuz you were so nice last night with the Illusen book. ^_^ I’ll just keep my eyes peeled for it, cuz it’ll be a lot easier to get than the darned Faerie Queen book and a couple others.

By the way, does Lyxanie have any special markings or looks as an ixi?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 08:47am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks. Its 89, I’ve got a couple before.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok thank you, if you get ahold of another 1 could you let me know casue if your selling ill buy from you.

hannah ——————— [llrox11]
Sent: 26/1/2005 08:53am
Subject: ur shop rox
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ur shop rules u must b soooo rich

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:19am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I’ll try sure. A little bit more to gold, go you!

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message]

lol thanks i was in 3rd last night but i must have got bumped down after i went to bed

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:22am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, I noticed, and eek :/ Badges are given out I -think- about 3:45am NST (though could be wrong, only going from what I seem to recall a friend saying – I’m never up that late)

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] yeah its sumthin like that….. have you restocked any of the rarity 99-100 books? or did you buy the 1’s you read?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:25am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I RSed neocola machine, and kreludor vs neopia, and bought engineering and already read the 3 others before they changed. Although I’ve also rsed alien aisha/it came from kreludor several times.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] wow, that saves you alot of neopoints lol, i havent read any of the really rare books, except the 1’s that chaged over but i read them b4 that and i also bought a cookie cookbook for 1mil yesterday :X more then i wanted to spend but hey..i was tring to get to the top lol

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:29am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah, the one I did buy cost me a lot, and that was after guild discount :/ Nods on the cookie cookbook, I had to buy that one too and paid about there, I heard someone else paid something insane like 2 million for it though.. ICK!

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] yeah, i heard that also i was like forget that im not paying that much for it….im not the richest person out there lol i cant spend all that on 1 book… and for the neocola machine 1 that someone has they want 3mil for it! its a little bit over priced if you ask me but…i know if i had it and didnt need to read it and it was only 1 out there i would prolly try to sell it that high also lol

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:34am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah It is worth close, but slightly below 3 million though, spoke to that guy who had it since he tried to sell it to me too. Just because its an r99 of a list that everyone thinks s/he has a shot at getting a trophy on.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] god… i really need to make some neopoints it costs alot to be at the top of a chart like this….. or you have to be really good at r/sing which im ok but not great i can usually only get to haggle in booktastic someone allways beats me… i gues it dont help that i dont have good luck either never even saw a RARE book there only ever do the moon bounce and the new 1’s

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:41am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah :/ I can only RS in mornings.. evenings usually too packed, although I sometimes have luck too. Takes a lot of practice and time though.. I have no life. And *blush* I’m always RSing there and main bookshop.. so more than likely I might have beaten you once or twice before, sorry. Eep to the rare books. Yeah, seldom see them about :/

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] you prolly have beaten me out alot i need to start restocking at regular book but i dont know the rare stuff…i want to start reading them books to and get to the top of there eventually also but that will be awhile…. and dont worry i have no life either i restock mornings here all te time its the easiest time and im home (home schooled) so i have free time to get on here while im bored

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:46am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, ahh neat Well I have my bronze award still, everything I have left are new books and UBs from the main shop – restocked most of the non-retired books that I’ve read from the shops

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] are there ALOT or retired expensive books?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 09:58am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Retired expensive books? No.. but a handful. There’s Little Book of Big Volcanos, Full Moon Fever, Golden Shoyru Book, Cotton Tales, Mysterious Book, My First Chia Book.. a couple really Also a bunch of r101s-103s that are expensive, or that poor mortals like us will never get Can I refer you to a rough price guide? Rough because its hard to update all the time, though someone regularly does so, but if you’re interested, sign up (don’t use Neopets username/pw, but its a database) at (www) and take a look Guild site.. nothing malicious on it.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] wow thank you… that will help out alot

matty peacock [rockanrollking]
Sent: 26/1/2005 10:12am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 26/1/2005 10:17am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, and some of the prices are off slightly so buyer beware, but rough guide. You can get into the top 200 book list with only all the buyable books though, I think.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] thats good… maybe ill start that tonight…. lol im gonan be broke

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 26/1/2005 10:43am
Subject: Re: books needed
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats on bronze, though pity it couldn’t be silver!

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for the congrats . Maybe I can move up soon I will watch your trades for any of the following:
Creatures from Afar
Galactic Adventures (the new one)
Kreludan CrosswordsThanks for your help and encouragement. Jill

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 26/1/2005 10:51am
Subject: War Prizes!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for supporting Hannah in the recent battle. You were, of course, on the winning side so you have been granted Clockwork Icy Skeleton and 1,000 NP!!! Your fantastic score was 259 battle points!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 26/1/2005 11:11am
Subject: Hi there!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know you already have bought and red Kreludan Crosswords, but i was wondering if you would still buy one? I was hacked last night, and lost everything, including the items you sold to me. This is the only think i have left

steve [littlezerbs]
Sent: 26/1/2005 12:34pm
Subject: got a book for you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] its in my trades. and its the only one i can find

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 26/1/2005 12:56pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Is there a trick for telling the two galactic adventures books apart?

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 26/1/2005 01:21pm
Subject: Neopox to heal
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] In thanks for your help, I have sent Neopox Pizza so that you can heal your pet. Check out your inventory.


? ?? [keats605]
Sent: 26/1/2005 01:43pm
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can I ask you something about Booktastic Books , why you have readed 46 Booktastic Books , I just only knowed some books in my store.What kind books that I lost?

Can you tell me the books name,please?

huggiebear1996 [huggiebear1996]
Sent: 26/1/2005 03:00pm
Subject: snowballs
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do people who give you snowballs repaid?

*********** [slammaz34]
Sent: 26/1/2005 03:19pm
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i cud get neopeox pizza for yer green uni..

IPFreely [varialheelflip13]
Sent: 26/1/2005 03:59pm
Subject: question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u restock? i kno how to do it but i dont understand it.

emerald goddess [emeraldgoddess]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:20pm
Subject: Booktastic Books Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I am a fellow reader who whould like to get a Booktastic Book
Badge. I was wondering if you knew how to get the book “Advanced
Kreludan Physics”? If you do, please help me out! *Thanks much*
Emerald Goddess

emerald goddess [emeraldgoddess]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:29pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hiya there, and afraid its quite impossible at this point, I think only one copy of the book has ever been restocked (and I didn’t read it/haven’t read it either :/)

emeraldgoddess Replied:

[Report Message] O Ok, I was just wondering. Also I saw that you mentioned in your
user lookup that you have/had paintbrushes. I am currently looking for
a Baby or Darigan Paint Brush and if you know where a good deal would
be could you fill me in?
Thanks a Bunch!!!

emerald goddess [emeraldgoddess]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:32pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nopes, sorry, I just meant I had the faerie one that I’d need eventually. They both can commonly be seen on the TP for a couple hundred thousand np less than Hidden Tower prices though, and often on auctions too, though auctions are hard to get.

emeraldgoddess Replied:

[Report Message] Ok thanks for all the advice!!!

emerald goddess [emeraldgoddess]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:35pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob! Don’t have either myself.. but good luck getting one!

emeraldgoddess Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks!!! Oh by the way do you know of any good guilds I could join?? I
have tried looking but it is kinda confusing when it comes to picking

emerald goddess [emeraldgoddess]
Sent: 26/1/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ours is good, though kinda big. Been in here since the first week or so that I started playing, quite enjoy it here, many bits of useful info strewn about webpage and site and from chatting to others.

emeraldgoddess Replied:

[Report Message] Ok thanks…sorry if I disturbed you with all my questions

Jill [jscmoa]
Sent: 26/1/2005 06:12pm
Subject: Re: books needed
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Got a Creatures From Afar if you still want one

jscmoa Replied:

[Report Message] nice job i would need to buy 2 of the new books to maybe get into
silver position. if i could buy Creatures with Crosswords or the other
new book, i am very interested. Did you get Galactic Adventures (the
new one)? If so, what was its rarity? Congrats on your reading and
thanks for your help. Jill

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 26/1/2005 06:28pm
Subject: Re: Neopox to heal
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Lyxanie says thanks a lot


bearsnax04 Replied:

[Report Message] My pleasure. I started collecting Booktastic books yesterday and have
34 so far. I am going to try to get more in the shop before I start
spending major Neopoints. I am amazed at the prices. Perhaps I have
spent too much time making Neopints from the Pharmacy. Cheers, Allen

Daniela Contreras [dana_dany]
Sent: 26/1/2005 07:05pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you speak spanish?

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 26/1/2005 07:53pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not really in sidebar or shop wiz or tp, they’re identical in name :/ Its only an r89 though.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] thanks!

TonyaUU [laneykaye]
Sent: 26/1/2005 10:53pm
Subject: i
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

i have a question, i was once in the guild you are in, but no body let me participate or like i neomailed the master and they ignored me, if i join again. will it be better?

VOLCOMChiCk [pinkvolcomchick]
Sent: 27/1/2005 12:47am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was wondering what that bronze book with a grundo on your pets stats page was? also, i thinks it’s gnarly that you have read sooooo many bookstastic books!

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:39am
Subject: *drools*
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Man I’m bad, I can’t ever finish anything I set out to do. All my faerie book money is going down the drain. How much ya looking for for that tasty Kreludor book? Cab’s having a fit over them.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:42am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I’ll sell it to you for 100k if you like? Or any bunny/carrot item of any price I don’t have in gallery

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] I think I’ll go for the 100k. Though if I do find any carrot-y things, they’ll be yours. ^_^ I’ll take a peek through my SDB.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:45am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure thanks

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Wow, you have a ton of bunnies! The only ones I had are the cheeky cybunny gnome and the trangle ringing one and you have both, unless you’d like a second?

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:47am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe lots more to go still though! Carrot items too, but naw that’s alright, one of each is bad enough, those infernal bunnies!

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Haha. It’s hard to image you’ve got a lot more though, there’s so many already! I’ll have to compair with neoitems, they usually have everything listed.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:54am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe lots more to go still though! Carrot items too, but naw that’s alright, one of each is bad enough, those infernal bunnies!

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Yay, I’m back up to 16! Two more should bring me silver, but even so, I’d probably get bumped off before tonight. Thankies much, yet again!

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:57am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, and awww. Which are the missing ones for you still?

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Oh, a whole bunch. Of the brand new set, Beyond Neopia, Crosswords, and the stupidly named Galactic Adventures.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:58am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah alright. I’ll send you the next Beyond Neopia I get, don’t buy it at its current price.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Ah, okay. So the 190k one is still overpriced? I was looking at maybe offering, but I won’t.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 09:00am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Beyond Neopia? It should be at like 30-50k in shop wiz now. Comes out like 4-6 per restock.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Oh wow, I didn’t even look there, I assumed with the award, they’d all be unbuyable cuz of it.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 09:13am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe yeah, that one fell pretty fast. But still, it costs like 600 in shop.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Wow, next time I get a chance, I might stake out the place for a bit. For now I have to get over to class. If you happen to get any of the other three, could you possibly save them til about 12:30 NST? I should be out by around then.

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 09:17am
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure, I should still be about then, no prob. Have a good one.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Yay! Thanks. Oh yes, school is sooo entertaining, playing in all those nasty photo chemicals… Yuck.

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 27/1/2005 11:29am
Subject: Avies
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Sent you the mirror. Go to the Gallery of Evil Vira with that in your items. Will give you the avie.

cigale fney [cigale78]
Sent: 27/1/2005 11:36am
Subject: reading books…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


Im wondering how can I make my neopet read a “boring” book? Any idea?



cigale fney [cigale78]
Sent: 27/1/2005 11:54am
Subject: Re: reading books…
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, certainly, the short answer is to change your language, read to him, then change back. For the long answer, visit: (www) Hope that helped!

cigale78 Replied:

[Report Message]

Ho wow! Wonderful, it worked. Thanks a lot.

Ill add you as a Neofriend if you’ll let me…

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 12:31pm
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, just got a Kreludan XWords for you, and a beyond neopia coming right up

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Woohoo, silver, here I come! And how muches would I owe yo

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 12:32pm
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Err, gimme 100k? Don’t really care.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Alright, but I also owe you a spiffy bunny thing once neoitems comes back up and I can see what all there is.

delphiniarocks007 [delphiniarocks007]
Sent: 27/1/2005 12:33pm
Subject: hi>>>>>>
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i was wonderin,what do u want 4 a baby blu????? im poor, but i have good items!!!!

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 27/1/2005 12:36pm
Subject: Re: *drools*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww. Heheh, I won’t mind And I do have sort of a wishlist from neoitems, I just know its not complete.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message]

Yeah, I believe that, theres gotta be countless bunnies wandering around Neopia.

Spot number 7 is mine! I just hope no one steals it.

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 27/1/2005 01:02pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] omg gj on the book totaly pwned me…. im pretty mad about it gj though….

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 27/1/2005 01:04pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks And sorry :/ I refreshed on it.. but managed to hit esc before the refresh went through. Heh.. 2nd r99 today

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] oh bleh bleh bleh i haggled fast and no mistake….argh….how much for it? dont think you can go under 800k for me?

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 27/1/2005 01:07pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not for that one, sorry I haven’t decided on price.. or whether to just keep book first, will have to see. I musta beat you by a split second then :/ I didn’t lag at all, for once. Just did a 4999

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] i went 5353 and took a split second to locate the buzz….ill never
live this one down lol….i guess all i can do is rs some more lol once
again gj….

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 27/1/2005 01:10pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: thanks And *hugs* sorry :/ Well you can be sure I won’t be selling to any of the few closest chasing me, so all safe for the moment Though hm, scanning the list, I’ve made friends with quite a few of the top 20 or so *blink*

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] i got knocked off of top 20 not too long ago i was just in there getting the new r80 books and then bam spotted it….

chris [sadistic_invincible]
Sent: 27/1/2005 01:13pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aha. Yeah, have had a horribly bad time RSing the normals today.

sadistic_invincible Replied:

[Report Message] enough chit chat ive got to redeem myself lol ttyl

Desiree Jessup [mizpeaches13]
Sent: 27/1/2005 02:18pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] If you dont mind, can yo send me a list of the booktastic books your pet has read. I have been trying to find some but I don’ know anymore titles. Please help.


kool_gal_8888 [kool_gal_8888]
Sent: 27/1/2005 03:20pm
Subject: 26535
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hI! I like your uin, you know i have a green uin morfing potion but i sold it in my shop for 5,000np at my shop. I like my noeopets the way they are.

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 27/1/2005 03:27pm
Subject: Hi there again!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I got a bit board of all those Grundos, so i went to the normal bookshop. I RSed a Bumber Cars Guide Book, and was wondering if you were interested? Discounted of course

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 07:44pm
Subject: Books:)
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How have you gotten so many booktastic books? I have 30 some and i cant find these books anywhere. What are some of the NEW ones that you can advise me to get? Like…yeah, new ones. Thank you so much!!

Neomail me back if you can! Please ?

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 07:50pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, not sure what I can advise you to get, depending on budget, but on Lyxanies desc page I have a link to a forum post I made on our guild website where I have a full list of Kreludan books, if you like you can look there for a list. You should be able to get 32, maybe 34 easily, but a bunch of them are nearly impossible to get and very very expensive.


nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks so much!!! I just can’t believe how many you have it’s amazing. 46 geeze! How did you come about getting so many? I think i do indeed have 32, and you are right some are so very hard to get! Geeze, and i thought i’d get them all lol! Well at one point in time i could have….but you know how that goes…actually you dont caus your the winner!

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:00pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, aww, thank you. Well I restock there, but some of them are so rare, got to be lucky to snag them when they come out, lucky if they restock once per month for 5 seconds before theyre snagged up :/

Its crazy really. Ive also bought a few.

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] That really is crazy, i mean one would think it would be a little easier to get them. I can’t wait till they come out with more that are easy to get…lol yeah right! They’d never do that. Have you ever found those really rare books in the shops??

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:10pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Indeed, but I think they want to make it hard to hit the top, they released like 8 books in a row which were r99/r100 couple months ago, not even 8 of them in total have come into existance yet I think. Or maybe around that number. And there are a total of 12 books rarity 99 or more, the icky super-rares. They go for a lot though. And yes, I’ve found a couple, got a couple, but also missed a couple.

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] Those r100’s are so common it seems. They do want to make it hard, and i guess thats sort of common with “the top” spot. I mean look at the normal books, people have like 1000 some! And i’m sure some of those books get very pricey. I never knew they released those 8 back in the day. And you know those are the 12 that i need!! GAH!! Lol i need them. THey do go for a lot, a LOT i’ve tried looking around for them and it’s like…100,000 for all them it’s like…well alright i guess not. I don’t work hard enough at it perhaps?

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:21pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw, the 12 r99/r100s go for about 2-5 million each, depending on who you ask and when, though I’ve read all the 3 r99s and something like 3 of the r100s. Just missing the last 6. Only 3 of them have spare copies floating about, because they were more common before Neopets “decided” to up the rarity and cripple the newer players :/ Read Practical Repairs yet, by the way?

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] Gotta make friends in high places with all this. million, hahahahahah!! Oh i wish i had enough to do that. r100’s are like…not avaliable right? Or just HARD to get? 3 copies in all of neopia geeze. Do you track em around? And nope, don’t have Practical Repairs. I’ve read 31 booktastic books in all, trying to just figure out what ones are a little easier to get and not over 50,00 nps for now, thou that seems hard to do.

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:34pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 50000? There are like 34 below 50k, the two expensive ones of the 34 being Beyond Neopia and Prac Repairs. You can hunt them around.. on the trading post.. though theyre rare enough to warrant a lot of patience, most of the time they’re simply not there. Well they do restock, just that I regularly restock there so there’s more chance (though still very slim) – I’ve been restocking there for months and I’ve only seen 2 of the 9 r100s, once each. (Got one, missed one)

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] You sell rare ones right? Like in your shop? And yeah ive looked around the trading posts and OMG it’s rare to find them there. What’s sad is that i saw “learning krel.” in the booktastic shop and i was like “i wonder if i’ve read this or not? and is it worth getting it..hummm well i’ll come back…hum de dum” and like the sillyness i am i looked it up and it was like…rediculous i hadn’t read it and it turned out to be expensive in peopple’s shops! I felt so silly for not getting it oo geeze!!!

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:38pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes but mines overpriced for the moment, my whole shop is.. we’re stocking to become a mall. Shop wiz prices are much cheaper, and yeah, Learning Kreludan is cheaper in the shop, also good for buying then selling in yours Shop wiz is your best friend though (and remember to refresh a few times on each search to find best price).

But naw, its pretty common”, you’ll see it many times still if you regularly visit

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] Ooooh then i don’t feel so bad about not getting that book!! Yay. OMG THANK YOU SOOO much for the book!!! I read it to bluesea. She’s my main pet ive been reading to and spending money on. If you want to you can check out her pet site, it’s nothing special at all but just something to do. Yay 32 books down

E Duck [e_duck]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:41pm
Subject: thank you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you for your purchase. please stop by again.

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:55pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, and I will. Have a couple extra of those laying about.

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] Well thanks so much again!! Oh and tell me what you think about anything of mine you see. I’ll add you as a friend. Caus that would be nice. And i’ll add your name to my shop (caus that’s where everyones names goes who help me out) so you can go see it there any time!

Lilly [nea15pet]
Sent: 27/1/2005 08:58pm
Subject: Re: Books:)
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Certainly, though won’t be here till tomorrow – hopping off to bed now!

nea15pet Replied:

[Report Message] goodnight then, i am off to bed as well! Sleep well.

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 28/1/2005 04:15am
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hey gtrjess! Congrats on your pet being able to read 46 booktastic books? I know i have not been on neopets for quite a while, but u do still remember me right? I certainly hope u do. Anyway, if you have any rare booktastic books that u dont need and would care to give me a discount or a gd price, pls neomail me, thx. I see u sold your 2 Alien Aisha invasions?

By e way, when is your birthday? Hope u reply soon.

yr neofriend, Charissa.

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 11:26am
Subject: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My pet won’t read certain books, is there anyay to “force” them to?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:22pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yesh sir, you change the sidebar language temporarily. Site explaining it is at: (www)

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for that If you havent found out already, i am collecting the books I have the 34 easy ones, and i will try to restock the other 18 ( fat chance!). Wish me luck! (Although if i RS any of the ones you need, i will sell them to you first though )


Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:25pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks I’ve got pretty good luck there recently.. (check trades ) but trying to raise some np on those so no discounts yet :/ But if I miss them, which I often do, hope you get them.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Guess what i got today, a Creatures from afar, and another Kredulan Cookie Cookbook What you wont believe is that the Grundo leader, and then subsequently the Pant Devils stuck. I never even had time to post them

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:28pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeeeeek You’re kidding, both gone? Ack, sorry to hear. Just missed a moon bounce, darnit, someone fast is there! Or I type slow. But, there will be more!

dogieneo2 Replied:


Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:34pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You collect bottles of black sand? Heheh, so does our guild leader, hope he never visits your userlookup (Sorry, none of either here, already sent to other guildies who collect)

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message]

He he, oh well


You find 12351 Neopoints and also the following items…

2 Gallon Hatz
Green Grundo Plushie
Golden Jelly Window
Halloween Kiko BalloonOnly able to scrape 40k off that

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:36pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek :/ Hmm.. was that a profit or not? As in 40k profit?

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] That was in pay 220, get 40 back *Goes off to gamble again* Also, what second does the BB shop RS at?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:39pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack!! And Booktastic? Hmm.. about :08 to :10 usually, though it varies – sometimes earlier, sometimes much later.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] no wonder it seems to never RS when i check, it already has!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:40pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe. Just missed a crosswords too.. argh! What’s up with this!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message]

Of course! I was wondering how i got 3x

The Shopkeeper says I accept your offer of 1100 Neopoints!’

Kreludan Games has been added to your inventory


Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:46pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe. Just missed a crosswords too.. argh! What’s up with this!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message]

Glug Glug Jones
Grarrg The Great
Battle Duck Negg
Spyder Juice ElixirWorth 100K And you wonder how one can waste 13 million in 1.2 days

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:49pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe aww. Stop already..

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Ok. I have a gambling problem lol.
Do The Moon Bounce is SOLD OUT!

You have to be quicker than that!


Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:52pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: rofl!! Sorrry!!! Heheh I got it for 4998 Gonna toss to a guildie for cheap though.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Toss to me for cheap After all, that was your fault, and i am broke

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:56pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe aww Too late!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] It came from Kredular is SOLD OUT!

*bangs head repeatedly on the table*

Well, could you atleast see if anyone in your guild (all 4,000) wants to buy my book in my trades?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 28/1/2005 12:59pm
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Omg, it just stocked? I so didn’t even catch that restock.. and I will ask.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks There was another one just now that i missed

Cor [cor_is_cool]
Sent: 28/1/2005 02:51pm
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey,

Just wanted to say thanks for accepting my offer on the Booktastic book yesterday, Id get another off you except I’m broke now and stuck on 39 books lol. I wanted to say that the new Galactic Adventures book is coming up as Galactic Adventures II when I search for it, hope that helps


MollyAniston [jubjubdoglefoxlover]
Sent: 28/1/2005 03:42pm
Subject: Account
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello,

For some odd reason that has to do with bunnies, names, and Spankaroonies user lookup, something leads me to believe that you are gtrjess, and Lyxanie. And possibly Spankaroonie as well. I understand if you will block me ’cause this e-mail was freaky, but a reply would be appreciated. I am not the only one to notice this, ironeo, gilberto_simoni, turtmids, _1_thriller_fan__ and I have. An answer would be great!!

Thanks for putting up with this,


MollyAniston [jubjubdoglefoxlover]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:18pm
Subject: Re: Account
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm. Im not quite sure what you mean I’m afraid, though I shall take a guess at it.

I am gtrjess, of course, being this account, and if you mean the Lyxanie account then yup, I created that on an evening when I was pretty mad at something, and just didnt want anyone copying my name for a username/neopet, so I just created that to block it.

Case in point is goofyspouse/Spankaroonietwo, the leader on the book boards, he has so many copycats (try looking up goofyspouse the kyrii, and spankaroonieone, spankaroonie, spankaroonietwo, spankarooniethree.. and so on.. spankaroonietwenty.. spankarooniehundred.. spankaroonie666.. youll see what I mean. )

So thats what inspired me to do the same.. thankfully neither my name nor neopet name doesn’t have any numbers, so its somewhat easier to cover all the bases. Also had several friends who had done the same. And yep, I love cybunnies, thus the default avatar on the lyxanie blocker is a cute cybunny one.

Hope that answered any questions! Not sure where it came from, but no Im not spankaroonie<anything> Only accounts are gtrjess, the lyxanie blocker, and my 2 galleries.

jubjubdoglefoxlover Replied:

[Report Message] You got what I mean’t exactly! Thanks! My questions are answered!!!

MollyAniston [jubjubdoglefoxlover]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:20pm
Subject: Re: Account
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem, have a good evening.

jubjubdoglefoxlover Replied:

[Report Message] You too!

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:40pm
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Was my offer not good enough?

? ?? [toysky731]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:45pm
Subject: Re: ..question..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Check Lyxanie’s desc page, there’s a link to a forum further down with a complete list.. its too big to paste properly in the neomail. But there’re 52 books in all.. good luck hunting

toysky731 Replied:

[Report Message] can you send the website to me….because i am hong kong person…i don’t know where is the website….please >””< and do you have any icq or communicated tool?!

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:46pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw, I just don’t want that paintbrush, sorry.. Like generally on the tp the monetary price is in pure neopoints, items are usually considered a little “less” in value because of the effort and time to sell them when one needs np immediately. Plus the brush is a bit less than 150k anyway :/

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Ahh, I see. Its ok. My best neofriend has a Fountain Faerie quest that’s the item so, I was going to give it to her, guess not.

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:50pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh. :/ Hrm, well, I won’t accept a pb for that then, sorry. However..

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] It’s ok, it’s not your fault. She’s just really poor, she was just scammed out of everything, then she got a fountain faerie quest and she wanted to make one of her dream pets, so I was going to buy it for her.

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:51pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh. :/ Hrm, well, I won’t accept a pb for that then, sorry. However..

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] OH. MY. GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH. You want the pb right, your uni would look pretty spiffy.

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:54pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw, its alright, keep it, she wants to be a faerie ixi (and I already have the pb, for when “eventually” comes.) Good luck on the quest, and good for you for getting for her.

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are the nicest person I have ever met. DO you have a dream pet at all? I have lots of different pets.

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:56pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You’re welcome, and nopes, I plan to have (on my primary account anyway) only the one pet (Lyxanie), although there are quite a few that are cute. Don’t want her to get jealous though, spoiling her silly now.

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Lol. My friend is elated and bows down to you. In return, she said of my and your kindness, I’m getting a baby pet. Yay! Thanks SO much!

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 05:59pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Woohoo! Nice. I want one of those quests eventually! *shakes Neopets‘ random generator*

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Mmm. Look up Alaxana, she made her pet! Lol.

jonathonteozhiwei [jonathonteo42424]
Sent: 28/1/2005 06:28pm
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how does your pet gets more health?

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 07:12pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmm is right. Pretty choice, I like it.

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Lol. Look up Sashta, meh new account!

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 07:31pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmm, interesting. Did the baby zafara just get transferred over?

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Nope. She just gave me her old account. xD

? ?? [toysky731]
Sent: 28/1/2005 08:38pm
Subject: Re: ..question..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Certainly, the site with the booklist is


just copy and paste the thing and it should work

I dont give out my icq or anything sorry (mainly because I haven’t used it in months)

toysky731 Replied:

[Report Message] very thank you…but can you give me some information about the neopet= = i know you have played the neopet since a long time ago ….please please=.=” i

only play with myself…so..i am poor…

Veronika Krsteska [macoleopard]
Sent: 28/1/2005 09:33pm
Subject: Select a preset title!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi my name is Veronika my user is macoleopard and I was wondering if you want to take a look at my shop I am just new. I looked at your shop it was cool

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 28/1/2005 10:21pm
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohhhhhhh… wow Ssh.

california_girl93 Replied:

[Report Message] Shhh is right!

missteeq [lil_miss_teeq]
Sent: 29/1/2005 12:28am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey so your name is jt right.i know this by at my school name jt. so im just asking whats your real name.if you want you can tell me your last name. cuz you see this boy jt thats my friend, i also have a big crush on as soon as you get this neomail, just mail me back,kay.

? ?? [toysky731]
Sent: 29/1/2005 01:48am
Subject: Re: ..question..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Certainly, the site with the booklist is


just copy and paste the thing and it should work

I dont give out my icq or anything sorry (mainly because I haven’t used it in months)

toysky731 Replied:

[Report Message] sorry…i want to ask you a question again…do your pet don;t like read some book ?! and sayit is boring….

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 04:00am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Omg, it just stocked? I so didn’t even catch that restock.. and I will ask.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] So, hows your morning been? So far i have missed a Creatures from afar, and a crossword

sammie13500 [sammie13500]
Sent: 29/1/2005 05:31am
Subject: LOL
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-ay i hav your Tanizard

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:02am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I don’t RS during weekend mornings.. not even supposed to be at comp. Too many folks on anyway. Only schoolday morns.

dogieneo2 Replied:


woops caps lock

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:09am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hahah woot

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] ‘dogieneoneo’ :;string=dogieneoneo has read 36 book(s).

‘dogieneoneo’ :;string=dogieneoneo

Watch out, dogies about

ashleypoogle96 [ashleypoogle96]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:13am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:13am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hahah woot

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] He he he That was sillt of you… now i’m going to hunt you down off spot 1

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:17am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hahah woot

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] dogieneoneo says ‘Get me more books, come on, hurry up!’

Kreludan Crosswords vanishes in a puff of purple smoke!

‘dogieneoneo’ :;string=dogieneoneo has read 37 book(s).

‘dogieneoneo’ :;string=dogieneoneo

Ima coming for you!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:19am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good luck Now I have 4 Bumper Cars Guide Books in my reserve stash

And anyway I got the last K-Crosswords and just got the GAII a moment ago

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] You… YOU! I WAS WRITING ANOTHER NEOMAIL TO YOU AGAIN How do you make me DO that? p.s. can i have it cheap?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:21am
Subject: Galactic Adventures ii
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] yo, whats up? how much you want for Galactic Adventures ii?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:23am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good luck Now I have 4 Bumper Cars Guide Books in my reserve stash

And anyway I got the last K-Crosswords and just got the GAII a moment ago

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] Something Has Happened!

GRUNDO LEADER ATTACKS! He steals Blue Draik Egg’


This is just stupid… a drai egg i sniped from auctions, and 2 rare books gone from random events in 2 days ?!

Now i have nothing except whats in shop and trades

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 10:52am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack, you need to see a Neopets medium or something to get bad luck exorcised :/ Ive got a lot of offers on the GAII already, 800k for the lot’s prolly a little cheap (there are 2 books), but sure if you want it a bit cheaper.. how much you want to spend?

Sorry about the typing, heheh. I can separate lot if you want though, give you for like 250k? Or 200k if you want?

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] 200 is good

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 29/1/2005 10:52am
Subject: Re: Hi there, me again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Um.. right. You jinx, he just stole my Galactic Adventures II! *eyebrow* GAAAAH!!!

Hehe wow. He usually just steals Prac Repairs.

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] NOOOOOOOOO!

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 29/1/2005 11:53am
Subject: Re: Galactic Adventures ii
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya there, sorry, not for trade at the moment I think, turns out a friend needs that particular copy, though next one (if ever.. yeah right) will go up again.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] aww….. you stink lol well if you get ahold of another copy let me know casue i still need it for my gold trophy… im now knocked down to 7th

AmandaBresnahan [pippins4me]
Sent: 29/1/2005 12:59pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi i think you should lower your prices just a bit.Only a little im not sure if i cona really afford to buy from your shop.You hav a lot of great stuff but i cant buy them thank you please reply.nothing mean

Myra Balvin [myr2260]
Sent: 29/1/2005 02:56pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did you get soooooooooo gooooooood?

Y.L Yeong [neodragons24]
Sent: 29/1/2005 03:41pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how to join bookstatic book club??

Cor [cor_is_cool]
Sent: 29/1/2005 06:13pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hope that gets you into the bronze award! Usually give some sort of discount for spankys, but I think I didn’t on the last one you bought from me, so there ya go.

cor_is_cool Replied:

[Report Message] OMG

Thankyou so much. Im in shock When I find some words I will thank you properly You’ve really made my day.


ruth smith [ladybug_ref]
Sent: 29/1/2005 07:05pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks for shoping at ladybug_ref

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 07:58pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you accept a Darigan Draik Egg for your ‘It came from Kreludor’ book?

Lorin [bookworm93]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:29pm
Subject: Booktastic Book Help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi I was wondering if you could tell me if Visiting Kreludor is a Booktastic Book? Thank you

Lorin [bookworm93]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:32pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Help
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, no it isn’t, its a regular book.

bookworm93 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you

Lorin [bookworm93]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:38pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Help
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem, have a good evening.

bookworm93 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks and you too.

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:43pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, sorry for slow reply, but was busy getting advice from chat.. offer touched off a yes/no firestorm. But eventually was advised no though, so sorry, so no thanks, though thanks a lot for offering.

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] ok. How about 2.5 pure then?

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:52pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure.. request my nf? I’ll dump it in auctions in a sec

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] ok, thank you much.

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:53pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And its up! Thanks.. enjoy. If any of my other NFs bid (doubt it) I’ll skin them alive and get the book back, though I doubt they will, heheh. Curious, are you going to read it?

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] Yeah – at 39 books now, just 2 more for the badge. Other than Kreludan Home Decorating I’m down to the super rare ones.

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 08:59pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahhh, eek, good luck. Yeah, though Home Decor is cheaper to get for a shot at the tie at 40? Or do you need 2 more for sure to get trophy? :/

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] 2 – at 40 I’ll prolly sill be just off the bottom of the trophy list. At 41 I’ll at least be guaranteed bronze.

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 29/1/2005 09:02pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh, yeah, its icky for those who havent read the 3 books before the rarity raised :/

But, good luck!

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] thanks

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 29/1/2005 09:52pm
Subject: Auction Successful!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT

You will be pleased to know that your Neopets auction Lot No. 32241147 (It Came From Kreludor) has been successful, and that 2500000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below is a list of the bids and other information.

Bid : 2500000 NeoPoints, placed by bobajfett.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 30/1/2005 04:19am
Subject: Me again 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Just wanted to inform you that a kredulan cookie cookbook just stocked. The competition at the top of the table might just get hot!

poopfart [brettandmicheal]
Sent: 30/1/2005 08:15am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! my pet is an ixi too. i was wondering if i could have some ixi battle items to help her fight. ( i lost to chia clown twice). if u can help plz send them to me as a gift or for 4k cause thats all i have. tyy!!!

ElisaGonzalez [spottypuppyluv5555]
Sent: 30/1/2005 08:28am
Subject: HI!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u please&nbs-blocked-la Ice Cream Apple Lantern and ill give u 9 good items in return!!!

CountniMcFinney [squashed_tomatoesxo]
Sent: 30/1/2005 10:51am
Subject: Hello!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hi! My name is Courtni. Do you want to chat? Or, if you dont have time, thats okay


PrakashShoaib [prakash7667]
Sent: 30/1/2005 10:55am
Subject: Booktastic books?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you please tell me some booktastic books that your UNI has read since I can’t view them?
I’m asking since you have the GOLD badge.

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 30/1/2005 11:48am
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] If Guide to the Neocola Machine is still available, I’m offering 4m for it.


AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 30/1/2005 01:51pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, thanks for the offer – there’s a guildie I’m in negotiation with but haven’t heard from for a day or two.. I’ll ask him again, if he doesn’t want (and you haven’t got one yet by then) then I’ll sell it your way.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks. I’ll be off and on most of the evening.


NunnyaBussinuss [covamere]
Sent: 30/1/2005 03:46pm
Subject: Kadotory
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was just wondering how you were able to feed 20 kadoties in 7 months, mostly they look like they ask for blue draik eggs so is there a place where you can buy them cheap? I’m trying to get something to change pet into a draik so I was just wondering.

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 31/1/2005 03:15am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: She says thanks a lot, and aye, I remember. Most of the Kreludan books are still skyhigh in price I’m afraid.. craziness. I traded both AAIs away, one for a crazy hard to find book and one for a friend’s booktastic book gallery in exchange for other regular books too And birthday? *blush* no comment Late next month though! Jess (who thinks enter keys aren’t working here, if this is formatted strange)

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message]

later next month as in late feb? really? our birthday is in e same month then. Mine is 11 feb. *smiles*. alright then. (abt e bks.)

Jess? I went to e booktastic list u posted up and found some mistakes. I wonder if you wanna noe but here goes: i think e Beam me Up is supposed to be beam me aboard. (i think only, pls check on yr own to make sure.)

And sonething more definite is u missed out a book. Its called ‘Visiting Kreludor’. In fact I have two copys of that book. They were originally reserved for my 2 pets, but i’m desperate for $ or other rare kreludan books, so if your pet hasn’t read it, r u interested in trading 1?

Charissa ( dreamz do come true.)

nunya [jlmspiff]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:11am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

heh, thanks for buying buzz acrobatics… mind letting me know what you are doing with it?

i tried to sell it at the assumed value (heh.. any value above 100k that is) for several weeks. there were never any takers.

joseph dayan [jose_98]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:20am
Subject: un favor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] si me puedes mandar o decirme dode puedo encontrar una lista de los libros librasticos.

por favor……………

nunya [jlmspiff]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:21am
Subject: Re: Meep
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww :/ I read it to my pet.. one of the hard to get books that she’s now conquered, did you want a bit more for it? Not sure how easy those books are to sell, yeah.

jlmspiff Replied:

[Report Message] nah…. it was hard enough to figure a price for it, when i got it there were two others on the tp, neither had a price. some goof tried to get me to put it up for 250,000 (just so his would look better at 175)…. rather than play that silly little scam, i just put it in the shop.

roberttomlinson [rob8her]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:23am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u know whick books are booktastic? because i have read about 17 and 11 are booktastic

roberttomlinson [rob8her]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:27am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Check Lyxanie’s description, there’s a link from that page (from the book awards list) to a forum post I made with the complete list. Or when you have a book, click on it in your inventory, its type is “Booktastic Book” instead of “Book”. Or, go to Kreludor and look for the Booktastic Bookshop or something, all the books there are Booktastic, all the books from all the other bookshops aren’t. Hope that helps.

rob8her Replied:

[Report Message] thanks alot are the books really dear or are some of them quite cheap, how many booktastic books are there

roberttomlinson [rob8her]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:35am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 52 books I think, but about 33 you can get for total around 50000np, 1 more costs about 50k. After those 34, there are something like.. 1 that costs 100k, then 4 more that cost between 100k and 300k, one that costs at least 1 million, and the other 12 at least 2-5 million each. Its not easy to find them even if you have the np to spend, which most don’t :/ Cause they’re so rare.

rob8her Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks for the information

roberttomlinson [rob8her]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:35am
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem, have a good day.

rob8her Replied:

[Report Message] ok you to

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 31/1/2005 08:57am
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: (Still no response.. I don’t think he was on during the weekend, ugh. Hopefully by tonight I’ll have an answer..)

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Fair enough. Im usually off and on all day. If he doesn’t get back to you, at least you know you have a definite buyer with nps ready. Thanks for getting back to me though.


DuckyLover [duckylover13]
Sent: 31/1/2005 10:19am
Subject: HI
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I would greatly appreciate it if you could please neomail me the books you read to your pet so you could qualify for the Booktastic Award?

Thank you. And please write back if it is not possible.

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 31/1/2005 01:06pm
Subject: Guide to the Neocola Machine
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i was wondering if you would be willing to sell any cheaper then 4 mil? and if so how low would you go?



fabiola [fabiola123456]
Sent: 31/1/2005 01:06pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi .. well .. you had the same time here in neopets like me ,.,.. but you have more thing .. like money and all that .. records … books reads ….. how do you get all that? pleaseeee!!! answer me!!!!!!! pleaseeee! i trsut in you!! in you fan # 1!!!!

AlyBass [boomboomboom36]
Sent: 31/1/2005 04:32pm
Subject: Congrats
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations on having a account for 6 months and already have so many awards and having your pet at such a high level!


Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 31/1/2005 05:45pm
Subject: Guess What!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Only 30 gourmets away

Thanks for the sludge up to 410!

I see you are rs’ing well! Keep up the good work!!

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 31/1/2005 06:01pm
Subject: Re: Guide to the Neocola Machi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Heya, sorry I couldnt reply earlier – I’m not quite yet going lower I’m afraid, I do actually have an offer of 4 million in the wings, though I’m having talks with someone else first before I decide whether to sell it or not – it’s a bit overpriced though at 4 million, IMO, so perhaps wait for awhile and/or look for another.. I’ve seen it going at 2-3 before.

Cheers Jess

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks man….

