This page catalogues a bunch of greeting cards, postcards, and similar things that I’ve received over the years. Not everything here is strictly a card of some sort, as I’ve lumped together “birthday wishes” and “Christmas wishes” types of letters into here as well, since they’re thematically the same thing. My collection stretches from around 1997 all the way to present day, though I only have a rough date for many of them, and not even that for several of them.
As I’m striving to avoid posting pictures that include addresses, faces, and full names, many of these scans have redacted sections in some way.
Postcards and Greeting Cards
# | Date Added | Picture Date | Also found in | Brief Description |
#001 | 2024-02-10 | 2001-02 | My Diary #131 | Birthday card from Huihan |
#002 | 2024-02-10 | 2001-12 | My Diary #131 | Christmas card from Huihan |
001. A birthday card sent to me from Huihan, postdated Feb 23 2001.
002. A Christmas card sent to me from Huihan, dated to December 2001.