Parkview Jay [parkviewjay]
Sent: 31/1/2005 07:01pm
Subject: Please help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hi, you are an expert on The Booktastic Book Award” quest. I hope you can help me with this question. For some reasons, my pet doesn’t want to read “Kreludan Christmas Carols” and “Kreludan Bed Time Stories”. Do you have any idea why?

Many thanks,


Parkview Jay [parkviewjay]
Sent: 31/1/2005 07:25pm
Subject: Re: Please help
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Yes, the short answer is, change the Neopets language in the yellow sidebar temporarily, read the books, then change back. For the long version please visit:


parkviewjay Replied:

[Report Message] It works! Thanks so much for your help!

Liam [b4sher]
Sent: 31/1/2005 09:03pm
Subject: Re: Neocola Machine?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, someone just offered 4 million for my Neocola Machine book.. was unsure at first, but the more I think of it the more I think I’m going to sell it just for the np.. – told him I had to ask someone first though, and that someone is you, do you want the book at an anywhere near comparable price? There’ll be more in the future though.. he’s just going for gold kreludan. Write back, thanks.

b4sher Replied:

[Report Message] i can offer 2 mil + ets/hts :S

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 1/2/2005 04:24am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yikes!! Thanks a lot, I didn’t catch that error (Beam Me Aboard) at all, I’ll go change it all over, thanks. Visiting Kreludor is a normal book though, it doesn’t count on the Booktastic book list (and if you click on the book in inventory it says its a Book, not a Booktastic Book). A lot of people think it is though, that’s why its price is so high :/ I don’t need to buy one, but I can get you one of the somewhat rare (slightly discounted) Kreludan books for it if you want to trade one in.. how many haven’t you read?

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message]

Laughing out loud. So it happens that the error i was more sure of was wrong and the other was correct.

I havnt read quite a bit:

Advanced Kreludan Physics, Alien Aisha Invasion, Beam Me Aboard, Creatures from Afar, Galactic Adventures(Two), Green Grundo Invasion, Guide to the neocola machine, How purples got their spots, Interplanetary Communications, It came from Kreludor, Know your rotbot petpet, Kreludan cookie cookbook, Kreludan Crosswords, Kreludan Engineering, Kreludan Home Decorating, Kreludan Versus Neopia, Scenic Kreludan Views.

As you can see, I still got a long way to go. Well, actually not that long because not all the other people have read all the books. The highest is still you at 46 right? Right now my pet has only read 32books, but i have 3 more in my deposit box, so that makes it 35 i guess. . That is 7books away from the next highest.

Ill be glad if you can help me in any way. Thank You in advance.

Charissa (Dreams do come true!)

Martin Rapoutou [circleofeternity]
Sent: 1/2/2005 06:43am
Subject: bonjour monsieur(madame)
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] En raison d’un tirage au sort, vous avez gagn� une superbe
omelette!Sachez �galement que si vous commulez les prix, vous aurez des
cadeaux bonus!Sur ce, au revoir.

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 1/2/2005 06:56am
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya, if you’re still looking for the Neocola Machine book, give me a yell (add me to NF list, actually) and I’ll dump it in auctions if I’m online. (Other guy doesn’t want now). I should be about on and off for a bit still.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message]

Dude, Im right there with you. 4m in hand.


AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 1/2/2005 07:02am
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And done, thanks. Are you just going for gold or going to stay up near (as opposed to at, hehe) the top of the list? *curious*

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message]

No, thank you. Im actually just going for gold. After I get it, I need to help a friend get into the trophies. I’d rather work on getting a silver in the regular book list. As I’m sure you are aware, it costs a ton to stay in both.

BTW: kudos to you for being certainly one of the best restockers around. There is a short list of users who can really get books in a hurry, and your name always pops up.


Dennis Hii [dennis_hii]
Sent: 1/2/2005 07:31am
Subject: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hmm,how do u knw the Jazzmosis Biography is worth 800k? in a way its kinda subjective in some way of wht an item is worth isnt it. you seem like a bz girl,so ur born in your neighbor if u happen to be in spore..anyway im a stranger to you bye bye!

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 1/2/2005 07:33am
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh, okay. Yeah, I also need that silver in that other booklist, still have yet to read most of the newest books there :/ Ah well, eventually. Neat on the friend bit.. need any of the common-ish books still? And thanks to the restocking, though its off and on, these days it seems even with a near-perfect click-click-type in the kreludan shop even in the morning (not to mention evening, ugh) its hard to get stuff, far too many people camp out there. Need to get the licence plates of some of those people. Anyway, thanks for the purchase.. I actually almost had a heart attack, I thought I’d forgotten to check the nf-only box for the auctions, but apparantly I did. Cheers. Jess

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message]

My friend has read the easy 33 plus Moon Bounce, Home Decorating, and 3 of the 4 new ones. You know the list by heart, so you can imagine what shes missing.

I know exactly what you mean about restocking Booktastic. Im regularly going 1 for 4 on unbuyables there. Slight hesitation, and its gone. If you grab any others, shoot me a neomail. I always pay in pure (unless I’ve got something you want), and I don’t haggle.

Thanks for the sale. If I grab the gold, Im going to celebrate by avoiding Neopets for a day or two. That nf-only toggle could have been the end of us all.


The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 1/2/2005 08:00am
Subject: Auction Successful!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear JT

You will be pleased to know that your Neopets auction Lot No. 32580201 (Guide to the Neocola Machine) has been successful, and that 4000000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below is a list of the bids and other information.

Bid : 4000000 NeoPoints, placed by b2theizzo.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

princess_04498 [princess_04498]
Sent: 1/2/2005 12:52pm
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

will you be my neofriend?

chelsea manzi [snowbunnylover710]
Sent: 1/2/2005 01:15pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to know where the lab ray is.Can u tell me?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 1/2/2005 01:37pm
Subject: Me again again again
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Just got a creatures from afar (after missing 20). Interested? (Please i am really broke). (Will had for any other BB books you have)

charlottejones [cjones12345678910]
Sent: 1/2/2005 01:50pm
Subject: petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am selling a uni races set a stego a scratch card all for 2,500nps i think that is cheap if u want them they are in my trades

notyou [wanted_by_orlando]
Sent: 1/2/2005 05:54pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i was looking at your shops, and galleries, and i noticed you have only been on for 6 months… how is that possible that you got all of that stuff… and would you please let me in on your secret! thank you, bye!

notyou [wanted_by_orlando]
Sent: 1/2/2005 05:58pm
Subject: hi again
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] just wondering, do u have msn? i would love to chat with you on messenger if thats okay with you

sweetgurldancer [sweetgurldancer]
Sent: 1/2/2005 06:21pm
Subject: Here you go!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] There are two snowballs! Any snowballs I get I will sure give them to you!

JessicaFunk [jessiefunk987]
Sent: 1/2/2005 06:54pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, i just wanted to tell you i love your shop, and was wondering if you have any regular pet paint brushes you are willing to sell? If not its ok i was just asking. i would like to be your neo friend, but like you said you must know the person first before you accept. if you could write back that would be nice. Im a stay at home new mom and all i do i play neo pets. i dont have alot of neo friends. anyways Im going to go for now. have a great day!

Cali [california_girl93]
Sent: 1/2/2005 08:34pm
Subject: Would you like some cheese?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Hello, hows the saving coming along?

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 1/2/2005 11:27pm
Subject: Re: Me again again again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats, but nah no thanks :/ Price seems to have fallen almost to about 50k already.. eek!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message] NOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOO OOOOO! I went for it instead a Galactic Adventures 2 I will never get that bronze… I need anoter 5 books…

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 2/2/2005 04:33am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yikes!! Thanks a lot, I didn’t catch that error (Beam Me Aboard) at all, I’ll go change it all over, thanks. Visiting Kreludor is a normal book though, it doesn’t count on the Booktastic book list (and if you click on the book in inventory it says its a Book, not a Booktastic Book). A lot of people think it is though, that’s why its price is so high :/ I don’t need to buy one, but I can get you one of the somewhat rare (slightly discounted) Kreludan books for it if you want to trade one in.. how many haven’t you read?

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message]

Hey jess! Thanks for the present. Im so happy.

Guess what else? After you gave me that, someone offered another creatures from afar and a beyond neopia for my visiting kreludor. And after discussing with her, she offered the creatures from afar AND a kreludan crosswords! Im so happy! Just wanted to share my joy with. Hope i didn’t bother you.

Charissa. (let your dreams take flight!)

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 2/2/2005 11:09am
Subject: Re: Me again again again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats, but nah no thanks :/ Price seems to have fallen almost to about 50k already.. eek!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message]

He he he! 2 more came up in the RS, and i dived at one, and knabbed it. In the same RS there was a GA 2 which i didnt go for because i thought a AB would knick it. I managed to get a creatures from afar, THEN after pondering for 8 seconds got the GA 2 after Oooh im soo happy…

The Shopkeeper says I accept your offer of 1000 Neopoints!’

Galactic Adventures II has been added to your inventory

Gona go read it to my pet!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 2/2/2005 11:11am
Subject: Re: Me again again again
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats, but nah no thanks :/ Price seems to have fallen almost to about 50k already.. eek!

dogieneo2 Replied:

[Report Message]

BAHAHAAHA! Just read it to the wrong pet

JessicaFunk [jessiefunk987]
Sent: 2/2/2005 11:26am
Subject: Re: hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Hi, and thank you for the mail. I do have a few, but nothing really that special really, just *checks* Red, Speckled, Scritchy Sketchy, Christmas, Golden, and a Faerie reserved for Lyxanie. What kind of brush are you looking for? The Trading Post is the best place (if not the shop wizard) most of the time to find paintbrushes, though there are some exceptions.

Congrats on the new mom bit.. do write back, have a good day.

jessiefunk987 Replied:

[Report Message] hello, i am savign up for a baby pb, but i was told they are sooo much. I only have a few over 200,000nps. Still playing games to get more. I cant be on much more cuz of the baby. Thanks for the congrats. have a nice day

BrookeRivers [brookeisme2002]
Sent: 2/2/2005 01:50pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i notice you are at the top of the booktastic list, do you know how many booktastic books in total there are and do you know the names of them?

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 2/2/2005 03:19pm
Subject: Inventory
Folder: Inbox


I’m trying to send you a snowball!!


Xander [akiro_destroy]
Sent: 2/2/2005 04:16pm
Subject: booktastic book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i have a rare booktastic book in trades.. kreludan cookie not sure if u have read it or not..reply me if u haven
read it… thanks!

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 2/2/2005 07:04pm
Subject: Re: Inventory
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya sorry. Was feeding Kads earlier, running around with 49/50 inven Won’t be neopetting till tomorrow, so let me clear some stuff real quick.. *vacuum*

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] lol. Did you feed any??

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 2/2/2005 07:50pm
Subject: Bunny gallery
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] When did you get that Cotton Tales into your gallery? I’m pretty certain you didn’t have it about a month ago… when you said look for items without cybunny or carrot in their name. It was the only one I could think of that you didn’t have! Now what do I look for?

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 2/2/2005 09:23pm
Subject: Re: Bunny gallery
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohh.. well, there was someone on shop wiz selling a cotton tales for 99,999np, she(?) apparantly had a bunch and would put one in her shop each day, I bought 3 on 3 separate days, one to read, one for gallery, then one for stash.. eeps! Sorry.. hehe. Though if you already have one I’ll buy/reimburse off of you? Won’t hurt to have 2 in shop

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] No no. Just make a list somewhere of the items you still need, so I can find something else to save for.

Lolly Pop [lolli_pop1239]
Sent: 3/2/2005 04:46pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would U be my neofriend?

Eli [elismellyeli]
Sent: 3/2/2005 05:12pm
Subject: omg
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you get so many cool, rare, expensive items, in only 6 months! whoa! how do you do that?

buffypink [buffypinkdog]
Sent: 3/2/2005 08:04pm
Subject: help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey i was just wondering is there like somwere i can go get a list of all the Booktastic Books please mail me back thanx

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 3/2/2005 08:34pm
Subject: snowballs
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message];criteria=id&search_string=156917888

shawn pettit [sltmywrstpls]
Sent: 4/2/2005 02:41am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i’m new to neopets and tryin to get my pet’s lvld up and stronger is there any way you could help me out?

ikhwan [ikhwan_zulkefli]
Sent: 4/2/2005 04:52am
Subject: feeding kadoatie
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what did we get if we fed kadoatie at the kadoatery??

kiara1810 [kiara1810]
Sent: 4/2/2005 10:24am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Whats a lab ray?

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 4/2/2005 03:59pm
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Our mall shop code got blocked (css disabled) but there’s an easy fix. Go here to get the new code:

Arielle [attitudee]
Sent: 4/2/2005 04:08pm
Subject: Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] sorry to bother u but i saw on ur lookup abt a copy rule er i cant explain well cos neo wont let me send the message but i hope u undertsand me.

well ive no idea what it is and dont wanna be doing something against neo rules if u know what i mean!

Jennifer [other_file_froze_2]
Sent: 4/2/2005 06:34pm
Subject: Yuor pet.
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You know how your pet has the booktastic book award…well could you send me a list of the books that they have read? thanks!

Jennifer [other_file_froze_2]
Sent: 4/2/2005 07:05pm
Subject: Re: Yuor pet.
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya. I don’t have a list to send (its too long) but off her desc page there’s a link to a forum post I made with the complete list.

other_file_froze_2 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you soooooooo much!

amberrokfrog5 [amberrokfrog5]
Sent: 4/2/2005 07:40pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you be kind enough to help me????

amberrokfrog5 [amberrokfrog5]
Sent: 4/2/2005 07:41pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you be kind enough to help me???

ikhwan [ikhwan_zulkefli]
Sent: 4/2/2005 08:15pm
Subject: kadoatie
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanx

Jennifer [other_file_froze_2]
Sent: 5/2/2005 04:51am
Subject: Re: Yuor pet.
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, have a good evening.

other_file_froze_2 Replied:

[Report Message] you 2….even though it’s morning now.

Tiamat dragonqueen [mafagafa]
Sent: 5/2/2005 09:22am
Subject: Thank you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for shopping in my pets Shop – it was the beautyfull uniocto. ^_^

maxime turcotte [6maxime6]
Sent: 5/2/2005 11:30am
Subject: salut/hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi or/ou salut . I im prefere speak french please/jvoudrais parler lfrancais ac toi!

Adam [dogieneo2]
Sent: 5/2/2005 01:08pm
Subject: Me again again again!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have read 39 books now, but i need 42 for a trophy…. What do you sujest it do?

BadPuppy [babynova25]
Sent: 5/2/2005 03:41pm
Subject: jazzmosis ticket
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i was checking out your shop and i reliezed that i had a ticket that you dont have…

but the ticket i have is retired so it will cost alot… i just wanted to see if you were interested.

the ticket i have is a

Jazzmosis Xmas Special Ticket

lisped [lisped]
Sent: 5/2/2005 03:42pm
Subject: SkyDreamer99 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi!! Have you got any green uni names that nobody else has?? Can’t think of any good names and you have such a lovely uni!!! would like to be your neofriend.

Chris [web_wizard_888]
Sent: 5/2/2005 06:05pm
Subject: Want my Bagatelle book?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m selling my How To Cheat At Bagatelle for 400k…just thought I’d ask.

I do hope you feel better!

Krista [cutedog665]
Sent: 5/2/2005 06:39pm
Subject: pls?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u lower the price for the breedle petpet bed?

jasminejackson [babygurl_ace24]
Sent: 5/2/2005 09:47pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi can u help me

Chris [web_wizard_888]
Sent: 6/2/2005 04:36am
Subject: Re: Want my Bagatelle book?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks, and slowly so. Have you asked Robin/Jenn/Ray? Do they have copies already?

web_wizard_888 Replied:

[Report Message] Jenn has already read it, Ray has probably, too. Not sure about Robin, though.

Sonic [semiman24]
Sent: 6/2/2005 05:45am
Subject: .
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Read your uni’s lookup.It said you had the pb/mp to paint it into a faerie.Do you have a jetsam mp?Or an Fire paint brush?I’m dying for one!

Ashley(i_dnt_do_last_names) [lose_my_breath_04]
Sent: 6/2/2005 06:27am
Subject: Keeping The Peace
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you need this book its in my shop for 1000

Sonic [semiman24]
Sent: 6/2/2005 07:33am
Subject: Re: .
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Afraid neither, sorry :/

semiman24 Replied:

[Report Message] Do you have any pb or mp?

lewis ng [lewis_fifo]
Sent: 6/2/2005 07:54am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would it be possible that u copy and paste all the kreludan books u have read?pls…caz it seems thhat u are quite professional in this books…plz help, i will try to help u in return.thz

HollyMaidens [hollyisherenow]
Sent: 6/2/2005 11:13am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did u get Neo Heating System??

HollyMaidens [hollyisherenow]
Sent: 6/2/2005 11:14am
Subject: hi again
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u get Satellite Security???

LindsayElliott [monster1411]
Sent: 6/2/2005 12:27pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi please be my neofriend i really love your shop i will buy some things from it as soon as i get enough neopoints

zoe [neounicorn473]
Sent: 6/2/2005 12:46pm
Subject: shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was just wondering how you get your shop into the market place?example:Your shop

John****** [bigjohn11320]
Sent: 6/2/2005 05:23pm
Subject: Scenie Kreludan Views
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Scenie Kreludan Views no such thing

John****** [bigjohn11320]
Sent: 6/2/2005 05:27pm
Subject: Re: Scenie Kreludan Views
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: try “Scenic”

bigjohn11320 Replied:

[Report Message] i have

John****** [bigjohn11320]
Sent: 6/2/2005 05:32pm
Subject: Re: Scenie Kreludan Views
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: try “Scenic”

bigjohn11320 Replied:

[Report Message] i did there is no such thing

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 6/2/2005 05:50pm
Subject: Hehe
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Get well Soon!!

Only 16 gourmets to go (list of the cheapest, i think, on his petpage )

Well, hope to see you in chat again soon

caneihenrique [caneihenrique]
Sent: 6/2/2005 06:39pm
Subject: como comsigo um emprgo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] por favor me diga como que eu comsigo um emprego. me responda por favor

julieliu2012 [julieliu2012]
Sent: 7/2/2005 10:30am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]



FelixN [pooglefelix]
Sent: 7/2/2005 02:34pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! i saw that your pet has won a booktastic badge. i was wondering if you could send me a list of all the kelundan books so i could win a booktastic badge? please? thank you.

dillon stamps [smash002]
Sent: 7/2/2005 03:55pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi can i be ur nf??

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 7/2/2005 04:05pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hey i was jsut wondering how much you ended up selling your guide to the neocola machine for? becasue i have 1 i got for 1.6mil and i know i can get more then that for it… but depending on how much i might read it i havent decided yet… let me know… if you dont want to say thats fine also just neomail me back either way



Dark_Tiger [tiger_of_darkness]
Sent: 7/2/2005 04:07pm
Subject: how?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hiya, how do people get paint brushes? they say “find them or buy em” but I cant……..

emileee [goofiiegoober05]
Sent: 7/2/2005 04:22pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello,

i was wondering how if you got a blur draik negg how much would you be asking for one if you are willing to get rid of one? hope to hear from you soon.


FelixN [pooglefelix]
Sent: 7/2/2005 05:50pm
Subject: hello?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could u please send me a list?

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 7/2/2005 06:11pm
Subject: Hey girl,
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey there, I hope that you are feeling better. Just got back from my
mini vacation with my mom and grandparents in snow land. We had a
good time though. Just got a couple of questions for you when you
have the time and are feeling better. I am trying to get into the
40 book range on the booktastic list. Hoping you can help?
My list is acurate on the database, looking for the cheaper ones first,
than the high priced ones. Do let me know if you can help, and
many thanks in advance! Hope that you feel better soon!

VictoriaCheng [massey415]
Sent: 7/2/2005 06:30pm
Subject: nf?items?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi will you be my nf?

i really need items! i have only 2 items! it is from tombola.

CharlesLi [kwun_kwun]
Sent: 7/2/2005 09:13pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] why your neopet have 100 hp

BradleyLane [clio_v16]
Sent: 8/2/2005 03:47am
Subject: help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey m8 can u help me what other book tastick books is there all i can find is the ones in the shop plz write bk brad

CraigWallace [anevilreignbegins]
Sent: 8/2/2005 04:46am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey I noticed you have the book award thingy
could you send me the list of each Booklastic Book please?Ive read 30…

Dark_Tiger [tiger_of_darkness]
Sent: 8/2/2005 10:14am
Subject: Re: how?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Find them through random events (very rare, I myself haven’t got one before) or buy them on the shop wiz (very few types are buyable though, most on the wiz are galleries only) or buy them on the trading post (most common, very expensive, trade money or really rare items for them). One or two can be found in the hidden tower in faerieland too, also very expensive.

tiger_of_darkness Replied:

[Report Message] ok thank you very much. =)

tammy macphail [tamster31]
Sent: 8/2/2005 11:28am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you join the booktastic book club

KylaNoname [happy_1_2_3_4_5]
Sent: 8/2/2005 03:57pm
Subject: Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]


how do u check Lyxanie’s desc? I relly want to know

thanx kyla

Tara Hallin [babyb741]
Sent: 8/2/2005 04:31pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How many neopoints will you give me for 5 bottles of black sand

NoOneSpecial [keendude408]
Sent: 9/2/2005 12:54am
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you be interested in a Kitchen Quest Cookbook? i currently have an offer of 200,000 np, so you would have to top that. it is in my trades if you are interested. thanks.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 9/2/2005 11:48am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 103). We have given you 844 NP!

_______+++++ [_roxy_25]
Sent: 9/2/2005 12:04pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi. it is _roxy_25. could u lower the prices on ur petpets & i’ll surly buy 1, for my pet, Gamerca_1000? mabey we can be neofriends too.(neomail me if u have a problem with my neomail)

from: _roxy_25

Joycelyn Stephens [joycelyn152759]
Sent: 9/2/2005 01:05pm
Subject: Krokie2005 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

New Krokie on the block and trying to make some friends. Wanna be my friend?


shaycarbone [goddess_of_ze_oasis]
Sent: 9/2/2005 03:45pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

Umm I’m terribly sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me. I see your on the kreluden book list. I have like 25 books read, but there doesn’t seem to be any new books appearing in the shop. I thought maybe you could give me the list of books your pet has read, so I could buy them on the shopwizard? It would be a huge help!

Thanks Sh@ylah

Chad M [evil_mansion]
Sent: 9/2/2005 05:07pm
Subject: 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

<– Chad Get Well Soon, you should be cause I think I got your illness now Head Cold.. Stomach Virus..some kinda skin problem and well ‘trips to a certain room’ often LOL *hugs*


ROBROCKS! [forever_maraquans]
Sent: 9/2/2005 06:49pm
Subject: do u need this book?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Best Tooth Catalogue the new tooth faerie one?

eldar40k [eldar40k]
Sent: 9/2/2005 09:01pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u give me the list of the booktastic books your pet has read???

kaila behan [iloverussellrobertsn]
Sent: 9/2/2005 09:35pm
Subject: weirdo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

k. wat is the point in having a neopet if its invisible? im not tryin to be rude but it seems really weird to me!

from iloverussellrobertsn

darkwarios [nashipppo]
Sent: 10/2/2005 08:25am
Subject: meuka
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

como lo conseguiste como ago para q se enferme

se me respondes gracias

noah [invalid807]
Sent: 10/2/2005 10:34am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] check out m y shop and yeah wanna b neofriends, peace

shaycarbone [goddess_of_ze_oasis]
Sent: 10/2/2005 10:41am
Subject: Re: Hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey, and certainly, the list is too long to put through a neomail, but there’s a list on Lyxanie’s desc page (not petpage, just the one where you reach when you click on her name on the booktastic list) – there’s a url there to a forum post I made on a guild site with the complete list. Hope it helps

goddess_of_ze_oasis Replied:

[Report Message] thank you so much i hope i wasnt a bother

Brianna [brianna147neo]
Sent: 11/2/2005 09:37am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

sorry to bother u, but how do u get more hitpoints for your neopets. I see you have 100. thanks!

Brianna [brianna147neo]
Sent: 11/2/2005 09:40am
Subject: Re: hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You train them in the mystery island training school (with codestones) or in krawk island (with dubloons) (train endurance both times) – or do kitchen quests and stuff and sometimes you get permanent hp as reward too.

brianna147neo Replied:

[Report Message] thanks! and 1 more thing, when beating punchbag bob…is that just a patience thing?

Brianna [brianna147neo]
Sent: 11/2/2005 09:51am
Subject: Re: hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem. And aye, it is, it can take from 10 minutes (if your pet is really really good, mine isn’t) to half an hour (took me around there) to several hours If you copy/paste the url you can continue the fight later though by pasting it, I believe (not 100% sure, don’t try) though it has to be completed in 24 hours anyhow.

brianna147neo Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok. thanks for answerin my questions!

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 11/2/2005 01:35pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi there! My name is M.a.d.e.l.i.n.e. And I was looking for a book and at the bookstore a saw the newbell thingy or whatever you call it, and saw your neopet’s name in it. And I have to say your neopet is, just, AMAZING! And I saw your awsome shop and all those petpets…. I was wondering, I know your going to say no, but, OK I’m 99.9% sure your going to say no, but can I please have a petpet. I just started and I just adopted a neopet and I got like 290 neopoints and petpets are so expensive! I can exept it if you say no. So, um, wanna be my neofriend? From, M.a.d.e.l.i.n.e

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 11/2/2005 02:14pm
Subject: Something has Happened
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I believe your the one who gave me the angelpuss. If you did this would sound good, if you didn’t then I’m just making myself look stupid. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PETPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yours truly, Mazirre

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 11/2/2005 02:26pm
Subject: So, anyway…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] By the way I named it Jess.(: And Mazirre (my neopet I gave it to) Loves it. Do you know how to tell if a petpet is a boy or a girl? From, Mazirre

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 11/2/2005 02:26pm
Subject: So, anyway…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Anyway I named it Jess. (; And Mazirre my neopet loves her. Oh, and please tell me what LOL means. I’v wanted to know the answer to that question a looooong time. Yours Truly, Mazirre

carebearfreak55 [carebearfreak55]
Sent: 11/2/2005 03:42pm
Subject: la
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] quit your guild and join mine please ! I have a lot of batle equipment do you want it?

hibye [55dolly55]
Sent: 11/2/2005 05:05pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] If your off so much, why do you let your pet suffer/not get fed/(cant see your pet so I dont know)? You should give it to some one who gose on more. And you shurly rich why dont you just give it away? Or do you go on alot? Sorry if I’m misstaken. but bye P.S. plz reply to me my mail box is always open.

KylaNoname [happy_1_2_3_4_5]
Sent: 11/2/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Re: thanx
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Just click on her name

happy_1_2_3_4_5 Replied:

[Report Message] thanx, that is a great hint, u must be rich to afford all those books

ROBROCKS! [forever_maraquans]
Sent: 11/2/2005 11:38pm
Subject: do u need this?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Caring For Your Snicklebeast new snicklbeastbook?

ROBROCKS! [forever_maraquans]
Sent: 11/2/2005 11:44pm
Subject: neeed this book?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Caring For Your Snicklebeast new snicklbeastbook?

valerie [barbie_odette]
Sent: 12/2/2005 09:35pm
Subject: hey!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello…can i ask you a question? umm…how did you actually beat punchbob or wutever…?like…do you need any weapon to beat it faster?

valerie [barbie_odette]
Sent: 12/2/2005 09:35pm
Subject: hey!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello…can i ask you a question? umm…how did you actually beat punchbob or wutever…?like…do you need any weapon to beat it faster?

renae norris [nae_nae_nae277]
Sent: 13/2/2005 03:57am
Subject: So, anyway…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was wondering if you could help me? i want to know how you access the lab ray and how to find booktastic books. I would be happy to do anything in return for your help thanks

yamichu [fenixboy]
Sent: 13/2/2005 05:44am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did you save enough to get the lab ray i have been here for 21 months or something and i cant even afford a floppy thoung (I cant spell it)medicne !

SpencerBrigham [funyface51]
Sent: 13/2/2005 08:58am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

KathleenBonnici [kathleen1256]
Sent: 13/2/2005 09:24am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How Can You See Which Booktasticbooks Has Your Neopet Read?

PresleyTrevino [walball870]
Sent: 13/2/2005 05:48pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is walball870 my friend thinks shes better than me because she has more neopoints than me(way more)so i was wondering if you would give me a petpet paintbrush?and if you do i’ll remember you in my prayers.neomail me soon!

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 14/2/2005 07:41am
Subject: Morning!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey there, had not seen you in a few days! How have you been? I look in your lots in tp and saw that you have one of the books that I am in need of. Lets talk, lol just let me know what you need for it. I hope that you are feeling better, and doing well in school. Take care for now and I will talk to you later!

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 14/2/2005 08:06am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: LOL is Laugh Out Loud.. just like ROFL (or rotfl) is Roll On (the) Floor Laughing (I think those two are the most common ones). There’s no way to distinguish male/female petpets, I’m afraid, they didn’t bother with making a difference. Oh, and thank you.

mazirre Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for telling me that! You don’t know how long I’v wanted to know what LOL means! By the way do you wanna be friends just not like neofriends? ‘Cuz I think you ar really cool.

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 14/2/2005 09:24am
Subject: So, anyway…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi there! It’s me, Mazirre. Today I was looking up your username and saw that you shared the same name as a neopet. So I clicked on the neopet’s name out of curiosity and the person that the neopet belonged to was a complaining girl who had tha same name as your neopet. She was complaining about people taking her name. Do you have something to do with that? Yours truly: Mazirre

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 14/2/2005 09:42am
Subject: LOL
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, yep, I made that account to block others from taking it.. Don’t want copycat accounts about, unfortunately there are a lot of those (from the experience of some friends I have at least)

mazirre Replied:

[Report Message] So thats your account? I almost thought you were copying! But you wouldn’t do that! Sooo, umm, I’v heard of this thing in fairy world the secret tower of something like that. Where is it? Yours truly: Mazirre

Madeline Swanson [mazirre]
Sent: 14/2/2005 09:52am
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah.. problem with accounts when people take fairly well-known names is that they’re hoping among other things that people might accidentally send them gifts or something.. I dunno Hidden tower is here: and if you go to faerieland, faerie city, then look at the two small clouds floating in the topleft corner, it’s a bit below the bigger cloud, but its invisible!

mazirre Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for showing me where the hidden tower is! After you put the link thingy there I went strait to it! But why is everything there sooo exspensive? And why is there a yoyo of death? Some of the battle things there are weird. Battle dung, mucus glove, well I gotta go, I’m gunna chalange my friend maeging to a battle. Later! Yours truly! Mazirre

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 14/2/2005 11:56am
Subject: jess i need you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you have Kreludan Cookie Cookbook? one on tp is 1.3mil but i dunno and i want it baaadly, lachic is up to 39 now and thats the last book under r99 that i need so its basically the last one i can buy, if you have it let me know *huuuugs*

battledroidsaber [battledroidsaber]
Sent: 14/2/2005 01:05pm
Subject: Names of Kreludan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, I was wondering if you could give me names of the Kreludan books your pet has read, so I can be on the look out for them. I’m tryin to get my pet up to at least 42 so I can be sure I’ll get a trophy, lol. My pet has only read 26 or so. If you could help me out, that’d be great! Thanks!

erik bisnaw [erik_is_pie]
Sent: 14/2/2005 04:30pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want to be neofriends?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 14/2/2005 06:25pm
Subject: Wee
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Only 8 gourmets to go!! Too bad these 8 will cost about 610k! LOL! Missed you earlier Hope your feeling better!

KathrynDrew [katydidders]
Sent: 14/2/2005 08:37pm
Subject: Would you like some cheese?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey i havent been around in a while but i just thought id say hi!-katy

erik bisnaw [erik_is_pie]
Sent: 15/2/2005 04:53am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you have an awsome pet. how do you get his stats up that much?

?? ? [a7821038]
Sent: 15/2/2005 05:57am
Subject: ??
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ?? ?’????????

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/2/2005 08:15am
Subject: Re: Snicklebeast Poems
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Any idea if you/Jenn/Ray need this? Got one on tp if ya do

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] I read but still need the other ones.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 15/2/2005 02:52pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess, Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 33557850 (for Snow Kookith). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction. Bid : 1500 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess. We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at: Yours Sincerely, The Neopets Team! Web : Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

bullet salvador [bulletsalvador]
Sent: 15/2/2005 04:46pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] will you sell me do the moon bounce 80k pure

bullet salvador [bulletsalvador]
Sent: 15/2/2005 04:55pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope, thanks.

bulletsalvador Replied:

[Report Message] 100k

g unit [amphibian14]
Sent: 15/2/2005 07:51pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have one of the books you are looking for and ill give it to you for 3000np

g unit [amphibian14]
Sent: 15/2/2005 07:55pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And.. what book would that happen to be?

amphibian14 Replied:

[Report Message] the green grundo invasion

g unit [amphibian14]
Sent: 15/2/2005 07:57pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Could you put it up on trades? I’ll give you a bit more than 3k..

amphibian14 Replied:

[Report Message] sure just look for it tomorrow. maybe after this we could be neofriendes but if you dont want to its alright

noname [isterfart]
Sent: 15/2/2005 09:27pm
Subject: List
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi I was hoping you could give me a list of booktastic books or where to find them. PLease and thankyou

sarah biron [chipiesarah]
Sent: 16/2/2005 05:44am
Subject: info
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] salut! comment as-tu fait pour achet� les livres livrastiques?

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 16/2/2005 07:40am
Subject: thanks
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] for accepting…have fun!

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 16/2/2005 07:42am
Subject: Re: thanks
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You too, thanks for bid

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] no problem, still trying to maintain the bronze…..;o) the best to you

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 16/2/2005 09:54am
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – sorry to disturb, I don’t remember what booktastic books I’ve sent to SpankysBW recently and what I haven’t – I’m going to send one copy of every recent one r90 and below so you can auction it off in a lot or something – already sent some a week or so ago but don’t remember – which haven’t I sent? (Or rather, which have I sent?) Could you please er, kindly check the next time you login to that account? Hehe, thanks a bunch Jess

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Um…I don’t work the book auctions You need to ask Jenn about that

Double00Hound [mage00hound]
Sent: 16/2/2005 10:12am
Subject: booktastic book trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how about 500k

noname [isterfart]
Sent: 16/2/2005 10:36am
Subject: Re: List
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – there’s a list on a link I put up on Lyxanie’s description page, the list is too long to post in neoamil though I’m afraid. Thanks for asking

isterfart Replied:

[Report Message] thank you

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 16/2/2005 12:23pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmmm yeah, but I just need the list of books the account has, so I can send those it doesn’t.. nothing to do with the actual auction itself. I’ll ask her.

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Jenn is the only one with access to that account, I can’t check on anything.

Angel [the_angels_cloud612]
Sent: 16/2/2005 01:21pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you please neomail me the kreludan books you’ve read? I don’t know which ones I’ve haven’t got that are below 100k in shops. I’ve only got 34 I just wanted 36.

Angel [the_angels_cloud612]
Sent: 16/2/2005 01:22pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’ve noticed you’ve painted your uni. It was invisible before.

MrsMuppette [jenniferledbetter]
Sent: 16/2/2005 01:28pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good afternoon/evening, I’ve send a bunch of Booktastic books to SpankysBW recently for what probably will be the upcoming book trade – I plan to send one copy of all the new books but I’m not sure which books I’ve sent and which I haven’t (of all the new ones r90ish and below) – would you be able to please fetch and send a list of the (Booktastic) books that SBW has on the sidelines? Thanks! Jess

jenniferledbetter Replied:

[Report Message] You will have to remind me this weekend. I have a test tonight, then I’m going to Todd’s and I work Thursday and Friday. I’m off Saturday. Todd and I don’t have plans as of yet, so I should have a few hours to play in that account then. Jenn

CoryMikesel [volcom_stone1]
Sent: 16/2/2005 02:03pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HI do u know how come my pet wont read one of my books? it hasnt read it b4. but is it true u get NP for trophies?

Desiree Jessup [mizpeaches13]
Sent: 16/2/2005 02:18pm
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] If you don’t mind, will you please send me some names of booktastic books. All I can find is the same ones they sell in the shop. I can’t use the shop wizard because I don’t know what I’m looking for. If you can, will you help? Thanx.

Ihavenoname [subinchung]
Sent: 16/2/2005 04:50pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i like your guild! can we be neofriends?

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 16/2/2005 05:13pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 104). We have given you 149 NP!

CoryMikesel [volcom_stone1]
Sent: 16/2/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Re: Hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Only for game trophies, not books. Change the language, then read.

volcom_stone1 Replied:

[Report Message] wow u replied.. most people dont reply.. how much do u earn from the trophies? you dont have to say thugh..

Kitsune Barber [kitsune_drunk]
Sent: 16/2/2005 07:04pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am amazed. You must have a whole dungball load of money. How in the world did you get that rich in 7 neopian months!? How can I get that much money? Help! Kitsune

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 16/2/2005 07:21pm
Subject: Spiky Snowball
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Just a gift for all the help getting books!!

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 17/2/2005 11:16am
Subject: Re: Spiky Snowball
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 50k.. always 50k Read the other one already?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘Im getting smarter!’ Scroll of the Warrior vanishes in a puff of green smoke!

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 17/2/2005 05:29pm
Subject: Re: Yay new book!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Be sure to keep db updated!

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] You sneak! :-p Thanks again.

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 17/2/2005 08:10am
Subject: Re: Spiky Snowball
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *splat* Whee!

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message]

MrsMuppette [jenniferledbetter]
Sent: 17/2/2005 10:18am
Subject: Re: Booktastic books?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good afternoon/evening, I’ve send a bunch of Booktastic books to SpankysBW recently for what probably will be the upcoming book trade – I plan to send one copy of all the new books but I’m not sure which books I’ve sent and which I haven’t (of all the new ones r90ish and below) – would you be able to please fetch and send a list of the (Booktastic) books that SBW has on the sidelines? Thanks! Jess

jenniferledbetter Replied:

[Report Message] gtrjess has given you Beyond Neopia. gtrjess has given you Creatures From Afar. gtrjess has given you Do The Moon Bounce. gtrjess has given you Practical Repairs.

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 17/2/2005 11:10am
Subject: Re: Spiky Snowball
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Check my trades?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] What do you want for the scroll???

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 17/2/2005 11:14am
Subject: Re: Spiky Snowball
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 50k.. always 50k Read the other one already?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Read the other two already. I’ll bid now. Thanks!! *hugs*

isabelle duchesne [bbaby__bboo]
Sent: 17/2/2005 11:36am
Subject: livres livrastiques
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] allo je ne sais pas si tu parle francais mais jaimerais savoir lesquels des livres livrastique que tu a lu jaimerais les trouver pi ils sappelle tous new alors si tu veu bien etre smat ben tu va menvoyer la liste de livre

Robert [zhaosum]
Sent: 17/2/2005 01:51pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Could you give me a list of all the Kruloror books you have read. It would be much appriciated, thanks.

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 17/2/2005 05:25pm
Subject: Yay new book!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] gtrjess has given you Advanced Thermodynamics. w00t! Thanks much!

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 17/2/2005 05:44pm
Subject: Re: Yay new book!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No probs, snugs.

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] Funny you should tell me to update my database entries…I cannot log on! :-p

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 17/2/2005 05:51pm
Subject: Thanks!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] RobbieJane dice ‘Quanti libri ci sono a Neopia? Voglio leggerli tutti!’ Avventure di Snicklebeast svanisce in una nuvola di fumo rosso/a! *hugs*

Haley Daniels [pigperson_101]
Sent: 17/2/2005 10:19pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello im pigperson_101 i saw your badge for the book club congrats! and please got to my shop

sarah van wijk [pinkemon]
Sent: 17/2/2005 10:43pm
Subject: petpetpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you know what is the use of a petpetpet I have a glack.

Drew Allen [cooliez232155]
Sent: 18/2/2005 07:16am
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi would you like to become my neofriend!!:-)

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 18/2/2005 10:23am
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 1973 beats the score of 1600 by Channy in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!

CoryMikesel [volcom_stone1]
Sent: 18/2/2005 12:21pm
Subject: Re: Hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, and.. (heh, 3rd reply) I get a lot of neomail from strangers, some junk, some not, I try to answer a bunch but usually just end up ignoring alot anyway :/

volcom_stone1 Replied:

[Report Message] im glad you didnt ignore me i feel special… lol. so how are you?

pruehaliwell [prue548236]
Sent: 18/2/2005 02:25pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is prue do you want to be my neo-friend???

mattangelo [matt_the_cat20]
Sent: 18/2/2005 03:18pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you tell me where to see the complete list of booktastic books are?

Samantha Richardson [yecalann]
Sent: 18/2/2005 06:50pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do u wanna be my friend. if not plz answer me this ques. How do u go about changing your username? thanx 4 ur time.

Samantha Richardson [yecalann]
Sent: 18/2/2005 07:05pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You can’t, I’m afraid. Username is permanent, unless you recreate (You can use same email anyway).

yecalann Replied:

[Report Message] a friend of mine’s account was frozen a few days ago and i have been trying to help her coz she does not want to get another account coz she has a lot of dough in da bank. do u know how 2 unfreeze or get the money from the bank. i do not know how long the account will be frozen for. plz help me. thanx for responding.

Samantha Richardson [yecalann]
Sent: 18/2/2005 07:32pm
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Frozen is permament, unless its a temporary ban (from somethign you do on the boards or whatever, and they should tell you so in email or something anyway) – permanent unless you email them and apologise/explain/whatever it takes.. I’m not sure I’m afraid :/ But no, you can’t take anything from the account.

yecalann Replied:

[Report Message] thanx i shall relay ur message. i thinks it was her name that got her frozen. so i will make sure she does as u said. thanx for all ur help. PS. can u add me as a neofreind. it’s ok if u don’t want to, but i would appreciate it if u did.

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 18/2/2005 09:37pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey just letting ya know, im gonna quit neopets. dont have time for it, and no one really talks to meh anymore….so ya dont have to send healin potions ttyl!

horseluver [jordan4688888856]
Sent: 19/2/2005 05:53am
Subject: fanmail
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey your uni is awesome and i just love her uni has almost the same level but otherwise,your uni definately beats mine out!i don’t have any books for you but if I find one i’ll tell you.

sarah van wijk [pinkemon]
Sent: 19/2/2005 07:39am
Subject: Re: petpetpet
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aye, check the blurb I wrote on my shop description. Tells you how to attach a petpetpet.

pinkemon Replied:

[Report Message] thanks

horseluver [jordan4688888856]
Sent: 19/2/2005 08:20am
Subject: Re: fanmail
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Lyxanie: Thank you!

jordan4688888856 Replied:

[Report Message] your welcome!

l�a giro [theveribest]
Sent: 19/2/2005 08:49am
Subject: kestion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] koment ta fai pr ke ton neopets aie 112 points?!?

caitlain regena [caitlain253]
Sent: 19/2/2005 05:40pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi how do i get 2 see all the books u have read (only the booktastic books though) thanx heaps

helma van der wel [helmavdwel]
Sent: 19/2/2005 05:41pm
Subject: help please
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My pets wont read a lot of the booktastic books. Do you know how i get them to read?? Thanks

helma van der wel [helmavdwel]
Sent: 19/2/2005 05:57pm
Subject: Re: help please
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes, you change the language in the sidebar, read it in another language, then switch back.. it will then count

helmavdwel Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you sooo much, i will be grateful forever… not many people are willing to help others. Greetz, Helma

Christi [milady_felixia]
Sent: 20/2/2005 01:21am
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I tried your link to the complete list of books and was told “The topic or post you requested does not exist”. Do you have a current link for the complete list of Booktastic Books?

sydneyadams [fuzzy_paws123]
Sent: 20/2/2005 07:31am
Subject: ellie1239128 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thank you for byeing something from my shop

jared cape [chattermachine999888]
Sent: 20/2/2005 10:32am
Subject: i like your uni
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] excuse me but will u be my battledome partner and help me zafara become a good battledome pet??

jessicacristie [krushingkittywoman]
Sent: 20/2/2005 11:57am
Subject: can i have any kinds of petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] like the topic said can i have any kind of petpets orpetpetpets?

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 20/2/2005 12:48pm
Subject: nevermind
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i decided to stay on neopets…i guess its an addiction i cant quit!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 20/2/2005 12:57pm
Subject: Birthday
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Lot 159677817 has some cheapish items you were missing from cynosured when I compared to neoitems list. This is just some cheapo stuff I came across today.. I’ll continue to look for real gifts oh btw.. I sent you a Yellow Chia Plushie on cynosured (sorry to wrong acct..not to gtrjess LOL) Well, have fun and hope your feeling better!!

Corey Harper [coreydarlon]
Sent: 20/2/2005 02:50pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am in ah of your success with money, books, and PetPets. I just wanted to ask what was your secret to getting so good at things and getting so much money. Also I was wondering if you could maybe start me out with some books or something because my neopet DDarlon the Ruki wants to read but we have very litle money, but if you don’t want to give me anything that’s fine. I just need help. Thank you very much, Corey and DDarlon

gina gettins [ginangettins]
Sent: 20/2/2005 05:00pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u afford all the books????

Brendan Rausenberg [rapters777]
Sent: 20/2/2005 07:43pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] my neopet is a totle genius it say (55) but I want my neopet smarter so cAN YOU GIVE ME A BOOK OR A FEW PLEASE THANK YOU FOR LISING TO MY MESSEGE GOD BLESS,

O.o o.O [sassypinkelephant]
Sent: 20/2/2005 08:14pm
Subject: Re: nevermind
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: YAY Hope to see you now and then.. drop me a line when you can

sassypinkelephant Replied:

[Report Message] well im in chat now, but no ones really talking to meh :S kinda boring…..fran and max are talking about how edna and turmy are “dating”. when u get ednas av she wont let u get turmys av…and vice versa O_o then max brought up the whole kissing and etc…and fran said their child would be edmaculus. wierd…bout to get off though kinda bored….hope to talk to ya soon!

none [gapgirlmichelle]
Sent: 20/2/2005 09:16pm
Subject: Hey Please Dont Delete this
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi this might sound kind of funny but i noticed that your pet has one the booktastic book award. Congrats! I was just curious where you found forty six of those books because i am trying to get that award too. If you could neomail me back and let me know I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much! Michelle

Brooke [koberlein1]
Sent: 21/2/2005 10:05am
Subject: what……
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please tell me some books you read to your pet bcause i need to earn a badge or else i will get hurt from my brother.

none [supersonic357]
Sent: 21/2/2005 10:28am
Subject: your pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you get your aish like that in 200 days

KAY~TAY S [hyper_babe]
Sent: 21/2/2005 02:17pm
Subject: Congrats
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was just lookin around and i noticed your pet has read the most amount of booktastic books. Just wanted to say congrats!

FredSantana [xybermew2]
Sent: 21/2/2005 04:57pm
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do u know if any of the unbuyable booktastic books are around 100k-200k?

rachaelwilkinson [stinkle]
Sent: 21/2/2005 05:13pm
Subject: Would you like some cheese?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] why do you………………..

neoman2923 [neoman2923]
Sent: 21/2/2005 08:16pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know you are already part of a guild but no one else is in my guild so could you please join?

neoman2923 [neoman2923]
Sent: 21/2/2005 08:30pm
Subject: guild
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Please send me your answer.And please tell me the reason

Vita [vitute]
Sent: 22/2/2005 06:41am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i just saw ur Aisha is booktastic booksreader-champion!i have never seen aisha there before,and i love aishas too very very much,and i have little green Aisha!please,reply me!

Tammie [moooooer]
Sent: 22/2/2005 08:43am
Subject: congrats
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] congrats on the neocola machine…. did you just get it 5 mins ago, you must have just beat me in the shop… way to go

brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 22/2/2005 08:52am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox


Tammie [moooooer]
Sent: 22/2/2005 09:10am
Subject: Re: congrats
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aye, I did. Sorry about that :/ But thanks

moooooer Replied:

[Report Message] no prob… that the way the game goes I see we are in the same guild cool, but there are so many in that guild. I don’t post on the boards but I go to the website info.

Tammie [moooooer]
Sent: 22/2/2005 09:14am
Subject: Re: congrats
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, so we are, heya, fellow Spanky. Most of us are usually in guild chat. Boards are too crowded normally, heehee.

moooooer Replied:

[Report Message] yea, I got a new computer a few weeks ago and I haven’t download the chat again… scared to download a lot the way my old computer was, i don’t to get it like that again. just being a lazy chicken

Tammie [moooooer]
Sent: 22/2/2005 09:29am
Subject: Re: congrats
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, awww :/ Hmm.. who were you in the chat? At any rate, aye, hope to see you there if you do decide to download (mIRC!) and come back. Grats on new computer

moooooer Replied:

[Report Message] thanks…. i was moooooer there too

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 09:36am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey i know you said neomailing you is pointless for this subject but i went to your link for books and i searched up some of them on the wizard and it said it couldnt find them… i was just wondering if you knew why that was? Thanks ~Andrea

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 09:52am
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, the really really rare ones are just about nonexistant I’m afraid :/ Like, maybe one or two of them restock per month, maximum, if you’re lucky. You don’t need many (or any) to get badges though, and certainly for the honorary award as well.

cliff_jumper_07 Replied:

[Report Message] Well i’ve read 32 of them but i can’t find any more that i can buy :/

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 10:03am
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. you should be able to get the base set of 31, (first 31 released, that is) as well as Kreludan Christmas Carols, Beyond Neopia, Practical Repairs, Creatures From Afar, and maybe one or two others.. at least 35 for about 100k or slightly more in total price?

cliff_jumper_07 Replied:

[Report Message] Alrighty thanks! Do you know anything about morphing potions or draik eggs? or how to get them less than a million?

brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 22/2/2005 10:11am
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. I don’t have bottled faeries in my shop. Maybe it’s someone else’s shop? The mall links to different player shops, we’re friends

steelers1251 Replied:

[Report Message] well thank you anyway byebye

FredSantana [xybermew2]
Sent: 22/2/2005 10:35am
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You can get a few for 100k-200k, mainly Do The Moon Bounce(r90) and Kreludan Crosswords(r90), and Galactic Adventures II(r89). They’re all around and about 100k, and you can sometimes find them on shop wiz for 99999 if you look long enough. The next one after that is Kreludan Home Decorating (r94) – it’s usually from 200k to 350k somewhere, I’ve seen, though usually 250k at last count?

xybermew2 Replied:

[Report Message] ohh thanx alot, i hope i can get them soon, .

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 10:48am
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You also find potions on the shop wiz for 99,999np or something sometimes, just someone trying to get rid of them and too lazy or too much in a hurry to wait for a slightly better deal on the trading post. Though check the price too, there are some morphing potions (or transmogrification potions) worth just about, or slightly less, or far less than 100k anyway. (Like the uni ones)

cliff_jumper_07 Replied:

[Report Message] okie thank you for all the info. you must have another account? it seems like you know a lot of stuff about neopets compared to the amount of time your account has been made? i dunno just guessing. and i saw your game scores they’re awesome. lol.

AndrewAllcock [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 22/2/2005 10:53am
Subject: Hi there!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dogieneo2 here Using this account because my account got hacked Lost 15.3 mill. You know about the new 4th booktastic book trophy thingy, how many people does it apply to? I am just wondering in case somehow dogieneoneo is un frozen and that he will have a trophy. Of couse he will be… some day. I won’t forget him and i refuse to create another account in memory of him.

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 11:00am
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope, I just play a lot. This is my first account. There’s a very steep learning curve though. You’re welcome, though, and thank you too!

cliff_jumper_07 Replied:

[Report Message] wow. How old are you anyways?? i’m almost 17

AndieMolyneux [cliff_jumper_07]
Sent: 22/2/2005 11:03am
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 20, almost 21

cliff_jumper_07 Replied:

[Report Message] ohhh cool how much time do you put into neopets?

AndrewAllcock [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 22/2/2005 11:14am
Subject: Re: Hi there!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack You did report to neopets, and changed your email’s word, right? Did he change the addie of the account too? Grats, I think, though hope you get it back soon! Mine’s just random series of letters/numbers!

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] Lol. Hes still using my email, and i can’t log into it. My neopets account however was frozen when he logged into it, saying that either one of us had fallen for a scam 0_o. I’m still waiting for TNT to respon from last Friday. Whish me luck! P.S. Dogieneoneo now has 6 trophies

AndrewAllcock [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 22/2/2005 11:04am
Subject: Re: Hi there!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack, that stinks How did you exactly get hacked? And yeah, top 200 is enough for the honorary badge, just gotta be in the list.

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] WOOOT! GJ for dogieneoneo! He has earned 2 more trophies since i last saw him. The hacker used a word generator for my word for my email. He then used neopets word retieval to get into my account. I was last logged out at 10:13 P.M. GMT last Friday, a few hours before dogieneoneo was due to win the BC. Now he got this one too When did they introduce this award?

KAY~TAY S [hyper_babe]
Sent: 22/2/2005 11:41am
Subject: Re: Congrats
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you very much

hyper_babe Replied:

[Report Message] How long have u been in neopets?

brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 22/2/2005 01:09pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. I don’t have bottled faeries in my shop. Maybe it’s someone else’s shop? The mall links to different player shops, we’re friends

steelers1251 Replied:


brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 22/2/2005 02:03pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. I don’t have bottled faeries in my shop. Maybe it’s someone else’s shop? The mall links to different player shops, we’re friends

steelers1251 Replied:

[Report Message] sorry than if i inturupted u!

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 22/2/2005 02:27pm
Subject: Re: Spammer!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there Hope you read this soon – on the spankys offsite boards there’s a guest-spammer who put some triple-x type junk in several of the forums, as a guest – deleted those off the forums I could reach but there are a bunch inside the personal council forums I can’t reach. Hoping you can delete them as admin, so only neomailing you (and not all the council) – and read soon! Thanks *huggle* Jess

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Oh good grief! Okay I will get in there in a little bit when I have some more free time. Thanks a lot Jess!

___Avery___ [reagen2001]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:32pm
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, just wondering if i bought both booktastic books from you how much would you accept?

none [gapgirlmichelle]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Re: Hey Please Dont Delete thi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aaah, sorry, didn’t see this mail to reply to. I restock most of mine from the Kreludan shop itself (shop id 70) – although some of them are so very rare that not more than one restocks in about maybe once a month, if you’re lucky :/

gapgirlmichelle Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks but i have been searching on shop wizard and ive only found about 38, if you would not mind could you send me the names of some of the titles. Im so sorry to bother you. Thanks so very much.

none [gapgirlmichelle]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:43pm
Subject: Re: Hey Please Dont Delete thi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 38 would be about the number you can comfortably find from shop wiz, maybe a couple more if you’re lucky. Have you tried the link from Lyaxnie’s desc-page? Links to a forum post I made with all the names Take those with lower rarity – all the 90s and below are pretty easy to get (as in with np anyway).

gapgirlmichelle Replied:

[Report Message] No how do i get there Thanks so much

___Avery___ [reagen2001]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:47pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 7 million as it said, I think. Not too eager to sell it yet, just restocked them earlier, holding back to either test market or (preferably) get my grubby hands on a r100

reagen2001 Replied:

[Report Message] wow, good job restocking those. I was hoping for somewhat of a discount if i buy both but ok. Thanks

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:47pm
Subject: thanks
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] for accepting the offer…have fun!

none [gapgirlmichelle]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:48pm
Subject: Re: Hey Please Dont Delete thi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Click on Lyxanie’s name in the booktastic list The url for the post is a bit down the page.

gapgirlmichelle Replied:

[Report Message] thanks ill try it

ann [twoser2]
Sent: 22/2/2005 05:56pm
Subject: Re: thanks
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob, you too Btw, you can always bid a bit less on the books I have if you want them, up to 50% off, I don’t mind

twoser2 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks so much… made my day!

KathrynDrew [katydidders]
Sent: 22/2/2005 06:44pm
Subject: Re: Would you like some cheese
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *snugs* Missed ya

katydidders Replied:

[Report Message] Do you know how to get the new chat thing to work i’m totally lost with it and i lost my other one

Forgetful_War_Mouse [mightymouse2472002]
Sent: 23/2/2005 12:14pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you know how many books you have to read to become an honorary member for the booktastic club. or do I have to just make it on the list I just started reading today but I have read 23 books so far. anyhelp will be greatly appreciated thanks mm

Forgetful_War_Mouse [mightymouse2472002]
Sent: 23/2/2005 12:50pm
Subject: Re: hello
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Just on the top 200 list should do the trick 37 books, maybe 38. Though some of them are pretty darn expensive now because everyone’s trying to get the booktastics early.

mightymouse2472002 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks for the help mm

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 23/2/2005 01:08pm
Subject: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] SpankaroonieTwo says ‘I have read that book already!’ I’ll send that one back. 🙂 The other one she still needed, though! Thanks much.

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 23/2/2005 01:13pm
Subject: Re: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob Sent Jenn a couple, had to send you some too, catch Serenity already!

goofyspouse Replied:

[Report Message] LOL…I am on break at work. I don’t think I can RS here. :-p

cally mann [smile181900]
Sent: 23/2/2005 02:24pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have sen you over neopets and was wondering if you would like to be my neofriend? smile181900

phyllisjennings [bluerpearl556]
Sent: 23/2/2005 02:48pm
Subject: oh pls help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i try that link you had on your pet page to get all the books lists so i can find the rest but it doesnt work…can you help me i am just trying to find all the kred. books

jerryluis [mutedoof]
Sent: 23/2/2005 03:22pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you failed to liston so we are forced to freeze your acount im sorry

KathrynDrew [katydidders]
Sent: 23/2/2005 03:22pm
Subject: Re: Would you like some cheese
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mmm, not sure, sorry :/ Are you going to re-get mIRC?

katydidders Replied:

[Report Message] i wanted to but i couldn’t find the site do u knwo what it is?

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:03pm
Subject: Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Did you just give me the book? I accidentally erased the event.

brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:15pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. I don’t have bottled faeries in my shop. Maybe it’s someone else’s shop? The mall links to different player shops, we’re friends

steelers1251 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you any way i look in other shops

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:24pm
Subject: Re: Book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup, hope you haven’t read. Thanks for snowball.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘Thanks, you are my favourite owner! ‘Mynci Day Cook Book vanishes in a puff of purple smoke! TY! I haven’t read ANY of the new books yet. Been too busy to rs. *hugs* – Robin

Amber Jackson [andrewh1090]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:28pm
Subject: Do you want to be my neofriend
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello. My name is Amber, Amber Jackson. Do you want to be my neofriend? You seem to have been playing a long time. I might be able to get you some of the books you want. Sincerely, Amber Jackson

Amber Jackson [andrewh1090]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Just calling
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, again. I’m

Amber Jackson [andrewh1090]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Just calling
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, again. I’m sorry

Amber Jackson [andrewh1090]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Just calling
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, again. I’m sorry to

Amber Jackson [andrewh1090]
Sent: 23/2/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Just calling
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. I’m sorry to bother you with my talking. You don’t need to be my neofriend. Just asking. Amber

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 24/2/2005 03:53am
Subject: ?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey there. It’s me again. Hope I’m not bothering you, but congratulations on getting those two rare booktastic books. Just wanted to ask how you always get hold of those books, because by the time i see them and click on them they are already sold out and i was in the shop when they came out. Was i too slow? Pls reply. Thank You. Charissa

netta suharianu [netta_ss]
Sent: 24/2/2005 10:15am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! do you want to be my neofriend? I’ll be happy to! thx, Netta

Yami Yugi [yugioh!girl]
Sent: 24/2/2005 12:07pm
Subject: warf
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I like that warf in your store Ill give 902 np and a rare item for it. So can i have it? plz?

Brianna [bcbear18]
Sent: 24/2/2005 12:58pm
Subject: Re: Hi 🙂
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Gimme 125k.

bcbear18 Replied:

[Report Message] That is so nice of you. Thank you very much. Have a great day. Brianna

KungPauTikiEater [amir_derakhs_gurl]
Sent: 24/2/2005 01:21pm
Subject: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks for all the volcanic rock! I’ve been away for awhile and it was a nice surprise to come back to.

brittany ruby [steelers1251]
Sent: 24/2/2005 01:45pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. I don’t have bottled faeries in my shop. Maybe it’s someone else’s shop? The mall links to different player shops, we’re friends

steelers1251 Replied:

[Report Message] NO WE ARE NOT!

Cherry [glowing_dreamz]
Sent: 24/2/2005 02:48pm
Subject: !!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I got ahold of a copy of Quest Spells, and I was wondering if you were interested in buying. ^^; (If so, what would be your offer?) Reply back, please.

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 24/2/2005 02:48pm
Subject: THANKS!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘Get me more books, come on, hurry up!’ Ice Cream Factory Game Guide vanishes in a puff of yellow smoke! You’re the best!!

Brenda [whitedove1964]
Sent: 24/2/2005 07:55pm
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!!!!!!

Brenda [whitedove1964]
Sent: 24/2/2005 08:05pm
Subject: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you very much!! *hugs tight*

whitedove1964 Replied:

[Report Message] You are so welcome . Have fun tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
*hugs back*

LindsayOwen [lindsaydo]
Sent: 25/2/2005 05:42am
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i will give u something rare if u can tell me some of the books u have
read (kreludan) cos i buy them and then i try to read them to my pet
and it says ‘ i have already read that book!’ its getting to me now, so
i would appreciate it if you could copy and paste them into an email
and email them to me my email addie is

LindsayOwen [lindsaydo]
Sent: 25/2/2005 12:11pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry, I don’t email others – but if you check Lyxanie’s page with her stats and all, there’s a link to a forum post I made with the complete list of books

lindsaydo Replied:

[Report Message] thanks alot u know theres not many ppl on this site like u anymore, i really appreciate ur help cheers!!!

Sandra G. [sweety9100]
Sent: 25/2/2005 12:21pm
Subject: Neofreundin
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] M�chtest du meine Neofreundin sein?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 25/2/2005 01:31pm
Subject: Happy Birthday!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Sorry couldnt afford anything else Hope this *HUG* compensates for that! Hope you have a wonderful day

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 25/2/2005 02:13pm
Subject: unbuyable books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Right now I am selling 7 different unbuyable books if interested:

Zafara War-r98Moehog Masterpieces-r97Neopias Past-r97Lupe Legends-r96Flotsam Wok Recipes-r95Book of Evil Schemes-r95Poogle Day Ideas-r95

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 25/2/2005 02:42pm
Subject: Re: unbuyable books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 700k for Zafara War? Besides that, not interested, thanks

quigglefan1234 Replied:

[Report Message] no thanx, if I change my mind I’ll let u know

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 25/2/2005 03:18pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] we have chatted before about the books you are selling, but how do you mange to get them from the book shop? I never even see them in there!

Drew Allen [cooliez232155]
Sent: 25/2/2005 03:30pm
Subject: cooliez23215 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HIIIIIIIIIII!! will you be my neofriend!! I got your username from the kadoatery

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 25/2/2005 03:34pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Luck.. got to get the timing correct, then its luck after that when the shop restocks, hope good books come out Very hard to restock during late afternoon/early night, and weekends, so many many people on that if a good book comes out it’s gone in under 4 seconds.. lasts 2-3 seconds more at least during slower times, and that’s when I can get it, when people with superfast modems and no lifes aren’t sitting there.

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you for the tips, maybe I will get lucky.

eringorslineering [eringorslineering]
Sent: 25/2/2005 04:18pm
Subject: 100000
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ill give you 100000 neopoints if u get me some books i need

NancyHaddad [nancy_haddad]
Sent: 25/2/2005 04:47pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi my name is nancy_haddad can u be my neofriend? check out stu7644444 or nancy_haddad

Thyme Change [thyme_of_change]
Sent: 25/2/2005 07:19pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob Oh, anything r95 and above is always 10000 in the shop too, so putting 9999 in clipboard, or getting ready to type that in (or 9998 or whatever) helps for the super rares too. The r90s to r94s are always 5000, so go for 4999 or 4888 or 5000 or 5111, and the r89 galactic adventures II is always 2500 in shop, so.. etc

thyme_of_change Replied:

[Report Message] thanks again

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 25/2/2005 08:39pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey i got a question for you Kreludan Engineering and Kreludor Versus Neopia are they rarity 99 or 100 or what… your the only person to have had them so i fugred you knew… thanks

beccaisaacs [rebekahsaacs4228]
Sent: 25/2/2005 08:49pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

hi wanna b my fwend im very good at bing a fwend

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 25/2/2005 09:30pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Both r100s. There’re like 9 r100s if you count Interplantery, I believe.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] uhhhhggg… this stinks… they like never r/s either… which dosent help….. how amny rarity 99s are there i know gtnm and aai is there any others?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 25/2/2005 09:39pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: aai, icfk, gnm

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] duhh i r/s’d icfk today and i forgot it lol…. besides you and the person in 2nd place has anyone else read a rarity 100 that you know of? or were they the only 3 in circulation so far ?

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 25/2/2005 09:52pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote:

Nooo.. at least one of EVERY book has RSed, I believe, excpt morons have read them all I have the np to pay for it, but no one’s offering, you know? GJ on the rs

Purples: At least 1 I’ve heard, I thinkScenic: At least 1 I’ve heard, I thinkVersus: At least 1, I RSed it Might be 2.Aboard: At least 1 confirmed in chat.Robot Petpet: At least 1 confirmed in chat too.Grundo Invasion: At least 2 confirmed, maybe 3.Engineering: At least 1, I read it from a clannie.Advanced Kreludan: Supposedly one early on too, if I remember chat.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] ohhh wow… i didnt think any had yet…. i sit here all day waiting for sumthin good to r/s but never get nuttin… i think tnt needs to lower a few of them downto rarity 99 because theres more rarity 100 then there are rarity 90-99 or release more from 90-99 becasue i only need the rarity 100 left and there none out there and im not the richest person in the world so even if 1 came along i would proly get out bidded anyway…… which sux but thats the way it goes….

johnnybravo [m00_m00421]
Sent: 25/2/2005 09:55pm
Subject: Re: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheheh Yeah.. no kidding. They want to make it seem attainable, which it really isn’t, to entice more people.. ah well. :/ I haven’t had a chance even to bid at any since I read my last r100.. almost a month now? More? Oh well. Bedtime, night. *poofs*

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] well atleast your number 1 i havent gotten past 3 yet… but im happy i got gold….. same heres its almost 1 am… waiting for snowager then to bed with me also…. well ill ttly bye

Angelus [angelus_rulez]
Sent: 25/2/2005 10:02pm
Subject: Books that u need
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

I have the books u need so what will u give me for then?

GemmaDalby [babypinkgemma]
Sent: 26/2/2005 02:32am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi im wunderin if you can help me find some decent boos my pets can read plz replie

lollipop18192 [lollipop18192]
Sent: 26/2/2005 07:13am
Subject: beakadoole
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, u have a beakadoodle in ur shop i see, i really want the beakadoole but i dont have any pnts!!! 🙁 i wuz wondering if u would give me the beakadoodle for something. pleeze!!!!!!! thank u 4 reading!

sara tafoya [bellelover341]
Sent: 26/2/2005 01:50pm
Subject: Wow..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wow.. i like your shop.. it’s like really cool…

kevin yim [cakemasta]
Sent: 26/2/2005 05:14pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am on defenders of neopia quest 3 which is where i am suppose to kill the cave chia. i went to the spankaroonie web site and it told me to go to the tyrannian cave painting to get him right. and so i went and i cant get him. and so after going many days of going to try and get him and refreshing i still cant get him. can you help me? and also it says that there is a trapdoor to get the meerca henchmen but i cant find it in the lost desert. can you also tell me where this trap door is?

Eddie Mone [eddiepieness]
Sent: 26/2/2005 05:32pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey i just was looking at ur profile and stuff and i think ur probably one of the most adavance people on neopets and ur supplys and shops and.. well everything is just amazing =P i wanted to know if u had any advice for someone like me who hasent been playing very long… well thanx alot i hope to hear from you soon

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 26/2/2005 06:55pm
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can’t believe I missed it!! I start a new job on Tuesday and it’s
been a little hectic. Anyway – Hope it was fun and enjoy being
21!! (that rhymes!!) *hugs*

– Robin

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 26/2/2005 07:15pm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh!! I feel ol-*looks at you* *shuts up* Er, I mean, thanks a lot *hugs* When’s your birthday?

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Not until July 5th…got a ways.

AQ [anniqa]
Sent: 26/2/2005 08:39pm
Subject: Re: Snugs
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you.

anniqa Replied:

[Report Message] Sorry for the lateness. Hope you had a great birthday

Angelus [angelus_rulez]
Sent: 26/2/2005 10:27pm
Subject: Re: Books that u need
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh? And which book/books exactly would they be?

angelus_rulez Replied:

[Report Message]

well all the books ur pet has to read

i believe they are:

Beam Me AboardAdvanced Kreludan PhysicsKnow Your Robot PetpetThe Green Grundo InvasionScenie Kreludan ViewsHow Purples Got Their Spots

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 26/2/2005 10:46pm
Subject: Re: ?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey, and thanks for your kind words. Probably so yeah, the books don’t last very long at all, at most 4-5 seconds if you’re lucky before someone buys them up, you have to have the timing of the resocks down accurately and have a decently fast connection to have any chance of restocking the really rare ones :/ I got them both a couple of days ago.. early in the morning when I happened to be on but few other people are, they restocked within half an hour or an hour of each other I think. Late afternoon to late night north american time is worst time to restock (though still possible of course) – far too many competing people!

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] Early in the morning is what time nst? Thanks for replying.

jess james [jess115910]
Sent: 27/2/2005 06:49am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey your awsome

Dylan Huerter [grey_lynx]
Sent: 27/2/2005 07:38am
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey there gtrjess. In your shop is a buzz for 4999. do you think you
could swing me a deal on that?.?. I have 3049 np. Please can you do

tylerreid [link2000linklives]
Sent: 27/2/2005 01:10pm
Subject: woah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] your good, very good. i saw your pet and thats… impressive, i cant belive you did all that in 7 months. ive been here for a decent time an you have all my trophies and a lot more how’d you do it?

travisoverland [weasel1015656]
Sent: 27/2/2005 02:12pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i need u to be my friend so i can buy some petpets from u or eles i will lose your name!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 27/2/2005 04:44pm
Subject: Guess What!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 2 gourmets to buy!! Then I will have enough to get on the list

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 27/2/2005 05:06pm
Subject: Re: Guess What!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yay!

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Not really a yay gonna cost like 180k

LibertyLiu [yoyolib]
Sent: 27/2/2005 05:16pm
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi
would u like to buy a COOKIN WITH PEAS, UNBUYABLE BOOK!!

tp goes for 500k.

i’ll sell for 300k or lower.


cheap sell!

MayaLynnFranisco [chomby606]
Sent: 27/2/2005 08:35pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im trying to get my tonu into the book trophie , so if it wouldn’t be that much trouble , could you tell me all the kredulor books you have read ?

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 28/2/2005 01:48am
Subject: Re: ?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohh… ugh, I have no clue I haven’t been here early.. I think it means like the 12am to 5am area. I’ve never been awake at that time though so can’t really say if true or not, but supposedly lowest traffic time.

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] That’s funny. I’m online around 12am to 2am, but i seldom see rare books . Thank You anyway.

michelleongwenling [michellejasmine1991]
Sent: 28/2/2005 04:54am
Subject: happy brithday
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

happy brithday to you.i would like to make friends with you.can u please accept me as your friends?

colossul [colossul]
Sent: 28/2/2005 06:18am
Subject: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

in what city do you live in?

I live in brossard

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 28/2/2005 09:14am
Subject: Aww!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey thanks Jess for donating 3ok!!!! That’s the most i’ve gotten
from one person so far! I really apprieciate it! I’ll put a
link to you on my donators page Luff~ Foo

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 28/2/2005 09:24am
Subject: Re: Aww!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *hugs* No prob.. don’t have the pb or I’d donate the one myself, but hope you replace the poor chap soon.. his spirit’s impatiently waiting for the new body to inhabit, I don’t doubt

o0o_opiate_o0o Replied:

[Report Message] roflmao XD /me thinks so too

uubb [praymond]
Sent: 28/2/2005 10:13am
Subject: Re: Guild board
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya Jess here. Did you ever come up with a list of rules for the mods on the Spankys offsite boards? One thing I’d like to know whether you think is legal or not – policy on other non-guild members posting on the books for sale/books books books forum on books they’re selling?

praymond Replied:

[Report Message] hey I have, but as I’m not on the sub-council any more, I guess it doesnt matter Best bet would be to ask Fran *hugs* Phil

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 28/2/2005 11:15am
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m going to try for the Booktastic Honorary Book Award. I have 35 books so I need 2, maybe 3 books to get in the top 200. If you rs or see any of the following books, can I buy from you? Kreludan Crosswords Galactic Adventures II Do The Moon Bounce Kreludan Cookie Cookbook Guide to the Neocola Machine Kreludan Home Decorating It Came From Kreludor Alien Aisha Invasion Interplanetary Communications Advanced Kreludan Physics ‘Beam Me Aboard ‘How Purples Got Their Spots Know Your Robot Petpet Kreludan Engineering Kreludor Versus Neopia Scenic Kreludan Views The Green Grundo Invasion Thanks and *hugs*, Robin

AndrewAllcock [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 28/2/2005 11:19am
Subject: Re: Hi there!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack You did report to neopets, and changed your email’s word, right? Did he change the addie of the account too? Grats, I think, though hope you get it back soon! Mine’s just random series of letters/numbers!

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] GUESS WHOS BACK??? DOGIES BACK! GUESS WHOS BACK??? BACK AGAIN! DOGIES BACK! DOGIES BACK! *goes into drum roll* TNT UNFROZE MY ACCOUNT! All i need to do now is get into it 0_o

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 28/2/2005 02:36pm
Subject: OMG!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] THANKS!!! RobbieJane says ‘This is great… buy me more books!!!’ Do The Moon Bounce vanishes in a puff of green smoke! RobbieJane says ‘Im getting smarter!’ Kreludan Crosswords vanishes in a puff of green smoke! *hugs* You want anything or do you just want the next snag I get that you haven’t read?

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 28/2/2005 02:38pm
Subject: Re: OMG!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nah, don’t worry about it Were extra books in stash. Don’t have the r94 or r89 though.

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] Don’t need it! 148’RobbieJane’ : search.phtml?selected_type=pet&string=RobbieJane37

kaitlin greene [greenet16]
Sent: 1/3/2005 08:22am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] why can’t i buy anything from your shop??? how do u get all those awards????? -greenet16 write back

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:10am
Subject: Guide to the Neocola Machine
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you separate Guide to the Neocola Machine and put it into the auction for 3.5 million np. Thanks, Paul (for my brother Gary)

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:25am
Subject: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Oops! I goofed. My brother wants to buy Kreludan Cookie Cookbook for 2 million. Could you separate that from the other really expensive book? Thanks

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:37am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You need to unblock nf requests, for some reason that’s preventing me from accepting too. *eyes Neopets* Sorry about earlier too, thought it was yet another one of the I-offer-junk-for-your-trade type things. Not having a vrey good day here.

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] well, I feel like an idiot, but I don’t remember blocking nf requests in the first place, so how do I un-block them????

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:38am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You need to unblock nf requests, for some reason that’s preventing me from accepting too. *eyes Neopets* Sorry about earlier too, thought it was yet another one of the I-offer-junk-for-your-trade type things. Not having a vrey good day here.

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] Okay, it says that you are on my neofriend list now, but that you haven’t accepted.

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:41am
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: ERROR : That person has blocked incoming Neofriend requests Go to boards, user prefs, site prefs, and uncheck the fourth option, Block Neofriends Requests.

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for the assistance. I followed your directions and took care of the blocking.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 2/3/2005 08:37am
Subject: Auction Successful!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess You will be pleased to know that your Neopets auction Lot No. 34746367 (Kreludan Cookie Cookbook) has been successful, and that 2000000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below is a list of the bids and other information. Bid : 2000000 NeoPoints, placed by xarsha. We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at: Yours Sincerely, The Neopets Team! Web : Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

nasi aristumendigorrieta [beastboy3817]
Sent: 2/3/2005 02:42pm
Subject: neoamigo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] apuesssss..porfavoooooor

nasi aristumendigorrieta [beastboy3817]
Sent: 2/3/2005 02:54pm
Subject: neoamigo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] porfavoor.pooooorrrrrffavor

Anna [bamaace83]
Sent: 2/3/2005 03:02pm
Subject: Hi quick book question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know your one badge is the booktastic badge but what is your other badge for I have not seen that one before. Anna

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 2/3/2005 03:03pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 106). We have given you 127 NP!

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 2/3/2005 05:25pm
Subject: r99
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] selling an r99 shadow usul stories if interested

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 2/3/2005 05:32pm
Subject: Re: r99
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Don’t suppose you’d take an offer of 1.5-2 mil for it.

quigglefan1234 Replied:

[Report Message] I would take 2 mil

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 2/3/2005 05:34pm
Subject: Re: r99
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. nods, well, sounds about right. Sure, I’ll offer two, though feel free to wait for better offers or accept.

quigglefan1234 Replied:

[Report Message] 2 is good enough for me, I’ll put it in auctions for 1 hour

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 2/3/2005 05:38pm
Subject: Re: r99
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Don’t suppose you’d take an offer of 1.5-2 mil for it.

quigglefan1234 Replied:

[Report Message] ok it’s in

ItsMe [quigglefan1234]
Sent: 2/3/2005 05:40pm
Subject: Re: r99
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And done. Thanks.

quigglefan1234 Replied:

[Report Message] no problem and thanx too, can just about afford a G Bomb now

Anna [bamaace83]
Sent: 2/3/2005 06:15pm
Subject: Re: Hi quick book question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: The other badge? It’s regular book badge.. Check the link off of the bookshop (shop id 7)

bamaace83 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you very much Im working on booktastic have read 34 I didnt know there was another book badge I will have to work on that one too. Hehehehehe. Thanks so much.

none [jamminjuliegirl]
Sent: 2/3/2005 06:15pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox


The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 2/3/2005 06:37pm
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess, Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 34781598 (for Shadow Usul Stories). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction. Bid : 2000000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess. We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at: Yours Sincerely, The Neopets Team! Web : Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

itistheguyomg [cakemasta]
Sent: 2/3/2005 06:59pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] in the complete booklist for the kreluden books it says “galactic adventures” twice. does that mean you read it twice or what?

itistheguyomg [cakemasta]
Sent: 2/3/2005 06:59pm
Subject: Re: Help!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope, one is Galactic Adventures II

cakemasta Replied:

[Report Message] oh thanks

itistheguyomg [cakemasta]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:02pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thx but i need practical repairs and down on the list but it is okay anyways

itistheguyomg [cakemasta]
Sent: 2/3/2005 07:04pm
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Prac repairs it is then. Won’t accept nf request though I’m afraid, got too many already, need to trim a lot down. *goes to trim*

cakemasta Replied:

[Report Message] ok thx alot

Trevor [noober400]
Sent: 2/3/2005 09:44pm
Subject: Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’ve been sitting around the bottom of the Booktastic Top 200 and I just need 1 or 2 more Kreludan books to put further up the list. So looking thru the TP, I came across your trades and was wondering if you are interested in trading my Zafara War R98 for books I need??? Check the Book Database for “Grarrl_400_88” and the books he needs. You can also have a look at my Book Gallery “GreatLibrary” (Spankaroonie Guild Acct) for fun if you want. Also Happy Birthday for the 25/2, the same B’day as my mum Anyway.. if you want to work out a trade let me know, thanks Noober400/GreatLibrary

niome reed [pippin_hobbit_reid]
Sent: 3/3/2005 08:53am
Subject: HOW?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi im pippin_hobbit_reid how did you get so many tropies and train your neopet so high in just 6 months?

BedHead [shamus_puppydog]
Sent: 3/3/2005 02:04pm
Subject: neofriend
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u b my neofriend

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 03:32pm
Subject: booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i see that you dont need a Kreludan Cookie Cookbook. so i was wondering how much you bought your for?

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 04:54pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I bought mine for about oh.. 1 million np -ish, plus or minus 200k? Not sure of exact price, I paid in items. Sold one a couple days ago for 2 mil though, that I restocked But I was willing to wait.. took a couple weeks.

wildchild1245 Replied:

[Report Message] ok ty LOTS

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 04:57pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No prob Grats on the one you have too.. I’d wait for 1.3 to 1.5 million at least though. But possible to get higher, eventually someone will buy.

wildchild1245 Replied:

[Report Message] ok…ive already had 2 offer today…800k…and a 1 mil gnome

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 04:59pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hm.. I’d try to wait for pure, unless you like an item that’s offered.. those things are impossible to sell if you plan to resell.

wildchild1245 Replied:

[Report Message] yea i rej both…im trying for 2 mil….

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 05:01pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good luck Mine sat for almost the full 2 week period I think before someone wanted it badly enough for that, but yeah, possible.

wildchild1245 Replied:

[Report Message] ok ty…im going to try for 2 mil……its crazy….this is my first UB

Impy [wildchild1245]
Sent: 3/3/2005 05:03pm
Subject: Re: booktastic
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats! Its a pretty good one. If no one bites on 2 mil you can always lower a bit after a week or two, too..

wildchild1245 Replied:

[Report Message] yea thats what will probly end up happening…but ill hope for the best

Froshy [tapwater]
Sent: 3/3/2005 09:07pm
Subject: Quick question..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] About how much so far has reading your pet all those booktastic books cost you? Just curious because I may go for the award . If you don’t know, maybe just an estimate is fine. Thanks in advance!

Trevor [noober400]
Sent: 3/3/2005 11:41pm
Subject: Re: Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hm.. how much for? I doubt I’ll trade either of the r99s for that of course, but I can hook you up with a discounted Crosswords, and possibly the next Home Decor I rs, if ever again? Hehe. But what are you looking for for the Z-War, any particular package you’re looking to get in return? Last of the Zafara books I still need.

noober400 Replied:

[Report Message] Well Zafara War is priced at between 1.3 – 1.5 Mill. I was hoping to sell for a fair price of pure NP but since I need to get back into the Top 200 (I’m probably sitting at about 203rd or 204th by now) and you being a Spankaroonie I would say at about 1.1 -1.2 Million in equal value books. Most Neopians would love one of your r99’s as I would but I can understand not wanting to let them go. Would Kreludan Crosswords, Famous Chias plus either A Chias Choice or some NP be fair for Zafara War?

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 4/3/2005 08:44am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Alien Aisha Invasion’s so low? 800k/1 mil on tp? Hmm.. not sure what price should be, but if you’re actually looking to sell that for 800k, I think I’d buy it from you and stash it for future sale..

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] Well, okay. I gave it to my brother, and then he discovered that his pet had already read it! Grrrrrrrrr. I’m not into that book award stuff, so now I have to unload it.

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 4/3/2005 08:49am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, ahh. Hm, how much did you pay for it?

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] 800k. As you can see I’m not trying to even make a profit. How sad is that? Gary said that (in his defense), that the read-list for the Booktastic books doesn’t have the titles. Just pictures and a few words. Oh, well…

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 4/3/2005 08:59am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehehe, awwww. *points Gary to our guild website where there’s a public database/online-checklist of books and more one can tick off I’ll buy it for 800k if you like though, though as fair warning I’ll only be stashing it, and maybe reselling it some time as part of some deal to get something I want – or to hold for a couple months and hope someone really needs bad enough to pay higher for it. And if you’d rather not, then no worries.

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] So, I don’t care if you will eventually be rolling in np from the (sniff) sacrifice I’m making. (more sniffs) Bid away and it is yours. To help you deal with the guilt you could give me an item that’s worth something. At least edible. No Tombola keyrings, please!

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 4/3/2005 09:00am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess, Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 34889649 (for Sloth Day Pasta). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction. Bid : 3700 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess. We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at: Yours Sincerely, The Neopets Team! Web : Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 4/3/2005 09:05am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh! Hey now! It’s not like it’d be a guaranteed profit, just that I’m pretty certain (though looking at the current price on the tp, I’m second-guessing a bit) that it might be possible to be sold for higher.. eventually. When all the current ones disappear, that is (Time to stash my own restocked copy away too, ugh). But hmm.. worth something. Edible you say? Like a gourmet?

xarsha Replied:

[Report Message] I said “edible” not necessarily “incredible.”

Paul [xarsha]
Sent: 4/3/2005 09:14am
Subject: Business deal
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, nice doin’ business with you. Unexpected cool items. (Hmmm, might just be tempted to go for that gourmet award

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 4/3/2005 09:24am
Subject: Re: Offsite boards
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi I neomailed Phil and he redirected me to you, soo.. curious, for the offsite forum boards, do we have a set of rules for them? Specifically, I’d like to know if possible what you prefer the policies to be in terms of offsite people coming in to post BC entries (which I don’t like at all, oh no!) or offsite people coming in to put book-shop ads or simply books-for-sale ads, without discount to spankys or such, just regular info (which annoys me a bit but nothing wrong I suppose). Been a couple of times has happened in the past, though I’ve always left it. Anyway just thought to ask what you think about them or what you’d like to see one way or the other – if you have time, if not, no matters. ((Currently on firefox in school, pardon the poor indentation)) Thanks for your time, hugs! Jess

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Our forum is open to the public, and if someone isn’t a member of the guild their rank reflects it. Tons of people who aren’t in our guild use the site, no reason to exclude them from the forum

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 4/3/2005 01:02pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nods, agreed, but there’s been a case recently at least of someone registering just to post their (say) BC entry under the relevant board, and that’s it.. it -might- become some sort of outside-player ad forum in the future. But okie. Will make sure to edit their posts anyway to indicate they’re offguild in the future, as and when I see them.. by my reckoning most of our members who see it don’t always realise the person isn’t part of the guild since there are a lot of quieter members

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Please don’t edit their posts, we don’t need anyone feeling they’ve been singled out. Thanks

Jon [fox_dirt_biking9]
Sent: 4/3/2005 01:06pm
Subject: Yar!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what books has ur pet read could u plz tell me?

pretty9078 [pretty9078]
Sent: 4/3/2005 01:22pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have one of the books you need

pretty9078 [pretty9078]
Sent: 4/3/2005 02:50pm
Subject: book
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And that book would be?

pretty9078 Replied:

[Report Message] And that book would be? I have Beam me aboard what do you want to trade for it it was very very expensive

Froshy [tapwater]
Sent: 4/3/2005 05:06pm
Subject: Re: Quick question..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey there – not sure I’m afraid. I restocked a lot of them, so all in all only about 6 million for like 2 or 3 of the more expensive ones. The ones I did read would come out to be about at least 20-22 mil though :/ 2 r100s (5 mil each), 1 r99 (3.5 mil), AAI/ICFK/IC (r99/r99/r100, at least 5-7 mil total, although possible as low as 4? Not sure.), cookie cookbook is 800k-1.5m somewhere, and prices for Home Decorating, GAII and the two r90s are still pretty high now. Depends how much you’ve read and how much time you want to spend restocking

tapwater Replied:

[Report Message] Whoa haha… well I just decided to get the honorary award and now I’mlike near the hundreds area. TNT has problems giving out trophiesthough

Froshy [tapwater]
Sent: 4/3/2005 05:11pm
Subject: Re: Quick question..
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats.. Yeah, the earlier few books are okay until you start hitting the r99s/100s :/ (Though I do have a healthy nest egg sitting and waiting for r100s to show their pertty little heads on tp) And indeed they do, re trophies.. or at least the honorary awards, heard a lot about it, bunch of guildies got it last Friday (our guild’s birthday) after sitting in list for several days. After that not sure

tapwater Replied:

[Report Message] Okay well.. thanks for all of your help!

Mr Patate [gardien_67]
Sent: 4/3/2005 05:27pm
Subject: Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello =) ‘’ : ++

kit ming ho [kittykat902]
Sent: 4/3/2005 05:59pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ur items are so expensive! u should lower it.

TroyAusmus [bob3911111]
Sent: 4/3/2005 08:29pm
Subject: help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you still have any job tickets i know it may seem stupid butiwill give you 10,000 asap if you give me the lowest job slip youhaveor how do you get them

TroyAusmus [bob3911111]
Sent: 4/3/2005 09:22pm
Subject: Re: help
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope, sorry, no tickets here. How to get them? From the Brightvale wheel you can get some, though very rare.

bob3911111 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you so much

LittleSweetHeart [lil_princess94]
Sent: 5/3/2005 06:14am
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am just amazed by all the booktastic books you have read! My pet, lil_hunny94, Has read about 33 books so far. I want to get 4 more but they are too expensive! (100k +) So how did you do it?

Me [tiger33333339]
Sent: 5/3/2005 07:28am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] may i please have a petpet for 250 cuz turly that all i got please me do anything please

olestanford [mouseybol]
Sent: 5/3/2005 08:50am
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey will you be my neofriend? If so, thanks. If not I am very sad about that.

Paige M [egiap007]
Sent: 5/3/2005 09:07am
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hiya! You don’t know me. My name is Paige. I saw your name at the top of the Booktastic Books list. (BTW, that complete list of Booktastic Books you have a link for is just lovely! ) I’m slowly trying to work my way up there, but I keep buying books that my Neopet, KawaiiKy, justwon’t read… It’s frustrating. Is there a way around that, or do I just except it? Thank you in advance for any info you can give me. Paige =) (and the lovely KawaiiKy!)

aluminumFOIL [key_lime101]
Sent: 5/3/2005 01:35pm
Subject: wow!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wow! ur rilly good at neopets. im u have anthing to spare? im trying to help my sister geta pb for her birthday which is march 15! plz

reneebeaulieu [basketball852x]
Sent: 5/3/2005 03:46pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

Steph N. [everything_all]
Sent: 5/3/2005 06:02pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you have any dogglefoxs for a low price of 1028?

AnnieHalloin [horseshoe252]
Sent: 5/3/2005 07:44pm
Subject: Wow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wow. You’ve read 46 books!?

eh [kittygrl6112]
Sent: 6/3/2005 08:14am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have a book you want its “How Purples Got Their Spots”

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 6/3/2005 09:42am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I offered 150k for your book. Are you online?

j k [burntfaceman111]
Sent: 6/3/2005 10:04am
Subject: hiy
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hiy can i just ask you something ??? are you rich it looks like it coz u fed 29 kats

SoraHearts [kingdomhearts2593]
Sent: 6/3/2005 12:27pm
Subject: Sora2593 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can u get a complete list booklastic boooks pleaz Can u give me Creatures from Afar pleaaz

esperanza417r [esperanza417r]
Sent: 6/3/2005 04:00pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is esperanza. is it ok if i add your daghter on to my neo friends list? i wanted to ask for your permtion befor i do. please write back soon.

NonameImaghost [frozen_8]
Sent: 6/3/2005 06:17pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations on being #1 In the booktastic book list! Are there anybooks that you would like to request as a reward for working so hard?

NonameImaghost [frozen_8]
Sent: 6/3/2005 06:27pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *grin* Only all the other Kreludan books I’ve yet to read.

frozen_8 Replied:

[Report Message] well, give me one book and maybe ill buy it for you!

NonameImaghost [frozen_8]
Sent: 6/3/2005 06:28pm
Subject: Re: Hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *grin* Only all the other Kreludan books I’ve yet to read.

frozen_8 Replied:

[Report Message] I mean give me one book name sry

Paige M [egiap007]
Sent: 6/3/2005 06:51pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you Sorry for the belated reply – the neomail got lost in a bunch of other strange ones and I never got around to replying to it. In response to the boring books, yes, the short answer is to change the language of the site (yellow taskbar at the side), read the book, then change back. The long answer is at: (www) Explains why a book is ‘boring’. Good luck with reading.

egiap007 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks! It worked…Kinda. I have now read “Oranges are Better”, which I couldn’t do before, but it seems “Kreludan Bed Time Stories” is beyond my reach no matter what language it is in! I tried! Thank you again for your assitance, Paige

Nur Syahida [syidazzz]
Sent: 7/3/2005 02:17am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m syidazzz. Actually, i just need ur help. What i need is wat book is the bookstatic list? I can’t find e website. I can help u to get one of the book u want. If you have wat i want, why not we just trade? If you agree, u reply me.. if you don’t agree, then, reply me also… hehehe. Hope reply asap.

jadereynolds [jadereynolds]
Sent: 7/3/2005 10:40am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i would like to ask you were is the lab ray please reply an dtell me were it is pretty pretty please jadereynolds

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 7/3/2005 01:39pm
Subject: Poogle Toy
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I finally got my magical poogle toy!!!! Found a Usuki Paint brush and traded. As soon as I give up on the silly Lenny I’m zapping, I think I shall read Vengeful Scroll to FarieDust12!! *hugs* Deb

KattKougra [snowkatt16]
Sent: 7/3/2005 02:22pm
Subject: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] A ROCK FOR 49,999??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hen Grid [robohenry]
Sent: 7/3/2005 05:01pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do u have any paintbrushes i could possibly by from u?

Dani [rodsgirl]
Sent: 8/3/2005 02:34am
Subject: ? about Booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Where did you find all of them?? And about how much NP did it cost toread all of them? I am just looking to make the list! Thanks for yourhelp

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 8/3/2005 07:06am
Subject: Hey girl,
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey there! Have not seen you much, missed you around. Ihave some things for you and I found someone who will lend themspp. So let me know when you have a chance if you are stillneeding that avie! I hope all is well! Take care and talkto you later! BIG HUGS!!!

Jessyta [jessyta]
Sent: 8/3/2005 10:11am
Subject: Re: MSPP
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks a lot! If you haven’t bid yet, feel free to keep 100k or something. Appreciated!

jessyta Replied:

[Report Message] I bid the books and 800k on that lot. Bidding 700k on the junk lot.

frankenstein323 [frankenstein323]
Sent: 8/3/2005 10:14am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! just wanted to know if that is the tcg that is worth a lot.i know theirs one but i don’t know what it’s called.

frankenstein323 [frankenstein323]
Sent: 8/3/2005 10:17am
Subject: Re: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes that is, although I was just returning it to someone, had borrowed it for the avatar.

frankenstein323 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you at least i know the name now.take care

Death [tasian1989]
Sent: 8/3/2005 10:27am
Subject: Krawk Swashbuckler
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I was just wondering if you may want to buy my Krawk Swashbuckler if you do neomail me back thanks -Tasian

jadereynolds [jadereynolds]
Sent: 8/3/2005 11:50am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi sorry to bother you again but how much is 450k in neopoints and how much it 50k in neopoints jadereynolds

Dani [rodsgirl]
Sent: 8/3/2005 01:56pm
Subject: Re: ? about Booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi – they all restock in shop 70, the kreludan bookshop, and cost to get just into the list currently is maybe 300-400k, depending on how much you can gt the semi-rare books for. Cost to get higher rises very fast though.

rodsgirl Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you for responding. I checked out the website on your lookup andI have read most of the books but the really expensive ones. I justwant to make the list LOL. I know it sounds corny but it gives mesomething to work towards

Dani [rodsgirl]
Sent: 8/3/2005 02:03pm
Subject: Re: ? about Booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, aye. Which are the lowest rarity ones you haven’t read? *curious* – And well, checking some of the prices, they might be a bit more than 300-400k total, currently, because everyone’s trying to get honorary, but then again I’m sure you’ve read a bunch. And, no problem!

rodsgirl Replied:

[Report Message] On the list from the website you provided I have read everything above Creatures From Afar. I am working on getting Creatures From Afar from my guild, but everything else isunbuyable. I don’t have that kind of money right now. I am hopingthat I just run into a newbie that doesn’t know what its worth andposts it for cheap LOL, but I never seem to have that kind of luck

Dani [rodsgirl]
Sent: 8/3/2005 02:14pm
Subject: Re: ? about Booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah, aye. Which are the lowest rarity ones you haven’t read? *curious* – And well, checking some of the prices, they might be a bit more than 300-400k total, currently, because everyone’s trying to get honorary, but then again I’m sure you’ve read a bunch. And, no problem!

rodsgirl Replied:

[Report Message] OMGosh you didn’t have to do that!!! Do you collect anything that I donate to??? Thank you!!!

Death [tasian1989]
Sent: 8/3/2005 06:56pm
Subject: Re: Krawk Swashbuckler
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Depends on price sought.

tasian1989 Replied:

[Report Message] Well I need money but I also want to sell it so….how much you offer? lol

DianeLee [twinklefairy_diane]
Sent: 8/3/2005 08:15pm
Subject: hi…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] username is you want to be neofriends?

Elliott Slagle [pyrimidhead_the_dark]
Sent: 8/3/2005 10:02pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello how are u? i was surfing the site, found the booktastic club thingie, found your pet, then you im hoping to make some friends on here

JaniceBudisetia [eeyore3086]
Sent: 9/3/2005 01:25am
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi.. i just wonderring how much will u sell all of ur books?? R u selling them seperate?? how much is each? and do accept np only or items as well.. thanks.. hope u can write me back..

?? ??? [natsunookurimono]
Sent: 9/3/2005 04:39am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much all? Please teach in easy English. The pet will read. My best regards.

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/3/2005 09:49am
Subject: Guess what I did?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message]

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/3/2005 09:56am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeeep! Nice. Ah, that’s how one gets the avvie. Ugh. Lenny!

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Well, since I started the thread, not today, but I’ll lend her to you. Unless we get lucky otherwise.

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/3/2005 09:59am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh *snugs* Please don’t risk a high-value pet.. Though thanks!

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] *hugs*

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/3/2005 10:01am
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh *snugs* Please don’t risk a high-value pet.. Though thanks!

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Oh! And thanks again for the scroll. It was there if Ineeded it when I got to the award and now it came through for somethingelse. You wrock!

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/3/2005 10:07am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yay. *hugs back* And no problem! Are you still going for silver, or just keeping up near bronze for now until you can make a break for it?

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] RL is too much right now. Hoping to stay on page 1. I do want silver though.

uu [maemae1414]
Sent: 9/3/2005 12:21pm
Subject: 123
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] go to the Healing Springs so your pets will get bettr

Dawni [erratic_abnormality]
Sent: 9/3/2005 03:54pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, you seem to know your books =PMy pet kameox keeps refusing to read certain books =( is this permanant or will she eventually read them?

Trista Leach [phat_cat_911]
Sent: 9/3/2005 04:20pm
Subject: how
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you get your boris stats up so much?

christinasb94 [christinasb94]
Sent: 9/3/2005 04:37pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] that’s so cool. your pet is so smart. mine has only read about 6 books. the thing is i save my money. it’s kind of expensive.

NoahB [nojo191]
Sent: 10/3/2005 10:54am
Subject: lab ray?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you undergo lab ray? Just wondering!

DeborahFunderburk [debspalmleaf]
Sent: 10/3/2005 12:44pm
Subject: Re: Eeep!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eek! Don’t buy from my shop.. they’re overpriced-ish. I can toss you lots of extra Kreludan books too if you need.

debspalmleaf Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks for the info. I have a hard time finding books for my pets as I’m not real fush on neopoints and I have limited time I can devote to neopets. They both are readers as am I. allynne wasn’t a reader when I first got him from the pound, but he’s almost as into books now as his older brother Quwokkie. Any books I run across that my pets have already read I either sell in my shop or donate to the guild. Any advise or help you can give me in finding good books for my pets would be appreciated. Thanks. debspalmleaf, praisepalm, deborah funderburk.

AaronCosta [bulldude2005]
Sent: 10/3/2005 04:02pm
Subject: Petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please save me a norwhool?I love them

Kira [kiekie295]
Sent: 10/3/2005 04:13pm
Subject: congrats
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] sorry im a stranger but i saw your score on the creloder books score board and i had to say congragulations

DeborahFunderburk [debspalmleaf]
Sent: 11/3/2005 07:14am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. well, if you could put up the books-read list (and make them publically viewable) on the guild database I might be able to send extras over, perhaps? Got quite a lot sitting around.

debspalmleaf Replied:

[Report Message] I haven’t figured out how to make the database work yet. I signed up, but never got my secret word to work and it’s been so long now that I’ve forgotton the word. So I tried to get it to send me my word and it hasn’t done it yet. It says my username doesn’t exist. So I figured my sign up didn’t go thru and tried to sign up again. Then it said my user name had already been taken. So, how can my user name not exist in the database and be already taken at the same time? Anyway, I tried till I got tired of trying. My neopet time is sometimes limited and I can’t be on as much as I want. And I’m slow to figure things out. I have two pets and always try to get two of everything, but if I can only get one I either let them take turns or read to my oldest pet, whatever I feel like at the time. Eventually I’ll get two more neopets, but for now only two is all I can manage. The forum still has me listed as a guest and the chats won’t let me on to chat. So I get frustrated and give up, then later try again…and again and again…Till I”m tired of it again. Anyway, any advise you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks. debspalmleaf, praisepalm, deborah funderburk.

moo smith [thecowandthemoon1]
Sent: 11/3/2005 01:17pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i’m looking for a poppit it is a petpet if you give me one one i will give you a some neohome stuff that is worth 20,000 np so neomail me back ok

moo smith [thecowandthemoon1]
Sent: 11/3/2005 01:31pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you have a poppit {petpet} in your stoor and i want to trade so can you give it to me and i will give you 20,000np worth in neohome stuff

moo smith [thecowandthemoon1]
Sent: 11/3/2005 01:54pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i got the poppit thenks a lot i gave you some things to i will give you more

Solitary [solitary_existence]
Sent: 11/3/2005 02:51pm
Subject: …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Your Alien Aisha Invasion is reserved? x.o to whom? i want it =D

emma_haylee [emma_haylee]
Sent: 11/3/2005 03:38pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey. I dont want to bother you if you are bissy but can i ask u a question?

jessica [whitefeline]
Sent: 11/3/2005 04:50pm
Subject: ..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello..i saw that ur pet is one of the top book readers..well i am trying for the booktastic book aword..i found ur list of books for the neopion aword, but not the booktastic books. i was wondering where i could find a list of the booktastic books.. so far my poogle has read 26,thanx for ur time and please reply

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 12/3/2005 06:29am
Subject: meow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] belated bday present becaus ei wasnt here and i havent talked to you in like mooonths <3 i missyou

WendyJordan [wjordan318]
Sent: 12/3/2005 07:36am
Subject: kreludan cookie cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. I was just wondering if you had any clue at all what that book isactually worth. I’ve got one up in trades too, and have no idea what tosell for. Wendy

WendyJordan [wjordan318]
Sent: 12/3/2005 07:39am
Subject: Re: kreludan cookie cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hiyas, normally at least 800k-1 mil, though you might get higher offers if you wait long enough. Like I sold one for 1.5 once

wjordan318 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you so much. This is the first thing I’ve had that I didn’thave a clue what kind of offer to accept or not. I’ve had anoffer for 200k, 600k, and a few others, and I just had no clue what todo. I really appreciate your help. Wendy

WendyJordan [wjordan318]
Sent: 12/3/2005 07:42am
Subject: Re: kreludan cookie cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem.. though with those offers, hold on to the book. If you’re selling for 600k anyway I’d buy it, heheh. *evil grin*. Grats on the restock.

wjordan318 Replied:

[Report Message] lol… ty

Dj Mojamoto [ratanddogrules]
Sent: 12/3/2005 09:20am
Subject: You’re the luckiest!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear gtrjess, You are the luckiest person in the world! I can’t belive you have a babaa (petpet). I have allways wanted one of those cute guys. I can’t belive you have so many petpets and items in your shop! I wish I had as much stuff in my shop like you!

DarkShadow [lil_mike235]
Sent: 12/3/2005 03:36pm
Subject: cani have
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i have any of the things that you have extras in ur shop for free

Laura W [lrenee]
Sent: 12/3/2005 03:56pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, this is sort of akward…. but I’m sort of new and I waswonderingif you could give me some advice. I’m not asking u to give memoney oranything (unless u want to lol) just advice LauraRenee

Cynthia Morel [cynthia37]
Sent: 13/3/2005 05:59am
Subject: Booktastic book award
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to win a booktastic book award. I have read 32 booktastic books. Can you help me to find some more?

hellobye [ifhahahahahahha]
Sent: 13/3/2005 09:56am
Subject: kreludan books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have advanaced kreludan physics do you want it

Jag [jag305]
Sent: 13/3/2005 04:32pm
Subject: Meep!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much would you be willing to sell the Kreludan Cookie Cookbook for?

Jag [jag305]
Sent: 13/3/2005 05:29pm
Subject: Meep!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] If you need a Kreludan Cookie Cookbook, I’ve got one in Auctions right now…just to let you know.

RyanS [rsflux]
Sent: 14/3/2005 11:34am
Subject: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, I was wondering how much the cookbook normally sells for. I’ve gotone to trade, but noone has prices listed currently in the TP. Sinceyou’ve obviously been trading books longer than I have, I was hopingyou might have a ballpark figure for me. Also, you mention that youmight use the books in your trade for collateral…what would you needthat much collateral for? Sorry for being nosy, just curious Thanks! ~Flux

RyanS [rsflux]
Sent: 14/3/2005 12:35pm
Subject: Re: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heya there. Cookie cookbook usually goes by I think at least 800k, up to a million + sometimes, depends how long you want to wait for it Collateral wise, a friend is trying to get some uber rare items for avatars, bony grarrl club for one, we just did MSPP, maybe might do super attack pea in the end (although need a lot more collat for that!) Also looking out for r100s but don’t want people to bid on it with pure np.. got lots of pure sitting in bank as it is. And no problem, have a great day!

rsflux Replied:

[Report Message] Gotcha. Thanks.

emilywatson [emmymel]
Sent: 14/3/2005 03:54pm
Subject: Im sorry but…..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Im sorry for asking but can i have a larkin (petpetpet) from your shop?

i_am_really_a_boy [cakemasta]
Sent: 14/3/2005 09:00pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] remember me? well if you do not i am the person who neomailed you about there being two galactic adventures on the booktastic booklist and then you gave me books which i was very thankful for. anyways if you have any trash that you are going to donate or that is not worth that much can i have it? the reason is because i am working my way torwards the packrat avatar. thx and i would appreciate it if you could help me out!!!

sweetiepie [whimsie45]
Sent: 15/3/2005 12:55am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hellomy pet is a super genius(46) and i was wondering how you get a badge for this i see your name is on the list but i dont know how to get mine on thereplz reply and let me know how to get onethanks

Holi Mod [holindominix]
Sent: 15/3/2005 01:01am
Subject: I’m funny because…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ive got a faerie ixi i wanted one for years n wen my account got hacked my sister made this new account for me with a faerie used all her np cause shewas leaving…anyway just thought id say hi n that i think your pets cute n e way!

nolwenn chastain [nolwenn59]
Sent: 15/3/2005 05:32am
Subject: etonnant
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] comment fait tu pour avoir beaucoup de vie de force de defense d’agiliter?? peut tu me le dire merci!!! nolwenn59

Samantha [sammiebaby_8up]
Sent: 15/3/2005 05:41am
Subject: u online?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I wanna trade…r u online?

ADAMRIAD [super_gogeta_broly]
Sent: 15/3/2005 09:30am
Subject: HOLY
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Ur Shop has the most petpets I HAVE EVER CEEN I’M MEAN COME ON U MUST BE A KUABILLION AIRE (nice pet it’s awsomely strong)

TheBernMan [thebernman]
Sent: 15/3/2005 03:55pm
Subject: Books & Petpetpets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I just bought a bunch of books from you… trying to get all the Booktastic Books… and a Petpetpet… which I didn’t know I could get…Thanks,Bernie

Pepper [smokeymadhof]
Sent: 15/3/2005 03:58pm
Subject: hi from Canada to
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi I’m pepper and are you trully from Canada? I am please neomail me back!Pepper

Brittany Childress [shymisty2004]
Sent: 15/3/2005 06:37pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi!can u tell me what rarity index that the books need to be to get in the book club? thanks.

HyltonGoott [might3000]
Sent: 16/3/2005 03:43am
Subject: how?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do yuo get that petpet,food,stamps,and all of that stuff please tall me.

Alex [drdingy_]
Sent: 16/3/2005 11:30am
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i need it came from kreludor for i-35, you online?

matthewton [bam_margera01]
Sent: 16/3/2005 12:55pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] give 20000to u for your pet

TsedeyAsrat [sweet_honey_babee]
Sent: 16/3/2005 01:50pm
Subject: Book!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Ok b4 i tell u about da books i juz wanna tel u i am so inspired, AMAZED! SHOCKED! U hav been only playing 4 8 months and ur neopets has already become a genious??? WOW! well anywayz about da book. I checked around and I can’t find it. U can say i have more than 300,000 thousand np so I cud buy them right? Well how am I supposed 2 find da books if da shop wizard tells me he can’t find anything with da name lyk that.

Lizzie Glanz [imontherunfrom911]
Sent: 16/3/2005 06:13pm
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HiI was wondering if you could send me a list of all the Booktastic Books that your pet has read or even if you have a list of all of them. ThanksLizzy

chua an [swinz]
Sent: 17/3/2005 06:24am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how u find that job can teach me?

jesse racine [patty_9125]
Sent: 17/3/2005 08:27am
Subject: friend
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wanna be friends?

Cori Masters [tigermanga]
Sent: 17/3/2005 11:50am
Subject: lab ray
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi im Cori.I just got done looking at the book awards and i am very impressed with all the books that you read or should say your Undergoing Lab Ray Ixi!If your Ixi is relly got turned into a Bori can you PLEASE tell me where the location of it is?!Ive been searching everyware for its location.Can you please tell me?I read your note about your Ixi thats relly sad and it relly touched my heart.If that ever happened to my Kougra i would DIE!I love her so so so much like if she were apart of my life……I also would like to help you get thoese books that you need, if you still need them?And im so sorry for your Ixi’s bad transformation and i hope it will regain his health.And im also suprised at all that youve accomplished a neohome,a store,a guild,trouphies,and more proubly you must have been very fourtinate unlike me. Well neomail me back ok. -Cori or tigermanga (username)

Bailey buttface [darkruby33]
Sent: 17/3/2005 05:20pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

chris boyer [eagleeye506]
Sent: 17/3/2005 07:47pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wow your lyxanie is awesome

Junior [jehfing]
Sent: 17/3/2005 08:12pm
Subject: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you need the book It Came From Kreludor?

Junior [jehfing]
Sent: 17/3/2005 08:16pm
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks, although I’ll buy for or recommend to a guildie if its going cheap (unlikely). Probably not though.

jehfing Replied:

[Report Message] Cheap as in .. what ? XD

chenjack [33cd33]
Sent: 18/3/2005 12:40am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] the last 10 books I cannot find.

Tiffany Wada [tiffanyxion]
Sent: 18/3/2005 02:55am
Subject: hi~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, can u tell me y u just coame to neopets for a few months (8 months), then u can have a lot of things that I want to have too? Have you got much money in your Bank Account??Are u take all your money to buy all the things that you want?? I really want to know, can u tell me??

Elisabeth Hutchison [lita4228uk]
Sent: 18/3/2005 05:59am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you get your pet to be so good

Junior [jehfing]
Sent: 18/3/2005 06:57am
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh, probably not over 800k

jehfing Replied:

[Report Message] 800K + A Basic Golden Nerkmid?

Junior [jehfing]
Sent: 18/3/2005 07:00am
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well.. I suppose that’s close enough, if you want to, sure.

jehfing Replied:

[Report Message] Alright -is in trades- Thanks! -didnt get the nerky avatar yet-

Junior [jehfing]
Sent: 18/3/2005 07:01am
Subject: Re: My guild is nifty
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahhh, okay. Yeah, I have that one, though always rubbish prices from that darned machine.

jehfing Replied:

[Report Message]

marlon merjos [sushiboyxx]
Sent: 18/3/2005 07:10am
Subject: pet pets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i have one of your pet pets

Jasmine Ong [jasmine_ong1234]
Sent: 18/3/2005 08:06am
Subject: Can i be ur friend?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to be ur friend.Pls accept me…I’m from Malaysia…A girl…age:11how about u?

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 18/3/2005 08:40am
Subject: 😀
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Since you are my neofriend…Could you spare a vote for me in the BC?Today is the last day!THANKS! ~FooLINK:’’ : beauty/details.phtml?pet=o0o_Anodyne_o0o

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 18/3/2005 09:19am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You have already voted for o0o_Anodyne_o0o. You can’t vote for another Cybunny again till the next contest. Sorry. 🙁 Done, and yay for honorary booktastic

o0o_opiate_o0o Replied:

[Report Message] ty ty its all because of you ya know! *hugs*

tylerjones [dogconner]
Sent: 18/3/2005 11:23am
Subject: please help me
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] tell me what side of the war are you on with your pet pirates ewww or maragua yesss if maragua tell me so i can no and if maragua please try too take out goddeshibbey since she leads the pirate guilds thanks

joshuawetherell [13yugiohj]
Sent: 18/3/2005 12:21pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can u send me a list of all the bookastic books ur pet has read please i would like 2 get my pet on 2 the listfrom 13yugiohj

nikell king [loonyde]
Sent: 18/3/2005 03:07pm
Subject: ??????
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u get info for the brain tree???

nikell king [loonyde]
Sent: 18/3/2005 03:13pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Complete esophagor quest twice.

loonyde Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you!

parker rentworth [thescottishenforcer]
Sent: 18/3/2005 07:44pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi can you tell me where to find a job coupon ? …. from :thescottishenforcer

parker rentworth [thescottishenforcer]
Sent: 19/3/2005 06:49am
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi – wheel of knowledge, mainly, though very very rare. Or buy them from peoples shops/auction/the trading post.

thescottishenforcer Replied:

[Report Message] thank you very much …

FyoraQueen_of_faeries [goodnamealredytakn]
Sent: 19/3/2005 07:02am
Subject: Neopian Times Kreludon books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can I use your pet in a story I’m writing for the neopian times? I will write about how many books he has read. Thank you! ~goodnamealredytakn

Holly Shreeves [lushpink888]
Sent: 19/3/2005 11:46am
Subject: BOOKS
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wot is it like to be on the top of the book leader board also how much money do u have!!!!!

yala [xtiti]
Sent: 19/3/2005 02:12pm
Subject: h
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you are really smart. how did you get all those trohpes?

joshuaPayne [scooberstars]
Sent: 19/3/2005 03:01pm
Subject: petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you give me your melvie

EvilAnime [evanime]
Sent: 19/3/2005 04:23pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you wanna join my guild?it’s very cool can i have your wuzzer in your shop?give something to you too do you like a botted faerie?please answer back

ashleigh [monkey_with_banana_1]
Sent: 19/3/2005 08:06pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How are you so succesful in the neopian world?

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 19/3/2005 08:10pm
Subject: *hugs*
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] [23:09] Roxxy: !seen Jesskitten [23:09] Muppet: Roxxy, I last saw Jesskitten ( 2 days, 05:34 ago in #spankyschat

Rokcie [thebooklovingfools]
Sent: 19/3/2005 08:14pm
Subject: Wow! Long time
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My dear kitten, where have you been. I miss you SOO SOO much! Well i shall start off by saying, wow thank you so much for all them strawberry jellys and sandals very much appriciated. Lately i just didn’t have time to get in touch with you, sorry about that. Well How you’ve been, do you have msn or aim? That was it might be easier to talk then just sending threw neomails every 5 minutes -Love Roxxy

chan abc [kittykavina]
Sent: 19/3/2005 09:29pm
Subject: ????~~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ????????????’???’???

FyoraQueen_of_faeries [goodnamealredytakn]
Sent: 20/3/2005 04:12am
Subject: Re: Neopian Times Kreludon boo
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sure, thank you for asking and the polite neomail. Sorry it took so long to reply.. was out most of today. Good luck in your story.

goodnamealredytakn Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you! ~goodnamealredytakn

RachelAlexandra [rachelthegucci]
Sent: 20/3/2005 10:33am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi im rachel

rafael ossa [fiquiland2]
Sent: 20/3/2005 11:38am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, my name is rafael, i need one petpet no important each one plisss can you do taht favior????? hi

kage kid [the_kagekid]
Sent: 20/3/2005 04:07pm
Subject: congrades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] congrades on being number one on the space books. hay could i get a list of all the space books some how. or if u feel like typeing.

kage kid [the_kagekid]
Sent: 20/3/2005 04:40pm
Subject: Re: congrades
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There’s a link to a complete list I made on Lyxanie’s page, please check that.

the_kagekid Replied:

[Report Message] k thx

alexmeyer [alexmeyer6]
Sent: 20/3/2005 07:16pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you like to be my neofriend?Please

ThePeophinMaster [innocentdevil_16]
Sent: 20/3/2005 07:17pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have a faerie kougra plushie for sale for 300k if you’re interested

alexrae963 [alexrae963]
Sent: 21/3/2005 11:04am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How do you earn blue draik eggs?

alexrae963 [alexrae963]
Sent: 21/3/2005 11:09am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Buy them at Merifoods, though very rare.

alexrae963 Replied:

[Report Message] THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erin [silvere0890]
Sent: 21/3/2005 01:39pm
Subject: Help please!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello! I noticed that you have a pet on the booktastic book list and was wondering if you could neomail me some kind of list with titles that your pet has read! I’m having problems finding booktastic books and desperately want my pet to get an award! Thank you for your time and trouble!E.P.S. Sorry for bothering you!

Erin [silvere0890]
Sent: 21/3/2005 01:57pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – the list is too long to post really, but there’s a complete list on a forum post I made, the link’s on her description page (you get there when you click Lyxanie’s name on the booktastic list) – copy and paste that and you should get the list. And you’re welcome, thank you for the kind mail. Good luck!

silvere0890 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you so much!!

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 21/3/2005 05:20pm
Subject: Hey girl,
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Anastaysia_Nyte says ‘Get me more books, come on, hurry up!’Kreludan Home Decorating vanishes in a puff of yellow smoke! So many many thank yous! i have a quiggle if you are stillneeding that avie, let me know! Thank you again and take care!

Cmarie Murphy [iamyaknowiam]
Sent: 21/3/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Rock City
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Have you ever been to Rock City. Some reason I think I might know you.

Cmarie Murphy [iamyaknowiam]
Sent: 21/3/2005 07:25pm
Subject: Re: Rock City
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Never heard of it, sorry.

iamyaknowiam Replied:

[Report Message] I’m in Edmonton.,you are too. How old are you, p.s i’m a mom not some perve, ok Im a perve but not like that. I was wondering because you said you never heard of R./c. I’d guess your under 30 right. Rock City was a bar accross from the downtown socialservices building. a restaraunt called chase or chance is there now. It’s where I met my husband and a Spanker (her nickname)

Boris [nikic34]
Sent: 21/3/2005 07:39pm
Subject: how?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did you get the trophie for like voyager?

FoxySunshine [weeblondie94]
Sent: 22/3/2005 10:27am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you make a mall

iegamg(unscramble it!) [mrocks43221]
Sent: 22/3/2005 11:55am
Subject: none
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] your shop is really big!

A c [mistersprayer]
Sent: 22/3/2005 01:39pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know it seems like kind of a noob-ish question, but where is the Lab Ray? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. -Annie

Jennifer Lovett [jennygrasby]
Sent: 22/3/2005 03:39pm
Subject: neopets autherashun
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wev

MysticalNyte [mysticalnyte]
Sent: 22/3/2005 06:20pm
Subject: Re: Hey girl,
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem, tis for all you do. Er.. quiggle? Not sure

mysticalnyte Replied:

[Report Message] This island quiggle for the avie! Silly!

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 22/3/2005 06:57pm
Subject: Hi~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Excuse me…….can u give me more Booktastic books’ name? I need 25 of them….but dun give me the book name that i can find in Booktastic book shop…….thx…

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 23/3/2005 12:47am
Subject: Re: Hi~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes, if you look on Lyxanie’s page there’s a link to a forum post I made with the complete list of Kreludan books – including the super-hard-to-find ones.

jessalynt Replied:

[Report Message] thx…but i read ur booklist and copy some of the books’ name and search in wizard but it doesn’t work……do i need to plus the word “book”?

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 23/3/2005 11:18am
Subject: Re: Website
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Some spam comments from website as I was going through them.. can’t edit and not sure of best way to inform so will paste links and hope you see soon I went back all the way to Sep 2004 (inclusive) to check.

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Hmm, they’re all within a one month span. Old posts are not able to be commented on, so there won’t be any spam there. We probably just missed those while upgrading the spam filter. Thanks for the heads up, I’m deleting them now. There is a new breed of spammers that has attacked blogs. Fortunately there are more clever people who write the blog software, heh heh. Since those are only in January it looks like our new spam blocker is working perfectly, yay!

Fran [qbureau]
Sent: 23/3/2005 02:57pm
Subject: Re: Website
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heh heh! Awesome, thanks. Will yell if I ever find anymore.

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks!!

no name [untoter_oberherr]
Sent: 23/3/2005 04:37pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] excuse me, can you send me a list of all the booktastic books?

Snowmomma [snowmomma]
Sent: 23/3/2005 05:34pm
Subject: Booktastic Book Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hope I’m not bothering you, I just have a quick question. I’m trying to get one of my neopets to read all the booktastic books. Is there a way to get them to read books that they don’t like? Or that are boring? Gruntya won’t read the bedtime story book. Thanks for your time

ShaniquaDavis [babygur_loreal]
Sent: 23/3/2005 06:10pm
Subject: Books, Books, Books!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, I see that you hold first place at Booktastic books, so if you have any extra books that you need to get rid of please let me know because I’m willing to buy.

Snowmomma [snowmomma]
Sent: 23/3/2005 07:30pm
Subject: Re: Booktastic Book Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes, you have to change the language in the sidebar, then read it, then change language back. That’s the short answer.. long answer why is at

snowmomma Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks so much! Worked like a charm

caligal1317 [caligal1317]
Sent: 23/3/2005 08:48pm
Subject: Your shop!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Sorry but many of the items in you’re shop are over priced.

Kelly [islantis]
Sent: 23/3/2005 10:15pm
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! Sorry I know it says you’re not selling, but I’m in your guild and going for the Booktastic award also, and was wondering the price of Alien Aisha Invasion just so I know, thanks

lisa burgess [p_burgo]
Sent: 23/3/2005 11:17pm
Subject: Normal book list
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you know if there is a copy of the normal book list?

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 23/3/2005 11:34pm
Subject: Re: Hi~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No, the names should be exact.. which books for example can’t you find? Most of the bottom few r99/r100s books anyway are so rare that almost no copies currently exist of them, but for most of the rest there should be.

jessalynt Replied:

[Report Message] i found most of them but some of them r to rare to buy it ……….do u hv a longer book list?

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 23/3/2005 11:34pm
Subject: Re: Hi~
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No, the names should be exact.. which books for example can’t you find? Most of the bottom few r99/r100s books anyway are so rare that almost no copies currently exist of them, but for most of the rest there should be.

jessalynt Replied:

[Report Message] i found most of them but some of them r to rare to buy it ……….do u hv a longer book list?

ChrisLimbert [tedandsue]
Sent: 24/3/2005 08:23am
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] um… i have read 26 booktastic books, there is suppost to be 52 all together, i cant seem to find the rest, can u give me any advice of where u got all of yours??

uu [katbratz1234]
Sent: 24/3/2005 10:55am
Subject: hihihihi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

Bill Connery [pro_boarder]
Sent: 24/3/2005 02:27pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi my game is rauran and my chomby has got 32 kreludan books can u neomail me some other books

Kelly [islantis]
Sent: 24/3/2005 02:45pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi, lowest I’ve seen is around the 800k range, I think, although that book seems to be nonexistant on tp at the moment so the next 1 or 2 that do come up will prolly be a bit higher :/

islantis Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks

Thomas Mcmullin [keypaw2]
Sent: 24/3/2005 03:39pm
Subject: i’m impressed
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wow your guild and shop are amizing and all those trophiies are cool ilike the icecream factory (cause i like chias) i love petpets alot buti only have 1203 np and can’t offoerd eny petpet stuff in your shop ireallllllllly want a petpetpet i’ve been on line for sooooooo longlooking for one but i can’t so sadly evean tho i’m the leader of aguild i am asking u to pick eney thing out of my store and it doesnothave to be only one thing you can pick alot cause i know if i’m scammedand i will trade it 2 u for the petpetpet would you plz help me namesome neopoints i will also try to get that many i also have a bottledfire fariy so plz can you help me? well acutally its not so much helpas a favor soo if ya dont want to its ok (and the bold print just popedup i don’t know y)

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 24/3/2005 05:06pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yeah, most are too rare. Afraid not though, that’s the complete booktastic list out so far.

jessalynt Replied:

[Report Message] o………so how can u buy those books then?Even u hv that money but they won’t aloud u to buy in shops…..

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 24/3/2005 08:05pm
Subject: Thanks!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] RobbieJane says ‘That one was easy to read – do you have any more!’Scorchio Sketch Book vanishes in a puff of green smoke!

ethan [ron_weasley14]
Sent: 25/3/2005 03:22am
Subject: ???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did u get into the neopain book award? cedric_diggory10128 is a master genuis and has read 85 books!

ethan [ron_weasley14]
Sent: 25/3/2005 03:22am
Subject: ???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did u get into the neopain book award? cedric_diggory10128 is a master genuis and has read 85 books!

Alicia [andrex_2005]
Sent: 25/3/2005 06:12am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] my sis says i have to pay her 10,000np or i cant have this account!(it is one of hers) plz i need help!

YoDude [carpoolcaresab]
Sent: 25/3/2005 07:02am
Subject: painted petpets
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi-I see that your shop has a lot of petpets. Do you want to buy twopainted petpets that you can make a big profit on? Please neomail formore information. Thanks so much!

JeffreyNg [slibalisk_of_ra]
Sent: 25/3/2005 07:17am
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what do u want for those books

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/3/2005 08:09am
Subject: Re: 45!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Grats on 45th. Curious, was it Chinchineropee’s Engineering book? How much did you shell for that?

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Thx. Yeah, it was Kreludan Engineering for 8m. Just one of those things. I didn’t necessarily want it that badly, but I didn’t want anyone else to have it either. This way the top 3-4 spots are probably relatively safe for now.

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/3/2005 08:17am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Me neither. Though was hoping the second place guy didn’t decide to get it, he beats me in ties, hehe. 8 million – yikes!! That’s pricey!

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] I checked around, and I think he was in the bidding at around 6.5m. I’ve dealt with him a few times, and he haggles the air out of you, so that gave me a bit of motivation. I know 8m was a lot, but I was going to spend it on books either way. I’ve decided that staying near the top of both book lists just takes way too much, so I’m hoping to grab the regular silver and retire from book reading for the most part. Besides, the top of the lists are getting pretty clogged right now anyway.

Henry Zelest [realemotionkid]
Sent: 25/3/2005 08:48am
Subject: gnar
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey, im henry, im a NooB of sortz and i was looking through your shop when i saw that “gnar” that you have. its a bit pricey, well i can afford it but it would take almost all of my NP away.=0 so i was just asking if there was anything i could do for you to lower “gnar’s” price tag just a little bit. ill do anything !!! i luv gnar -henry Z

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/3/2005 09:06am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup, agreed to the clogged part, also hoping for silver there eventually while trying to hold off you all on this one. Have a pretty good nest egg sitting around waiting for the r100s that I need, but wasn’t aware of the going rate, hadn’t bidded for any in a long time. That second guy is the only one out of like the top 8 or so I’ve never chatted with though, so.. glad to hear, yups.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Just a guess, but I bet the next r100 for sale in trades goes north of 10m. To be honest, I’d rather keep in contact with you and avoid a bidding war between the two of us. I doubt there are more than 6 or 8 people on the list who can go that high anyway.If you ever decided to sell Alien Aisha for pure, let me know. My wife could use it, and I’ll like to at least push her pet to silver.

john goor [schnappi13]
Sent: 25/3/2005 10:26am
Subject: i have a question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you get youre neopet to level 2 and further? please anser this question. my neo name is schnapp13 and my neopet’s name is slibbyi

john goor [schnappi13]
Sent: 25/3/2005 10:29am
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am sorry my name is schnappi13

sasha macdonald [sweet_honey846]
Sent: 25/3/2005 05:09pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m working on getting the booktastic book award and i was wondering if u could give me a list of books i need?

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/3/2005 06:50pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ack, I certainly hope not :/ Perhaps not if the gold trophy of the list looks harder to get to.. will just have to wait and see though. But nods, hopefully some people give up once they see gold is at least one new r100 if not two. And alright re the Alien Aisha.. trying to hold on to at least one spare, I have like 4 spare ICFKs but AAI refuses to stock for some reason :/ Probably not yet though, but at least won’t sell it elsewhere. (Don’t suppose she still needs ICFK though?)

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] 2555I suspect that you won’t have any problem defending that top spotfor a while. I’m also sitting on a few copies of ICFK (5) andCookie Cookbook (5), but a couple of each are going to stay tucked awayfor a rainy day .

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/3/2005 07:39pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ditto, heheh. Well actually I don’t have that many Cookie Cookbooks, either none or one spare on gallery sdb (my bookstash) at most. But helped a bunch of guildies get booktastic honorary already, restock there during the day really.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] I’ve been stashing stuff in my gallery account for a while, but I can’tafford to add much to it anymore. The shop name is 315 CastleToilets – Guess what book I have 3 copies of? . I’vebeen doing the same for guildies as long as it only took 38 to get inthe top 200. Those days are over. Time to save npagain.

Mathew Mellor [maty212]
Sent: 26/3/2005 03:34am
Subject: Your Pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi am new to neopets, i wana know how do i get my pets stats up

~*J.T.*~ [jessalynt]
Sent: 26/3/2005 04:40am
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You mainly look for them on the trading post.. then discuss with the person who has the books you want, or else just go ahead and bid. Or for the super-rares, keep hunting until someone puts them up on trading post Or else you have to try to restock them yourself, not easily done.

jessalynt Replied:

[Report Message] o…so u did the same too?

LizNealon [booradley21]
Sent: 26/3/2005 05:51am
Subject: alien aisha invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. Would you consider selling this book separately? I can pay $155K. Thanks. liz

Emile Liu [pokemon1207]
Sent: 26/3/2005 08:59am
Subject: Bla
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi do you speak french

Wes Crouch [xneverforgetx]
Sent: 26/3/2005 09:10am
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you mind sharing your secret? how do you make so much money… help a newbie out?

CassieAnderson [xengeance_2]
Sent: 26/3/2005 10:41am
Subject: zhow Much
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much for your Alien Aisha Invasion Ill pay pure just need to know if i have enough so i can buy

EdwardTelford [devilmaycry173]
Sent: 26/3/2005 11:02am
Subject: lab ray
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was just wondering if you have any tips concerning the lab ray. I know everything in neopets is time based, and I am trying to get my pet’s stats up. Thank you for your time.

Kelly [islantis]
Sent: 26/3/2005 09:40pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know it says you probably won’t trade :/ But how much pure would make you budge for the Alien Aisha Invasion?

Zeke Coller [m8rix_man]
Sent: 26/3/2005 11:13pm
Subject: Would you like some cheese?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know you might question the topic, but i had to pick something to grab your attention…I just gotta ask “how?”……..hmmmm……How did you get your pet so smart and stuff……

eschenzweig baum [eschenzweig]
Sent: 27/3/2005 02:34am
Subject: creludian Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello, I would like to ask, how you could read so many creludian books. Itseems I already have read all creludian books there are, at least I cannot find new books. Are there relly 46 different books? Or did you readsome books twice? Thanks for answering in advance. eschenzweig ——————– j

Oj [space_6_prasad_oj]
Sent: 27/3/2005 06:23am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] What are your rooms made out of? Where is your neohome? How many neopoints do you have?

MelWheeler [cheerychickie_101]
Sent: 27/3/2005 07:07am
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you have a petpet? Maybe we could make a deal.

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 27/3/2005 12:55pm
Subject: Re: Oooh
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Happy belated birthday.. *hugs* Sorry I missed it.. haven’t been too involved with chat recently, though on a slight bit more often nowadays, but didn’t catch ya last couple days. Will find you something neat soon.. hope all’s going ok.

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Aww well it’s Sunday, Easter, at 4pm EST and my first time on nwo for 2 weeks

zoe_1997 [zoe_1997]
Sent: 27/3/2005 03:29pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi I saw your pet was ingerd and I saw your at the top of the book club I have a question how many np do you have?

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 27/3/2005 03:55pm
Subject: Happy Easter
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Happy Easter btw

Hannah Hall [hanni_poppens]
Sent: 27/3/2005 03:59pm
Subject: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did you get sooooooooo much stuff in your shop and petpets??????I would buy one if i had enough money!How did you get all of your trophies and medals!!!!do you keep alot of you stuff for you or do you buy then sell it?anyway you and your and and your pet ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

rubyreaper181 [rubyreaper181]
Sent: 27/3/2005 04:53pm
Subject: Anglepuss
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I know its a big ask but could you send me an Anglepuss from your shop? I can give you a snickle beast and I will buy you an item worth 2000 NP and send both too you… Plese I’m Begging you just this once. I havent seen a snickle beast in your shop.

Missouri_Redneck [mo_redneck]
Sent: 27/3/2005 05:47pm
Subject: question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what booktastic books has your pet read. I only know what one is. I would really appreciate it

JinAuYeung [maddskills34]
Sent: 27/3/2005 09:45pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] whut’s up? I am really poor right now. all my pets are unhappy and very very hungry. Can u help me by giving me a free valuable item?I would appreciate it very much.I know u are probaly thinking why can’t i play games and earn my way into normatality?, well i am really poor in the games that give u alot of money and i try my best to win but i always get a low score.if i play all the easy games than it will take longer to get money and feed my pets.but i play all the easy games to buy lottery tickets in hopes of getting a winning ticket or at least a prize of 100,000 or more. U seem like a good person and is willing to help the poor. if i win the lottery, i will give you more than half of my share. all i want is a good neolife of non-poverty, love, and an equal society.i love my pets more than the whole world. i love them so much i would walk all the way to china and back if they asked me too.well thanks, your neo friend,Jin Au-YeungP.S.”The greater heart will lead you to the right discision, which leads to greater riches”-Ghandi

cun ping leim [armyping]
Sent: 27/3/2005 11:04pm
Subject: ???????
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] nice to meet you..

DannyCalvo [crazymunkeyguy]
Sent: 27/3/2005 11:56pm
Subject: Blah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 375k for your alien aisha invasion?

shannonhowardess [sashag389]
Sent: 28/3/2005 05:06am
Subject: Alien Aisha Invasion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] or coockie cookbook, how about a baby paint brush?

bestmate21 [bestmate21]
Sent: 28/3/2005 06:37am
Subject: can i
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can i have a pet pet please!!!!!!!!!!!u have loads

Ashton [sycamore]
Sent: 28/3/2005 08:50am
Subject: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] yr such a caring person

zoe_1997 [zoe_1997]
Sent: 28/3/2005 09:24am
Subject: I’m Bored
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I’m the one who gave you that potion and I need to know how much money you have because you won and I need to know if you got money from it!

kevin pasos [evinr193]
Sent: 28/3/2005 11:09am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wann Fight

JeffreyNg [slibalisk_of_ra]
Sent: 28/3/2005 11:41am
Subject: Trading
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’ll buy the books off, how much r u offering for each

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 28/3/2005 11:54am
Subject: jesssss
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 1mil for it came from kreludor?

none [sk8er_girls65]
Sent: 28/3/2005 12:29pm
Subject: help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you hold the 3 anglepuss petpets for me?

Megan [orangesoftball36000]
Sent: 28/3/2005 03:03pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you help me….i noticed that you had a lot of awards and items and food and a whole bunch of stuff……and your the member of the month…how do u do it….when youve only been playing 4 like 8 months

DusanNikolic [istishu]
Sent: 28/3/2005 03:25pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello, i am selling Guide to the Neocola Machine and Do The Moon Bounce!!! for the Guide to the Neocola Machine i want 2million and for the Do The Moon Bounce i am selling for 200k. my prices are really cheap if intrested offer pure or items, both booktastic books are in trades! if u wish to duscuss the prices furthermore, be sure to neomai me to negociate…thank u for ur time bye

LaNae Banholzer [reddragon219219]
Sent: 28/3/2005 03:33pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] where did u get that tanizard it looks so cute

AnthonyMohunlall [cuteshorty119]
Sent: 28/3/2005 06:17pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi my name is Anthony and i was wondering if you can help me out. I need some tips on how to get my neopets strong like yours. I would like for you to share your secerts with me. please i need your help.

Chris [web_wizard_888]
Sent: 28/3/2005 06:18pm
Subject: LC
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My dad and I figured out the conundrum (took us 2 hours ) and your answer of 132 was correct. How did you do it so quickly?

hopebradley [bradleyshouse]
Sent: 29/3/2005 01:34am
Subject: plz
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i am hope would you like to be my neofriend

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 29/3/2005 03:11am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Will sell that to you for less, hun.

teehee89 Replied:

[Report Message] jesss i have to pay you for that omg..

Chris [web_wizard_888]
Sent: 29/3/2005 03:28am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, one of the corner points of a square is in the middle of the other square, right? Once its positioned like that, the shaded area is exactly one quarter the area of that other square.. and you can calculate that since you know the lengths of both squares. If that makes sense.. Then after that you just subtract to get the total areas.

web_wizard_888 Replied:

[Report Message] *thwacks head* We split the center area into triangles, and usedtriginometry to figure out the area of the triangles, and added themup. I knew there was a better way…thanks.

Afolabi Johnson [minusforce]
Sent: 29/3/2005 04:50am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i know this is a bit much 2 ask but i would like 2 make my pet smart like yours. i was wondering that is u dont mind that u might send me a few books. plz do.

Lauren [plop_bunny]
Sent: 29/3/2005 07:53am
Subject: slugawoo adventures
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Heya, I have come across a copy of Slugawoo Adventures, i believe it is an uncommon book and was wondering if you would like to buy and what you would pay for it.The book is currently in my shop so you can view it and as proof that I own itThanks.

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 08:34am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello I noticed you had Alien Aisha Invasion and It Came From Kreludor up in your trades. I was wondering how many NPs you’d be expecting for them both please? Thanks.

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 08:48am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not selling AAI at the moment, sorry, and got a good friend who will buy if I do sell. ICFK won’t be cheap either, definitely at least 1.5 million, not the 800k/900k range that the others on the TP are asking for, so I would suggest trying them first..

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you very much. I see your in 17th place reading normal books. My plan is to stay in17th place. =D But I don’t want to purchuse the new books yet til theprice drops. Theres no point in over paying when just a wait of a weekor so will make the cost drop by thousands, right? hehe! Didn’t your pet use to be a plum chia?

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 09:30am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh, neat, not too far away then.. well, you can stay 17th and I’ll hold down 16th! And yes, for regular books and all especially the price will plummet quit efast, except for the r88s or so onward which seem to persist 2-3 weeks sometimes, if not longer :/ More common it is the faster it drops though. But yup, every penny helps. Plum chia? Nopes, afraid not, she’s been an ixi, a bori, a uni, briefly wocky and aisha, and now an ugly *hides* little nimmo! No chia yet though

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] haha! It’s the inner beauty that counts? I was thinking about changing my grey grarrl into a baby Quiggle! I just find them soo cute with their beedy little eyes! hehe I take it you use the lab then on your pet? If you could have yourpet at any colour which colour and species would it be?

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 09:38am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: They are indeed, heehee And I’m not sure regarding colour/species, to be honest. Aye I use the lab ray, but not sure how long before I stop zapping her, I love her and plan to heap everything on her though, as opposed to keeping more than one pet for zapping purposes etc. And aye, inner beauty it is! I suppose eventually she’ll be a faerie ixi, if only because she started as a red ixi.

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] aww! Faerie Ixi’s are cupie!! My friend has one and offered me it,but I didn’t want to keep it on a spare account and on my main accounthere I only want 2 pets, although I currently have 3 since I amawaiting to find a suap. hehe. You sound very nice. It’s nice to find someone who isn’t cranky likepeople these days appear to be. I fear to neomail some people withtheir rude responses. hehe! *eye twitches whilst he munches his chicken royal burger king roll* Mmmm!!

IanHi [rats2380202]
Sent: 29/3/2005 09:58am
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] man u have a lot of kreludan books I read 33 I wish I had books like yours Where’d you get them?

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 10:00am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahh, nice. And nods, sur attack pea.. one of the avatars I’ll never get! Urrrgh. I do actually have a few spare pets on my two gallery accounts, but only log on about twice a week to them to feed.. and feel guilty enough not taking good care of them as is. Thanks for the compliment though, and well, I don’t reply much myself to most of the neomails I get, most of them are silly, but I think most people can generally tell the silly people and mails from the nice friendly ones, and I try to reply when I have time, though I still do miss out on a lot I’d like to reply to, just have no time. *steals a bit of the chicken roll*

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] *discovers little teeth marks in his roll* Hmm, I’m watching you. I have a couple spare accounts also, but I only visit sometimes. Ido leave them in hotel though at all times, so I don’t feel too badabout that, 😀 Which other accounts do you have? I love looking through gallery’s

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 10:16am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *widens eyes like an innocent kitten* Hey, after all, come on, your username is pizza_on_a_plate.. I thought you weren’t eating that! And neat.. hotels, never used them before I have two, a bunny gallery on bunnymph and a woefully incomplete and far too huge toy gallery on cynosured. Neither is really very fancy graphics-wise or whatnot, but I’m proud of them. Heading off for a little while, might be back quite soon, or not at all.

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] Hey, after all, come on, your username is pizza_on_a_plate.. I thought you weren’t eating that! ^ haha You cracked me up there! *dies* WOW your gallery’s are really cool! I like them! I use to have a bunnygallery ya know, when I had a Faerie cybunny. But then I needed achange and started to zap her and she changed into a asparagus chia. Her name is Missydaprissy hehe! Awww, okies then! I’ll speak to you later? It was nice meeting a new person here, <3

Stan [pizza_on_a_plate]
Sent: 29/3/2005 10:29am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *widens eyes like an innocent kitten* Hey, after all, come on, your username is pizza_on_a_plate.. I thought you weren’t eating that! And neat.. hotels, never used them before I have two, a bunny gallery on bunnymph and a woefully incomplete and far too huge toy gallery on cynosured. Neither is really very fancy graphics-wise or whatnot, but I’m proud of them. Heading off for a little while, might be back quite soon, or not at all.

pizza_on_a_plate Replied:

[Report Message] aww thank you for accepting my friend request. <3 mwah!

ken ichi joji [ua2000]
Sent: 29/3/2005 01:37pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey wanna be my neo friend please plz ^__^

lissy [lissy_chan]
Sent: 29/3/2005 08:47pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what do you want for the easter chocolates trade? I need for my gallery. i’lltrade you a patterend chocolate egg for your swirly one … and I dunno about the bunny choco

LisaSigg [shirl_16]
Sent: 30/3/2005 03:28am
Subject: Biep.
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi. could u maybe tell me where u got all ur books from?! i go to the bookshop, but they just sell the ones i already bought! so how could i ever become a member of the bookclub ?”?please answer byebye

Kelly Kaiser [sweetheart20586]
Sent: 30/3/2005 08:03am
Subject: Hi im Kelly darkshadow838
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey wanna be my neofriend?

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 30/3/2005 03:13pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 110). We have given you a Thistleberry Crepe, an Avatar, and 517 NP!

shannonhowardess [sashag389]
Sent: 30/3/2005 09:03pm
Subject: your trades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am interested in guide to neocola or alien aisha booktastic books..i have a plushie paint brush, would you be interested?

alk144 [alk144]
Sent: 31/3/2005 04:47am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how can u read so many booktastic books?!my pet has read 20! it refused to read bedtimes storys!could u send me the names of what ur pet has read?

alk144 [alk144]
Sent: 31/3/2005 04:51am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i know you have an adress 4 all of them but on my pc i don’t have an adress bar.just four searches!

StefanDimitrov [stefanthemaster]
Sent: 31/3/2005 05:03am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you get soooo many boooktastic books?

forgot [melakons900]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:10am
Subject: um..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks for buying my Spyder. I like your shop also. you have lots of naet items in there. Also nice petpets!

forgot [melakons900]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:12am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks! That one was for someone else actually. Didn’t want to get one from my own shop.

melakons900 Replied:

[Report Message] Oh I see you have to many nice ones to give away to someone.

shannonhowardess [sashag389]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:42am
Subject: Guide to the Neocola Machine
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you sell this for one million, if not how much? also how is is alien aisha invasion? thanks

karin jemec [sloogya]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:45am
Subject: Do…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you wanna be my neofriend? I like your neopet Lyxanie. She is very smart!

shannonhowardess [sashag389]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:49am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry.. neocola goes for at least 1.5 to 2 I think, and invasion is about there too, although when the market is flooded with them prices drop a bit, and there might be quite a few neocolas out there at the moment. They’re not for sale though I’m afraid, mainly because I don’t need np, only the darned impossible to find r100s :/ (And the invasion is reserved too if I do decide to sell, to a good friend)

sashag389 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks

forgot [melakons900]
Sent: 31/3/2005 12:33pm
Subject: um
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] This user jisforjessie has petpet stuff and her prices are like ay higher than yours.

Latoya Smith [joker_19324]
Sent: 31/3/2005 02:37pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, would you like to trade your white chocolate hollow cybunny for 12K, Grundo Stix, and a Pink Apple Lantern?

Latoya Smith [joker_19324]
Sent: 31/3/2005 02:55pm
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – umm.. sure, let me put up trade. Can’t accept till a couple hours though, need to run off for class :/

joker_19324 Replied:

[Report Message] Sure, no problem

bMonob [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 31/3/2005 04:27pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks =]

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:03pm
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you be interested in a trade of one r99 booktastic book for another? I have a copy of It Came From Kreludor, which I’ve already read and Ithough I’d see if I could trade it to you for Alien Aisha Invasion,which I haven’t read. Thanks for your time.

DarkHelmet [bobajfett]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:17pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks, sorry.. market is flooded with ICFKs right now and I have half a dozen myself, but only one AAI, which is semi-reserved too :/ Thank you though.

bobajfett Replied:

[Report Message] I see. I don’t really rs booktastic so I’m not completelyfamiliar with the stocking patterns – happened to get my copy out ofauction for 150k. That said, I have noticed AAI is harder to find and I am/was infact willing to add some pure to the deal – just as a point of note – Iwas just waiting to see what your response was rather than offeringblindly. At any rate, thanks for the response and should I happen to come intothe posession of a r100 I ‘ve already read I’ll let you know.

sma16sma16_2004 [sma16sma16_2004]
Sent: 31/3/2005 07:23pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello! My name is Sarah. I saw that you’re in the book club. I reallyadmire that. I also saw that you won 15 trophies. Wow! That’samazing! (I didn’t win ANY trophies!) I have a couple of questions Iwant to ask you. How did you get so much money? I only have about18,000! I can’t even buy some of the petpets I like! (like theTanizard) I was also wondering if it’s possible for you to lower someof the prices in your shop. (for example: the Tanizard I want to buy)If your answer is no, I understand. You want to get more money! Pleaseanswer me ASAP (as soon as possible) Bye! P.S. Would you like to be myneofriend?

Alessandra [coca99cola]
Sent: 1/4/2005 09:01am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] For Lotto 164196092350.000 NP ??

nickey [frisbeedog10]
Sent: 1/4/2005 03:49pm
Subject: hi petpet thing…….
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i was just wondering how do you get those petpetpets arent they imposible to get

StellaTurner [charlottrockstotally]
Sent: 1/4/2005 06:52pm
Subject: HELLO?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Sense your neopet has read so many books you shoud know where the cheapest places for books are. Do you? If you do please inform me. Thanyou.

peace382267 [peace382267]
Sent: 1/4/2005 08:07pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] The neo pox pizza is for your neopet with neopox. From RoRo

peace382267 [peace382267]
Sent: 1/4/2005 08:24pm
Subject: Thanks
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for the negg! RoRo

peace382267 [peace382267]
Sent: 1/4/2005 08:27pm
Subject: Re: Thanks
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem.

peace382267 Replied:

[Report Message] You didn’t have to send me anything. Know how to get some avaters RoRo

IQUIT! [vxi_gourmetgallery]
Sent: 1/4/2005 10:59pm
Subject: Re: Trades
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Greetings and salutations. Apologies for the neomail without any offer, but I am not very familiar with the prices of the gourmet market, and I was curious how much you’d accept for any of the following? (Reason given too): Cheesy Carrots, Four Layer Carrot Cake (both for my bunny gallery, at bunnymph) and Mini Baby, Mummified, Linked Hot Dogs (for a friend, iluvthecountry, and his gallery at detroitplayette69.. always on the lookout for him, though he might very well have contacted you already too!) I can certainly afford mid-range prices for the carrot items especially, though hopefully they’re not in the millions.. Thank you very much for your time!

vxi_gourmetgallery Replied:

[Report Message] 750k for carrot? 870k for cake? cheapest on tp. let me know if you want it so i can seperate

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 2/4/2005 12:46am
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi jess! I haven’t been neomailing you for quite long right? Well, i sorry to bother you again, but it’s about your trade. You said on the booktastic trade that you were probably not trading, but i was wondering if you would with me and for how much too. Please reply. Thank you. Charissa.

montanagrl100 [montanagrl100]
Sent: 2/4/2005 05:28am
Subject: please
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi could you give me the list of books that your neopet has read?Thanks!

bMonob [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 2/4/2005 10:15am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Muah.

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message] *scrub scrub*

bMonob [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 2/4/2005 10:20am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Muah.

monopolyfreakbrother Replied:

[Report Message] *scrub scrub*

songjenny [jenny_song77]
Sent: 2/4/2005 04:22pm
Subject: awesome!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Your neopet is Awesome or maybe..Even butter then awesome!!!

nickey [frisbeedog10]
Sent: 2/4/2005 05:06pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You get petpetpets through random events only. (Not counting buying them from others)

frisbeedog10 Replied:

[Report Message] like you find 100 np on the floor

zoe_1997 [zoe_1997]
Sent: 2/4/2005 05:57pm
Subject: heh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi if your neopet is in trouble you can ask me for something I saw you won the book award but your hit points were low and I’ll do anything for a winner please mail back as soon as can!

SemiQuitted [vxi_gourmetgallery]
Sent: 2/4/2005 09:21pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hrm.. yes to cheesy carrot, but no to the cake? Cake sounds a little too pricey for the moment right now so I’ll pass thanks. Though I will offer tomorrow on the carrot if you’d care to separate.. thanks.

vxi_gourmetgallery Replied:

[Report Message] since you’re collecting 800k for cake? i’ll seperate both

Sent: 3/4/2005 04:13am
Subject: stuff for ya
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi Jess, I was bored and was browsing the gift shop, Well what fun is a gift shop if you don’t buy someone some gifts in it, so check my trades =)

Meryem Belarbi [meryem93]
Sent: 3/4/2005 06:14am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i can u plz do me a faiver and i’ll repay u plz?

guessit [juicylemons212]
Sent: 3/4/2005 07:21am
Subject: shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] u have a great shop

laurence beaulieu [bazounette33]
Sent: 3/4/2005 08:11am
Subject: h�
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] merci davoir acheter mon ona mai tu a des petpet des neige et moi dan ma boutique jen nai un tu pourai me lacheter maill moi silteplai

Blake [neoace272]
Sent: 3/4/2005 09:52am
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Excuse me I have read 28 kruludan books and going for a lot more! And if it isn’t much trouble, could you neomail me the names of the ones you have read or know of?

DusanNikolic [istishu]
Sent: 3/4/2005 10:38am
Subject: ?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] selling It Came From Kreludor for 1.1million or will add to SOA!!!!

ME [coastal_bird]
Sent: 3/4/2005 10:53am
Subject: please help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im trying for the booktastic award. however, my pet,banndaly, keeps saying that the books are boing and wont read them. i’ve got 5 books in my inventory that he wont read. is there anything i can do?

corbat [corbat]
Sent: 3/4/2005 01:34pm
Subject: trades
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi plz look at my offer its very good actuly i would never have done an offer like that normallly but i’ now collecting books and thoose book i haven’t read to my pet!

the martyr [sin]
Sent: 3/4/2005 03:04pm
Subject: booktastic trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how much for the alien aisha invasion?

josh roks [scream4me]
Sent: 3/4/2005 03:46pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] your pet is very impressive

the martyr [sin]
Sent: 3/4/2005 05:06pm
Subject: Re: booktastic trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not for trade for np, sorry.

sin Replied:

[Report Message] i see, Golden Shoyru Book for the entire lot then? would have to add maybe o_O

the martyr [sin]
Sent: 3/4/2005 05:13pm
Subject: Re: booktastic trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I’ve already read that, so sorry and thanks but no thanks.. Afraid it’d have to be a pretty darn special r100+ at the moment to get those books, although with the GSB you might be able to get one of the other two books elsewhere on tp? AAI is kinda scarce at the moment, but ICFK the market has been flooded with recently.. for some reason.

sin Replied:

[Report Message] the last Golden Shoyru Book I sold went for Spectres Battledeck and 250k, sold the deck for 4.5 mil yesterday so thanks…Im really interested in the Alien Aisha its the only 1 I see on the post…and some galleries on the wiz… any items in my trades interest you?

the&nbspmartyr [sin]
Sent: 3/4/2005 05:24pm
Subject: Re: booktastic trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No to them items either, thank you.. although, YIKES! When did GSB go for 7m?! I’m glad I got mine for 2 and a half a couple months ago, hehe.. 7 mil would normally be pretty close for the entire lot, but really I don’t want to trade AAI (except mainly for an r100 or some hard to find 101+ book), and in no hurry to dump either of the others too I’m afraid. :/

sin Replied:

[Report Message] hmm ok, well if you happen to come across another Alien Aisha Invasion…let me know? trying to get a badge n such

SemiQuitted [vxi_gourmetgallery]
Sent: 3/4/2005 05:31pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hrm.. yes to cheesy carrot, but no to the cake? Cake sounds a little too pricey for the moment right now so I’ll pass thanks. Though I will offer tomorrow on the carrot if you’d care to separate.. thanks.

vxi_gourmetgallery Replied:

[Report Message] Any other foods interests you? Also Some books I got that you may be interested in includes Chia Art History,101 Castle Toilets and Quest Spells.

SemiQuitted [vxi_gourmetgallery]
Sent: 3/4/2005 05:36pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I might for Quest Spells.. Chia Art I don’t want yet, 105 castle toilets Lyxanie read immediately after trying out the recipes in 105 lava cake recipes (How much do you want for that? Multimillions, eep) Erm.. foods? I still have Carrot Chia Pop, Rainbow Cybunny Negg in my wishlist, though you didn’t seem to have either.. eventually will have to burn some np on some of the easter neggs too :/ Thankfully not “too” much super rare-type foods with carrots in them..

vxi_gourmetgallery Replied:

[Report Message] *pokes my shop* LoL i got neggs there, also didn’t you asked something about your friends (hot dogs i believe) are you buying those also? I sold my last copy of quest spells for 10m and that was 1/2 a yr ago XD they get rarer every day O_O o.o offer?

tokyturtle [tokyturtle]
Sent: 3/4/2005 06:48pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you lower that ona price thoes are woth 1000 np in your shop tokyturtle no space

SemiQuitted [vxi_gourmetgallery]
Sent: 3/4/2005 08:17pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup.. well, hot dogs..*shifty eyes*, I’m waiting on him to get back to a neomail, so no for the moment but I’ll be sure to ask if/when he does if he needs it. I saw the neggs in your shop actually.. didn’t offer on them yet because I hadn’t started to look up their prices, plus they looked reserved-for-the-moment

vxi_gourmetgallery Replied:

[Report Message] I also got a bunch of old ub neggs if you want to buy them hiding

Sent: 3/4/2005 08:17pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeep! Ooh, thankee.

addicted2myneo Replied:

[Report Message] i rejected the second one as i’m not going to accept 5,000 np for “gifts” offer whatever but only items

Sent: 3/4/2005 10:30pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aww.. ty very much *hug*

addicted2myneo Replied:

[Report Message] anytime =D

corbat [corbat]
Sent: 4/4/2005 12:32am
Subject: Re: trades
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well, The trade on Jazzmosis Biography – the book is worth 800k, that’s 800,000 np. The total value of the items and np you offered is not even 500np. The other trade: AAI is worth at least 2 million, ICFK 800k at least, and the Guide about 3 million, minimum. And the stuff you offered equals about maybe 23,000np total. So no, whether intentionally or not, your offers constitute ‘junk offers’ and will not be accepted or even declined, but will rot up there with my other ones, until you yourself decide to cancel them because they’re taking up space in your inventory. They are hardly “very good”, or even close to reasonable, junk offers in general are actually a huge problem in Neopets. Have a nice day.

corbat Replied:

[Report Message] sorry i’m kinda new and don’t know what anything is worth but also did you receive an e-mail from theneopetsteam which said that they need ur username and p/w cuz i did but i think its a scam

GustavSMoody [shadowwyrm]
Sent: 4/4/2005 01:34pm
Subject: The Royal Treasure Collection
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you be interested in purchasing this book? The price is negotiable

GustavSMoody [shadowwyrm]
Sent: 4/4/2005 01:59pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks but no thank you – already read it.

shadowwyrm Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks, if you know anybody that might be interested please send them my way

michelle nelson [sailor_reechu]
Sent: 4/4/2005 05:10pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi a napkin is going to kill me!

Jean-Miguel D [djeanmi]
Sent: 4/4/2005 05:28pm
Subject: Kreludan book question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi,I looked at the list provided in the link on your petpage and found some inconsistencies? (I think, since it lists only 52 books)Your pet has the same # of letters in its name as mine, so cannot read 7 of the books listed (14 and 15 letter book titles). BUT, you read 46 books (which would mean there’s at least 53 different kreludan books) AND you’re looking for 6 of them which would mean 59 books (unless you read those and are just collecting them) Unless there’s a way to read those 7 books?? (Kreludan Recipes, The Kreludan Flag, Kreludan Sundaes, Kreludan Fashion, Wishing on a Star, Kreludan Physics & Do the Moon Bounce)any help would be greatly appreciated

michelle nelson [sailor_reechu]
Sent: 4/4/2005 06:44pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry to hear.. bad paper cut?

sailor_reechu Replied:

[Report Message] hi my cut hands. i love money do you have money? i have $6.27 cents. it is fun to buy suff with it. how old are you? i go to caze.what school do you go to? i have 3 cats at my moms house. i have two homes. my dads home and my moms home. i love being with all my homes. my cats names are Lion Haert,Ashely,and Callie.

Jean-Miguel D [djeanmi]
Sent: 4/4/2005 06:55pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes there is Try changing the language of Neopets in the yellow sidebar, read the book, then change back.. short answer why is to do with the number of letters as you said, but the long answer (if you’re interested) is at But we’re allowed to change language then read.. if it doesn’t work, keep changing till you find one that works, but they all can count that way.

djeanmi Replied:

[Report Message] THANK YOU!!

Jean-Miguel D [djeanmi]
Sent: 4/4/2005 09:55pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eep, apparantly neomail formatting doesn’t work very well on this computer. No problem.

djeanmi Replied:

[Report Message] I had another questionIf I read say 39 books (the lowest in the top 200 are now at 38), will I get the ‘honorary member’ award within 24 hours like any other trophy? and will it stay if I get kicked off the list? (I’m assuming yes, but just want to check before reading those expensive books )thanks again for your time

charissa [chariss_no7]
Sent: 5/4/2005 05:57am
Subject: Re: Trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey! Woops, I missed your mail :/ Which of them do you still need? the AAI is not for trade, and I doubt neocola machine is either (rather expensive at the moment, about 2-3 million), but I can spare ICFK if you still need it (although it’s about 800k as cheapest price I’ve seen too)

chariss_no7 Replied:

[Report Message] Yes, i still need ICFK. How much do you want? I’ve seen it at 500k before. I was hoping for lower than that still though because i’m still saving . So what do you say?

Amy C [bellesfav]
Sent: 5/4/2005 10:24am
Subject: odd question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am looking for a description and the verification of existance of a book called how purples got their spots….could ypu look on your list for me and tel;l me what the cover looks like and the description it gives if any…..thanks so much… irealise this is a strange request but i would be ever so thankful

Amy C [bellesfav]
Sent: 5/4/2005 10:56am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: It exists, but our database does not unfortunately have the description of the book yet. The picture however is at:

bellesfav Replied:

[Report Message] has your pet read it…there is a description on the list of books your pet has read…

Amy C [bellesfav]
Sent: 5/4/2005 11:04am
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Haven’t quite read it :/ Haven’t seen it about really.. one of the 6 books I still need

bellesfav Replied:

[Report Message] do you know who did…the one that got that pic??

Amy C [bellesfav]
Sent: 5/4/2005 11:12am
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No, we just know the pic because it’s on old news archives. Took them from there and put into our guild database. Not sure if any of them have -ever- restocked.. maybe one or two, though not that we’ve heard.

bellesfav Replied:

[Report Message] thanks so much for your help…i will visit your shop…that is how i say thanks to people who help me

Amy C [bellesfav]
Sent: 5/4/2005 11:18am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No worries, and don’t worry about it.. shop has rather overpriced stuff.

bellesfav Replied:

[Report Message] lol….at least you admit it…lol

Sent: 5/4/2005 11:37am
Subject: l;
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey

Kikyo [yigyig123257]
Sent: 5/4/2005 04:25pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi-I just was browsing around when i saw your pet won a badge thingy. My pet has read 33 booktasic books. I need 5 more to get at least 3rd place. Some books are impossiable to get expect the ones you mentioned. Can you tell me how to get some of them? Thanks.

Kikyo [yigyig123257]
Sent: 5/4/2005 05:15pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mostly by buying them from the trading post, in the case of those costing over 100k, unless you’re fast enough to restock them, which usually is nearly impossible :/ Although there should be.. *counts* 35-36 books costing under 100k.

yigyig123257 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks

Heather Davey [scoobys_pixy]
Sent: 5/4/2005 05:23pm
Subject: faerie feepit
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to make an offer, I’m just checking to see if you are online right now

MrBlofer [ran_sumo]
Sent: 5/4/2005 10:21pm
Subject: 1
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Padded Cybunny Gloves for sell

kylap [whiterosepunk]
Sent: 5/4/2005 11:02pm
Subject: your boo trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey sorry i dunno what 100 kreludans is is that differant to np, how much np are you after for the 4 books?punks

Edna [qbureau]
Sent: 5/4/2005 11:46pm
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] New mall graphic for us all We’re trying a new format, let’s hope itworks well because I’m notdoing it again any time soon LOL! We have anew member, Foo! She’ll bestarting with Coffee and Tea New Mall Code, just right click and select all the text in the teenybox in the upper left corner and paste it into your shop: ‘’ :

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 06:03am
Subject: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would you consider lowering the price any? im on a fountain faerie quest and that is what she is asking for lol.

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 06:56am
Subject: Re: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi, certainly, I’ll cut it to 500k if you tell me what your pet’s going to turn into.. and I see it after. Just curious!

starrynezz Replied:

[Report Message] well im going to morph her into a buzz and paint her so i can get the buzzing avvie lol thx soo muchies *huggles*

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 06:59am
Subject: Re: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *smile* Ahhhh, yeah.. I’m still waiting for one of those quests myself! *pout* Well, no problem, though.. and grats on the quest.

starrynezz Replied:

[Report Message] The Fountain Faerie says ‘Wow, thanks, you found my !’TheFountain Faerie winks at you and smiles. “The next time you visit myRainbow Fountain, I will have a little surprise for you!”

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 07:01am
Subject: Re: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *smile* Ahhhh, yeah.. I’m still waiting for one of those quests myself! *pout* Well, no problem, though.. and grats on the quest.

starrynezz Replied:

[Report Message] lol im not sure what color i should paint her lmao

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 07:07am
Subject: Re: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *smile* Ahhhh, yeah.. I’m still waiting for one of those quests myself! *pout* Well, no problem, though.. and grats on the quest.

starrynezz Replied:

[Report Message] help me decide, snot or maraquan buzz?

StarNocturno [starrynezz]
Sent: 6/4/2005 07:16am
Subject: Re: Jazzmosis Biography
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *smile* Ahhhh, yeah.. I’m still waiting for one of those quests myself! *pout* Well, no problem, though.. and grats on the quest.

starrynezz Replied:

[Report Message] sorry i couldnt wait. Nihil is now a pretty maraquan buzz for now i couldnt have gotten the avie without you thx sooo much

Edna [qbureau]
Sent: 6/4/2005 07:59am
Subject: Re: Meep
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Can’t do it right now, just seen neomail and on wrong computer to do so, but will get it up within a couple hours, thank you.

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Okay, no hurry When I get some free time later today I’ll sendeveryone code for the ad graphic, which is basically the top portion ofthe mall graphic. ttyl, Fran

guess [rockanrollking]
Sent: 6/4/2005 11:48am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanx 4 the guide of books my pets alittle smarter thanx to u

guess [rockanrollking]
Sent: 6/4/2005 12:07pm
Subject: Re: hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You and your pet/s are very welcome.

rockanrollking Replied:

[Report Message] its good to now that some people are lookin out 4 each other instead of savin there help

Edna [qbureau]
Sent: 6/4/2005 01:40pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah okie. Hmmm, some notes.. isn’t the whole graphic a little too big? The first item in shop is now halfway down the page.. perhaps a bit smaller or if they were stacked in 2 columns it might look a little better? Though it does look great mind ya. Also selling Kreludan books in my shop now.. Ray told me to actually, though he’s also selling, since people come in to mine mainly from the Booktastic page. Though not sure its necessary to put in the graphic anyway.. but eek, his booktastic sign is big, hehe! Just a heads up. And re Fooey, there are I believe some easier to collect/sell categories that haven’t been taken yet, not sure how well coffee/tea does.. Haven’t talked to her, though next time I do I might suggest furniture? Or that one category of Faerie Quest items we’re still missing.. don’t remember what it is right now, I think its clothing. (Wait, darnit, or should I be stocking more of those!) But, looking good! Fyora’s mall.. mmm. *places statue of Fran to a side*

qbureau Replied:

[Report Message] Foo just wanted to start out easy and see if she liked being in a mall,I just had her pick something she liked to start with. The graphic wasRay’s idea, we’ll see how it works out

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 6/4/2005 01:53pm
Subject: Dark Nova
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks for the moehog plushie. I have a yellow snowball from last night….. Do you have/did you borrow a dark nova? Or do you still needone. It’s only equipping, so it’s not bad at all….

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 6/4/2005 02:02pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I need one indeed.. Might you have an extra? I found out I didn’t have any.. and eating a nova pop didn’t work, yeesh, though at least it counted as a cheap gourmet (Hey, one can dream). Thanks for snowball

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] ROOOOAARRR!!! – The snowager rears up and fires a MASSIVE icy blast at you and your Neopets!!! Oh no!!! Ebil wurm!!!!

ME [coastal_bird]
Sent: 6/4/2005 04:23pm
Subject: srry
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im really srry to keep bugging u, but how do you change the languge? (im gonna feel stupid if it’s really easy)

M�nica Sampedro [monywestlife]
Sent: 6/4/2005 05:05pm
Subject: �Me puedes ayudar?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hola… Me interesa mucho ser tu amiga… porfis te agradeceria mucho que me respondieras… pra que me des truquitos para mi neopet porfis si no es mucha molestia… GRAZIE… CIAO.

Gerardo Casta�eda [galahak2002]
Sent: 7/4/2005 12:09am
Subject: pregunta
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] oye tengo una duda espero me la puedas responder , tu neopet tiene muy poca edad y veo que tienes mucha fuerza e inteligencia y todo lo demas , me podrias recomendar algo para aumentar las habilidades del mio , por que por mas que le intento voy muy lento. de antemano gracias ATTE DUMAH

kylap [whiterosepunk]
Sent: 7/4/2005 12:14am
Subject: Re: your boo trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I don’t want np for the books as of now, sorry.. r100 as in, those books I have up there on the tp you can see are: 3 of them r99 (rarity 99), super rare, and one r97 (rarity 97), the ultra rare one. r100s are rarer than r99s.. and I’m looking for one of the 6 Booktastic (Kreludan) books I haven’t read yet, all of which are these super-hard-to-find rarity 100 books.

whiterosepunk Replied:

[Report Message] ok tahts kool sorry to bother you i am looking for the R99 books amt havent reached your stage yet but thanks for replying to my email!punks

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 7/4/2005 09:45am
Subject: Winning Bid!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Dear Jess, Congratulations! You have been successful the Neopets Auction Lot No. 37766709 (for Maraquan Petpet Paint Brush). We have added this to your inventory (check it out at Below is a list of all the bids in the auction. Bid : 140000 NeoPoints, placed by gtrjess. We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at: Yours Sincerely, The Neopets Team! Web : Dont forget to tell your friends about us – send them a greeting at

Mel Mel [hmqn]
Sent: 7/4/2005 03:55pm
Subject: Your trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hiya,I’ve just seen your trade, and was wondering what you would like for it. What particular r100 kreuldian are you looking for?

Mel Mel [hmqn]
Sent: 7/4/2005 04:56pm
Subject: Re: Your trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there, mainly any of the 6 Lyxanie hasn’t read (listed on her desc page) although I might consider the other 3 that she has – depends though.

hmqn Replied:

[Report Message] Ah well, no can do then. Congrats on your Booktastic Award btw – very impressive!

Mel Mel [hmqn]
Sent: 7/4/2005 05:07pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup, they’re next to impossible to find at the moment I’m afraid :/ Apologies, though. But thanks, and Lyxanie says thanks too! Out of curiosity, you wouldn’t happen to have any of them r100s, would you?

hmqn Replied:

[Report Message] Not books.. but you didn’t specify books in your trade (I think). That’s why I asked.If I had them, I’d have read them to Namelesss.

Mel Mel [hmqn]
Sent: 7/4/2005 05:09pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ohhhh, ok. Eep, I wasn’t aware there were any others, but I certainly didn’t think of that :/ Sorry. And yeah.. I mean, NOOO! Sell them to me.. I’ll make it worth your while! Hehe, thanks anyway though Good luck with it.

hmqn Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks.

Marcas Edwards [marcas785]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:06am
Subject: Hey!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi ur so kl can i have a load of books since u have won the gold badhe thankyou and how is ur neopet so strong?

kirsten Akins [sirshrooms]
Sent: 8/4/2005 01:23pm
Subject: Link
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] the link for the complette kreludan book list doesnt work. Do you know another one?

Erin Samantha [samerin]
Sent: 8/4/2005 02:20pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Your pet is the coolest!!!

Captain Mike [tombstone1]
Sent: 8/4/2005 05:51pm
Subject: wow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] yo i was just looking at your shop and your stuff thats soo awsome just wondering how did u do it all like all those petpets and trophes any tips for me

kingcoltans441 [kingcoltans441]
Sent: 8/4/2005 07:19pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi how are you today

kingcoltans441 [kingcoltans441]
Sent: 8/4/2005 07:30pm
Subject: Wanna join my guild?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] To you want to be in my guild

none [aishia397]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:09pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u get the job coupons i need 1….can u help

Aude Hebert [fotia84_]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:17pm
Subject: i have…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How Purples Got Their Spotsi dunno what it worth tough but i am sure it is wishlist is : – faerie/baby/royal paintbrush , the full lab map, neopoints.thanks for replying.

Aude Hebert [fotia84_]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:20pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Show me the book. Temporarily put it in shop for 250000, or in trades.

fotia84_ Replied:

[Report Message] in my shop it is

Aude Hebert [fotia84_]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:26pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. no its not? I’m sorry.. where?

fotia84_ Replied:

[Report Message] i am the dumbest persin i have ever seen 0_0 i cannot belive myself i put it for 25000 ( i forgot a 0) i am soooo IDIOT anyways sorry.. makes me wanna I HAtE neopets.

Aude Hebert [fotia84_]
Sent: 8/4/2005 08:41pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry to hear.. where’d you get that book in the first place? Quite rare :/

fotia84_ Replied:

[Report Message] from a nood who put it in their shop for 10,000quite ironic

Cyndal Mackert [lilsassy141]
Sent: 8/4/2005 11:34pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you have any books that i can buy under 800np?

none [aishia397]
Sent: 9/4/2005 02:25am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Buy them from shopwiz/trading post, or win them (very rare) at wheel of knowledge. I don’t have any, sorry.

aishia397 Replied:

[Report Message] thanx

Adam [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 9/4/2005 04:28am
Subject: Hey there! Me again 😛
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I guess you are probably after the new books eh? And i also guess you will be paying big? Because i MAY judt have stumbled across another one xD

ChElSeA [plushieluver141]
Sent: 9/4/2005 05:57am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] there a 4new booktastic boks realeased. it said on the new features in aseu didn’t kno.

bobsmith [stephanbathory]
Sent: 9/4/2005 06:51am
Subject: AAI
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I see that your Alien Aisha Invasion is not for sale… I was hoping that i found yet another missing piece for my gallery…c’est la vie…

medeiros219 [medeiros219]
Sent: 9/4/2005 06:57am
Subject: the book award
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] if you want that book award than check out the book in my trades it’s immensly rare and worth a lot but i only want 1.5 mil for it

medeiros219 [medeiros219]
Sent: 9/4/2005 06:59am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Already read it thanks. Got one sitting in trades myself.

medeiros219 Replied:

[Report Message] ok nvm sorry

medeiros219 [medeiros219]
Sent: 9/4/2005 07:02am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem thanks. And I do already have the award. *grin* Good luck on selling.

medeiros219 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks good luck to you too

Adam [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 9/4/2005 07:17am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: May?

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] Yes, May

Adam [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 9/4/2005 07:24am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: How so? (And they’re not released yet as far as we can tell, but..)

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] Two RSed this mourning… But it depends how good you are willing to pay

Adam [unclebeastmaster]
Sent: 9/4/2005 07:29am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Depends on rarity. Show the books. (They’re not on shop wiz or yellow sidebar yet, unless I’m mangling the names, and hard to believe no movement on list yet if they were released)

unclebeastmaster Replied:

[Report Message] Brb, my borther got it, im going to have to prize it off him

darlenesmith [msfuss]
Sent: 9/4/2005 08:58am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks for buying from my shop

ME [coastal_bird]
Sent: 9/4/2005 11:49am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, no problem. You see the yellow sidebar on the left of the screen? Below the clock and below the taskbar it has a “Select Language:” thing. Change that box, then hit go, read a book, then change back to English after

coastal_bird Replied:

[Report Message] wow. now i feel REALLY stupid. ill go away after a while, i promise.

Danny Knight [dannys_christian]
Sent: 9/4/2005 02:12pm
Subject: question 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you give me a list of the kreludan books you know of? cause i know only a few and i want to stock my shop… thanks!

Steven Mitchell [stevenk12468]
Sent: 9/4/2005 02:52pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am new to neopets and i was wondering how you earn NP besides playing games and selling stuff. Could you help me out PLEASE.

Samantha Miller [imunow]
Sent: 9/4/2005 03:35pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi will you be my neofriend?:-)

Brian [darkninja567298]
Sent: 9/4/2005 06:18pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] um i am sorry to bother you but i was wondering if there is a cash award you get for being in first place for the booktastic books contest or do you just get a throphy?

copperline [copperline]
Sent: 9/4/2005 10:56pm
Subject: Gelert A to Z
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am on an Illusens quest for the above item. I wish to offer you your request in pure np but I need to know that you are online because I can only do the trade in a limited time because of the type of quest. I have about 10 minutes from the sending of this message. If you are online, please respond as soon as possible. Thanks!

copperline [copperline]
Sent: 10/4/2005 08:51am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sincere apologies – I was asleep then.

copperline Replied:

[Report Message] No problem! I was still able to complete the quest on time.

c p [sweet_lover776]
Sent: 10/4/2005 10:23am
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would u be willing to trade the beakadoole for something?

Joshua Burorughs [mgms_finest]
Sent: 10/4/2005 10:45am
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey do you wanna eran neopoints then i have a Blue Aishe Plushie In Great Condition I brought it. i will let you buy it for 15,000 np that is 5,000 np then i brought i need np please take the offer and sell it more in your store oh i brought one of your neopedia so please buy it and i have a plushie store accept my neofriend and then tell me if you would like me to sell you plushies for a great low price in bundles of 5

whisper [wanderingwhisper]
Sent: 10/4/2005 10:57am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] R U online to haggle trades

juniornguyen000 [juniornguyen000]
Sent: 10/4/2005 11:52am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want to be my neofriend?i don’t have very many friends.

Brianna Munsen [happy_smith_girly]
Sent: 10/4/2005 12:21pm
Subject: Want
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You want to be my neofriend? If not join my guild. Theres only me in it. Please.

arlyn [a5679119]
Sent: 10/4/2005 04:17pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i collect booktastic books but i don’t know the names of all of them. i saw your pet read 46 of them so i was wondering if u could tell me the names of some booktastic books?

janae lim [sweettinklebear]
Sent: 11/4/2005 06:42am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! can I ask how you got all those petpets? thanks!

Jack Yeung [batman0731]
Sent: 11/4/2005 08:13am
Subject: Booktastic Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you mind telling me what Booktastic Book you read.Please list the Booktastic Book to me. OK?

Charlotte [xxxtotallycheekyxxx]
Sent: 11/4/2005 11:01am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, how old r u?

none [moony10149]
Sent: 11/4/2005 04:38pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi wanna be neofriends

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 11/4/2005 04:50pm
Subject: Kreludan
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ‘MoOoO_Books_111’ : search.phtml?selected_type=pet&string=MoOoO_Books_111 has read 33 book(s). Have yet to read Mathematics In Space and Learning Kreludan at the moment, but after I play a few more games Hehehe! TTYL. -Chad

torsmith [toryjsmith]
Sent: 12/4/2005 01:18am
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HIyai am hoping you can help me..i am doing a quiz on my guild and a person wants her subject on books, so the question i am giving her is how many in total are there of booktastic books?…now i see you have 46, but does that include the other books you have asked for like advanced kreludan peoms, or are you still after those books?…i need to have correct answer you see…i hope you do not think i am rude asking, but you know as your a booktastic winner i thought you were the best person to askYours hopingly you can tell meTory x

torsmith [toryjsmith]
Sent: 12/4/2005 07:15am
Subject: Re: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope, there are 52 in all currently, the complete list is on the link off my pet’s desc page to a forum post I made with all the names. (At the bottom it says 52 total) However, if/when TNT decides to release those new 4 new books it will become 56.. at the moment they’re still not out though, so 52 would be the answer.

toryjsmith Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you so much…i wont get moaned at now hope you get the other 4 books good luckTory xx

pizzaguy94 [pizzaguy94]
Sent: 12/4/2005 08:56am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How did u increase your HP?

vincent [squall01]
Sent: 12/4/2005 09:17am
Subject: Re: Kads!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there. Sorry to disturb – I was wondering if you got the last Kad you fed (the Pizza/Onion one) to count as one of your 1377? I’m an infrequent feeder at best but but I got my gold trophy on the very same one.. though it shows your name.. seems to be some sort of double feeding there, not sure how common that is at all. Thanks for your time!

squall01 Replied:

[Report Message] you’re not disturbing at all Yup that does happen sometimes. that means we tied on the same kad andboth of us will be credited!! My name appeared though, which means thatI must wait till the next mini before trying, whereas you can try tofeed even in the main coming up Good job on the gold! have fun feeding

vincent [squall01]
Sent: 12/4/2005 09:20am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ahhh, hehe, I see. Thank you kindly for the reply, and the info – double-feeding’s one aspect of kad feeding I’d never realised before. Yups, I plan to try for next few restocks now, next target 75, and good job on your corral of satisfied kats too! Thanks a bunch! Jess

squall01 Replied:

[Report Message] You’re welcome

alice goddie [palmtreehippigrl]
Sent: 12/4/2005 01:32pm
Subject: Shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Your shop prices are way toooooooooh giht if you want anyone to get anything from there you better lower them!!!!!!! And by the way your shop SUCKS

Ihavenoname [_ray_35]
Sent: 12/4/2005 02:21pm
Subject: Booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you have a list of Booktstic books? If you do, can I see it?

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 12/4/2005 03:41pm
Subject: THANK YOU!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I just got on and saw my prezzies! Thank you very much!!! Send me a list of the cybunny stuff you need so I can keep andeye out for deals! FWEE!!! Luff~Foo /me runs to gallery account!!!

Michal [malibu_rappa_92]
Sent: 12/4/2005 04:58pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you get all those booktastic books? some of them cost more than 1.5 million!

Michal [malibu_rappa_92]
Sent: 12/4/2005 04:59pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup Restocked them, or bought them.. been a long while since any of them restocked though.

malibu_rappa_92 Replied:

[Report Message] how did u get all that money to buy them?

carlypatterson [jubjub_princess59]
Sent: 12/4/2005 06:38pm
Subject: book help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you know the names of the new booktastic books? please tell me ifyou know but sorry for disturbing you. i alwayzs wanted to win theneopian book award.

tyler gravis [huggy_bear1000000000]
Sent: 12/4/2005 07:04pm
Subject: will you be my ………..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] neofriend

jason [kari770]
Sent: 12/4/2005 08:33pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could u help me? i just need names of krealudan books so i can get a thing for my pet. cause u have read 46 books so u no lots of names

jonathan [mayaandizra]
Sent: 13/4/2005 03:42am
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] plzzz acectt my offer

Mimi [amk615370]
Sent: 13/4/2005 04:06am
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you please look at my trade?

Chuck Chang [heartofdarkness1811]
Sent: 13/4/2005 07:53am
Subject: Hi!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi!Do you want to be my neofriend?Write me back when you do.When is your birthday?Mine is on Oct.1.Well write me back.

carlypatterson [jubjub_princess59]
Sent: 13/4/2005 12:25pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: They are not released yet.

jubjub_princess59 Replied:

[Report Message] oh. thank you for telling me.

Flux [rsflux]
Sent: 13/4/2005 01:21pm
Subject: Re: Yay
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks.. collect anything?

rsflux Replied:

[Report Message] Not yet, but I’ll let you know if I decide to

Flux [rsflux]
Sent: 13/4/2005 02:01pm
Subject: Re: Yay
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks.. collect anything?

rsflux Replied:

[Report Message] Incoming!!! :ucks::

Flux [rsflux]
Sent: 13/4/2005 02:12pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There, tyvm

rsflux Replied:

[Report Message] You have room for a couple more in your inventory?

movewiththegroove [movewiththegroove]
Sent: 13/4/2005 02:27pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] your pet is awesome

Mara [chocolat_luver]
Sent: 13/4/2005 03:07pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, Do you have any cards in your neodeck that you don’t want? It’s impressive.

Dana Sigman [danasigman]
Sent: 14/4/2005 02:41pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] b my friend?

Dana Sigman [danasigman]
Sent: 14/4/2005 02:45pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey

ihavenoname [iornlightning]
Sent: 14/4/2005 11:47pm
Subject: …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi… i was wondering if you would be interested in buying Alien Aisha Invasion?

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 15/4/2005 07:26am
Subject: Quiggle
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thanks. Do you have Meuka? I just adopted a pet with sneezles and amafraid to take Draikish to the water witch before I move thispet. Going to move it soon, but if anyone online needs it, Imight as well transfer via them…..

zeta [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 15/4/2005 07:54am
Subject: hope it’s ok…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] …that I added you?

o0o0o0o [m00_m00421]
Sent: 15/4/2005 09:23am
Subject: Kitchen Quest Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey, you wouldnt happen to be looking to buy a copy of Kitchen Quest Cookbook would you? im selling for 3mil but willing to hallg on it let me know thanks

o0o0o0o [m00_m00421]
Sent: 15/4/2005 09:24am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks, snagged mine for 80k a few months ago on shop wiz

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok, how much do they go for in trades and auctions anyway i was only going by what i saw so i wasent realyl sure

o0o0o0o [m00_m00421]
Sent: 15/4/2005 09:30am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: I’m not really sure, can’t say for certain on that one :/ Not 3 mil though.. I doubt its that expensive, been out for awhile – our db puts it at 850k or so, but I’ve seen them at 500k, and at 1 mil+.

m00_m00421 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks, when you think TNT is gonan release these stupid new booktastick books im getting anxious to get them so i cna move back up im falling behind becasue i couldnt afford the rarity 100 that stocked not to long ago

ihavenoname [iornlightning]
Sent: 15/4/2005 10:54am
Subject: Re: …
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – yes I would, but only because I have a friend who needs it – or to be precise, could you contact b2theizzo? I think he needs the AAI.. if I buy it it would be to turn around and sell it to him for same price.

iornlightning Replied:

[Report Message] i have contacted him and he is interested…. but can i ask how much you would pay?

ihavenoname [iornlightning]
Sent: 15/4/2005 12:01pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: About 1.0-1.5m would be a good price to fetch for it I think. Prolly lower though since I already have it – I would buy but only to stash and I’d rather save up for an r100.

iornlightning Replied:

[Report Message] yeah… save for the r100

ihavenoname [iornlightning]
Sent: 15/4/2005 12:01pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Gonna need to for those things, rofl

iornlightning Replied:

[Report Message] yeah thats true

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/4/2005 12:51pm
Subject: Bronze!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You didn’t tell me you got the bronze!!!!!Congrats!!!!

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/4/2005 12:59pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Er.. in what? *giggle, blush*

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] lol

Robin [djbochner2]
Sent: 15/4/2005 01:04pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No.. really.. I mean.. *blush* I already had the bronze book thing two months ago.. no other new bronze recently I think.. although I did get gold kad a few days ago

djbochner2 Replied:

[Report Message] I guess I’m just not observant and didn’t notice it.

benleary [peepy39]
Sent: 15/4/2005 01:11pm
Subject: A long time ago…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] did you feed anything at the kaodeterie or whtever it’s spelled a blue egg and if you did how did you get one

sofia kaur [m0d1f1ed]
Sent: 15/4/2005 01:34pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HelloCan u please send me some NP? I am really poor and I need some. I will be very grateful.ThankyouModified

Flux [rsflux]
Sent: 15/4/2005 01:36pm
Subject: Re: Yay
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thankee. Quite embarrassing really, I was deleting my neomail and accidentally clicked make neofriend Mind you though, its not a bad thing.. meant to anyway.. *sagenod* > And better you than some of the other weird ones I get!

rsflux Replied:

[Report Message] lol, I guess that works. I get so many random friend requests, and alot of them are from people in hongkong that don’t have any english intheir lookup. Wierd!

peter smith [da_shaggy17]
Sent: 15/4/2005 04:27pm
Subject: none
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] the link on your pets page does not work

steven [njamg]
Sent: 15/4/2005 10:40pm
Subject: Question about AAI
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] umm, you seem like a booktastic book expert so ill ask u, i rs’ed ittoday and i see u have the other one, how much would u like to chargepeople, because i dont want to deflate it to much if u dont want it tolow, becasue i have an offer of 1.5 million now

NunYah [shadowflames4096]
Sent: 15/4/2005 11:19pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 150k pure for your Gelert A to Z? I know lowest on TP is like 300k, but it’s only rarity 95 and It won’t sell for that much. They’re are even rarity 99 books that sell for less than 300k.

zeta [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 16/4/2005 03:56am
Subject: *bounces happily*
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Of course Yay!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] I did it, Jess! I fed a Kadoatie! *happy*

zeta [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 16/4/2005 07:29am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: YAY!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] *happy*I’m gonna put up a wishlist on the forum – as my website. It’s not very good but what the… At least I found a great list of Booktastic books, thanks to someooone…

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 07:33am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: 1.5 m is a pretty good offer for it Its about 1.2-1.5 now at the moment I think, because few copies of it have restocked lately.

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] tyvm ill prob just sell it at 1.5 or try to get the guy to go up top 1.8

cotton candy [taz_fan_one]
Sent: 16/4/2005 08:15am
Subject: your pet has neopox
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was looking at the booktastic boook awards and i saw that your pet have neopox well i cant stand to see that so i am going to give you neopox pizza use it on the pet please!!!!!!

marc tramoy [marcus860]
Sent: 16/4/2005 08:17am
Subject: Je me sens tout bizarre parce
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] salut je voulais savoir si tu voulai devenir mon ami

Cortney none [acorns2017]
Sent: 16/4/2005 10:46am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] u seem like a smart person how do i win battles. i lost two cause i have no clue on what i am doing. Can u help me?

Megiami Umi [shoi_shoi_sho]
Sent: 16/4/2005 10:48am
Subject: “secret codes”
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello. My name is Megan. I will not bother to ask you to be my neofriend. I know you will reject me. Please answer this question: do the “wishlist cheats” for the trading post really work?

Megiami Umi [shoi_shoi_sho]
Sent: 16/4/2005 10:53am
Subject: Re: &quot;secret codes&
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No they don’t.. (actually, never heard of such things either). But definitely not.. the only cheats in neopets are some codes for some of their flash games.

shoi_shoi_sho Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks. I really liked your gallery.Wish I could get enough neopoints to do that.

Katie C [pepper_102]
Sent: 16/4/2005 11:19am
Subject: shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Your petpets are priced High If you go to kaupizza’s shop all her petpets are 3,000 NPs.Just to tell you!

shayna marie [hiddenidentity04]
Sent: 16/4/2005 02:46pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Please help me! I have read 32 booktastic books, and I have a list of booktastic books, but I cannot find them. Could you send me a list (it might have others I don’t know of) and/or where to get them? I would appreciate it soooo much!

shayna marie [hiddenidentity04]
Sent: 16/4/2005 06:15pm
Subject: Re: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there – the complete list is on the link to a forum post I put on Lyxanie’s desc page – and where to get them? Its either from the shop itself, or from shop wiz (hard), or simply from the trading post (expensive), most times.

hiddenidentity04 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you so much for your help!

Rebeca Grint [crazymexchik33]
Sent: 16/4/2005 06:15pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] what else can i say but WOW!

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 09:05pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: By the way.. I’m curious as to how much you sold it for in the end? Would you mind if I asked you? Only because we need to maintain our guild database prices.. thanks. Don’t see it around anymore, so guessing you sold it.. wtg

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] i auctioned it for a girl at 1.7, but she got outbidded, here is the neomial tnt sent me Dear steven You will be pleased to know that your Neopetsauction Lot No. 38546066 (Alien Aisha Invasion) has been successful,and that 2000000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below isa list of the bids and other information. Bid : 2000000 NeoPoints, placed by dark_valley_ofdeath2.

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 09:09pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yikes!! Ok, thanks very much. Hrm.. didn’t put auction as neofriends-only?

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] lol shhhh, i wanted to see if i could get more sio i only put 100kincrem…. but dont tell anyone

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 09:11pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh!! Okay. But ty very much, and nice restock.

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] ty, have a nice day, i just have to find a seller for this GttNM now,

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 09:24pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh! 1.4 is a bit low really.. I’d probably buy it from you at 1.4 and hold it for a couple weeks to try to resell if you like. *winks*

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] lol okay, i was selling at 1.1 the other day till i got about 5neomails saying DONT SELL IT THAT LOW ARE U NUTS lol. i can hold it fora week or so

steven [njamg]
Sent: 16/4/2005 09:27pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: ROFL!! Heheh, I tell you, some of these Neopetters. Anyway, sure.. hold it for about a week or so, if nothing still, when I’m about, put it in for about 1.4m and I’ll bid and if anyone else wants to outbid then all blessings to them.

njamg Replied:

[Report Message] k ill put 200k increm when i do auction though so theyll have to buid 1.6

adeline loh [yuesiew392]
Sent: 17/4/2005 04:17am
Subject: So, anyway…can be my fren?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HI!! my name’s adeline, i saw ur bunny collection was sooo way cool ! n u have a CYBUNNY! very nice just wanta be ur fren can? mayb not…. am kinda new here but can say not really new……. well….. i just want to get some frenz on neopets tats all….

none [shocker55333]
Sent: 17/4/2005 06:03am
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello ur trying 2 get Faerie Ixi those r hard 2 get

the&nbspmartyr [sin]
Sent: 17/4/2005 09:05am
Subject: trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Nimmo Battle Cry for sale…I have an offer of 2.3 rotting, let me know if you are interested in the ballpark of 3.5

the&nbspmartyr [sin]
Sent: 17/4/2005 09:55am
Subject: Re: trade
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks but no thanks. Though will forward on offer to a friend later.

sin Replied:

[Report Message] sold already, 2.9

joshua wetherell [13yugiohj]
Sent: 17/4/2005 10:37am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you tell me all the names of the books your pet has read pleased

courtney kimura [beautyflo]
Sent: 17/4/2005 04:20pm
Subject: petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey If people join your guild do they get a free petpet. can I get a petpet 4 1000nppleasepleaseI think your shop is coolI like your guildplease can I get a petpet 4 1000np

Caitlin Christie [citygirlatheart131]
Sent: 17/4/2005 04:52pm
Subject: WOW!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. I am not requesting to be your neofriend at all but I would like to congragulate you on your success. I am amazed at what you have accomplished in only nine months. I have had multiple different neopet accounts over the course of the few past years and all of them together would not even scratch the surface on what you have accomplished. CONGRADULATIONS!!!!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 17/4/2005 05:08pm
Subject: Guess What!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I got petpetsitter av!!!!

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 17/4/2005 05:10pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: YAY!

iluvthecountry Replied:

[Report Message] Got like 2,530 Wow.. Lyxanie .. looks… different ;P

FullName [special322]
Sent: 17/4/2005 07:44pm
Subject: It Came From Kreludor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 800k

FullName [special322]
Sent: 17/4/2005 07:57pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks but no thanks. Good job on restock.

special322 Replied:

[Report Message] 900k?

FullName [special322]
Sent: 17/4/2005 08:11pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thanks. Decided it wasn’t too nice of me.. so sent back the one PB.. hope it arrived safely.

special322 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you you’re very kind

Alessandra [coca99cola]
Sent: 18/4/2005 05:50am
Subject: Lottery 166513827
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Excuse for my English but use a translator. For Lottery 166513827 booktastic I offer 11 petpetpet all various and 800,000 NP to you. They give to me one perfavore answer, hello Alessandra

Lovelovelove [teehee89]
Sent: 18/4/2005 06:04am
Subject: mm
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] tyrannian nimmo now eh? <3

carlypatterson [jubjub_princess59]
Sent: 18/4/2005 09:10am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: They are not released yet.

jubjub_princess59 Replied:

[Report Message] when will they b?

carlypatterson [jubjub_princess59]
Sent: 18/4/2005 09:16am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Honestly, no idea :/ Neopets staff is dragging their feet on a lot of stuff recently.. they SHOULD have been released a good week or so ago.

jubjub_princess59 Replied:

[Report Message] oh thx. can u tell me when they r?

Alessandra [coca99cola]
Sent: 18/4/2005 10:23am
Subject: Lottery 166513827
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to pay 1.500.000 for lottery n.166513827 but neopets he does not allow offered advanced to 800.000 to lottery. You must divide the lottery in two. I pray to you you answer to me

dan the man [thedetective]
Sent: 19/4/2005 08:40am
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] congratz on reading most books any advice on how to become rich?

sazmills [sazmam]
Sent: 19/4/2005 09:51am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] would u accept meowclops and mootix for ur trade plz

sazmills [sazmam]
Sent: 19/4/2005 09:53am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Which one?

sazmam Replied:

[Report Message] for 3 Guide to the Neocola Machine ,alien aisha invasion and It Came From Kreludor plz

sazmills [sazmam]
Sent: 19/4/2005 10:01am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nopes, sorry, mootix and meowclops together would be worth only about the it came from kreludor book.

sazmam Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanx

aloumoon [dragonfree435]
Sent: 19/4/2005 11:24am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is alou and i like your pet it is cool looking and it is wise

Le�n giusto antonio federico [tomy1]
Sent: 19/4/2005 02:52pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi,him podris to make a favor to a novice like I, good if you accept podrias to give the list me of the librostaticos books that has leido your neopet, porfavorrrrrrrrrrr, if you help estare eternally me been thankful.

MrAnderson [oaktoad]
Sent: 19/4/2005 03:58pm
Subject: Re: Bah!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And inven is full. *grumble, smile, sorries* Not sure what you give a guy who has everything, but empty your inven, darnit! Best of wishes, happy birthday.

oaktoad Replied:

[Report Message] lol sry i was trying for cove and had 112 dubloons out so didn’t want pant devil ty very much though

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 19/4/2005 04:33pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I have a lot of stuff in my shop. If there is ever anything you need (that’s in there, of course) I would be delighted if you could trade one of petpets. I want one so bad and you have many. And I have good stuff in my shop and anything can be yours.

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 19/4/2005 05:19pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: What petpet would you have your eye on? *curious*

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] the greeble I think it’s adorable (and for your sake it’s one of the lesser expensive ones)

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 19/4/2005 05:23pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah ok Most of them really aren’t -very- expensive though, if you check their prices on the shop wiz, mine are honestly bumped up several times so as not to empty the shop too fast. But, sent one along, enjoy.

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] Anything please take something from me

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 19/4/2005 05:28pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Its alright. (Though I do have a snowball collection in my sdb, if you like you can send some (extras only though) along, and they’ll be put to good use. Don’t have to though.)

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] I hate to sound immature but I don’t how to send snowballs to you

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 19/4/2005 05:29pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Its alright. (Though I do have a snowball collection in my sdb, if you like you can send some (extras only though) along, and they’ll be put to good use. Don’t have to though.)

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] hold on i figured it out i’ll send some to you now

khoa duong [duongminhkhoa]
Sent: 19/4/2005 09:21pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can you give me some book?bacause my pet haven’t read any book yet.

Diane [sun_dragon_69]
Sent: 19/4/2005 11:46pm
Subject: Wheee!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thankies for the omelettes !!! Diane

AshleyKuzminsky [pyschogran]
Sent: 19/4/2005 11:54pm
Subject: u
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you are cooli wish i was…

Felecia Fragale [bratzroxmysox10]
Sent: 20/4/2005 05:11am
Subject: plz!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey i was just checking out the book awards and saw u won it soooooo can i plz plz plz plz have a book or 2 mabey a few?plz plz plz!

Stormy [faeriestories]
Sent: 20/4/2005 08:47am
Subject: Re: Hmm
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eee-yipe! Missed your birthday, did I? A happy belated one then, with many apologies – then again, my hope of a year of well-wishes for you will last a couple days beyond others’, I suppose, muahaha.

faeriestories Replied:

[Report Message] Haha! That’s a good way to look at it! ^_^ Thanks for the prezzie, it’s very fitting. I have a small gallery over on araloce, so I’ll send it there. Thanks a lot!

Marina [ssforever]
Sent: 20/4/2005 12:08pm
Subject: Re: Pretty Pink Easter Negg
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Good day. Would you take 115k or so for your easter negg in trades? Thank you for your time.

ssforever Replied:

[Report Message] make it 120k or 115k and a codestone and its a deal

cody kawolsky [neo991155]
Sent: 20/4/2005 05:37pm
Subject: Woooooooow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You sure have alooooooot of trophies…. how are you that good at sooooo many games!?!?

Felecia Fragale [bratzroxmysox10]
Sent: 20/4/2005 05:43pm
Subject: plz
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey can i plz plz plz plz plz plz have a book or 2!

Sally [sarahroxonthespot2]
Sent: 20/4/2005 05:47pm
Subject: poor nimmo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello my name is sarahroxonthespot2 and was looking at your pet and saw that it was dying so i thought i could tell you that if you go to faeireland under healing springs and click heal my pets she will heal your pet for free! i hope she gives the nimmo a lot of points!

CarlenZhu [pirates_lifefor_me]
Sent: 20/4/2005 07:04pm
Subject: Lyxanie
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You do know that Lyxanie is ill right?

Emmers [mawimus_199]
Sent: 20/4/2005 08:54pm
Subject: your store
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] umm your store has alot of petpets in it and i was woundering if you would like to purchase a petpet that you don’t have in your store. the petpet is meekins and i belive that i didn’t see meekins in your please neo mial me back if you would like my meekins it is in tradeing under my username mawimus_199

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 21/4/2005 09:19am
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 112). We have given you a Mathematics In Space, an Avatar, and 671 NP!

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:20pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Now that I have my lovely greeble (whom I’ve named after you if you didn’t notice) but know I want to know how I can get some cheap paintbrushes for it. Can you help me?

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:24pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Most paint brushes aren’t cheap at all, most of the cheapest ones are still worth like a five digit neopoint sum :/ The only way you can ‘get’ a paintbrush besides buying it, though, is by a very very rare random event.

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] ok thanks for all your help )

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:27pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem.. I don’t have too many myself I’m afraid, though I buy a few now and then. Sorry I can’t help further though. — Oh, and I noticed the greeble, thanks.

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] I think it’s just awesome that you can buy any at all how do you hold onto your neopoints?

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:33pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Restocking items from shops, mainly.. the one true way of making np, although if done incorrectly you can lose tons!

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] I have a shop just I guess not many but from it.

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:36pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well, the items are overpriced. Like, the only way people can see your shop to come in and buy from it is through the shop wiz, 99% of the time. And shop wiz arranges prices by cheapest to most expensive, and gives you a different few letters of the alphabet each time you refresh. So to sell items you mainly have to be the lowest on the wiz, or very close to it :/

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] do you really think my items are overpriced? (if so which ones?) I’d lower any you thought were too expensive

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:41pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Well, its not I think.. I don’t mind overpaying for people I know even But the shop wizard will say so – like, if you type ‘ wet snowball ‘ under it it turns out to be only 4-5 neopoints or so on most places :/ You can sell them at any price you like, but most people use the shop wizard to find shops to shop in, so no one will ever find your shop among the millions that play unless you happen to be right on top of the list!

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] ok I guess that makes sense I mean it does I use the shop wiz all the time and I pick the lowest ones

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:45pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: To buy from? Yups exactly. Most do.. or end up doing so eventually anyway. You don’t have anything terrible expensive in that shop after you reprice them though. :/ But restocking or real good luck on some games/random events are the main ways to get them anyhow. Then again, bought a few snowballs a few minutes back if you want to check your till..

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] you’re too kind

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:47pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Naw, I collect them, and its just a game anyhow.

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] you know it’s funny that you should say that because my mom says that all the time and I know it’s true but still it frustrates me when I can’t get enough neopoints or items for my shop

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 01:53pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe. It is true to a certain extent though.. Neopets can be very simple or very complicated.. the learning curve to get lots of stuff for shops and all is VERY difficult and takes quite some time to understand/do. — Like there are certain ways and techniques to restock from shops, as the super good items worth hundreds of thousands disappear within something like 5 seconds if you’re lucky, often less. :/ But on the other hand just as a game, playing the games and earning neopoints, playing the pets and meeting new friends, it can be relaxing.

darkangeljls85 Replied:

[Report Message] I’m playing the invansion of meridell right now and I’m doing surprisingly well so thanks again for your help it’s been nice chatting with you

brittaninelson [britbrat_thats_me]
Sent: 21/4/2005 02:28pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you put stuff on your pet page? i have been trying to put things there but nothing is showing up! HELP! thank you.

cortney hill [cortney999436]
Sent: 21/4/2005 02:29pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey check out your shoptill i spent a lot on things why not try my store my name is cortney999436

juliajones [bigdan898]
Sent: 21/4/2005 03:25pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

Lidys [lidyst75]
Sent: 21/4/2005 04:22pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey hey! Thank you very much for sending me the Medicine for Rukamon2000. I really appreciate it. I know you didn’t send me the medicine expecting something in return but still I feel bad about it so I bought something from your shop . Thank you again fo everything. Lidys

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 21/4/2005 04:41pm
Subject: Uggh
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey again I’ve already spent the neopoints

Brooke Marley [billabong_ass02]
Sent: 22/4/2005 01:48am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi im brooke may i borrow one of your booktastic books if that is allowed please…..P.S want to be neo friends

Jen L. [musicperson50]
Sent: 22/4/2005 07:59am
Subject: saw ur award
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i wanted to congradulate u on ur award good luck getting all the books u need! i am just about 2 visit ur shop. musicperson50

Manzes G [manzes9]
Sent: 22/4/2005 08:37am
Subject: Guess what I saw
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You have a item in your shop that is over 100000 np and people cant bye it maybe you should trade the item!!!!!!!!

Manzes G [manzes9]
Sent: 22/4/2005 09:48am
Subject: Pant Devil Strikes!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] if you fight a realy easy guy like inflatible balthazar and win him youl get all your health back to normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CarlenZhu [pirates_lifefor_me]
Sent: 22/4/2005 01:12pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not ill, just bitten once too many times by the wheel of mediocrity’s pterodactyl She says thanks though.. waiting on the healing springs to heal her.

pirates_lifefor_me Replied:

[Report Message] okay then. hope she gets better

eliannamiller [starchild167]
Sent: 22/4/2005 07:18pm
Subject: I want to be friends!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi my name is Lauren, I want to be friends! I know that it says in yourshop that you dont want neofriends but i still would like to be yourfriend! And I would like to know if you could give me a petpet, i dontwant to be your friend because i want you to give me stuff! I just donthave enough neopoints to buy a petpet from your shop. Please writeback, Its OK if you dont want to be friends Please write backagain! Thank you! Lauren

Kittie [xbabeexdimpoezx]
Sent: 22/4/2005 07:28pm
Subject: Re: Codestone?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you, I think. What was that for?

xbabeexdimpoezx Replied:

[Report Message] well… i wnated to be your neofriend and so now we’ve talked!!

HayleySmythe [horseloverhayley1010]
Sent: 22/4/2005 08:30pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wow! you did a great job on your neopets.

BazookaBubbleGum [beachchick713]
Sent: 22/4/2005 08:36pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi you are my role model I am trying to be just like you . you are really cool

Sara Biorck [soccergurl6563]
Sent: 22/4/2005 08:39pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Will u be my neo-friend?

KendraDragonTsornin [kendra_dragonrider]
Sent: 23/4/2005 12:45am
Subject: wow..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] 0_o… Wow… and you’ve only been here nine months…

Biggi Johns [simalina128]
Sent: 23/4/2005 06:41am
Subject: BookQuestion
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! Since you’ve read loads of books I was wondering if you couldanswer my question. If my pet thinks that a book is boring what isthere to do about it?

Francisca y Julio [coolbro]
Sent: 23/4/2005 06:50am
Subject: �Me puedes ayudar?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HI, im coolbro… I want be your friend, please….. Im chilean and i know not play very good, can you teach me? please.. byeee kisses….

Michelle Hsu [himichelle485]
Sent: 23/4/2005 02:31pm
Subject: Your mall
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you sell something cheap? i want a petpet.

natalie fime [butter_rules]
Sent: 23/4/2005 05:26pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ur prices in ur shop r too hi

cory taylor [dkdonkeydung2]
Sent: 24/4/2005 06:39am
Subject: i want a snuffly
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] dear gtrjess i am very poor and i want a snuffly. I dont have enough to get him. I noticed you are quite rich and have recieved trophies and badges. Are you kind enough to let me have snuffly.

charlottemccarthy [charlotte__mccarthy]
Sent: 24/4/2005 08:12am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i love your nimmo did you paint him brown yourself?? you have loads of trophies, i have one trophie at the moment its the cheat one, you have that one as well, you must be rich to have read your pet all them books! my pets have read about 10 books each as i wanted them to be smart, well i dont no if your online or not so if you are neomail me back, and can we be neofriends please, bye x x x

paris hilton [gwen10112]
Sent: 24/4/2005 08:18am
Subject: question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] when u read did they give u nps for that?

AngryCoconut [b2theizzo]
Sent: 24/4/2005 12:56pm
Subject: Just saying hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Just did a search on Neocola Machine. Nice blocker account . I decided to retire from active reading, but I will do my best to restock and defend the top spots. If you ever decide to sell AAI, I’ll buy it. Rest assured that it will just end up on a gallery. –Dennis

**Ocean**Princess** [gaiana_199315]
Sent: 24/4/2005 02:42pm
Subject: nimo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how man-e books has ur nimo read?

stefan gorbova [stefan_stefan_1993]
Sent: 24/4/2005 05:10pm
Subject: hello im stefan_stefan_1993
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want to be my neofriend ? how much neopoits do you have? i have 28.000.000 neopoints

Cute Stripes [tiger_kitten]
Sent: 24/4/2005 06:47pm
Subject: ???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] What on earth is spankaroonie two’s bookaward? ((Sorry if you geta repeat message. My computer glitched))

KassiSalo [georgegirl1982]
Sent: 24/4/2005 08:16pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How do I get my badge…as of now I have read 39 books…plz advise

KassiSalo [georgegirl1982]
Sent: 24/4/2005 08:58pm
Subject: Re: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You should automatically get it by tomorrow (About 3:45 am NST, if I remember right)

georgegirl1982 Replied:

[Report Message] thx…i did not know if it show up like an avatar or the like

its_a_secret_shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! [idontno01567]
Sent: 24/4/2005 09:31pm
Subject: wow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I just bought a whole bunch of stuff from your shop^_^. It happened to be all petpet stuff because I am in need! You have great prices and I look forward to comming back soon. (when I have more np^_^) If you get a Tasu, plz neomail me because I want that one. And also a snowickle too

nitendofreak [stevenkewlkid_10]
Sent: 24/4/2005 10:10pm
Subject: help
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you raise your health points

Kancsi Ancsi [kanciancsi]
Sent: 25/4/2005 12:55am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, are you the owner of Lyxanie? If so I have a question. How do you made your neopet read a book he doesn’t want? Like I want my pet to read booktastic books but sometimes he said “that is such a boring book” and wont read it. Is there any way I can “make” him so he can get smarter? Thanks

YinYin [chinchineropee]
Sent: 25/4/2005 04:36am
Subject: book trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi again, hope all is well. I’m not sure if you’re still workingon the main book list, but I’ve got several rare books in my tradesthat I’m looking to trade – Petfolio amongst them. I’d be mostinterested in trading for the books that I haven’t read yet (there’s alist on my pet page), but if I can’t find the books I need, I’d alsoconsider reasonable offers of neopoints. If you’d like to workout a trade, please let me know. Thanks~

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 25/4/2005 05:38am
Subject: Re: Just saying hi
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hey. Sorry for slow reply.. sick, haven’t been on all day. Will remember that, though for now in a semi-gallery, but will see. Thanks

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] No worries. Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. I’ve been trying to stay offline a bit more, but half of my family under the weather this weekend as well. Allergy problems here. Hope you get to feeling better .

margret daddou [necesa191]
Sent: 25/4/2005 06:07am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is margret and i want u tp be my freind i am 13 and i think u wicked on neopets espeicly on games (trophies)

Marika Stettner [southparkjunkie07]
Sent: 25/4/2005 07:05am
Subject: Wow thats incredible
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] My brother and I have been trying desperately to find out how to improvew our neopets’ stats. He nearly had a heart attack when he saw Lyxanie. Please, are there are any tips you can give us?

Marika Stettner [southparkjunkie07]
Sent: 25/4/2005 07:11am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: There are many pets with far higher numbers by her.. but the main way of raising stats is by training (in krawk island or mystery island training areas) or by doing quests like faerie quests and kitchen quests.

southparkjunkie07 Replied:

[Report Message] Awesome! Thank you very much

Marika Stettner [southparkjunkie07]
Sent: 25/4/2005 07:15am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Welcome. Only other ways besides those are through random events or one or two other really rare things (like lab ray). But good luck with the stat raising.

southparkjunkie07 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks. My brother has been going nuts lately on gathering pieces of the laboratory map. Can you use the ray more than once?

Marika Stettner [southparkjunkie07]
Sent: 25/4/2005 07:19am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Once per day, yup, and you get permanent access (though the 9 pieces disappear) once you complete the map and visit the treasure maps page (under games)

southparkjunkie07 Replied:

[Report Message] Wow…I feel like such a newbie lol. Thanks

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 25/4/2005 07:38am
Subject: Re: Happy birthday!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And a belated one at that! Sorry I wasn’t on yesterday.. down with a migraine and the time I did try to send you something in the morning inven was full! Still, hope you have a great year, stay safe, best of luck with everything! ~Kitten

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Awww Kitty you’re so sweet!!!!!!! Big snuggles and Thanks!

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 25/4/2005 08:57am
Subject: Re: Happy birthday!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And a belated one at that! Sorry I wasn’t on yesterday.. down with a migraine and the time I did try to send you something in the morning inven was full! Still, hope you have a great year, stay safe, best of luck with everything! ~Kitten

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] [10:53] Debra: FarieDust12 says ‘Thanks, you are my favourite owner!’ The Thief Handbook vanishes in a puff of yellow smoke! [10:53] Muppet: WTG, Debra! Keep on reading! [10:54] Debra: FarieDust12 says ‘Wow! That was very interesting!’ Scroll of the Warrior vanishes in a puff of red smoke! [10:54] Muppet: WTG, Debra! Keep on reading! [10:54] Debra: UGGGH! – Yup, it backfired! FarieDust12 is pecking the ground for food. FarieDust12 says ‘That one was easy to read – do you have any more!’ Youve Been Hexed! vanishes in a puff of purple smoke! [10:54] Muppet: WTG, Debra! Keep on reading! [10:55] Debra: Warning : FarieDust12 is suffering from ‘Chickaroo’ [10:57] Debra: FarieDust12 says ‘Im cured! You are the best owner in the world!’ [10:58] kimiko1981: aww

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 25/4/2005 09:01am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yay

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you again. *snugs*

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 25/4/2005 09:04am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Pleasure! *snugs back*

mama_maia Replied:

[Report Message] Check out my trades. monstermike gave me all his plushies after Iwas teasing him last night. So I bought all his snowballs and thecouple non plushie toys he had left in his shop.

Maria Wendler [xxmari89xx]
Sent: 25/4/2005 10:37am
Subject: hab mal ne frage
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi du^^wie kann

Maria Wendler [xxmari89xx]
Sent: 25/4/2005 10:37am
Subject: hab mal ne frage
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi du^^wie

Maria Wendler [xxmari89xx]
Sent: 25/4/2005 10:37am
Subject: hab mal ne frage
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi du^^wie kann man den

Maria Wendler [xxmari89xx]
Sent: 25/4/2005 10:37am
Subject: hab mal ne frage
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi du^^wie kann man

cotton candy [taz_fan_one]
Sent: 25/4/2005 02:31pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Lyxanie: “Thank you!”

taz_fan_one Replied:

[Report Message] your welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cotton candy [hello_good264]
Sent: 25/4/2005 02:56pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey this is the girl who sent you the neopox pizza i just wanted to tell you thankz for the book that screen name is my sisters and this one is mine she is not on much so i play for her well thankz very much

Danica [danimush]
Sent: 25/4/2005 03:02pm
Subject: a question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was just cruzing around neopets and saw your lookup. if you can, can you tell me where you got it?

Kancsi Ancsi [kanciancsi]
Sent: 25/4/2005 03:24pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes you can – you need to temporarily change the language of the game (yellow sidebar under Select language) to something else, read, then change back. Keep trying languages until it works

kanciancsi Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you so much! Haha, man it sucks because the books my Kucski wouldn’t read I put up for auction so now I don’t have them. Oh well. If you can get me any deals and stuff on books or something that’d be cool. Oh and how much NP do you have? Like what is the average NP cuz I always have none left and I have to play a bunch of games to get 5,000 maybe and then I use it on only a couple things like books and food. How do you easily get a bunch of NP? Thanks

JessicaRussell [puppies132005]
Sent: 25/4/2005 06:28pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi how are you?

Kancsi Ancsi [kanciancsi]
Sent: 25/4/2005 06:35pm
Subject: Re: HELLO
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes you can – you need to temporarily change the language of the game (yellow sidebar under Select language) to something else, read, then change back. Keep trying languages until it works

kanciancsi Replied:

[Report Message] sorry one more thing….what’s TGC?! In the list of Booktastic Books it has “Beyond Neopia” and I bought it and it’s TGC and it doesn’t even have the option of my pet reading it.

Samantha [blueberry_95]
Sent: 26/4/2005 06:07am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi jess,!please be my neofriend!?my user. is blueberry_95!

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 26/4/2005 09:26am
Subject: My shop has…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] new snowballs! they’re really cool ones too. i’ve got jhodura’s snowball. I’d never heard of it

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 10:33am
Subject: Re: Hehe
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *giggle* Just browsing.. and.. eleven It Came From Kreludors, huh? I swear that book’s not really r99 or something.. *does a spot of fainting, though* You know, I sure hope they retire some of those silly books..

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] . I thought a few people might get a kick out of it, although it is now plain to see that I spend too much time playing. I honestly see ICFK more frequently than I see DTMB at this point. Besides, I got tired of seeing so many average restockers showing off in the trades. lol. Retiring Neocola Machine soon would be wonderful, although I’d like to get a few more before that happens.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 10:42am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Aye. Heheh, and I just finished reading your guild’s polls and FAQ and all that, got quite a kick out of it. *grin* It’s very nicely done. (Though I should be cramming for my exam in two hours, but neh, burning stress!) And I meant retire AAI/ICFK/IC mainly, though it would be.. interesting if they retired any of the newer ones though. Though I suppose we should be bugging them to release the newer ones, not retiring older ones.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Tsk, tsk! You really should be studying , although cramming doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Thanks for perusing the guild. I just leased the domain, but I’ve been too busy to start publishing a site. I’d like to see all 3 of those books retired, but they seem awfully slow to move on those things now. There are way too many new books awaiting release, and my wife has been bugging me about getting her into the Booktastic silvers.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 10:55am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh.. Already studied, just not sure what to do and don’t feel like re-studying while waiting for exam to roll around. Aye, I was wondering if you had a guild site, that answered the question, didn’t it. Haven’t seen many that look like ‘good’ guilds around (that aren’t the hulking ones like Spankys or Serenity’s), though yours is. And yeah.. *scuffle foot* silver.. uhm.. well, there was that one AAI that restocked recently, but haven’t heard or even seen a copy besides it. Who’s her reading pet anyway? *curious* Agreed to the too many books thing.. though in a way, now we’re a TRUE booklist (booktastics, that is) – we have unreleased books!

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Excellent. One of our members has been working on a small guild site, but they are waiting for me to start on the real one. Nothing like what Spanky or Serenity have though. We’re intentionally keeping the guild small, relaxed, and not too time consuming. You are more than welcome to join, although I’m sure you are plenty comfortable in your present one.No need to scuffle feet, I bought that AAI for my wife already. Her reading pet is Kramerchein, and her lookup needs a bit of dedicated time to work on. It is great to see that we are part of a TRUE booklist though. Kinda gives it that “homey” feel that we get on the other list.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 11:11am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh Well, if I weren’t already in a guild I’d join, but afraid not at the moment unless you want an utterly infrequent gallery-type account on it. Looks great though. Hmm.. you bought that AAI? Oh, a different one.. right? How much for? (The last one that guy said went into auctions and sold at 2 mil) Kramerchein.. *looks, notices Sir_Galland’s owner is frozen, notes she’s (me) pathetic with lookups too* And shhhh… don’t tell them I said that, but now the only thing missing is a pricey r101.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] We don’t mind “utterly infrequent gallery” accounts (couple there already) as long as you post occasionally. The AAI I bought was for 1.5m, although I’ll probably cough up 2m for the next one that comes available for my gallery. I’ve never even had a chance to restock it, so I’m stuck stockpiling the “other” r99s.Good catch on Sir_Galland. I don’t know anything about that user, but I wouldn’t be too upset if that made silver a bit easier for my wife. Grrr…a pricey r101 would mean a 2nd mortgage on my neohome . Wouldn’t mind seeing that either though.

gfsdgfsfsgfgsd [skateinblind50]
Sent: 26/4/2005 12:15pm
Subject: …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] new k-book in my trades if interested

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 12:32pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: *grin* Maybe after this weekend then.. though no promises – my bunnymph one probably, when I get more time and if I remember. I didn’t notice Sir_Galland until today.. although I don’t exactly check those on the list on any regular basis.. although I wish they would remove pets like that from the list even temporarily (or just release the new books, darnit). Me neither, re knowing the user, talked to a good portion of the ‘tastic list before but don’t think he’s one of them. (Or maybe not except to haggle, anyway). Mortgage on neohome.. heehee I saw a couple AAIs earlier on.. actually I thought (might be wrong) it seemed more common than kreludor one earlier, but the well’s since dried up. (Some ‘invasion’, huh?) The worst thing I ever missed in there was a Know Your Robot Petpet.. way before any of the current ones were out though.. sometime before Beyond Neopia et al. That one eventually Ray (goofyspouse) bought for his gold though.

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] . Wow, sorry to hear about Know Your Robot Petpet. I’mseriously regretting not starting on the book thing earlier in my”Neolife”. Oh well. Some of my guild members might beexcited to hear about Sir_Galland’s unfortunate demise. Many ofthem have their sites set on bronze.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 12:33pm
Subject: Re: Yikes!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Did you see that? New Kreludans just released

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Ouch. That would have to happen while I’m going through afternoonteleconferences. Grrrr. Nice snag for you though. Hopefully I can push my wife up to the top 3 tonight then.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 12:38pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And yeah.. it happens just as I’m about to go off for a final today, and two more tomorrow too.. grr! Anyway, best of luck, will be out of here in a sec. *snug*

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Do the Moon Bounce for 175k.

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [b2theizzo]
Sent: 26/4/2005 12:40pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And yeah.. it happens just as I’m about to go off for a final today, and two more tomorrow too.. grr! Anyway, best of luck, will be out of here in a sec. *snug*

b2theizzo Replied:

[Report Message] Ooops. Sorry about the last one. I’m trying to squeeze insome neomail during this meeting, but I have to be quick aboutit. Good luck with your exam.

Julie [singergal4527]
Sent: 26/4/2005 06:36pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I am sorry to bother you but how many books have u read for the Badge?

slicewood [dinonappahawk20]
Sent: 27/4/2005 03:03am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] May i please have a Yullie for free so i can give to my mom as a birthday present as her birthday is on the 29.

poison [poisony3k]
Sent: 27/4/2005 11:30am
Subject: Please…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much for the Flotsam Wok Recipes? ._.

Danson Nguyen [dan_son33]
Sent: 27/4/2005 01:22pm
Subject: wait…….
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Where i cant find the Bandit to the battledome??

Danson Nguyen [dan_son33]
Sent: 27/4/2005 02:06pm
Subject: ah
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ****and the snowbeast****

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 27/4/2005 02:33pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 113). We have given you 232 NP!

St_Jimmy [tiamat007]
Sent: 27/4/2005 02:37pm
Subject: gallery
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i like ur gallery

Chiselmooney [rotten_angel_gurl]
Sent: 27/4/2005 05:25pm
Subject: Just a tip
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey heyYour shop is really good and all but it’s a bit overpriced.. just a BIT! Lol anyways i think you could improve it by making the items more reasonably priced!If the prices are high for a certain reason I am sorry but I just thought you might want to know! The items are ones I would like to buy.. but not with the price tags.Lol.Feel free to neomail me back if yah have any comments or anything!Thanks for reading this and have a spagalicious day Rotten_Angel_Gurl

poison [poisony3k]
Sent: 27/4/2005 05:59pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Sorry.. wasn’t on when you asked, only just came on. Not sure on exact price, I personally wouldn’t mind anything around the 150k price though, for an r95. Though alot of books are overpriced at this point with everyone going for honorary. Or if you have any strange UB-type rare-but-useless items I’d trade for them too. (If you were interested in buying, as opposed to a price check ) Anyway have a great day/night/weekend.

poisony3k Replied:

[Report Message] I’ve just got it from aIllusen’s quest and send neomails to all the lots (few lots) that Icould find. Fortunatelly one user was online at the time so I could buyit. Anyway, thanks for your attention and sorry for my inconvenience. ^^’ (And sorry my bad english also.)

poison [poisony3k]
Sent: 27/4/2005 06:05pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem, and grats. Curious if you don’t mind how much you paid for it/how much its worth currently?

poisony3k Replied:

[Report Message] Well, I couldn’ t know how muchit really worths now (at least in trades, the wishlists don’ t help.-_-) but I’ ve paid 135k for it.

ontmolson [ontmolson]
Sent: 28/4/2005 05:07am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello

Caitlin Bubbles [smilecmd1]
Sent: 28/4/2005 06:38am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanks for buying a ticket from my shop!

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 28/4/2005 08:36am
Subject: misc
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] When will I learn to cut and paste before I send neomail. I used a forbidden word. Ugh!!!! 10 trades up. Blue Sand is for Robert at the end of the process…. Jen’s around, but we can’t get the mootix back from Tracy yet. Do you still need krawk? She might have a lead on that onetoo. D

Darrell Bowman [_sonicflash_]
Sent: 28/4/2005 10:06am
Subject: …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have some books im my shop that you might want they are booktastic books

JessicaBryan [princessjess1]
Sent: 28/4/2005 11:31am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is jess,coud you help me please??? asasp

KyleyThompson [iamkyleandyouare]
Sent: 28/4/2005 05:49pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey, i noticed that you are on the top of the booktastic book list, where do u find all those books? If you could copy and paste the titles of the booktastic books that your pet read, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.-KyleyP.S. hey do you want to be my neofriend? Where do you live? How old are you? any siblings? Things like that. Write back soon (lol) if you do want to be friends.

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 28/4/2005 05:53pm
Subject: Random Contest Winner!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You are a Random Contest Winner! (The Short Story Jamboree contest to be exact.) You have been awarded a trophy, the Random Contest avatar, and 2,000 Neopoints!

Tori H [torishawt05]
Sent: 28/4/2005 06:53pm
Subject: I was just wondering…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi I’m just wondering..where the lab ray is? Can you please tell me?

superdavida [superdavida]
Sent: 28/4/2005 08:05pm
Subject: book award
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] we are seriously impressed with your book award especially since you have only been online 9 months! thats really great! i wanted to thank you for the list of booktastic books. it really helped us a lot and we have now managed to read 35 of them. way to go!davida and danny

superdavida [superdavida]
Sent: 28/4/2005 08:09pm
Subject: Re: book award
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Congrats and thanks.

superdavida Replied:

[Report Message] there is a picture on the neomail you sent. how do you do that? is that an avatar? i confess i am still trying to decipher this avatar business. i dont understand quite how to see what avatar i have or how to make them show up.davida

superdavida [superdavida]
Sent: 28/4/2005 08:19pm
Subject: Re: book award
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Your avatar currently is the default avatar. To change it, go to boards (yellow sidebar ) and click on chat preferences, you’ll have a list of default and earned avatars there, you can sample and change it and it’ll show what avatar you have when you send neomail.

superdavida Replied:

[Report Message] hey thats great! thanks so much! you saved me hours of hunting around. i picked the book stuff for now but i will let danny change it around later for fun. we only have 11 of them under ours so far. not sure how you actually get these but maybe i can work it now that i know how to get to see what they are.thanks again for the help!davida

steven [njamg]
Sent: 28/4/2005 11:00pm
Subject: hi ya
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was wondering if you are still looking to buy guide to the neocola machine

clement demarest [clement183]
Sent: 29/4/2005 12:13am
Subject: comment
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] comment tu fais pour faire monter les pv de ton neopet

Tori H [torishawt05]
Sent: 29/4/2005 04:00am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi – its under games -no html comments- treasure maps -no html comments- laboratory. You can’t enter it until you’ve assembled all 9 pieces of the secret laboratory map the first time though.

torishawt05 Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok thanks

evan1395 [evan1395]
Sent: 29/4/2005 05:55am
Subject: cool
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i LOVE your user look-up could you tell me what sight that from

Val Bess [lynxrocks8888]
Sent: 29/4/2005 07:14am
Subject: Trade
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Are you on?

Danny Hartley [superbean99]
Sent: 29/4/2005 12:39pm
Subject: hey yo
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey hey!!! u may not no me, but i thought u mite have an urge to talk 2 a complete stranger….my names danny if u wondered

Kancsi Ancsi [kanciancsi]
Sent: 29/4/2005 01:35pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: TCG? TCG is the trading card item, just for keepsake, doesn’t do anything.. you need the book itself (do a shop wiz search using exact match).

kanciancsi Replied:

[Report Message] Hey, I was just wondering…….how much NP do you ask? I only ask because I never have like ANY. Like are you barely getting by? How do you get alot of NP I get like 5,000 in a day. I know about playing games but what else that gets easy dough. Thanks alot. KancsiAncsi

tysenclease [amie234189]
Sent: 29/4/2005 04:05pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i was wandering if you could be my neofriend i have no neofriends yet oh and i love your pet Lyxanie

heidy3 [heidy3]
Sent: 29/4/2005 05:58pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you get all those books ? can i please have 1?

**Ikhwan** [ikhwan_zulkefli]
Sent: 29/4/2005 11:15pm
Subject: lookup question..
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you change your mouse shape?? i mean when i went to your look up, my mouse shape change… how did you do that??

Edna [qbureau]
Sent: 30/4/2005 12:21am
Subject: Meep
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Didn’t get any closer :-/ I’m going to work on it tomorrow again.Halfway through gallery spotlights, though I doubt that’s the place.Catch you in chat!

Torey Kawanahanamuka [yanksrock52]
Sent: 30/4/2005 10:22am
Subject: Kreludan Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi Im sorry to bug u but I have a quick question. How many kreludan books are there? On neoitems, it says there are only 47 but on your pet page it says you have read 48 and there are other ones that you still havent read. Do you know the exact number? Thanks

Jennie Sobolewski [darkangeljls85]
Sent: 30/4/2005 10:33am
Subject: My shop has…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m having a huge sale in my shop! I’ve reduced prices on things that haven’t sold! You should come check it out.

Jennifer Do [jenniferdo333]
Sent: 30/4/2005 11:35am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi!! I found u by seeing that u read 48 books!!! I am seriously losing a lot of neopoints because I’m not rich, I’m poor, but my Shoyru is one who wants to be smart! I’m using u as a role model now!!!

Torey Kawanahanamuka [yanksrock52]
Sent: 30/4/2005 12:06pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup, there are 55 released books thus far, though 8 of them are super-rare ones, maybe they just haven’t put them up. I’ll go bug them when free one day.. awesome site. List of 55 is on the forum post I made, linked from Lyxanie’s desc page though.

yanksrock52 Replied:

[Report Message] Ok thank you!

BarbaravonG [mamavong]
Sent: 30/4/2005 12:59pm
Subject: Want another copy?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] … I also have one for trade — offer fairly and it’s yours.Greetings

BarbaravonG [mamavong]
Sent: 30/4/2005 12:59pm
Subject: Want another copy?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] … I also have one for trade — offer fairly and it’s yours.Greetings from

BarbaravonG [mamavong]
Sent: 30/4/2005 12:59pm
Subject: Want another copy?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] … I also have one for trade — offer fairly and it’s yours.Greetings from Toronto,

melisaparker [playgirl802]
Sent: 30/4/2005 01:34pm
Subject: ?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] taking offers on Computing the Kreludan Way( one of the newest books,barely any around) neomail me back with an offer. wanted r.99 or purethanks

Alecia [iwearmysunglasses]
Sent: 30/4/2005 02:00pm
Subject: Book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Would you like to buy Chia Quotes?

Liz B [lizzylizard__9]
Sent: 30/4/2005 05:20pm
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I am trying to get 38 booktastic books and i have 34 now can u help meout cuz i cant find any other type of booktastic books! I see yougot the badge….what are some booktastic books that i wudnt even thinkwud be some??? Thanks, Liz

Jane Skellington [kate_sparrow12]
Sent: 30/4/2005 06:24pm
Subject: HELLO!!!!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARE YOU THERE????????????????????I SWEAR,WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD ALMIGHTY,WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!look at your trades plz…………are u there?

FayeLouNina SkelWadePhil [fayelounina]
Sent: 1/5/2005 01:56am
Subject: well hello there
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have an issue of complaint. U seem to b taken ovewr the bookstakes. Now, i might only have read ONE book, the kougras paw, but im goin to challenge u in a book race. U may laugh now, but u will b sorry wen i have read 50 BOOKS. i order u to decrease yoour book reading rate as you will only wish that u did not take me on!yours neofaithfullybookworm xxx

superdavida [superdavida]
Sent: 1/5/2005 09:49am
Subject: Re: book award
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem! And yups, they’re all unlocked by doing certain things, there are several neopets help sites out there with lists of what to do to go about getting them. Mainly like getting a certain score in a game, visiting a certain pet lookup page, getting a certain random event, etc.

superdavida Replied:

[Report Message] hijust wanted to tell you i was surfing shops and found the new booktastic book – stairway to kreludor for like 9000NP. so i bought it – has a rarity index of 75 incase you wanted to add it to your wonderful list!thanksdavida

superdavida [superdavida]
Sent: 1/5/2005 11:59am
Subject: Re: book award
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No problem! And yups, they’re all unlocked by doing certain things, there are several neopets help sites out there with lists of what to do to go about getting them. Mainly like getting a certain score in a game, visiting a certain pet lookup page, getting a certain random event, etc.

superdavida Replied:

[Report Message] Hihi i also found out that the other new booktastic bookZero Gravity and Loving It has a rarity of 80.davida

jem****** [kacheeks_rule_1524]
Sent: 1/5/2005 12:34pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i was wondering if you could tell me the names of some booktastic books as i am trying to read them all to my neopets thanks, jem

Ashwin Ramesh [xpitoftreacheryx]
Sent: 1/5/2005 02:16pm
Subject: wow your neopet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I look up to you and will preserve your Ixi forever ,your Zafara is my neopets’ new roll model thank you

meg maloney [wolfgirlmcm08]
Sent: 1/5/2005 02:59pm
Subject: mariamcm89 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. my name is meg maloney. and i was wondering if you would like to be my friend. I just started neopets a few days ago and i could really use some friends so will you pleeeease be my friend.

yourfunny9 [yourfunny9]
Sent: 1/5/2005 04:37pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello are you there

Sara Nioso [kasparthegoat]
Sent: 1/5/2005 04:44pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was wondering if there was a specific way to get stuff. Because you have so much and your animal was so smart. Do you think maybe you could give me some pointers? Thanx Lei

Trey Leppien [deuce600]
Sent: 1/5/2005 04:55pm
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can you list the booktastic books your pet has read?

yourfunny9 [yourfunny9]
Sent: 1/5/2005 06:07pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] are you on???

yourfunny9 [yourfunny9]
Sent: 1/5/2005 06:07pm
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] are you on???

jennah smuckler [jannahglam_00]
Sent: 1/5/2005 06:10pm
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you join the book club?

jennah smuckler [jannahglam_00]
Sent: 1/5/2005 06:12pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: By reading enough of the right kind of books to get onto the hi score table.

jannahglam_00 Replied:

[Report Message] Thanx for the help!

Brian [_eliminator]
Sent: 2/5/2005 12:44am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi 150k nps for your nray?

Elyse Gertin [wolfnights823]
Sent: 2/5/2005 01:31am
Subject: hey!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey, pease could you be my neofriend, and OH MY GOD!!!! where do u get so many petpets, dun worry im not askin u 2 give me any 4 free! But wher do u get them especially grusen ive been lukin all ova the pace but theyre all abt 50000 nps, help me i wanna no where i can get it 4 a gud price

nitoruos_hindu [nitoruos_hindu]
Sent: 2/5/2005 05:54am
Subject: Help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u get ur neopets skills up(specialy the health) please can u tell me i dunno how?

Tom Egan [buckey_oheir]
Sent: 2/5/2005 08:05am
Subject: Booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do You Get A Prise Or Neopoints Or Any Reward For Being On The TopOf The Booktastic Book Award List or The Normal Book Club AwardList?

raquel gon�alves [rappunzzell]
Sent: 2/5/2005 08:39am
Subject: Could you please
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! I read your message, so I begin by saying I do not wish to be yourneofriend. So, don’t worry about that. I saw your pet at the top ofbookstatist club and i would like to ask you one question, if that’s okwith you. I’d like to know how can I get a job. The employmentagency (inside faerieland) never has any basic jobs and I can’t get any job coupon. How can I make it? Isthere any other way? Could you please answer me? Thanks a lot. Raquel*

Brian [_eliminator]
Sent: 2/5/2005 08:43am
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: No thanks.

_eliminator Replied:

[Report Message] price?

Brian [_eliminator]
Sent: 2/5/2005 08:46am
Subject: Re: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Don’t think its for sale at the moment, sorry. Isn’t 150k a bit low considering all the other prices on tp though? Or is there something happening I haven’t heard about?

_eliminator Replied:

[Report Message] oh ok..they used to be 400k+..but somehow..they dropped greatly inprice..many people had a hard time selling for ard 200k..but now peopletrying to inflate it back

Millie Scott [honeybunch99]
Sent: 2/5/2005 09:35am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do u have medicinal soap?

Yami Yustea [thuderak]
Sent: 2/5/2005 10:01am
Subject: Can you hellp me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want my Mynic to be really smart. Right now he is clever and all the books i get him he says are boring what do i do?

Zoe Ollerenshaw [zok4]
Sent: 2/5/2005 10:50am
Subject: Petpet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] How much would you pay for a Stego.

Yami Yustea [thuderak]
Sent: 2/5/2005 11:30am
Subject: Re: Can you hellp me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Change the language of the game (yellow sidebar at the bottom), read, then change back.

thuderak Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you Thank you Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you

Yami Yustea [thuderak]
Sent: 2/5/2005 11:30am
Subject: Re: Can you hellp me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Change the language of the game (yellow sidebar at the bottom), read, then change back.

thuderak Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you Thank you Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you

Yami Yustea [thuderak]
Sent: 2/5/2005 11:30am
Subject: Re: Can you hellp me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Change the language of the game (yellow sidebar at the bottom), read, then change back.

thuderak Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you Thank you Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you

Heidi Jacobsen [eddahooo]
Sent: 2/5/2005 11:49am
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi!im VERY impressed with ypu reading 49 booktastic books. Im up to 28 myself but I have two problems. One is that my pet doesnt want to read some of them, says they’re boring, has thatv happened to you? the other is not getting a hold of any more… do you know where some are hiding and what the titles amy be? do they ever update the stock in booktastic books? its basically been the same since i started here, with small variation the last week.Sorry to bother you, hope you dont mind helping a novice! Heidi

Kathleen Johnston [remyi]
Sent: 2/5/2005 12:28pm
Subject: Uhh hi, please read
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi I saw that you have read well a lot of books, especailly the books for the booktastic book awards, I was just wondering if you’d maybe, tell me some of the titles I have found 25 of the titles but I cant find the rest, please help me ^^

Heidi Jacobsen [eddahooo]
Sent: 2/5/2005 12:47pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yup! Okay, firstly, the boring books thing one can bypass (and its legal) by changing the language in the yellow sidebar to something else, then reading it, then changing back. It has to do with number of letters in petname and bookname.. details are here: (I think). As for the link, yups, if you check Lyxanie’s desc page (the one you get to when you click her name) there’s a forum post I made on our guild board that lists all the (55) booktastic names. The r100s and couple of the r99s are near impossible to find though, but there are enough books out to get honorary for sure. Good luck!

eddahooo Replied:

[Report Message] awesome! Thank you!!! Thinking Ill be up to 32 at least in a few then ) Unfortunately just spent 17 000 on some NOT booktastic books after all. Doh!Heidi

KristyBay [chocolate_lover14]
Sent: 2/5/2005 02:30pm
Subject: I was hoping….
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] my krawk has only read like 15 booktastic books, and was wondering ifyou could give me a list of the ones your pet has read so i could buythem off some other people plz

Josh Label [sport589]
Sent: 2/5/2005 02:32pm
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I have a question Im kinda new on this game and dont really know what im doing I have a question for you how did you get so good!!( One of the best ive seen ) I was wondering if you could become me neofreind and help me out! I will under stand if you say no ( cause I know you probly dont want to help some one els out if your getting nothing in return) But im not that kind of person if you ever helped me out and when I get good I would give you lots and lost of thingsThanks for reading this.Josh

kitty warn [kittykimprincess1]
Sent: 2/5/2005 02:50pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey do u want to talk to me

Harmony Yourish [happycamper93329]
Sent: 2/5/2005 04:09pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want to save your pet from neopox? respond

IDontWannaTell) [skatingramee900]
Sent: 3/5/2005 02:29am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Ok u have been not as long as me and yet have books and things how do you do it i can never ever get enough money or things to help me soo if could help me i would love it sooooooooo much if you could start mi off wiv a few books i will be ur bestest friend please help me but you cant that is ok as well

eveline van der snee [lovely_me007]
Sent: 3/5/2005 04:27am
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I saw you read 49 booktastic books, but on neoitems there are only 48 how come?? I hope you can help megreets

lauren downes [fuzzle_finger_fuzzle]
Sent: 3/5/2005 05:12am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hiya im isabelle elizabeth ella woods you know your shop well on the pet pets i like babyblu can you change that price to 23 np so i can by it because i have not got much neopoints and i will know we will be great friends if you do neomail me back cya

cory taylor [dkdonkeydung2]
Sent: 3/5/2005 06:48am
Subject: hi im dkdonkeydung2
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi im dkdonkeydung2. Ive tried to get many booktastic books but i only have 2. Your pet must be really intelligent if it has read 69 booktastic books. You look like u could afford anything, u probably could. Im 11 and my real name is Cory Taylor.

JC [dejiablos]
Sent: 3/5/2005 08:09am
Subject: *Auction ends in 2 days…very
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] rare and retired book! Mysterious probably havent seen or heard of this before unless your a older player! yet someone neomailed me about it in my trades. tp price is set worth over 3mil, yet its 500k off. its only hard to sell since most people cant afford it! good luck!

AetYee [eat_raw]
Sent: 3/5/2005 08:45am
Subject: Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi, i may not know you but can you be so kind as to tell me all the Booktastic Books that your pet has read? thank you

scott grant [armegedon794]
Sent: 3/5/2005 03:08pm
Subject: scott258 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to be your friend will you accept

Homer Simpson [chameleon77]
Sent: 3/5/2005 08:53pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

AlexaSasako [crazy_avatar_freak]
Sent: 4/5/2005 01:36am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did ya get the rare booklastic books?

CARLA GIRO [carla103]
Sent: 4/5/2005 05:35am
Subject: hola
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] por que no quieres ser mi amigo

JennoftheLoop [neo717317]
Sent: 4/5/2005 12:26pm
Subject: Thank you!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you so much for the green sand!! Need to re-count my collection, got half of ’em in my SDB. – Jennloops

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 4/5/2005 01:06pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 114). We have given you 166 NP!

melissa loiselle [melthebestoftheworld]
Sent: 4/5/2005 01:23pm
Subject: help me
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Help me to find those books! I�ll appreciate it so much! I�m really not able to find them!Orange Central History,Oranges Are Better,Defending Your Neohome,Stairway to kreludorZero Gravity and Loving It,

The Neopets Staff [theneopetsteam]
Sent: 4/5/2005 02:23pm
Subject: Congratulations!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (Round 114). We have given you 165 NP!

Ray_Newman [goofyspouse]
Sent: 4/5/2005 03:06pm
Subject: Thanks!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You have given Hissi History to User ‘gtrjess’. …but I already read that one. LOL!

hidden [mispy805]
Sent: 4/5/2005 03:36pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wana be friends?

KimberlyAnnePossible [kimpossible2410]
Sent: 5/5/2005 02:53am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am not requesting as your neofriend, dun worry But I wanted to tell you that your account is awesome, that’s all.

Anne HONNYMES [thusane]
Sent: 5/5/2005 06:22am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello I am called Fanny and I to really admir you!! That made a long time that you did connait neopets??

Guardian of Beasts [beast_guard]
Sent: 5/5/2005 06:51am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can I give you an item for your shop? For free?

GtThomas [lattho]
Sent: 5/5/2005 09:35am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi Jess, i just found your profile by looking up the hi score list from booktastic books. I wanted to say that i am impressed by the number of tropies you have and the size of your neodeck. I too have a lot of room sup on my house. On your profile page you were able to change the background. How do i do that to mine. i’ve been trying but to no avail. Any help and i’ll be happy.Take care and continue to win!

Alecia Ashley [safire_dragon_16]
Sent: 5/5/2005 11:41am
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you metioned that you used the lab ray…where is it?

Mary_E [memeboo247]
Sent: 5/5/2005 02:55pm
Subject: beakadoodle
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i was window shopping & accidentilly clicked the mouse on the beakadoodle, & all my nps r gone. if u give me 50k & da baby fireball i will give u back the beakadoodle & a bottle of sand

KimberlyAnnePossible [kimpossible2410]
Sent: 6/5/2005 01:41am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Thank you very much, it is appreciated!

kimpossible2410 Replied:

[Report Message] If you want to buy anything, feel free to visit my shop although it doesn’t have many things. I have two neggs for sale lately.

CARLA GIRO [carla103]
Sent: 6/5/2005 04:53am
Subject: �Me puedes ayudar?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] plis, te pido si puedes hablar con migo ,nadie acepta ser mi neoamigo ,solo te pido que lo seas, no soy mala persona , porfa.

Nas Ngen [mr_spoonz]
Sent: 6/5/2005 08:18am
Subject: booktastic books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi there, i’m interested to know how you learnt about all the titles of the booktastic books, and how to get all the rare books. thanks. if u have any additional advice that u can provide me with, i would also greatly appreciate it. thanks!mr_spoonz

Joshua [dark_sage21]
Sent: 6/5/2005 09:51pm
Subject: question about your pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey i no you probally get alot of neomails but i was wondering if your pets stats were all gained by the lab map or did you train then do the lab map?

Ash Alfis [babydog15_5]
Sent: 7/5/2005 06:55am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I want to know what the map pieces that get you the lab ray are called.Please neomail me back.babydog15_5

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 7/5/2005 08:56am
Subject: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Will you sell Guide to the Neocola Machine? Thanks!

Ash Alfis [babydog15_5]
Sent: 7/5/2005 11:53am
Subject: Re: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Just ‘secret laboratory map’, all 9 have same name, but you need the 9 different pictures.

babydog15_5 Replied:

[Report Message] thank you

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 7/5/2005 11:54am
Subject: Re: Wanna Trade?
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not at the moment, sorry.

bearsnax04 Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you. Please let me know if you change your mind.

Felecia Fragale [bratzroxmysox10]
Sent: 7/5/2005 06:56pm
Subject: hey!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey do u have like every petpet?well i was wondering if i could plz plz plz have 1!

Sent: 7/5/2005 07:33pm
Subject: hi um…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Is youre name jess,jessie,jesse or jessica my names jessica i think youre cool and i was wonder ing if youle be my neofriend.

Nathan Buhr [oldiescars]
Sent: 7/5/2005 07:36pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey whats up i was reading your user look up and saw that you like programing, and i was just wondering what language you use. thats allNate

Brandon Kitarro Stephens [dragontamer60002]
Sent: 7/5/2005 07:46pm
Subject: I’m feeling poor
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Could you help me buy books for my neopets, please? I am sort of new to this.

Brandon Kitarro Stephens [dragontamer60002]
Sent: 7/5/2005 07:50pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: You have to earn neopoints, then buy them from the main neopian shops or player ones.

dragontamer60002 Replied:

[Report Message] okay, thanks for advice.

Law Jer Cherng [rayquaza280593]
Sent: 7/5/2005 11:02pm
Subject: helpp
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] could you tell me where to get a spyder?

Aishat kareem [cheekybabe123456]
Sent: 8/5/2005 04:18am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi

caramel1 [caramel1]
Sent: 8/5/2005 05:29am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] do you want an orange grundo

ChiquitaBonita [lady_angel009]
Sent: 8/5/2005 07:46am
Subject: wow,
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am in awe here! How did you get ALL those trophies and a lab map and pbs and avatars in just 9 MONTHS??

Lydia Bohssain [lyly_punk]
Sent: 8/5/2005 10:33am
Subject: Oh mon dieu
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] ton neopets est malade! Ho mon dieu je veut t’aider donc d�s que je trouve le rem�de je te l’enoie mais avant il faut qeu tu sois mon neoami sinon je ne pourrais jamais te donner le rem�de! Merci!

your mother [aruon1107]
Sent: 8/5/2005 10:54am
Subject: med
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im sending the medicine for your neopet

grb uh [smashmouth_rocker]
Sent: 8/5/2005 11:22am
Subject: sick pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i hope this helps your pet!

grb uh [smashmouth_rocker]
Sent: 8/5/2005 11:24am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Lyxanie: Thank you!

smashmouth_rocker Replied:

[Report Message] your welcome. i help a lot of people around neopia with sick pets!

Dina Liptsen [plavatil106]
Sent: 8/5/2005 11:27am
Subject: lAAAAAAA
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] lalalalalalla

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 8/5/2005 12:42pm
Subject: Just a note to file
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Will do.

bearsnax04 Replied:

[Report Message] Please excuse my intrusion. I know you are notready to sell Guide to the Neocola Machine. But, if you want a buyer at somepoint for that book and Alien Aisha Invasion I would certainly be delighted topurchase them from you. Right now it would put me at 46 Kreludan�s and I couldget either bronze or silver. No need to respond, just keep me in mind. Thanks!

Alice Sommers [badkitty998]
Sent: 8/5/2005 02:00pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do have any booktastic books? I have read 19 booktastic books, and I want to get a badge, if you have some, can u send me one or sell me a cheap one?

meg lomond [megblue]
Sent: 8/5/2005 02:17pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey i was woundering if u wanted to be neofriends or chat thanks meg

meg lomond [megblue]
Sent: 8/5/2005 02:19pm
Subject: hell
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how come the items in your shop are really expenzife like for example the mazzew it is only worth a few thousand and u have ot for 75 000please neomail me back

Kau [bearsnax04]
Sent: 8/5/2005 07:58pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Will do.

bearsnax04 Replied:

[Report Message] I actually go the Alzheimer�s clinic weekly andplay NeoPets with my aunt. Somehow she gets some stimulation from NeoPets, the badges,levels, etc. I enjoy sitting with her and letting her point out the various iconson the screen. I don�t want to become a bleeding heart, but NeoPets, oddly enough,has been therapeutic for my Aunt for the last number of months. If we can spendlots of NP�s and move her up in the levels I want to do it to make her happy. Thanksfor reading our rambling email and take care!

Phat Head [seattleorbust2000_]
Sent: 8/5/2005 08:20pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello ! I really like your set-up for your shop , infact , I was interested in your guild and wondered , Could you please tell me a little more about it? Thank You. seattleorbust2000_

Morgan Bradley [_dusty_angel_]
Sent: 9/5/2005 12:12am
Subject: I just need a…
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do u join the book tastic books club

Val Kitsune [grey_ookami]
Sent: 9/5/2005 01:17pm
Subject: book list
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i heard that you might possibly have a list of the books that are booktastic books, im wondering if that is true and if so could you somehow send me a list

DebraWatson [mama_maia]
Sent: 9/5/2005 02:04pm
Subject: Keyring
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] /me wonders where you might have found something like that at this time of day! LOL *hugz*

natalie fime [butter_rules]
Sent: 9/5/2005 02:18pm
Subject: wow
Folder: Inbox


none [627bvcm]
Sent: 9/5/2005 04:51pm
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello! I really liked your shop. You have lots of petpets for really good prices!

Rose Wells [im_happy_the_clown]
Sent: 9/5/2005 05:25pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You know that Snowball petpet you have? Well I was looking for one and I know it is worth around 700 np, and you have it for about 2,000 np. I don’t know if that is what you bought it for, but I am really not rich and would like to know if you would put it in your trades for at least 1,000 np. I am not trying to sound rude, I just wanted to let you know.

Matt Crandall [mattgameboy]
Sent: 9/5/2005 06:03pm
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] just wondering if their is any secret to getting lots of items and neopoints; your probably good at that

david [mupunk]
Sent: 9/5/2005 07:25pm
Subject: plz
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] plz pasame los libros de kreludanos de poemas kreludanos,juegos kreludanos,seres de tierras lejanas,aprender kreludano y matematicas en el espacioplz no seas malo tienes un monton de esos libroas sime los das te lo agradeceria mucho

Cat lover! [mcrae_baker9]
Sent: 9/5/2005 11:53pm
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi I ws bored and looking around neopets when I saw your acount and decided to look at it, why do you only have one pet? I’m working on geting my pets painted as well, it took me two yearas to get my uni painted, isn’t she beautiful! lol hope to hear back from you and hope we can be friends…

Tabatha Foster [marinewife100]
Sent: 10/5/2005 11:28am
Subject: Hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello I seen that your on the book tastic badge I was wondering where you got all your book tastic books. I went to the shop but I have all of those I went to peoples shops nothin. Please help….I have all the ones you have in your shop

karl boyce [ojamak]
Sent: 10/5/2005 01:29pm
Subject: Tu peux m’aider?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] mes neopet son poche

peter temmage [futureisticcowboy]
Sent: 10/5/2005 04:57pm
Subject: ?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how do you feed so many kads?

David [neogamer1570]
Sent: 10/5/2005 06:37pm
Subject: making your pet smarter
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] booktastic books arnt the only way brightvale is just as good and i might get some brightvale books and give them to you but i need to know how you got that rich then i will give them to you plz respond

David [neogamer1570]
Sent: 10/5/2005 06:53pm
Subject: + more things for your pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i will add a screal if you will give me a donation

Greg UPSguy [upsgreg]
Sent: 10/5/2005 09:58pm
Subject: Booktastic
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Is there a way to find the names of the books my pet needs to read to move up the Booktastic award list? Thanks, Greg

KaTiE iS CoOl! [jim_so_i_am_slim]
Sent: 11/5/2005 12:24am
Subject: .
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi. congratz. on the first book award.

?? ? [happycindysun199594]
Sent: 11/5/2005 05:03am
Subject: Hello~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Can I be your Neofriend?I realy want to be your neofriend~Please~+_+~

JINXIN [superxin10]
Sent: 11/5/2005 07:27am
Subject: ????????
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] can yougive me someting. I will give you too

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 11/5/2005 01:55pm
Subject: jess! about the book i sent
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i sent it to you on accident ..< i meant to send it to my gallery = could you send it back please? >.

?? ? [happycindysun199594]
Sent: 12/5/2005 04:22am
Subject: Hello~
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello!my name is Cindy~I’m a Chinese!my English is not very well~Sorry~I think Your bunnymph is good~I like it~What’s your birthday?my birthday is 10/24.Why you don’t want me to be your neofriend?Please~

SharpBlade [blademan_10]
Sent: 12/5/2005 05:29am
Subject: shop collection
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey u have an awesome shop collection how long did it take u to get all those items?And also can u put more bootastic books for sale? Thx Blademan_10

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 12/5/2005 01:34pm
Subject: Hello there, milady!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Haven’t seen you in a while. Everything fine with you, I hope?

sports lover [sportygirl17124]
Sent: 12/5/2005 03:51pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] wow your pet has alot of awards

Angie_Looly_Bob_Jazzwire_HeyYou! [roseroar88]
Sent: 12/5/2005 05:53pm
Subject: Thank You
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Thank you for shopping at “The Shop of Aether and Neither.” Your purchase of “Abominable Snowball” is greatly appreciated. Your business is always welcome and we hope you’ll come back soon.

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 12/5/2005 10:49pm
Subject: Re: Muah!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hihi. Yup, quite so.. how about yourself? Don’t come onto chat much anymore in the mornings cause I don’t have opportunity to use the net much from home during the day.. so only evenings normally.

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] That’s good. That you’re good, I mean.Hopefully I’ll bump into you soon. In the meanwhile; take care!

Ryan_Mathews [bowlingstrikes_2]
Sent: 13/5/2005 08:03am
Subject: Hey In Guild
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Have Talked To You before how ya doing?

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 13/5/2005 08:38am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heheh Will do, and yourself too, I hope!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] Hello, milady. I’m right here, trying to get someone to sell me a Black Frost Cannon for a decent price. Seems I’ll fail it that quest… Well, I’ll just ruin myself training Xeloriah instead. Stupid me, who didn’t stock up on codestones before the war. *smacks own forehead*So – how’s everything?

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 13/5/2005 08:44am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeep, sorry to hear, that’s not good. :/ The cannon thing, that is. *puts ointment on your forehead after* I’m decent thanks.. just on briefly to check a few things. Haven’t been abreast with the goings on on Neopets recently, due to cutback of time spent here.

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] I know the feeling… I’m here all the time for some periods, and not at all, during other…Well… Take care, and I’ll talk to you later!

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 13/5/2005 11:18am
Subject: jess! 🙂
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im ready to buy my 43rd book from you lol i havent seen a single book i need from booktastic since the last time i talked to you. the next cheapest one though. i’ve made almost 2 mil, so i can spend around 600k – 700k on the next book.

gloupsy [gloupsy]
Sent: 13/5/2005 02:30pm
Subject: SALUT
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] salut or hi! je voulais savoir comment tu as fait pour avoir le trophee de defenseurs de neopia! If u speak english write me a letter to tell me that you’re talking english!! ‘kay?

michaelsturgeon [michaelsturgeon]
Sent: 13/5/2005 05:07pm
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello my name is michael; how did you get all of that stuff with out cheating?

kaitryn evans [mug_zy]
Sent: 13/5/2005 05:32pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] it is soo amazing how u read all those books how did u do it

JennyZollman [puff27]
Sent: 13/5/2005 05:46pm
Subject: shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you must get like 10000 neomails a day about this but i love your shop and i wlsh i could have that many np (please buy from my shop!)

Paul Sanders [paulsanders69]
Sent: 13/5/2005 07:12pm
Subject: Booktastic – your number one
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hiya. Any cvhance you could give me a list of booktastic books please?

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 13/5/2005 08:35pm
Subject: Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] okay, i’d definately like this one, and then it came from kreludor i’ve been doing really good at rs’ing lately! i rs’d a baking chocolate korbats, and sold it to robin for 1.6 mil i have around 4 mil right now though in the bank. anyway, i really want to get a trophy for booktastic! so please respond hehe =)

Paula Guevara [2070755]
Sent: 13/5/2005 09:52pm
Subject: boock
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] me puedes dar los nombres de los libros kreludanos que te has leido plis

Daisy Jasmine Bennett [daisy_2006_cool]
Sent: 14/5/2005 02:35am
Subject: hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] sorry to imterut but do you know any good books that are cheap?

Daisy Jasmine Bennett [daisy_2006_cool]
Sent: 14/5/2005 02:37am
Subject: sorry
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] sorry to interupt again but how do you get pints on voyager? what is it?

matthewAtkinson [fretfr]
Sent: 14/5/2005 05:02am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] cud u save me a petpet.

Ryan_Mathews [bowlingstrikes_2]
Sent: 14/5/2005 05:23am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Howdy over there. Not bad, thanks, how about yourself?

bowlingstrikes_2 Replied:

[Report Message] good, haven’t been to the guild forum in a while… family issues…. I’m alright. its my mother and grandmother im worried about.. I’ll talk to you later. Pass on to the Forum that im Alright and still alive

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 14/5/2005 06:24am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oh, you got a korbats!! Wtg, I hope you screenshotted it. Got one of those once, sold to Ray for about the same too And nods, cookie cookbook and ICFK are on the list, I’d highly highly highly suggest ICFK first though. Its more uncommon but got plenty of copies out on tp. Cookbook is plentiful, and getting more all the time. And you might RS one too

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] i was going to sell it to robin for 2 mil pure, but everyone was telling me to sell it to her for just 900k since she’s in my guild *mummbles* lol. i so didnt want to but i sold it to her for 1.6 mil. serenity was bothering me all day about buying it. ok, i’ll try to rs the cokkie cook book. i havent seen any though : just a bunch of moon bounces and then a few computing the kreludan way. and a dozen of stairway to kreludor

Becky [beckybeckbeck11]
Sent: 14/5/2005 08:12am
Subject: !!!!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wow! I think your shop is the BEST shop I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so awesome, all those books and petpets,and stuff.Wow!. I know this sounds really stupid but your shop alost made me cry.well almost see my eyes alawys water when i get excited.Sorry i dont want to sound like a stalking freak. But your shop is just so cool!!!!!!!!!!!! How did u do it in 10 months?!! Well i just wanted you to know that your shop beats every other shop by far!

Becky [beckybeckbeck11]
Sent: 14/5/2005 08:35am
Subject: WOW
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] OMGoodness! ok i dont mean to sound like a freak but wow u have a LOST DESERT AND A BABY PAINT BRUSH!!! and when i saw that u had a fangy i like i did cry.sorry if m bothering u its just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

RikitoYuki [rikito7]
Sent: 14/5/2005 09:03am
Subject: thx!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] thanx a lot for buying my snow slorg! i’ve been keeping it for months!!!

bMonob [monopolyfreakbrother]
Sent: 14/5/2005 09:59am
Subject: NONE
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Once upon a time,YOU’RE INCREDIBLE.The End.

and_u_wanna_kno_y [coinoperatedgirlx]
Sent: 14/5/2005 12:07pm
Subject: Probably a n00bish question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was checking out the book tastic list and stuff and saw that you were on top! I’m trying to get my pet coinoperatedgirlx to be very smart and to buy her a lot of books. I was wondering what are the book tastic books that you know of? (i’ve only read 3 but i’ve read 23 books) and do u know of any sorta cheap (for a book) books?

lakisha145 [lakisha145]
Sent: 14/5/2005 10:37pm
Subject: Your everything on Looksup
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey I just noticed that you are 10 months old. and you have amazing alot of stuff!! Can you like give me some tips how u do those amazing stuff? Can we like trade petpet that you don’t have?

samantha McCue [love123871]
Sent: 15/5/2005 05:50am
Subject: your shop
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi I like your shop and your petpet. mail me back u love123871

bob bob [ilankogan]
Sent: 15/5/2005 05:53am
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] want to be my neofriend?

Kristen Navarro [red343434]
Sent: 15/5/2005 11:28am
Subject: Random Chat
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! Your Zafara must be very smart. My Shoyru is doing fine. How could you afford all those books? You must be a rich neopian are’nt you? I have a question. How in the world do you get codestones and dubloons(other than buying them from the marketplace)?P.S. Keep up that great work!!!!!

Chris [web_wizard_888]
Sent: 15/5/2005 04:22pm
Subject: Crosswords
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I’m selling 2 kreludan crosswords for 175k each (or both, for 325k). Would you be interested?

ironbutterflie [ironbutterflie]
Sent: 15/5/2005 06:34pm
Subject: Alien Aisha
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey, Would you ever consider selling your Alien Aisha Invasion?

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 15/5/2005 07:11pm
Subject: jess!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] im not sure if youre super busy or not, and i dont want to be annoying, but i’d like to get a copy of icfk and the cookie cook book as soon as possible >.< i do have the np for it. i’ve been rsing a whole bunch of ub’s lately. rs’d a Zafara Mystery Collection. so if someone buys it i’ll have like 5.5 mil how much do you think its going to cost to get to #2 spot? im really determined to get there.

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 15/5/2005 07:37pm
Subject: Re: jess!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nice.. got one of those before too, ended up reading it. I have a spare Cookie Cookbook (I think) and ICFK, both of which I’ll sell to you for a bit below market price if you like.. or for first shot at subsequent nice UBs you get, though I’ve read that particular one.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] “or for first shot at subsequent nice UBs you get, though I’ve read that particular one.” whats that mean? >.> but yeah. i dont care if i have to give you, or someone else EVERYTYHING i have… i want 2nd place >.> lol if you put up the books in a trade, i’ll give you the money now just let me know how much for both.

Benjamin Le Bouthillier [herunard]
Sent: 15/5/2005 08:45pm
Subject: Curious as to how you are
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey hon. Havent seen or heard of you in a short while. Been rather wondering howyou are doing and if everything is ok. Hope nothing too bad. Send me aline if you are doing well and all. Oh on a mention almost finished myneoquest 2, Talk to you soon hopefully. Melorian

Vanessa Lopez [vloisthebomb]
Sent: 15/5/2005 08:58pm
Subject: i have a Q for you
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how did you do your own weg site for your own store???? it looks so kool!!! can you please help me???

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 16/5/2005 12:51pm
Subject: HELP!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hey Jess, Zarah is trying for booktastic and wanted to know if thefollowing list and prices are good, I told her I’d ask the master Kreludan Crosswords: 200k Kreludan Cookie Cookbook: 500k Kreludan Home Decorating: 250k It Came From Kreludor: 1 mil Do The Moon Bounce: 100k Computing the Kreludan Way: 200k Get back to me LUFF YOU! *hugs* ~Foo

Guy bond [smokey284]
Sent: 16/5/2005 02:57pm
Subject: SALUT
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] T’est fort t’est bon t’est cool.

Kancsi Ancsi [kanciancsi]
Sent: 16/5/2005 03:04pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox

kanciancsi Replied:

[Report Message] hey, how are you? Haven’t talked in a while. Today is the first day I’ve actually gone and explored the islands or “worlds” so ya thats been new an interesting. My Shoyru got a job lol. I just discovered that but here’s a question. I got another got it was to find 3 cheese. And I went and found and bought 3 cheese and this was all under a minute and when I go back to the page like I entered the faerie land again and stuff and went to the employment page and it said my kucski the shoyru didn’t even had a current job and I purposely before I left the page checked how long I had left to find the cheese and I had 46 minutes left. And I got the 3 cheese and everything all in about 2 mins. What happened? Well if I can’t write back again or something tonight, have a good evening! Goodbye

Sandy Beech [lucky7005]
Sent: 16/5/2005 05:05pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox


Sp1tz [emily_witcher]
Sent: 16/5/2005 06:08pm
Subject: hi! Im not asking to be ur …
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] friend, but i would like to know if the books from “Creatures of afar” to what ever the last book is are “aRe extremely expensive” Since you seem to be at the top, i guessed you’d know!

Obadiah Bobwell [obadiah23]
Sent: 16/5/2005 07:31pm
Subject: I need your help!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi i was wondering if u had any books u could give me for real cheap……i am quite poor and everything is either sold out or VERY expensive. If you could help me i would greatly appriciate it. Thanks,Obadiah2

Obadiah Bobwell [obadiah23]
Sent: 16/5/2005 07:33pm
Subject: O and by the way CANADA ROX!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] O and by the way CANADA ROX!! hehe i live in CalgaryObadiah23

foo [o0o_opiate_o0o]
Sent: 17/5/2005 12:02pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ooops, sorry, I didn’t quite see this message till now :/ Crosswords might be a bit cheaper, Cookbook is good price. Home Decor is decent, though I think getting cheaper too. ICFK there are cheaper ones, although being r99 I’m not sure if it’ll last (it’s been 800k-1mil for awhile though). Moon Bounce is good, Computing don’t, just search on shop wiz for 99999 ones if one must, but don’t spend 200k. Oh, and *hugs you all*

o0o_opiate_o0o Replied:

[Report Message] THANKS much Do you you have any for sale that she could buy? *huggles*

Chad [iluvthecountry]
Sent: 17/5/2005 12:19pm
Subject: Hiya
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Long time no see Hope all is well with you…. I’m justgetting over being sick and getting back on neo after 2 weeks ofresting XD Thanks for the sludges! -Chad

marco ngyen [nini463]
Sent: 17/5/2005 03:23pm
Subject: deannie467404 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Do you have the “Orb of the Fire Fariey?If you have it in your item or shop I will gladly trade an item with it.

marco ngyen [nini463]
Sent: 17/5/2005 03:29pm
Subject: deannie467404 says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I can trade with you my Valcanic Rock, Big N Bouncy Ball,Jazz Mosis T Shirt,Wooden Blocking sheild,and 2 omletts.

slade mcalen [static470]
Sent: 17/5/2005 05:47pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i have 2 questions how do you get to the lab ray and for my grundo can i have a couple kreluden books for maby a trade?

LennyWoods [yipyipdog]
Sent: 17/5/2005 06:34pm
Subject: buying book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i want to buy ur book “It Came From Krelador” how much?

SnuggleBug [natbug_00]
Sent: 17/5/2005 11:28pm
Subject: EEEEEURGH!!!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I wanted to know if you werestill interested in my two remaining Cybunnies. CuddlyLuff is a greenmale, and SnugsHugs is a blue male, although it is easy enough tochange the gender by battling the lab guy. Just let me know which/both youwant, and when it would be convenient for us to do a switch. Haven’tseen you around much lately! Hope all of your finals went well! Minedid. Ok, well, that is enough for oneneomail. Let me know, you are more than welcome to both, if that iswhat you want! They are badly in need of a loving home, and I suspect they would LUFF your collection! *hint hint* Huggles! SnuggleBug

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 07:00am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: What does it mean? Not sure myself, hehe Did you try those deals on the tp, actually? The 500k ICFK is very cheap.. and so is the 350k Cookbook. I’l sell you both for around there though like tomorrow or soon (when I next get opportunity to log otno gallery account (they’re in bunnymph’s sd and send it over) – if you still need it then. About to head off for bed here now, so can’t do anything tonight though I’m afraid :/ Won’t be more than 800k-ish total though. (since that seems to be current TP price)

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] its fine i didnt see this e-mail till now! hehe i got 2 more mil books =) beating sloth, and zafara mystery collection. the k books are rather pricey, according to the database prices !

Michiel Tollig [tollig]
Sent: 18/5/2005 10:56am
Subject: Hello
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi jessI don’t know you or something, but i want to ask you something. How did you managed to get so good in say a year? (I’m just a newbie.) And i’ve read your page about asking to be my friend so i don’t do that. And what is the usefullest thing to buy, cause i think i always buy junk. And wich what game you can get the easilest money?P.S. I hope i didn’t interupeted you with this. And i hope you understand me, because im from holland and i can just a little bit english.Greetings Michiel

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:00pm
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hmm.. database prices, not sure if me or Robin supposed to be in charge of them.. and I hadn’t noticed either of those books were quite as cheap as they were, until this past week. Haven’t been around much though. Saw the Zafara.. have you sold that Sloth one yet? And anyway grats! What time/s do you restock stuff like that?

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] ah = we miss you in the chat! everyones asking about you hehe. yes i sold the sloth one to bj this morning for 1.5 mil rolly could have gotten more, but eh, i dont want to be too greedy. i rs’d the zafarah one like around 10 am , and the sloth one.. maybe 11 pm at night. i was like half asleep too lol. i didnt think i was gonna get it. anyway, for now id just like to buy the cookie cookbook one from you. bj might gimme a copy of icfk + 1 mil for zafara mystery collection.

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:06pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Not sure about the 1.5.. though he’ll prolly just turn around and sell it for more, but neh, not always a bad thing I suppose. (I hated him for that though the first time I sold my A Seasonal Pea to him and he turned around and sold it – but not anymore) Though I could have used that Sloth one! Hmm. I wouldn’t accept icfk and 1 mil for ZMC.. ZMC is worth a bit more than that in my opinion! Although in all fairness ICFK prices now is on an all time low. I’ll sell you ICFK and Cookbook together for 800k (or 750k if you prefer) if you like, though? If I have spares of each.. I -think- I do.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] LOL yeah i know. i told myself, bj’s prolly gonna keep it for awhile and then sell it for more lol. but meh.. oh well. everyone else was trying to offer me lower than 800k -.- and 800k is fine for both of em i’ll buy em then right now! hehe

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:10pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: And yeah.. haven’t had time much to go on, a bit busy in rl, a bit sick, so just hanging on for dear life

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] aw sick? i hope you get better jess! =

SnuggleBug [natbug_00]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:10pm
Subject: Re: EEEEEURGH!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ooh. I’d gladly take either or both, sure, there will be good homes for them on a gallery account if no one else (worthy by your standards anyway!) would like them. I don’t have the lab ray guy on any of my accounts except main, though a pair (m/f) would be nice, so would your account that holds them happen to have him? If not I’ll adopt one (Not sure which, either ok) to my main and play with Mr. Mad Scientist a bit. Oh, and thank you for all! *hugsnugs* ~Kitten

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] No prob. They aren’t on my lab ray account, sorry. If youwant them both, I will adopt one to my main account to play with themad scientist, also. Just let me know what day you want to adoptit! I am online now, btw. Bug

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:10pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Pfft. Offer me books in the future too! Heheh. No worries though, and they’re up.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] im sorry, i didnt know you wanted them hehe! i will definately ask you if youw ant the next one first!

SnuggleBug [natbug_00]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:11pm
Subject: Re: EEEEEURGH!!!
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ooh. I’d gladly take either or both, sure, there will be good homes for them on a gallery account if no one else (worthy by your standards anyway!) would like them. I don’t have the lab ray guy on any of my accounts except main, though a pair (m/f) would be nice, so would your account that holds them happen to have him? If not I’ll adopt one (Not sure which, either ok) to my main and play with Mr. Mad Scientist a bit. Oh, and thank you for all! *hugsnugs* ~Kitten

natbug_00 Replied:

[Report Message] P.S. Hope you feel better soon!

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:23pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Pfft. Offer me books in the future too! Heheh. No worries though, and they’re up.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] ty again jess! i’ll be buying 2 more soon hehe. i’d like to buy one now, but i want to at least have 2 mil at a time in my bank

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 02:30pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nods, good idea. Also look out on shop wiz for snags.. things like mozitos worth 99999, some (not all!) paint brushes, and so on.. resell them for higher, they’re pretty easy to sell on tp unless they’re the 100-150k pbs, and you can make a good profit that way too. Oh, and darnit, did you see that My Life as a Lenny fly by in shop a few mins ago?

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] omg YES i was so mad. my stupid CORD mouse wouldnt move up and i missed it -.-

Vanessa Koliver [brazilcutie98]
Sent: 18/5/2005 03:05pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello if you trade me babyfirball, fungree, screwtop, tanizard, filaamen, cirrus, mazzew(one of them) ill give you the bri code stone

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 03:12pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Heehee.. cord mouse *wince, bats mouse about* Btw, could you please when free ask BJ or anyone else (think BJ would know if no one else though!) why the prices of Veespa have skyrocketed this last few days? Something in the air?

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] sure bj isnt on right now, but others are thinking maybe they saw some unreleased news and maybe theres going to be an avy for it? = not sure.

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 18/5/2005 03:49pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nodnod.. thinking that. has nothing though.. and I go there for unreleased news. Haven’t checked neoitems or anything.. they -were- 45k about a month ago, and about 55-60k on sunday. Now Wednesday and ewwww.. 75kish most places

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] yeah. bj just responded, he said : because the editorial said there would be more petpetpet avatars

Yoshi Meyer [swat511]
Sent: 18/5/2005 04:58pm
Subject: Neofreund
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] willst du mein neofreund werden wenn jaschreib bitte zur�ck

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 19/5/2005 07:39am
Subject: Booktastic Question
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Greetings, mamselle! Just thought I’d ask you if you happen to have any Booktastic Books, apart from those insanely expensive ones that I can hardly afford looking at…? If you do, please let me know? I think I just need two more for honorary, thanks to you! Hugs/Zarah

helen brown [starriestgirlforever]
Sent: 19/5/2005 09:05am
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hello, just to ask are you friends with abcgallery?

LennyWoods [yipyipdog]
Sent: 19/5/2005 09:58am
Subject: buying ur books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] u have 2 books i wish to purchase please: Alien Aisha Invasion Guide to the Neocola Machine how much please?

LennyWoods [yipyipdog]
Sent: 19/5/2005 10:37am
Subject: Re: buying ur books
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Neither for sale at the moment, sorry.. though not sure if will change yet. Currently sitting as gallery.

yipyipdog Replied:

[Report Message] u can always get more – please please

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 19/5/2005 10:50am
Subject: Re: Booktastic Question
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Greetings and salutations! Just checked Xeloriah’s list on Spankys.. don’t have any home decors or crosswords at the moment (those two by far the easiest, besides Computing the Kreludan Way whose prices should be plummeting soon!) – but don’t have any of either at the moment I’m afraid. Will look out for them though!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] Thanks! You’re a doll!

Paul Sanders [paulsanders69]
Sent: 19/5/2005 02:37pm
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am having problems with the restocking schedule at booktastic books and wondered if you could help? Soory to be a pain.

doit [frit279]
Sent: 19/5/2005 05:47pm
Subject: HELLO
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi, Now your probably saying i dont have time for this but i just wanted to know if i could be your neofriend. Now i am not in it for scamming or anything i just want to be your friend. U have an interesting shop. and i like ur profile. well ok i said it. if u dont wanna be my friend its fine because we dont even know each other thx. frit279

brad thornburg [bthorn2132]
Sent: 19/5/2005 06:27pm
Subject: hey!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey my name is brandon and i found this neopets web site….so im a newbie and have no idea about anything and i have no idea how to get neopoints and how to get my level of my pet higher…..I was just wondering if you could be my neo-friend and help me out(i thought id ask a experianced user)so if you could that would be awsome!!!! thanks alot!!!

Madison Crawford [jhudora2005mec]
Sent: 19/5/2005 07:13pm
Subject: Hi!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I am sorry for sending you a neofriend request. I guess I am juststupid and wierd. No one likes me and you won’t either i know it.

Cyprus Horston [demonvamplord]
Sent: 20/5/2005 10:27am
Subject: Can you help me?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hello u seem to know alot about neopian books i myself am trying to join the high ranks of the neopian readers but my neopet will not read some of the booktastic books that i get him i need him to read those so that he will become smarter neopet. how do i get him to read those books P.S. i dont know if this contributes but he is a shoryu who has read 26 booktastic books and is an ultimate genius with 96 intelligence pointsThank You for taking the time to read my email if you can or want to help me please email me back it will be appreciated thank you.

Aluna Lilliana Strongheart [alunastrongheart]
Sent: 20/5/2005 09:01pm
Subject: Hi- im jealous
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] (not trying to be instant friend) however I am very very jealous that you have accomplished so much on neopets in only 10 months! its honestly boggling my mind. i have been playing neopets almost since it came out (mere months after, different accounts too.) and i cannot even come close to competing! how do you do it? no seriously, i cant understand. is it from playing those games or are you an economics feind? keep up the good work, cause obviously your doing a great job!-Aluna

Aluna Lilliana Strongheart [alunastrongheart]
Sent: 20/5/2005 10:02pm
Subject: Re: Hi- im jealous
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Mm. Yes, its a lot of economics.. mainly restocking really good/expensive items and stuff though. Neopets is a very steep learning curve.. playing most of the games really, while they can be fun, do nothing.. the only game that gives even decent rewards is like Neoquest 2, and only on its evil/insane modes..

alunastrongheart Replied:

[Report Message] aww, i had a really funny message but it had profanity, booo. it involved street corners and neopoints and strange viruses… but its 1 am so it seemed funnier… oh well. anyways how many hours a day do you clock in? and how many accounts does it involve? (i cant steal your ideas, i got a 2.5 in economics!) anyways, Take Care, Aluna.

bethany3178 [bethany3178]
Sent: 21/5/2005 05:47am
Subject: user lookup
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You should submit for the user lookup of the week! Your lookup is good! Maybe add a little more to it and poof! Ready for contest!

rj smith [rjissocool100]
Sent: 21/5/2005 06:06am
Subject: trade???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi i would like to trade petpets a melvie for a donksaur???

Dennis Chiu [dennis_chiu]
Sent: 21/5/2005 06:24am
Subject: Hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi!How are you?

tdutchert [tdutchert]
Sent: 21/5/2005 10:15am
Subject: Booktastic Books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] I was wondering if you could please answer me a question real fast…I saw that you are the Number 1 Booktastic Book person, and I was wondering, in order to get that award, do you have to buy the books from the shop? or can you buy them from the shop wizard also and still get the award? Please help and thanks…

hllfer hifer [pokerboy8000]
Sent: 21/5/2005 11:11am
Subject: i want to be your neofriend
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] please neemail me at pokerboy8000

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 21/5/2005 11:15am
Subject: Re: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Ah ok thanks. Heehee……. hrm. Not all the petpetpets rose in price, funny that one would. Hm. Wait and see I s’pose.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] jess jess! do you have a copy offff… *goes to check* Guide to the Neocola Machine ? i dont mind paying the actual price of the book no need for discounts hehe.

leechy [unholydorkleech]
Sent: 21/5/2005 11:18am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nope afraid not, not past my gallery one, haven’t seen that book in ages. Going offline now.. heaidng out, talk to you soon.

unholydorkleech Replied:

[Report Message] eep >.< alright. let me know if you have any of the other books for sale =

John [uniquex5]
Sent: 21/5/2005 03:14pm
Subject: a book
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Are you interested in buying this book: Hold Your Breath R-97 If so reply with a price you would find reasonable if not sorry for taking up your time

John [uniquex5]
Sent: 21/5/2005 03:19pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Nopes, I’ve read it already, but thank you for the offer.

uniquex5 Replied:

[Report Message] thanks anyway

tdutchert [tdutchert]
Sent: 21/5/2005 03:31pm
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hi there. Good question really.. to get the award itself you can buy from shop wizard and trading post, you should be able to get in with a couple unbuyables or lucky finds on the wiz.. for honorary. For bronze and up its impossible at the moment I think, too little of the really rare ones about.

tdutchert Replied:

[Report Message] Thank you…dang, I wish I would’ve asked before I bought the books…lol..I bought like 12 books at the store when I could’ve gotten them cheaper on the wiz…lol…o well…Thank you…

Steven Jobs [gravity15]
Sent: 21/5/2005 07:55pm
Subject: money
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] how’du get so much money?

firegirl333108314 [firegirl333108314]
Sent: 21/5/2005 08:20pm
Subject: Hi!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi! I think that it is awesome that your pet read that many books! It must be a genius. (It could be the next Albert Einstein!) I was wondering if you would like to be neofriends.Please e-mail me. firegirl333108314

Karla Lacey [holibackgirl101]
Sent: 21/5/2005 10:43pm
Subject: Yo Girl
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Wats Up Girl Want to Trade Please???Seeya Holi

Karla Lacey [holibackgirl101]
Sent: 21/5/2005 10:45pm
Subject: HollliBabe is VERY ILL
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] MY BABY IS SICK HELP ME!AND I DONT KNOW THE CURE PLUS I NEED SOME NP’SHELP ME PLEASE???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Tan Jiehui [meaniehui]
Sent: 21/5/2005 11:43pm
Subject: english
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi,can you be my neofriend?

quynh1991 [quynh1991]
Sent: 22/5/2005 12:09pm
Subject: wow
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] you have an amazing shop and you have so many trophies. it must of took long. how did you do all of this . Great job

Marissa Hollan [rissacat15]
Sent: 22/5/2005 01:25pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Hi whant ot be friends?

Marissa Hollan [rissacat15]
Sent: 22/5/2005 01:25pm
Subject: hey
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] want to be friends?

Marissa Hollan [rissacat15]
Sent: 22/5/2005 06:42pm
Subject: friend
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] want to be friends?

Marissa Hollan [rissacat15]
Sent: 22/5/2005 07:10pm
Subject: ???
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Want to be friends? Also how old are you in real life?

stephanie beehoney [girlnextdoor123123]
Sent: 22/5/2005 09:09pm
Subject: hey ur neo pet
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hey man ur neo pet is in bad shap u need to help it i dont know what ur prob is but u gota do something or… must i say…. i well report u for not doing anything…..jk im just messin i would do that i mean taaa its just a game i just thought i should tell u lol see ya

sing sien [singsien2003]
Sent: 23/5/2005 06:57am
Subject: Bookstaticz
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hicould u list all the books that was read by ur neopets? since ur pets read lotsa books.. erm..coz most of the booktastic is being read. so i need d books name, so that i know wut kind of book should buy for my pets.. thz… if u dun mind, add me as ur neofrenz..take care!

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 23/5/2005 08:09am
Subject: Crosswords
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Eeep, sorry to hear, that’s not good. :/ The cannon thing, that is. *puts ointment on your forehead after* I’m decent thanks.. just on briefly to check a few things. Haven’t been abreast with the goings on on Neopets recently, due to cutback of time spent here.

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] Hello, milady!I got a Kreludan Crosswords from you… Was it really for me?*hugs*

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 23/5/2005 08:14am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Yes it was, good lady. *snugs* Enjoy!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] CUTIE! Thank you soooo much! *hugs again* ps: the huggy you gave me got a gallery to roam, and he now has some friends in there that i think match his colour

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 23/5/2005 08:16am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Oo, pretty, I think he likes it!

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] I hope so I like the attitude they’ve got.

zarah [helpyourselfish]
Sent: 23/5/2005 08:18am
Subject: Re:
Folder: Inbox
gtrjess wrote: Hehe, all agreed here! Ok, heading off for breakfast, talk to you later! *hug*

helpyourselfish Replied:

[Report Message] Have a bite for me too *hugs*

mashaliaSue [echo95]
Sent: 23/5/2005 08:53am
Subject: zaherb says hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] i am trying to get more books for kreludaqn book club, how did you get so many books, is there a game you play to get them, i have many but now i can not find the few left, i am just a few away from a trophy, please could you help me in some advice, thank you and have fun to day in neoland

lyra105 [lyra105]
Sent: 23/5/2005 12:23pm
Subject: looking 4 plushies?
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi! i am lyra105! this is an ad 4 my cousin’s shop. his screenname is burt0n2006 ( the O’s r zeros). his shop is full of a variety of plushies! there r Y6 plushies and plushies of the staff and neopets. plz visit and tell your friends about it if u like it! thanx!

B Met [b_met]
Sent: 23/5/2005 01:53pm
Subject: books
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] send me books

Cate Ducate [carolinacowgrl]
Sent: 23/5/2005 05:08pm
Subject: Defense
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Whoa, I saw your name on the Booktastic Books list. I was justwondering, I’ve been looking for a while ono how to raise my Neopetsdefense. I saw how indescribably powerful yours was, and I waswondering if you had any suggestions. I appreciate it! *Cate

lachik345 [lachik345]
Sent: 23/5/2005 07:52pm
Subject: Neopet Related
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] hi my name is shayy and i was looking at ur profile and i saw that ur neopet is sick if uwant i can give him/ her medicine ihave a lot for free

RockJones [mictronite]
Sent: 23/5/2005 11:02pm
Subject: hi
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] Ive got this 300m peanut dash guide book and im mailing some peoplefrom book award list in case they havent read it and wants to buyit…its quite expensive book, but if you wanna buy it, then mail meyour offer. You dont have to reply if you dont want to Thank you.

lizziefryer [lizziefryer5]
Sent: 24/5/2005 11:06am
Subject: Your shop is AWESOME!
Folder: Inbox